1 1 .( C kewber5 crrr league. 7 :' ;" 'Ghent Association 6; Married lien If , - ' Next Game Friday: . . Railroaders vt. Ghent As so. : ifi yWl ! 1 1 - , r riili Cnnwrtirlit tali h K. Jt tUyaoldaTob. Co. HerVi a double header! Prince Albert tobacco works both watts. It's king- r pins rolled into a makin's cigarette or jammed into a jimmy pipe. No matter how you handle P. A; it just punches smoke joy and smoke satisfaction right into your system. It's a regular home run in the tenth with the bases Chock-full! Catch the idea? 1 ; Men, get into the know that Prince Albert can't bite your tongue, " can't parch your throat It is made by a patented process that cuts out the bite. And that's some fad-talkl the national joy smoke will hit your favor first time you come to bat, because today it is the natural choice of men who have found tobacco satisfaction for the first time! They like it; you'll like it I You get right into the game and prove for yourself that P. A. is real and true man-tobacco, bully in flavor and bully in fragrance. It's a mile away from the re-brands and dus-brands. You sure have some high times coming if youll sport a bit and lay a dime against a tidy red tin of P. A. Go to it like it was your middle name. Buy Prince Albert everywhere, Toppy red bags, 5c handy for cigarette smokera); tidy red tin, 10c; also handsome pound and half-pound humidor, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C QT i STANDING OF CLVBSt : ' , .. - . Won." Loat P. C. Railroaders . ..IS : 4 765 Single Men . . Married Men Ghent Asso. . .13 ..8 ..S io X 18 66T 444 142 AMERICAN LEAGUE. 1 At Philadelphia 6; Chicago 1. f At Boston 9; Detroit 2. - a ; At New York 4; St. Louis 6. (12 Innings) . At Washington 1-8; St Louis 0-2. (First game. 10 - Innings: . second game, 14 innings, darkness). , - NATIONAL LEAGUE. . At Pittsburg 0; Brooklyn 1. - (10 innings); -:,---v. ; ---yi.jfu- At Cincinnati 3; Philadelphia 2 -At St Louis 3; Boston 2. (10 In nings).' At Chicago 2; New York 9. FEDERAL LEAGUE. At St LouiB 3; Chicago 3. (10 in nings, rain). ! -: At Kansas City-IndianapoliB, rain. At Brooklyn 7; Buffalo 6. " At Baltimore 4 ; Pittsburg 3. North Carotin League. At Greensboro 1; Durham 0. At Ashevllle- Winston, rain. At Charlotte-Raleigh, rain. - Virginia League. At Newport News 6 ; Richmond 8. At Portsmouth 3; Norfolk 2. ' At Roanoke 0 ; Petersburg 9. Southern League. At Mobile 4; Atlanta 2. At Birmingham 2; Chattanooga 1. (10 innings). At New Orleans 2; Memphis 12. At Montgomery 0; Nashville 1. South Atlantic League. At Savannah 5; Charleston 6. At Jacksonville 3; Macon 1. At Columbus 1; Albany 7. At Columbia 5; Augusta 9. International League. At Toronto 6; Newark 1. At Buffalo 0 Jersey City 1. At Rochester 4; Providence 1. At Montreal 9; Baltimore 5. ' American Association. At In dianapolls 8; Milwaukee 0 ; At Louisville 8; Kansas City 7. . At Columbus 5: Minneapolis 4. At Cleveland l; St Paul 2. (12 in nings). . f. v.-:-;'V ? ME INSURANCE-BONDS FIRE INSURANCE IS A SMALL INVESTMENT that yields returns whether you have a lire or not. For with a policy In one of the rat-class companies I rep resent, there Is a feeUng of protection that Is alone worth more than the cost of the Insurance. Feel sat and be safe by ordering a policy today. IV TOV DO NOT OWN A HOME, COMB TO MB AND LET MB SELL YOU ONB I 8 can sell yoa one on easy terms, or I can sell yon a desirable let now, and yon can build the Borne to salt the wife, yon can sleet the site and with a small cash payment secure It, the bal ance la monthly Installments. Call and talk It over with "me. JOHN DUNN STATE FIRB INSURANCE BUILDING A 7 POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERN, N. O. ARMORED STEEL AUTOS FOR WAR Orders For 1,000 Cars Placed With American Firms by European Powers. Philadelphia, Aug. 28. Armored steel automobiles for use by the Eu ropean powers engaged, in war are being manufactured here by the Auto Car Company and will be shipped as soon as completed. The cars have been sold to nations on each side of the conflict. One order : Includes fourteen cars, which will be used by the British government. Negotia tions with France, Russia and Greece have also been entered into, and it Is said orders for 1,000 cars have been placed by various powers. A large New " England compan will mount rapid-fire machine gunf on the cars. - , Cars ordered by England will he shipped from Philadelphia to pri vate individuals in Canada and thenco reshlpped to the front. URGES WEARING COTTON CLOTHING Georgia Women Inaugurate Move :,. ment to Make Use of'South's Cotton Crop. ; For baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mamma's sore throat, Grandma's lameness, Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. 25c and 60c. - & If From Office-Boy to President we all want success To win, we must be quick, keen, alert, direct PEPSICo!a Takes up the slack, and ; adds the Thomasville, v Ga., Aug. 28. Whether to wear cotton clothes this winter should the war in Europe con tinue is a question being discussed by a number of the women of Thom asville and some are very strongly in favor of the movement. . . Mrs. Z. L Fltzpatrick, president of the State Federation of 'Women's clubs, and president of the Thoma vllle Study class, has taken the mat ter up very warmly, and is using all of her influence to have the other wo men of the community Join, r : v Of course, style is a very large word with most of the iemlnine con tingent everywhere, Ifut if a few of the leading women of the State can be. Induced to adopt the cotton dress es there will be many who will speedily follow. As many Southern women are dependent upon the price of cotton for money to buy any sort of clothes it should be easy to Induce them to follow for. a short time at least a style that will create a de mand for the great Southern staple and will give them the means later on to- indulge in clothes of whatever sort their fancy may suggest, Sleeveless ; Gowns : Require Hairless Arms ptimulant for a strong steady gait Z3 Fashion says sleeveless, lew-neck ed gowns tor this season. This means hairless arms and neck, if you do not want to be humiliated. Bradham Drug Co. says that the safest, best and quickest way to be" absolutely free from all trace of superfluous hair Is to use th famous medical prescrip tion known as Mrs, Osgood's .Won der for Superfluous Hair ' ' , It Is delightful to use and absolute ly harmless. A single application makes hair on face, neck, arms, hanK or any, other part of, the body oulckSy disappear.;-' ) .;, The cost is small and Bradham Drug Co. will supply you, oMn fact. any oto-date druggist or depart ment r re, ona Money-Back guaran tee t j. , : , - - , 1 1 I. 1 1. i n - Cnrinlsts have a mania for por tray;.;.? Uncle Sam as an uncouth hay seed tut they can't prove it, - r ' wajtf. 1 Z "N 1X23 AdTwrUsements tnsertad 6 thlshead, ON3 CTXT TI 1 VOrD for each tnserUoa, fcet o advertisement taken for 1 i than Sc Additkuial wos ,' iwir than ONIB CSXt V.CHD. Unles stbe advert! has a rezular aoconnt, all aK vertivMinAM'e rd this head re fc r.wXLX. CASS El an. VANCJ, Uie amonnu belns toe smaU to wsTant a eharve, Cocy for ECI3 LOCALS cannot be taken over the telephone, . ; FOB RENT TWO ' tjpcitAIRA ; rooms and two downstairs rooms. For information call phone 537 or -25 Johnson St. - ; -;;v FOR-: RENT SEPTEMBER 1ST, nicely furnished, room In private family; suitable for one or two ,.. gentlemen; all : modern conven iences. Phone 437. - WANTED TO RENT THREE ' OR four rooms for light housekeeping. Address C. Love, care Armour ft Co., City. . 28-2t SUSS . OLA FEREBEE WILL BE. open her music class Monday, Sep. tember 7, 191. 8-26-lmo FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED room at 5 New St. . 8-25-3t FOR RENT 4 UNFURNISHED - rooms, with lights and bath, No. 64, corner of Broad and Middle streets. Apply at , No. .54 Broad street. ; Phone 983. ' 8-241wk COLORED MAN OR WOMAN UN- der 6U wanted. No experience needed. $100.00 month. Write quick. Box A-409, Cincinnati, O. FOB RENT FURNISHED APART, ment, 116 Craven St. Every mod ern improvement, ; For particulars phone 830. , 8-15-tf CITY TRANSFER CO. WTLL CALL at your home- day ot night to make deliveries anywhere in the city. : Prompt attention given to - ordehs. Phone 725. A. H. Davis, Manager, 104 George St. 8-14-3mo. FOR SALE-A FEW SHARES OF the paid in capital stock ot The Central Pharmacy. . Will sell at a ' liberal discount if taken at once. Address "STOCK" care this paper. Summer Constipation Dangerous. Constipation in Summer-time is more dangerous .!, than in the fall, winter or spring. The food you eat often contaminated and Is more likely to ferment in your stomach. Then you are apt to drink much cold water during the hot weather, thus Injuring your stomach. Colic, Fever, Ptomaine Poisoning and other ills are natural results. Po-Do-Lax will keep you well, as it Increases ' the' Bile, the natural laxative, which rids che bowels of the congested poison ous waste. Po-Do-Lax will make' you feel better. Pleasant and effec tive. Take a dose tonight 50c. at your druggist - HERE'S A JOB FOR A DOCTOR. ' (By United Press.) Washington, Aug. 28. Any physi cians want a Job at $500 a year and found? This was the muniflcient doc tor's salary offered today when ex aminations were held hy the District of Columbia officials to fill a vacancy on the staff of the Washington Asy lum (insanity and inebriates refuge.) Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous. Mosquitoes, mes ana otner insects, which breed quickly In garbage pails, ponds of stagnant water, barns, musty places, etc.. are carriers of dis ease. Every time they bite you, they Inject poison Into your system from which some dread disease may result Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. It is antiseptic and a few drops will neutralize the Infection caused by in sect bites or rusty nails. " Sloan's Liniment disinfects Cuts, Bruises aud Sores. Ton cannot afford to be with out it In your home. Money back if not satisfied. Only 25c. at your o-ug- CANADA Ai CHINA . FOR RENT NO. 180 CRAVEN ST. Every modern convenience. Sulta - ble for young men or couple. For particulars phone 830. - FOR SALE THE HOUSE AND LOT on East Side of Bern street, own ed and occupied by Mrs. C. F. Har gett Apply to Mrs. C. F. Hargett or to S. M. Brinson. 1 8-4-tf TOPS AUTO TOPS, ALL KINDS of automobile and carriage tops and cushions repaired. I also re pair Harness. Prompt service giv en and all wbrk guaranteed. O. CUTHRELL, 183 Pollock St Ellis' Shop. ? v ; 5-1S-DAW SMo. BRICK FOR SALE THE PEOPLES Brick Co., is now prepared to fur nish, building brick of the best quality immediate shipments. Address Peoples Brick Co., New Bern, N. C. ' - ;.v,r till Chinese Government Hopes to Get Entrance Tax of $500 Per Head , ; .Abolished.' . v ' :- (By United Press. r VANCOUVER, Aug. 28. Negotia tions are in nrogress today between the. Canadian government and, .the Chinese republic with a view to an agreement for control pf Chines Im migration into Canada; - V'i; , President Yuan Shi Kal is under stood to have Intimated ' he would Indorse such a- compact as the one by which 400 Japanese are admitted into the Dominion yearly. He would like, r however,; tor have the present 1600 head tax paid by the. Chinese abolished.' . . The opinion here Is that an agree ment of , the ; kind would facili tate the negotiation ot a-slmilar ar rangement with the Imperial govern ment concerning Hindu Imml.TrMon, - r":Careaia6t3l4L'-: four ' trtwi ''T r omrv - f ft.Ua to tore u c I I mut, iim1.Bi.IInorrTOtTdlnrrlSr' -"oHdin. Xbm first pitietlf Kite . FIELD PEAS A LIMITED QUAN- tity on band. J. A. Meadows. . JOHNSON'S CAFE (The ' Blind News Dealer) -Located at Union. Station. Quick service and polite attention to those wishing lunch before starting on trip.- Open till -12 o'clock midnight Ham, Egg, and Hamburger sandwiches ;flTa cents (just one-half price charged , by other cafes in this location.) Hot coffee, Pies," All Kinds of Bot tied Cool Drinks. Call and see me when yon want Quick lunch. J. C. Johnson. - - . tl ATTENTION PENSIONERS. ' The pension board of ' Craven . county will meet at the court house on the first Monday in Jaly, 1914, this' being : the sixth day of the month. All Confederate soldiers. sailors and their widows who wish to apply for pension will please appear before the board on the above date. Those already on . the pension roll need not attend. 8. K. STREET. , v -e-19-ti - Chairman. ..CMlt ORDINANCE. i Aiderman Ellis . moved, the adop t , tion ot the following ordinance: Be. It ordained by the Board of, Al- H . dermen 01 toe uity 01 new uern; -Section 1. That chapter 4 ot the . ordinances of the city be amended by adding at the end thereof the fol lowing: --: y-vr -'!". n'ifJ.w- Section 40. All railroad ' compa- hies maintaining a, track or tracks across any street in the city shall between the rails of and on each side -. of such track or tracks either -j a v the width of such street or lay plank , -thereon In such manner as to permit vehicles to cross without difficulty or . excessive jolting. ; Whoever violates this ordinance shall be deemed gull ty It a misdemeanor, and upon con-. vlction thereof, shall be fined ten ; dollars; and each day such track or 7 tracks shall be maintained In viola- -tion tliereof ehaU conutitute a sopa- I' rate and distinct cr..r-e. - Aldermn raw? saconded - the ' motion "1 v-'!i vo cf t".;8 board the resoUao 1 v j f - , .5 4 i v. w"-. - f-m t Y 1

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