-7 n CALETA, ItOirPAY, JULY 23 lSliv FAG ,1 LI; 1 .. : JLi C-Ai-IAL FCBL1C: L.. .1 KiAcncr a xs all cor... c czzn tzzz?..Ja ccrr.r, ca omci opposrra city ' . , , NEW BE22L N. C HALL SV0CrZ2C3 toil w. EETSOX) FUIZIALDirCTOR 1,AI;D.E.3A1I2R. 03oe .61; Broad St. Tbone ltt. ' Resldenoe' St South Front Bt " Phone fit. WRIGHT5VILLE BEAGH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT VWCEK END - AND - SUMMER EXCURSION H FAREo' Iss THE STANDARD (RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH. r ' ' AN Ideal Christian Home School. Preparatory and Collegiate course! Art. ! I EiDrenlon. Physical Culture. Pedafloflv. Domestic Sdenra. Rmlncu. rn. i ; I servatory of Music. High standard maintained by large staff of experienced, college P trained Instructors. Takes only 100 hoarders and teaches the Individual Unsur W" passed health record.. Brick buildings. Steam heat Electric lights. Ezorllent a " J lame, uooa oytnnasium. raric-iuce campus, concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ; - .Jf' balL - Write for our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. "" GEORGE J. RAMSEY, PCDC 30 C 0 "BRIGHTEN UP' Your Home With 0 LOOKS BETTER LASTS SENT UPON 0 HEW BERN BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 0 TELEPHONE 168. OC3C 30 C C. L. SPENCER, DEALER IN Corn, Hay, Oats, Hominy and all kinds teed ' Water Ground Con Medr Seed Oat, Wheal and Ryt Brick For Sale PHONE ISO aiESAPEAICE & VIA NORFOLK Pnllman Sleepers to Cincinnati, Dining car Serrfee Lt. Norfolk .,. ... . .. 11:85 a.m. v 4:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Ar. Richmond 2:36 p.m.' v 6:80 p.m, 6:80 p.m. Lv.. Richmond ....... ... ; 8:10 p.m V: 6:40 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Ar, Louisville 11 :0ft .m. ': .7:80 p.m. Ar. Cincinnati 8:26 a.m. 10:80 a.m. ' 8:00 p.m. Ar, Indianapolis . , ..11:15 a.m. - 2:86 p.m. ,11:66 p.m. Ar, Chicago (:S0 p.m. 7:36 p.m. -' 7:10 a.m. .Ar. St. Louis 7:18 p.m. 7:18 p.m. 'i 7:45 A.m. . .' Schedule subject to change without notice For time tables .: local trains, reservations, etc, address x , V. W. CURD, Passr. Agent, Norfolk, Va. dov. i ai;d oimi eouiid railroad SCKISI7LB OF TRAINS CARRYING PASSENGERS . EFFkG TIVH SUNDAi; FEBRUARY 8TH, 1914. f Voutb Connd Trains i T. P. If, 4:46 ": ' f:oo 6:06 14:46 Lv. 6:06 -' - 1:17 r .;: V l:4 6:10 .6:16 'Ar. . Dove. " ' Toys ; Taylori rhllllps' 1 T.'l2lsatt ' Comfort ; T( ertburj TJchlanda ' t Trains Run Daily Except Sunday. Trains Run Bun. Only. D. T7. r:cr-?ir- i r 'f r. When placing orders for goods In Baltimore ox Norfolk please direct that shipment bo mad by ........ SIEQLB.SDAU ,s ! - , .. . A saving of 15 per cent ' on your freight 8ailing days from Balti more on the 1st and 15th of each month, and Norfolk the following day. . " . .--. -Freight received at any time at Ulllnr'a - wharf. : foot.; of Caroline street. Baltimore, and at Jonea and! Company's wharf, water street. Nor folk. - KODAK FINISHING. Promptly mm efflciestUy at Wootea Stadia, M Middle street. We carry fan its st applies tor BATHING BOATING ISHING PANGING ATLANTICA5T LINE M, A, UL Dn President Raleigh, N. C. DOC DCDO mams LONGER. - COLOR CARDS REQUEST. 0 17 CRAVEN STREET. 3 0C 3 Sucrene Horse and Male Feed Alfalfa Hone and Mule Feed Sucrene Dairy Feed 32 MIDDLE ST. OHIO RAILWAY OR RICHMOND. ( Louisville, Chicago and -St. Louis. A La Carte.. ". W. O. WARTHEN, A. G. P. Am Richmond, Va. North Bound Tralasi 6 , f P. M. 6:86 A. M. 16:86 at. Lv. , . Ts. ' J V - Paint SDHESS iikiUiilAii BY MARGARET MASON. . 