.... Down b P 1 V lb L i i asl T - ' -- Getting 'dinner xeaclj" . in' July is just as com- : . fortable as in'Novem-' , ber if you'se .a FLORENCE OIL COOK stove: . The heat goes into the cooking, not into the i Li XJl illr i V !- ' kitchen. It does your Qjf Cook StOVeS work well and reliably, ,: Look forth w and keeps you com- ' , , i fortable. It requires less watching and regulating than a coal stove. - You can keep one or- more burners at an' intensely hot or merely simmering flame. t " Come in and let us show you how these Florence Automatic Stoves work, how simple and reliable. No Wicks to burn out. No Valves to leak. Once started, each burner will keep going at the same, power until you turn it out. PERFECTLY SAFE' J. S. Miller "THE HOME New Bern and a.wiftriaaiiinwiwi.v., ,,, AN ideal Chrwua Horn School. Preparatory and Collegiate counts. Art. Expression. Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Domestic Science, Business, ate. Con tervatory of Music High standard maintained by large staff of experienced, college trained instructors. i aKes only iw Boarders and teacbes the Individual Unsur passed health record. Brick buildings. Steam heat Electric lights. Excellent fable. Good Gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ball. Write for our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. GEORGE J. RAMSEY, M.'A LL. D, President. Raleigh, N. C. SAXON CAR OWNERS C. E. ENSLET, Washington, N. C... .Insurance Agent REV. EUCLID McWHORTER, New Bern. . .Preacher OWEN 6. DUNN, New Bern, N. C. .Newspaper Editor GEORGE E. WEEKS, Maysville, N. C.. .Cashier Bank DAVID LANCASTER, Vanceboro, N. C. . . Garage Pro. C. M. DOCKHAM, New Bern, N. C G. S. STUBBS, Asians, N. C Mail Carrier R. B. BLALOCK, New Bern, N. C. . ..... . .Contractor Ask The Man Who Owns One NEW CARS WILL BE HERE ABOUT SEPTEMBER FIRST COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. 100 8. Front St. PHONE Thi Turning fthd m Oil Sttv BiHny' - w jfw jr n rgt rr Furniture Co, FURNISHERS", Morehead City IP ft J 70S . . New Bens, X. C Modem Business demands a stnmuoiis life The marts of trade are teeming with brilliant men and women working at top speed, and doing and i accomphing. . ; , ' . These men and women find '. . ', A safe, reliable . energizer. , It stimulates their rrinda r and bodies-clears their brains, qjiickcia their strp. t; ;1' ' ' . : It helps wciaderfully in the days long ' ' '" V Xcu r3 (hi Pcp:i-Cc!a ci ttii f ( " I ; Cltiaeas of Long Island Town Alarn- ' ed by N amber W Blatkhand . -".-Letters..- t New ; Tork. Aug".' 11, Following an investigation, ey citizens of Llue Point, ' U ao received threatea- lns letter la their mill Wednesday, the conclusion-was reached that eith er si silly practical Joker or a crank is dwelling la the Tillage. , , , : The letters, which were written in red Ink. and mailed at the Flatbush avenue station of the Long Island railroad la 'Brooklyn on, Tuesday night, were alike, with ihe exception of one written to Grant Arthur, builder. Others who received letters were Perclval 8. Jones, a T&wyer at No. 5 Nassau street; Benjamin Got theld John T. ' Russell, Mrs. - Henry Gertsema, Charles Beeker and Fre mont Abrama i The recipients of the letters were told to turn, over (300 apiece to Arthur. ' .They were, warned that it they failed .ithelr ,- homes ... would he burned and It they;: told the police the town would be, destroyed by fire Arthur was ordered to collect 'the money from" these persons, whose names were given, to him, then , to add f 300 of his own to the amount and start out alone in his auto, when he heard a' whistle by the roadside he was to drop the money from the back of his car and speed away. . Some who got the letters inform ed District Attorney Green. Mr. Jones said at his office.- x.