) 5un IED PAILT, oscspt Sunday. j BenPuLtulmx Caspar. OFTICKd AND PLANT: " K. Ct Crave Street, ' ' OWII ft. BUSS, - XaMsbqt Zdltor. suisouraoi rjucx, Week ....V... JO bree Months .................. Lit Months S.M a Tim, ..., 1.00 . !ness Office 5a. m e.torlal ft ' elfos 4U En tared at the poat anna In New I em; N- (X, as sacoad claa mail tetter.; . WEDNESDAY,. .Marek 1, 1909. n since New Bern- began , the street paving agitation, lota of cities in the State hare started. ;; It might be that some fellow wanted something In -Oklahoma and started a row With the poor old Indians. All of the northern papers announce that Springfield, Ohio, is "dry." So are soma of the cities in North Carolina. Wilmington for example.' : According to reports Uncle John D. . Rockefeller is using his energy in the House, feeling of course there is nothing to be done In the Senate. CLE AXING SEASON. To those who are not aware, we wsh to give notice that the season . for house-cleaning it at hand. Unconcerned man, married man, ? single man, young man, old man, and all manner of man) the ladies are go ing to have their say and there is going to be a house-cleaning sure ,. enough, for the season is at hand. This is the season of the year in ! r. which the lady may not, if she pleases, claim her privilege; but the latter end of May is generally the limit of the season fixed for the purpose. The at tentive husband may Judge, by certain prognostics, when the storm is at hand. If the lady of the house grows uncommonly fretful, finds fault with the servants; is discontented with the - children, and complains much of the - dirtiness ;of everything , about her. these are Symptoms which ought not , to be neglected, yet they sometimes go ' off without any further effect. - .But, ft, when the husband arises in -'the morning, he should observe in the yard wheel-barrow with a quan tity of lime In lt or Bhould see certain buckets filled with a solution of lime . .-: in water, there is no time for hesitation He should immediately lock up the , apartment or .closet where his papers f and private property are kept, and,, putting the key in his pocket, betakes' "y himself to flight. A husband, how - .' ever beloved, becomes a perfect nui a! sance during this season of female rage. His authority is superseded, his commission suspended, and "the very '--scullion who cleans the fHver in the ,. ,.' kitchen becomes ol Wore importance ; than ha, '. When the husband is gone, the cere : mony "begins. The walls are stripped 1 of their-furniture paintings, prints, and looking-glasses lie huddled in 1 heaps about the floors; the curtains are torn from their testers, the beds :' crammed Into windows; chairs and , tables, bedsteads and cradles, crowd the yard, and the garden fence bends ' V -beneath the weight of carpets, blan- kets, cloth cloaks, old coats, under ' petticoats and ragged breeches. Here v may be seen the lumber of the kit chen,' forming a dark and confused " mass for the foreground of tbe pic ture; grid-irons .and frying pans, rusty shovels and broken tongs, Joint , stools and the. fractured remains of ' rush-bottom chalrs. There" the closet ha disgorged; Itself riveted plates and dishes, halve of chins bowls and cracked ' tumblers, broken -; wtor' glas sea; phials of forgotten phyilc papers ot unknown powders, seeds and dried, herbs, tops of tea-pots, and stoppers! of departed decanters from the tag-j bole in the garret,tc-the rat-hole in ' cellar, 'no place escapes unrom-' iiinged..": It will seem that the day of general- doom has come, and ntenslls irf the bouse frere dragged forth to j ' ''nent.".&t'.;?, n the house to thoroughly erac ' i J.h ceremony . completed, ! "Mon Is' to -smear' the . . " "h brushes dipped ,. Into ft s .... "'' r'"a3hj ' ; buckts'of r i I over f v - Hr t"r; t..id ti.. i i . . all the i'nd wainoccits with hard . charged with solft-soap and i. iters' sand. Ths windows by iiioans escape the general deluge, luese smearing and .;' scfatchings, t. -! washings .and dashing, being duly performed.' the next 'ceremonial !; to cleanse and replace the distract ed furniture. ; To may have seen a honse-rtlslng or ft ship launched re collect, if yon can, the hurry; bustle, f' fusion and noise of such jk scene, x 1 you will have some 'Ides of this : ansliig match.- It matters not how ny useful, ornamental, or valuable b Tor mut!la(lon under the A ' r.rany chair and a j t' name dlticlp 4 to be tnads clean at !! Sour Stomach 1 bm CuNriM ud MllkttnirMit. tfcw Veea n(uu fre yp t eoar etonaats. for lut two yean. 1 b been Wkluc madl im ud other ttrua, oaM find svo relief oiy for short IIm. IwtU reeoin.uen4 CMeuto to Jovr atonae. and lo keep the voU IJ M Ul OBIJ NtlBg lOr IMIIMIKIB H TlMut. PatsMsM, Potent. Taste SeoS. BoOee. Sever Sicken, Weeken or eriix, lie. ate, Me. Sever SM la bulk. Tbe (enolii tablet ilemlei CCD. oamsteed lo eure or vonr Boner book. . BtsrUog Remedy Co. , Chlcso or S. Y. Mo IXIUALSALE, TEN MILLION BOXES cellar, in the earden. in the woodshed and every conceivable place where there Is : anything to be found not suitable to remain during such a sea son, is raked out, placed in the trash barrela and placed where it will be Immediately taken away and destroy ed. 1 Such . was the good old way and most any day may convince alt that these have again come to pass. . Meeting ei KxeentlTe Committee.. ; At ft regular- called meeting of the City Democratic Executive Committee the following business was transact ed. It was moved and carried that the Primary . Election for the nomi nations of Mayor, Chief of Police, Tax Collector, City Clerk and two (2) Al dermen frcm each of the six (6) wards shall be held on Wednesday, the 14th of April, 1909, and that the polls be opened at 6 a. m., and be closed at 7 p. m., at the following places: First Ward. City Hall Managers: R. R. Hill Fernie Oaskill, James B. Hill. Second Ward. At Court House Managers: E. J. Clark, Fred Scott, W. K. Baxter. '.Third Ward. At Scott's Stables Managers : C. W. Bell, M .N. Hooker, Capt. G. Wallace. Fourth Ward. At Harget's Shop on Pollock St. Managers: J. E. Oaskill, Win. Parris, Ed McLachlan. Fifth Ward. At McCarthy's Managers: E. L. Smith, C. T. Hancock, H. D. Smith. Sixth Ward. At Reel House, George St. Manag ers: A. J. Gasklns, E. H. Henderson, J. R. Merritt. It was on motion carried that the rules ot the last City Primary be adopted for this. It was moved and carried tbat the candidates for the several offices shall pay to the chairman of the committee (10) days before the date of the elec tion (or on or before the 3rd day of April), when the lists shall be closed: Candidates for Mayor, each. . . . 110.00 Candidates for Chief of Police. . 10.00 Candidates for tax collector,.... 10.00 Candidates for City Clerk 10.00 Candidates for Aldermen 1.00 A resolution was carried that any person who voted the State or County Republican ticket, at the last General election, shall not be permitted to vote in this Democratic Primary, and the managers of the several wards are so instructed not to allow them to vote. It was moved and carried that in each ward all candidates for aldermen of that ward be placed on one ticket (where more than two are running) and the chairman of this committee shall four (4) days before election publish a full and true copy of all the candidates who have paid for the several offices, and explain the man ner of voting for the aldermen. Moved and carried that the commit tee take a recess subject to the call of. the chairman. T. F. MCCARTHY, Chairman. J. JBAXTER, Secty. POISON "'ccr, SOuItSMu, i rREB. 'For twenty-five yeoro Botanlfe Blood Maw Peeele SaSa bea Ma P.loea a aat kua It, H4 rauetaaas. Kaally aareft ar m. ft. B. Balm B. B. B.) baa boon caring yearly thousand el nUerara frxn Primary. Seooadarv or Tartlarr Blood Paiaon ana all forma ot Blood Disease. W. eollclt the moat obattnat caaaa for B. 8. B. cures waare all alaa falla. If vou have exhausted th aid methoda of treatment end (till hava aohos and palna In Donoa. fcacK or Joints, KJieu- wmott Duaiara or opei n. Itch In il bumors, Klslnus or Dimples IslnKS or blmblea of Kcioioa ail iora aiiar Killing r ol 'oo and puntylng na blood wltli a. B. in Uiia way a aoa of aura rirh blood la seat direst to) taa akla urfaca, the Itchlna atope forever and evary humor or sora- ls hesUed and ourea. BOTAWIO BLOOD BAM in. SL SL ' to pleasant and aafa to take; com posed of pare Botanle lnrredianta. It parlrlea and anricbea tha blood, matlsm. Mucus Patobas in mouth, fore Throat, Pimples, Cop par-Colored Bpote, tilers en aay part of tbe body, Eating aoros are ran down or nervous, Hair or &ybrow fall Ins; out, take B. B. B. It kill; tl.a pr,ln. makes-the blood pure and rit'h, li.Hiiua every sore and onmpletelr nhanttw the entire body. Into clean. h.mi aonditioo. Cavea Eeaesaa. C a BRADHAJT8 Drag Store, U i Urge fettle with directions for tou r enra, . : -.'' . s- 1 Free EloodCur Coupon This coupon (cut from' Tha New Brn N. C. Hun, Is (or One larsie sample of Botan It Blood Halm niHiiod free In plHlo packsKoa. rtin.ply nil 1,t your name and adnreNs on 1 Imis b,!"W and mml to lAjwij bAi.lt CO., Atlanta, Ga. The'' Washington Herald plu.. say thai Uncle Jo Cannon's wing have been clipped.' This la "our- Brat knowledge that he aver s ha4 ' any Everybody should get op early mornings and watch for that pros perity to follow Mr. Taft s election. The United States, steel report yester day showed quite a decided decrease, i As planting time is almost 'here, The Reflector wants to nrga the. tarnt ! ers of Pitt county to put In a large : corn acreage. It would be astonish in K to know how much money goes out of the county every year, for cort, when the farmers ought to have cora to sell instead of being buyers. Greenville Reflector. In what form la tte corn' ""'"red to by The Reflector? Maybe it is the kind of corn that cant be bought in this State. We wifl ihio Vou Fnsk Beer six dozen crates and 1 6 dozen barrels. You buy direct from Brewers wircu,you oraer irom ur nence Orders filled day received. F. O. or express money order. BEERS. 4iot. 6,0,. 0 do.. Bronco Export, $3.60 $5.40 $9.00 Virginia Pale. 3.60 5.40 9.00 EirMarJon, 3.60 5.40 9.00 Tneee Been m aade at tbe Censsmm Bttatni (ceolroU by at) sad sic ebeolufer pure end oumbiio.-prooc of die Sou to. leedma Brew.-aade fc-omtbo ba Hopt. Baray and Malt Erpres Charges Prepaid Famfly Cm Whitley, , . . Special Com Whukej, ... . . Comfort Rye, . r . , . Manor 100 Proof Rye, . . . fcmmrsKye, .... $1.50 per gal., ezpreu collect. MitaonCom, , $1.50 per gd., opreai collect. l 8CND ALL ORDERS DIRECT TO. . J.6E.iiAM0iEY PORToMOUTH.VA. 1 The Prompt Mail-Order House. Let us ship you some of our fine old whiskies and prove"" to you their superior flavor and rare mellowness. ' Our "Lightning Express Service" will please you If yon want ' ' what you want when you want it,'" ; . '; -.- -V4i Here are a few choice brands: - , Per-dallon, f -'w'-r---' t-'iftar Gallon. v2 Kentucky Queertv....; $2 50 Old Homestead 2 26 Newco. 2 00 Stonewall 1 n , Petersburg Club. . . ... 1 60 old Reserve Corn Whls- : key ............... 2 60 Old North Carolina Corn 2 00 Old North State Corn t 90 All our goods guaranteed tinder the National Pn Food Law. Remit Registered-Letter, Post-Offloe, or Bzpress Money Order.- Complete price list 'urn request . 5 . , " The Newcomb Co., Petersburg. Ve. Watch (or our Special Offer. ILet rtf'-5il-V; 1-1.1 lCmX " 1 , JL - Us f 3 ' great favorite old and mellow. IV. . -i . We are also making We will prepay aU Vxnr"-. enwaes'on' thM"7 'J ..7 ." CASE GOODS I Per Ot ,,....4. S)'.. ...... M IM... ...,... l.lHt. , . t.tMI.,, . . S.H. . . " l.il. .. I baa 1 : . .' ......... l.i.V., CheaterSrld ,, Hoae Vallr .,,. Old Hrarr ...... Jr-tlrrmum f;lafc .', Meonlra Malt '. ... Ixtnr'a Malt. ..... ' .-ho anrins:s -, , 4 In Nuart... e arrr tt All onr g. ' Pomii y 'ages iniiniMi 1 - T"l - ' UAIA KT.NXOYS DYSPEPSIA BEMEDI arts elaoet Immediately ea the Gastric ice and elves the stonuch tone and strength to digest almost everything tb( ass hoen J pot Into It It soothes sore ana Irritsted stooaschs that have been ImDSlred by physic and Injurious drag. We cannot too urgently advise sH persona who suffer from any of the following jiTmptoma to try this remedy: Distress after eating, bloating of the stomach. Biting of 4he food. Watarbrssa, Boar Stomach, Heart, bum,' Loss of Appetite,' Constipation, Dlaalnees, Falntoeas, Palpitation of the heart. Shortness ot breath, and all affec tions of tha heart caused by udigestloai We want every discouraged and desj desiton- dent- sufferer in Dyspepsia or Indiges tion to cast aside all other medicine and give this remedy a trial. It It fails to give satisfaction 1 Will 'Our m ney. !v NYON. For sale' by all druggists. Price, 25c Direei frnm Rrownv in fmn anrl the best quality at lowest price. Remit with order ; registered letter, F. O. B. Portsmouth. TEMPERANCE BEVERAGES. 4oW6dot, iOoV.' Rhembfau, $3.60 $5.40 $9,00 Seaside, 3.60 5.40 9.00 Thess two taspaaste Deveregee' ere bight ' A ret. a! 25 c. sg bonks nairuid. on Following Whiskies: . 4 qti, $4.00, 12 qn., 1 1.00 . 4qU.. 3.00, 12 qto, 8.50 . 4 qt, 3.00, 12 qu, 8.50 , 4 qta, 5.00. 12 qta., 13.50 , ' Sherwood 10 years old MM U Sherwood- years old 9 00 , iMellwood V... . .. .ViV. ; 8 50 hi .' Old Southampton Apple ; Bramry 00 ' Appl Brandy XXX.. V .3 001 4 Apple Brandy X v 2 00 -:, Apricot Brandy........ 