.V.' THE SUtf, NEW BEBN, N: C., MAY, 1911. X?X -J 3 1" I ft ti . a IN NEW UNION STATION Now open for business & A day and night ';Ps '. f ;Jl trons served on short f 2 notice. ; :' ' ' U L. lAILUK, Vttft. i) Made from pure dii i tilled filtered water. J I NEW BERN ICE CO 1 19-21-23 Griffith Street I Phone 23. SnHMaHMMMMIiMMMW NewRprn Prnnnw fn.. ' E. C tlSDALE, Prop. RETAIL Fruits, Vegetables, Eggs, Etc Phone 121. 79 Broad Street When you feel a cold coining on don't delay, but Immediately take Bloodlne Cough Checker, the cele brated throat and lung remedy. It tops the cough, relieves the irrita tion, and cures the cough. F. 8. DUFFY. Special Axent- THAT C9BGH Should be stopped at once. Carolina 'Cough Syrup will give instant relief, and permanent cure If used properly. Get a bottle Bradham Drug Company 25 cents. 0 the People of New Bern ' If yea want the CHEAPEST and FRESHEjST of all kinds of fish In season also chickens and eggs, call for J. A. Barker k Co Be tall House, seperate from wholesale house, prompt ser Tlce. ' We hare beats to arrive dally and hare the freshest stock obtainable. Fhene No. 7S7. The most noise about a HUDSON tar horn. Hyman sells It Truck Packages Best Baskets and Barrels I Hiiht -Price i ' UNIOri ; POIST , 1 Itbhil-Bdccardi ffi'fitf mat cuss WORE KEATLT 11TO PROMPT y BBX1ED , WOSKM - i ; ; POST OFFICE, i.j v s. BEING TODB SHOES TO KB. '., AKD HATE THEM FUED r Bobber Iveels, beels vprlgUt and all kind of 8hoe Work, -.. ' Two taen working all the time, which moans you can get your work quickly. 7:-:- ' jr , Coojtery :isT Points Giving - An Important palat te reieafct al ways in entertaining ie tfcat it is aet nearly as important to serve maay coarse or maefej la each' coarse as to serre everything rery prettily and take infinite pains 1 the garnishing of the different dishes and the tray that they are passed and aerred. Here la a suitable menn: Grape fruit cut In halves, the fruit scooped out carefully, the tough membrane and seeds remo-ed uud tbe fruit flavored with lemon juice tied powdered sugar and a little maraschino, if you wish, and put back into tbe halves with a few candled cherries used for decora tion ou tup of euch half. This course should be Ice void, uud each balf should rest ou n plate with a dolly and be eaten with an orange spoon or tea spoon. ,7 For a second course have bouillon in cups, but do not have croutons; they are not en regie at a luncheon. It would be superfluous to have tbe orange juice, oysters and bouillon. Orange juice by Itself would be rather an un usual course,, and it would not be ad visable, and oysters on the half shell are seldom seen now at a luncheon. Tbe grapefruit will not cost any more than the other two courses and is exactly tbe thing for tbe first course. Creamed salmon in ramekins served Individually will be correct for tbe fish and third .course, and brown bread sandwiches, tbe bread cut very tbln and the sandwiches In fancy shapes, will be a good addition. Halves of broiled chicken served on toast with currant Jelly, potato cro quettes and green peas or French string beaus will be ail right for the substantial course, but It would not do at all to have chops afterward. Omit that course altogether; the birds are enough for the meat course. Roman punch may come after the birds, served Individually In punch glasses or Ice molds. Waldorf salad served In apples, with cream cheese, heated crackers uud bar-le-duc Jelly will make a good salad course. Do not pass olives with tt. If they are served they should be a separate course, coming between the bouillon and fish. They should be passed with radishes, celery stalks and salted nuts, Strawberry shortcake would be a better dessert than ice cream, or you might serre a frozen pudding with a sauce if you prefer it to strawberry shortcake. As a final course have bou bons and fruit and serve coffee in demltasseS" in tbe parlor after lunch eon. Chocolate passed In cups with whip ped cream ou top weuld be correct If it is liked. Tbe chocolate cups and saucers should be removed when the table is cleared for dessert If an additional course is desired have between the fish and fowl fried sweet breads with green peas and have some other vegetable with the birds. The oyster fork may be put on tbe oyster