L It , , V ED77? When you trade at home, you keep the money at home. The dollar at work will do many things. When ? you send your dollar to a mail order house you simply f send away that much force; that much labor; that much strength. It may never come back. .yX::-'; "But," says the man who hasn't thought, ?'I can get so many things cheaper. ' ' But you can You get what is sent you. There are seconds which mail order houses buy. Things imperfect, and they put'them off on the customer who lives at some , distance. They know he will not protest. He will take it and keep it. When you trade at home you are trading with your neighbor and he isn't going to put anything over you. But apart from that. When you build up 'a big store in your home town you have helped increase the taxable property in that town. You have made old field prices turn into city lot prices. You enrich your State. You enrich your county. You enrich yourself because your property is worth more. You do more than that. You build up a city or a town where your sons may start in business. Where your daughter may teach or find employment if she be a stenographer or a teacher or a saleslady. When we patronize home institutions we are help ing one another. Do not sent outside of New Bern for any article that New Bern can supply, for in the long run you get every article cheaper than if you send the money away. The farmer, the laboring man, the citizen should undertake to inform himself about this mail order bus iness. He should remember that the local merchant is the man who always contributed to help things go who gives here and gives there the real motive force of the town. He should be' helped by liberal patronage all the dollars that are going to be spent should go to him. He makes less than the mail order house which pays no taxes and which contributes in no way to your upbuilding. KEEP NEW BERN MONET IN NEW BERN AND WATCH NEW BERN irr 1 A That Saw Yon Saw Him Saw with so easily came from this hardware store. So did the other tools that made the work seem to easy. Be wise and get your tools here like other clever mechan ics. As we charge no more than the usual prices you might as well get the best while you are about it. The advantage of buying here will be more apparent every time you use the tools. Cutler-Blades Hai dvare Co. TELEPHONE MO. 1. GROW ! Pep 7 At Fcrnbc? Ccr- lU uih 111 iuw . U v ; FArJI PRODUCE Lake Charles, La Busiaees Me Or ganise To Help Farmers Place i .lin;-:pnp'vm ariket. V-a. 't, r(By United Press. '.:'';; ' ... Lake ' .Charles, La.. July 20v-iTo strengthen the farmer , and truck grower- In the 'weakest point la his organisation, the. selling end, r the Lake . Charles Businessmen's Asso ciation has been organised on origi nal lines. The merchants of the city nave incorporated a mutual com pany. hired a manager and hare an nounced that in the future they will accept and pay cash down at the best New Orleans prices for all truck and produce brought to the association's warehouse.-.-:,;' "The trouble with our farmers. declared John Marshall, publisher, of the Lake Charles Times and a lead er in the movement, "was that they had no selling end to their business. They had good land, were well train ed farmers and raised good stuff but from the minute they took it- off their place and put it in their wag ons they were helpless. There were hundreds of consumers who wanted their stuff and were willing to pay for it and there were hundreds of farmers about here who wanted , to sell. But they couldn't get together, Our organization will see to this.. We pay the farmer cash for his, stuff. That's what he needs worse than anything else. Then our agents In New Orleans get it on the big south em and eastern markets for us and we get our money back. We can af ford to wait for our returns but , lots of times the farmer cannot and as a result takes any old price or dumps his stuff on the local market at a big loss. So far the work of the as sociation has been remarkably suc cessful." . , Coughed for Three xears. "I am a lover of your coasend to humanity and science. Tour medi cine, Dr. King's New Discovery, cured my cough of three years stand ing," says Jenaie Flemming, of New Dover, Ohio. Have you an annoying cough? Is it stubborn and won't yield to treatment? Oet a 60o bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery today. What it did for Jennie Flemralng it will do for you, no matter how stub born or chronic a cough may be. Ii stops a cough and stops throat and lung trouble. Relief or money back bc and 11.00, at your druggist. -Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Pirn- Plea. A good woman may be talkec about, but she doesn't talk about others. ( . , A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation,- weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulet (25c. per box) act mildly on the liv er and bowels. At all drug stores.,; HENRY BLOUNT IS REPORTED BETTER (By United Press.) Raleglh, N. C, July IS. The con dition of Henry Blount, the .widely known newspaper writer, and lec turer,' according to reports at the Soldiers Home, is slightly improved and there Is slight hope for his re covery. Cheapest accident insurance Dr Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For burns scalds, cuts and emergencies. Al, druggists sell it. 25c. and 50c. A wise man learns something ev ery time a fool blunders. " For any itchiness of the skin, foi skin rashes, chap, pimples, etc., trj Doan's Ointment. 60c. at all drug stores. v. V A man is known as his mother': son until he becomes his wife's hus band. Keep Bowel Movement Regular. Dr. King's New Life Pills seei stomach, liver and kidneys in health condition. ; Rid the body of poison: and waste. Improve your complezioi by flushing the liver and kidneys. "1 got more relief from one box of Dr. King's New Life Pills than any medi cine I ever tried," saya C. E. Hatfield, of Chicago, IlL 25c, at your drug gist. DANCING SCHOOL NOTICE. Dancing school every Tuesday and vMday nights. Public Invited aftei, 9 o'clock on Friday nig? .s. n J Cola r j v JOKW BERN CITY LEAGUE. - Married Men 5,' Single Men 1. 'Next dame Wednesday:. 81ngle Men vs.' Ghent Asso. t: STANDING OF CLUBS r ' Won. Lost P. C. single Men : Railroaders ;. Married Men Ghent Asso! .9 .;;.;;. ..;. m 7 v ' BOO ..3' .- IS 143 v AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Saturday games: " . At Philadelphia 4; Chicago 1. Philadelphia 5; Chicago 1. . At Washington 6; Cleveland 3. At New York 6; St. Louis 2. At Boston 2; Detroit 4; 13 nings. '., v.: .;-, - " . . ' Sunday games: ' None scheduled. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Saturday games: . , ' At Pttsburgh 3; New York 0. Pittsburgh 5; New ' York" 6. At Chicago 4; Brooklyn 2. At Cincinnati 3; Boston 6.. At St. Louis 6; Philadelphia ( Sunday games: At St. Louis 6; Philadelphia 4 At Chicago 7; Brooklyn 3. At Cincinnati 2; Boston 3. "- Only three scheduled. FEDERAL LEAGUE. - Saturday games : ; At Pittsburgh 1; Brooklyn 7. Pittsburgh 4; Brooklyn S. At Buffalo 0; Baltimore . Buffalo 2; Baltimore IS. At St. Louis 4 ; Indianapolis S. At Kansas City 1; Chicago 5. - Sunday games: At Kansas City 7 ; Chicago 8. At St. Louis 0; Indianapolis 3. Only two scheduled. Southern League. Saturday games: At Nashville 6; Birmingha m4. Nashville 0; Birmingham 3. At Montgomery 1; Chattanooga 3. Other games, rain. Sunday games: At Montgomery 3; Chattanooga 0. At Nashville 6; Birmingham 1. At Mobile 6; Birmingham 1. At Mobile X); Atlanta 1. At New Orleans 7; Memphis 1. New. Orleans 7; Memphis 11. North Carolina League. Saturday games: - At Raleigh 2; Charlotte 12. At Winston-Salem C; Greensboro At Asheville 6; Durham 9. Sorth Atlantic League, Saturday games: ' - - At Columbus 1; Charleston 0. Columbus 2; Charleston 3. At Jacksonville 1; Columbia 0. Jacksonville 4; Columbia 3. , wAt Albany .2; Augusta 1.,...