r 7 f :. .a ii ' in tocclthi has leen largely 0 matter of -better management, a more businesslike ... .cenduct of his farm.':. , " 1 .. . - 2Ae greater: use of banking tactlities - Acs been a great factor inhelping the tar- mer. . - - ' f - - Suck Banks as lhe New Bern Bank : . ing & 7 rusf Co., fat re nee the wisdom of ; , doing everything in -their, power to help .'- ae oiAc farmer himself but for the in; direct benefit of the town where the tar Smer trades. Have we -YOUR .account? We can help you. , .... ., ; ' - 1 . . - I!ew Bern' Coftoa OLand. Fertilizer Mills Cotton Seed Products and High Grade" Fertilizers v i , .. P'' S::-'fi's fwvj i'; - '. We make a Specialty of Cotton Seed Meal Guano, which properly'.' ' mixed Vita other ammoniateB,- and beet quality, of Acid - Phosphate, t 'and PotasH, la considered the best Fertilizer that can be used for the ' ' lands and crops of Eastern North Carolina.4 Some of our, brands of Fertilizers are: - . t',.'. - ' -. : . CBATEN COTTON GUANO, 8-8-2, , Onslow Farmers Reliance 8-2-l-2-r S t i FOI'S HIGH- GBADE FERTLIZER, 8-8-3 ; i , Ives Irish Pota Guano, 7-6-7 J ,; ; ' ;Dbb's Standard Truck Grower,,?-?-? -v.r Lenoir Bright Leaf Tobacco Grower, 8-8-8; . Green jCovnty Staadard FertlUier, 8-2-2 -v - Jones County Pwmlum-Circn Grower 8-8-1-2-Sr . - Pltto Prolific Golden Tobacco Grower, 8-3-8 J 'PamUco Electric Top Dresses 6-10-2-1-2; - Carteret Bone and Potash l(H-2j .- Oriole Totaeeo Grower, 8-4-4. . These Brands Hawe Become Very Popular With The Feur ' - men end Their Une Increased Yearly. i-'Xfe hare a large list of testimonials from Satisfied Farmers who ''have used our Fertilizers and will use no others. Several farmers have . raised over 100 barrels of Prime Potatoes from our Irish Potato Oua Ino, and tobacco grown from our Lenoir Bright Leaf Tobacco Grower, ?has sold for 11.00 per pound, f : - : ' If jrou have not used our Fertilizers, you should, Insist upon your dealer furnishing It to yqu this season. . -- ' - OUR LONG SUIT ma lt !r J. C. GREEN 40 CRAVEN STREET, Qiiiclt Sales ipllIfotK , 'You really do not by hot trading at our- store., we are constantly on uie iuuk. uut iur uarauia xyi wur uuue. it, ,wm yxy you to call & look our line over from day" to day as v 3 nearly always have something hew to show you. t c : tionally low price.'-.:;;- ;:;.:.::,-s:ViCl' If it is not always convenient to visit ; the storey il on do tot hesitate to call vhQw'll&MM$& H. :na".174;":."' 3V: 1 ti'S FF' H 1 lui . 1 ki.k . '-- 4C& V OUAtAKTIIP UNDER THK DRUM ACT . ' remove Dandruff, rton Calling hsirnd all tcftip diieasss, Rotoni aray am to at origbul coke, pro sioM rapid growth oi bur, ghring a youthfal appearanoa. Thousand of tatsacaiala. For talc by all leadiof dmggifla, SOa and l.00 pa bottla. K yon dniggut can't lupplT Ton atads$IXCl wuleipra yon latpaUa, prepaid. Awmai 2Cah Cesiury Chemical Co.) in sanitary plumbing, la expert workmanship. V Nothing, taken for granted,' skill born of long experience and the-will to give nvery client tho f bnest worth of flhls' money. NeVOr took a, "cheap" Job ta our history rather do It I. tot nothing. But, We do return 'J"7lue. money-Tcharge you -hothlng for an hstlmate. Jone416. know what you are lr NSW EERN, N. C ; ; V BEHIND 'OUR SELECT P . ' -( GROCERIES you will, find a reasonableness in price that makes them really the most economical to 'use-. For everything you buy- here will be all eatefl and . nothing' will go to waste. Try us withj an order ad you'll E-e. how far' your nmr j ? ; In tl,!g store, 4- ainj lit; r ) v f r t t cries go in, )u'll be well i 1 'r WMVili mid . Ctftoplt Coming out Going Sta H oi Trmm ski DsempaC -i Mr. J. W.Jlous left this morning fqr. Norfolk s Vai iaVlngf accepted a position ther with a shoe flnni " s Mr. J, H. Rhodes, of Ktoston. cme down to New Bern this tnornlpg on a short bnslnes visit.' ' . ' , . 