::x xic:n)7, july 23, Kit PAG3 .9 I 9 J',' - 4 Vff to do good printing as it is to do bad printing, but it pays better in the satisfaction to cus tomers and in self respect. We aim to do the best work. ".J f.W7rr tors 3r The books, cata logues arid j ob work that we print afford pleasing examples of the typographical art. . Let us submit prices ,ori any work you may have in mind. G. .v r ; P MID BLANK BOOK I.1AKER v.- NEW DERN,' N. C .V ll K 'L ' v . 1 ' Legal Notices NOTICE OP SALE OF FIVE VALU ABLE LOTS IN PEMBROKE. Pursuant to power conUIhed in a w contract made by A. T. Dill and A. i fB'"1""" 'u VT-'i?? Vl t?" Dill, attorney In fact tor .Clara a. Dill, and A. H. Bangert, of the first part and William Cannon and wife of the second part for the sale of five certain lots in Pembroke, which said lots are fully described in said con tract bearing date of February, 18, 1911, the undersigned will on the 17th day of August, 1914, at 12 i clock m., at the court house dooi in New Bern, sell to the highest bid der for cash the following described land: lots number 61, 52, 56, 67 and 120, according to the plan or plot ot Pembroke which said plan Is record ed in book number 83, page 290, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County. . - A. T. DILL. T. Dill, attorney in fact for Clara G. Dill. -A. H. Bangert. H. W. WILLIAMSON, Attorney. July 17th, 1914. 7 .'NOTICE.-: By virtue of a mortgage deed ex ecuted by Clifford Simpson and Hen rietta J. Simpson to the undersign ed on the 6th day of April, 1909, and NOTICE OF SALE OF A HOUSE AND LOT IN BROWNVLLLE. Pursuant to power contained in that certain mortgage dated the 21si day of November, 1910, from Ed ward Brooks. and wife Edney Brooks to Mills Hall, which said mortgage is recorded in book number 184, page 196, in the office ot the Register of Deeds of Craven County, the un dersigned will on the 17th day of August, 1914, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door In New Bern sell to the highest bidder for cash the following land: On the north side of Scott's Creek and on the south side of Trent River, and being lot number 28 in the plan of that part of Craven County, North Carolina, commonly called Brownville, the said plan being recorded in book numoer 142, folio 395, in the otnce or tne Register ot Deeds of Craven County, and being the same land conveyed by John S. Garrett, mortgagee, to the said Edward Brooks, which deed is dated 21st day of November, 1910. MILLS HALL, Mortgagee. R. W. WILLIAMSON, Attorney. July 17th. 1914 Book 176, Page 7, and made by C. Simpson, Kate Lewis, W. W. Lewis, Chas. C. Simpson, Mary F. Simpson, J. E. Daugherty, and Mattie C. Daugherty, to the undersigned dated the 9th day of August,' 1910, and registered in the office of said Regis ter of Deeds in Book 195, Page 128. will sell to- the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in New Bern, ' said county, at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 17th day of August, A. D., 1914, all the following tract of land to-wlt: Lying and being in the County of Craven, State of North Carolina, near Riverdale, and known and des ignated as follows: Beginning at the Adam Coats corner on the Beau fort and New Bern road, and with the Williams line to a ditch, the B. W. Ives line, then with said line to said Ives lower corner, then with said Ives line to R. R. right of way 253 yards, then with said right of way to Pelham's line a gum tree, then with Pelham's line to the Good corner, then with the Fonseks line to the main road, near the eight mile post, then with the main road down to the Jones County road, then with said road to the beginning containing 275 acres. This instrument is exe cuted subject to a mortgage for $400.00, executed to J. A. Meadows on 160 acres of above described lands situated on the South side of the main road, between that and Brice's Creek. The intention of the deed is to convey all the lands owned by said parties of the first part, in No. 7 township. This 14th day of July, A. D. 1914 J. A. JONES. Ia tie District Court ef the United States for the , Eastern District of North Carolina, In the - matter of Geo. B. Hooker, bankrupt: The petition of Geo. B. Hooker or Oriental N. C. for a full discharge In bankruptcy having been filed in said court, it Is ordered by the court that a bearing be had upon the same on the 15th day ot July, 1114, at 12 'clock noon, before the . court at New Bern, N. C, In said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at said time and place and show cause. if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be grant ed. This the 11th day of June, 1914. P. M. PEARS ALL, Deputy Clerk. NOTICE OF FntST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS FOR DIVISION. North Carolina craven County. SuDerior Court Before the Clerk. Addie May Outlaw, et, ai., neirs oi Ei. H. Outlaw, deceased. Ex farte. Bv virtue of an order of sale made in the above- entitled proceeding by the Clerk of said Court, appointing the undersigned commissioner to sell the lands described in the petition tor division. I. D. L. ward, Commission er as aforesaid, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door, at New Bern, Craven County. N. C. at the hour of twelve o'clock, m., on Monday, 3rd day of August, 1914, the following lands of L. H. Outlaw, deceased, to-wit: First Tract p -: Beginning at a bridge across the f ort Barnwell road about 200 yards northeast of the intersection of.