-- .;,t, At Macon 1; Savannah 2- ; , vi. American assocmuobw .. Saturday games: . - At. Columbus 1; Milwaukee 3. At Cleveland 7: St. Paul 6; 10 innings. At Indianapolis 0; Minneapolis 3; 13 innings. At Louisville 4; Kansas City 3. Sunday games: ., , At Louisville 4; Minneapolis 3. Louisville 2; Minneapolis 1. At Indianapolis I; Kansas City 9. Indianapolis 8; Kansas City 6. At Cleveland 2; Milwaukee 1. . Cleveland 9; Milwaukee 2. I At Columbus 5; St. Paul 8. Columbus 5; St. Paul 7. j International League. Saturday games: At Toronto 5; Buffalo 0. Toronto 5; Buffalo 0. At Montreal 5; Rochester 3. At Newark 8; Baltimore 4. At Providence 7; Jersey City 6; 11 innings. Sunday games: . At Rocky Point, R. I.: Providence 4; Jersey City 0. At Newark 7; Baltimore 8. Newark 4; Baltimore 2. At Montreal 5; Rochester 4. Virginia League. . . Saturday games: At Portsmouth 3; Petersburg 5. Portsmouth 3; Petersburg 5.' At Newport News-Norfolk, rain. At Richmond 3 J Roanoke 2. Richmond 4; Roanoke 8. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY.' - y North Carolina League. Wniston at Raleigh. Durham at Charlotte. Asnevuie ai ureensooro. , . . National League. Boston at Pittsburg. New York at Cincinnati. Philaffelphia at Chicago.. Brooklyn at St' Louis. . American tieagne. Cleveland at Washington. ; ' Chicago at Philadelphia: : ' St. Louis at New York. ' Detroit at Boston, "-V ..'S ; 1 1 1 .t 1 i 1 li Il III I'll Build ap yoorr system with tym fefr Iroa aad Wine. Bradham's. ChW CrossT t everiatT Sick? ' A cross, peevish, listless child, witl coated tongue, pale, doesn't sleep: eats sometimes very little, ther. iriln ravenously; ; stomach sour; breath fetid; pains In stomach, wltt rrhea; grinds teeth while asleep -i starts up with terror all sug t a Worm Killer something thst - nola worms, and almost every child 1 them. Kickaroo Worm Killor U "ad.' Get a bx today. - Start at 1. You won't have to coax, f ; poo Worm Killer la a en" y ction. Ex 1 the roriM, t of vmiK l..1's troub!i. f n WIU. Shoot Sixteen Miles Wiji Ac- -; c(vacyrTo . Have 16-Iacb 5 Bore. V BT BURTON If." 8TANDISH. ' v( Written tor the United Press.) wasnington.-juiy 20. A cannon which will. shoot; II miles! : That is what the army will UBe. to' defend the Panama Canal. This giant gun will be the. most-, nowerful 1'n th worltl. It will also Are the heaviest projectiles. Within its 16-mile range, It will be able to shoot with greatest accuracy any approaching foe. ;: There is still, a year's work to be done to complete the mammoth tan non, which la to have a 18-inch bore. The Waterville and Watertown arsenals-will: give It the finishing touches. An elevating groove will be cut in its breech at Watervllet It will thed be Bent to Watertown to be installed: in the immense gun car riage) which is nearing completion It will be given a "shock" test at Watertown .and will be shipped after ward to Sandy Hook for a final-test Progress In building the' disappear ing carriage for the great gun Is be ing watched with the greatest inter est by American and foreign army officers. ' Many nations will have rep resentatives at the Sandy Hook for final proving ground firing tests. Final tests at Sandy Hook of the 14 inch guns for the Canal fortifica tions are : nearly ; completed. Ordi nance officers are pleased, with the remarkable record of accuracy made by the guns In long range firing. Some centaurs are being develop ed this summer in high official cir cles. The spebtacle of a prominent cabinet official. Senator or Represen tative flitting through Rock Creek or Potomac Parka on horseback is more frequent this year than ever before. Senator Henry : Cabot Lodge, al though one of the eldest Senators, Is an , equestrian devotee. Every Sunday morning he rides the same route through the " heavily wooded bridle paths of Rock Creek Park. Lodge has a, bay steed and English saddle, with regular "Jockey's" stir rups. He is sot a "speed merchant" however, being content- to let his horse' amble." - Secretary of State Bryan does his galloping in the mornings, often be fore breakfast, and la home at 8 o'clock or shortly afterward. His bay steed often shows signs of hav Ing had a hard trip. On his horse back excursions Bryan wears his old solid black .' campaign hat and a 'Prince Albert" coat. Senator Borah of Idaho likes to fid fast and fat. His charger is a big white horse;, it has to be, for Borah Is a considerable load and la a picturesque figure. "Work on the elaborate building to be used In connection: with the . Pub lie Service , hvslenfc? laboratory 1b soon to begin. the ffcullitng which is to house the animals to be used by the health service for hygienic ex periments. Out of the $25,000 ap propriated for this work, 120,852 Is to be used in 'connection with ' the erection of the building, the remain der to be expended for equipment.! In addition to twenty ( first class Resus monkeys purchased by a, New York animal fancier at only $8 each, dogs, guinea pigs, cats, ' mice, rab bits, rats, horses and chickens have been added to the miniature zoo. Oc casionally a calf pays a visit to this collection of animals, all of -which are to be used In the investigation to ascertain the causes and character istics of contagious diseases. Little surgery and pothing In the nature of vivisection takes place In the experi ments. To determine the nature Qt the diseases which afflict humane be ings and the methods of, their cure the animals are-put through various forms of germ infection and serum Injection. "Hew to the line and let the chlpf fall where they 'may,, seems to be the motto of Senator Vardamau of MlBsicsiDDli : He has given the staid. decorous Senate, many shocks to its dianity. but - one of the best--oi worst was when he hauled out his Jacknife and whittled a stick of wood In' the "sacred" chamber. - " The shavings piled upon the rich, new carpet, while awe-struck and envious pages clustered about in admiration of Vardaman's nerve and whittling ability. i: One thousand boys and girls cool off on jthe municipal bathing beach here dally. This is the average, but the attendance has run over 3,000 on extremely torrid days lately. . Uncle Sam has elaborate free bath ing facilities. He puts up t9 money for life guards and all attendants. Suits are rented for 15 and 25 centt each, : but most everybody brings his own suit and towels. " v , Just received large shipment 01 (trainer Shingles, ask for prleei tOLSON LUMBER AND MFG. CO. v ATTENTION PENSIONERS. ; The pension .'hoard of Craven county will meet at the court bouse on the first Monday in July, this being the; sixth , day of the month. All , Confederate soldiers sailors and their wldowti who wlBh to apply for pension will please appear before .the board on the above aaia Those already on , the pension roll need not attend. , 8. R. STREET. 