) Sun ' , . a jrXSLoniw . -'f..V" s.- ' -' - . ; ft tie Ben mhshut Umpaj 'OFFICES AN PLANTt; Vv.MCnT8trwt ; ,9W11T & MISS, Xaaagls K4IUB, gUBSCUFTIOll PKICK, fit Week ... three Months lix Months .. Oh Tear .... 2.5t E.00 ? - ,v Telephone! tislness Office He. iM. dltorlal Been He. 4. .V ' 1 ilntered at the poet oflics In New - ern, . N- C " aa second class mail feaiter. ' ' MONDAY,.... .March 15, 1909. If, you want. to be heard don't get on the deaf aide of a man. . - Life Is a game of give and take, and .,- there are more takers than givers. , . If poverty was a crime there would not be half as many in jail as there is . .Don't polish your language so much . that it will make yon slip up on the truth. ' Now there are plenty of men who ' follow the hounds that are not dog catchers. : if ; One mistake of a politician is to follow the crowd. In so doing he never becomes a le-.der. If talking about people will make their ears burn, then we sympathise with the weather man. And the man who takes advice is Just as sure to get Into trouble as is the man who does not take it Some of the brick proposed in the : bids for the, street paviss must have j, been gold brick, judging from the - And it sometimes happens that you t will find that the people who are tired ' of -this world want to take a rest be : fore trying the next. ' Doesn't it look a little odd for a parson, when thoy do not care to be present at a gathering, that they .should send their regrets. We are glad the board of aldermen did not select gold brick for the par-' i ing. If they had it would have, kept .. . the street force doing renatr work all thetime. SXrVlOJS tTHEJI PLOYED. . lQ.QOQ unemployed men and women canno secure work in New . York City, 2,700 men have been discharged ' from Blackwell's Island Workhouse - before expiration of their sentences to make way for others sent in. 900 willing heads of families, una--i ble to secure work, are being support- ed by the Association for the Improve ment of the Poor. In 1907 the num ber was 19. 850 able men, unable to get work, were sent to the Workhouse in the last three months by City Magistrates ,, on their own requests, . 40.000 union men In New York State nave, been forced from their organlza- ,v ttons for lack of funds to pay dues. 134,512,000 were withdrawn from 138 savings banks in New York State last year, 'v-''".'!' According to th New York World of yesterday, the above la the sad eon ditton in the Metropolis. Some weeks ago Jude Gary, a ."member of the United States Steel-Trust, visited .the Bowery In company with a'Captaln D ::ar, also a wealthy western mine owner and the following incident was recited. " ;t-tjf f'! .', "Can't get a Job," was the explana tion each of the men gave to Judge Gary, at which Capt. Da Mar exclalm-i , ed, "And to think I can't get nearly enough men to work In my mines! " When Eugene. V,i Powderlypf thai Division of Information; Edward Lau terbach, chairman of . the Executive ' Committee of the Federation of Jewish , Organizations,' and "myself 'recently held a private consultation at the Ho- tel Albany. Mr. Powderly said the great problem of Immigration la the problem of correct distribution.' While our congested Eastern cities are overrun, with. thousands of sturdy laborers without employment and of t'n without bread, a need for these f 'e lobarers Is felt In other 'parts, re Is a Bureau of Information in ' :lm;ton which can furnish to al t every one Of the unemployed the 3 of several firms where their, it Is rt'e tcd. Were they 'to go to i loci..;:;-s, it would be a bene i to t ,.n and to their employ : '- i ' lack the means to pay . ; ensvs and generally i ;f any offers of em-' i ! . these expenses on to hi "HrHne Uk fwt WfmaUrfwl "CwumW fit tare odili tni iibc nlii urir nn of iuiMk errh mi si dyar-emsia.l ttiti.k ft wwnl f ri JbtrcUkM mimoi oihr mcs.h.4 rsn exits o witn awil tad I t-wl that Oucrti nil .. J PHaasiit, MauM. fcitoM. Tart. 8oW,B.Soo, v..r sic..., n n r unm in, ih, a. Vtld fa h WWanatMei 10 eure) or vr Btuf feck. oia la ..IK. Tn. ianiu taom ItMpeo. uuUi