1 (Written for the United Press.) Around her waist Patricia tried . ; To tie a bow but lo, Her dainty waist already was Encircled by a beau. New York. July 20. It is as es sential for the follower of Fashions to know how to- handle the ribbons as lt is for a follower of the ponies. Quite racy effects can be accomplish ed by either expert; Nowadays when an entire costume is evolved put of just a bit of ribbon and Just a bit of lpce it is not surprising that the mod ern maid seems all wrapped up In dainty lengths of satin and velvet. She flpd there is knot a loop hole of escape from the silken ties that bind her from the top of ber glossy head to the tip of her glossy shoes. Beginning at the very pinnacle of fashion the tip top height of ribbon style is on the hat. ' The uses of rib bon on the summer hats breaks even with the penchant for wings and flowers, and Indeed it almost always used in combination . with either. Ties of ribbon on many garden hats or bandeau hatlike bonnets are very piquant. . --.s ;:-.;:'" The newest use of ribbon for the hair is a wide length of gauze rib bon crushed low - around the bead and caught at the .nape of the neck with a single flower, either a rose or a gardenia preferred. The next step In the lengths that ribbon goes in the present styles brings it to the throat; Quite the newest fad among summer girls is the tying about their necks of a yard and a half of black velvet, knotted under the ear, the long loops and ends dangling frivolously in the balmy breezes.: Especially with thin flowered crepes and organdies anew fluffy frocks of net and lace this Frenchy touch is decidedly alluring and will no doubt prove an effectual "for-get-me-knot" . among many wearers' summer swains. A knot of either colored or black ribbon around each arm above the, elbow to peep out seductively be neath the short transparent sleeye of the lingerie gown is another novel ribbon touch of the moment. Ribbons however waste little time in getting to the waist, for it is here that they prove their all around charm and necessity. Positively ev-; erything in the ribbon line is being pressed into service to girdle . fair femininity. Narrow sashes of velvet rjbbon, either black or colored, fas ten in the back with a flat pump bow and, long end falling to the hem of the Russian tunic, widest of black velvet ribbon fastens severely plain, guiltless of loop end or bow. Wide crush sashes and girdles of flowered, Roman striped, polka dotted, check ed, plain black and white or pastel tinted 'ribbons of taffeta, grosgrain, moire, satin,; brocade and metalized effects are finished in either back, front or on one Bide in butterfly bowB, true lovers' knots, Japanese loops that know no .end. The waist line is by no means the ribbons flniBh however, Broad sashes of ribbon gird the knees of the fair beneath transparent draperies and tunics and sinking gracefully to the pedal extremeties many are the nar row ribbons that perform the pleas ant task of lacing a silken way from a handturned pump to a well turned ankle. . - ... Parasols composed entirely of rib bons are very smart and all and ev ery parasol handle that is truly chic boasts a perky bow of ribbon with a picot edge. Narrow grosgrain rib bons to which hang some quaint jew elled charm or bauble ' closely vie with the varicolored strings of beads as effective dress accessories, and quillings and ruchings of ribbon are used as profusely as trimming on the pretty silken capes and mantles for afternoon and evening wear. Is it any wonder that the lovely ladies of the chorus have lost all in terest in Wall Btreet brokers and are going In for ribbon