i illll IjU.I, llu.l i,. i.. C, THE MAI BAlKL'G SERVICE TTiere Is more in "PeopVee Bank Service" thah slm- ply a safe, plac to deposit yoor ooey where it la available whenever 70m need K. There la coerteoos at tention siren to yoor vasts at all times. There la a personal Interest taken ta roar welfare, by mea wnose . vide business and banking experience enables them to know just v hat . kind ot a.aervfea' this (arming commoitfty needs, -v -V'. v. " " In addition to paying 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts of 11-00 or mora, tbia bank receives deposits subject to check in any amount aa d issues Time Cer tificates bearing 4 per cent per annum. illllllllillllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH I YOUR OCCUUST PRESCRIPTION FOB Spectacles and Eye Glasses We will fill for you without the customary waiting for It to be sent out of town and guarantee it subject to his approval. : : : : : Or Still Better We will test your eyes and grind the glasses to suit. 5 15 5 J. O. BAXTER Optometrist and Mfg. Optician A Good Clothes Opportunity. YOU'LL neverjjknow what's possible in Clothes until you've seen Kuppenheimers Perhaps you're one of the men whe j doubt that a suit can be madeTto fit without being made toJorder.This is a belief that mostmen hold until they know "Kuppenkeimer Clothes" Not only has fit been achieved in this famous make, but individ uality as welL r. You'll find an inspection of our stock, in itself, a real pleasure. MENS' SUITS $7.50 to $30.00 S. COPLON & SON JAS. A. BRIAN, President 6. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. J0H5 DClffl, Tlee-PretHeml! W. W. GRIFFIN, AssVCasaler. The National Bank OF NEW BERNE, N. C CAPITAL - $100,000 Surplus & UnMPrc 108,241 Resources - - 682,195 A BANK whose resources, equipment; ' and long experience ehable it to exce4l the best possible service to any iiiffivid, firm or corporation : 4 Per. Cent Interest Paid.on Savings f - Deposits. .. - , II : SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KlNI. . ;"Jola the Chamber af Commerce and kelp beett ITew Ben. v ' j SO A BARGAIN IffiliU FOIHOIIGSY BIOBHIS r -Glgantlo mo-vwraent of miprmne) lmporlauncor A v -1 - ' Framing Heart or sap, rough er dressed, v. i v i . Sicunsr-sstraignt, Devei or ueiman. All trades Flooring ; ceilinir. partition. 1 ' Mouldimr and interior trim Shingles. - V 1 wood, galvanized and tin . r.nufacture In Our V00dw0rIdn3 Dept SASII and DOOr-Turned work 01 every 1 ' - - do-cr: 'Ion. Ssrt ttm tf fefntrt fmlinfftl kb st9 fjsff matter toraeaat tor IfcrtH Ca.- ttaa talr tonight aa Thaiaday wHh sot aiaok chaaia la the taatparatare aad al variabie vfada. . .? Geraral ot the local todcea are ak lot preparatioaa (or their aaanal orial sxerdses which. bs heM dor ia the aext two aoootha, t;( ; The tanmra throashoat Cravea aad tvaral adjtriainx coaotiea aar they are iwdly &a aaed ot aooe rala tor the adtaaoameat ot their eropa. The eWea also seed a little sprinkle- to lay the aost The towns caa get alone yery well tor a tew aaore taya, hot these poor bard working tillers ot the sofl are suffering tor the want ot the much aeeded rain. A stoat pitiful algfct was wHaeaaed just betbre noon today by The Sun re porter while passing down Middle St, just aa he got la front ot the Treat Hotel, he saw a poor old horse hooked to a dray tall to. the brick pavement and from weakness could not regain his feet, until he was virtually raised I ap by human beings. The ajrimal is so poor in flesh he is hardly able to haul the dray much lass a load ot mer chandise, or goods ot any description. The Epworta League will hold Its regular devotional meeting in the Lea gue rooms this (Wednesday evening) at eight o'clock. Immediately after this meeting a Bhort business sesion win be held. The League member are earnestly requested to be present The last meeting of the Womane Club ot this year will be held at the residence of Mrs. J. T. Hollister tomor row afternoon at 5 o'clock. The Presi dents and the Secretary's report will be read for the year. Mrs. M. M. Marks, Secretary. fThe managers of , the Victoria Thea tre are preparing to give their patrons more comfort during the hot summer nights. X force of carpenters are to day at work placing six ventilators in the root of the building. This is a great improvement to the play house and will ad much to the pleasure and comfort ot those who attend the shows The following time was made at noon today in the quick steaming con test at Charlotte, Atlantic engine of New Bera 2 minutes SS 3-5 seconds. the Charlotte engine C minutes 3? sec onds. Mr. J. S. Hudson a wholesale and retail grocer at the market dock made a general assignment today, naming Mr. Mark Dlsosway as trustee. tkP' - -' 0UNG Hen who are first hA J l:;:j:. :mthe field v.hcn it comes yf-r K T ' to clothes 'should see the i 1M II x ATM II . -l .M-ff-Uf.-- ' ii i ' nin v i1" i j t- mm New Summer Styles by ' 7v.-i Quur large siock oners you a A 1V1VJ.' f9vlV vJLvXA ULllO QtCikJVil i V- " I - , ever before. , Youllfind the -W - pattern you want among them, C : grays, tans and browns a lot i y of imported fabrics and - you 1 Ii IrnTTr Trrrt miemnfan etrla en1 perfect fit aA ,1, Now is the time to make :. your selections; come in, .we'll be glad to show you all the new models and patterns; , CJorrect colors', and styles in Shirsts and Neckwear. Right shapes in Low Shoes, , in every leather,' $3.50 to $6.00: Straw Hats, many - ew shapes $1.50 to $5.00. . .. The morning session ot Craven county Civil court was consumed in hearing the case ot Miss Kathrtne Wagner vs Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road Company and the Pullman Car Company, In which the plaintiff is ask ing damage to Angers while on their car, by the tailing ot a window. The plaintiff Is representative by Messrs. J. Leon Williams and IX L. Ward, de fendants by Mesar& Moore and Dunn. A tax assessor and lister tor No. 8th township out aids ot New Bera says ha Is having a great deal ot trouble with the people la the country. TSey claim June was the month to give la their taxes, ao when the lister appears the farmer say's I haven't looked over my Stock yet and aa tact some I have not seen tor months. This greatly In conveniences the lister and assessor. J.GJMJMM deceased succumbed to an attack ot pneumonia he is survived by a wife, one daughter, Mrs. Zeta Palmer, and two sons, Rudolph and William. All of this city. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock and will be conducted bpftlev. J. B. Hurley. Big SUpsMBt of Sagwr The C S. Hollister Co., Is today un loading a car ot sugar (thirty five thousand - pounds) and aonther car of that Pure Gold Flour that give3 such universal satisfaction. Both these cars of goods were bought before the recent advance, and orders piaced with this Arm will share their advan tage, m 18 2t Beat at ILK. Wwr -Dled this morning at t:M o'clock at his lata residence on Oeorge street. Mr .H. H. Dowdy, age 73 Tears. The "The Ate" rozY a VVkl ft Va " Classy, Refined i ; KKW B1RT8 FKIDE j, : Tear JaH chance to bear the Xkses Qaraer and Parker.They areSease 8ia gert" the beet beard la Kew Bern l a le tlma. ':; r ' CHfC- OF FBOGkAM TONIGHT OCR PICTURES ABE AS FOLLOWS THE QUARREL OX THE CLU F De- aeriUac the rivalry at two are then far the heart aad hand a the aaj girl; :;;'- THE BUS CO 6AXE at LIZARD El AD A wester farce ceaedy.V THE EXGIXEECS 8WEET3XAST- See this picture aad aete the cea laaey aad lojalty et the engineer. Sams coaTeyeat bears 8 te 1L Sane K:e prices S. 19 aad ISo, Oar born are new resy for taZWh dials er a "bnx -- "j" i lxt a rw!j TEACHERS POPULARITY CONTEST At yioteria Sammariea to Date. f Miss Liasle Hancock .......... 450 Mias iMarshaH ................358 Misa Meeka 233 Miss Wyatt 16 Misa Basnlght ................... 101 Misa Henrietta Hancock 73 Misa Caho 8 Miss Hendrea V 35 Miss Heath 82 Miss lenklns '22 Miss 8uierell ..............i.v 22 Miss Annie Cfaadwick ........v.. 21 as Hollister i Misa Do ft 14 Mrs Carraway ............. ... 10 Mrs Howard 10 Mies Berry i7 Prof. Cox t Misa Richardsoa Miss Ferebea ................... 4 Misa McCleese ...... f 8 Miss Mann Chadwtok 3 Prof. IRock .:.....".a...v....vrJ Miss LSsaie flanlf ..-.. .'i- l Please -write mama la tulL-V -! AT THE "V VKHBIA7! i TONIGHT REAL TAUDETHXE TOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE - RALPH 8EABURT, Cartoenlst and stngmy Caanedlaa. ' ,; -. BELLA DCSB Female TentriUqnlst P1CTCKE PROGRAM THE SAXOUBArS EXQIATIOK-- A Japanese l'Um D'orst riujed by tlie .. leading actors from the Royal Tbea tr af Tokle. TUs pit tare shows Cie grefttei strue-jle eter shown on a . acreea., ..!- '.-:': ' r:S SNA!' 3 C? THE CITt rsan-y -V, I '. " T-A f t ( 'r. A MESSAGE TO LADIES TV 7E have put on sale today all our Pattern VV Hats at 1-3 off from the regular price and when you see them you will wondnfif they are not the equal in style and quality . of most hats sold at doqble.'fhe price we are offering them Why not save a few dollars on a Hat, right now in' the height of the season. ' ' - , vemigton &mm, ; HACKBURN BUILDING ' "iola the Chamber af Commerce aad help beast Haw Ben. 1 IT IS QUITE THE PROPER w f A w EATON; It3 C.: -:::L thins for woauta to wear ring on the little finger. This lashloa has come ta stay. As weU as being fuhioaable this realy enhances the beaa ty et the feminine hand. Co me ta and let as fit yonr UtUe finger with, a ring that will how joe why this style Is sa popular. J ' , A Visit to 0:n Yill Co:ivinc2 Yen UI:2re ..to' Br: II ' y-rt "'. irn; :"ts-y: T" ? x r r - - v - w