- -ViiC I .7SPAL JLISHED IN CRAVEN COUNTY Lor j at C . ; cf lAe Advertising Medium !' ' . EagfnJVortA CanSnt. r ....,- v" Sttiii 1' Me :- ' i'".---:c. p: - MOBIE in Education, Happiness and Prosperity LEGISLATURE Tigras -ire ; nara ana .-"-:,A Special to The Sun. ; , Raleigh, N.,C Mar. 9. Owing 1 ti fact that bo many bills oassed bv the Hdw last night require- iMiiiMA'Wwiffitaiy'aie,. erection of a fighter,, a veteran' of two mm, having heS naval officer in the Spanish Amertcan war and again talcing part In the African war In Wilmington In 1898, but : when" lie wat ' taken una wares ai In this Instance there was nothing for him to do but take the caning, t':- .. , ,v ' The consideration of bills on final reading was' fakes P now and again one golng 'to- the table as the slow grind proceeded. Those passed were: ! County having no newspaper tol adopt one for legal advertisements. News readied here &fcmornJng titet 3 r mlssloititfWrat 'mowces.: n - XijZ, i.-..- ...i by the Senate and then enrollaient tor ratification it waj found Impossible for the General Assembly to adjourn ' sine die. ; So this will take 'place some ' time this afternoon, Noon is the hour named In the resolution, but it is not at all likely that it will take place until- toward evenliigV .lt., was after one o'clock this morning when recess was taken by both branches jot the Assembly until 10" o'clock. The work of the Senate was purely waiting on ' the House and acting on bills sent over .from that body.- A notable bill tabled by the Senate that had passed the House during the evening - was '' that, the " aid in the erection ' of f a memorial to the virtues and devotion Of the women ot uonieaeracy; me . vote was 13 to 15. V 'C- The fight' in the House over the .Wilmington boayl of audit and finance was a hard one, and Mr. "Morton was :; not sustained ,the vote this time being ; a decisive one, 60 to 29. On Saturday there was a bare majority of one vote 'against the .member from New Han Over, his bill then naming "the same board that the governor had appoint- ' providing, that hereafter the- board ; should be elected by the , legislature. Today he asked for reconsideration of that vote so that he might Introduce a compromise measure as a substi tute which also named the same board selected by th governor,, provided that hereafter ;the governor appoint the board in February; and that the ' tuxnrtla nt ' Nav TTnnnver "at Jtha reffu- v lar primary to March pt this year ah,d every two years hereafter' elect the chairman pt the board. The scene on " the floor was almost dramatic as Mr. - Morton appealed to the House to stand by him as the representative ot the jBajoXlty ot- his county mat naa in strOcted hlnl' Jhis vers matter, and -begged that the Hbtwedo not send - him back home in sorrow- as the dis credited representative ot bis people, all the while , he was speaking tele graph messenger boys coming Into the ' hall every tew minutes bearing great V' batches of messages protesting against the board that the governor had ap- , . pointed. ( V ..JU. AUm Jln.1.4 Ml 41.A AthoV alllA - was Representative Paul Kltchln, of ,' Halifax, a younger brother of Govern or Kltchln, who also displayed a lot of ' telegrams. . t. ' .i Supporting Mr. Morton' in speeches were Representatives Currle of Cuffl- " berland, Rascoe, of Bertie, Perry, of Bladen, Stubbs ot MarUn, while those ' who backed the governor on the floor were Messrs. Coxe ot Anson, Cox, ot Wake, Koonce." ' -' ) - The House passed the bill calling for the additional office ot assistant Insurance, copamlsslonet at a salary of $1,800. - - - - Wmftm Another" local fight wa over a bill by Senator Means of Cabarrus " for the drainage of Adams Creek, in Ca barrus county: A similar bill had 1 n tabled some day ago by Mr. liama of Cabarrus invthe House. . VMliiama Is a republican and Sen- - : 1 1 1 s a democrat, and the sena- I put a bill like unto the dead k th eHouse Was in a predlca- Mr. Williams ;; declared that lie represented the majority of o people of his county the Senator l ad run at the tall end of his ticket Several good democrats backed Mr. Williams and the House finally passed the bill on second reading but de clined to suspend the rules and let it go on third reading;. i. ' The House passed the bill reoog iL'1.ing' the association of county com jiiit'.Hioners, but cutting out the manda ';y reuulrement a to. a county -Joining. Mr. Giant's bill to prevent black -Ih-iiitg of employes got through also. ! j the one for seats for female emt- memorlaf'to the women of, the' Con i Provide terms' ' of 'cour tfor the Eighth Judicial district - - . f Allow foreign executor to convey land without giving bond. - - j-Amend revlsal as to the trial of civil cases ":''"'i-s'' J Regulate distribution of samples of medicines from house to house. Amend 'Camren road law, ' Validate-certain marriages hereto fore performed by unordained minis ters..,'.'