Anzxa i YOUR ARCHITECT i - will endorse oar good opinion t the old time, hand-made tin that hears this name. It la the same dur able material supplied by a century old Philadelphia tinplate concern tor more than 60 year. You take no chance in using it on your roof. We represent the N. G. Taylor Line of tin and are carrying all of the grades in stock to supply the trade. ,. . . TOLSON LUMBER AND r MANUFACTURING CO. Office, Yard and Factory East Front Street, New Bern, X. C. Commencement Flowers. .Easter Lilies are the Prettiest and most satisfactory flower. Carnations Red, . Pink and White. Sweet Peas White, Pink and Lavender. BEDDING PLANTS. Our bedding stock is ready now. Salvia, Coleus, Cannas, Verbena, Moon vines, Snapdra gon, etc., etc. G0LDSB0R0 FLORAL CO. THE HOME OF FLOWERS." If if SKS On Slocumbs Creek, my beauti ' fully situated home with 650 acres of land. The home can he enjoyed for a summer as well ." - as a winter home. ; Land fine ' for tobacco , and truck, now I mostly in timber. Price $60 ' J per acre. Come and see it now. William Buys ' " HAVELOCK..N. C. P0T1ER SQFERT ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS Surveys, Maps, Plans, Speci fications, Estimates, etc. Muni cipal Improvements. Reclama tion and Development of wet lands. Office: : Coca-Cola Building 89 Middle St.. New Bern, W. C. P1 t .:5 a ATTCCTST3 r ' zzvzzzu C:oe Caf3 :i-M CiA z:zi r i it r c id '.1 A ( 'w-iWUiiatitai 1 W . taaula-a-ATM M asgagggsgsgy A IgS? Sa3JWaG3H2a f f S -rW -Ws.QsptS iCi WHt I I tta For Sale By ( 1 1 i ... . : Vsw.) SMft s ---I - A well-estat:Lted. well equip ped and very rroeperous school tor girts aud7 J women: - Fall term he tins September II, 1814. for catalogue, kddresa J,- . J. M. RHODES, IitUetoa, NvC. la- TV imdM N.SmU . U--OI ,t1 ollctMl km) WM U ATm w Mitt Ska CMIet mm M b aott n w a. nxirwL, n 64, ' Blom CouBoa, EC THE NORTH ' CAROLINA State Normaland Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five reg ular Courses leading to degrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers. .Free tui tion to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins.: September ,16th, 1914. For catalogue and other information, ad dress JULIUS L FOUST, President Greensboro, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND r.'.ECHANIC ARTS ' This State Industrial College offers strong courses In Agriculture, Horti culture, Stock-raising, Dairying, Poultry, Veterinary Medicine; in Ci vil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engi neering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing, and In Agricultural teaching. : Four year courses. Two and one year Courses in Agriculture and In Machine Shop Work. Faculty of 0i men; 788 stu dents; 25 buildings; excellent equip ment and laboratories for each de pertinent. On July. 9th County Su perintendents conduct entrance ex aminations at each county seat. For catalogue write E. B. OWEN, Registrar, i - West Raleigh, N. C. EOURDELAIS' SCHOOL OF MUSIC OPENS SEPTEMBER 15TH. " :, .' ' Faculty: Miss Carolina Claypoole, Miss Mary Willis, Prof. Prunier, , ' Prof. Bourdelals (Director) BUT TOUR SWEEPING POW- DEB AT HOME! . L Anti Dust Manufactured By TARRO CHEMICAL COMPT. ALSO CHEAP BARN AND ROOF PAINT It's Fine for Brick Work and Fences It's Wood Freaerver. TARRO CBHIICAl CO. PHONE B1. New Ben, N.C. I It. EABLE GyH Ecgiseer. Booms 408-409, Elk Temple, SEW BERN, N. C Sarveyg and : plans for land drainage' and municipal, im provements, a specialty. Gen eral ... surveys, maps, plans, specifications, estimates. ' TELEPHONE HQ. 778 o 1 O . The pension board et -Cr&ven , county will meet at tba ct ? 'ie Ion the first Monday la J . ,', ? .14, this being the : sixth month. All Confederate - a, sailors sad their widows wto v , to apply tor pension will plesss t t&r beforethe board on the -above (.Ate. Those already on . the pension roll need not attend. . - . " .! ai BTETTT. , t-l-tf ' CLwr a i Promptly astei .OclesO'-"'' at Wootaa StUo, 94 lllj ttreet, - We earry ft f3 Cast 1 wpulies for TO THE MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS . AND GENERAL PUBLIC:; Wheti placing orders for goods in Baltimore or Norfolk please direct that shipment le made byT".. SIEM.iER LB. mi A saving of J 6 per cent on your freight Sailing days from Balti more on the 1st and 15 th of each month, and Norfolk the following day. ' j , Freight received at any time at Miller's wharf, foot of Caroline atreet,' Baltimore, and at Jones and Company's wharf. Water street. Nor folk. LODGE DI1 CHATTAWKA TBD3B NO. 14, IV R. M Meets every - Wedneadaj sleep Red Men's HalL over Nov Bern Qaa Company's ofiosv Brott en from other reservatlona, tm daily welcomed. E. - A. Braddy, I J. H. Bmltlu O. t H. ERNEST M. GREEfl Attorney-At-Law PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS, BJt CEPT FEDERAL COURT, 0 CRIMINAL STBB. ' OFFICE OPPOSITE C1TT HAIA NEW BERN, N. C ' D.G.SMAY (SUCCESSOR TO H. W. SIMPSON AUDEr.IBAU.2TL Office 41 Broad 8t 'Phona lfl Residence 38 South Front IV- ' ;V; ' FbOM lit. ' v ' '-l. J. LEOii w ATTORNEY AT LAV aSBBBSBBBBBSBBBBB 128 MIDDLE ST. NEW BERN, N. 1 FAIRVMUG Those that have nqt paid their city tax please take warning that their city tax must be settled at once. I an called upon to settle with city. Fur ther fae cannot be giv en. If you force me to collect by :tress I will proceed io do to. Look outforganuxhte. . , Rccpcclfdly, ; X J. TOLSON, f City Tax Collector. M It II IM(; n Home 8cbf f iK n. uydcal Culture. erv"" o)in . Hmh tUndai 1 trainffd Innnn-trtriL.r Tkkcson T him record. Brick b a 1 Good Cvmnulum. P. ' btl Writ for our caUlog be. CXCr.CS J. RAMSEY, 1 : C. L. SP :c..i:i f-JC , S,... .4 , . k VilM ill Vi L.. .. Pollceanea Bad to Fight Them WiUi Clobe When Entering Her ;: Room, t'm- Philadelphia, July 17. Summon ed by A mysterious telephone call. the uthor. of which they have been i unable to find, police 'or toe Twentieth- and -Bottoawood station, forced their way. into a house at 850 North Sixteenth street and found the body of Sarah Llpplncott Starr, an aged recluse, in a squoI id-room, guarded by live savage cats, which . resisted the efforts of the police to disturb the woman's body, and which, had to be clubbed out of the house. ' In the faint light the -body was found, dressed in rags, roughly sewn together. .. U:i . . -.-:v: Victoria Llpplncott Starr, sister of the dead woman, who was out on an errand when the police forced an entrance to her home, became angry when she returned and saw what they had done. She at first refused to allow them to carry the body from the house, but . later 'consented and told what she thought had caused the death. ' - - ;-v. irf..-W.r-f She said that. a .week ago.' while her stater; was sewing,-iiB- pricked her finger 'with the needle and that blood poisoning set in. Her , hand and arm were both swollen and dis colored. 1 , The sister said that the woman slipped from a couch on which she was sleeping and that later she fell down stairs. Injuries resulting from these falls are thought to have has tened her death, , The' sisters are of an old Quake family of New Jersey. ' When "their parents died their property, was all left to them, and they had, lived in comfort tor several years, aftet which they were ' forced to 'occupy the small room in the - North Six teenth street house. s , i Keep Bowel Movement Regular. Dr. King's New Life Pills keep stomach, liver and kidneys in healthy condition.. Rid the. body of poisons and waste. Improve your complexion by flushing the liver and kidneys. ; "I got more relief from one .ox-of Dr. King's New Life Bills than any medi cine L ever tried,'' says C. E. Hatfield, of Chicago, 111. 25c, at .your drug- MEETING OF SCHOOL COMMIT. TEEMEN. v The school committeemen of the county-both : township - committee men and . dictrict committeemen are hereby notified that meetings for the election, of v teachers and for other business will be held as fol lows: -s ;"'-,-''3-i:.