manufacturers these days and nights? Feel languid, weak, run down? Headache? ; Stomach "off?" A good remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist Price $1.00. MEETING OF SCHOOlV COMMIT TEEMEN, The school committeemen of the county -both township committee men and district committeemen are hereby notified that meetings for the election of teachers and for other business will be held as fol lows: , , Township No. 1 At Vanceboro, 1 p. m., Saturday, August, 1. i .Township No. 2--At Bridgeton, p. m., Tuesday, July 21. - Township No. 3 At Dover, 2 p. m., Friday, July 31. . Township No. 6 At North Har- lowe, 11 a. m., Saturday, July 18. Township No. 6 At Havelock, p. m., Friday, July 17. Township No. 7 At Thurman, p. mi, Friday, July 24. Township No. 8 Bellair, 2 p. m., luesaay, 4uiy zs. , , ,-. ; - .Township No. 9 At Jasper, 2 p. m., mursaay, July 80. s .: ; Tha law requires that teachers be elected at these meetings and the attendance of every committeeman is important. 1; . v Theacnars should file applications with the committee ; and with the County Superintendent. v - S- M. BRINSON, 7-8-lwk ' . County Supt ROCHESTER SPILLS jr. S l.Mal Aak Orvavlal bm fm f ( t,lilM.UiraltaM4ltru4A I I iii.Ib k4 nd v.ia niikV i 1 S- i mtkmr. !.. TlfJV. I . ' ,-.,.Hf J1S. t ...ijil.h.BS W 1 N.ll-WHHBNt.S.lMtAlw.nKlMtl ATIAUTA Commencing May' Srd, the Atlan tic . Coast Line wUl Inaugurate through Bleeping ear service between Wilmington, Florence, 8umter, Au gusta and Atlanta, In connection with the Georgia Railroad. - Following is the schedule from New Bern in connection with .the new service. '. Lv. New Bern ......... 9:85 A.M. Ar. Wilmington .12:60 P.M. L.T, Wilmington .... 8:45 P.M. Ar. Florence . . . j 735 P.M 8:00 P.M. ,.,.. : 30 P.M. Lv. Florence . . . Lv. Sumter . . . . Ar. Orangeburg ....10:53 P.M. Ar. Augusta .......... 1:40 A.M. Ar. Atlanta .......... 6:00 A.M. Passengers may. remain in sleep ing cars until 7:00 a. m. i Returning the train leaves Atlan ta 8:00 p. m., Central .ime: and ar rives Wilmington 1:15 p. m., and New Bern 6:45 p. m. Eastern time. Connections are made in the Un ion depot Atlanta with the "Dixie Flyer," (leaving there at 8:00 A. M.) which is a solid train to Chicago, carrying sleeping, dining and obser vation cars; also through . sleeping cars to St. Louis; and with the "South Atlantic Limited." (leaving at 7:12 a. m.) a solid train to Cin cinnati, carrying Bleeping and'1 din ing cars; also through sleeping cars to Louisville and Indianapolis. Connections are also made in At lanta with the Atlanta ft West Point R. R. for Montgomery,. Mobile, New Orleans and the Southwest; with the Southern Ry. for Birmingham, Mem phis and the West with other diverg ing lines for points in South Geor gia, etc. : ' - For reservations, tickets and schedules, to any Western destina tion by this new and attractive route, by old and reliable lines, ap ply to T. H. BENNETT, Ticket agent of the ATLANTIC COAST LINE THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH. REDUCED ROUND TRIP RATES WILL BE MADE FOR SPECIAL : OCCASIONS BY THE ATLANTIC : COAST LINE, THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH. The Rates Are Open To The Public. ; NOTE. The first dates named are those upon which tickets may be sold, and upon which the journey must be begun, and the last d fce is the final return limit the last date which the original starting . toint must be reached. Buffalo, N. Y., June 27, 28 ant 29; July 8. ?' Atlanta, Ga., July 6 and 7; July 36. ' i For total rates, schedules, reser vations, etc., to any point named ano for any desired information, apply ; T. H. BENNETT, Ticket Agent, New Bern, N. C, o address T. C. WHITE, W.J.CRAIG. Gen. Pas. Agt. Pas. Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. . v WEST AND NORTH-WEST Hock System mock uaJtest 851b tela Schedule In efect Not. Stt, '11 Norfolk 1:86 8:oe 10:40 6:86 v, Petersburg 11:00 Y. Durham .u. ...... 7:00 s- .m.'. v. Lynchburg ...... 8:46 8:30 p.m. 6:88 6:66 a.m. 7:80 1:80 ir. Cincinnati ...... T:20 Vr. Columbus ..... .. 6:26 ' p.m. sr. Chicago .x 6:06 ir. St Louis ....... 6:88 ' Close connection made for Seattle tma Francisco and all Western points -Pullman Sleeping and parlor can . eV W. Cafe dining cars Equlp oant and service standard of excel encs. Blue Ridge and Allegheny fountain crossed at most plctur tsque parts. Time-tables, descrip It literature and Information free. Isrreapondence Invited. V . W. 0. SAUNDERS, G. P. An Roanoke, Va. ' 0. H. 90SLET, D. P. A. Richmond, Va. W. B. BKVILL, Pass. Traf. Mgr. BALTIMORB Steam Packet Companj "' " ' . asubusnea IBM. THE OLD BAY 11,1 fteamsrs Florida, Virginia and Ala tana. , Finest United BUtes Mai) Iteamsrs South of New York. Equip d with United Wireless Telegraph) imd every modem oonvenlenoa fat ha pleasure and comfort of the trat Ung pubUe. Leaves dally, as tot- WIS . :, , ortamouth, Sunday . . . . .6:00 p.m. Week days .6:80 p.m. Norfolk . . ............. 6: 80 p.m. 14 Point .7:80 js, tteamers arrive Norfolk.. 7:00 a.m. . rickets sold to all points. North fjrt West and Canada. For lnfor Mtion as to tickets, stateroom re n-vationa, etc, apply by 'phone, wlrs at letter to ' " vr GBO. a BOBSON, It XI. CSOWN, nt, GssuAgi twsrtber Pass, At!, , J , It lisite 6MNSt tmoerly and Hotel fJkaW .Briscoe Car listed $750 With Electric Lights, Top, Windshield and Speedometer :. $800.00 With Electric Lighting Generator and Self Starter $900.00 SPECIFICATIONS: Wheel base 107 inches; 56-inch or 60-inch tread; car weighs about 1700 lbs.; selective transmission, three speeds forward, three point suspension, upholstering, high grade leather; color, French grey; will furnish clover-leafed shaped Roadster; Touring Car five pas senger, wood or wire wheels furnished. The BRISCOE car with artistic French style proves to be an aristocratic car. Write for information. Ham Ross i 1 I DISTRIBUTORS. CHARLOTTE. - - - NORTH CAROLINA. Take your pick of these Victor-Victroks $15 $25 $40 $50 It isn't necessary for you to have one of the Higher-priced Victor-Victrolas to have access to ail the wonderful variety of Victor music. Any instrument from the Victor-Victrola IV at $15 to the $200 Victor-Victrola XVI will play even' record in the Victor catalog. '': Select the instrument thxt ; - home and start in toeniov 1 j H ano see us atxut it today. WILLIAM T. THE SPORTING GOODS 91 Middle St HRE INSURANCE-BONDS IV YOU DO NOT OWN A HOMK, COMB TO MB AND LET MB BELL YOU ONB I v(. ' 1 ean sell yos one on easy terms, or I can sell yot a desirable lot bow, and you can build the Horns to suit the wife, yon can select the sits and with a small cash payment secure it, the bal anee la monthly Installments. Call and talk It over with ma, BBAB B8TATB FIRB, INSPRANCB -BTJILDINa ' LOAN ' t7 POLLOCK STREET, NEW BSON, 5. C. I Motor Co. the music iinl flm nm. : - , vviiiv i.i HILL MAN Phone 253 FIRS INSURANCE IS A SMALL INVESTMENT that yields returns whether yon have m fire or not. For with a policy in one of the Irst-class companies I rep resent, there is a feeling, of protection that Is - alone worth more than the cost of the Insurance. Feel sat and be safe by ordering a policy today. J I