. .;. .' .. j . v ; Amen'd revlsal as to building and loan associations, preventing them from taking loans for more than six months. . i ( j-!. j Requiring foreign fire insurance companies to file securities with the insurance commissioner to protect policy-holders In the State. i Amend revlsal relative to escapes. ; Compel; express companies to make prpmpt asettlements of C. 0. D. ship ments. i . V BRIDGE DRAW IS IN DANGER One of The Thoroughfares danger of belug undermined or jlam aged to some conWderable Extent the condition spoken of hviin, 4een exist ing slnec last T buisday, . - A rat of timber carried thiough the draw, by Whom It wes jiot stated, had gotten tangled up and If left there 1c ' liable to brake the pillows ot the bridge. The draw, "it was explained, Is provided wftl: two passways and the" rule is to go through the left' hj.nd draw coming dowh aC through the right golng"up the river. It Is account ed for that the party or parties in charge of the raft of timber had en deavored to pass through Just to the opposite of the rules ;.nd had lost con trol of the logs. About a hundred are now tangled up In the' draw completely blocking navigation on one side.' "The draw, it was said, was completely blocked one time, but the government boat Trent wont through there a day or so ago and epene3 one of th pass ways, f The condition Is not only complained cf as an obstruction to ns.v:Batlon,,but ; AmAtlfl VAvlanl a a in hanVa An tliAV Ahaiii nnt hnatAPAA nn,n .l '-ere Is much danger of serious damage -e :'JUt Session. v- 1 , V. a r tifiii '"ti i't 8:15 o'clock. Mr. Under t 11 -e I r find procpeded, Jn f t h to prM...nt to llepre ! ; -u-i i ( " f y Hanover, a 1 i : 1 c e as k token i tUe n ":liers ot $5,000 of capital is paid in and the directors' have collected all notes glv jh for stock. - ; - ; Add.Person to those counties allow ing' prisoners awaiting trial to work on the i roads- ",- ' : " ' " .'' i Authorize b6ard of Internal improve ment to require sufficient bonds for completion of State buildings. . , Exempting funeral directors : and embaimers from Jury service. " VResblutlpn relative to higher educa- tlon of the blind.- ' . Authorize the 'secretary of state to purchase copies ot the Pell Revisal for use of superior court judges, the su preme court, the Btate departments and the. general assembly. Relative to advertising public sales, Define residence of domestic cor porations. Resolution to Congress to have Scupernong River surveyed. Relative to adulterated and mis- branded food and drugs. Give authority to commissioners of Fortyth to" spend part of road fund n towns and cities. .. . Give police court 'of Asheville con current jurisdiction with the super ior court in certain cases. . Enlarge department for dangerous Insane. - Prevent offering for sale adulterat ed, impure and mtsbranded vegetable seed.1 r:V '.-". .,. - !, . Establish board of health f9r Dur ham. ,-" '. ';:.., Legalize primary elections tor Cum berland;. (Representative Williams of Cabarrus, member of the minority raised the point of a quorum and much time was eonsumed In roll call which ihowed finally that 72 members were present.) ... '.'..""''' " ; v primary law for Scotland county. . Establish line between Wilson and Wayne counties. Prescribe time tor holding courts In Sixth Judicial District . , "Change boundary between Nash and. Franklin counties. - . - '. .Y Bills tabled ' and otherwise toted Jown ln-the House; - -j Protect eonstgnees by making banks to which' drafts aire assigned guaran tors of quality of goods. ,:', . Establish the office of treasurer In Wilkes county. , ' , Compel cancelation , ot mortgagee paid and satisfied. , i Allow Whltevllle Lumber Company to build railroad. . s , ' i - Prevent' hunting on lands of w other without Written permission, Provide chemical analysis of stom achs In cases ot suspected polsori, i, Resolution for the encouragement of boards of trade. Prevent-riding on 'locomotives-and tenders ot freight trains. : Make use of road tor twenty years evidence of Its being a public high the bridge, vhich is the property of the county. The tides, it was stated, are now falling and the curren is run- Ing with considerable fo ce, this with the weight of the -logr, is bound to do damage to the bridge. -.cr l!l 1 I- way. Allow counties to donate tracts of land for. experiment stations. .. Protect holders of accident Insur ance policies. V i ,.v .. : ' ' ": Prevent advertisement and sale ' Of articles to prevent conception. Rpgulate primary elections In Rich- mond county. , .- To utie accumulated bu-ance of fees ,f m ii'iiaiita for law -0 to P LOWEST BIDS i GE1 G0NTRAC1 WHOLE WWh SWEPT AWAY public buildings commission." Pay coroners five cents a mile for ttending Inquests. Substitute for bills to put solicitors on salary. Regulate sales ot tobacco in to bacco warehouses. Protect policy holders In assessment companies. Bills passed: S. B. To make state capltol a safe place to work by providing proper ventilation and other means to pro tect health, the council of state to have charge ot work. Pretect State buildings by submit ting plans proposed to insurance com missioner. Requiring register of deeds to re port to Secretary of State names of all representatives and senators elect ed in various counties; . Regulate catching of clams In Pen der, Brunswick, and New Hanover. Sugstltute lor Senate bill as to freights-rates, purpose being to give moral suport to corporation commis sion in fight against discrimination. To make April 12th a legal holiday in honor ot Halifax resolves. Amend law as to domestic Insurance companies. A five minutes after' one o'clock Speaker Graham, stated that the en rolling department was closed, the clerks there had gone home, the House clerks were exhausted, neing mereiy human, and that the House was ac complishing nothing by acting on bills. He consequently moved to ad journ till 9 :30 Tuesday morning. The motion carried.-:!. . The Aldermen Awarded Contract Last Night $ .ifhe Board of Aldermen met lipst night In special-session to let the con tract for the street paving in the city to the lowest bidder. Immediately upon calling the meeting to order Alderman Wolfenden moved that the board hold a private session of fifteen minutes, but it was found necessary to remain out nearly an hour. - Upon the return to the hall of the board, the mayor asked If the suc cessful bidder would be willing to fur nish the city with a "rattler," an In strument used for testing the quality of brick. Three representatives of bidders infrormed . the board that they would be willing to furnish the Instrument desired, and among them were the successful bidders Messrs. Bowe & Page, of Charleston, S. C. ... . immediately after the assurances made , by the bidders, Alderman Wol fenden moved that Messrs Bowe & 1'tge, the lowest bidders .-be awarded the contract and the board voted unanimously for the motion. . . Alderman McCarthy moved that the report of the committee whidh- ex plained the reason why the board had selected this contract, be spread on the minutes and the motion was car ried. - s In the report made by Alderman McCarthy, a number of letters from various cities having tested the var ious bricks by years of experience were included. These letters come from out of the State as well as from around in the State. However, a let ter from Baltimore carried a little ad vice conveying the idea that the brand was not so much to be consid ered as was. the testing. Each car load, read the letter, re celved here (Baltimore) is tested, if found not to come up to the standard it is condemned, if found to be up to requirements it is accepted. Mr. McCarthy's report also covered the ground designated to him in his tour of inspection. The cities he had visited in which brick had been used for paving purposes mostly consisted of the Mack block, Peeples and Car lyle brick. Before adjourning the Board grant ed the. privtlege: Of New Bern Cotton Oil Mills and Norfolk and Southern Railway to run a track across Dunn and Wlndley streetsi subject to the enervations made in other such per mits. Tornado andFireBrings Awful Distress By Wire to The Sun. Little Rock, Mar. 9. The town of Brinkley, which was swept by a tor nado last night, is today a mass of flames. Eight persons are dead and several scores are Injured. The reflection from the burning town could be seen from Forest City, 20 miles away, and many other places were seriously damaged by the storm. A cotton belt train due in Little Rock at 6:30 o'clock last night, is lost near Bascum is is reported to have been swept oft the track. LEAPS FRO FIRE TO DEATH. Blazing: Furniture In Bedroom Cnt On' Escape to Stairway. New York, Mar. 9. Choosing be tween death by Are, which had driven him out of his blazing room and on the narrow ledge of his window, and a jump of three stories to the side walk, Dennis Redmond, jumped and was almost instantly killed today. He struck headfirst on an iron railing which i-l:ut off the basement stairs from the street. Redmond had accidentally set fire to his bed, and had shut off escape for himself through the building by piling up a quantity ot blazing furniture be tween himself and the door, In a vain endeavor to extinguish the flames. MAXAGER BISHOP AUTO VICTIM. A Quiet Marriage. Yesterday afternoon about G o'clock Mr. Thos. J. Mitchell, Jr.,, son of Mr. Thos. J. Mitchell, a prominent livery man In this city, and Miss Mary, the young and popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitty, with a few of their intimate friends, wended their way up to the Methodist parsonage, and requested Dr. R. C. Beaman to read to them those vows, that they might accept them and happily be come man and wife. It was not ex actly a run-away marriage, but a very quiet, unexpected and suuprise wed ding to the comirturilly and friends. The popular young couple had pre-arranged for the simple wedding. The friends of the couple who witnessed the ceremony showered them with congratulations and sincere wishes, a long and prosperous journey through life. The bride and groom for the present are making their home with the brother of the bride, Mr. Fred Whitty, on Craven street. Former Owner of the "Black Crook" Dies of Injuries In New York. New York, Mar. 9. William H. Bishop, well-known in theatrical cir cles as manager and owner of such old-time stage successes as "The Black Crook," "What Happened to Jones." and "The County Fair,' died here today. His death was due to Internal injur ies sustained three weeks ago, when he was struck by a heavy automobile truck. Mr. Bishop was 64 years old. AFTERUNCLE JOE'SSCALP Insurgent and Regulars Fulling Hair i t Jo Senator Kluttz, during the after noon session, yesterday, made a. bril llan and successful fight for his bill td: create a State Highway iCommls sion getting In a substitute resolution for his bill defeated- Saturday and the resolution passed : on: final : reading with an amendment that lie accepted changing the appropriation from tlO 000 to $5,000. The first vote on the resolution was , a tie and President Newland voted ;"aye." Then a mcr tlbnvto. table was a tie Tote of 17 to 17, and-the chair Toted "no." . ; A .reso lution by Senator Pharr thai the ap propriation be $3,000 was defeated 17 to 18. r There were motions and coun ter motions with general stir and commotion In the midst pt which Sen ator Kluttk stood his ground,, com batted every unfriendly, move Id par liamentary manipulation, forcing the bill to its final passage, after which It was sent to the House. The vote by which the bill Involv Ing railroad penalties passed some days ago was reconsidered on motion of Senator Mills and the Din tamea. BHU -passed - final reading " prevent blacklisting employes, provide servant hire for the- - governor's mansion; amend charter- 97, section 4564 and 4i65 revlsal relating to control of ft at ehospltals for the Insane and the control of emplnyes by the superln- fur r sparing leiulents. ' Crowds Hear The Plea. By Wire to The Sun. Nashville Tenn., Mar. 9. Another great crush was in evidence this morn and the wild rush on the part of spec tators to get seats in th ecourt room so as to hear speeches in the Cooper- Sharp case. The crowd began gath erlng es early as four o'clock this morning. General Meeks spoke at the morning session for the defense and General Garner In the afternoon for the prosecution. DEAD WITH POCKETS EMPTY. Elmer Kami, of Greeiieastle, Believed To Have Been Murdered. Greencastle. Md., Mar. 9. Elmer Kann, aged 47 years, of Greencastle was found dead yesterday near Mount Holly With a long scar on the left side of his face. He left home with about $300. Y,;hen his body was found his pockets were empty. - It is believed he was killed and robbed. The dead man's mother is very ill at her home. Kann is survived by his wife and seven children. By Wire to The Sun, Washington, D. C, Mar. 9. Presi dent Taft is now up against the trou ble of his new Job.