iV. ;.: :c : c I l(t iec;!e 'do - mere of ten thah'onef. -u aid suppose. Parttj. because they do net iheasdeca keep track and thus KNOW ichen they have paid bnceiandPf partly toavold unpleasant disputes.' . ,v-'' ... Possibly YOU have VNKNOWWG LY paid some accounts twice. n : --"-' " M : Cany a checking here; pay M ; by check and save the canceled) checlc and you mil jtjwjr'irf - . ....... ' ' i' ' 1. B. BLAOliS, Vlee-PresGEO, Ilew Beri CcttffllOilf " Cotfoa Seed Kofecff High' &a4e JFertiers g ' We niakst Specialty of Cotton Beed Mee Guano, which foreperlyx, "mixed eritb.--other MiuBoiiTatesi'sM'ibest:. quality, jot 4-?4 Phosphate,; ' and Potash, to considered, the best; Fertiliser that can be used for the lands anderopsof Btern ;North" Carolina. ; Some; of pur brahds''6f: - Fertilisers &xrv W 4'i$iit-ii'M- ' -t' cbaykj icqnoir qvxxo, M-t , .. Oaslew Fanners' Iteltoaee i .: .-, ; ' y-YaX HIGH GBABK FEBTUZEB, 84- V , Ives MslrPeU Ctaaiis, Wf'ttW;,. . . ' . IhintfsStandart.Irttk GrftreivJ-WK '.; ' V, Lenoir Bright Leaf Tobacco Grower, 8-J-l 4 ?: Green County 'Btandar Fertiliser, M--S Jones. Cottnty Premlaio Crop Grower 8-8-1-2-8 1 :. , - PJtU TroUflo Golden Tobacco Grower, 8-t-Sj V i'anillco Eleetrie Top. Dresses 5- ( . .''." '? . - i. Carteret Ww.i'Wii)t4M M; OrtolBlisw'!'.'--. -f''J -These Brandt Have Become' Very Popular With The Ear-v Si.'moir ai lThelf ,Us Increased Yearly. . ; ', , We have large list, of . testimonials from. Satisfied Fanners who ; hve Tiseiour FertUlieM and wut uae i no otnera. several iarmers nave . raised ver.lOI barrels of Prime Potatoes iroin bur Irish- Potato Oua no, and tobaccb gTowo 'f)m 6ui nplr Bright Leaf Tobaoco,Orower, ; has sold tor 11.00 pet pound. '' V. " O-f If you hate not used our Fertliiiera; yon should Insist upon your -' dealer turniahtug It .to you this season. e Jt- v v '-.; .f. : :r.t l;...VVSS i Zm3: of X NEW BERN - J-J' l -N V'' '' ' - ': . '. How many times have yon gJhe ta the store " to rpchd one dollar toward 'lenislra . f:ur cl Youfdollar did not gp;as far as you expected - Numbers of course. '$4. L'.o to it, that yon go7 where yoii can get bot quanlity & low princes hereafter' &yoiu,sdollurwUI ' -o further. sWM -' 1 7-1. .--v A NEW DEHN, RC I. to pay i.;;:: t fTBW tluPMliMf .'V B. FENDl,BTO, Ca.lllct. Stir BUKIXD OUB 6EIECT f. "- . . CRomnES you will find a reasoiuWcness hi price that makes them rcnUy t! is moat economical to use, I"r everytliing you buy hia '1 be 'all eaten and .potlii.- -i.' 1 ' ) to wte. Tiy i i i i ' t - ' r i-..l y"-i'!l s; i r In 4 Jjtr t L t M ircini cfli ELteahert. ' Ifr. Harry Scales left this morning for Raleigh, to attend the funral of htf uncle, Mr-.X., I. Jackson, which wtli.be fceld tomorrow morning, J ; ' Mr. J. V. Williams went up lo Golds boro'this .morning on the west bound Norfolk aad Southern train on a short bnsiness lrlp.,L . ....'..:" .; A Mr. James M. 'Howard wont down to Jacksonville, N. Coa baainess trip inuho Interest ot-BV JH. I. A. Mea dows (C0. v .' .. .v:t!,, !'.-m ; j; -ft DrJames A.- Duguid of Tanceboro, was . among tks prominent 'and pleaa- anl calleTg tat the city yesterday. "Mr. J. H." Shnmona of Pollocksville, Jones county, spent yesterday and last evening In the city with friends on DU8lne6S. v .--v Mr. H. T. Pratt returned to New dttn this momlng On the east' bound! Norfolk and Bouthern train from Goldsboro . ? i--, ' . ." . ; Mr. A. H. Kawllngi, who has been out of the city tor s couple of days on business returned home this morning. - Mr. Samuel 1 B ParkWy returned home jthls morning fromJatson, N. C, where he has been attending a meet ing of the Now Bern District Confer ence of the M. EL Church. -i Capt Matt Manloy, of Norfolk, Va., is in the city for a couple of days, shaking, bands with Ills numberless friends, who tr delighted to see him again.;- . : Mr. L. S. Grant returned this morn ing from. Nevn Bern District Confer ence -of the M. B. Church, which- was held at Faison, N. C. Rev. R. C. Beamon returned home this-morning from .Faison. Mr. W. L. Arendell of Morehead City, who hag. been up to Faison, at tending a Methodist Conference, pass ed through New Bern thU morning re turning home. , . Mr.. Stacy Wade, of Morehead City, arrived in the city this morning on the west bound train. Mr. J. R. Bell of Harlowe, who has been attending a meeting of the New Bern District Conference of the M. E. Church, arrived in the city this morn ing and will spend the day la town(on business, returning home on the ev ening train. . .Mr. J.-1 J. Wolfenden went down to Mansfield thU morning to look' after the condition' of his summer home. Mr. T. W. Chadwick has returned from Goldsboro, ' ' Mr. W. S. Shadwick of Beaufort, re turned home last evening after a short business visit in the city. Rev. J. H. Brown returned home last evening from Fayetteville. Kew Bern's long salt Is "Amuse." BACK GIVES OUT. Plenty of . New. Bern Benders Have This Experience. . You tax the kidneys "overwork them i They can't keep up the continual strain., The back gives out It echea and pains; Urinary troubles set In. Dont wait longer take Doan's Kid ney Fills. New Bern people tell yon how they acti '-.'.' '. . 1. : R". ' Bowden, 29 Hancock street. New- Bern, N. C, says: 'I do not . hesitate to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, as I have used themrwith the best of resulu. I suf fered from: kidney trouble for. a long time. My, back ached constantly and on account-of the severe pains Jn my loins, tt was difficult for me to stoop or Jift; At -times, my condition was -such that I found it almost Impossi ble to attend ta my work, I finally obtained . Doan's Kidney . Pills - from Bradham's Pharmacy and- they soon relieved the backaehe,-disposed of the pains in y loins and strengthened my kidneys. My mothet also used thte remedy and" the -results In her case were Just as satisfactory.' - ' For sale by all dealers.. Price 50 cents,, Foetef-MUburn Company, Buf falo,-New1 tork, sols-- agents for- the United Stntefc-ntf-'; -' ' Remember the - name Doan's-and take no other, y -yr- '7:. is,--.-o ;?-Jr'n-:-'--';"'.r.'--;-v CASTORIA Por InfMto amd CMldrea, .. i Tin Kfc YcxEsra AlrrE:;! TTSSFWsjbb Btacea .vou un.' ., Makna-ii nel life, Cleans, tonea reguUtss tho. bowels. Makes new blood.' Btrong, ' steady nerves. Healthy systeauVHoilister's Bocky UonnUin. Ten- is- but- Spring physio, regulate as nothing-else; can. 35 cents. . Oavls Phsrmacr. Chicken SssdwIehes sJwsyi hand " Roof Painting Season- ir now Upon us. ' Tott will make po mlstaks should yon nss .Alcylon Roofing P&Int fully "gusytnteed.;.!. .i.;.-; :; i j. a BASNiGiiir iibw. co, Ilarch phyalcs . react, 1-- " ' , cats" riiroi -'s r n the 'Jon. .If, tyne 2jq. I Bosarg tho jStyylf f. V'"V: .wi.sw-.iis. - Xeetiay ef ExecuUrc Conn ' At a xegular called meeting of the City Democratic Executive Committee the following, business . wf transact ed - It wa moved and carried, that the Primary Election, ior the? nomi nations of Mayor, Chief of Police, Tax CoHeetor, City Clerk and two (2) Al dermen frcm each of the sU () wards shall be held on Wednesday, the 14th Of April, I909j nd that tjie polls be opened atj .a, m., and be. closed at f p. m., at the following places: - First Vnrd.;.. City Hall Managers:,5 R. R. Hill Fernle Gasklll, James B. HIU. - ; second Ward, ' At Court: House Managers E. J. Clark,' Fred Scott,' W. K. Baxter. . . Third Ward, At Scott's Stablest-Managers: C.-W. Beli; M J4. Hooker, Capt G. Wallace. Fegrth.Wsrd. At Harget's Shop on Pollock St. Managers: J. E. Gasklll, Wm. Parrls, Ed McLachlan. . Fifth Ward. At McCarthy's Managers: E. L. Smith, C. T. Hancock, H. D. Smith. ' ; sixth Ward. At Reel House, George St Manag ers: A. J. Gasklns, E. H. Henderson, J. R. Merrltt It was on motion carried that the rules . of the last City Primary be adopted for this. It was moved and carried that the candidates tor the several offices shall pay to the chairman of the committee (10) days before the date of the elec tion (or on or before the 3rd day of April), when the lists shall be closed: Candidates for Mayor, each $10.00 Candidates for Chief of Police. . 10.00 Candidates to: tax collector 10.00 Candidates for City Clerk 10.00 Candidates for Aldermen : . 1.00 A resolution was carried that any person who voted the State or County Republican ticket, at the last General election, shall not be permitted to vote In this Democratic Primary, and the managers of the several wards are so Instructed not to allow , them to vote. It was moved and carried that in each ward all candidates for aldermen of that ward be placed on one ticket (where more than two are running) and the chairman of this committee shall four (4) days before election publish a full and true copy of all the candidates who have paid tor the several offices, and explain the man ner ot voting for the aldermen. Moved and carried that the commit tee take a recess subject to the call of the chairman. - t. f. McCarthy, Chairman. J. J. BAXTER, Secty. ! ..SPECIAL NOTICES.. ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for less than 15 cents, the price of three lines. Six wards of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: I tlOM- O cents a lint ..S cents a llns 4 cents sunt 4 cants a So J tlnwa tuawa It tuawa .... ... tt Usaee.- ..-3!4 cents a 7S tunea .- cents a UnaNJ All orders for these ails, must be accompanied with cash for as many times as ads, are to run. These ads. are inexpensive, but they bring quick results and sure re turns. FOB BENT TWO CHOICE BOOKS With use of bath. 25 Pollock St. St . - FURNISHED OK UNFUBNISHED rooms for rent. Apply 136 Pollock Street 3t. TYPEWRITER DESKS NICE TYPE writer desks with five drawers tor 18.50 at Owen O- Dunn's, 69 Craven street tf. FOB SPRING TUCKING USE TUCK Folders. They do tbe work. Apply to Mrs. M. E. Jones, Dover, N. C. Ira, A . GOOD "TEAM BADLY . SHOD IS V worse than ho team at alL Hays the next 'set ot shoes put on at 4 Klttrell ft Charreys. , Shoeing that is correct 48 1-2 Broad street, New Bern. N. C. v 2w. CHATTAWKA 1BIBC, K0r 14, L 0. . TL M. meets eAory Wednesday sleet ! tfo. .t7 Middle- street, Brother? from other reservations cordially - welcomed. J.- C. Barker-, 8,- J. tJBATEX LODGE S0 I, KWGHrS 01 : HABMONY, Meets eecond and fourti .'; Wednesday nights m each month 1 Knights of Harmony hall corner oi : Hancoek and Broad street si 7:8f O'clock.., P. B. .Wood, president; H. Davis, vice-president: J. H. Smith .f secretary; R.Jt HIU, financial see- f rotary!v;tj;, vSJt :. FOB. i BINT-XABGK DESIBABLE I residence on Pollock street lormer- ly .occupied br Mr. & VK. Eaton, which' Is nndergolnj j extensive ; re- , pairs; w1Dta- ready to rent about March 1st W. O. Boyd.-, WANTED, 19,000 HAND-MADE CI. press heart shingles. Write Bean fort N. C Lock Bon 132. 2-4-Sw fa feat" ; Brli'je f J-Ls 1 I ty en U .CAL TIM ( uly 19.75. i Call and i. An exceptional tur Q. DUNN, 60 Craven DYSPEPSIA ItTJNYON'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY acts almost Immediately en the Oastrle Juices aad tires tbe fltomach tone aad. strength to dlff geat almoat everything that Into It. It aoothea aor and bat been. pot Into It It soothes lore and Irritated atomacha that have been Impaired, dj pbyale ana Injurious drugs, we cannot too urgently adilae all veraons who auffer from any of the following aymptoma to try this .remedy: Distress after eating, bloating of the stomach, Rlalng of the food, Waterbraah, Sour Stomach, Heart burn, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, a. Famtnesa. Palnltation of the heart, Shortnesa of breath, and all affec tions of the heart caused by indigestion. We want every discouraged and despon dent sufferer from DrsrjeDsla or Indiges tion to cast aside all other medicine and give this remedy a trial. If It fails to give aaiwactioa i win rciuouyour uiv ney. MtiNYON. For sale by all druggists. Price, 23c. OB THE LADlCs AND THEIR ES- corts Thursday afternoon 3 to 7 o'clock will be Ladies Day at the -Carolina Bowling Alky. No gentle men during theBe hours escept those attending a lady. Perfect order al ways. 8. R. Carrow, Manager. FEW MORE SHORT HAND STU- dents wanted Competent teacher in stenography will teach Pernin sys tem. Pupils fitted for good position in from four to six months. Apply to Miss Nora Huddleston, Patterson House. tf. WORD TO THE PUBLIC I WISH to say while I am the Fish and Oys ter King, I am the Clam King. A fine lot of Oyster's and Clams just received. Phone 142. J. B. WAT SON, The Fish, Oyster and Clam I King. May Enter Gubernatorial Huce. Richmond, Va., Mar. 17. Former Senator Henry A. Atkinson last night announced that he Is considering a upos'.iion to be a candidate for gov- rnor of Virginia against Judge Mann and Harry Tucker. The judge said he had been approached and had the mat ter under consideration. Patrick Mills Dead at CiimlH-rlaud. Cumberland, Md., Mar. 17. Patrick Mills, aged 78, former prominent Dem ocrat, was found dead in bed today. At the time the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal was opened to Cumberland he was-a boat captain. He served four years in the Union Army, and later was chief of police under the late Mayor Withers. The Piano With The Sweet Tone' "IT'S A FAR CRY" TO 1842 Most people born in 1842 don't feel as vigorous as of 30 years of age, and they have seen their best days, but During all these years the Stieff Piano business has been growing larger and larger, more and more active, and is now just in its prime. It's a proud record too. Our country has been through many trying times, and failures have been almost numberless, but the Stieff Piano business has had no Interruption in its steady growth. The secret of it Is making the best Instruments and selling them at one small profit direct to the people, with satisfaction or money back every time. Write for full particulars to its' .ft rv . M L C Steele, Mgr., 114 Granby Sfreet Norfolk, Ta, Mention ihl Paper. Official Piaao JaaiesowB Eipositio PUREWHlSKffl j Guaranteed Under the Nation- al Pare Food and thugs Act. Helvale Bye Whiskey, S yrs om our mi run quarts. Express prepaid r. Sees Sherwood' Pure Rye Whls- , s rra oia; rour (4) . .tun iiumriM. .. jpxpreas pre- paid Vson's Club Whiskey: Pour . full quarts. , Express pre paid Every drop ef Tyson's Club . Whiskey auaranteed to be pure ah4 better than ; . ; whiskey sold - by , other house for Tyson's Norfolk "Itye Whls- ny; four (4) Tun quarts. . This brand uM to any 1 -iS-59 on th a markvb Ex. press prepaid .....i,,.,,S3.Ttt Tyson's 1C o n o f r e m Rye wnisaay: Four ) lull - . quarts. Express prspftid. -SI. Be Tyson's Exposition ;: Rye - wnisaey. per. aai on. ex- prrss prspald .t.,tv.,.,.. Tysen's Pare Gin. per gallon exprnse prepaia Tyson's Pere'-'N;- C -;Oorn vvnijKsy, par esiiaa, sm pres prepaid ........... Tyson's "Old Grandfather" corn' wnisKsy; . . - run " quarts, exprnas prepaid... SS.ee Oneds- shlDoed same day . as or.iur raoelvei),--, We - make fiood Ml .louses and breakage, but we i, not pay express eharce on irnytlilnr- lass than i a - gallon, .Write for our big . price. Hat. Address, - ' - ( , AIXuu'uuX . t!CnLLT'C CO. - Tf. 3. Tyson, Jrn " , . ; ll-tt Brewer St, Horfolk, Ts. I To fed strong, bare (ood. appetite, and. digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy lite, tfse Burdock Blood -Bitters, the great system tonic and builder.' , CAROLINA PAPER rULP COMPANY. ; .The recent organisation o' the Car olina, Paper Pulp Company, of this city, tinder local management com posed -of nu well known for their business integrity and honesty is an event of great moment to our town and" is being favorably discussed by this leading business men of the city, some of whom have recently subscribed-Tor the stock. -. This Company owns very valuable assets in the way of constructed build ings, machinery and large timber hold ings and in a short period bids fair to prove a paytng investment far be yond the txpectatlon of Its most san guine supporters. The fact that the company has received Several offers from foreign capitalists to take ove (he plant proves it to be a most de sirable investment. The demand for pulp is far in excess of the possible supply and it is man ufactured at a large profit. Northern mills are buying this pulp timber in New Bern for shipment to their plants, at a high rate of freight, where it is manufactured into finished products and reshipped to the trade here and elsewhere .having to pay freight in each direction, whereas the cost of manufacture here will be much less I and the profits greater. j The paper pulp mill at Canton, near Asheville, which is owned by the Champion Paper Company, of Day ton, O., has been in operation only about a year and Is reported to be making immense profits and paying dividends that seem almost increda ble. Mills at Roanoke Rapids, N. C, and Hartsville, S. C, as well as at other places in the South are paying handsome dividends to their stock- holders. This company only requires a few-1 thousand dollars for operating capital i and desires to sell sufficient stock tor that purpose, after which time the stock will be worth twice its present value, therefore it would be advisable to subscribe for the stock at once he- fore the price is advanced. If you have money lying idle, or invested in low interest bringing bonds or stocks, I would recommend j your placing the same in this Indus- try, first because it is going to be a paying investment, and secondly, be cause it will give employment lo a , large number of hands, and will cir- culate money in the town, which is i just exactly what everyone claims is I needed here to make the place grow and become