- the Dover and Fort Barnwell roads and runs with Seth West line, now L. H Whitehead's, about S. 48 E. 70 yards, thence N. 42 E. 17 1-2 yards, thence N. 48 W. 70 yards to the Fort Barn well road, thence with the road to the beginning, .ontaining l-f of an acre, more or less, and being the same lot of land conveyed by J. R Griffin to Harvey Mann by deed dat- fid Jiinn 21st. 1906. and recorded in book 158. nara 203. records of Crav en Countv. and known as a part of the . B. Griffin deceased land, a . Second Tract. ';" Situated in the town ot Dover and north side of A. & N. C. R. R. and west side of public road lending from Dover to Fort Barnwell and bounded as follows: ' Beginning at a stake on said public road Alex Walker's corner and runs westwardly with said Walker's line 135 feet to a stake, thence northerly and parallel with Barnwell road 195 feet to Griffin heirs' line and said Barnwell road, thence eastwardly with said Griffin teirs line to Main street on Barnwell road leading to depot, thence southerly and with said Main street 195 feet to Alex Walker's line to the beginning, being the lot known as the Cicero Williams lot "id containing one-halt acre, more or less. This the 15th day of June, 1914. D. L. WARD, ' Commissioner To United States of America, Eastern District of North Carolina as. In the United States District Court in and for said District, Fourth Bankruptcy Division. the matter of The Co-Operative Supply Co., New Bern, N. C. Bankrupt No. 104, In Bank ruptcy. the Creditors of The Co-opera tive Supply Co., of New Bern in the County of Craven, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 8th day of July, A. D. 1914 the said Co-operative Supply Co., wad duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at New Bern, in the U, S. Court Room, on the 27th day of July, A. D. 1914, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. SAMUEL W. SMALLWOOD, Referee in Bankruptcy New Bern, N. C. July 14, 1914. MORTGAGE SALE. - North Carolina Craven County. By virtue of the power of sale given the undersigned in a certain chattel mortgage executed by S. B. Duncan on the 4th day ot August, 1911, the same being recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds for Craven County, in Book 76, page 302, in which reference 1b hereby made. I will sell at the corner of Middle and South Front streets, New Bern, N. C, at 11 o'clock, a. m., on Saturday, August 1, 1914, the follow ing personal property, viz: all the household and kitchen furniture be longing to S. B. Duncan, and now stored in warehouse of the Turner Furniture Co., on Middle street, New Bern. N. C. being the same house hold and kitchen furniture described in the aforesaid chattel mortgage. This 7th day of July, 1914. C. L. IVES, Mortgagee. S. R. STREET, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK OF GOODS. . In the District Court' of the United States, for the Eastern District of North Carolina, In Bank ruptcy. In the matter of Redding L. Simp- kins, of New Bern, N. C, Bank- rupt No. 105, In Bankruptcy, To the Creditors of Redding 1 Simpkins, of New Bern, in the County of Craven and District aforesaid. Bankrupt. v NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 28th day of July A. D., 1914 the personal property belonging to the above estate, consisting of stock of Dry Goods, will be sold at Public Auction in the city ot New Bern, aforesaid, under the supervis ion of T, A. Uzzell, Trustee, subject to the approval of the Court. Examination of said stock upon ap plication to the Trustee. T. A. UZZELL, Trustee. New Bern. N. C, July 15, 1914. NOTICE OF FntST MEETING OF CREDITORS. NOTICE TO; CREDITORS. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of . the Superior Court of Craven County, made in the special proceed ing entitled B. J. West, Admr. or a. C. West, deceased, vs. George R. West, T. R. West, Mrs. Julia Lewis, B. J. West, Mary Bell Forbes ana - Forbes, her husband, the same being No. 669 upon the spe cial proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner win. on Monday the 3rd day of August, 1914. at 1 o'clock, p. m., at the court house door in New Bern, North Car olina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash those certain tracts of land lying and being in Craven County, North Carolina, . more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: A tract of land containing 33 acres, more or less, conveyed to A. C. West by William Barrlngton by deed dated October o, 1911, and recorded in. the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County in Book 187, at Page 391, be ginning at a hickory in the spiker line, running South 41 3-4 East 70 poles to John Spikers line; thence with his line South 88 1-4 East 103 poles, to Jersey Barrlngton's line; thence North 41 1-4 West 70 poles to A. C. West's line; thence with hi a line North 88 1-4 West 108 poles to the beginning, containing 33 acres, more or leea, and being the same tract of land also conveyed by John T, Wayne to A, C. West by deed dated December 4, 1867, and record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Craven County in Book 93, at Page 516. SECOND TRACT: A tract contain ing 67 acres, more or less, conveyed by