- Two powerful influences have exert ed upon him, one Is by the regulars In-congress and the. other by the In sergents. .:;J? ,-'::':-'''' One is for the Interest ot Speaker Cannon; the other against him. - Can non's fight Is for the retention of the speakership. -and the Iron-clad rules caused the wire pulling wrangle with President Taft as the central figure. I Today the president was. visited by both tactions but gave no expression. Mr. .Taft will, It seems, let them fight It out themselves, Relieved of Prison Work, His Coll Looks ilke a Library. Osalnlng. .N. Y., Mar. 9. By direc tion of the court, Warden Frost has relieved Albert T. Patrick from rou tine work, as a life prisoner in the State prison at present The prisoner is allowed to obtain books from the law library, and his cell looks like a law office. . The. appellate division in Brooklyn toetorW which he made a dramatic ar gument Friday for his liberty, gave him two weeks In which to file a brief, pending the decision of the court on his motion. I c -; t DIVORCED FOR DESERTION. Decree Against an Employe of The Ag rlealtnral Department. . Boston, Mass., Mar. . Judge Dana. of the superior court, has ordered a decree nisi tor the llbellant,: on .the ground of desertion, tin, the case of Cornelia Barrett against Joel b, Bar rett J The couple were, .married Boston on July 84, 1904. and lived to gether In this city up to July 30,1897, i The question of Whether they were residents of this. State was' raised by the llbellee when the divorce suit. w brought i the - court finds tney re residents of Massachusetts ana mat Barrett deserted his wife, at the South station several years ago and went to Wa: -hington, P. Cv where .M ta now employed in,, the biological survey of the Agricultural Department. . Laugh and tlie crowa will laugh PATRICK PREPARING A BRIEF. CRAVEN BILLS ARE R AIMED Adjournment Taken at 2 O'clock TO SPEAK I WASHINGTON'. Virginian Who Supported Tuft Will Address Republican League. Richmond, Va., Mar. 9. Wyndham Meredith, ex-president of the Virginia Bar-Association, who bolted the Dem ocratic party to support Taft, and who probably will be an independent can didate for governor of Virginia, will speak with Vice-President Sherman and Speaker Cannon before the Lea gue of Republican Clubs in Washington. Mr. Merediths subject will be "The Need of an Opposition Party in the South." I s i& : Raleigh, N. C, March 9. Both the representative and the senators from lOraven have gone home. No Craven bills up In either branch today except the Recorder's Court bill and County Officers' salary bills, as passed last night, which were duly ratified today with the provisos that they be left to a vote of the people. Final adjournment took place at 2 o'clock. The bill to provide for .State recog nition of the State Association of County Commissioners precipitated a considerable discussion. A number ot amendments proposed exempting counties were voted down and an amendment by Mr. Perry, of Vance, that membership In the association be optional instead of mandatory was idopted. in this form the bill passed and was sent to the Senate for con currence in the amendment. Mr. Green, of Craven, in advocating the bill declared that the meeting of the commissioners of the State at More- head last summer has saved Craven county alone at least $5,000 by ex posing the methods of certain con tractors who go about the State con tracting for bridges and other con struction work. Establish criminal court for New Bern and Seventh and Eighth town ships, Craven county. DEMENTED WOMAN A SUICIDE Mrs. The news lest night that these bills would be passed during this session of the General Assembly came as a sur prise to those most interested In them. It had been slated about town on good authority that these bills would not Ibe acted upon this time, and since it ibecame known that they were sure to come up and go through much spec- dilation has been rife as to why and what the object was. It was thought that sufficient pres sure had been brought to bear to dl- liine Graham Shoots Herself at Cumberland, Md. Cumberland, Md., Mar. 9. Mrs. Jane Graham, 34 years old, of Bar ton, th's county, committed suicide I this morning by shooting herself In I the forehead with her husband's re volver. She had been suffering from rert lhe efforls that were DelnK "Wde dementia, but after four months' treat to carry tnem through after it was ment at Catonsville, returned home rolln1 "at there was considerable sen- apparently cured. umieiu nere againsi me propositions. Nothing out of the ordinary had ' Wils slaied that there was every been noticed in her demeanor since assurance for the last few days that her return. After breakfast this i e bills would not go through. morning she obtained the revolver and The matter was receiving some con- startled the family by firing the fatal sideration on the si reels today, one sh0t I man declaring thai Hie campaign Her husband, James Graham, is a against the ratification of these bills prominent merchant of Barton. She i' a vote or tne people would begin at is survived by three children, the eld- once feeling sure they would be de est being a girl of 10. feated. Or. Hie other hand there some supporters of (he provisions and they LITTLE HOVE FOR MISS JEWETT. arc just as e.