Eg call ? ':. 1 I 1 .' Those wbo are eoaUaually planning to begin sar tag some day, ,whea It te convenient,' seldom' save ' , anything at tinea, Hmw,' tfcrilher load, ; who make a practice of saving small mm regular .-. r, ly win accumulate a substantial toad., : - Deposit $1.00 or more-with this strong, safe baak ud make your account at regular In ': j tervals. ' v. V: ;i v '; ' 'o . Yoa will always be assured of prompt, courteous . treatment at THE PEOPLES BANK and your sav tags will draw 4 per cent interest, compounded ' quarterly.' : ' 'II1- U ? ,f. ATHENS1 TO-MY ", ; VAUDEVILLE: THE THREE ZEVAS In a complete change of program from yesterday, featuring Master Gerald, the youngest kid (6 years old) in vaudeville. This act was well received at two shows last night, Master Ger ald is great. 'The others very good. ' PICTURES: ... "THE WHEELS OF SAFETY" A tyniing two reel Western drama, featuring the great cow boy actor, G. M. ANDERSON, vV f . "PATHE WEEKLY" News from all parts of the world on a picture screen. "SUPPERY SlSJaND THE STORK" A roaring Essanay comedy., MATINEE DAILY AT 4:45; NIGHT, 8 AND 0:15. "ZINGO" "tomorrow BIG MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY ALL NEXT WEEK ' Cotton JIarkeC Prices f-'I.f r eottos on the local archaic 11 1 about the Mine, manias ta li o 13 t-4, ; . ... ' Weather Tomorrow- For Korti Carolina: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday : probably local J th uner showers; fresh southwest wind. - r Case Was Severe While the oper ation '.performed by Dr. R. a Prim rose and Dr."R. N. Duffy upon Mr. D. F. Jarvls at Morehesd City was suc cessful la every way and the recov ery of the patient seems assured, toe is yet in a dangerous condition. The appendix was found to be In. a very advanced stage of disease. . v i Ensign Richardson of Battleship Ar kansas Is Exonerated by Oottrt: ; :- .. Of Inquiry. 'y.rYJ.' I J Fy 1 .,IImi?TStW5i I Vomkkl lm. tltl. Zimwrau CAN YOU AT ALL TIMES DEPEND ABSOLUTELY UPON YOUR WATCH ? If you annot place entire dependence in Its ability to tail vnn fhn empt time 1 whenever yon choose to look at it, it is not a watcn nut an ATciiRA for one. Don't be satiBfled with an excuse, come in and let us show you Co.Ms.ST some real watches. r SAM K EATON JEWELER 1" ' Washington, July 17. Rear Ad miral Badger reported yesterday af ternoon that sensational news dis patches sent from Vera Cms by Fred L. Boalt, an American writer, charg ing that "the law of flight" had been applied to Mexican prisoners by an American naval officer, had been found without foundation by a court of inquiry.: Secretary Daniels direct ed the Investigation, while Secretary Garrison's order for the cancellation of Boalt's correspondent's creden tials and his deportation was held in abeyance. - . j" The findings of the court were de4 scribed in this statement by Acting Secretary Roosevelt of the navy department: "The navr department has receiv ed a dispatch from Rear Admiral Badger, stating the investigation of the allegations made by Fred Boalt, a newspaper, correspondent ' at vera urus 01 tne Newspaper cuter prise Association, has been conclud ed. '-':- "MiA - . -'TViA; . "The -inquiry was exhaustive and examined into every phase Of the charges. It showed conclusively that Boalt's statements were false and that under no circumstances and at no time' was the socalled . 