-V ' : "This is the work of either a Joker or a crack brainea y person, ur is somebody trying to advertise . Blue Point. At any rate I shall take no 10 Dodson's Liver Tone is a perfect vegetable remedy to take instead of calomel and is guaranteed to be harmless. If you have trouble with constipation or biliousness, be care ful how you take calomel, because calomel is a form' of mercury, and If mercury remains in the system very long, it will salivate and seriously in jure the strongest person that -ever lived. " '' t If you need something to start the liver to working take Dodson's Liver Tone. It is a harmless - vegetable liquid which'will liven up the liver as well as calomel doe's and without any bad after effects. No restriction of habit or diet is necessary. Dodson?s Liver Tone is as safe for children as it is for grown people and everybody likes its taste. . . t i Buy a bottle for fifty cents from Bradham Drug Co. and it you do net find thaf it absolutely takes the pla4. of calomel, the drug store will give you your money back as soon as you ask for it. No argument this is the guarantee that talks. -. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS -OF THE SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK V .... 0P GOODS. ';::' In the district court of the United States for .the Eastern .' District of North Carolina rln bankruptcy. In the matter of The Co-operative Supply Co., of New Bern, N. C, Bank rupt No. 104, In' Bankruptcy. To the creditors of The Co-operative SuddIv Co.: of New Bern. N. C. in r the county of Craven and District aforesaid, Bankrupt. Notice is herebf given that on the 22nd. day of August, 1914, at the hour of twelve, Noon, the personal property belonging to the above es tate, cbnsisting of a' stock of groce ries and store fixtures, will be sold at public auction in the city of New Bern, aforesaid, under the supervise on of C. A. York, Trustee, subject to the approval of the Court. " Private bids are also invited and same may be directed, sealed, to the undersigned and same will be given consideration on day of sale. Examination of saw stock upon application to the Trustee. ' , i ' C. A. YORK, Trustee. New Bern, N. C, August 11, 1914. v An heiress ought to make a capi tal wire.- i Cures Old Sores. Wm Raaedss Sfoa't Curs. Th wont cam. no matter of tew Ions tUndlntv are eared by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. . U .1 Y. -1 1 j. rvi m m naimiiui. nmiM vv. iviicm Pain aadHeala at the aaae Urne. 25c, 50c, ilM . SummR Poirt, Y. vs. lit. f '"t Belie fcmry, oi tr.;s r t : -i tut- fered lor 15 ytars uu J r i is mr right s!3e, cai I t o i vuii.; ,ij trouble, and doctored k 5, for it, tut with out success. I sulferei so very r -'ch, that I became down in c.irl.f-it" 'p. lessuababv. I wasiat.a oit I .4 of shape.' Was uaablo to Ca ary wotk. I began taking Cartful, the wom-r's tonic, and got relief from fis very first dose. By the time 1 had taken 12 bot tles, my health was completely restored, iajn now 48 years years old, out teel aa good as I did when only 18.H . Cardui certainly saved me torn losing my mind, and I feel it my duty to speak in its favor. I wish I had some power over poor, suffering women, and could make them know the good u would do them." , , ' If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, it win certainly be worth your while to give Cardui a trial. It has been helping weak women for more than 50 years, and wOl help you, too. r'XV .;.v.v'r, Try Caro Yw druggist sells ft. , WrHti,: Chattuiaoca Mtdtofaw Os Udtos1 VL. CtatanoosK Ttnn., for &iml tnrour cau ud 64-ps book. Horn r Woomo." in pl4in wtuimc. l a isi hutrmtwmvtk muawctnr VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOB . SALE. .... ' A prominent business corner, sit uated in the midst of New Bern's greatest activities is on the market, for price and terms of sale call on JOHN DUNN, 55 Pollock St, New Bern,' N. C. Can't look' well, eat well, or feel well with impure blood. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bit ters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean, and good health is pretty sure to follow. $1.00 a bottle. Our neighbors can smell fried on ions farther than roast beef. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy.' Can't bear ihe touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment Is fine for skin itching. All druggists sell it, 50c. a box. Everv candidate for vlllaea consta ble imagines that the country will go to the dogs if he isn't elected. Don't use harsh physics. The re action weakens the bowels, leads" to chronic constipation. Get Doan's Regulets. They operate easily. 25c. at all stores. The world is filled with bluffers who show up badly on a showdown. For any pain, burn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the , household - remedy. " Two sizes 25c. and 60c. at all drug stores. Success worth having never,- rrlv4 es unexpecieaiy. ,, . . t , t ,1-1 Summer Constipation Dangerous. Constipation in Summer-time is more dangerous than in the tall, winter or spring. The food "you eat is often contaminated and is more likely to ferment In your stomach. Then you are apt to drink much cold water during the not weather, tnns Injuring your stomach.. Colic, Fever, Ptomaine Poisoning and other ins are natural results. Po-Do-Lax will keep you well, as It increases the Bile, the natural laxative, which rids che bowels of the congested poison ous waste. Po-Do-Lax will make you feel better.. Pleasant and effec tive. Take a dose tonight 50c at your druggist Was Still Eating When Train Ar rived in Jersey City From-. . The South. - New York. ' Aug. 11. Literature tnd Art record many exquisite visions of . what Heaven - may be : like,- ' but Realism steppea in at jersey uity recently and offered this: - A pickaninny locked in with a car load of watermelons! " - ; Surprisingly enough, when a Bal tlmore and Ohio freight train pulled into Jersey City- yesterday-, and Fred Mitchell, thirteen, - the plekannlnny referred to, was found, there were of the 1,225 melons shipped in ihe car quite a few left. However; when one of the yard hanUs opened - the door .. be found Fred still at work.1. He had become Epicurean and was munching on a melon "heart." . ' : , , Treat who thinks the trip lasted fully three days,' doesn't remember how "he came to get in the car, but there be was when somebody at Wil mington, N. C, locked the door. Hit father, Wesley MHchelt, of 111 Ninth Street, Wilmington, has been notifi ed. 'Against the father's arrival Fred Is held- as a disorderly ; person, al though the watermelons, thoroughly agreed with Wb,.;,'17,,;;;:,:;', Rammer Conrtu Are Danserotn. , Summer colds are dangerous. They indicate low vitality and often lead to serious Throat and Lung Troubli Including Consumption. Dtj Kind's ..ew Discovery will relieve the cou cold promptly and prevent con j lions. ,..It Is soothing and anUawi 1 makes you feel better at oiifn. To "v is danrerous get a bottle cf NEGRO BOY RODE IrJ LOCKED CAR JVEELOi jS Senator Hulte Smith Would Arrange For Credit Direct From GoYera . meat on Frodncta, ' r; ; Washington, ' Aug. 11. A ' plan whereby southern farmers msy get credit direct from the government for cotton 'in warehouses was propos ed Saturday night by Senator Hake Smith, of Georgia, to the southern senators and members of the houe, gathered to consider .relief for the cotton situation resulting from the European war. The plan was dis cussed, but definite . action ' thereon was postponed until another meeting. The plan would authorise the sec retary: of the treasury '.to withhold from the southern states, excluding Florida, fifty per cent, of