Local Ww.s r r , r 3 Those who are coatmually plaaaing to begin sav lag some day, wbea it is craTwlwt, seldom save anything st any time. Those, oa the other band, ' . wbo make practice of saving small sums regular ly will accumulate a substantial fund. Deposit $1.00 or more with this strong, safe bank and make additions to your account at regular in tervals. . . ' hi You will always be assured of prompt, courteous treatment at THE PEOPLE8 BANK and your sav ings will draw 4 per cent Interest, compounded quarterly. - . r ' , MM EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SC HO 0 L A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins September 22, 1914. For catalogue and other information address, ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. C. LATE IN THE SEASON MY STOCK OF SUMMER DRESSES Is rather too large for this time of the year. If I keep them another few weeks they will be a total loss to me. . I am therefore compelled to SELL ALL I CAN as long as the sun shines, and sell them for WHATEVER I CAN, jnst so that I can get rid of them. The selection is still large. Every woman can find a dress or two to suit her. l have quite a large num ber of ' Stouts and Maternity Dresses NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED 1 New Bern's Store For Women - WeatW- Tomeatow. For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Tues day; moderate-northeast winds. - .. Cotton Market Prlcea said for cotton on the local exchange remain about the same, running from It to is-4. V. D. O. Meeting. This evening at . o'clock the . Daughters of the Confederacy are asked to . meet In their hall. , ; . ' Fishing Is Excellent The flahlng In Pamlico county is all that could, be desired, said Mr. J. J. Harper this morning when he got back from Pam lico, where he has been with , Mrs. Harper and their young son.U''V", ' .'. Services at Rlveraidew Beginning with tomorrow evening, a new cus tom will be inaugurated for Grace Episcopal chapel. Riverside. "The Rev. B. F. Huske declared bis inten tion this morning of holding serv ices there every Tuesday night.' Chief," Arrests Blan go. Israel Blango, colored, the man supposed to have cut James Moore, colored, Saturday night, was arrested by Chief Lupton .this morning.-. The as sailant of Moore succeeded, in mak ing his escape after the assault. ' Mr. Jarvta Better. Mr. Parker Jarvis came up this morning from Morehead City, His father is doing I well, he said. Mr. D. F. Jarvis, it will be remembered, was recently operated upon ny Dr. Primrose and Dr. Duffy for a severe case of appen dicitis. , Big Storage Tank. This morning a number of men with the assistance of block and tackle hauled on a big truck to the gas plant the enormous Btorage tank just completed for the gas company by the New Bern Iron Works. The capacity is said to be 9,000 gallons. Mad Dog Killed. A dog was .kill ed yesterday arternoon on isroaa street near the intersection of East Front by several men, - Including County Treasurer B. B. Hurst. The dog was said to be menacing a child, and the spectators were alarmed at what appeared to be symptoms pf rabies. . : - Tremendous Police Docket. May or Bangert found awaiting him at the city hall this afternoon an array of cases which eclipsed even the us ual swelled Monday docket. It 'is probable that ere all the tales of woe are told before .the mayor this afternoon a few will have been bound over to the higher tribunal for as sault, selling liquor, or similar charges. it ' . :'-:.i Gets Responsible Position Mr. L, T. Henderson of Charlotte, a brother of Attorney D. E. Henderson of this city, who has been living in Char lotte, has been appointed Southern Sales Supervisor for the Moto Kart parcel carrier company of New York Mr. Henderson's territory in the sale of these motor "delivery trucks in cludes "North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. 85 MIDDLE ST. 'PHONE 752. MRS. B. ALLEN 1 i J WATERMELONS! CANTELOUPE8!, TOMATOES! The very finest melons this season; the only sweet cantaloupes on the market; fine Ponderosa Tomatoes. If you want the best call or phone 142. J. B. WATSON, King. J ' ' ' : '3 J.- Out kan-UD99 Sale ot dtt Sum, mer Goods J)eginsl 6iiiSaiiim July 18th, and I we i hdvjeecluciBd ilie prices to rock bottom? Everything vih Summer Goods is to be sold cheap, and you'll find; wonder ful values in every departtnent of our big store. 4 Come early, come expecting real bargains, and you'll find them in abun-dance. mi J. Phone 212 Id fl Polloclt St. VALUABLE CTTY PROPERTI FOR SALE. REVARD$100 We will offer $100 reward for the apprehension and conviction of the person who killed Tony Rogers, our night watchman, while on duty Sun day . morning between 12 and 1 o'clock. ' t: ' " PINE LUMBER CO. 7-6-30t "Country Gentleman" Green Corn, 20c the doz-en.-Hackburn. A prominent business corner, Bit dated in the midst of New Bern's greatest activities is on the market, for price and terms of sale call on' ; JOHN DUNN, 55 Pollock St., - , New Bern, N. C. rroaic These Lenses Do Not Touch Your . Eyelashes - Their deep curve leaves - plenty 1 of room, and allows the edges of the lenses to fit close to your eyes. You can forget this annoy ance if you wear T O K I O LENSES. ' 'We shall be glad to tell you more about them. J.O. BAXTER, Optometrist T-TTmVT' r THE BIG HOUSE- -THE BIG SHOW ... ALL THIS WEEK: OLIVER'S MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY ;. . ... ..... ... ... .. ... ,.' ...... , ' ' A show of real merit the kind you like. Complete change of program-daily. Special Scenery electrical eifectS. Novelties.: and Surprises. A show you'U talk about, especially suitable for ladies and children. Get the "Tab" habit it's O. K. ' PICTURES: "HER BIG SCOOP" A Two Reel Special Feature by the Vitagraph Company. "ON THE BRINK" Lubin Drama. MATINEE DAILY AT 4: 45 1 NIGHT, 8 AND 9:15. There's something cool and soothing about an immaculate pair of White Shoes. They seem to have a magical influence' even on the hottest of Summer days.; Then, too, they're immeasurably attractive when worn with a pretty frock. ... ... . : Probably that's the reason season than for years. why they're ,so popular with all refined women. Anyway, whatever if is, it's a fact that we've sold more White Shoes this' : A pleasing assortment of different styles in pumps and shoes in canvas, also rubber'tcttoms for the beach and seashore, is here for your selection A wide range of sizes and lasts insures you certain satisfaction . '. .. ........ :..V' . .. .... a ...... . o C4 W .... r ... J L V-i:i. s - :iv:,.r-- : - '-i'lc.'-i'- :f: