Sun IN SOCIETY .-'CUSIMJlUUT. txotpt Sunday. . - ' 'V ' ...'V. .: ... ; ; : i Kern Bent Miriutf Company. OFFICES AMO PLANT: - 9. n Crave Street - OWXI'O. POTS, ' Kaaagtag laTten BVBScMfiioa tact, I AsTasti) , fare Month! .'.. A . ir Montis Oat Tear . 40 1.28 JM 5.00 , Telephones I fastness Offles ........Ke. tN. 41tiril Boosts Kb. 1 Entered at tae os -4Uee In New eroi It C. as second class mail 'tarter. - -i4Xi3IlZi3 M torn MffarW wHk nc fr Vrr1f Chi r ayro ImI April I Imcu laliii: iiiMinii for eoDtupattoa. In thtwmrM o a wk 1 irottc4 th pit Imhi I isppMr t ht, end of tia wE they trontl kit. CuemM havo dons inOtn for warn. I un ntirlyenredn ImI li Im mi jmk. Boots Krf itw, hapn.sjga. ft Beat fbr v HiMirt Peteuble. Fetent.TMt.8owV Daa, Kmr 8lck.n, Weekea or Srlr. He. c. He. Km old In bulk. The luiln tablet uk1 COO. 8efem t eai. 0 jvmt monj beck. ' atorllnf Remedy Co., Chief, or N.T. jJ AT'JAL SALE, TEI KSLU0I B3IES VTED5ESDAT,. Mart 17, 109. ; ' How long before beauty will be ou' ot fashion? . , ;; Two and a half cents a mile is re tarded as a aood profit for the rait roads.-- No matter how far up hill you may run, you will be run down by 'a col lector. ' nijjjyiSii Even if a man could do everything he pleased, life would not be happy then. a-;jilUS3' Oh no. Because a man strains at a gnat does not mean that he would swallow a camel. Governor Wilson of Kentucky, has just emerged as the hero of a runa way accident. Now for another monu ment fund. changes are not radical and do not concern the appointment ot commit tees. .The power of the Speaker lies chiefly in the appointment of commit tees and the recognition of members who seek the floor. - The former function is not cbank-ad, ana the ut ter cannot be subjected to rules. If only one man sought the floor at a time, of course the problem would be simple. If two or a dozen do, there is no way of regulating the Speaker's power of "recognising" one of them, Th Philadelphia Record calls atten tion to the fact that eighteen years ago Thomas Brackett Reed found him self Speaker of a House wftb a Re publican majority of only seven or eight. He promptly swallowed every thing he had said in an article in The . North American Review a little more than a year before, and demanded a set of rules increasing the power of J the Speaker so that a majority of half a dozen should be as effective as a majority of a hundred. For two months the Republican memhers re fused to grant hiifi this power, and the house got along under "general par liamentary law" and the rules of the old House adopted for particular occa sions. And the leader of the Repub licans in opposition to the demand for power made by Speaker Reed was Jos eph G. Cannon, now Speaker and the stalwart champion of the most dicta torial powers for the Chair. Those Blue Sunday Laws out in Ohio did not seem to take very much. We should think blue Sundays would be as bad as any other day. 1 Jt certainly was kind in Judge An derson to let the matter drop after he instructed the jury to bring in a ver dict of not guilty in that 29,00O,000 sentence of Judge Landis. " ' A young man is said to' have been , brought to his sense of hearing the other day in Milwaukee by te click of a camera. But a camera will make many changes in some people. .Feminine intellects are bothered as to the best way to keep a husband, says the New Yofk Herald. Of eburse they do not realize that for centuries countless legions of .meajuwe been worried nearly to the grave by the problem of how to keep a wife. THA'f HOUSE 0K6AMZAT10S'. ' v When the House of Representatives of the Sixty-first Congress was or ganized yesterday only nine members were absent three Republicans and six Democrats. But on the vote for Speaker, Mr. Cannon fell fifteen short of the full vote of his party, while Mr. Clark, the Democratic candidate, fell only six short ot the tull strength of iis side of the House. There were a - dozen scattering votes on the Republi can side. , '- 'Mr. Cannon may contemplate the re sults of the fight against ' him with , anlianlmlrw ffhA art 4a1T At in Oil r&WkTlta refused to accept the vote in caucus as conclusive or binding, and there vat much talk of their supporting the Democratic candidate. As the Repub lican majority is 4T, 25 Republicans would have .accomplished this, - nut there is no evidence that any of them committed' what in politicals regard ed as unpardonable treachery. A doz en of them threw away their votes, and that la alt that came out of the valient attack ot the ''insurgents" upon the "czar, V y,--h; " ,f ft ' S When it came to the rules the situ ation 'was different because Republi cans could vofe against the rules ot the last House without compromising their party standing. A union ot the Dem ocrats and the recalcitrant Republi can would kava laoae a very -large maJorttyi'-On the contrary, th vote for ordering the previous question on adopting the rules and ' the vote by Which the old rules were not .'adopted were extremely close. The adoption of crrtaln moderations of the rules tw,msed by Mr. Fitzgerald, 'of New 1 'i, a Democrat, was effected by a - f 211 to 172, party lines being ' ' ,'i broken. ; Th change agreed 'y r" Lire the prrn-ntlve of r and the Commitlce on 1 si ra who have no 1 ' ;r a Utile better ' ve now; but the POISON Bone Pains, Can cer, Scaly sun, Rmik PKEB. For twenty-flve yer Botanic Blood lAmmr PoobIb SbjIm fnm Mn p. ' .etoat kaow It. Rem a7Btuw KmuUr eared hj B. B. a. mini in. a. a.) nas boon curing yearly :bousanda ot rnvSttrmrM frrvm p,lmam Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison and all forma of Blood Diaoaso. We ioliclt the most obatinate caaea for B. a B. cures where all else (ails. If vou nave exnausiea tne old methods of 'reatment and atill have aches and umua in oopes, oaca or joints, Klieu .Humus, . wHtery ousiera or ODea icnins humors, Rlalnva or pioiDlsa of eczema all leaves after killing the- joiooii auu puruying me Blood Wlt B. B. B. In this wu a flood t.t nnr. rich blood la sent direct to the skin lurface, the itching stops forever and avery humor or aore is healed - and " BOTANIC BI.OOO BALM (B. 3. B.) Is pleasant and safe to take; com posed of pure Botanic ingredient. It purines and enriches the blood, matlsm. Mucus Patches in mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcors on any part of the body, mating- sures, are run down or nervous, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, take B B. B. It kills the poison, makes the Mood pure and rich, healing every aore jnd completely changing the entire body into a clean, healthy condition. Cures Beseaaa. C. D. BRADHAJTS Drag Store, $1 per Large Bottle with directions for fcanw enra. . Free Blood Cure Coupon V,s coupon (cut from The New Bern N. C. Sun, la good or one large sample of Botan-l-j Blond Palm mailed free In plain packages. Simply fill in your name and address on dotted .yiwrbelow and mall to BLOOD Auania, urn. kno'w1 Dm trouble, I you 1st ji aira. Henry Hataell, of Beaufort, who has been vlalUng In the city for a few da-n, the guest of her brother, Mr. p, R. OavTa. has returned home. , Miss Janette Hill and Miss Florence McGowaa left this morning on the At lantic Coast Una train for a short visit In Jacksonville, N.