the $ 3 00, 000,000 of emergency : currency to which the banking capital and sur plus of the south would entitle that section, : under the currency , legisla tion passed this week. In view of this fifty ' per cent.' Senator 8mith would provide that under such regu lations as the secretaries of the treas ury, agriculture and commerce adopt treasury notes might be issued to cotton owners who presented ware house certificates. Senator Overman expressed the belief that the southern banks would take out emergency cur rency to care for the southern de mands while cotton was being held. - Senator Smith said he had some doubt about state banks taking ad vantage of the plan and had hence drafted the supplemental measure. '. A report from the committee to gather statistics as to the cotton trade reported that the census figures showing Germany as a great consum er of cotton were misleading. ? . The figures show that a large amount of cotton is imported to Bremen, where as, it was reported, much of this cot ton is diverted from Bremen to cities outside of Germany, which will prob ably continue to demand cotton. It was stated that the consular agents of the United States had been in structed to report at once their es timate of the extent to which cotton mills in their districts would restrict their consummation of cotton as the result, of the war. - Sleeveless Gowns Require f v ; ;S Hairless Arms. . Fashion says sleeveless, low-neck ed gowns for this season. This means hairless arms and neck; if you do not want to be humiliated. Bradham Drug Co. says that the safest, best and quickest way to be absolutely free from ail trace of superfluous hair is to use the famous medical prescrip tion known as Mrs. Osgood's Won der for Superfluous Hair. It is delightful to use and absolute ly harmless. A - single application makes hair on face, neck,) arms, hands, or any other part of, the body quickly disappear. - The cost is small ana Bradham Drug Co, will supply you, or in fact, any up-to-date druggist or depart ment store, on a Money-Back guaran tee basis. . .- " . ATTENTION PENSIONERS, The pension board of Craven county will meet at the court house on the first Monday in July, 1914, this being the - sixth . day of the month. All Confederate soldiers, sailors and their widows who wish to apply for pension will please appear before, the board on the above date. Those already on the 1 pension roll need not attend, . .; S. R. .STREET, , C-19-tf ' t., .- Chairman.: Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous. Mosaultoes. flies and other insects. which breed quickly in garbage palls, ponds of ' stagnant : water, barns, musty places, etc- are carriers of dis ease. . Every -time they oite you, tney Inject poison into your system-irom which some dread disease may result Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. It is antiseptic and a few drops will neutralize the Infection caused by in sect bites or -rusty nails. Sloan's Liniment disinfects Cuts, Bruises, and Sores. You cannot afford to be with out it in your home. Money back if not satisfied.- Only .z Be. at yoor c-ug- glst. - There's always room at the top and if it is a woman's letter; there's always room at-the bottom tor a post- YoodV Trade Mark ' cl i::::ilc:'.;lCcma. Crimson Clover is a wo ' drritl so!l imptover; also makes i, . -.1 winter and spring gr .'rtieearLs greeafj6d,oragodtayc:cp. . ' A crop of Criaiaon Cljver t . 1 under is equal to a g 1 1" i cf Cable manure, t i i n 1 1 j a soil-lmproverUwo.UJ-J.tJiJ. yr acre, .v- ' r . and s'l r;. ' 23 . VieLrC ' 1 1 ' titty f-- v c -.a c i m,7rVm- tt,Let tt I t : a. . Ai -'-rti r -- t ? t r j, C-. J k - . I). V'kles mitt i , r- 'or accoEt, aJ-o . t-LIs .