liE.0 LuiJ CP I7.a CLmrtJ fMWUal pTWUCta, JJ. J O Mm One drug store is better than another drug stora because it has a better bruggist and better drugs. Our prescriptions are filled only by an experienced registered pharmacist; the drugs we use are the highest quality that can be got, and they are always fresh. v No matter who your doctor is, bring your pre- scriptions to us and know you will get them filled right Make OUR Drug Store YOUR Drug Store. Wood-Lane Drug Co. Will Materialize If the Home is furnished with Artistic and durable furniture, such as is found in abundance at the Large Furniture Store, which merits the distinction of being Leaders in Volume, Quality and Price. All grades, all styles, all fin ishes, are carried in such large quantities aa to insure the best quality at the lowest possible price. J. S. Miller Furniture Co. "THE HOME FURNISHERS" NEW BERN MOREHEAD CITY ' 'Hi, V' it , t KrN ti.n-n.'i 'ii j AN Ideal I " Exp re i liervatoryof I trained I I . nasaed health record. Brick bulldinm. Steam heaL Rlortrlc Itdhh. FIL , L "T- - taHc Oood bymnailum. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures, tenms, baike. aTaie J' b. Write foe our catalog before aelectlng the college lor your daughter. , , TZ: GEORGE J. RAMSEY, MTA, IX. D, President Ralrigh, N. a Christian Home School. Prenarator and (Vtwi.te J a.. Expression, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Domestic Science, Business, etc. Cot itorv of Music High standard maintained t larfle staff nf Rnrui ,i trained instructors. Takes only 100 boarders and teaches the individual Urtsur- nwco-cn Both good money getters for the farmers -we are glad to see them coming- and hope to see the farmers themselves coming our way. You all know us know we are relia ble, jest as low in price as any, quality con sidered. And we hope to see yon soon and cften and premise to do the best we can for ;7V;V'.'&-!v: .:'.' 'yyri,-, .:, i:-'-t;'.-:y.,-o.i,i, :-ui each and every ens cf ycx , COLLEGE GixLSCZF;.. mGHLEIIillia ' ' - ' T M 7v-.. "... Climbed to Summit of Long's Peak and Painted Letters . 'Ot Their Order, jv-; - Denver. Sept. 14. Oirl '. members of a Greek sorority arduous climbed 14,000 feet to the Summet ot Long's Peak, painted upon the "boulder field" on the mountain the letters of their order and later, were forced Dy United States Forester Wheeler;: to return and efface the letters. . Hours were required by the girls to make the hazardous climb to the summet of Long's Peak. It is one of the most difficult peaks in the State to scale, but the girls kept at it and finally reached the point they had laboriously carried with them, they daubed upon the bare face of the peak the Insignia of their eorityv. In Fort Collins, united States For ester Wheeler was sweeping the mountains with Us glasses;, covering the United States forest reserve in which Long's Peak is located. He discovered the letters of the Greek sorority starring forth from the face of the peak. Mr. Wheeler then, be gan searching for the persons who had placed the letters. He found, first, that it was a girl's society, and with a little more work discovered the identity of the girls. He sum moned them to his office and,, told them that the United States govern ment strictly prohibited the defacing of any scenery within the forest re serves. They were told that to es cape prosecution ana punishment there was only one way; it was to go back and efface the letters.; . The girls sought legal advice and learned that the forester was Cor rect. Then they again made the long and difficult climb to reach their letters. Slowly and with great dif ficulty they made their way back to the foot of the towering mountain. "I have promised not to give the names of the young persons who de faced boulders on the face of s the peak," said Mr. Wheeler. "I can very well appreciate the spirit of the individuals who, under such arduous circumstances sought to feature the existence of their fraternity on so lofty and conspicuous a landmark. On the other hand we are making every possible effort to preserve the natural beauty of the scenery within the nat ional forests for the benefit of the public in general, and must consis tently discourage any inclination on the part of individuals to mar, de face or render unsightly any part of the objects which add to the forest as a natural playground." : Rheumatism Pains Stopped ' The first application of Sloan's Liniment goes right to the painful part It penetrates without rubbing it stops the. Rheumatic Palps ;a round the Joints and gives relief anil comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottltt today! It is, a family medicine for alf pains, hurts, bruises, cuts, sore throat, neuralgia and chest pains. Prevents Infection. Mr. Chas. H. Wentworth, California, writes: "It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as I apply it. I recommended It to my friends as the best' Liniment I ever used." , Guaran teed. 25c at your Druggist, i ATTRACTIVE ROUTE TO BALTI MORE VIA NORFOLK AND CHESAPEAKE BAY STEAMERS. Low fares, account Star Spangled Banner Celebration, via Norfolk Southern. Consult ticket agents. , E. D. KYLE, H. S. LEARD, ' Traf. Mgr. Gen. Pas. Agt Paris Paper Applies Utterance of 16th Century Uonk to . Present War. . Paris, Sept. 14. -The Figaro prints the commencement of a Latin proph ecy dated in 1600. The author is not known. - The monk Johannes has written the verses like a chapter of the Bible. 1 -; .