THE SUN, NEW BEEN, N. &; MAT, 191L V PAWG BlS BY CHECK When the fact ia considered that orer ninety per cent. ' of the funds used in business la transmitted by check, one begins to" retail the importance of this method of handling money. ifiy ffVi- This plan enables the tusineaa man or the private In dividual to keep hit money safely in the bank in stead of on the premises -where' It is constantly sub ject to loss from various, causes.' This Institution, itb, sino its establishment in 1907' has formed a Bteadyand. consistent growth in all its departments, cordially invitee accounts subject to check in any amount THE GREATEST AUTHORITY in the world on the eye. Dr. M. Tscherning condemns the use of eye drops or atropine in the testing of the eyes for spectacles. How can we determine the strength of tho-eye when they are completely paralyzed by these extremely poison ous "drops". We test the eyes without the use of drops, and grind the glasses almost while you wait J. O. BAXTER Optometrist and Mfg. Optician STOCKING WEEK THIS WEEK AT COPLON'S The largest and most complete assortment of High Grade Hosiery to be found in this city. Famous iJnyx Holeproof and Phoeaix brands. The best that mon ey can buy for the price. For Ladies we will sell 20 dozen Silk Hose, all colors, every pair bearing the Onyx stamp and for half dollar. Our price this week 42c. Pure Silk Stockings only black, well worth $1.50 our price this week only 90c a pair. Ladies Lisle "Spider Web" Hose all colors, all sizes, the Onyx kind only 22c a pair. 'Sox for Children, plain colors and fancy tops, 10c to 25c a pair, sizes 4 to 8 1-2. The largest assortment we have ever shown. For Men we offer something that should Interest any man that wears Silk Hose. We will sell you 4 pairs Phoenix Silk guaranteed Hose and if they do not wear 4 months without holes you get new Soxs free. 4 fair for $2.00, all colors Just received for Men, Pure Silk Hose worth 50c a pair, this week, special only 25c, don't delay buying they will sell quick. All iize3 The best hose you have e .er seen for the price. Remember we at all times carry a complete stock of Holeproof Soxs and Stockings. New Bern exclusive agents. S.COPLON&SON SELLS IT FOR LESS. A LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY BUT IT PAYS TO WALK TO COPLON'S. J AS. A. BRYAN, President 6. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. JOHN DUNN, Vice-President' W. W. GRIFFIN, Asst-Cashier. i The National Bank OF NEW BERNE, N. C. CAPITAL - $100,000 Surplus & Undivided Profits, 108,241 Resources - - 682,195 f o n A BANK whose resources, equipment and long experience enable it to extend the bestf nossibles service to any individual, firm or corporation. $ 4 Per Cent Interest, Paid;on Savings, t " ! Deposits.,' ' 1 .i-Vp DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT.- , r JIm the Chamber f Commerce and help beest Hew Bern." NEWS W BRIEF Skat hem d htmtt ComJaati Only a few bales of 'cotton . were sold on the local exchange today. Ths market price reached lfil-8c " ' Weather forecast tor North. Caro lina: Fair tonight and. Friday; not much change in '.the, .temperature, with light variable winds. Mrs. A. C. Shuler has -gone to At lanta, Ga., summoned there on ac count of the serious illness , of her husband, Rev. A, C. Shuler. Don't forget the ice cream supper to be given tomorrow night by the Baraca and Philathea classes on the lawn of the First Baptist Church. Mrs. W. T. Hall and son, of Mid dlesex, are visiting in the city. They are the guests of Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. Polly ChadwiA ' on Hancock street The Salvation Army is laboring un der hard and trying circumstances to carry on their work in this city, and ask the good people of New Bern to come to their aid. Any donation will be appreciated by Capt Gossett Tel ephone 446. No rain yet in these parts, and the crops are suffering. The farmers are becoming heart-sick at the situation. The berry crop is a thing of the past. The cotton that has not come up is suffering terribly for the want of moisture. Now as it is a setvjfl fact that there will be no leaguebase ball for Eastern Carolina, lets have some good amateur ball playing. Golds- boro ig putting a good team in the field. Boys get together and give the stay-at-homes some sport during tbe ' summer season. I Miss Lula Broadstreet, a represen-l tattve of the Girls' Friendly Society,1 who has been attending the Council of the East Carolina Diocese of the Bfiscopal Church, at Fayetteville, re turned home last evening. Miss Broadstreet reports a splendid meet ing and a verylarge attendance. V Sfl m 111 WIN m Mfo&7 mA Business men, professional men, and lots of otherznen in this town and,elsewhere get comfort in one. of' our light - weight,' half lined; 3.button sack suits. - " - J " t r ' y. i : ; HARTSCHAFFNER & MARX know how to make good clothes; clothes that are- right when you buy. them, and ; stayright