O .;..-.' A. Kzvf lz:: it. rr v. . WeIni?y r"sult: Railroader 3; Men 2. . . ,rext.Oajne Saturdays aiarried Men ya Single Men. .i Just you get a whiff of the national joy smoke" and it's dollars to dough nuts you beat it 'cross lots to the nearest store that '; sells tobacco arid stock up! The- flavor and aroma of Prince Albert has got 'em all backed off the boards. It sure will hit the spot with you. Gt the drift of that? TTTrr3 v V., .v A rr (ne national joy smoke just does all, that we say it will do. It caii'f bite your tongue and it can'f parch your throat. All this is because P. A is made by a patented process that cuts out the bite ! Why, this process has simply revolutionized smoking tobacco. Prince Albert rolls up the bujtiest makin's cigarette you or any other man ever smoked. t It puts the jolt of joy right into your system. You tn Just do "makin's" sunrise to' sunset and have a lot of fun. Why, P. A. in a cigarette is abso lutely a revelation. You go to. it! Boy Prtnc Albert iwiywIUnf a tkm fppy fW Se; tidy rtd torn, 10c; tt m pound md haif-pomttd hamiJuim. i mmm I mst H" "IT rf 'Cr. ..1- V--.-4j- ' ' " J 2 R. J. REYK0IJ)S TC3ACC0 CO. Whwti Salts, N. C. , ' m lS0RAKCE-B0i3DS FIRS INSURANCE IS A SMALL INVESTMENT that yield returns whether yoa have a fire or not. For with a policy In ona of the trst-daae companion 1 rep resent, there la a feeling ot protection that to alone worth more then the eost of the Insurance. Feel eafe end be ' safe by ordering a policy today. , v. i .!.' V.' i 1 ! ii ... ...... -. . , a YOU DO NOT OWN A HOMK, COMB TO MB AND LET ME , SELL TOU ONE t a ean aell yon one on easy terma, or I can tell yon a deeirable lot now. and yon can build the Home to.ault the wife, yon ean elect the elte and with a mall eaah payment aeenre It. the bal- t 'monthlT (natallmenta. Call and talk It orer with me. JOHN DUNN ESTATE rars iNSVBAHcs--4ninjraa m 7 POLLOCK BTBS2T, HEW TZSX, V. C. LOAN f,;: BEAT V. Trap Hanters Get $8,000,000 a Year For Fun from' These Animals . . In Vaited States. ; ' (By United Press.) Washington, July 17. Just com mon skunks are worth $3,000,000 annually to trappera in the United States. ' , ',-.- !. , t Their fur ia regarded In Europe at equal to, and in some places bettei than, the Russian sable. And still -only thirteen states pro tect the animal by game laws. These facts are emphasized by the United States Department of Agrt; culture which Just issued a bulletin on the 'Economic Value of North' American Skunks." . The states are: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas, New York, New Jersey , Delaware, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont and North Carolina. In 1911, the department declares. 2,000,000 skunk skina were sold by American trappers In London. Many of these skins the department says, are dyed and shipped back to the United States and sold to American women aa "black marten" or "Alaska Sable." ' j - OHIO COLLEGE GIRLS MANY RECORDS A Sonrco cf Red Itene A HOME Are NEATLY AND FumnsncD. COLIFOETABLY You Satisfied With Your Home Furnishings ? : If not, yon can get satisfaction at a comparatively small cost. We make the Satisfaction of our Customers a Study, and have therefore already anticipated your wants. May we serve yon t - ; Quality, Price, The Lowest Service . Une-ualed. ;r 1 Ft 1ST' :rc :GOe icy The average married ' man will frankly admit that in the choice of a life partner his wife's Judgment was far superior to his own. : .. -'rr-'t "-.-t?r-- ; Ha 1 1 fjake Erie College Promises to Torn Out More Feminine Athletics Than All Other Colleges. i . (By United Press.) Painesvllle, 0 July 17. If the mistaken impression prevails that the only real girl athletes in the United States are schooling at Vaa- sar. Smith and wellesley, it should be corrected, according to girls at Lake Erie College here. These girls hold seven world's records and .are striving for more. Vassar holds five world's records. ' ' ' ; Architects are drawing plans for a huge gymnasium to replace the In adequate quarters in which Lake Erie girls have been forced to train for their field events. The new build ing will cost nearly 1100,000 equip ped and will furnish quarters for over 400 girls. . 1 Miss Ruth E. PotwJne, director ef pnysicai training promises to turn out more stars in the world of fem inine athletics than all the other col leges for women combined. Have yon ; aeea : the new t toilet goods ia oar show eases? They at the best on the market. HratUiaafa. Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Then V'VT'Jfe trgiy SiKts-.-:-.."'y-;; , -. - There's no , longer. , the alightest need of ' feeling ; ashamed ot yodr freckles, as the prescription othine double trengthis guaranteed (o remote these homely spots, y'- : Simply "get an ounce of ethlne--double strengthfrom sny druggist and apply it . little f It night anl morning' and you should soon sea that even the w6rst ' freckles hav? begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely..; , It 1 seldom that more than an ounce 1 needed to Completely clear the ski and gain a bcautifu, clear complex Ion, ' '. , Be sure to aalf for the douh' strength ot! " es this is sold und tnarantee'of or-y back If it fails f ChlM CtomT rerenai; . AickT 'A eross, peevish, listless child, with coated toagne,' pale, doesn't sleep: eat sometimes very little, then again , ravenously; stomach sour; breath fetid; salna In stomach, with diarrhea; grinds teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror all sug gest a Worm Killer something that errels worms, and almost every child has them. Klckapoo Worm Killer Is needed. Get a.boz today. Start at once. You won't have to coax, as Klckapoo . Worm Killer is a candy confection. EipeU the worms, the cause of your child's trouble. SBa. at your dfuggist.;. t'rt'Wtij.?, ftlfH DAScwo scnooit Nonca. Dancing school every Tuesday and Friday nighu. Public invited after o'clock on Friday nig , APPLICATION WOn FARDOIf State of Ndrth Carolina Craven y': s County.'. .,.v' it.. ' - Notice is hereby given to the pub lic that application will be made to the Governor cf rTorth Carolina for the rurdon of Jv,.a W.vClbso?j, con vtct . I t t the Jr t 'rm ot the i rlor Court cf ( ivei County; 11. V r ! - cri i. 1 to ' ? t ven ye- ,. i n. a: O. 7E0 , : STAXpiNO OF CLlX3t - , x. ,Won.'lrost P. Single Men .V.i.9 Railroader L ' . fU Married len . , 7 v ' 0 GhentjAsso. ..j, J ,,;,11 141 ' ' ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' ' At New York 6; St Louis 4. . At Philadelphia 10; Chicago At Boston 2; Detroit 6. ' - " At Washington 0; Cleveland '2." NATIONAL LEAGUE. , At Pittsburgh I; Brooklyn 4., . Pittsburgh 2; Brooklyn S. At CiricinhaO-BoBton, rain.' ; ' At St. Louis- 8; Philadelphia ft; 10 Innings. - . 1 1 . ' , ' . i . . J j , . Y - "'..- - r. 1 AS mst . to . 5 I r t t T c ? r 5 i .. J i f . : . I i I 1 f M iff! 1 !i L ) J.' t,. t 1, , r - 1 S t H '21 I it V, X- tV..s ij ar ... ti 1 a r- ' r - 1 1 i . . i f i i I i - t : it i Ti- t. . l . t: - tai J.cc:y t r t ,j ft. : , crauJ I ta t- 3 1 put --a, J - 7 FEDERAL LEAGUE. At Kansas Ctty 11; Indianapolis ft. At Chlcago-St. Louis, rain i At Pittsburgh 2; Brooklyn ft. - - PitUburgh 2; Brooklyn S. -At Buffalo 1; Baltimore 8. ' Southeru Leacne. At Birmingham 7; Atlanta &. ; At Chattanooga-New Orleans, rain. At Nashville 0; Montgomery L.v Nashville 1; Montgomery 0. At Memphis .6; Mobile, 1. , ' North Carolina League. ' v ' At Asbevllle 8; Durham L, At Winston 7; Greensboro 2. Af Raleigh 0; Charlotte 1. Borth Atlantic League. At Jacksonville S; Columbia ft. i At Albany-Augusta, rain. At Columbus-Charleston, rain. . - At Macon 0; Savannah 1&. . , .;.-.-;:V-.---r'.'-'-.v- ' !"., " Asaerlcaa AWMtcUtloa. . At Indianapolis 4; Minneapolis & At Columbus 8; Milwaukee 0. At Louisville 0; Kansas City &, At Cleveland-St Paul, rain, . ,' Internatloiial League. At Toronto 2; Buffalo .. : Toronto 4; Buffalo 3. -At Montreal 10; Rochester A, . .At Mewark'fi ; Baltimore & : At Providence 8; Jersey City lu ' . Virginia League. " At Newport News 6; Norfolk S At Richmond 4; Roanoke 7. At Portsmouth 6; Petersburg; 0v WBERJB THEY PLAY TODAY. v , ; North Carolina League. Charlotte at Raleigh, r Durham at AshevlUe. ' - , Greensboro at Winatouv ' l , sationar Leegsw. . ' Boston at Cincinnati. , Phiiadalphia at St. Louia, Brooklyn at Chicago. . . New - York at Plttaburgh.. American jueaguei. Cleveland at Washington Chicago at Philadelphia, ' St. Louis at New York. . Detroit at Boston, f ' 7 HIGH-PRiGED o:tn A MILLWRIGHT AND" CARPENTER desires position , at once. 'Apply Sun office. - - 7-1 6-1 k ROOMS FOR RENT THRKE NICE rooms lor ignt bousekeepin.g Ap ply to No. 108 1-2 Hancock St. , . 7-lft-lwk y- - . , BOARDERS j WANTED UP TO date boarding house with modern conveniences; rated reasonable. Apply No. IB Metcalf street. FOUND ABOUT THREE WEEKS ago, one pair boy's choes, on low-" Broad street. vOwner can get same by calling at 14 Broad street - (In the morning) and identifying ' same and paying for this rd. - TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent 85 National avenue.. Wkv;.v.,.;;;..;i:'i.:; FOR RENT DESIRABLE HOUSE, 1? Johnson St- For - particulars ; apply to Mrs. M. M. Marks, 19 Johnson St ' . FOR RENT BACHELOR'S QUAR- ters, No. 120 Craven St., consist ing of 4hree rooms and bath f all freshly painted; all modern con-' venlenees. Phone'SSO, COLORED MAS OR WOMAJt UBf- der BO wanted. No '. experieuc . needed.; , S-100-.04 month, '.Write quick. RojC A-409v ' Cincinnati, FIELD PEAS A LIMITED QUAN tlty on hand. J. A. Meadows. . FOR RENT 4ULY 1STH, SEVEN room house. No. 30 National are.; all modern coaveniencea . Apply to H. C. McKeel, No. 415 . : Elk Temple. Telephone No. 2. ' FOR RENT LOWER FLOOR OF , residence. 19 Middle street ;; For particulars phone 886. 11 - DWELUNO HOUSE FOR RENT House No. 6, New St, now occu-1 pied by MX. F. H. Sawyer, will be for rent Aug. 1st- Apply to Mrs. , Jno. Dunn,-100 Broad St, - " '7-3-tf .. -t - ' V FOR RENT ONE fiXORY BUILD j . ing, Nov 64 Broad street, next door - to Davis Drug: Store, formerly oc cupied as an office by Dr. Street. , Apply, to Geo, Henderson at New . Bern Ice Co. -' - 7-8-1 2t - INDIAN RUNNER RUCK EQUS FOB . .setting at tl tor 16, Good layers. , Mrs. A. B Dawson, Clear Spring, Craven County, N. C - FOR RENT TWO ROOMS, NEW - furniture, privilege- ef bath, hot '' and cold water; with or without board; reasonable rates. Phone 886. 