'v:V' Mr. S".. Barker; of Trenton, arrived In the city this, morning.. on, the- east bound Norfolk and Southern train. Mr. M. B. Hart returned to New Bern this monrlhg,; after a short visit (.to "fats home In Tarboro. " MrLouis Cox,. "of; tUnston, 'came down to Mew- Bern this morning on a business and pleasure visit : Senator F. M. Elmmons arrived In the clty this momlng on the east bound Norfolk and Southern train from Washington, D. Con a business visit' . . - - ''Mt.'U. L. . Jacobs went over to Vanceboro on a short business stay. Mr. J. R. Ball isi spending the, day in Klnston on-business. Capt W. S. Parsons of Washington, N. C, spent Sunday in the city with relatives and friends and' returned home this morning. ' Mr. HW. Simpson is In Klnston today on business., w.,; Mr. F. M. Bowden left this morning for Charlotte, to attend a meeting of the Woodmen Of the World. Jar.; W. N. Pugh left this morning on the west, bound Norfolk and South ern train for Charlotte, to, attend a convention of the Woodmen of the World. . , , , Col. P. M. Pearsall went - down to Beaufort this morning to, attend Car teret, county court. Hon? T. I). Warren to attending Car teret county court, which Is in session in Beaufort Mr. R. A. Nunn, left for Beaufort to attend Carteret county court Mr. Geo. Nv Ives went down to New port .this morning to . spend the day on his fruit farm. ' Superintendent of .County SchoolB, Mr Samuel M. Brlnson, left this, morn ing tor Vanceboroj where he will visit the public school today. . Mr. Thos. H. Davis . went down to Morehead City this morning On a short commercial trip. HURT BY AMATEUR SURGEONS. Amputation of Italian's Leg by Pel low-Countrymen May Prove Fatal. Cumberland, Md., Mar. 8 Joseph Zeppi, aged 17, an Italian laborer at Saxton furnace, is in a critical condi tion from an amputation: of the leg performed by fellow-countrymen. Zep pi boarded a freight train to ride a short distance. Several of the cars were wrecked and he was caught in the debris. ',,-," His left lug was crushed almost to a pulp, and as the services ot a phy sician were not available, fellow-countrymen severed the crushed leg. All went well for a few days, when he stump gave the boy so much pain that a physician waB summoned. The boy was sent to a hospital. Iowa Politician Dies While Hunting, Burlington, la,,' Mar. 8. Joseph William. Blythe, general solicitor of the Burlington Railroad system and leader of the Iowa Republican stand-) patters, died.' today of heart disease while on a hunting trip at Wapello. Sixteen Die in Flooded Cofferdam, Liverpool; Mar. 8. Sixteen men were drowned early this morning in the, flooding; ot a cofferdam Used in the" construction ot a new dock at Birkenhead. Three men rescued from the wreckage were badly injured. . .. ON TO WASHINGTON; SAKE BESEBVATI0N8 PBOMPTLY. ' In order to secure proper sleeping car accommodations, parties intending to . avaU, themselves of the law rates to. Washington; oh account of the in auEuratlon . of President-elect . Taft March 4th, are requested to communl cats promptly with the '"undersigned, as space is going rapidly. ,8, MEEKS, Agent "'V AtlanticSCoast Una Railway, New :Bert,N,a;:i: " . 1 w. wnxra, Pw. - . J, W. WILLIS, JK, Tlee-rms, Etebie4 sji appj. Io; the jcoommodatlon and pleasure of sportsman - on Jhn famous Lookout Bay Game Preserve for -wild fowL , Located ten mnea ast of Morehead City, N. 0- - Reasonable terms. li! V ' Morehead Citf K JV Builds up vast tissue, promotes LappetlU, improves, deglsetlon, Induces refreshing v sleep.v,- giving renewed! strength and health. That's wUatllol ulster's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 centa.-Tea or Tablets. Davlg Phar macy. , Tot C I ' , i. r- Special im:u$s ONE CENT A WORD; ho ki. taken far lm Hum 18 eenta, the price of three lints. Six weid of ufrmg length ; Dak a line. The 'following rates are foe consecutive . Insert hiusi .-o ' I alia Vm 16 Urn -4H MOtl BfM -A MOtl JM X 7S , -H t Km , m$ cmtt lis All orders for these ads. most be accompanied with cash for as many times as ads. are to run. , These ads. are inexpensive, but they bring quick results and sure re turns. : WANTED SECOND HAND OFFICE Desk and chair. State condition and price. Address Sun Office. LOST POCKET-BOOK CONTAINING 3 checks, 1 pension check of $12.00; payable to Abe Dennis Also 2 pay cnecks ot Koper Lumber Co., 1 pay- able to J, T. Hill, 5.00; 1 check Jno. Hill; 125.00 in currency and tax re ceipts. Finder please deliver to C. S. Holligter, South Front street, and receive liberal reward. WAHTEDVA CANVASSER FOB A new book on physical culture and toilet preparations. C. G. H. Box 489. . 3t LOST, STRAYED OB STOLEN A small flee dog. Collar on neck was yellow and white. Dog has white place on his back besides other white spots. Please return to 25 Johnson street. tf. GOOD TEAK BADLY SHOD IS worse than no team at all. Have the next set of shoes put on at Kittrell & Charreys. Shoeing that is correct 48 1-2 Broad street. New Bern, N. C. 2w. CHATTAWKA TRIBE, NO. 14, L 0. R. M. meets every Wednesday sleep No. 87 Middle street Brothers from other reservations cordially welcomed. J. C. Barker, S. J. H. Smith, C. of R. CRAVEN LODGE NO. I, KNIGHTS CI UABJSONY, Meets second and fourth Wednesday nights In each-month in Knights of Harmony hall corner ot Hancock and Broad streets at 7:30 o'clock. D. B. Wood, president; W. H. Davis, vice-president; J. H. Smith secretary; R. R. Hill, financial sec retary. HORSES CLIPPED SEND YOUB horse to E. S. Street's Livery Stables 66 Broad street, and have him clip ped. 2-3-lm; FOB BENT THE GBACIE F ABM- situate five miles above New Bern on both sides of the public road, and on Neuse River. It is a large, fine farm.: Apply to A. D. Ward, New Bern N. C. tf. FOB BENT LARGE DESIBABLE residence on Pollock street former ly occupied by Mr. S. K. Eaton, which is undergoing extensive re pairs, will be ready to rent about March .1st. W. G. Boyd. WANTED LADY INTERESTED IN church, or Sunday school work for pleasant employment, about two months. Salary to start $1.00 per day. State present employment. Ad dress "8. S." this office. tL 50 BARRELS MAIjSE EARLY ROSE and Early Ohio seed potatoes, north- . ern grown. For sale by Chas. B. Hill, 35. Middle St. tf. FOB SALE ONE N0BTHEHN BUN ' , About to first-class condition. Can ! be seen at New Bert Iron Works & , Supply Company. Eugene Williams. .ra r-. ' WANTED, ,19,000 HAND-MADE CY press heattf shingles. Write Beau fort, N. 3.j Lock Box 132. 2-4-2w BRIDGE SCORES LADIES DK8IB- Ing Bridge Scores, can. obtain same " by calling on O. O. Dunr POCB-DBAWEB TEBTICAL FILING . Cabinets for only $19.75. Call and . examine same. An exceptional bar gain. OWEN O. DUNN, 69 Craven y Street" .iitJifVt-''' "'.' "''v For HEASACHE-HIcis' CAPCDDTE 'WhbJler from;-Colds, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will re lieve yon. If liquid pleasant to take--acU immediately. Try It 10c., aon a vvo. aruB, atvorw ' Doan's Reguleti cure constipation WlUiout'gripihg.jt'jnausea, nor any weakening nffect s Ask.our druggist tor them-s 25 cents per box. - .-.,. ; CASTOR I A '21 fa In&nu tai QUUrfsVV T3 Kind Yen Ki8 ASSS Bc"tt Bean th : (Clguaursof The Vzil I hid in Norfo!kVft 1 Zi. Hurcr can liana L. j Ewj-c'-,'r.!jft- ut PBEDICTS EXTINCTION OF BACK. African Prelate, Cardinal's Gsest, Sap Civilisation will Kill Kef reea. Baltimore, Mar. I. In an Interview today Bishop. Hugh.. McFerry, of the Roman Cathollo diocese of South Afri ca, predicted the gradual extinction ot the African race by the operation of the vices of civilization. Bishop McFerry is a guest of Cardi nal Gibbons. hfADOO ELECTED PRESIDENT. Railroad Man Heads The New York Southern Society. New York, Mar. 8. William G. Mc- Adoo, president of the Hudson and Manhattan- Railroad Company, who has been prominently Identified with the development of New York subur ban transportation facilities for the past few years, has been unanimously elected president of the Southern So ciety. Mr. McAdoo Is a native of Tennes see, and has been an active membet of the society since coming to New York, KILLED BY HOTEL WALL. Workmen in Chicago Buried Under Tons of Brick and Stone. . . n n iuicagu, mar. s. une man was killed and three hurt late this after noon when a- wall in the new Hotel La Salle collapsed and buried them under tons of brick and stone. The wall intended to help the men in their construction work. In some way the supports became weakened, and it fell on the group of workmen beneath before they could escape. KEANE TO BE WITNESS. Famous Financier Invited to Apprar Before Exchange Inveslgutors. New York, Mar. 8. James R. Keane has beein Invited to appear before the committee annointed hv Governor Hughes to investigate con ditions on the New York Exchange, and tell what he knows about stock market battles, defeats, and victories. The Investigators have no vested powers to compel testimony. STANDING DESKS FRO.TI 116.00 UP at Owen G. Dunn's, 69 Craven street. tf f WlmD BY T. J, TURNER, IS front of his furniture store, a lady's purse, containing money. The own er can obtain same by identifying purse and money and paying for this ad. The Pano With The Sweei Tune' ONTHE CRUISER "NORTH CAROLINA" The STIEFF PLAYER-PIANO gives gVeat pleasure to the "Boys in Blue" on the cruiser "North Carolina." . Anyone can play it, and no matter how difficult the music, a slight practise at first to "get the hang of it" and any intel ligent child can render it per fectly. The salt air of the sea soon ruins most pianos, but the STIEFF stands it indefinitely, which is very important. The air of all tidewater sec tion is severe on pianos, but don't affect the STIEFF. Look into this In buying an instru ment. Write for more particulars, prices, terms, etc. Gliaa. m. iuC L. C Steele, Mgr., Ul Granby Street Norfolk, Ta. Mention this Paper. ' Official Pian Jamesowo Eiposiiio r PURE WHISKIES Guaranteed Under At Nation al Pure Food and Drugs Ad. MelvaleRye Whiskey, g yrs old; Four (4) full quarts. - Express prepaid Sherwood Pure Rye Whis key, g yean old; Four (4) . full quarts. , Express pre- pw S4.ee Vaon'a Club Whiskey; Four full quarts. Kxpreas pra- i paia (Bvery drop of Tyson's Club : Whlakey cuarantead to be V pur - and hotter than ?'whlakay sold ; byViether ? house for ............ .4 . Tyson's Norfolk Rye Whle . Key; Four (4) full auarta. This brand equal to any oM 1 ll.ifl on the market Ex- . praaa prepaid ......... ...S.T Tyson's Menosram Rye , o 1 Whlakay- Four 4) i full ' quarta, - Express prepaid. .SXSO Tyson's ' Exposition Rye i ,, Whiskey, per sallon. ex- - '1 prraa prepaid .......... ..tz Tyson's Pure Gin, par gallon ' axpraaa prepaid .......... BXB Tyson's Pure H. 0. Corn Whljkay. per gallon, ex- praaa prepaid ............ SUJt Tyson's ( "Old Orandfathar" y . Corn- Wlilskey; full ' . - quart, aprat prepaid.. Ckwda ah Ippad , aam day aa Order rMaivad. W -tnak arood all 4oas and- breakage, but wa do not pay axpraaa charcea oa aythlng . lea than -. a gallon. Writ for our big pries ..list. Address, :.;,m; :' :' I A1XIIAJ1E DSTILUNG CO. l-tt Brewer gt, V JUrloft, ,. ran MAPLESPRING WrUSffiYcliS?, Maple 1 gSopnng ffioORBOtJ IskxewcsmBCS, This Is a cure, deltclouavBourbon Whiskey a brand . that we are proud of. You will be delighted wlth its rare mellowness. We will prepay express charges on this special offer. Here are a few brands that will tickle your pal ate. They are guaranteed under the National Burn Food Law: Per Gallon. 12.50 . .... 2.25 2. 00 1.75 1.50 Kentucky Queen. Old Homestead.. Newco Stonewall Petersburg Club. Old Reserve Corn Whis key 2-50 Old North Carolina Corn. 2 00 Old North Stat Corn. 150 Remit by Registered Letter, P. press Money Order. We ship all goods in plain packages. Complete Price-List mailed upon request. THE NEWCOMB CO. PETERSBURG, VA. "THE PROMPT MAIL-ORDER HOUSE." A PRETTY GIRL "Came here yesterday and said that she had DRIVEN FROM HOME" some miles away, passing several stores purposely to get our Ex- tract of Vanilla. Many people have learned that our Extract of Vanilla is far anil better than the ordinary kind. It is atvons-.-r. Has the real Vanihi flavor. It soes farther. We make a spe cialty of Flavoring Extracts, Spices, and of all the Drugs used Tn Cookery. We help you to make your dlahea taste better. ' BRADHAM Corner of Pollock Fire Insurance New Bern Building & Loan Assn. (NEXT SERIES OPENS APRIL 1ST.) I'll sell your property, or buy you a home or invest your money safely if you will let me. A client's interest is our very first coi'slderation. Also soil Fire, Accident and Livestock Insurance. Satisfaction absolutely guar viteed. W. G. BOYD, MEMBER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Elk Temple Telephone 400 Wire Fence of all Kinds r i. We carry wire Field Fencing, Pittsburg Perfect we carry Poultry & Garden fencing we carry Barbed wire we carry Smooth wire, plain & galvanized we carry wire netting we carry fish net wire ' ' we carry wire cloth we carry Lime, Cement & Wall Plaster ' we carry Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass & etc. '"' You can get anything in the Hardware line from , , J. S. Basnight, Hardware Col Combination Health ACCIDENT Indemnity . paid from one day to twenty-lour months, no matter how "or where accident hap pens, . ' ; '". . ;;'. .' Provides partial Indemnity If not to tally disabled. . ':; .;:?;r,yV' DOUBLE BENEFIT "For accidental Injury or death resulting from same, received by Travel Accidents. BENEFICIARY ' BENEFIT Pays the' insured for fatal injuries to the beneflolary or pays beneficiary per konally, for: Joss of Umb'or sight, It such' injuries Jtre received wniie trav eling, as per schedule on' policy. TEN. FEB CENT. INCREASE All benefits Increases .ten per cent, if pre miums-are paid annually in advance. FIFTT PEE CENT. ACCUMCLA TIONPriBCipal Bum provided tor Ao- eidentat Death loss of hjiuds. feet ot eyes, Increases ten per ent. each year, tor. first nve-mrsf SCK COT C JORDAN, General ; AgenV Sew' Bern, K. C, y ju .Per Gallon. Sherwood 10 years old 4. 00 Sherwood .5 years old 3.00 Mellwood 3-50 Old Southampton Apple Brandy Apple Brandy XXX Apple Brandy X. . . Apricot Brandy. . . . or Ex- DRUG CO and Middle Streets Real Estate andAcddeiit Insurance ILLNESS Six months' full indem nity when confined to the house, and one-half Indemnity for four weeks for non-confinement ' during convales cence. , ' ' ," ! Pays full indemnity for four Week in any one year for the following 4.00 U 3.00 I 2.00 II ' 2 oo y 1 chronic diseases: Tuberculosis, Rheu-v matlsm, Paralysis, Neurasthenia, Her' nla, Lumbago, Sciatica, Brlghts dis ease, insanity and cancer. ' OCR jONH KICEPTIONS-i-We da not pay for venereal disease ta sur gical operations resulting from an bid chronic ailment. ' , N , ' , CHANGE OF ' OCCUPATION 'J- Change of occupation does not forelt the policy. If the assured In Injured in a more hatardous occupation than that- stated in the pollcyt indemnity wilt be paid in such sums as the pre mium paid will purchase tor the mora hasardom exposure, r' . X