F. P. Latham to A. C. West by deed dated October 17th, 1856, re corded In the Register's office of Craven County in Book 65, at Page 259, and described as follows: Beginning at a Cypress in Broad Creek Low Ground on the line of Isaac Barrlngton, then running North 13 West to a stake; thence South 16 East 126 poles to Shives last corner; then with the various courses of said creek and Speight's and Price's line to the beginning, con taining 50 acres, more or less; and another tract conveyed in the said dead, beginning at a gum standing in edge of Broad Creek; running then e West 170 poles to a stake; thence North 43 West 18 poles to a stake; thence North 66 East 66 coles to a t . r.f,. n,. !. TTulstake; thence. South 50 East 37 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE - OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. By virtue ot the power conferred in that certain chattel mortgage ex ecuted by the undersigned by the Carolina Coast Lime Co. dated Jan uary 9. 1914, and registered in the office of the Register Deeds of Crav en County, N. C, in Book 203, Page 47: on account of default of payment ot the indebtedness thereby secured, I will, on Friday, the 31st day of July, 1914, at the hour ot 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door ot said connty, in the City ot New Bern, sell to the highest bidder, tor cash, at public auction, the following de scribed articles of personal property, to-wit: One 16 H. P. gasoline en gine, one 4 H. P. gasoline engine, one rock crusher, 25 ton capacity, one rock crusher, 50 ton capacity; one pulverizer, 5 ton capacity; a lot of shafting, pulleys, belts, screens, and tools necessary, for the operation of a lime plant. Also one saw mil and the tools incident to-the opera tion thereof for a better description of which see mortgage in book and page above referred to. Also one steam engine 25 H. P.; one steam engine 16 H. P.; one steam engine 5 H. P., shafting, belts and pulleys for the above machinery. Also, one gasoline tug boat; one fiat or scow 90 ton capacity, one flat or scow 25 .ton capacity; , one flat or scow 15 ton capacity. Also all ac counts that are due and, owing the said Carolina Coast Lime Co. ' This the 30th day of June, 1914. E., NEWSOME, V,. States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, At New Bern. In the- matter of Redding L. Simp kins, of New Bern, N. C, Bank rupt In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Redding L. Simp kins, of New Bern, in the County of Craven and District aforesaid, Bankrupt. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 25th day ot June A. D. 1914 the said Redding L. Simpkins, was duly adjudged bankrupt; and that the first meeting ot his creditors will be held at New Bern in the U. S. Court Room on the 8th day of July, A. D. 1914 at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. New Bern, N. C, June 26, 1914. SAMUEL W. SMALLWOOD, Referee in Bankruptcy. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina Craven County. In the Superior Court. Raphael O Hara against Jane Bry ant and G. L. Bryant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court ot Craven County to foreclose a tax Hen created by Sher iff Certificate on land in this connty and State; and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the September term ot Superior Court for said coun ty to be held on the 7th day ot Sep tember, 1914, at Court House of said county in New Bern, N. C, and an swer or demur, to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief demanded In nald complaint., - W. B. PLANNER. Clerk of tne Superior Court. poles to a stake; thence North 45 East 200 poles to a gum; thence South 15 West 150 poles to the be ginning, containing 67 acres, more or less. . ... rt This 25th day of June, 1914. B. J. WEST, Commissioner. MORTGAGE SALE OF CITY PROP ERTY. Pursuant to the power contained In that certain mortgage dated the 19th day of January, 1893, from Emanuel Fisher and wife Caroline Fisher to E. B. Hackburn and W. C. Willett, trading as Hackburn and Willett which said mortgage is re corded in book number 110, pages 376 and 3777, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, the undersigned will, on the 17th day of August, 1914, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door, in New Bern, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described land: All that lot or parcel of land lying and being In the City of New Bern, North Carolina, and beginning at Caesar Taylor's line on the north side of Gardner's alley at the dis tance of one hundred and fifty-nine feet from Bern street running thence with Gardner's alley sixty feet more or less to Green's line, thence north with said Green's line one hundred feet, thence westwardly parallel with . Gardner's alley sixty feet more or less to . Caesar - Taylor's line, and : thence southwardly with the said Taylor's line to the beginning. It . being tne same lot or parcel ot land ; conveyed to Emanuel Fisher by John ; O. Gardner and wife dated Sept. 2nd, ' 188u, and which" deed Is duly re- corded in book number 53, pages 260 . and 267, records of Craven County. ,., -v. B. B. HACKBURN, i . W. C. WILLETT. ."VV-.f R.;w. WILLIAMSON, . -U ' Attorney July 16th, m. , :i3 ;yy'j 7" . ',Vr,;v mm- Jf-.V y:y

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