7-2-6t All Approve ' Dod son's Liver Tone as tbe Safe Family;. Remedy for v Constlpatioa and Lasy Liver. ' FURNITURE FOR . SALE I WILL sell all my bouse-furnishing goods at a sacrificed price, A rare chance to save good money. Easy terms. Call at 83 Pollock St 7-2-lwfc There are mosit excellent reasons for Bradham Drug Co.. standing back ot Dodaott'k Liver Ton with an un conditional guarantee to refund pur chase price 50c to you at once without question la event of any dis satisfaction. :;; -r'- Seven of America 'a Yety highest priced physicians, ; who were con sulted regarding Dodson's Liver Tone and who analysed this vege table liquid remedy carefully with all their skill, knowledge and experi ence, have all agreed on its superior merit, Jaarmlessnesa aad effectiveness Dodson's takes the place of danger ous calomel In constipation, bilious ness, sluggish liver, sick headache, . Each ot these plyaielan's fee was heavyeaottgh to stagger moat men; but their Judgment is worth all it cost, partlcalarly. il It . will h the means of leading snore people to re fuse to ran daagerosa risk by taking calomel and other violent remedies. . .Dodson's . Liver .'Tone- not only re- Jleves the. sufferer from constipation and kindred ills, but does it eaajly and naturally, without ache, pain or gripe, with no had : after-elects, without interfering with usual duties and habits and absolutely y without danger which Is one reasoa it can carry an iron-clad guarantee. It has proved a boon to so many that it Is recommended for you to try at once. 1 LOST CET.in iCATS. ; Certificate for one share of Nea Bern Building and Loan Association Series 21. Certlflcftta No. 21 hav- ini been' lost - application will b made for duplicate. . All. poisons are warned ssainst . possesion cf loal eertlScatd. '- ' ....... KIC3 h. LrRCLSSTS. Jura 11, 1S14. ,.- :'; 0t i - .iarcr-ny . si i t i priaoa fof tts t FOR RENT OFFICE APART. ments, No. 120 Craven, Every up-to-date convenience. Suitable only tor a - gentleman or couple. ; For ; particulars phone 830. FORI RENT S3 : EAST FRONT street, eight room , house.: See L G. Daniels, Postmaster, WOMEN SELL GUARANTEED . hosiery to. .wearer, 70 per cent. profit, : Also handkerchiefs : and petticoats. Make $15 dally. Ex perience .- unnecessary. : - WEAR PROOF 8038 Chestnut, PhiladeU phJa, Pa, . . 6r26-lmo. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE NIGHT or day. v Rates reasonable. Best of service. Phone - C4ft. ? F. R. I Smith, No. 19ft Queen 8W - t , 6-23-lmo. LOST BUNCH OF KEYS. FINE-R , pleased return to Sun ofnee. Name of D. W. Williams on metal plate attach d to keys.' WE Ar.!3 NOW IIIAKXNO CYPRESS EUasies ami can nu your oraers , promptly..;" Ooldsboro Lumber Co., Dover, N. C. - ' 6-1 8-3 wk FOR SALE AT A CARGAIN ON . ? easy terms, a house and 2 vacant lots on Avenue C; one Jot on N. . Pastear street, and 2 choice lota oa Blades avenue. Apply to J, T. ' H. MooreJL48 Kidj:e street. s 6-6-lmo. ; ' , - ""I1; "' 1 ; ..' 1 '' 'f '. ''" ,"'.':'ts TOPS AUTO TOrs, ALL YJlDa of automobile and carrla"? tops and cushions repaired. It re - pair Harness. rro'"it sen ' en and e'l, work ruarsv O, ' CUTHRI.tL 132 Polios - , Ehop. . ! 1!-. i. JC leva Deal r) E'n'on. Q-.k' attention ti t to'ora sf-r ..' 12 o'f'oc't t f 1 I 1 7 1 a a 1 -s , . ;e j- i

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