-& and will be the guest vf Mrs. teo, Bryaa.? Miss Glennle Sutton returned home from Norfolk, Va., where she has been K spending a few weeks with his slater, Mrs. Edgar RoyalL-,,. ' ' t Mrs. H. C, Lumsden returned; home from Eavis Island. She was accom panied back by Mrs. Robert Demlng. Mrs. Sallie Duguid of Vanceboro, spent yesterday in the city on a bus iness and pleasure visit . She left this morning returning home. ; ' Miss Annie Foy returned home last evening from Raleigh, where aba has been visiting for a few days. Mrs, Wm. Coiv of Jqne Bcountjr, wfco has been visiting relatives and friends in the city for a couple of weeks, left this morning returning homA Miss Lela Mae Sabiston, of Jackson ville, N, C, who has been a guest at the home of Mr. W. E. Henderson on Broad street, left this morning return ing home, t - ., ' :. ST. PATRIC8 DAT, The hosts are out in grand array, "A-warlng of the green;" Long columns march adown the street, With playing bands between, And I my feet are keeping step . To tunes that roll out free, But my heart's afar in a blessed isle A green isle o'er the sea. There, in a thatched roof, humble cot, A gray haired woman bides. The snows of time rest on her head; Care in her wrinkles hides. I'm with my mother where she watts, Her heart bound up in me. ' My heart is there; her heart Is with Her boy far o'er the sea. 'liiis- And o'er the moor another cot, Amid a sea of green, Holds one whose eyes turn oceanward My own sweet, fair colieenr ' And she she's wearing the shamrock, too; , j' She'll send a sprig to me. She lifts her heart in prayer today For one across the sea. I love this land; it treats me well, And I mean well by it. . So bear with me when on this day I backward glance a bit 10 mat green isle which gave me birth, Where loved ones wait for me. My heart will take, St. Patrick's day, A trip across the sea. aatoria Is a harmless rabat forie Drops euid Soothing' contains neither Opium. Mo? anWnaei, re. . . Ijjs, ; ""tMvw ? wi It gnu rxl Mi ftUayn Faverishness. It wuo, M reuevea Toethlnir 1 na rwtalcncy, It ssslmlla: h Kind roa Have Always Bought, and which has been ar ju ior otot years, hag borne the signature of ana nas Deenmaae under his per -ttjtZfo Mn&1 MpeCTisloa since its infancy-.' rwcw AuownannatfldMwlv.vnnl.tM. : AllConnterfetts, Imitations atmi -- -: Experiments that trifle 'with' aatbnts and ChildrenExpei What is IS ISKpei Stomach and Bowels, giving The ChUdreas Panacea-rThe GENUINE CAfiTl Beats the X S7 The Kind Yon Hart In Use For Ove mmmmmmmmmmmm- CUTLER-BLADES To flake Better Desserts. Use tht best extracts Slue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla. They are true extracts pure, fine, excellent. Chicken sandwiches always oa hand at KoyaU's. Can Cancer Be Cure It Can. We want every man ana woman in the United States to know what we are doing w-a are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic "Sores without the use of the knife or by X-ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legisla ture of Virginia, -, Physicians Treated Free WE GUARANTEE 0TJB CUBES. ' Kellam Hospital , Ho. 181 W. Kaia Stree r ',' BICHS0ND, Ti. Building Paroid Roofing, Ellwoo Milligan Paints. . Estimates cheerfully give big or little r GASKILLHAL Phone 147 I Protection to - - - 4Q The General is the first and .ONLY SB Health and Accident Protection to House lar monthly payment plan. ' A premium of One Dollar per month! $20J)0 FEB MONTH ACCIDENT INK ttOMO ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENE! t,. $m00 FEB MONTH ILLNESS INDE Double Benefit for Travel Accidents Insures the Beneficiary against Travf Benefits Increased Ten Per Cent, if vance. . - . . Principal Sum Incarasea Ten Per Cewrtacn""year, for first five years. Pays Principal Sum for accidental death caused by Sunstroke. Freeaing or. Hydrophobia, ' p ' Pays Full Indemnity for four weekJ In any one year for the following chronic diseases: Tuberculosis, Bheumallsm, Paralysis, Neurasthenia, Her ,' nig,' Lumbago, Sciatica, Bright's Disease; Insanity and Cancer. v i t.. Onr only exceptions are Child-birth, purely female diseases' and results superinduced by surgical operation for old, "chronic ailments.. -. rays tor all kinds of Accidents, no matter where or now if happens. ; ; Provides for a disability period of six months for Accident or nines. . , " Positively all claims paid at eight. Policy Te, tMK paid but eneo In COT O0BDAN, penral igeat. New Bern, Itk-'- n. ... ; -A- . -V.