Our pay checks are exactly the Mm M other bank cheeks. The party cashing urn must know that the person tendering the eheck -Is the lawful possessor. No discount should be asked aa all our checks are good tor their face value at the bank. J. L. ROPER LBR, CO., - A. T. GERRANS, Supt . This May 4. 114. - lyr. HEW ROUTE SOLXD THROUGH TRAINS BETWEEN FLORENCES, 8. a, AND ROANOKE, VA VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, j FLORENCE AND WADESBORO, 1 winsruiii-cuuiiia Buvinsyvnu f ti m mci . m . 1111 T 8TON SALEM, NORFOLK A 'WESTERN RY WINSTON-SA-LEM AND ROANOKE. . DAILY SCHEDULE; A. M.- - 9: SO Lt. Florence Ar. 10:20 Ly. Darlington Ar. P. M. 7:80 7:01 7:15 6:22 6:63 P. H.' 6:00 10:05 Lt. HartsriUe Ar. Society Hill Ar. Cheraw Ar. 11:00 Lt. 11:80' Lt. P. M. 13:35 Ar, Wadesboro Lt. 4:00 Ar Winston-Salem Lt 1:25 P. M. A. M. 8:46 Ar. Roanoke Lt. 9:00 Close connections are made at Florence, in both directions, with trains carrying Pullman cars to and from the North, South, East and West For rates of fare, and detailed schedules to any desired destination by this new and attractive route, ap ply to T. H. BENNETT, Ticket Agent f the ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier or the South. N. B. The following schedule figures are published only aa infor mation and are not guaranteed. TRAIN NO. 21 Leaves Golds boro 6:45 A. M. for Raleigh, Dur ham, Greensboro, Ashevllle and Waynesville. Through train to Ashe vllle, handles Chair Car to Waynes ville. Makes connections at Greens boro for all points North and East, and at Ashevllle with Carolina Speci al for Cincinnati, Chicago and all Western points. TRAIN NO. 189 Leaves Golds boro 2:06 P. M. tor Raleigh and Durham. Handles through Pullman Sleeping Car from Raleigh to At lanta, arrives Atlanta 6:25 A. M, making connection for New Orleans, Texas. California and all Western points, also connects at Greensboro with through trains tor all Northern and Eastern points. TRAIN NO. 1J1 Leaves Golds- boro 6:05 P. M. for Raleigh, Da ham and Greensboro. Makes dlr" connection at Greensboro with solid Pullman Sleeoing Car Train foi Washington, Baltimore. Phlladel Dhia. New Tork and all Eastern and Northern joints. Connects also at Greensboro with through Tourist Sleeping Car tor Los Angeles and San Francisco. TRAIN NO. Ill Leaves Golds- boro 10:45 P. M. for Raleigh, Dur ham and Greensboro. Handles Pull man Sleeping Car Raleigh to Wins ton-Salem. Makes connections at Greensboro with through train for Atlanta and New Orleans, also makes connections for Ashevllle, Chatta nooga, St. Louis, Memphis, Birming ham and all Western points. For detailed information, also for Information concerning special round trip rates account various special occasions or Pullman Sleeping Car reservations ask any Southern Rail way Agent or communicate with th undersigned. J. O. JONES, Traveling Pass nger Agent, Raleigh, N. C B. F. CART, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. E. H. COAPMAN, "T. President ft Gen. Manager. I. H. HARDWICK, Passenger Traffic Manager, Washington. D. C. ffcrfcIk-SouIteni R. R. Route of The "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule In Effect June 14, 1914. The following figures published as Information ONLY nad are not guar anteed. INS DEPART: For Beau.i 9:05 a. m. and 5:48 p. nv- For Golds boro 4:05 a. m.; 9:10 a. m. and 6:65 p. m. For Oriental 9:30 a. m. and 5:46 . . p. m. ' " For Washington and Raleigh 12:80 a. m. and 2:25 p. m. For Washington and Norfolk 12:80 a. m. and 9:10 a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE: From ' Beanfort 8:45 a. m. and 6:60 p. -m,;,;;V::"1:'-"'' Front Ooldaboro 12:28 a. m., 9:00 a. m. and 6:85 p. m. . . ' From Oriental 8:61 a. m. and 4:21 Vi p. ' m. ''' '0;-' - ;.;V; ;,77 f7 ?''('' .' ' From Norfolk 4:06 a. m. and 6:89 From Raleigh and Washington 4:01 a. in. and 11:42 a. m, For further information or reser vation of Pullman Keeping Car Cpaos, apply to EL Bennett, T. A Kv Eem,N C, : lr ; . ZL S. LEAKD, '0'0-k. Czaertl rgrseicir Agent, '" ' OTY CrINANCE. - Mr. Alderman Ellis ' moved the adoption of the ft flowing ordinance: Be it ordained by the Board of Al dermen ot .' tie City ot New -Bern: j - 7- ... '7:- ' i ' Section 1. That chapter 22 of the ordinances ot the city be amended by adding thereto the following: - "Section 8. All persons, firms, or corporations, using city -water for water motors, private fire hydrants, feeding boilers or for any other pur pose, except In case ot automatlo fire sprinklers, and requiring the use ot a service or supply pipe larger than one inch in diameter shall furnish all material and pay all expenses in mak ing such connection with the city mains; and shall also furnish and install lit their expense, on all such connections a water meter ot approv ed -type and make and of a else not smaller than the service pipe used, all ot which shall be approved by the Superintendent of the Water and Light Department of. the city. The meter shall be located in side-walk or immediately beyond property line and be protected by a suitable iron meter box, or be bricked around in an approved manner and provided with suitable covers. A suitable straight-way check valve shall be in stalled Immediately after and on the consumer's side of meter, and a cut oft valve shall be placed Immediate ly after said check valve. A cut-off valve shall also be installed between the meter and the city water mains, which shall be used by the city only, in turning on and off the water sup ply. Persons other than those au thorized by the city shall not in an; way, other than to read meter index to ascertain water consumed, tamper with any meter connected to the city water mains. The city shall have the right to place seals on all meters to insure it against loss or theft of water, and any unauthorized person guilty of breaking any such seal shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, for each offence be fined the sum of $50.00. All persons, firms or corporations who shall not comply with this ordi nance by October 1st, 1914, shall have such water service discontin ued. Resolved, That the Superintend ent of the Water and Light Depart ment be and he is hereby Instructed to prepare statements of account against all persons, firms or corpora tions, who have been using city wa ter from hydrants on his, their or its premises, without reporting and pay ing for such water used, and that de mand be made upon such persons, arms or corporations tor payment of the amount due by them to the city. F. T. PATTERSON, City Clerk. CITY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Board of Al dermen of the City of New Bern: . That Chapter 13 of the ordinances hot the city of New Bern be amended by striking out Section 3 thereof and, In lieu thereof, Inserting the following: Sec. 3. "Any person, firm or cor poration who shall keep open any store or shop on Sunday for the purpose of buying, selling and transacting business, except in cases of necessity, shall upon conviction, pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every offense. "But drug stores and apothecary shops may be kept open at all times for the sale of drugs and medicines, toilet ' articles and soaps, and such other merchandise as may be neces sary in case of sickness or accident; provided this ordinance shall not ap ply to the sale of milk or ice at any time, nor to the delivery of ice cream prior to 10:45 o'clock a. m. "Provided further, that it shall be a violation ot this ordinance to sell Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, or other soft drinks by whatever name called or ice cream, cigars, cigarettes or to bacco except by hotels and bona fide restaurants in their places of bus! ness and in the ordinary conduct of their business." F. T. PATTERSON, City Clerk. EXTREMELY LOW EXCURSION . ' RATES'. via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD to BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, D. C, NORFOLK and VIRGINIA BEACH. Tuesday, August 18, 1014. Following round trip rates Stations. Bait, Nor. Wash. Va.B. D. C. Bayboro 111.50 86.50 ?9.60 11.60 6.50 9.60 Beaufort Farmville 10.00 10.60 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 10.30 11.00 6.00 6.50 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.60 8.00 9.00 9.00 Fayettevllle Greenville . . . Goldsboro . . . . Kinston . . . . , LaGrange . . . . Morehead Cityj New Bern ... ... Oriental Plymouth. . . . 9.00 8.30 9.00 9.60 8.00 11.60 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Wendell 10.00 6.00 8.00 Washington .... 10.00 6.00 8.00 Wilson . , . , 10.00 6.00 8.00 Zebulon . ,.. . 10.00 v 6.00 .8.00 Tickets will be on sale for all trains August 18th, bearing final lim it returning September 2d. ' : . Grand Steamer trip to Washington and Baltimore. ; ' how tares from all stations. Con venient schedules. ' Ask Ticket Agents for timetable and fares. - A- t-r.-v ; v;i' - J. F, MITCHELL, T. P. A ' '7--Raleigh, N. C. E. D. KYLE, , H. S, LEARD, ! ,( Traffic Manager. " ,',':-:v G. P, A. ; ' . ., Norfolk, Va. :. SAUPCOIT fcEOVE 00, ,.:,.::.yf ". . .?.?-. itAh . Has 12,000 Pecan Trees 8 years., . old for sale. Fancy paper shell ., rariety.. All budded. Curtis, ). Schley,. Stuart, . Delmaa, -Van; ,'Demon, - Success .;? iv-H WiOOVSuES. J IIUSOO'S LEATH Asks Damages to Amount ot S150V OOO Was Killed in Riot Of ' "-'"', Hoppickers, i (By United Press.) MARTSVILLE, CAL. Aug. 28. The superior court will begin trial here shortly of a 8160,000 damage euit brought by the widow of the late District Attorney -E. VT. Man well against John H. and Ralph Durst, on account of her husband's death in the koppickers" riot on the Durst ranch at Wheatland a year ago. . - - ?-;-. 7 According to Mrs. Manwell, the district atorney was in Wheatland on private business the day the fa tal riot occurred and was just about to leave when Sheriff Voss, summon ed to the ranch by the bursts, ar rived with a posse and seeing Man well, insisted that the latter accom pany. , Manwell went against his , better judgment, says the widow, and was pleading with the hoppickers as an individual when he was killed Should Convince the Greatest Skeptic in New Bern. .... Because it's the evidence of a Hew Bern citizen. j '5 Testimony easily investigated, The strongest endorsement of merit, , The best proof. Read it: - ;' Mrs. Lovenia Hall, 30 George St., New Bern, says: "I suffered from a weak back and pains across my kid neys that made me restless at night. In the morning, I felt tired and had no strength or energy. The secre tions from my kidneys were unnat ural and caused me no end of an noyance. When I read about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got .a supply. They removed the pains and aches. -"' Since then I have had a better appetite and my system has been toned up." A LASTING EFFECT. ' Some years later, Mrs. Hall said: "I take pleasure in confirming my former endorsement of Doan's Kid ney Pills. They gave me permanent benefit from kidney trouble. During the past few years, I have enjoyed gdod health." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney -remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Hall had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ... y ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the District Court of the United States for the v Eastern District of North Carolina, in the matter of Geo. B. Hooker, bankrupt: v The petition of Geo. B. Hooker of Oriental, N C. for a full discharge in bankruptcy having been filed in said court, it is ordered by the court that a hearing be had upon the same on the. 15th day of July, 1914, at 12 O'clock noon, before the court at New Bern, N. C, In said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at said time and place and show cause, It any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be grant ed. ',,..:.:... This the 11th day of June, 1914. P. M. PEARSALL, Deputy Clerk. NEW TRAIN TO AUGUSTA AND ATLANTA Commencing May 3rd, the Atlan tic Coast Line; will Inaugurate through sleeping car service between Wilmington, Florence, Sumter, Au gusta and Atlanta, in connection vith the Georgia Railroad. Following is the schedule front New Bern in connection with the new service). Lt. New Bern . Ar. Wilmington Lt. Wilmington 9:35 A.M .......12:50 P.M. 3:45 P.M. 7:35 P.M. .aa n Ar. Florence Lt. Florence Lt. Sumter , o.vu r.na. ...... . oo r.m. Ar. Orangeburg .......10:53 P.M. Ar. Augusta .......... 1:40 A.M. Ar. Atlanta .......... 6:00 A.M. Passengers may remain in sleep ing cars until 7:00 a. m. Returning the train leaves Atlan ta 8:00 p. m., Central time; and ar rives Wilmington 1:15 p. m., and New Bern 6:45 p. m. Eastern time. Connections are made in the Un ion depot Atlanta with the- "Dixie Flyer," (leaving there at 8:00 A. M.) which is a solid train to Chicago, carrying sleeping, dining and obser vation cars; also through sleeping cars to St, Louis: and with the "South Atlantic Limited." (leaving ai mt a. m.f s soua train to Cin cinnati, carrying sleeolnr and din. ing cars; also through sleeping cars to Louisville and Indianapolis. Connections are also made in At lanta with the Atlanta West Point R. R, for Montgomery. Mobile, tfew Orleans and the Southwest; with the Bouinern ny. ror turmingbam, Mem phis and the West with other diver. Ing lines for points In South Geor gia, etc.- 'v--. . ror reservations, tickets and schedules, to any Western destina tion by this ' new and attractive route, by old and reliable lines, ap ply to T. H. BENNETT, Ticket agent SEPTEMBER TERM, 1914. Criminal All Jail Cases. Thursday, Sept. 10, 1014, .,; " .. 46. 63. 65. 74. 85. Wiggins vs. wetnerington. Mason vs. Stephens. . , Mason vs. Stephens. -Monogram Co. vs. Dunn 4b Co. Green vs. N. 8. R. R. Co. et aL V Friday .September 11. 1014. 87. Hoiton VS. N. S. K. K. JO, 88. 101. Draney vs. N. S. R. R. Co. ' Tolson Lumber & Mfg. Co. vs. Fisher. - ; -t Mitchell v. Clark Lumber Co. 103. Monday, Sept. 14, 1014. --Brinn and Williams va. Inde pendent Steamboat Line - 'etal.--- - y'-::-i : Lane vs. Williamson. Jones, Admx. vs. N. S. R. R. Company. . Rowe vs. Roper Lumber Co. Willis vs. Howe. 108. 109. 110. 111. 114. Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1014. Smith vs. Splllman. Whltford -vs. N. S. R. R. Co. Bryan vs. Utility Mfg. Co. Horse and Mule Co. vs. Hoiton 116. 115. 127. 128. Wednesdya, Sept. 16, 1014. 130. 133. 184. 137. 138. 140. New Bern Iron Works and Supply Co. vs. Dixon. Jacobs vs. Ives. .-. Jacobs vs. Ives. Stewart vb. Foreman. ; y -Stewart vs. Foreman. SUte and Mumford vs. Cherry Thursday, Sept. 17, 1014. Taylor et als vs. Roper Lum- 1 ber Co. Becton vs. Roper Lumber Co. Whitehead vs. A. C. L. R. R. Company. Hewitt et al vs. Mutual Aid Bank. Heath vs. Strickland. , 142. 144. 145. 146. 147. V Friday, Sept. 18, 1014. Ketchum vs. East ' Carolina Lbr. Co. et al. Williams vs. O'Hara and Wil liams. 149. 180. MOTION. City of New Bern vs. A. 32. 66 59. 75. 83. C. L. R. R. Co. Cpoeland vs. Lane. Clark vs. Town of Vanceboro. Pugh & Brooks Co. vs. Trader. Willis vs. Wayne. Willis vs. Willis. Zimmerman and Co. vs. N. S. R. R. Co. Gaskins vs. White, Admr. Hoiton vs. N. S. R. R. Co; et als. ' Askins Vs. Kinsaul. Hartley et al vs. Wiggins et als. Scott vs. Henderson et als. 104. 90. 97j 153. 276. 270. DIVORCE Fulcher vs. Fulcher. McCafferty vs. McCafferty. Manlyts. Manly. ) 62. 299. 303, V 1 -Itch! Itch! Itch! - Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. 60c a box. Don't pose as a specialist unless you are qualified for the job. NOTICE. North Carolina Craven County. ' Superior Court Before the Clerk. Dr. P. C. Jackson, Administrator ot the estate of David A. Moore, Deceased, vs. ' Dinah Moore (Widow). By virtue of an order and decree of Bale to me directed in the above entitled Special Proceeding, pending In the office ot the Clerk of Superior Court of Craven County, which said proceeding was instituted . for the purpose of making assets to pay the debts of said David A. Moore, dec d, I will offer tor sale, and sell at pub lic vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, at the court house door ot said Craven County, on Monday the 6th day of October, 1914, at the hour of 12 o clock m., the following de scribed property, to-wit: . t All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situate in the 8th township,. Craven county. North Carolina, and in that portion of said township known and designated as Larksvllle," as plotted and recorded in the public records in office of Regr later of Deeds for said Craven county in Book 153, Folio 300, and bearing the number (26) twenty-six upon said plot or plan. It being the same land conveyed by Walter Duffy and wife to said David A. Moore, by deed bearing date of June 19th, 1907, and recorded in said public records in Book No. 167, Folio 252, to which reference is hereby made. . This 17th day of August, 1914, DR. P. C. JACKSON, : Administrator. R. O'HARA, Attorney. . . . EXCURSION TO BEAUFORT. -The Peoples Annual Pleasure As sociation of Craven County expect to run its pleasure picnic1 excursion to Beaufort about September -1 5th, Round trip 86c and children under IS year. old only 60c This Invites you. "Vl '. ' ' v ISAAC H. SMITH, '." ' ..-,. " General Manager. ' 8-7-lmo. ' - , A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation, -weakens the whole system. Doan's Reguletc (25o per box) act mildly on the liver and 1 owels. At all drug stores. TAX yABTJB CITY rUCrCUTY FC3 Ji, f -'v'" '--.' . , 111 1 ":i '' ' Z'1 . ' t eminent bnslnefcs corner;1 i't- p !u the mitt ct rw I. -r t ar.t'v! ' v ii ci tie r - Under and by virtue of power of sale Ja an order nda by the Clerk of the Superior Court in a special proceeding entitled B. J. West. Ad ministrator, vs. George R, West et al, the same being Nor (89 upon the special proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned Commission-, er will, on Monday, September 21st, 1914, at one o'clock p. ra. at the Court House door in New Bern, North Carolina, offer tor sale to the high est bidder tor cash, these certain tracts of land lying : and being in Craven County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows, to wit: ' i , . FIRST TRACT: A tract of land cohtaining 88 acres; more or less, conveyed to A. C. West by William Barrington by deed dated October 5, 1911, and recorded In the office of the Register of . Deeds of Craven County in Book 187, at Page 891, beginning at a hickory in the Splker line, running South 41 8-4 East 70 poles to John Spiker's line; thence with his line South 88 1-4 East 103 poles, to Jersey : Barrington'a line; thence North 41 1-4 West 70 poles to A. C. West's line; thence with his line North 88 1-4 West 103 poles, to the beginning, containing S3 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land also conveyed by John T. Wayne to A. C. West by deed dat ed December 4th. 1867, and recorded in the office of the Register ot Deeds for Craven County, in Book ,93, at Page 616.' -'", . u-.- SECOND TRACT: A tract con taining 67 acres, 'more or less, con veyed by F. P. Latham to A. C, West by deed dated October 17th, 1856," recorded in the Register's office of Craven County in Book 66, at Page zov, ana aescnoea as follows: ' Beginning at a Cypress in Broad Creek Low Ground on the line of Isaac Barrington, then Tuning North 13 West to a stake; thence South 16 East 126 poles to Shive's last corner; then with the various courses of said creek and Speight's and Price's line to the beginning, containing 60 acres, more or less; and another tract conveyed in the said deed, beginning at a Gum standing in the edge of Broad Creek; running thence West 170 poles to a stake; thence North 43 West 18 poles to a stake; thence North 66 East 66 poles to a stake; thence South 60 East 87 poles to a stake; thence North 46 East 200 poles to a gum; thence South 15 West 150 poles to the beginning, containing 67 acres, more or less. This 14th day ot August, 1914. B. J. WEST, Commissioner. DOVER SOUTHBOUND RAIL. ROAD. To the PuBllc: Regular afternoon train will be held at Dover Sunday, August 2nd, Sunday August 1 6th, and Sunday August 80th, 1914, until arrival of Norfolk Southern afternoon 1 train from Morehead City, and the follow ing round trip rates to ' Dover are authorized: From Richlands. . . . .. ..76 cents From Petersburg... .. ...75 cents From Comfort .. .. .. ..50 cents From Wimsatt ... ; :J .... 60 cents From Phillips . , i 50 cents Tickets good only on date ot sale, y N. 8. RICHARDSON, ,; Traffic Manager. Dover, N. C.J July 29, 914. 1.5SSJ ..w iiY.wJIill WEST AND NORTH-WEST Ooek System mock tiallsst ' SSsb tall--8chedU la effect Not. 14. 'IS ' ajga, .v p.ia, t. Norfolk. 8: 39 ' ' 1:96 r. Petersburg ...... 11:90 J9:4I ( Darham iu.iu f l: i.m. " . T. Lyncbbarg 3:49 1:89 r7' '':-riri::- O.BB. ' . 1.D1 at. Cincinnati n .:: T:8 ; 1:11 If. Columbus 6:3 6:11 : ;''7'7f - t.a;;, ": ir. Chicago 7f 's T:lt if. St. Loals :IS :lt Close connection made tor Baattls laa Frandaco and all Western points Pullman Sleeping and parlor eara t. A w. Cat a dining eara Xaaif en and servtea standard of exeal aaea. Blaa Rldga and AJlegham aantaln erossed at moat pictax- MKae parta. Time-Ubleav deacrta ira literature and lnformatloa traa Varraspondanoa Inrlted. J W, C. SAUNDERS, G. P.' A, - Roanoke, Va a H. 90SLET, D. P. A. - Richmond, Va W. B. BXVIIiL, Paas. Trat. Mgr. '' ' glatattcaaa tZSX , TCE 'CLO C.V LQ r - r it I . t ; sra n-rf" " rl , ri. t l i s -J i -i f rt 1 sir . -y i 1 ( l. . TH lt -t fft-It . l rs .I i X x : .. ,...t:; )l l. t im i ..,..... .7: 1 z i c riva 1. -..!.. 7:t) a-v, it i ti 1 1 re:-'". H it':"' 'v: .f 5 f t" : ' 111" r.i Ba It ordalaei ty tie Board of Al dermen of ttie City ot New Bern: : 8ectlon 1. That Chapter 13 of Ui ordinances of the e:ty te amendcl by striking out Section 8 thereof and " inserting In lieu thereof the follow- -tag: 1 : - , Section i. AtiT nnmin. Urn n corporation, who shall keep open any store or shop for the purpose of buy? ing or Belling merchandise or trans acting business, or doing any work or labor of any kind on Sunday, exi oept work ot necessity or charity aa is permitted by the general laws of the State, shall be deemed guilty of a mlariomAanrk emit nnnn Minvlntfnn thereof,vShaU pay a fine ot Ten Dol may -be, allowed to keep open their ' aiurea lor me saie oi arugs ana mea- IclneB OnlV! and nrnvlHol fnrK that hotels and xesuuranta may sell uecesaiues 10 guests. . ;y' k - y Tho cale or deliverr of nAAAwritiaa ' on Sunday shall In no aua ha haiw - mitted to become a nuisance, either -in Stores or on tha mioa .v ,n disturbances to public worship. - . - jr. x. PATTERSON, Clerk. -6-19-tt ,.., 7 " ; PUBLIO SALE. BV VlrtUfl Of inthnrthr u.l..l in a cerUln hypothecation note? ex ecuted by 8. A. VaiL payable to the Land ImnrovfimpnV fjiniu.. a North Carolina, bearing date of Jan uary fttn, mil, payable on January 5th, 1912,1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder at the court house ' door in New Bern. North Harnllna on Saturday the 15th day of August, ii4, at la o clock m.,.the. following described personal property, which 1s pledged as collateral security, there to: - ' .;4-. Certiflcatea ' Nan IKK flftv.a (63) sirtv-three. 161 nlxtv-snvAn mt par value of'$25.00 for three shares of stock, and one share ot stock No. : (1061 one hundrel al at nsr vnlim of 85.00, Issued to said S. A. Vail, al so one promissory note and mortgage on real estate, executed by; Thomas Vail and wife to R. O'Hara, and duly transferred by said R. O'Hara to said S. A Vail which said mortgage la recorded in the public records in of fice of Register, of Deeds fdr Craven county, North Carolina, in Book 176 troiio ztsu, to wnicn reference is here by made. ; - This 1st day of August, 1814. , THE LAND IMPROVEMENT COM PANY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' By Henry Dudley, Vice-President. ' . ORDINANCE. 1 ' Alderman Ellis moved the adop tion of the following ordinance: Ba it ordained by the Board ot Al dermen ot the City 61 New Bern: . Section 1. That Chapter 17 ot the ordinances of the city be- amended by adding at the end thereof the fol lowing: , k' Section 12. It shall be unlawful tor any person afflicted with the smallpox to be in or go ' upon any street of the city. Whoever, violates this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convio-. tion thereofshall be fined the sum of fifty dollars or be imprisoned for thirty days. - F. T. PATTERSON, OlerkV -19-tf APPLICATION FOR PARDON. State of North Carolina Craven . County. : 7 i v.. Notice is hereby given to the pub- lie that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina tor. the pardon ot John W. Gibson, con- victed at Jane term i09 ,oi tne su perior court of Craven -county, N. C, . for the crime of ' larceny and aen- ' fenced to State's prison for the term : All oersons who oppose tne grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protest to the Governor ' without delay. ; Thia 3rd day of July, li. ' r N. ARPEN. . July 10th, 1914. . - . -)'" DANCING SVHWii NOTICE. irHiinv nirhu. Public invited aft 9 o'clock on Friday nlg.ia. . CHATT A WKA . TRD3E Na 14, L B,: ars mil BTMAm av1 - WMlTtsUllM , MMl Jill' III WfVlJ n- iv Bleep Kaa men s tuui, er w Ham UH bvtuyM . a-. MAN '. daily welcomed. E. ' A. . Braddy, ; gaohami J. H. Smltn. a et B. w ri M m w ,'i 7 .a v. m M Kll I ' I II PV t II Ttcrs tint have nctaid : W.sa V4J Sim w m-.ejw u v.rrlliit Ihc-r dly v ji'L:;i to allied, at f m. ill l 7pT-,"J' . ...... (' t LODGE DIRECTORY -4 1Z3 ETA ! HOAD 09