plate or at tbe left of tbe cover at the head of tbe other forks, put a little slanting, or laid regularly by the forks. Tbe knives are always put on the right of the cover. With the menu given above you will need only one knife for tbe birds and a small silver knife for tbe salnd course, for the cheese and bar-le-duc. Have the table prettily decorated with spring flowers and bonbons and decorations to match. Lobster Novelties, Tbe hostess who is tired of plain lobster salad, lobster fare! or lobster Newburg will find a pleasant change in lobster cocktail as a first course, In fried lobster for a fish course and in creamed lobster on toast as main dish for a family lunch as well as a fish course. For tbe cocktail cut tbe meat of boll ed lobster Into good sized pieces about half tbe size of an oyster and serve In iuilA miulp at tDhlpsntionnal each of Worcestershire sauce, tomato ketchup and lemon Juice, flavored high ly with cayenne, ajOrop or two of ta baicA salt and a teaspoonful of -fresh grated horseradish. Mil th: lober in this sauce and let it stand, on tbe ice until well chilled. Serve In glasses like the oyster cock tall.; Instead of tbe ketchup a pleasant Change fa. made by axing chili sauce or Oscar Muce In the dreHslntt,- Cnt big and shapely piece as you ran get for the fried lolwter, which Is first polled. pip in eggs and bread crumbs, fry in boiling fat just before serving Sni'Hniln 'on brown paper Serve '.with -i bollandalse -auiice, to whU-h ar Mv4 chopped olives and a little Anion JukV'or fc-ltb a. snare tar. tare, mixed with fiwu pen- Dtiv boiled lohKer tbrtl b to be serv ed on: tositf sod ttwrhjatf, In a lltJI lemon Juice for a ftw pilnute In tbe meanrluiv mnke - rW-t cntmi dnlng or erhlte eaa-'e. hlghrr- iwftHHed with cayenne aud few ttroiw f onion; Add tile lobster to tbe hot satire. ' 1t It simmer only for live minutes and serve at once on hot battered, toast. Celery Toes. Cream tablespoenfat of batter, 'one of flour and pne-balf. teaspoonful salt and add three oupa of milk. Cook until it thickens and then add one-half cnfifnl of chopped celery which has i-'iui en --i un'ii ( "ni,r. ponr over a n w etening getting supper ready. You wast a stove Jo I can-start up in a minute that will cook quickly aod well For camp, houseboat or . bungalowa New Per fection Oil Cook-stove is the ideal coating deviae. It is ready for use in a moment. It saves all the trouble of cutting wood and getting b coal It does not overheat or make dirt in a kitchen ; there are no ashes nor smoke. It requires4es4&eation and cooks better than any other range iivlc! w.uwiv wvw TRIA1V rr 55vSPRINaMAnifFF 60 THE popular Mebane line of bedding, including Springs, Mat tresses, Pillows and Cots, is manufactured in the 'Old North State by Southern men, by Southern labor, for Southern people. It is the strongest line of bedding in existence in the South to-day. It gives complete and lasting satisfaction. It sells on merit alone and is really 'honest all through.' It is covered by the following 3 j O. run-iau Aujr Xtbamt Sprtnj r Sftaltrw trtm your dtalir. Sleep on them 60 night. SI at tkt end tf that llmt jr.n mrt ml raMraf MtitlUJ, rHurm tkim mnd r.nr mny mill it tkttrfully nhndtd. Look for Our Trade It's Your 10 Mtuty the nuutent and rapidly iVlebmae Une ol bedding, hom Ihote who have inveHigated and know iu luperiority, we have been obliged to largely incteaie our factory floor apace and inttiil additional modern dealer about the Mebane line. MEBANE BEDDING This is the Headquarters for the Celebrated 'CAMERON SPRINGS RYE WHISKEY lt popularity is due entirely to its HIGH QUAL ITY. It has satisfied thousands and will satisfy . ' you. . .... ,, Guaranteed bv us under the National Pure ; Food LAvrw" ' PORTSMOUTH. VIRGINIA. OTScnee "Sapper Ready 1 When you gat bsvck to camp, fired ansL hungry, 70a do not want to spend tbe hla. .Iwl ijiiiiMii ii 11. dfop "Sir ckcuW to mm mmnmk uiiif SUndard Oil Company (Incorpontod) HLtoj&s0Bi guarantee Mark on Each Article. Protection. mcreuing demand for the machinery. Ask your C0 Mebane, N.C. to IheilMin AaavM BtDft TJryiTED FOB THJS LOCATIOI OF THE FULM-UFB SCHOOL. On Friday, June th, the Trustees of Craven County Farm-Life Bohool will meet at the Court House in the City of New Bent to consider among other things the matter of the loca tion ef the proposed Para-Life School. . The meetlag will be held at 11 a, m. Sealed bids should he sent to 9. U. Brinsoa, Secretary of the Boarst of Trustees, at New Bern, N. C. so as' to reach him by 11 a. m oa said day of meeting. 4 Sections 6 and t of the said act are as follows: Location. Seo. 5. After due advertisement, Inviting bids for the location of said school within said county, said board of trustees shall locate it at euch place In said county as shall offer the largest financial aid for maintenance and equipment, having due regard for desirability and suitability of loca tion: Provided, however, that said school shall not be located in any city or town of more than one thou sand inhabitants, nor within two miles of the corporate limits of any city or town of more than five thou sand Inhabitants. Buildings, Farm, Maintenance, Etc. Sec. 6. For the maintenance of said school, the county or township or school district, pr all combined, wherein it is located, shall provide annually, by taxation or otherwise, not less than twenty-five hundred dollars. The county or township or school district, or all combined, shall also provide by bond issue, or other wise, the following equipment for said school: a school building with reel, tation rooms and laboratories and ap paratus necessary tor efficient in struction In the prescribed subjects of study; dormitory buildings with suitable accommodations for not less than twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls; a barn and dairy building with necessary equipment; a farm of not less than'twenty-fiflve acres of good arable land. All of said buildings shall be located on said farm and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the State Su perintendent of Public Instruction, and the entire equipment shall be subject to his approval and accept ance after inspection: Provided, how ever, that, upon recommendation of the board of trustees and the pres entation of satisfactory reasons thera. for, the State Superintendent of Pi lie Instruction may grant permission to said board of trustees to accept any suitable and properly equipped school building already constructed, thought it may not be located on said farm, provided it be located within reasonable and convenient distance thereof, and may also grant permis sion to reduce the required acreage for the farm to not less than ten acres. If any Township of the county con templates a bond issue to secure the location it might present the matter to the Board of Commissioners of Craven County on the fifirst Monday of June. to june 9 FLORIDA-CUBA. Why not take a trip to Florida or Cuba? They have been brought with Ing easy reach by tht splendid through train service of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Write for Illus trated booklets, rates or any other information, which will be cheerfully furnished. T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, Notice of Lost Certificate of Stock. This Is to give Notice that I have lost certificate No. 51 for ten Bhares of the capital stock of the New Bern Ice Company issued to me May. 21st, 1894 and unless same is found with in thirty days from the date of this notice application will be made for duplicate of said certificate. WM. DUNN, This the 2nd day of May, 191L See tfce HCDSOJf "83" before you buy a ear. Hymaa sells It. Have yen seen the HUDSON "3S"1 Ton cant hear It. Hyman sells it. 5 or deses tW will cure any ase of Chills and Fever. Price Ko. I or eosea "MS will cure any ease of Chills and raver. Prloe ISO. Large farty Will Ge te WashJattea, S. C, May 19th. Already many applications have been received from all parte of the North Carolina by Prof. Frank M. Harper, to Join his personally con ducted tour via Norfolk Southern Railroad. $20.00 pays all expenses. Ws have Perfumery and Fancy Ar tcles too numerous to detail.' Come nd pick put your presents. We wHT Vslp you. Something aloe, almost any fome and look , RAIttUK ORUO OO. i . MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of le con tained in a certain mortgage deed made and executed by Edward Simp kins and his wife, L. A. Simpklns, of the county of Craven to W. C. White of the county of Craven on the 7th, day of February 1810, and