2 0Q t' ; ' ' . . Fiur;:aiN viuckev Its rare quality must be tried to be wc el U. S-i as "Hill ARB A FFW OF Ol it SI'ECIAt.TIESl 4ta, Kx. Pel. Cabinet XX Hre Whiskey Private Sionk Rye Whiskey o!ar lper Rye Whlakey . . N. . tra Wklakey ; it vmt (era Walakay K.'i mlnle liye Haliiker . .. Ckmieri-ld V hlakey ....... "nd (.la . i (..-I.,. a XXXX la ...... f Mra. It F. Morris, otDurham, N. C after pleasant "rislt in the city, the guest of her ' daughter -Jurt WF. Richardson, left this morning, return ing hosm,', '-";''4';'V -j j;1..',."; Mr. and Mrs. C W. Munger left yes terday for Camden, N. J., ia itttend the funeral of Mr. Ilunger, brother, who died- yesterday in. that ctty "i ' Miss Martha Allen, of Klnstoa, spent yesterday and last evening In tbe city, the guest of her brother. M. H. Allen She left this morning; returning home. ' Mrs. Worth Hanks, of Raleigh, who has been visiting in New Bern for ft few days, a guest at the home of Mrs. Sarah E. Hanks, No. B0 George St., left, this morning, returning home. . , Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Kellunu of Bay boro. Pamlico 'county, passed through Mew, Bern this morning -enroute to Wilson to visit, - , ' Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Neuher, ot Dion, N. who have been visiting In the c.y ior a coupia of weeks, gttests of Mrs. Neuner's alster, Mrs. Theresa Swert, on Broad street, left this morn ing, returning home.'" ' ' ' - SesMaikct: Bine Blbbeit When ordering Vanilla or Lemon ex tract, always specify Blue Ribbon. It's different from the ordinary kind. aalGIg.. . Made from pure di. tilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith Street, Ohon l JUST. RECEIVED AT . G. WILLIAMS A new assortmen of H.J. Heinz Pickles, Pre serves and condiments. . All fancy and staple groceries equally fresh, GIVE ME A CALL. V Phone 25 V 48 Middle St PlMWHISKVESl Cwtradteei Under At Nation Food and DrugsAct, -Me,!v', Bre "Whlakey, g yrs , old; Four ft) full quarta. s v Express prepaid .... . . ... Sherwood Pure Rye Whla... key, I years old; Pour (4) , full quarts. Express pre- '- fi paia ....... , ga,e vVsnn'aClub Whiskey; Four - - .. iwim. nixpress ore i paid ..........,.,,..,,., BrW ;?rP Tyson's Club Whiskey guaranteed to ba '".-Eir,1l n .better than whiskey sold by other houses for ryaons Norfolk Rye Whls key; Four ft) full quarts. This b;and equal- to any . 8.60 on the market. Ex press prepaid ........... .SS.7 Tjon's Monogram Rye . .. Whlskeyr Four (i) full quarts.. Express prepaid.. I2JS Tyson's Rxposltion Rye Whiskey, per gallon,, ex-,' prrsa prepaid .. . ....... .gut lyson s rura uin. per gallon express prepaid. . . . . . .i T5roniVPu'e N. CL Corn Whljkey, per gallon , press prepaid .......... .,i TyXm !S!d OrandfatHer" Cora Whiskey; ' 4 full ' r quarts, express . prepaid.. . ftfte " Goods shipped same day - a ofder received. We make good all losses and breakes-e, but we do not pay express charges on anything hoes than , a saJlon. WrlU tor. our big prloa Ust Address,. ALBEMARLE DISTILLI?JG CO. : ; ' i. Tysea, Jr.' ; M-H Brewer St.- Herfolk, T. BBaBsaeBt1 Sfmto&!r5&&?!