8-19-tf s ' Chairman "1 z, ' Cratzps Cv'3 end icf Inlets used in J , - Advertisements tevi Ge tUbbead, OA' J C. I.J V,CD fot each l-er:'-a. In mo a-'WUsesitF t tkea for 1 i Ukan 1 jC- ' Ai 'obI wtwi'i, vm tLja 5, c-- cjrrr rij VCa. Cnles sthe advertiser Las a rervlar aeooant, aZl ad enmt vnder VAm fceaa r ElCXLY CASH Cf AD. VAKCU, the amoaLta beinj to sroa'l to warraat a eharje. Copy for I IZ1X3 LOCALS eaaaot be Ukkem over the tele;hone. K i COLORED MAN " OR WOMAN UN- der 60 -Wanted. No experience-' ; needed. $100.00 - month,. Write - quick, , Box , A-409, Cincinnati. Ohio. v . , , - BRICK FOR SALETHE PEOPLES ; J Brick Co;,-la now 'prepared to fur : ; aish building brick . of - the best - quality immediate shipments, s Address Peoples z Brick" Oo:, New Bern, N. C. i r, , . ' -, LOST Oft TOLEX' iX)X"TERRIKIl uog, aDout six months old.-- Re turn to SUN office , , STOLEN BOB TAIL WITH BLACK and white spote, Rat Terrier Dog, ; well known as Bob. Liberal re ; ward If returned to O. H Roberts. - 7-1-St . . A MILLWRIGHT AND CARPENTER ' desires position at once, v Apply ' .Sun office. - , 7-16-lwk BOARDERS WANTED UP TO date boarding house with modern , conveniences; rates reasonable. : Apply No. 15 Metcalf street. FOUND ABOUT THREE WEEKS ago, one pair boy's shoes, on low er Broad street. Owner can get same by catling at 14 Broad street r (in the morning) and identifying . same and paying for this ed. - - TWO FURNISHED ROOMS ' FOR rent. 35 National avenue. & 7-14-2wk . , - FOR RENT DESIRABLE HOUSE. 17 Johnson St For particulars apply to Mrs: M. M. Marks, 19 Johnson St. - :, . , FOR RENT BACHELOR'S QUAR, ters, wo. lzo craven St., consist ing of three rooms and bath; all freshly painted; all modern con venleneea. Phone 830. FIELD PEAS A LIMITED QUAN- tity on nana. J. A. Meadows. ' FOR RENT JULY 13TH, SEVEN, room house, No. 30 National ave.; all 'modern ' conveniences. " Anbiy- 't H. McKeeliio415 , Elks' ': plet-ll,epn93. , FOR RENT LOWER FLOOR OF residence 1 6 9 Middle street Fot' particulars phone 886. - DWELLING HOUSE FOR RENT v.: House No;? 6 New St.,. no occu-'-? pied by Mr; FH. Sawyer; will be ' for rent Aug. -1st. Apply to Mrs. Jno. Dunn, 100 Broad St , : 7-3-tf . . 1 INDIAN RUNNER DUCK EGGS PORN setting at $1 for 15. Good layers. Mrs. A. B. Dawson, Clear Spring, t craven county, N. c. '. ' FOR RENT TWO ROOMS, NEW furniture, privilege of bath, '.hot and cold water; with or without board; reasonable rates. Phono iSti 7-2-6t -' FOR RENT OFFICE APART- tnents, No. 120 Craven. Every up to-date convenience. Suitable only for a gentleman or couple, For-t particulars phone 830. , T (VH . KKIHTaS EAST ?- r'KONT street, eight room house. See L. . G. Daniels, Postmaster. . , v WOMEN SELL " GUARANTEED hosiery to wearer, 70 per cent. : profit. Also handkerchiefs and petticoats. Make $15 daily. Ex perience unnecessary. WEAR PROOF, 3038 Chestnut. Philadel phia, Pa 6-25-lmo. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE NIGHT or day. Rates reasonable, Best of service. Phone 648. F. R. Smith, No, 196 Queen St . ' ; 6-23-lmo. LOST BUNCH OF KEYS. FINDER please return to Sun office. Name of D. W. Williams on metal plate attached to keys. WE ARE NOW MAKING CYPRESS Shingles and can fill jour orders - promptly.' Goldsboro Lumber Co., Dover, N. C. 6-1 8-2 wk FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ON' , easy terms, a house and 2 -vacant ' lots on Avenue C; one lot on N.. on Blades avenue, Apply to J, T.' 1 H., Moore, 148 Middle street -6-1 mo;- 1 TOPS AUTO TOPS, ALL JUNDb of automobile ; and carriage top - and cushions repaired. 1 also re . " pair Harness,? Prompt service giv en and all work . guaranteed. O. CUTHBELL, 132 Pollock St EU!i'. Bhop;. - ' , ; 5 18-DAW 8r JOHNSON'S . CAFE (The T" News Dealer) -Located at I i . .Station. Quick service m i r ... ' attention td those wis' I " ' before starting on trip. 1 t .1 ' 12 o'clock Widntrit. I . - '. ' and Hamburger f , cent (just one-r f - by other cafes 1 1 t Hot co fTee, p)fi, .' ' tied Cool Dr ; 1. t when you - 1 ' C, JohOSOtk : r; ; Tlli 1 C Tgal '1 1 . a.) ; : 1 c t IoU 1 a, J i an . lanca. J.1 ..7 L.lt . lrice 25c.