-XT CAZJ. Ef A3. VA: ,';.e amoants beisf too -- ' Tat a char-a. OorT f-r i - 3 LOCALS ' i orar the tele' hone. CCiCrXD IIAX OB WOMAN TJN . der 6 0 .wanted. No s experience nAAnAfl S1AA AA. MA.h V TT7t.A j a qmca. box A-408, ClneinnaU,- O. Wanted at once exferieno- ed double entry bookkeeper for -Corporation; , prefer, single man. ? Apply in writing to . O. ;C. care SUN office. -v;-,v - , VIXXKJERS, rlUMBEBMBN " AND - i Gas BoaU:-I want to hirof a log scaler, man to run gas boat, and let contract for hauling logs; Write to I E. EVERETT, .Tarboro, N. C?' - it Wkly; It Daily FOB RENTNO. 180. CRAVEN ST. Every modern convenience. Suita ble for . young men or couple. For .particulars phone 830. 1 ' FOR SALE 7 FINE COWS AND v thoroughbred hull, cheap. Meadow Farm Dairy, Morehead City, N. C. '8-7-lwk -w- 'i:-iitM; FOR SALE CHEAP FOUR MULES and one horse; also gasoline low boat. , Onslow Lumber Co., Jaok sonville, N. C. . i , . e5-2wk - BOARDERS .WANTED AT 24 George street . ' 8-5-6t FOR RENT RESIDENCE NO. 87 - New St, j modern convenience. Newly papered and painted. ; ' Ap ply to Mrs, N. H. Street, 18 John son street. - .:. FOUND PAIR NOSE GLASSES IN postofflce.v Finder can have same by calling at Sun and paying for this kdv. - ' ' - "'8-1-tf FOR RENT S OR 4 ROOMS. . AP. ply 85 National Ave. r FOR SALE THE HOUSE AND LOT on East Side of Bern street, own ed and occupied by Mrs. C F. Har Igett. Apply to Mrs, CP, Hargett or to S. M. Brinson. H , , 8-4-tf FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE and lot with two lots adjoining bn the water front at Morehead City, near Atlantic Hotel, formerly the summer home of Mr. H. Poe of Raleigh. Will sell as a whole or , house and lot separately. Geo. A. Barfoot, Wilson, N. C. lw FOR SALE NORTHERN BUILT, wide buggy; good condition. This is a bargain. G.H. NicoIL . 7-28-lwk-d&sw TOPS AUTO TOPS, ALL KINDS of automobile and carriage tops , and cushions repaired. I. also rs ' palr Harness. Prompt service glv ' en and all work guaranteed. O. CUTHRELL, 188 Pollock St Ellis Shop. S-1S-DAW '8M0.1, FOB f RENT 105 HANCOCK ST Kood location for boarders.' Annly E. K. Bishop. '--. FOR RENT 16 1-2 METGALF ST. Price reasonable. Apply E. K. Bishop, wj-'i -vis ,-.s. -V :v: STENOGRAPHER WITH EXPERI- ence wants position at -once. Can give best of reference. Has had a number of years of experience, in office work. Will "start work 'on , moderate salary. , Can begin work at once. ; Address. "Stenographer," care Sun office. ,7-25-tt FOR ; RENT RESIDENCE NO. ; 89 1-8 National Avenue, ' For tnior mation apply to Mrs. Ida 8. Swain, Shallotte, N. C. WANTED BOARD . BI ' YOUNO ; couple, in private tamiiy, on. or Bear East Front Street,, preferred. Phone 1108. --, ' 't - BRICK FOB SALE THE PEOPLES Brick Co., is now prepared to tur nish building -.brick ot ' the beat -quality immediate ' " shipments. Address Peoples -Brick Co., New , Bern', 'N.'d. t 'S jrt-wi-- BOARDERS WANTED r- UP TO date boarding house with modern conveniences; .rates ' reasonable. Apply No: 18 Metcalf street.- v. FOR RENT DjuSulABLE HOUSE, IT " Johnson Bt. or s paracmars apply to Mrs, M, M. Marks, , 19 'Johnson St,'.rH'--.wi k uAjlk 4 itAS A Li-vii 1 t.i QliAN- tlty on bsnd.1 J. A. tieaaowSi i Vm FSNT LQ :V." FLOOajjOF residence 1 oaaie street. or particulars phose 885.1- DU'LLLLXQ UOVl'i FOR' RENT , House No 6, New. Bt.;' now occu pied by Mi?. F. H.1 Sawyer, will be ' m . AM '-L, lull. Vm jno,.Dunn100 Broad St- . ; i::iNT . EAST FRONT street, eight room house. 'See, L. CAra-MThe i :ind Ks i .!er) -Located at I -ton Etation.' Quick service and r "te attention to those wlshin? lnr before starting on trip, c i t..l ,18 o'clock midc' jit n , . t," 'and Ilamburgor d U. ' we cents ( j'J"t o ' f ' 1 IT other c Lot coff,.., i . tied Cc-1 1 - ''.fiJ.l:' -. Illng's New rcovery st on. i, c u i f i me iX C. ---- lttGi, J. ,ry back it not siU. "ed. 60c. , 1.C0 bottles at your druggist. if