the sns.'XKtr jsern, x-o, mat, mil, . i - IIOTEL CULI3ERLAIJD mw tobx cm , Broadway at, 6ith Street i A Real Home Luxurious Comforta- V Ablately FirepreoL Hardwood floors throughout, cov ered with enuine Oriental" rugs, is a feature of the Cumberland -which in dicates the character of the entire es tablishment Rare attention to home like details eliminates the usual hotel atmosphere. Yet there is retained all .he charm of hotel life provision for very want immediately at hand. And at prices within the limits of the av erage Income. The Cumberland Is within. A few steps of surface cars, elevat ed and subway. Eight minutes ride of the best shop ping districts. Ten minutes walk of twenty thea res. "Broadway" cars from Grand Central Depot pass the door. Booms with bath, $2.50 per day, up wards Write for booklet today HARRY P. STIMSON, Manager Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a certain Deed of Trust axecuted by S. D. White to George 0. Pendleton, Trustee for the New Bern Banking & Trust Company .bear ing date the 7th day of January, 1909, recorded in Book 54, page 266 of the Register of Deeds office of Jones County, I will offer for eale and will sell to the highest bidder for - cash at the court house door in the town of Trenton, Jones County, on MONDAY, the 5TH DAY of JUNE t 12 o'clock M. the following describ ed property, to-wlt: All that tract of land of 300 acres granted by the State of North Carolina to S. D. White and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Jones County, to which reference is made for full de scription. Also the following described per sonal property, to-wit: All the ma chinery and engines and boilers bought by the parties of the first part from the Eastern Arm & Pin Com pany, said machinery engine and boil ers being situated near the town of Cove, Craven County, and includes an Erie City Engine and a boiler with all its connections, a planing machine imd all attachments thereto belong ing, and all lines, shafts, belting, pul leys, together with all wrenches and tools belonging to the said machinery except that part sold to J. B. Blades Lumber Company. GEORGE B. PENDLETON Trustee. Moore & Dunn, Attys. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Sallie B. Perry, de ceased, late of New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern on or before the 29th day of April, 1312. All persons indebted to said state will please, make Immediate payment, or this notice will be plead Cd In bar of their recovery. WILLIAM E. PERRY, Administrator. This 28 day of April. 1911. Warning to Railroad Hen. E. 8. Bacon, 11 Bast St, Bath He., wends out this warning to railroaders "A conductor on the railroad, ' my -work caused a chronic inftamatlon of the kidneys and I wa miserable and - all played ut, A friend advised Foley Kidney Plus and from thi day I com toenced taking hem, l began to ," r- fill ," , gain my strength. The mflamatlpn . cleared and I am far better than hare - been lor 'twenty years. ? The 7 'weakness and dlisy spells ere Vthlng f&fwt the past and I highly 'recommend '.Atevvrttiey suaneyr riHS-':';;," ;," Yslfcr I j Bredhem Drug Cfc : ,7::V',H. i y. For that . distressed letting attar -0':iaii '" nwals, tak Bloodtne.- It enre Dya- : epsla by strengthening the digestive s organs,, so ttat they are.' capable ot s "llllng their' function. ".:., FEBS01TAU.T C05DCCTED IOCS WEST F0IHT HEW T0B&V TU HORFOLK ASh 9EW TOM CITT l1 T7 k - HO&FOUt SOUTHIRS RAILROAD, old Mxraioff ins, hvbswB BITEB BAT UHE. Lear BcJeigk, Qelasbere, Beaerfort and wrieatal an laterawtiato 6t Uena, Thursday, Jaae 15th, MIL ' , Another attractive personally con ducted tour has been arranged AT the Norfolk Southern Railroad at phe nomenally low rates. The destina tion will be West Point, N. Y-on the Historic Hudson River with five whole days to do New York City, Rates include Pullman, and state room accommodations and all meals enroute to and from New York City and hotel (room only) for 5 days in New York City. From Raleigh $29.86 From Wilson 29.35 From Goldsboro 29.8S From Kinston 29.85 From New Bern 29.85 From Greenville ;. ... 29.35 From Washington 29.35 From Oriental 29.35 From Beaufort 30.60 From Morehead City 30.60 The rates will be less it Pullman accommodations are not required to Norfolk, Va. . The party will be under the chap eronage of Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Dowell and Miss Flora Creech, "Of Raleigh. N. C. A most attractive Itinerary has been arranged includ ing a day at Virginia Beach. The trip from Norfolk to New York will be via the Old Dominion line which sails from Norfolk June 16th. Arrlv- ng New York at 3:00 p. m., June 17( the party will be quartered at the lotf 1 Malborough. 36th St., and Broadway. Monday, June 19th, the party will o to West Point, N. Y. the seat of the United States Military Academy. West Point Is located upon a high bluff overlooking the Hudson River about 50 miles from New York City. The Government has spent countless millions in making the military acad emy the most attractive "War-School-' In the world. It Is needless to elaborate upon the magnificent scenlo beauty along the Hudson River, it is incomparable. Five days in New York will be hardly long enough to see the won ders of the great American metro polisbut much can be seen in that time. The party will leave New York re-' turning by the Old Dominion line at 3:00 p. m. June 23rd, arriving "home" on the afternoon of June 24th. Write D. V. Conn, T. P. A, Nor folk Southern Railroad, Raleigh, N. C. or apply to any ticket agent for booklet giving complete Information and rates. W. W. CROXTON. General Passenger Agent, Norfolk. Va TO DELINQUENT TAX-PAYERS. This is to notify you that unless your taxes for 1910 are paid before June 1st, 1911, your land will be ad vertised for sale to satisfy same. If you object to advertisement of your property you must pay the whole tax. Partial payments and promises will not do. I have waited on you pa tiently for eight months and can wait no longer. J. W. BIDDLE, May 12. 1911. Sheriff. Foley .Kidney Pills take hold of your system and help you to rid your- lelf of your dragging backache, dull headache, nervousness, impaired eye sight, and of all the ills resulting from the impaired action of your kidneys and bladder. Remember It is Foley Kidney Pills that do this. For sale- by Bradham Drag Co. In tbe Wake of the Heaslea, The lltt: son of Frs. O. B. Palmer Little Rock, Ark., had the measles, The result was a severe cough which grew worse and he could not sleep She says: "One bottle of Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound com pfetely cur ed hint and he has never been both ered aince." Croup whooping oough, meaalea. ooiigh all yield to . Fotoy't Honey and Tar Compound. The gen- nine la in the yellow packagea , al ways, Refuse : aubaUtutes.Jf, rr'-;,:4, s For aale by(Bradhan Drug Co, Feel languid, weak, run-down? Bead aobet Stomach "off J-Juet . plain caae ot Iaay liver. Burdock Blood Bit ters tonea liver and stomach, promotes dlgeaqon, prima the WoooV.J ' V Be Ten Kara the Bight Una of Help ! oley TCldbey Fill furnish yon the right' kind of self to. neutralise and remove the poisons that cans tack ache, headache, nervoussesi, and oth Jan mmv bookmaker. On la Havana That Puasled a Caioaf v? V. ' Betting Ma. ' ; 1f you want to see expert bookraeb era you ishtaild go. to Havana." re -marked a Chlc(ro iBn. -:' "They f talnly bare iheir UumIdfo down fiiwt 1 1 went to a euctOisht-.l eue hf iu snburba of - flavaua oa a finady Nearly everybody In that part of tbo teem bad turned nnr.-. , .. '. '. - "With ra-a friend 4 gt elww to tbe pit , hd Vwk flgbL and rao iHrewwteA;'; At the ditew .f rh lt mveral natlvw "wit tnndinc., J-arlnit the aadlenctt aad yell UK and nralns ibelr.banda)' -t anked' oca- of uiy frlewW-who bad bmn Id Havana a Hhnrt Hme. frhaf tbey were doing. H wttd rbt? wrrr tftkimr hf is. Sure imni:h. the-. fWtatun- w shnutlng l t at ihiin. tiiionnlur their favorltvx and ptacrax their bets. But the bookmaker were not aslnz tven a pvacil. One of thera. I am euro, must have taken flfty beta. I wanted tu get Id on the ttnme. m 1 decided to bet $2 on a btaek game rock that looked good to me. I hnnrl ed over my money, bnt I didn't ert ticket I felt sore f ahould m-vpr a.i.ilf- ee my money even If I bad picked rh- winner. Well, tbe naln was fought, and my bird won. I Vatched tbe honk maker as he went smons the crowd. handing money here and there. Wheo be came to h hiIed over $10. I wa rorprlped. but be didn't nntlre it as be was ton busy cleaning np his elate. Fiunlly I disoorereri thmnch a spectator near hy who coolrt speal Rnsllsh n IHMe that my bird had been a four to on- h(t. "How that -brxikle' ever ke? sll rbo' bets In his mind Is more than I cai. understand."- Wasblngton Post The Read te 8uccesa Jnst tack this up some wire i where you can see It: Success consists in getting out of yourself everything thnt's in you. It does not consist In doing almost quite as much or a little more than the oth er fellow. What the other fellow does doesn't amount to a dent In a door knob so far as you are concerned The fact that he succeeds by laying an Atlantic cable, building an Eiffel tower, inventing wireless telegraphy or cornering the world's supply of oil doesn't make yon a failure because you haven't got enough ready money to bny an automobile. You're successful when you put to some useful purpose every ounce of energy, every grain of gray matter, every mite of muscle that you've got You're successful when you're developed all there is to yon and have given that to tbe world. Pittsburg Gazette-Times. A Hard Hearted People. Filial piety finds no place In Tibetan character. It is no uncommon thing tor a son to turn his father, when too old for work, out of doors .and to leave bim to perish In the cold. . The supersti tion that the souls of the dead can, If they will, haunt the living drives their hardened natures to gain by the exercise of cruelty the promise of the dying that tbey will not return ' to earth. As death approaches the dying person Is asked, "Will you coma back or will you not?" If be replies that he will they, pull a leather bag over his bend and smother blm. If he says be will not be Is allowed to die In peace. A Lightning Change Artist. The rapidity with which chameleons change their color la marvelous. You gather one from an outdoor shrub and It Immediately becomes dark, almost Mack, hissing and with Its month wide open, threatening to bite. Meanwhile It la never still, but continues to crawl upward whenever possible up ydu. up your sleeve, always upward. By de grees the angry black changes Into whatever color is nearest It one's dress la of a brownish color so is tbe thamdeoss. yaijxS..,':-;&"3 j AirarSkids:)! raardaBad Steal ' ' VTr - , . f leather treajV Aatt5khl I v "!L , I li loath, fUn-ble, - j . " shiddaag y k avNpajnotBalna; J IN STCCX BY A PUZZLING PINE. Paealia Trea That la Something of Mystery te eVataaiata. . Upper Culiforala la tba bona of tea that bU punted botanists. It ta a pin which will grow only near the eeacoa!.?! lis grewtfe la slow, and It doe not attain to great atsa. ' Tbe atraqga thing about tt Is that there. are.( to ail appearances, Irani mmqtablp dlflcvltiea In tbe way of the "perpetuation ot tba specie. Soma spei-lmrntt of IT exist in Ktw gardenari tu London. 'They have been carefully examined by coanpotant anCbeiltiee, aad all admit thai the tree present a problem unlike' anything eisvtrbere met wltS." v A; " ; V ' This flue produeea at regular Inter vain (he usnal eonea containing seeds; but. strange td say, tbe tones are so thoroughly ; protected . tlt. the seeds cannot be released.' ' The cones are hard 'and. tightly closed and havr strong overlapping aceles"'! ?'';, More extraordinary still Is tbe Cart that the pine, after -producing Its al most Invulnerable cones, keeps them banging on Its branches- year after year. Unless through some peculial ace'dent the seeds would apparently remain attached to the parent tree for- ' ever. Many of the cones on tbe trees In Kew gardens have been there for years, as is shown by the size of the branches and the formation of the bark. ' - - ft . I.: - It has been found that tbe seed Yea eels which this tree so powerfully re tain are so well protected that. It re-, quires a strong knife with the assist ance of a heavy hammer to cut tbe cone Into sections. No ordinary con ditions of temperature can make a cone open. , ': - "j ; "m ' The following la the ely explana tion yet offered that seems to have any degree of plausibility:- The species may be perpetuated by 0re. One who has studied the tree asserts that-Toothing but the intense heat of a forest flSre could compel the cones to release their seeds. It has been found that under tbe Influence of intense hea they crack open and the seeds fall out uninsured. Harper's Weekly. When Not to 8moke. By exhausting the salivary secretion smoking before meals prevents the physiological action of the saliva on Starchy foods. Smoking Just before going to bed Is often followed by In somnia, because the stomach contains a quantity of unneutrallzed Juice, which Irritates the mucosa and gives rise to a sensation of hunger. This distressing consequence may be avert ed by taking either some light food or a little bicarbonate of soda before re tiring to rest I r order to neutralize the secretion. London Lancet. ' Justification. '"You admit, then, do yon, O'Shaugh nessy, that you assaulted your friend?" asked the Judge. "Sure an' Oi do that, yure honor." re plied O'Shaughnessy. "OI gev him aj couple o ood wans. He called me a dommed feol. yure honor." "And did you consider that an In sult T" demanded the Judge. "Naw, aorr." said O'Shaughnessy "CI fought It was. n jrross betrayal nv confidence, sorr." Harper's Weekly. Duty. Duty Is a power which rises with nt in the morning and goes to rest with us at night. It Is coextensive with thr action of our Intelligence. It Is thv shadow which cleaves to us, go whew we will, and which only leaves or tfhen we leave the light of life. Glad stone. Predestination. Ted Ton know, money la your best friend. Ned Tea, and the trouble is that the best of friends must part- Judge. s -. ..v.- , 4,: ;V ,vt " V I! 1 i KlilGlSl 6AXB'.' ' . Pursuant to a power of sale con tained la that certain mortgage deed executed by J. R, U. and Emily War ren his wife and B. R Warren and UatUe Warren his wife to Yanoeboro Bupply Co, bearing data the Jnd day of Wiy, 191. the same being recorded la tbe office of the Register of Deeda of Craven County In book 181 paga wiu aeu ;at the Court House door In New Bern. M. C an Monday the th day ot May. 1911. at the hoar of It o'clock M. to the highest bidder for Cash, all of the following describ ed property aa aonveyed In the mort gage aforesaid, to-wlt: Bis ( lota in Block No. 1, being lota No. J, I, 4, s, t ana aaia iota are within the following boundaries. - hecinnine- at the oorner of. Buck street and White Avenue and runs with Buck street to James street then -with aald street It feet then In a northwest 28 to Hartleys Branch, ., then with said branch 1S9 feet to White Avenue r then with aald Avenue 67 feet to the oegmning ana aiao '14 other lots In Block Na S, being lota No. 1, i, g, 4, 5, 7, 8, , 12, 14, 15,n. 17 and 18 and within the following boundaries be-glaning- at the corner of Warren street and White avenne and with said 'Warreh street to -James street, then with said James street to Buck street and with Buck street to White avenue ana witn said avenue to the beginning. . L E .SMITH, J. L. ROACH, v '.-. .. and W. - B. WHITE, ' Assignees of Mortgagee. Yanceboro, N. C April 2. 1911. ", KOTICB . .The nndenitmAil. tiavln rMn.iifi-ji as administrator - with the ' will an nexed of Amos F. Carter hereby no tifies all persons having . claims against the estate of said Amos F. Carter to present them duly authen ticated to the undersigned within one jvtu irvm urn - aaie or mis notice Will hA . nlAftffaft In kin 'A th - oovery. All persons indebted to the Bsiaie or saia. aeceased will please maae immeuiaie payment. Blades, N.I.C., April 25, 1911. S WIIJ.II!! C flAPTP-D Admr. C. T. A. of Amos F. Carter, aeceaseo. , im COMMISSIONERS' SALE North Carolina, Craven County. We, the undersigned commissioners duly appointed toy the Court at the April term, 1911 of the Superior court of Craven County in an aqtton en titled Johnson Fllllngame agflnst W. P. Wetherlngton and wife Margaret Wetherington and John Bland and wife Bettle Bland, by virtue ot . the authority conferred upon us in said Judgment, having sold the hereinaf ter described land at the court house door In Craven County, and the bid u on said land having been raised and the deposit made as provided by law, will again Offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in New Bern, N. C Craven .County at 12 o'clock M. On MONDAY the ,12TH DAY OF JUNE 1911 the following described proper ty, to-wit: . ' A tract of land lying and being on the west side or Swift Creek ' and bounded on the north by the lands of Augustus Wilson on the South by William Anderson, on the West by llllam Morris, on the East by Swift Creek, containing 60 ' acres more ' or less, and being the same lands' given t W. Fi-Wetherlngton by his "father in his hut will and testament, and being the same land described in a mortgage front W. F. Wetherington and wife to Brown Supply Company recorded In Book 166, page 16. Another tract beginning at -the upper end of tbe Cod Ditch In. a pond (n Mcintosh's line, and" rune with said line to Swift Creek, then with the various courses of said creek to the.said"w. F. Wetherlngton and Almerdlne Anderson's corner, thence with the line to opposite the said leading ditch andwiUl the Said ditch to; the beginning, containing 60 acres more or leas ; ' this land Is known as'l theBptcer, Wetherlngton .land, being the;1 same land described in a mort gage' Jy F; Wetherlngton ind wife t- A M.-Williams recorded In Book juiotner tract beginning at a stake In the middle of the lane about JOo yards " trom vW. ij H.r Wetherington's houBe' and : runs with 'tlie :ian '. a' straight line, to Bustard Top corner on the run of Swift Creek,, then up th run ot iBwIlX pjnwav..lfittdkfi ooraer, then with jMclatosk'i line to a stake then straight across the field to the beginning, containing about. 60 seres more or .less; being the same land, described In a' mortgage from John Bland n wife to W. H. Weth erlngton, recorded In Book 167, page ' .This, the 2nd day at May,. 1911.' . V - ' M- H. AIXJ5N , ; WILLIAM DUNN, Jr f; ,(,'...'-: Commissioner's Foley's KIdaey Remedy Acted Qaickly i M. N. George, Irondale, Ala: Was 'xjthered ; with kidney . trouble . for many years. "1 was persuaded to try Toley Kidney Romedn ahd before tak ng It three days, I could feel Its ben- flclal effects. The pain left tny back. ny kMncy action clfinrcj tip, ai.d j m so nmch li-ifUr I 3 pot b North Carol, a a, Craven County. ' We, the undemigned, constituting a majority of the directors of the Pe plea Ice Company do hereby cert!ry that at . meeting of said directors , called and held at the office ef the company In the City of New Bora ea - the 29th day of April, 1111 said beard of director uninlmosaly adopted the ' following reeolution: - . ! l . ; RESOLVED That It ta th Judgment of the board of directors hat the Peoples Ice Company' ahall be "ortaf with dissolved, H having disnoseter aU 1U assets, the stockholders tiire- of hwTfac aooepted the equtvaJent ef : stock held by them In stock of tha New Bern loa Company la' paymeat ' therefor, which .said stock origlnHy Issued -to the People Ice Company ' has. bean - hr th stockholders an board of directors distributed td the ' stockholders of said i PeoDles Ice Company. And It la ordered that ..a'v meeting of the BtockhoMers of the ' People Ice Company shall be Im mediately called to take notion upon w this reeolutlon, and the secretary will forthwith notify said stockholders of such meeting to be held Monday. June 12th, 1911 and he will irahUah lintim C of this resolution la The New Bern v CKy of New Bern," once a week far. four week otecutIvlyf .-'s ' In witnee whereof, w have here unto set our hands and affixed oar seals," and caused; the - aeal at .' . company to be hereunto affixed, th ' the 28th day of April. MIL ' ' - J. J.. WOLFENDBN, PRES. ,. : CLYDE EBY, VIOE-PBBS. .'"W. F., ABERIiT, TREA8. ' . B. B. HURST, 1 W. P. METTS. - - T. A. GREEN, ' WADE MEADdWS, E. K. BISHOP, . A COOK, SECT. , For sore' throat there Is positively so remedy that will relieve so quick ly and cure permanently th most ag gravated caae, as Bloodlne Rheumatig Lmlment,'. . -:.: v T. 8. DUFFY, Special Agent. . 9S0M-ALI KXPEKSES OF A FEB r S0KA1LT ' COJTDUCTED TOUB ,: -''- TO ' ::'i: . i, - wASHweTOir. d. c. NORFOLK SOITxHERW BAn-DOAD S0BFOLK A WASHIfCTOH 8. B. CO. weaving Kaieiah May 8Mb, 191L The rate liuiudes -Pullman acoom- oiouaiions, ', meats,, ana .staterooms, both direotions, en routS, .Hotels in ' uiuujwu, ana mieresxing siaa trips to' Virginia Beach, Arlington, ' Mount Vernon. - AIitTanrirlB v . J ' automobile sight-seeing trip to vari ous points of historic interest around waaninguin..;,'''.". . . j This . tnnr. nnitar Prot: Frank M. Harper, of the Ral eigh Public Schools, baa been ar- u ranged especialiy for young - people and others who wish to take advan- , tage of this extremely low rate, and ' the educational advantages afforded'-'' by Prot Harper. , " For complete information and 11-- lustrntafl honking ;ffoeAvtn itr& . i.M - v : . - vww.-w.rv VL uia . tour call on any Norfolk Southern M. Harper, Supt,. Raleigh . Public V Schools. Raleleh. N. fl. J D. V. CONN. W. W. CROXTON. Tray Pas. Agti -- Gen. , Pas. Aat. Raleigh, N. c. ; -.,-tortoiit, v. or the;nchtheri(tos ;K4t hi' V v" 'U ; ' 3B.,"l",-fiT"- imsszTi in 'wnia; 1691T-UW f ae Km Ml-M iikf Bldi : . Praetloa ! Ue Counties ef Cravesi. Duplin,' Joaaa, Lao' ; Oacjow,' Carteret, Pamlieo at.J Wake, in th Bnpreai and Fed : feral Courts, and whurerer ear iee ar.88lre4, v!. - Itt -jir ' -' ' v '.i-v-A. . . . ?rrsss8szr.. 1 c':c:cs -( c::cr::.-'::l cf frc " J ... . e kMney and blaster' attmento." . For i' ' : Co. 1

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