- r f i v II l i I I nil 1 ; ':vl.VJ?j:-y& ; Dunklin whisxey. via sni meiiow. IU rare oualit mu.t h. ..." ' . 1 Cora WUke, for fis. - - , , I i - r 1, t harg-e. on th.s two weclal atr.r. HBKB ARB A WW op 6vn SPECIALTIES I ' . ' . cash eooost ,. !: R.rlan . . . . i " , i Oemr Prrrtt kot. to WMd Hirer ..,.,1 , , Ov.rknM, hotlei la kvai! , OI4 Porrmtcv Mt. Vtrwn, .rig;, kettle,'. .... It"!.,. .. i.oe.j. 4 4te. Es. P. Iff. at.s 4.JX v ' 4.JX ..-r, 4.; a -. . i . Gaklart XX Vjm Wd' Prival. Hi.rk Itsr Oscar PrxMe-r ! ye ar. C. C 1 r;fds v F.raliiio P f heefe-' ' i f . i i '' , ... Per Gal. f ' fer i s.oe j r ...1..... I si.75, -.'.oo a.,ie a i ' !,-... .0 ! earthy man is a king m his own. ght; an hbhealthy wan is an anhap- y slave. Burdock Blood ; Bitters uilds up sound health keeps you FrcohParch- seqnuta every XcrjAT KAFER'u "BEN'S SPECIAL RYE I ll.'" HTM" 1 F i I 4 . Fc-j'FlQ:uI33.C3. V EXPRESS PREPAID.) " aSv i! 4 Ryf .Wi ? Yey.oi perfecft dlstiIIation, agmg and blending, r Smooth and palatable.. For personal arid medicinal uses. -PromDt Shinmente I , t I . . : Wn will k!n vmi rw.j n.. . '. i 11' : W will Jiln Mi rwj t)-z-. - - i r-1 w ii. , w. uimi wn urewery m lour - ana sa dozen crates and 10 dozen banels. Youbuy direct from Brewers tvucu you oroer rrom ui-r-nenco the best quality at lowest paom. i s Orders filled day received. Remit with order registered letter, r. U. or express money order. F. O. B. PorUinouuS. BEERS. ' ' . S 4 Jot." 6 do.. 10 dot. Btoaco Export. - .$3.60 $5.40 $9.00 Vagina Pkv -3.60 3.40 900 Expodthm, - " 3.60 5.40 9.00 .Hew bene u aieae el n - -em anna Me3 eVHMK ! UN WeMMIWll Jiwtnr (conlrolfcd kr ue) ud ie .Uolukly prj end of the outki Bar! ' TEMPERANCE BEVERAGES.- ' - ' ,' 4A. 6U. lOdot' Rhaobrsu. . $30 $5.40 $9X0 Sadde, , , 3.60 J.40 9.00 iTkaatm kammii'n beimea. w. klsnV T A Kbu of 25 hm per dons elomd m n limn, nunni , Express Chargei Prepaid on following Whiskies r amiiy Wtata, 4 qh, $4.00. 12 qb, $l 1 Spci.lCoraWhkejr,'. . . .,4, 3.00,12qU v Comfort Rye, ...... 4-i4rKk 12m. A Manor W Proof Ry. . . .- , " 4 5.Q0. S, , I3J0 Empire Rye, . . . . ' $1.50 per J..eijmieollea. , MiMwaCan.: , .-. $1.5X)parg.l.,.V(eeollecl. '; SENO ALL ORDER? P1RECT TO " ! PORTSMOU II.VA. WJ 'Rocksbf ini? Corn Whffllr - V 5 Bottles, $2.00, v 6 Bottlea."$2.55. . I2 Bouk$4.5Q. - flOn th aboTo aprea charpa are col led, ottmd m 60 casb'.xtn H - ' ; " Py expeau on 6 boluta, or 85 coat oa 12 bottU, - " - - - JTIwW an eomowrdal auertuud Jightir nailer (hia th full quart " . fWe awe you Mot Whhkv, Belter WhUl for Lm AW i '( " 1. 'J 1 . t j , FULL QUARTS fipre Prepaid. , :, OW Fairfax Com Vhiskey; $2.35 . 3TliautKebewbJdeyfortherooy cU Wi auk. 0ii apecial offot. ,' We waul your bade. " - . . ' , . ; "'ij'j' s . i. .. r'..y' . . v Princess Aims RycS 3.o0 " , ' - . Tbi u a Whiakey of Hiffh Quality.. Yon will lite it. !WJw a CompUn Price Lis. Write foi it. Sepd yow order, to m and ge tie bn for ih. BOBey." Re expreli mosey order, Qoodt ! rfd eane day ori-f a re. .J. . APPPE5J AU C"r 3 T3 T.forylaacl U;t:cr Co., Fc;: cvth, Vp, oo "';.' mm M ft 1 . ' I I I - I ' 111 "flKl -III Fi lfl.. 1 , fl " . - 1 fc..- ! IaIxaysLaveaccT;I.t3r.If. c r;c i Ccm, Kay, C3 r 1 ."1 7' 'i if 1 s t:,3 Market. , - MTV" U e,r'7 "d.r Brand. s( Hjrc ...I . o. h w (,(, .J,, ur sooob BuarantA.d under the Matlial arts upon rucmpt m M.r, , 1 a ! l'ur. food Law. order, or Registered 11.-' , : ' i i

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