v THE SUN. '.NEW. HOiXr N.' C. MA?, 1311. . raHla,S Dally twd ST.' ;,"' 'it Ta Mm Phi PahlkhmV Gamaisv K v . ,nvaur wracsr. M' vwiu tt, BUNK. ' iiiMMPnm msHi-' : v, ' (la AdvanoO ' . Ok Tear , S.S l Month . VtirM Month, LU ae WMk .T.',. ' TELHOAUSi iimImihi om ....... ..Ha. ! CdMarinl 1 Cntored at the Pwtonce In New Bern. N. C. as cona-euwa null nut- THlttSAY, May s!5. Mr. Kltcbin beat the whole bunch before, but It remains to be seen If he can do the trick again. Professor Wilson la a believer In education all right! We hope he will team 'em to voto right next year. Mr. Taft is good to the Democrats. He has just appointed a Democrat as Federal Judge in South Carolina. Mr. Kitchin wants a quiet cam paign but the chances are he won't get what he wants in this respect. This is a rapid age. Mrs. Paul Brown, Jr., a social leader, was grant ed a divorce in Saint Louis in three minutes. There is no use in talking of an cu year in politics for the senatorial candidates have already gone to saw ing wood. They are no talking of Gen. Carr for U. S. Senate. It he enters the race it will complicate the situation still more. Mr. Aycock is no doubt a popular man, but not enough so to be elected without taking part in the campaign, in our opinion. New Bern continues to get adver tising out Of attempted' suicides. An ex-New Herman attempted to commit suiciue at Princeton, N. C. a few days ago. A bill has been introduced in Con gress to investigate the express com panies. Probably some points may be gained which if put into practice might put the postoffice department on a paying basis. That fellow who wanted to sell his papers to Judge Clark because they would contain a criticism of Mr. Simmons must be a "pin-head" to think that the Chief Justice ot North Carolina would stoop to such low po litical tactics. Quite a crowd of New Bornians went to Riverdale today to attend the picnic and Good. Roads meeting. We hope other townships will hold sim ilar meetings for they are bound to result in much good for the cause of good roads tor Craven county. - Most people are Inclined to patron ize home Industries, but a great many orders are sent to mail order houses out it town. This is largely the fault of thi. merchants in hot using enough newspaper space to let the people know what they have and what they ask for it. We hope the railroads will pave their streets. without having the mat ter forced on them -. through the courts. Railroads usually , get the worst of .a- legal battle ' and ; ' such . , stubbornness .as they ,-ara -exhibiting In refusing to live up with their con tracts' with -the city Is largely ri t sponsible' for tt" .' . ' Grafters are begianrng to get their Just deserts The Supreme Court of BanM-trfvonls 1laa kfltrmiiA-'th Ynwar . court and Joseph Hnston, the archl l tect ot the' now State capital must ' serve his sentenca ! for. consplring with -State officials t0;defrnuS ths Lta lathi! er. ...i and furnishing 'is caf. ' mmn viniRnlPTrH. ' Chicago WewsT ; The last will dead give away. ' The most glaring faults .of others oft' resemble1 bur own. 1JMr "" ."r ""T i 01? "kff"-" " .r--iL r ItV a sate bet that man to what he suspects others, ot being., ' I atony ' a gnt "Wita tne uammoca; : habit has a mother with the waahtub habit. . . ''''' ' The wounds of lore are quickest heated by another dart from Cupid's arrow. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. x' ," T... '.-- v. New York Press. The balder a man can get, the more pride ha can take In his mustache. '" When a man can't resist writing Insane letters It's a sign it's a love affair. Fighting seems to be perfectly re spectabla when it's In the church choir. Minnesota Surgeon is Bone Carpenter Trenton. N. J., May 25. William Royer who suffered a broken hip three yf-ars ago when he fell from a tele graph pole expects soon to be able to be about as usual. 'At the Rochester (Minn.) Hospital where he went for treatment, the phy sfclans say he will recovered. Baby won't suffer five minutes with croup if you apply Dr. Thomas' Ec lectic Oil at once. It acts like magic. Card of Thank. On behalf of the fire department of New Bern, I wish to thank the citi zens and every one who assisted in giving the firemen such a royal re ception last evening. Assuring each and every one that every fireman highly appreciated their hospitality. Respectfully, GEO. Y. HARRINGTON, Chief ot Fire Department. Impure blood runs you down makes you an. easy victim for or ganic diseases. Burdock Blood Bit ters purifies the . blood cures the cause builds you up. STOP EXPEIHG! TAKE A 'CAW Nearly all our ills come through In. active liver and bowels, mil lions of folks keep feel ing good with I'ascurets. One must keep the Dowels clean. Do it just the same as you keep your skin clean. Not by severe applica tions, applied at rare intervals. But by gentle and regular efforts. It pays immensely. Many people dread physic. They think of castor oil, of salts and ca thartics. They shrink from the after effects griping and weakness. So they postpone the dose until they are costive or bilious. Then they do the cleaning in a heroic way. That is all wrong. Cascarets are a gentle laxative. They are just as effective as anything else, and more natural. And they are pleasant a candy. ' They are made to carry with you. Take one I June ij bwu. as juu uecu iu iuuu t. . n . - 1 I . . '11 know. The. result is your bowels are always active. You always feel at your best Try a 10 cent box of Cas carets. You'll never again go with out them. THE THIIf AND WEAK. Easy Way for Them to Get Strong And Eat To thin and weak .Bradham Drug Company have a word to say. Let them use Samose, the wonderful flesh forming food, that Is now so popu lar, and they will soon be plump and rosy. . ' . ' Samose Is not "an .ordinary medi cine; it Is flesh-forming food, that Is adapted to the most delicate. Its tonic' effect gives strength and health so that after its use for a short time, all the flesh and fat producing ele ments In the food will be easily as similated aqd retained by the body, The large sale Druggists, Bradham Druf Company? have had on Samoee since they Arst Introduced ft in "New Bern and' .the wonderful results fol lowing Its use have made them such enthusiastic believers ' In Its . great merit-that, they give their personal guaranteed refund the -money ft Bamose does- nor make thin people fat and restore strength and health. When a gain In weight Is noticed after. . Samose , has beea used-,, for a week or ten days,, and h.ealth has tm- proved, and notice, yourself grow I 8 stronger, you certainly should reei more than satisnea wun wnat you have received from the small cost and testament Is .:av v ""tTkJTTV il "W !Vf3 ;Wotnea who bear-children and re- their systems in advance of baby's coming. ; Unless the toother, aids natnre inits pre-natal work the crista - finds her fsystem unequal to, the do-; manor xnaae upon it, ana sue u oiicn left with weakened health, pr chronic ailments. . No remedy -is so truly a helo to nature as Mother's Friend. and no expectant mother should fail tome it It relieve the pain and disoojort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature is expanding, prevents numb ness ot limbs, and soothes the'inflam mation of breast glands. " The system being thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the fear' that the crisis may not be safely met Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearinr of Her . " child. Mother's T TV M 1 C I l?G Friend is sold at JVj.ll IJJiliO Writefcourfree FiflKflD book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. -BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. AaW Ce. THB ICE JfAJf. v Who has to work all day and night. And work like h , with all his might When his machine's In a bad plight, To get the d - thing running right? Well, that's the Ice Man. Who, when he wants to take a rest, Ne'er takes the time to get undressed, But stretches out on a tool chest And dreams he's by the d blessed? Well, that's the Ice Man. Who cannot pay one-half he owes, And sells "on tick" where'er he goes, And counts the "dead ones" In long rows, While bills are dropped beneath his nose? Well, that's the Ice Man. Who's counted a common thief, Of all monopolists the chief, Whose word is far beneath belief, Who from contempt gets no Teiief ? Well, that's the Ice Man. ,. Who catches h down here below, And gets it hot and never slow. From every source the winds do blow, And never gets an earthly show? Well, that's the Ice Man,!" When Peter opens heaven's gate, A crowd of damned will have to wait, While Peter bows his halo'd pate To one who's passing through state, And that'll be the Ice Man. hi Notice of Trustees. The Board of Trustees of the New Bern City Schools will meet Friday, May 26th at 4 P. M. in the Superin tendent's office. Election of teachers and other business. 2t. T. A. GREEN, President Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures con stipation Doan's Regulets. Ask your druggist for them. 25c a box. Have you tried Norfolk lee Cream at the Railroad Lunch Boom, EXCURSION TO JACKSONVILLE AND TAMPA, FLORIDA, VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. On, Tuesday, June 8th, the Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets from New Bern to Jacksonville, Fla., at $8.60 and to TawpAV at $100, lim ited returning to reach New Bern not later than midnight on Tuesday. Jan uary 13, 1911. . f v '.Extra sleeping cars and coaches sufficient to accommodate all .pas sengers will he placed on trains and everything will be done by the man: agement ot the Coast Line to make this a first class, excursion. v t Proportionate ; rates - will be made from other, points In Virginia, North Carolina, and. South Carolina, i For tickets, pullman , aocommoda- tfons and Schedules see the nearest Agents or address, T. C White, Gen eral Passenger Agent or W, J.- Craig, Passenger vTraffiO Manager, Wilming ton, N. C hit. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Speetat Train Qoldsber 'aad later ' Mediate Utlas Is Beanfer, and BetorajBsaday Kay e8th,Ull Yery Low Fares Fasi ISpecUl Train. Spend the day at the: Seashpre. Train will leave Mew Bern 1:10 a. m. returning leave Beaufort 4:30 p. m Fare 'tor the round trip from . New Bern $1.60. Train will not stop ea- of James City.. Special coaches w be provided for white ) 'n. 1 further Inform -y Ann f i Ti Agent, or 8E38 33 3888888888 88 8 - - ' ' ? v.i 8 8 BASEBALL EX3ULTS. 8 8 - ' r - - 8 888888888888888888 ""!' HailaW Uafnef " ' -V ','-.' - ' ;';'! " Cincinnati 1; New York I ;; PitUburi 0: Brooklyn t 1 Chteago4; Boston 1 ; tSt, Louis 4 1 Philadelphia 1, r r eleven 'if American Leagae, - " Washington 6 ; Detroit ,1 ly Innings.'; ' f - i i Philadelphia ; Cleveland L- , . , New York 6; Chicago ' Boston 0; St Louis 1 " gonthen Leagae, Montgomery 6; Memphis 1. , V Atlanta ; New Orleana t. . Nashville 7; Mobile 3. : First came Chattanooga 6: -. Bir mingham 4 Second game Chattan ooga 0; Birmingham 8. ., ;; ',, South Atlantic leagne. Macon 6; Charleston 1. Albany 0; Savannah 6. Jacksonville 4; Columbia S. Columbus 7; Augusta S. Eastern Leagie. Providence S; Montreal 14. After noon game Providence 4; Montreal 2. Baltimore 2; Toronto 7. Afternoon game Baltimore 11; Toronto S. ''. Newark 3; Rochester 4. Jersey City 12; Buffalo . , Carolina League. Winston-Salem 7; Charlotte 1. , Greenville 11; Anderson 2. Spartanburg S; Greensboro .3. . V Tlrginla League. Richmond 10; Danville 2. Roanoke 4; Petersburg 3.' Lynchburg 14; Norfolk 1. x Tidewater League. Suffolk 6; Elizabeth City 0. Old Point 6; Portsmouth 7. Newport News 2; Norfolk 3. Too should try Norfolk lee Cream at the Railroad Laneh Room. The first dast proof motor ever built was the HUDS0X W. Hyman sclb it DAXGER IS DELAY. Kidney Diseases Are Toe Dangerous for New Bern People to Keglect The great danger of kidney trou bles is that they' get a firm bold be fore the sufferer recognizes them. Health Is gradually - undermined. Backache, headache, nervousness, lameness, soreness, lumbago urinary troubles and dropsy, follow in mer ciless succession. Don't neglect your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the sate remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people right here In this locality. James Thompson, 808 Chestnut St, KInston, N. C, says: "The public statement I gave in January 1908, recommending Doan's . Kidney Pills still holds good. I- had severe pains across my loins and my back ached all the time. . My kidneys were weaK audfj was -obliged to pass their sev cretlons every little while. Doan's Kidney Pills were so highly recom mended to me that I got a supply' and used them as directed. ' They strength ened my back and kidneys and re moved all symptoms of Jrldney-com plaint from my system. The benefit received has been permanent and I now have no need ot a kidney med icine whatever."' 4 For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents, v. Foster-Milbnrn Co., : Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ,,.".. Remember the name Doan's and take no other, , . Advertisement ef Sale' :. In pursuance- of a decree, of court. and,, in compliance with the. terms thereof, In the casus entitled Stephen Wbitford, Bank of Oriental O. Mc- jawtiorn vs - A. J. 3atliri and . wife, Mollis E. Gatlin, and having hsea ap pointed commissioner ' under the said decree I. will offer for sale atpdbllc outcry at the Court House door at 12 o'clock 1, or Immediately upon the recess -of the Court on the ,17th day of June, 1911 -the following described land, to-wit: A certain piece or tract of land ly ing and being In Craven County, State of North Carolina, In No. One Town ship, and described an defined as fol lows:, living and feeing in the town of Vanceboro, Beginning at etack. A, M. Williams line, running down 'Wash ington Road 40 yards to J. M. tpock's line, then with said J. M. Ipock's line to Murray Branch then with the said Branch to a gum, then with A. M. Williams Una pack to the beginning con i Aig one (1) acre more or less belli)? t'i same land purchased by A. J. ( a and v "a fii) n O. D. Lew's i; Hi - 'S F. I,P - " Alter TI:o G,:. ;:o I fl r!f tti-ch V :sci,' to beetle U write 6 si VaxX. rtt frr v.fc-i Carrju ha- done fqf. r.f," writes .Mrs. arai' Gill;... r f. i .ler Oiv, K. CX ' -! --. 1 ' ! 1 ',"' Vt j Uit. fc'-j'uary,'! -t.thi- Ori?i .'which M ire 11 fca3 shape. tetore cat I naa Been tv-ierea vc;i iams.s-: i ' tfahle-for fen VeaHL anJ potl:'"' secr"d to Ci:" it; ( - "At last, I Degait- lo vufuat-: 1'nave w.en orny ftrer bottles but it has done tne more good than ail the doctors ot than any other medicine 1 ever took." '.- ta ' For fiie after-effects of . any serious Illness, like fhe . Qrlp, Cardui Is the best tonic you can use. . - . It builds strength, steadies the nerves, improves the appetite, regulates irregularities and helps bring: back the natural glow of health. 'r"-;yy 1:-y'-::-J':':. v. Cardui is your best friend, if yon only knew it'";.'' :.v 1 Think of the thousands of ladies whom Cardui has helped! . What could possibly prevent it .front heipiiur you? ti Remember, yoil canribrget the benefit of the CarduL bgredients in any other medicine; for theyare not for sale in any drug store except in, the Cardut bpttiiTry CarduL : Vrte fc Udiei' AdTtaorj Dept. Ctarttmooga Medida C. Oalianoois. Ta. '. AkdJiotncttM.iaiHmtt1ok, HoawTrtstakvWoa'' Mating ' . mdiesWMMens It spite ef the annsuslISrarmweaWr we have bees doing a, most satisfactory basinets la the todies" Shoe Department. lever e : fore have we shown so many aebby styjes at popular -prlees. It $20, $S.00.and 9&M w are showing many; raises that eaanot be equalled ; Just notice the styles and prlees la esr jrlndv;;;'yf ... Velvet pimps, soede i-nmpt, patent paaps,;telvet sad patent instep ties and all the staple lasts are, here In sUes, aa4:wldths te fit yoa. Children's low quarters are here In. ana v new lasts, etr ' pf dally good styles In the BR0.VD tOK lastsi and make, a special. (children's shoes and carry the -ever. In oar town.;; - - Don't take ear "word for n, eompar the qaallU yoall agree with as la sayinV thai ivt talaes eanaot -he : eqaalied elsewhere. i ..'.. '''-,'-. :i-ftw3;''f;:A.:, J. G. DUNN y y. i.y --" , y-y-.,:h -.y y?'- -h-'S;-!-;.-.''s ;.,.;-, : ' "Join the'Caamher ef Commerce 'and help hepst Ksw, Bera., a GwV'I-a. "T AND ALL. KINDS FEED. -Tj. ; Seed Oats, BRICK FOR SAIL sPhmplS0 ..v,a .j, "cevwaiwi,. -tta Cz IT" v . . Juno ZLszZ Tacey, Cxc" -t V , ' , - - Tcr r . " TT i f , Uiii v ci. i , . ' L ". mk w "J largest and hesf lines that were 'it, -A BssaWMBhBaWrrB v; ' v. : W.ta Grount Corn Meal. Wheat and Rye ' Sucrene Hone St Mule 'FEED Alfelfa. Sucrene Dairy : , --A -.Jm, . 32 Middle St. . Fins Xsmber. f , , A' ' " AJtE r0U BU1LD1K0I 1 ' . . 'V , Then you need pine lumber. And . the , proper .place to buy pine lumber Is at ; a yard that specializes in these goods. . Don't run around experimenting Jiere v. over our stocks There's nothing in J h pine We don't handle and the -price t and quality are both right because 4 : we are manufacturers as well as deal 5' era. Get samples of our pine and our prices.1 Tbn youll be on the Tight track.1' 4 IVES LUMHn CO. 15-Aurv::t i 5. U' r- ' ra f - T ' .V,"j; 1 V Si , j of 50e