turliaf Remedy C,, Chicftfo r K.T. 991 4Z.UaLSaLE.TU M1LU0I BOXES their wages. If the. Bureau of Information could give to unemployed laborers trans portation to where their labor is In demand, thousands of them would be saved from want and they would on the other hand, benefit the country through their labor. Immigrants arriving here could also be directed where they have relatives or where their labor is needed, but they cannot afford to pay the cost of transportation to those localities. Free transportation would greatly contribute to the solution of this prob lem. The Argentine Republic fur nishes immigrants with one week's hospitality and free railroad transpor tation . to any part of that country. Other South American governments offer similar inducements. What such Republics, with their scanty means, are doing, our country, the wealthiest in the world, can certainly accomplish. The burden which such a provision would entail upon the Federal Treas ury would be more than compensated oy the benefits it would bring about, apart from the fact that a fund of sev eral million dollars collected through the tax on arriving immigrants re mains unutilized in the Treasury. Here are some of the privileges granted by the Argentine Republic to every immigrant who can satisfactori- y prove his good standing and pro- lictency In a useful occupation. First, let me indicate what they consider an immigrant to be in the meaning of the law. They look upon every foreign laborer, mechanic, artisan, farmer or teacher (if not over sixty years of age) who comes to their country in the steerage or second cabin, and who intends to settle permanently in the country, and who has given reasonable proof of good moral character and ca pacity for self-maintenance, as an im migrant. ,. .:,,. M t During the first five days after land ing the immigrant is entitled to be properly sheltered aci maintained at the expense of the government. In the cities of Beunos Ayres and Rosario, and in other places where there may be a large Influx of immi grants they are sheltered in buildings specially maintained for this purpose. In places where such buildings are not established the local immigration commissions provide the requisite shelter and maintenance for immi grants In public inns or other ade quate establishments. 'Immigrants are transported at the expense of the government to the places where they Intend to settle per manently. Utensils clothing ,house-furnishings tools and appliances of handicraft, as well as one huntsman's weapon for each adult Immigrant, women includ ed, up to a total value determined by the Government, are admitted free of duty. -IMlGJ These benefits and privileges are ex tended, as far as practicable, to the Women and children of the immigrant family, provided that they also meet the requirements regarding character and capacity. Immigrants preferring to settle in POISON Bone Pains,; Can ..ceScalTSLi, ' for twenty-five rears Botanic Blood ! Pfli SUCOT flM S1m4 Jtow avat bmw n. iwaa anautam KmmUf OKI fc? B. B. B. Halm (B. B. B.) baa been curing yearly thousands of sr.erera frm Primary. Secondary or. Tertiary 'Blood Poison and all lorme of Blood Dlsoasa. W. solicit tno moot obotlnaU ease for B. a & cures where all-elaa falls. If vou. have exhausted the old methods of ireairaeni ana sum nave acne, ana pains in bonoa, back or Joints, Bheu ilebinft watery blisters ; or . open, itclilna numors. Kleins, or Dim Die. at cienia all leavoa after killing thr pouon and puruylns the blood Witt B. B. B. In this war a flood of Dure rich blood Is sent diroot .to the akin urfaoe, the Uchlnr stops forever and very humor or ..sore is healed . and cured. HUT A BIO BLOOD BALM fB. B. B.) la pleasant and .ale to take: com eoeed of pore Botsnie Ingredients, -c It purine, and enrich e. the blood. matlm. Mucus Patches In , mouth, iori rJitMt-' .Pln'Plea. Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the boy, Eatlns s'res, are run down or nervous, Hair or Eyebrow, faitm out, take B B. B. It kills the poixun, make, the inun, makes the latins blood pure and rich, healtna ety aore and oomBletelv ehanalna the n.iir. ouay lain a clean, h.aithy condiuon. Carre Kammmam-- ; C D. BRADHAJTS Drag Store, II per Large Bottle with alreetloai far tf Free Hlood Cure Coupon This eonpoa (out from The New BPrn N. C. Sun, la good -for one larire sample of Botan- H Blood Balm niaiied fre ' In plain packadea. Hmiply li'l In your name and addreae on n ! Ifne. below and mail to biAOi bJLU( CU, Allan la, Ga , ' ' . 'i'.y-:-'' St. t name of trouble,' if you know. . , , i , ykT "' boat fcr V -3? 7;'',V, -. cMOvcTnajrne; Ve one- of the Interior butts of the Re public, or "to one of lt colonies, are at once transported to their chosen destination together with their fami lies ana baggage,, free of charge. -J; Every immigrant proceeding to the Interior la entitled ; to .belter" and maintenance during a period of ten days at the expense of the Immigra tion. Commission, at the point of des tination. . - v- - v . . In addition, free transportation by the Federal Government would jdo awajr with much of the congestion- la the larger cities along tho Atlantic coast. - , :. 'a-.. . -' (' : .'- i A healthy man te a king In his own right ; an unhealthy man Is an unhan py Blave. Burdock . Blood . Bitters builds up sound health -keeps yon well. r , : :y Chicken sandwiches always aaad at Eoyall'n. v CAB0L1 A PAPEB PU1P C0XPAKT. The recent organization of the Car olina Paper Pulp Company, of this city, under local management, com posed of men well known for their business Integrity and honesty Is an event of great moment to our town and is being favorably discussed by the leading business men of the city, some of whom have recently subscrib ed for the stock. This Company owns very valuable assets in the way of constructed build ings, machinery and large timber hold ings and in a short period bids fair to prove a paying investment far be yond the expectation of its most san guine supporters. The fact that the company has received several offers from foreign capitalists to take over the plant proves It to be a most de sirable investment The demand for pulp is far in excess of the possible supply and it Is man ufactured at a large profit Northern mills are buying this pulp timber In New Bern for shipment to their plants. at a high rate of freight, where it 1b manufactured into finished products and reshipped to . the trade here and elsewhere .having to pay freight In each direction, whereas the cost of manufacture here will be much less and the profits greater. The paper pulp mill at Canton, near Asheville, which is owned by J. the Champion Paper Company, of Day ton, O., has been in operation only about a year and is reported to be making immense profits and paying dividenSs that seem almost increda- ble. Mills at Roanoko Rapids, N. C. and Hartsville, S. C, as well as at other places in the South are paying handsome dividends to their stock holders. This company only requires a few thousand dollars for operating. capital and desires to sell sufficient stock for that purpose, after which time the stock will be worth twice its present value, therefore it would be advisable to subscribe for the stock at once be fore the price is advanced. If you have money lying Idle, or Invested In low Interest bringing bonds or stocks, I would recommend your placing the same in this indus try, first because It is going to-be a paying investment, and secondly, be cause it will give employment to a large number of hands, and will cir culate money in the town, which is just exactly what everyone claims is needed here to make the place grow and become a factor in the commer cial world, like Kinston, Goldsboro, Charlotte, Greensboro, etc. Opportunities of this kind seldom present themselves to the public be cause industries of so profitable a nature are generally owned by a few persons. The money you invest In this . profitable industry will be judi ciously applied where it will yield the largest returns. The undersigned will be pleased to call and explain the proposition as above outlined to anyone who may be interested and will appreciate the courtesy of- subscriptions for the stock being made through bis agency. Reference as to management of this Company is made by permission to the National Bank, Peoples Bank and the New Bern -Banking and TruBt -Com pany, i - v W. (J. BOYD, Agent Room 305 Elks Tempi , - Phone 400 '::.:!: ... -r ?