'law ot flight, applied at Vera Crut by the naval forces of the United States. Admiral Badger reports that he will forward the proceedings and records to Washington by the next mall. The acting secretary of the navy is high ly gratified, but not in the least sur prised at the results of the investigation.", The finding exonerates Ensign William A. Richardson, of the. bat tleship Arkansas who was named by Boalt as authority for his stories. JUST RECEIVED " Car of Sash and Doors: also another car of that famous "GASKILL ROOFmG." We can furnish your newels, porch post, stair ballusters, porch ballusters, paints, varnish, stains, lead and oil, almost anything in the hardware line. GasHll Hardware & Hill Supply Company 'Phone 147. 73-75-77 Middle Street. LOSt OR STOLEN- "FOX TERRIER Dog, about six months old,?' Re turn to SUN office. . . STOLEN BOB TAIL WITH BLACK ' and white spote. Rat. Terrier Dog, . .well known as Bob. ( Liberal re- ward if returned-to 0. H, Roberts. 7-ll-3t - A supply of Junlpe Shingles on hand. TOLSON LUMBKB AND MFQ, COMPANY. REWARD $100 We will offer $100 reward for the apprehension and conviction of the person who killed Tony Rogers, our night watchman, while on duty Sun day morning between 1 J and 1 o'clock. ' . 'v-, PINE LUMBER CO. 7-6-80t 'TouBtry Gestleman" Green Ccrn, 2Cc the doz en.-HacIdbcnL 1 .J 1 J ...t .uy. Jl .1 -' ' 1 A. OmWleanzV'SaleofdllfSiim mer Gpijda begiiit on SdiMM(if; July fbL '!s.jr ' .'I'lSri J xi. jlom, uuurwp nuuv :rvu.uueu uie prices to roch Bottom. Every thing in Summer Goods is to be sold cheap, and you9tl find wonder tul valuesiin every departments of four big store,? Come ear come "expecting bargains, and you'll find them in dbiin dance. Y ':;, 'y.' A;' ,-vV- J. L Co 5 C Phone 212 r 1UABI1E CITY PROPERTY. FOR SALE. v A prominent business corner, sit uated in the midst of New Bern's greatest activities is on the market, tor price and terms ot sale call on .' t , ' JOHN DUNN, ' . 65 Pollock St.; f New Bern, N. C. These Lenses Do Noli Touch . Your Eyelashes : Their deep curve , leaves plenty v of room, and allows the edges of .the - lenses to At close to your eyes. You can ' forget this annoy ance it you wear TO A IO LENSES. , " We shall be glad to tell 't von 1 more , nm m J..O. BAXTER, ' . . Optometrist J . EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING . .SCHOOL, ' A State School to train teachers tor the public schools of North " Carolina. . Ever; energy is directed to this one jiurpose.C Tuition ,; " f freeto all who agree to teach. - Fall term begins September 2i, V 1914. For catalogue and other information address, . v iMi . ' ' ,. , s ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, Orewavtlle,: N.- C. , NUNNALtVS ICE COLD CANDIES on allot day makes a delicious treat. " Fine candies are perishable and require careful handling. Nunnally's candies are made, packed and sealed in refrigerated rooms, shipped to us by fast express and kept in iced cases until the moment they are sold. This is the rea- son you : PINNIK DRUGISTORE ''Phone 746. pp. Union Station, r - ' Open Erery Sunday.' AN ESPECIALLY INTERESTING EXHIBIT OF 1 mitm v . 1 1 .i"., '1 W'V'-VV'i 'Vf iV::.: .V.V'''-- "'v!' '' 'i'''S In both Lingerie and Silks. The very dainty styles and the beautifully. n v ished irarments appeal stromrhr to the feminine taste of every kind.-'' ;.:V oiift waist at l.iif wtmium Lingerie Yaiet at 4Sc.-cn8dm E If " amamfmmiamflmmt .nlnr I.,,,,,,, ( , n , , , , , ,,1.1,1,1 " . - I Il l " woman wiu want one 01 mese won- ,i k aenuiiy x ;:iuig iwuaer iuni wiwd rob ires u, .Their pie,' 'z design, the novel weave of the fabrics :v aid their :zstVnsefumess insure to 1 :vi;:,.xs.-:.H I ""i-T..- ' "5 -'''".', 4 "..H.'l.-i;:'-"-?: ..r:;.--.-..5( ..j i:.:.v :!:-;v.-H:::: si-? ,-".'.V ,'.)v-,':'5 -.5", r';it.'..'V-':. v. :!--Cv ''i -'-'H--'-t ::' -.' l-;t- ; if -1 '''"'J '0