a factor in the coninier- cial world, like Kinston, Goldsboro, Charlotte, Greensboro, etc. Opportunities of this kind seldom present themselves to the public be cause industries of so profitable a nature are generally owned by a few nersons. The money you Invest in this profitable industry will be judi-1 ciously applied where It will yield the largest returns. i The undersigned will be pleased to j call and explain the proposition as above outlined to anyone who may be interested and will appreciate the courtesy of subscriptions tor the stock being made through his agency. Reference as to management of this Company is mede by permission to the Nalional Bank, Peoples Bank and the New Bern Banking and Trust Com - pany. W. U. BUIU, Ageiu. 1 Room 305 Elks Temple Phone 400 If you have any work to to be done phone us :: New Bern Iron Works' Machinists, Founders, ' Boiler Makers & Black- 1 smiths :: :: :: :: :: Phone 179 pss don't ! I J lose vmlA. TIME i 1 ZZ I H T 1 1 f r The very, best advertisement of our Tooth Brushes is to sell one to a cus .tomer. When we sell one we can expect customer's continued Tooth Brush trade, at least. - ' . Proper shapes, ri'fht sizes, fine bristles that stay:;firi- these are . some of the -virtues that belong to our Tooth Brushes. They, are the kind you want. We have a Tooth Brush that will suit you from the ground up. It is easily O C . 'Worth 35c We sell it for LDC. BRAQHAM DRUG CO. ,.; Corner of Pollock ' 3: . .WaOaeeCKinei, y'i. By Wire to The. 8un.'- " & -Wallace, Idaho, Maf. IS. Three mee-1 Vere killed In an explosion ot 26,000 pounds of ultra-glycerine and five tons of giant powder, in the Plane Cover;1' Daltne Powder- Works today, and ad joining buildings wer badly wrecked. For HEADACHE Bicks' CAFUDIKK . Whether fPom Golds, Stomach, or . Nervous Troubles, Capudine will re lieve you. Itls . liquid pleasant to take acts immediately. Try It, 10c 25c, and 50c. at drug stores. LR. JOEL WHITAKER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat SPECIAIST Of Raleigh. , : Will be in New Bern, Saturday March ! 20th, at Dr. N. M. Gibbs' office. Elks j Temple, between the hours of 9:30 a. I m. and 6 p. m. ! Hereafter he will make regular ' visits to this city every four weeks. Steamer Carolina Will leave every Mtnday and Thurs day at 19 a. m. lar Vaaceboro, from foot ot Craven Street Freight- received every day. H. A. U POTTER, Jr.. Telephone 164. Agent To The Public I wish to no-if; the Public that Thos. Kittrell is not in my employment but I "have an experienced white man ami a practical Horso Sheer. I ?m In bet ter position ta serve fae Public now than ever befcre. Horses clipped, also latisfcction guaranteed. Horses crjled for ind delivered promptly. Respectfullj, Diamond Horse Shoe Shop FRED . S OTT, PROP. Phone 42. Next to Scott's Stables ICE Made from pure du lled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO., 19-2 -23 Griffith Street, , j tsj , gj hon 23 W-Sn. Sen. J. W. WILLIS, Pres. J. W. WILLIS, JR, Vlce-Prcs. M. L. WILLIS, Secty. Logout Bay Club House 1 i 1 '. ff J J 1 f j Established and equipped for i the accommodation and pleasure of sportsmen on the famous .a Lookout Bay Game Preserve for 1 wild fowl. Located ten miles J east of Morehead City, N. C T Reasonable terms. f Morehead City, X. C. -Sw-Sn -esn. JUST RECEIVED AT J. G. WILLIAMS A new assortmen of J Heinz Pickles. Pre serves and condiments. All fancy and staple groceries equally fresh, GIVE ME A CALL.. Phone 25 48 Middle St andHiddle "Streets i 'i.v: 4 i 1 TV. I