-rnrst in their arguments in support of the provisions. Celebrated Author, In Precarious Con dition, Doctors Say. Boston, Mass., Mar. 9. Some 1m provement was shown today In the conditon of Sarah Orne Jewett, the an thor, who is critically ill at her home in this city. Dr. James M. Jackson, her physl- FARMER BLOWS OUT BRAINS. SEEKING GRAFT IN CHICAGO. MORGAN BUYS $19,000 VOLUME. Famots "Black Book" of the Rcvela tions Is Banker's Prise. t Vienna, Mar. 9. An agent acting for J. P. Morgan bought at a sale here a tew days ago the famous "black book" of the Revelations of St. John, narlng 119,000 for the historic relic. ft belonged to the late Prof. Schrleber, whose library was sold by auction. The old volume Is not of any con siderable slse, having only 41 leaves, It Is dated 1440. and Its pages are mellowed with age., The book is a first edition, colored by contemporary artisU.-,r T-yP. A cony of the 'black book" bought at the sale ot the Amherst llbrwy brought 110,000,. ; -UMPi -J ' .- ' 1 " 1 ' r v' TThe'' regular meeting, of the Chll dren of the Confederacy will be held tomorrow -afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Hughes B. Holland. The children will please bring their, dues for 1900. . ' V , Get In the ptyih kf Ajea. Despondent Because' of Paralysis, He Shoots Himself During Wife's Ab sence. Chlncoteague, Va., Mar. 9. Daniel Bowden, 44 years of age, a respecta- cian, stated, however, that the condl- ble farmer near here, committed sul- tion of Miss Jewett was still precari- cide at his home last night by blow- ous, and her recovery doubtful. Img out his brains during his wifes absence from I he room. .nst of Nans -Have (lone South. Bowden had been paralyzed for six Cleveland, Mar. 9 Eight members I ) mouths, and had become very despon- of the Cleveland club left" yesterday dent. for Mobile, Ala., where they have Before committing the rash act he Joined those who Went South earlier, told his wife not to be surprised If The squad is headed by Manager La- I she received news of him passing jole, and arrived at Mobile Sunday away mysteriously. night.' Meeting of Furniture and Datr Man ufacturers In High Point High Point, Mar. 6. There was an J. P. Morgan, Mayor, and Board important meting or me furniture auo - Delving In City Railway Accounts. chair manufacturers held in th4M'i'r Chicago, Mar. 9. Three separate in- ufaclurers' Club this morning ' with' vestieations to find big graft in the the officials of the Boutbern Hallway expenditure of the $a6,000,000 for the In ie?ard to the method of packf rehabilitation of Chicago's car lines furniture ana cnairs. in aaaiuon have been undertaken. I the Hign Point manufacturers present The first was conducted by J. Pier-j at the meeting a number visiting man- nont Morgan, but has disclosed no luiacturers ana rauroaa omciais were Irregularities tn the affatra of the Chi- in attendance. cago City Railway Company, of which ,. At this meeting the manufacturer , he Is a large stockholder.- The second submitted to Mr, Clifton a saethod. of Inquiry was started by the board of packing as an improvement over the supervising engineers. present method of packing, which the , Now Mayor Busse has started a I manufacturers win agree i to adopt , third Investigation, on the theory that provided the Southern classification rebates had been given in the pur- would adopt same, as this questlod of chase of cars and other material which packing Is quite an Item with the" fur- t have not been credited so that the niture manufacturers., ;Th following ' .... . . ..ni nf hanoflta I committees were annotated ta sn ha ciiy cau w ecl i v as reaulred br law. I tore tne Southern ciassincation com mittee, which meets m Mobile,. Aja., - BIG MILLS TO START WORK, I March 8th, and submit that which wa agreea upon as a unuonn meyioa sc Pittsburg. Mar. 9-The American packing; C. 4. new, ana B. i uvw, Bridge Company, a subsidiary com- representing tne cnair manufacturers nan . of the United States Steer Cor- interests; C- J. Field, and B. F. Hunt- -w -i . -....-.:. Miration, todav sent Word to 1,000 of ley, ot wmston-paiem, ana Mr.. Its. workmen at Ambrldge, Pa., that McNaughton, of Morgantony will rep they would go on full time by. thel-weent .the, furnltur manufacturers miiMia nf th week, t v I interests. , wi.h you, at Arouse,