- -:i- ' 7 - ;iFree to 0or Headers. -. we take pleasure In announcing that we, have arranged with the well known firnl of E.C DeWltt Co Chi cago,' fir., for-them to . send one full box, a week's trial, of their wonderful little Kidney : and Bladder- Pills 4o each reader jud subscriber; of this pat per( s, ) , . - y These pills are highly recommend ed and are an excellent preparation to all .forms of. Kidney .and -Bladder trouble. If you are suffering with Jam back,' backache, -weak- kidneys add inflammation of the bladder, send your, name and address to IC C, De- Witt ft Co., 203-205 LaSalle' Av., Chi cago,. III., and they will send yon ab solutely tree a full box of their Kid ney and Bladder tills, postpaid. i Be 'sure to take advantage of this offer promptly and don't fall to men tlon this paper when sending same anA address. . : v . . r. ' -A lUSOClETY, Miss Alice S ttoa spent Sunday in LaGrang with relatives and friends, and returned to New 'Bern this morn ing. .- f .: v ;'"- v-- - ' 1 . . ; v '. ;.' '-' .-' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Ives accom panied by Mrs. U C. Vass, left this morning for. a short visit In Newport, N. C - They will spend the day. on a fruit farm of Mr. Ives'. j - Mrs, E. H. Claypool went up to Kln ton. this morning for a visit and will be the guest of Mrs. Fells Harvey.'. . Mrs. Mansfield of Mansfield. Carteret county,,: cam, up to New Bern this morning on the east bound train for a day's stay In the city on a business and pleasure, visit i , Miss EHisa Smith, of GatesvUle, N. C, who has been visiting In the city for a tew days, the guest of Miss Ma bel Cbadwick, left this morning foi Washington, N. C, to spend a ten day with her sister, before returning home. . ; '' v . t.s '. " - ' ;- Miss Clyde Cox went down to Beau fort this morning on a business visit Mrs. A.& Nelson and daughter. Mist, Winona, of Morehead City, who have been visiting In the city, guests of Mrs R. W. Davis, and Mrs. W. H. Bishop, have returned home. - It Tastes 8 Good. . . Desserts, pastries, cakes, all bring forth exclamations of delight - when flavored with Blue Ribbon Lemon or Vanilla extract Zeppelin Sails Record Height. Frledrichshafen, Mar. 16. The Zep pelin airship, which went up from Lake Constance this morning, attain ed an altitude of over 3000 feet, a re cord height for steerable balloons. Varied and difficult maneuvers were carried out at this height with great success. (k Cancer Be Cure It Can. We want every man and woman In the United States to know what we are doing Yre are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife 'or by X-ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legisla ture of Virginia. Physicians Treated Free WE GUARANTEE ODB CCEES. Kellam Hospital ' Ko. IMS W. Mais Streef BICIIHOKD, TA. Fresh Parch ed Peanuts 25 ct per neck, jWedfresh every day AT KAFER'S BAKERYl Steamer Carolina, Will leave every Muidsy and Thurs day at 10 a, m. lur Vancboro, . from foot of Craven Street ' V Freight t received svanr day. t TLKU POTTER. Jr.. " Telephone 164. , Agent STANDIN6 DESKS FB0M ltM UP at . Owen O.- Dunn's, Craven street ' - 1 " ' tf . , Everybody's 'trtead Dr. ' Thomas' Mectrlc Oil cures toothache) earache, sore throat - ' Heals cuts, bruises, scalds.. Stops any pain. .V. Dai::;aosetFE SI) H now open and any one: wish' f Ing a lunch, of oysters, gams or any delicacy of the season or it you want a regular meal. It fill be served promptly and eorrectly. lU L1YA1I V ICS rSddle st 'If i V .. If j A C i i Jv ! The Kind SToq Have Always Bought, and -which has been - y in. use for oyer 80 years, has borne the signatare of ; AUCounteKe4tljnItatiorisad"Jnst-agT)o4MaTebu ' i Experiments that trifle irith and endanger tho health eff j u. ' . Infants and Chlldren--Experience against Experiment.' J - Castorla Is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor WUlPare. p. . gortc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It , is Pleasant. - It';, - X contains neither Opiom... Morphine nor other JTarcotlo substance. - Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms', and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Dlarrhosa and 'Wind' '' . - Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation .' ana Jfiatnlency. it assimilates tne irooa. regulates tne - - Stomach and Bowels, trlying healthy and natural sleep.' , The Children's Panacea--Tbe Mother's IMend. '? ',;; ;: CEtlUiriE CASTORllA J Bears tlie The Kind M Have Always In Use For Over 30 Years. rue iMrsi cmmmmi, Tr Miiuf mmr. Mcwvomt ir: ' :V CUTLER-BLADES BRICK FEED I always have a complete and fresh stock of Corn Meal f Corn, Hay, Oate and All Kinds of PECT.'- AlflO Peed I. Oats, Rye 'and Wheat. iMMMM:r Remember I also carry the best buildinV Brick onl the Market - "'c:..: fiE -. C. L.. Phorte 150 ' Building Paroid Roofing, Ellwood Fence . Wire,'' HeatfTand Milligan Paints. "'.. Estimates cheerfully eiven at short notice on an vtioh GASKILL HARDWARE CO. Phone 147 er BRICK, a ' . LIME f ; Phone 163. f V Chlckes Sandwiches always en hand St Eoysll's. ' . 1 ', WAK TED BIDS Bl Clir OF NEW p 'opening flitches for drain pipes on Change street and George street Plans and profiles can be seen bv an- plying to chairman street and piimn' committee. ' , , ; c. J. McCarthy, . . ' ' ' - . ; s. Cliulmian. Bids will be cloBed at 8 o'clock Tih-b day night, March 2nd. jump La and jm peen made miaer His rr. ' sonal sapervision glnoe its infancy.' ADow no on to deceive you In this. Slgnatnrd of - mm. WE CARET FENCB WIBS. 1 " of all kinds In stock. Barbed;, wire, poultry wire and - Just t plain everyday wire. Corns and -get' what you want, either to fix , up your old fence or build s new one.' Of course we have , the hammer, the staples? hinges, - latches, and all the' rest of the hardware. You can't , name a thing in the line we cannot sup ply. Come and try it , j - HAD'W.' CO; SEEDSTOCK Spencer, ' ; 32 Middle StJ . . ' ! ' r- - t i t este lt;." Shingle .'fe' AND CEMENT, :1 17 Craven St. Don't' wait until your nlood i i,nl 'Doverishcd and VOU are airk mnH ail" Ing, but take HoKlsttr's Rocky Moun- tdin Tea now. It will poaItIvely"unve Ollt-alT wlntai. Imni-t iua .onia Tea Tablets. . Dad, Pharmacy., ' " v - yu'd be dubbed a band "me girl,;.' If you'd be dubbed a ban J And win a handsome Kn!, ; Hie secret here I do b T.i! Ho'llstor's Fori y ; at night ' ' 1;;u'm ! on Bow Material V . ... 1. 1'uver. K,i boro and it-lm; .t.i . u , .. .' ,0 - f:u" P- (- -luuy ,m!vi f " luecarora. Cove l.ij. Kln-i,,,. ... "ureniit OoiUeboro, aiid h.i.r,.,: data KHtiiinL - ,J tOT fe'verd.le, Croatan, ll.v.- iS- Sew?ort' '"dwood. Morl..., jJ'1"'"uf ana uitermeUiate .la ia a, m., f.St i. m iRimd..' Fit Klverdale, Cretan. Hawiock ' ... iteel.bgro, Granubiro. - bavh..rn Ventai anl intermediate atatione, 8""r on'y For Heel. 'lr."lnU,50,' Byoro, Oriental. - - aad Intermediate atatione. - iPlly Except 6unday ,' .OT "Wnston, Plymouth. Colum f" 5. f'ten- Kdenton, Merttord. -'Ellaabeth City. Norfolk. Suffolk, and, . Intermediate atatlona. New Bern to ' - -Greenville, Farmvllle.. Wilson. Zen- ' , ulon, Raleigh and ialenueUiate et- r--tiona, .. .-: "- - AAfira isaiva vw .ikdu. . :lt a. ra.. 7:06 n. m. r-i imHv .,r,t , Sunday) From Ooldaboro, La- -, 1 Orange, Kln.ton. Dover, Cove; Tub- : oarora- and Intermediate atatioi... ft a. an, (..e p. m. (Sunday ouJyj v From Ooldaboro, LaOransei K'n--, aton, Dover, Cove, Tu.caror an.l :Ca. m., 7:10 p.. m. (Dwllv encent A . gunday) Prom Beaufort. Morehead ,t vi vouui, mTeraaie and Intermediate :tv a. nu. 7:00 n. n--fRunAiv nnfv ..