-1" ::-. i Township No. i -At Vanceboro, 1 p. m.. Saturday'Auguet,1.J ' : .Township No. 2 At Brldgeton, I p. m., Tuesday, July ll-- ' Township No. 3-At Dover, ;S p. m.j" Friday, July llX-S'W-zst Township No. 5 At North Har lowe, 11 a. m., Saturday, July 18'. Township No. 6--At Havelock, 2 IVin Frldayr Jury - Township No. 7 At Thurman, 2 p. m., Friday July 24. 3i ; - Township No. 8 Bellair, 2 p. m.. Tuesday,-July 2&.- -uK' A township No. 9 At Jasper, 2 p. m.,' Thursday, July 80.7'fe v ? The law requires thai teachers be elected at these meetings and . the attendance of every, committeeman is important.- 1 Theachers should file applications with the committee : and , , with the County Superintendent. a a ; , :: M : S. M. BRINSON. 7-8-2wk r xzi'! County Supt,' a?r,j : 'i'"' y'&r' -. "i:k r f ; Coughed for Tliree sears. i i am a lover of your coasend to humanity . and science. : Tour medi cine, Dr. : King's New Discovery, cured my cough of three years stand-J Ing," says .Jennie Flemmlng, of New Dover, Ohio. Have you an annoying cough? , Is it stubborn i hod won't yield to treatment? Get a 50c bottle of Dr. Ring's New .Discovery today. What it did for Jennie Flemmlng it will do for you, no matter how stub born or chronic a cough may be. It ftops a cough and stops throat and lung trouble. Relief or money back. SbC and $1.00, at your druggist. ; Bucklen's, Arnica Salve for Pirn plea. ; : OWN TOUR OWX HOME. : T I will sell either residence 28 or 84 lr2,otb located on Avenue "A." Price and , terms reasonable. " All modern, convenience and good loca tion. ; Apply Jack Crabtree, Avenue "A." City. .. 'c '' - a Prrpjmtoty ar4 f. ",, ! coumX Aft, '"V, lOfIMtict;k.i, , tuimM,tc Con nuincd by lam. ot wcpnlcncnL cnlmM nordeT and tract - Ih. Individual tmur it. iteaa hut. biectric Hghta. Exaiwnt ec.mput. Coneot, lecture. nnU, hwkct ..u9ctinStbeoligtioryouUuMiit.. . LL, D, PMtidant. Raleigh, tl C. :,i !C R, J i . , . 'I 4 Ik - t , Leers J i:..: rrr' : 1:3. oc :015 025; 04 ';-C50';?,- v , It isn't necessary, for you to have one pf the nigher-priced Victor, Victrolas to have-access' to all the wonderful variety of Victor music. " .v - -."Any instrument from the Victor-Victrola IV at $!5tovthe $200 Victor-Victrola XVI will'-play every record b the Victor catalog. ... - J Select the instrument that is best suited 5 home and start in to enjoy and see us about it today.' nlLLlAm 1. THE SPORTING GOODS 91 KM, St f , 0 Think of Pi. i,teaa bi isti 3 m&a You mm Dtuinir warm is often inconvenient to m o shopping. ' Make known your drag store wants to us S by phone and we'll save' you time and trouble of com ing to our store pa. person. OUR FP DElJVER.SIRVI"::" E3- is a part of our up-to-date business-getting system and ' we want our customers to make full use of it. Our goods are fresh and of superior quality. We want your drug business'. Our drug store is at your door. ; ; , V JUST . PHONE "TO 78 OR 35. " THE BEXALL ST02E3 IE aESAF2A!i; & OHIO RAttVAY 'V , ' ''- vi.-v-,it 1 ' 11 VIA NORFOLK -OR RICHMOND. ;. " !" ' Mlnuui Sleepers to Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago and Bt Louis. .: ..Dinlnf Car ServiceA La Carte. '. ,, - - - . - Lt. Norfolk . '. 11 : S8 a.m. ,. 4:0 p.m. v, 4:00 - Ar. Richmond .. .,,.... 2:85 p.m. 6:80 , 6:80 p.m., " Lv. Richmond 1 1 10 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 11:00 p.m. ' Ar. Louisville',,,. U:00 a.m. ; . t:80 p.m. Ar. Cincinnati 1:80 a.m., 10:80 a.m.'' 6:00 p.m. Ar. Indianapolis i.. 11:15 a.m. 8:85 p.m. 11:66 p.m. , Ar. Chicago 6:80 p.m. i : 7:85 p.m.;, -.7:10 .a.. : Ar. St Louis 7:18 p.m. 7:18 p.m. . 7:45 ' ; Schedule subject to ehange without notle Tor tlm tahlet :. - local trains, reservations, etc., adims . , i , . F W. CURD, Pasw. I ;-ot, XJ, O. WAT.rZZT, A. Q. P. Norfc! V. I " -c!- Va. 5, : . -ir, i r?-'i r r. 1 r. si 7. ' s 1 r. r. a. i:. . 5 Jl: . LY - T I :r 1 1 l: t t t 3 L. :. i i CCLC.t c: - .. J Lv til ,V w 't f fr it C :Tf I J CI J F A .; I, the music and fun. Come fa -j -,i HILL MAH ''' V Phone 2S3 i- 1 V'i I'M 78 or 35 , -" . . 1 gfF . IfM - ti... 1.;. . , North Vovni X. ' ! ';:,: - ' " A.r. - ver , : ,t T' 1 5 1 ; rtr t t i