- Verse 2 says: "It is true that antl Christ will be a monarch, a son of Luther, invoking God . and calling himself Gods envoy.". - - Verse 4 says: "He will have only one arm, but Innumerable armies whose device will be 'God with us.' " Verse 6: "He will use craft and felony for . a long time . with spies throughout the world." , i , c Verse 6: "He will have learned men in his pay proving his mission to be divine." Verse 7: "War will provide an op portunity to raise the mask. It will not be a war, against the French monarch, but another, which will be recognized by becoming 'universal In a fortnight" Verse 8: "All Christians and all Mussulmans, and even the most dis tant nations, will partake. Armies will be formed in the four corners of the world and eight angels will open men's eyes to understand by the third week that if they fight not anti christ all will become his slaves." Verse 10: "Anti-Christ will be rec ognizable by his massacring priests and monks and women and xnildren, and aged persons. No mercy will be shown. He will pass, torch in hand. like the barbarians, but invoking Christ." Verse 11: "His words will be Christ-like, but his acts Nerolike. His coat of arms will contain an eagle as also will the coat of arms of his aco lyte, another evil monarch. Verse 12: "The latter Is a Chris tian and will die by the malediction of Pope Benedict, who will be elected at the commencement of Anti-Christ's reign.", ,- .: Verse 13: "Priests will no longer confess and absolve the combatants, because the priests will be fighting in the ranks, and Benedict will curae anti-Christ, proclaiming all fighting against him to be In a state of grace ascending to heaven like the martyrs if killed." Verse 14! "A naoal bull Declaim ing this will have a tremendous ef fect in -rallying courage and the death of Anti-Christ and his ally." . Verse 15: "The conquest of Anti- Christ needs more men killed than Rome ever contained. All realms. must participate for the cock, the leopard and the white eagle cannot exterminate the black eagle unless the prayers of the whole of humanity assist them.?.-:' nrVt-fe-,fc;ift.j3j Verse 16: "Humanity will never run such a danger, because the tri umph of Anti-Christ would be equiv alent to the triumph of the demon in whom he 1b incarnated." Verse 17: "For twenty ; centuries after the incarnation of the word it will have been prophesied that a beast: would be incarnated, in turn threatening the earth with many evils and ills as the divine incarnation brought favors." v The Figaro adds: 'The foregoing Is only part of the prophecy, the re mainder promises France and the world an era of peace after a terrible vengeance surpassing even French de sires." - Dizzy? Billons? Constipated? , Dr. King's New Life Pills will cure you, cause a healthy flow, of Bile and rids your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general sys tem. First dose" will cure you of tint depressed, dizxy, bilious and constipated condition. 25c. all Drug What a glorious old world this would be if we could only see oth era as we see ourselves! ;i - n ""V For baby's ''troupy: Willie's daily cuts and . bruises, mamma's sore throat. Grandma's - lameness, Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. 25c and SOc . A harp and crown await the man who lives up to his wife s expect tions. -' j n if ii i . ,;v Cost Kept Dowm Qumlity Kept Up. No better medicine could be made for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, tickling throat, bronchitis,' etc., than Foley's Honey and Tar . Compound. That's why they can't improve the quality, and war or no war, tbs price remains the same. No opiates.; Don't take substitutes., for, Foley's Honey and Tar W the best. ' ; . Bradham's . Two Drug Stores. BEAUFORT, N. C- THBX"'i . FISHERMAN'S PARADISE Snanlsli Mackerel. Line Fish! Tront '. Plenty of Boat Charges Mod te- Comfortable Hotels -: and Cottages. w; ':: U"."';.': , Extremely low season week-end, Sunday Excursion fares via Norfolk Southern Railroad. Ask ticket agents for time tables and fares or write W. & Porch, Beaufort, N. C. H. S. LEARD, . . J. F. MITCHELL, G. P. A., T. P. A., Norfolk. Va. ' Raleigh. N. C r W' b one of the moat popalar prtducU becaoat itttanda for hivb quality, raaonable price, and lonf eervice on the roof. It ia guaran teed S yeara lor 1-ply, 10 years for 2-plj and 15 yeara for tfly, aud thia snannte ia backed by the vorld'a bisseat toa&na and -buildina; paper ntilla. . s TEE KETTSf APOt FUBUCltT UW. Xts Applies tiom to Otkar Orgasr. , . iMtteas Maeded. The Newspaper Publicity Law, enacted by Congreaa ome time ago, ought to be applied to many, other business org-anlia-tiona. This law provides that all publications must file an affi davit with the Postmaster Gen eral Betting forth full Informs tion concerning; their ownership, management, circulation, etc A copy of this affidavit must be printed in certain designated is sues of the paper, and a marked copy thereof filed with the Post master. General. Failure to do this will authorize the Post master General to deny the use of : the malls to. the .offending publication. . . This law has eliminated many newspaper evils, such as the paid editorial, the overstatement of circulation, and hidden own. Keeps Your Liver Healthily Active. A man in Kentucky , just toia a friend that Foley Cathartic Tablets were the most wonaeriui meaicine that had ever entered his system. Said he would not be without them. Neither would you, if yon had ever tried them. A thoroughly cleansing cathartic for chronic constipation or for an occasional purge. Bradham s Two Drug Stores, i NOTICE. ; i'. ''r ' aBaaaBSBSBa ,'( .! ' 4 . ' J" At the urgent request of the con tractor for six more days in which to get the administration building ready the Executive Committee of Oak Ridge Institute decided to grant it, and changed the opening date from September 16th to September zzna The prospects are the brightest tn the history of the scnooi. Don't be Bothered with Coughing, Ston it with Foley's Honey, and Tar Compound. It spreads a sooth ing healing coating as it glides down the throat and tickling, hoarseness, and nervous backing, 'are quickly healed. Children love it tastes good and no opiates. .. A man in Texas walked 15 miles to a drug store to get a bottle. ' Best you can buy for croup ana . bronchial coughs. Try it.,' . Braanam s two urug mores. . ' COLLEGE NOTICE. ., $ I ' During our approaching scholastic year, we will Uke students in our Practice and Observation School un der student teachers for $60 and four hours of industrial work . per day. v ;t-v: vf : yy' i! v;;; y r . ; Applicants for admission to our Freshman class will not be required to stand entrance examinations.. .. For further particulars address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton-College, