FAC rersonal cc it Cl TA, FRIDAY, ATJQ. 23, 1911 So ., 1 x ViVoo1' L i firm Mr. H. H. Hester of Klnston la la the citj today..v " r Mr. J., W.Sears if Vanceboro i in the city at present' ' - - ' ' Mr. N. W. Taylor of Beaufort spent yesterday .in the city, y . .- ; . -' , Mr, A. 8. Gobb of Wilson arrived in New Bern this morning. Xozt'Ci MetffiK trip vj&enyou have V money ;s$- Jhthetoant : "All work and no play makes Jack ' doll boy.", Everybody likes to take a trip. It brightens us up and gives op something to think about,' and if yon have got some money tacked away in the. bank, to that when yon DO And time to take the trip, it will boy some tickets and some nice clothes and make that trip possi ble, whereas, without that money, your- vacation would have, to be spent home. t . " , t "t. Do yOCB banking with TJs. , We pay i per cent interest. Nv Bern Dahidng&Trust Co. Build np your system with oar Beef, Iron and Wine. Bradham's. . Just received large . shipment of Juniper Shingles, ask for ' prices; TOLSOX LUMBER AND MFG. CO. - Quality, not Quantity, at Hackburn's. Mi Mr. C. M. Flowers of Durham is among the day's visitors. : Mr. S. A. Chalk of Morehead City is among the day a visitors. Mr. B. H. Stephens of Wilmington spent yeBterday In New Bern Mr. W. D. Morrison of Belhaven has been in town on a short stay. Mr. W;.A. Mcintosh returned' this morning from a visit .o Oriental Mr. George N. Ives left this morn ing for his fruit farm at Newport. Deputy Marshal C. H. Ange return ed this morning from Onslow county. Messrs. C. E. Gaddy and J. L. Hill I of Hamlet spent yesterday in the city. Mr. J. F." Hughes of Charlotte Is among the business visitors in town Mr. R. P. Lunceford. of Rose Hill has been in town for a short stay on business. ? v Mr. H. B. Armstrong returned this morning from Pamlico county where he has been visiting relatives. Mr. W. L. Ari-ington of Beaufort is in. the city today. He attended the stockholders' meeting of the Scott Register. Co. ye3terday. Messrs. W. F. Crokett of New Bern and Graham T. Richardson and Joe Stevenson of Bellair have returned from Raleigh where they attended the farmers' convention. Mr. R. W. Ward of Raleigh return ed home this morning after a visit here. He was formerly United States deputy marshal in this district and now is office deputy at Raleigh. Miss Bertha '' Flowers left this morning for Richmond where aha has accepted a position. - ? ' . i . ; . - . ,- i -. . ... Mrs, John H. Deppe. who has been spending several weeks In Asheville. returned home last night 5 - j - , . i . Miss Ines Miller of Richmond left for home this morning after spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Boyd of this city. SCOTT REGISTER ORGANIZED Xat night the stockholders of the SCOtt. Register Co. held their Initial meeting, at whieh the following offl cers were elected: President N. W. Taylor of Beaufort: vice-president, H. d Armstrong; secretary and treas urer, M. w. Fodrie. This concern has an authorized capital stock of $125,000 and will manufacture and sell the latest Im proved account registers. This, new enterprise for New Bern expects to be ready for business by September 1, and will have its home on Craven street near the city hall. CAPTURE YOUTHS T 1 OLE AUTO - Oottld was born on arm. In New Tortt of ' very poor parent!, and was put to work early . in life in, a small country tore. He afterward! secured a place as ' aesletant to a map-maker. After learn ing the buslneea, he made a map of Dela-, ware .Co., and Albany, and disposed of them for $3,000, which enabled him to tart in the tanning business. ;" In' 1S60. he started in the leather busi ness In New York City. This proved suc . ceesful. He made money fast and began . to invest in railroads. - His knowledge of conditions, and keen judgment made him so successful that in 1880, he controlled 10,000 miles of railroad. He was the founder of the Famous Gould Fortune that today controls 18,000 miles of railroad and owns more than a ' billion dollars in stocks and bonds. The rule of his early life, to 'which he attributed his success was that of saving at least one half of his earnings no mat . ter how great the sacrifice. , Founders of Great Fortunes ' They have generally been poor boys like Gould. He started by sav ing a part of his earnings, thus being able to GRASP Tffi OPPORTUNITY when it came.. The wisdom of this plan cannot be questioned. It al ways brings success. The officers of this Bank are always glad to have you call and give you any advice about your financial affairs. CITIZENS SAYINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY 65 POLLOCK STREET NEW BERN, N. C. Machine Stolen From ; Pitt County Man Boys Charged With For gery in Georgia. FINAL DECISION ON PROTESTED 1 E Dancing Ghent Park Friday night. 11 you have remedie i for the children right in the house, this ill save you many a sleepy, but sleepless, mid-night floor-walk, and many a dark 2 A. M. trip to our drug-store. Before baby becomes sick, ask yoor doctor how to prevent illness and save yourself the midnight floor-walks. In giving medicines to your tender children, you want to knew that they are pure and fresh. We will not uply you with any other kind. : , Come to OUR Drug Store. , Wood-Lane - Drug Co. DELIGHTFUL BOX PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lovlck gave a most delightful box party last even ing at the Athens in. honor of Miss Mary Jarvis Stith, the occasion be ing her birthday. After enjoying an absorbing prog- tram -of moving pictures, the company! repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs Lovick, which had been profusely decorated with Japanese lanterns and Southern smilax. Many interesting games were played and the fortunes of those present were amusingly told Before the close of the evening de licious refreshments were served. 'V Wilson, N. C, Aug. 28. According to Information received here, three young men, Randolph Gibson, Wilbur Blount and Lee Moore, are under ar rest at Piedmont, Ala., charged with stealing an automobile from Mr. J. H. Blount, at Bethel, Pitt county. As soon as the papers are issued the young men will be brought back here for trial. The car was taken several weeks ago. Gibson has been arrested several times for stealing automobiles. The last time a car was taken from Goldsboro and recovered at. Rocky Mount. - i . - f , KInston, N. C, Aug. 28. Three Bethel youths named Moore, Gibson and Blount, charged with stealing an automobile from the garage of the uncle of the last-named, M. O. Blount, and were arrested in Ala bama, are now being held in Georgia tor forgery which the trio are alleged to- have committed during their scorching trip from this section to the Gulf States. M. O. Blount has gone for his machine, which was m tbsftpossesslon of the men when they weTe' apprehended. '-It is uncertain if Moore, Gibson and Blount will be brought back to North Carolina on the -larceny charge before they have been tried for forgery In Georgia. SEVEN KILLED A T U CAPITAL Trouble Started When Rural Guards Attempted to Arrest a Con . stltutionalist. if It DC When You Tliink v of Druffs Thihk bf 78 or 35 ( Durinar warm weather it is often inconvenient to I' go shopping:. Make known your drug store wants to us Fi 07 phone and we'll save you time and trouble of com-; mg to our worejn person. OUR FREE DEUYERY SERVICE " is a part of our up-to-date businesa-sretting: system and we want our customers to make full use of it., Our goods are fresh and of superior quality. We want your drug business. 'Our drug; store w at your door. PHONE: Mexico City, Aug. 28. Rural guards were attempting to arrest a Constitutionalist last night when comrades came to his rescue and shots were exchanged. ' The trouble I became more serious when the rural guards withdrew to the fifth ward po lice station.. The shooting was re newed and continued for. half an hour during which it is reported sev en persons were killed. The city is now quiet save for scattering shots in the neighborhood of the police sta tion. The infantry and cavalry are patrolling the streets. Washington, Aug. 28. An upris lng in Mexico City against circula tion of bank notes and currency of the new Carranza government has been put down by troops. Confiden tial advices to the State Department late yesterday announced that there had been a "misunderstanding" be tween the populace and the govern ment but that . order had been re I stored. No time was mentioned but the trouble is supposed to have oc curred yesterday.. National Commission Says Decision of Umpire Should be Sustained Married Men Win. LOVE FIRST SIGHT HER DOWNFALL Miss SaUie McAllister of Wilmington Living Illegally With Man in Georgia. -Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 28.- Miss Sallie McAllister, a pretty . young woman who has been missing from her home In Wilmington, N. C, since last Feb ruary, was located in a local hotel In Atlanta Monday afternoon by Detec tives Coker and Andrews. According to the detectives, she was living with one William D. Smith, who formerly boarded at the McAllister home in Wilmington. "The detectives took the young wo man into custody, along with Smith. ;The young woman told a sensa tional story of a burning love as to how she came to be living in Atlanta with Smith, and how she was led to mysteriously disappear from her home. When arraigned before Recorder Nash Broyles the young couple de clared that they were in love and begged Judge Broyles to give them permission to marry, instead, of being bound over, under a statutory of fense. The judge consented, and the marriage followed. ANOTHER TOBACCO BUYER IN THE CITY Mr. C. M. Flowers of Durham Will Represent The - Export Leaf Company. The protested game between the Single Men and Married Men goes to the Married Men. This is official and final. The National Commission has sus tained the ruling of the umpire in calling the game in the ninth inning before three men were out and re verting the score back to the eighth inning, on account of darkness. The game in question was played in July. The score at the end of the eighth inning was something like 8 to 3 in favor of the Married Men. At that time it was too dark to play but an attempt was made to finish the game. In the first half of the ninth inning the Single Men made six runs, making the score 9 to when the Married Men went to the bat in the last half of the ninth. Two men had been retired when a bats man for the Married Men was hit by a pitched ball. At this stage of the game the umpire called the game on account of darkness, saying he could not see the ball in play. As the side second at the bat was behind and did not tie the score, the score reverted to the last even innings, and the score of that inning decided the con test, 8 to 3 in favor of the Married Men. That the umpire is the sole judge of the question of fitness of ground or of darkness, and he had the right to call the game whenever in , his opinion it was too dark to play, is shown by the letter just received by President Daniels of the City League from the National Commission. It follows: Another tobacco buyer has arrived in the city in readiness for the open ing or me local mamec luesaay. This is Mr. C. M. Flowers of Durham, -who will represent the Export Leaf Company. A few days ago The Son announc ed the arrival of Mr. Knott as the representative of the Liggett and Myers Company. Others are expect ed to come in every day between now and September 1, when th new $10,-' 000 brick Dill warehouse on the cor ner of Primrose and Pasteur streetB will receive its christening loads of the highly prized weed. . A anpply of Juniper Shingles on hand. TOLSON LUMBER AND MFG. OOMPANT. JUST TO 78 OR 35;. r i H.: wv fK 'Iff. .r-ft-Atf- P,J--,U:JL'. Ut., him about ten yeans age v: f-f ,"r" M rr" I TctXv-lCULlira;.-Any,.nlgni.;;;.r Emory before marriage. Vera-Cruz, ; Aug. 28. That the break between ' the police and the Constitutionalists in the capital had reached the point of open conflict in which a few persona were killed was the information reaching here today. It was reported that , after the re opening of the saloons the worst ele ment of the hew forces in the capi tal became unruly and ab'uslve. The police who. had been retained from the old regime,- fired into a crowd of Constitutionalists." The latter how ever, gained the upper hand,-all the police were disarmed and quiet was restored. - .--v ;.;,..-.- Have you seen the new toilet goods in oar show casesT They are the beet on the auurlratBradham's. Ve fcave jc:t received a frcra shipment bf gen SPLITS OWN JAW IN Snaps Off As Town Champion Lifts Heavy Sack Weighing 200 V-V-v; Pounds. '' 1 Pottstown, Pa., Aug. 28. Joseph Laus, or this place, who gives exhibi tions to his friends of the iron strength of his teeth by lifting heaw weights, had . an odd experience In lifting a sack weighing 200 pounds in this manner. . Suddenly his Jawbone napped off, a portion of the front bone,, with five teeth, coming out. . Surgeons have replaced the broken bone, backing it up with an inter dental splint to keep It accurately in place. THE NATIONAL COMMISSION Created by the National Agreement for the Government of Professional Baseball. Cincinnati, Aug. 26, 1914. TOM C. DANIELS, Esq., Pres. City Base Ball League, ' New Bern, N. C. Dear Sir: , Replying to your letter of August 25th, I am of the opinion that the protest of the Manager of the Single Men's Team should be disallowed, and the action of the um pire in calling the game in question should be sustained. Respectfully, AUG. HERRMANN, Chairman. The members of the National Com mission are: Aug. Herrmann, chair man, Cincinnati; John K. Tener, New York City; B. B. Johnson, Chi cago; John E. Bruce, secretary, Cin cinnati. Game Today. The Railroaders and Ghent Ath letic Association will play at Ghent Park this afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon the Married Men and Railroaders will play, the game to begin at 4:30. ELECT DELEGATES. TO COUNCIL TONIGH T Vestry of Christ Episcopal Church to Meet, at The Rectory at i Eight O'Clock. Delegates to the Special council which will elect a successor to Bish op Strange will be elected at a meet ing of the vestry of Christ Episcopal church at 8 o'clock tonight at the rectory. The Rev. B. F. Huske is anxious that every vestryman in the city should not fail to attend, since owing to the number out of town there might otherwise be difficulty in getting together , a quorum. The special meeting of the council of the Diocese of Eastern Carolina will convene, as announced in yes terday's paper, at 11 o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, October 7, in St. Peter's church, Wilmington, N. C. Use our "Quick Delivery" serrtes for your wants. Bradluun's- RALEIGH MAN GETS FIFTH WIFE Fourth - Wife, Divorced; Married Three Weeks Ago; Groom 70 . Yean Old. Raleigh News & Observer. About three weeks ago the fourth wife of Mr. Rufus Henry Pulley, di vorced, decided to marry again. Yes terday Mr. Pulley also decided he was ready for another ceremony and Miss Mary Emory became his fifth wife. Deputy Clerk Vlrtruvius Royster per formed the ceremony and the office of the clerk of Superior court was the scene of the wedding. PnLey gave hit age as 70 years rnd hi filK wife's waa 66. It is said that tue fourth wife, who was divorced fom yean ago, was a Miss Health First Happiness Follows Ever notice that most nor mal, healthy persons are cheer ful optimists And that dyspeptic, sickly people are generally pessimis tic? Most indigestion is caused by improper food; and the sur est way to health is to use a wholesome food such as Grape-Nuts AND CREAM. Made of wheat and barley, it supplies, ' in form for easy, ' quick digestion, the nourish' ment that builds normal bod ies, bralne and nerves. ' Eat right Feel right! "There's a Reason" ft: