THE SUHHEW BERN1; N. G, MAY. 1911 - To Telephone a Telegram to the Western Union, say: a , 6 o TCI I? iPU A Bf 11 JjiulljOifilv . vvv'-V ..." .nw mm r -V, .V-M V .-' V ''wmmmmmmmmmmmmaKmmmmammmKmmmmmmmmm vv, EN it comes to turning out FIRST CLASS WORK I have the nec- esarlysnachinery and labor to accomplish KID OF W bring largi 'HEN it comes to printing, ruling or binding, you need not hesitate to your work here. No job is too e, none too small for my plant IWonmn'sWorld , v ..Prvtty OiH My . . Marry ftiott Mr. Aston ; ' 1 1 ' ; .' 'V ?.'. i . . HI88 HiDlLUia T. TORCH. iiCEs V;;.'iA,ifitfti,rt .'.-1.1 ' Y; J price is just as low as good ill toermit! , Don't send TOurl?wbrlcI oiitl jof lthe State, ft ..v ' . L vou wish to transmit a telegram to the Western uTmon otnce oy nome leiepnono simply say "TELEGRAM." The operator will connect you 1 with the proper Western Union Telephone. Thus you may dictate your telegram and save yourself the inconvenience of waiting for a messenger. For the convenience of the public; this new method is now in effect in all cities in which the Home Telephone Company oper ates. Are You a Telephone Subscriber? HOME TELEPHONE AND TELfclGRAPHCOMPAN CHESAPEAKE A OHIO RAILWAY VIA OKtUL. OB BiCHMO.M). Pallman M--j-r to Cincinnati, turn Isvllle, Chicago ua tit LMfe WSIe CAB Shm ICE A LA CARTE. The "two graces" that Is what New York society calls the Misses Katberino and Madeleine Talmage Force,, the two lovely daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam B. Force. The younger of the two. Miss Madeleine, has received so much attention from Colonel John Ja cob Astor that gossip bints at the prob ability of an engagement. Mr. Astor's former wife. Mrs. Ava Willing Astor, who obtained a decree of divorce from him In November. 1909, now resides In England with their nine-year-old daughter Muriel. Their son, Victor, who is about twenty, lives with his father. Should Miss Force, who is also twenty years old, wed Mr. Astor she will succeed to the leadership of New York society, which the Astor women have always held, and to the splendid Astor collection of jewels. Besides, she will be mistress of the Fifth avenue mansion, the Newport villa and the splendid country house at Rhlneeliff-on-the-Hudson. where Mr. Astor built a half million dollar gym nasium for his former wife. The Forces are interested in yachting and all forms of outdoor sport Their home is at 81 East Forty-ninth street, New York, William H. Force, the father of the two beautiful girls, is a member of the New York chamber of commerce and is prominent in the business world. Their mother was Miss Katherine Tal mage. WOMEN'S CLUBS. 'Jt. Norfolk Vr. Richmond .. jy. Richmond .. ir. Lcuisvil . . Ar. Cincinnati . . ir. Indianapolis ir. Chicago Ar. St Louis ... ... . 9:00am. ... 11:30 a. m. ,.. 3:30 p. m. ... 11:00 a. m. . .. 11 :0n a. m. ... 11:25 a. m. ... 5:25 p. m. ... 5:58 p. m. :0 0:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:55 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 9:15 p.m. " r 6:30 p ll:00p.m 7:30 p.m 5:00 p.m 11:45 p.m 7:10 am 7:17 a. Mr. RooMvalt 8ayt a Good Word For Them. Ex-President Roosevelt is in favor of women's clubs. He said so to the members of the Ladles' Literary club I of Grand Rapids, Mich., whom he ad' dressed recently. "The woman's club. Bald he, "serves a high purpose. I believe in equality between men and women. If the club Is a good thing for the men it is good thing for the women. If the club I interferes with the borne it is bad. If the club life of yon women makes for Intellectual development it is a potent factor in placing the borne on a higher I plane. "The purpose of the women s clubs should be intellectual development for the homemaker the mother. Your children will respect you more if you keep your brains active. Earn the re spect of your children by your mental activity. ' "After having traveled abroad much recently I have concluded that Amer ica is the greatest home builder of this I age. In our race development tne wo men are beginning to realize that. I while they perhaps must bear the greatest share of the burden, their hus bands also must oe decent" Daughter to B Hit Storetary. Few government employees in Wash' ington work .harder than Elizabeth Harris, daughter of the representative from Massachusetts who succeeds Governor Fobs In congress. She is an Xpert bookkeeper, stenographer and typist and will act as her fathers sec- Iretarv. .Many members have tueir wives and. daughters as secretaries, but usually they also have practical stenographers to take up the burden. Mrs, fiampbreys of the state or Wash ington acts as ber husband's secretary, but she ia tara baa a secretary who copies letters and addresses envelopes and atttnds to routine work.- Miss Barsls witt do everything herself and take a eoarsa in law at the same time. Dolly.CartU. aister of the senator from Kansas, has been w Dullness mane ger for years, and aha la accounted one of he keenest political managers of the country. , . . . ' -' Queen Mary's Own Flag. Queen Maty baa flag of her own, a well as br mother-in-law, dowaget Queen Alexandra. Queen Mary's flog carries the anna of England with those Attractive Vacatioas Affording Pleasure and Rest. Delightful Short' Sea Trips to NEW JYORK ? Via OLD DOMINION LINE The Only Direct Line From Norfolk o New YorkjjWiihout Change. Steamers are all equipped with the United Wireless 'elegraph System. Hot or Cold Sea Water Baths can be procure on steamer without charge. Round Trip Tickets, including meals and stateroom berth on Old Dominion Steamer, NORFOLK TO NEW YORK For $14 Steemers Sail Every Week Day at 3 P. M., $15. For Tickets and stateroom reservations enquire of ocal ticket agent. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet W. L. WOODKOW, ' Traffic Manager. J. BROW N, Sen. Pass. Agent. General Offices, Pier 25, N. R., N. Y. Bchefluls subject to chacpo wUho rains, reservations, etc., iddrsf . w frill). sMii. rfftlk. v in notice. For time tables of w. . WAUTHEN, l. P. . The Standard Folding Typewriter QUALITY, I'KKE AD CAPACITY. THE ONE IDEAL MACHINE FOE MINISTERS, TEACHERS, TRAVEL LING AND BUSINESS MEN, AT HOME OR IN THE OFFICE. The STANDARD FOLDING TYPEWRITER is compact, light and dart ble, possessing all the essential features of the latest and most popalat high priced machines, Weights only 5 8-4 pounds, measures only Itz8i when folded and comes in handsome carrying case. Two color ribbon. CaW versal keyboard. Takes up the least possible room does the best possible work nd la Indispensable to any one having even occasional writiag to do. Price (50.00 to 158.00, cash or ea sy terms. WRITE TODAY FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG. J. E. Crayton & Co. CHARLOTTE . DANIELS &-NEWBERRY NEW BERN, N. C, Dealer in Horses and Mules. Load of fine Horses and Mules Juit ReceiTed. mm ft ifiirt i m a vmAnA av " m 1(1 I J i f , 4 -win V1 '. it;! Xi 1 m X '0; LJLlU-AI..SAlUJp H the late Duke of Teck. When King - w-'i siisent very recently bfr lf,-.TCtT.t'.r.