&& 1 appreciated. Pan FaU dnaHalus VaA .WhtokeY tot W.4S. Per Ci .. i I. S.Alt a.o S.IHI .SUV, Sl.TR, S3.00 . .ti.en, ii.TS 21 In 1 C Tbe Klad 5"oit Have Always .m use ror over SO years - All Counterfeits, Imitation and " Jtut-eis-srood " are but ; Experiment that trifle With and endanger the health of , Inlanta and ChadroivvEserienoe against Experlmentv1 What lb CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless snbstitate for Castor Ofl, Vwt',, r :" tjroric, Drops and Soothing; Syrups. -Tit 18 Pleasant. Is :?. ; contains neither Opium Morphine nor otter, Narootlo AA i Bubatance, Its age is its STttftrantee. It lestmryf Worms) c ' ' and allays FererlshnesSe - It cores Diarrhoea and Wind " :, . .. Colic It relieves Teethin Troables cures Constipation' i and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food wgolates the , fitomach and Bowels giving; healthy and luUiirai steeps) ' ' . Xh Children's Pajucea The Mother's Friend'. ',.-v,: .-- -"r'.H : ;ceisuime CASTORIl 7 Sean the The Kind You Hate AIidpBout fn. Use For Over.130 YearSaf . . vna asariMa t, wussarslssit.asaVassawv. ' '-': Fire Insurance New Bern BiiOding&Loan: Assii. . - - .. . " : a. T; jf : .,.. . - ... ..'. vi ,. . .n (NEXT SEEKS OPENS IPSO. 1ST.) IH sell your property, or boy you k home or invest your money safely Jv. -if you will let me. A client's Interest Is out t first oof eideration. - Also :i ;.v sUl Fire, Accident and Livestock Insuranco. Satisfactloo absolutely guar- W. G. -,. ' Vt- Elks Temple. --'''&&&:&itr -t't-ri''' "':t"' ,M', SeedlVvdatM and JMMM Fertilizers & : We make a Speoialty ot Cotton Seed .Meal Guano, which properly -"mixed with other amrjioniates. and best' quality of Add Phosphate, and Potash, is considered the best Fertfliaer that can be used for the " lands and crops it Eastern North" : Falllsers are: ';...',' vawsfJiji UUAJIV, B-S-B; '4:;': '' .4? ''i''.-'V'---i . Onslow Farmers BeUaso 8-8-1.84r-fefe!Y vt ! i-nft'.vxf':t,;S; FOI'S HIGH 6BAOK FEB11IZEB, 844 - ; -V ; It Irlsft Pet Gaase, .6.7 -:'.' K- 'K-- - i-sf ;iVwmfr Stsaiftri Xrask wi,'i.M: i:-::K,Iftolr''BrlgBt Leaf TobftcciGrwer,' WWv-A.?.' ' wem Coanty StnoArFertfllsr, o8j , ; sTeaes Ceanty PremlsBi Xrp drawer si44i?';:. r Pitta ProUfle Golde Tohace Grewer, 8-t-I) "Z-i'-Fy ' y0-rwmam -iectn xop Dresser t10.B-14 UW Wt Carteret Ben and Petash nd Potash: ! Grower W iC-.9 Oriole Tobaece These Brands Haw Becomo Very Popular With The Far katC;r . Their Use Incraasa-Tfe)srly.5 . We have ft'Urse list of testimonials from Satisfied. Fanner who 1 1 have Used our Fertilisers and will use no others. Several farmers havo -raised over 100 barrels of .Prime Potatoes from our Irish Potato Gua no, and tobacoo grown from our Lenoir Bright Leaf Tobacco Grower. . " has sold for 1.00 per pound. " . , v- r .X- ; If you bave not use4 our Fertilizer, you should insist upon your : dealer furnishing It to you this season. f ''-". . r -" . , Kecpc 'y tlie let of v.r ':,s oa hanJ, 'u t to be i"" J as a Leverage or f )r m J' ! f Cheap w'l" ' y is vcy ' - 3 and iiij'irlJ.s to t!.e i. C precau'ion is t..!n in t! -,!' V,1 : ' "i an J are i'l I - - ' 1 1 t. li m Bonglit, and which lias been bas borne the Bigiature of , ' and bas been made under hi per Sftnal eniiAMlclA Clnu ten Sn.nM '' evnm Dwyv. .vmw buiw ,w uueuui AQow no one to deceive von in this.' 1 i"iVfi'Jer-.:-i..-C". v''-'" Signature of v'.ii i;''. Real Estate: BOB,; MEMBEB HAMBEB OF C0M3IEECE - - V''in " sp.i 1'";. ',,";vv'ii,'.f , Cftrollna, Some of our "brands of 1W.8 1M.S, s 7 l' , " " 'i . - 4,.,: .ljaaJbot'.Ilrj f . . r s r ti t....cr i3 S....JA.. f (.'to In t' o l,'ni;;e Is j v 1 1 1 k li. ' t.i Ce J f ! " i'- . i vi f't name of trouUi,-i j If in. v. 1