as tongas you wear them. ' i : : We carry the sizes to fit men of every 5 j shape; we show patterns that are:; bound to please the most particular; .and we know that our prices are absolutely right, so we see no reason why we should not be able to suit you in a summer suit. We have some very attractive styles , and patterns that we are now offering at $12.50; suits that are worth $15"to $17.50 better grades at $15 and up to $25. Splendid values in blue serges at $15 $20 and $25. Come in now; we will show you all wool fabrics, perfect tailoring, splendid; fitting clothes at prices that will appeal to you. Coprritkl Hin ScbaKncr Man The old stained, stored-away fish- I J.GJDUNN &CO, street was largely attended and great ly enjoyed by all. The social func tion was given by the citizens in 1 i hnnnr nf thn victnrlniia fireman at. ing poles, left from last spring and rec(mt tournament neld ,n char. summer, are largely in evidence aur ing this warm spell. Those who have leisure hours are seen daily on the various docks and in the streams of Neuse and Trent rivers, pulling in the frying pan fish. lotte. The store was beautifully dec orated with flags, bunting and designs of various kinds. Ice cream, cakes and other delicious refreshments were served. During the evening several appropriate speeches were A large crowd of New Bern folks niade by ex-firemen which added left this morning on the east bound much to the pleasure. The dainty Norfolk Southern train and in automobiles for Riverdale, to attend a big rally. A Sunday School picnic will be held In conjunction with the Good Roads meeting. Some of the most prominent citizens of the State are present. The reception given the firemen last night in a vacant store on Broad 'The Athens" COOL OMFORTABLE SANITARY AFE Classy, Refined NEW BERN'S PRIDE NEW VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS TO NIGHT RAYMOND and DAVIS, In a high-class singing, talking and dancing act. Picture Program A CLOSE CALL" This is a thrilling and exelting sub ject and show how "Bess" a well trained grey hound assisted la cap. taring a gang of train robbers. "jnQOE ON A LARK" A roaring comedy. "SHOOTING THE RAPIDS" la Ja pan is a highly colored hand-paJnted picture. "THAT CHINK OF GOLDEN GULCH" A sensational BIOGRAPH drama. Four splendid plctire snbjeets to night. THE ATHENS to the cool est place la town. IS large oscil. lating fan constantly stirring the air No anpleasant odor at THE ATHENS. XATTNEK DAILY at 'J o'clock Prices i aid 10 Narsei fieSea tte ehfldrea. sympathizing young ladies most gracefully served the invited guests' with the different kinds of refresh ments. I have a fresh line of fine apples. oranges, bananas, candles, lemons, ice cold drinks Christ Gilan, Opposite Poet office. AT THE VICTORIA! TONIGHT THREE REELS OF ASSOCIATION PICTURES , ! SHOOTING THE RAPIDS IN JAPAN ..A colored picture by ttie famous Pathe Company, showing the won. derfnl rapids of Japan. BOXING MATCH An exciting mOJ between two clever pugilists. A HERO ALMOST Or fanny adven tures of two lovers who sought no ble deed to do. THE GAMBLERS CHANCE A story of speculation and a small boy, who stopped to play arid thereby saved his employer several thoasaad dol lars. For, while Willie was playing the market went down, down, down.1 He finally weat back to the office expecting to be "fired". Bat Instead he had Us wages raised and a pres. ent of a eoaple of "yellow backs." BIRTHDAY CIGARS A comedy di rect from the Me lies Fan Factory. OCR VAUDEVILLE t MOSKEY High Cum VIoUnist aad VAN HARDING, tbe Flexible Boy Wonder. . , , , SAME PRICE , ) S 10c k BARGAIN UENU FOR HUNGRY BUILDERS ' Gl8ntfo movement of supram Importance .. A ' Framinar--Heart or sap, rongh or dressed, i V,1-, SidingStraight;. bevel or German, -' . " ' i . All iradeaFJoorippr ceiling partition, ' V ' ;: Moulding and I; interior trim 7 Shingles, . , wood, galvanized and tin N : 0 Mnuf acture . in - Our Woodworking Dept. , - . .SASIJ and DOORS-Turned work of every , . description. - LET US T!A!E V.IZC7 ED t::i PJ'Tj TOLSon.'Lur.T'7: " : SHEER FABRICS FOR HOT WEATHER .Linen Lawns .Persian Lawns White and colored Batiste White ancf colored Flaxons; Colored Lawns White and Colored Wash Silks Checked and Striped Swisses Our priqes will certainly , appeal to your pocket book through your judgement. WETHINGTON & CREECH, HACKBURN BUILDING "Join the Chamber of Commerce and help boost New Bern." IT IS QUITE THE PROPER Corrrbkl IMS C.I. namuC.rR. 17 1 f tblng for a woman to wear a ring oiJhe UtUe finger. This nshlon ha coma to stay. At weU as being fashionable ' this realy enhances the bean ty el tbe feminine band.Cme in and let as It year 'little finger with a ring that will, show yea why this style la to popalar. EATOINThe:0;ictlTisL I J .j 1 ) A Visit to Our Store Will Convince You : Where to Buy: You? STAPLE AND FANCY v-X GlOCEHIES 1 " ' ' .' ' - - 4 .' ', Prompt attention givfen all ordera v' ; , 1 iff