-J" 1 m, 7:00 p. m.T(8unday only) .i - rnm Beaufort, Morehead City. WildWOOd. N.WDOrt. Havelnrh. P.rn. atan, Rlverdale . and IntermedlaU atatlona' -. . ... - - v ;.0 " a. bv (Dlly From ; Oriental. :V - j w.uwuurw, neei.uuro, ana intermedl.ta atatlnn. : 7:11 p. ou (Daily except Sunday )-irFrom v-t .wriuia, ouiioik, jiiiimBetn- City, 5 juruora,: jMienioB. tteihaven, - Co- lumbla, Plymouth, Washington and 0 intermediate .tattone, Kdentoa to New Bern; Raleigh, Wendell, Kabuv C Ion. Wll.on, Farmvllle. Greenville i and Intermediate atatlona. - . . h. c nuDoma, ' , r r OftMml-P.. . v - r' ; waneraj manager. "te "' SUTRT,.:H,OTIci. t'4- .Stit of North Carolina . - - To & tt. JPowleri. ilntrxrXaKer for Cra - vea unuf; ... The- underelemail? W."- TT.- w.tan. v A ;:r Craven County,, North Carolina; enters i and Jaya claim to the followinK de- ' en oed piece o rparoel of land in th- ; luwuaiiip, craven county, - 1 utata . of " North Carolina. th aame-hNtno. v.Mn..j' and unappropriated land, and aubject . to entry, via: On the .South side of Neuae river, and North side of the Nor- ?" t folk .-and Southern Railroad. Bounded ' on the Notjth and Boat by Fred Pate and o there and on -the South and Weat 'V' jpoca ana other., contains by eetimation 200 aorea more or less. . -ainierea una Jem day of reby 180. -i. W. It. a WATSON, 0d, ,X . mark ' 1- 4a . ' a 11 1 i mn . V. i - T-rVT A T ATATiTTlTHrv ' ; .VP)MINI9TRSxa'S KOTICB , -Havinevauatinail' mm '.Antl:,i.M,. . . the estate of Henrietta N. viihi.rn - a-- , ceased,- lata of the County of Craven. atata of North Carolina, thi. in nnnr. -i estate ef said deceased to exhibit them, f"!""'! inmra,iuf ui uiiuaraiTQea it .1 flew, Bern,' N. C, on or before the 16th v day f February, 1S10 or, this notice;! IM'W pieaaea la bar or their recov'ery All- beraona Indebted tit mmtn Mtn.' WIlL iJleasa make immediate payment. '' .wio. A.tn oay.oi fen. 1VU9. -.... : ; . JESSE) a CliATPOOLB, MOORE 'DthJN. : Attorneya.7. t, i c EXECUXOE'S JiOTICE. ' ; -wmmw:., nereoy given that the. un derslgned baa duly qualified as Exec- W.M-mi JeVrrfttsji;;tsstsiniit of . Wj?Wt$kiiiiO creditors to the estate shall present their claims to te iutdewlgneda for payment, on or before the 30th day of Fehruarv"' r9ip.otwer,wlaVthlsotJco wUl be" uivauci.u,:4Ji, var OLiMr rannvflrvr tna..: alsj.'jt9raMdAisststs'.vof .P,.TJlIJJesWrliHtte r Immediate ; payment to the undersigned, as -fur- -ther indulgence .cannot be given. f ; ;iThis 19th day ot February, 1909. " -jtiOHN W. PEARCEt 1 ' '"''' "' 1 ' "Executor. - , r m - ' -a ',, SUte of North Carolina ' " ' Craven County. -la. a ; L. Fowler, Entry Taker for Craven County: , The underelg-ned C. C Ipock, of Ura r vea County, North Carolina, enter, and lays olalm to the foUowlne described'' pleca or parcel of land Id No. 1 Town- , ship, . Criven County, state of North Carolina, the ame belnr vacailt and unappropriated land, and subject to en try, via; ..,; -. ) , Oaths north by B. O'Nell, land on the On tU south by C A. Ipock, On the i east by Aaron Ipock ahd C. C Ifiock, conuinlngr byjeatlmatipn It acres more J or, Ibsa. .- , . 1 j8ntered ;thlJth.aay of Februaiy ' ' , " " " ' -a a IPOCK. , North Carolina Craven- County. - ' In the Superior Court. ' 1 Sew Ct(QJt Oil Fertiliser Mill. - vs. - :- ' .-C WKLCH. Notice tf Summons and Warrant of Attachment . -v., - -. The defendant above-named will take notlpe that summon. In tha above en titled action was Issued against said defendant on tha Jeth. day of Flru ary, Jo for the recovery of m -in du on account ( breach -of contract, which summona la returnable to tlm superior oourt of Craven countv on tlio llfth Monday after the first Mondav of March, it being the 6th day of April, . Defendant will also take notice thRt warrant of attachment was isnued ly .aid clerk of the superior court ot Cra ve county on the 88th -day of Feuru iry, -19IH against the property of khhi defendant in Craven County, wi warrant Is returnable bpfoia 1 erlor Cmrt at -the time 11 1 ibove-mentloned for the r. ' (i . , summons, when and where i. 1,1 11 , quired to appear and am-wnr or ., mur to the complaint of pinintirr, o ( s relief demanded will be rixriu-il , . , W. M. WA 1 - , Clerk -of tha Superior Court ot" 1 Countv. rliia the ?lh day of February, 1909, , .,:;t .

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