recorded la book 176 page 410 of the records of Craven county. Said mortgage was transferred by Sf. C. White to the Virginia Carolina Chemical Compaay and on accoant of default having been made in the payment of the said mort ttge I wilt offer, for sale at public auction , to the highest bidder, for cash ft the Court House door In New BernCaven County at 12 o'clock on Monday the 12th day of June, 1911. the following described tract of land conveyed in said mortgage, to-wlt: Lying and being in Craven County No. 1 township on the north side of Neuse River and east side of Swift Creek joining the . land of Nathan Whltefleld, Warren Brother's land and A. M. Williams, beginning at a black gum on the run of Bear Branch in the dividing line formerly between Allen Gaskins and Fniifole Jauksons and run tbe said line north SO east 100 poles to a pine In said land, thence south 17 east 100 poles to the Simons road, thence south 83 west 176 pole to a black gum on tbe run of Bear Branch; thence up said branch to the beginning, turning 56 curves more or less being the same tract of land deeded by Allen Gaskins and others to his daughter L. A. Simpklns by deed dated December 1st, 1887, and registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Craven County in book 135, page 445. There is excepted from this descrip tion 6 acres sold to Joseph Simpklns. This sale is subject to a mortgage of $200 made to William E. Brown, and now held by Mrs. Sallie L. Joyner. May 1st, 1911. W. C. WHITE, Mortgagee. VA. CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Assignee. By R. G. GRADY, Attorney. S. R. STREET, Auctioneer. NOTICE OF PROPOSED BOND ISSUE North Carolina Craven County. In Re Mosely Creek Drainage District. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Board of Drainage Commission ers of Mosely Creek District, that the total assessment in said District ex ceeds the average of ;c per acre on all the lands in the said District, no tice is hereby given by the said Board of Drainage Commissioners that they propose to issue ududs for the con struction of said improvements, and the cost and expenses already in curred, as allowed by law, in the to tal amount of the sum of FORTY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($42,000.00), bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, for the full amount of the assessment not paid into the County Treasurer, together with th Interest and cost of collection and other incidental expenses; the said interest upon said bonds to be due and payable annually, and said bonds shall be paid in ten (10) equal in stallments, the first installment of the principal thereof to mature at the expiration of three years from the date of the issue of said bonds, and one installment each succeeding year for nine (9) additional years, said bonds bearing data the first day of August, 1911. Said bonds when so is sued to be sold by said Commission ers at not less than par; the pro ceeds thereof to be devoted to the payment ot the work as it progresses. and to the payment of the assessment for said Drainage District, and the construction and improvement there of, and for the incidental expenses accruing and accrued therefor. And any land owner having lands assessed in the District and not want ing to pay the interest on the bonds so to be Issued May within thirty (30) days after the publication of this notice, pay the County Treasurer the full amount of his assessment and have his land released therefrom. This 19th day of May, 1911. G. V. RICHARDSON, Chairman. Attest: j. H. WEST. Secretary 55-3w Tod will enjoy Norfolk Ice Cream at the Railroad Lnnch Room. Administrators Notice Having this day qualified as admin istrator ot the estate of Mary E.Deppe deceased this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate te present them to the undersigned, du ly verified on or before the 17th day of Mar 1912, or this notice will plead in. hart of theft payment. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immedate settlement. This 21st,fday o May, 1911. J. F. DEPPE, Administrator. D. M. HENDERSON, Attorney. Tea will enjey Norfolk Ice Cream at the Railroad Lnnch Room. Witch the HUDSON S3" g ny, a4 listea. Hymaa sells It. . , 'X'k 45 t'j:-. vv r 1 '4 1 M 1. - V . 'I 'J V- fxxjm'-'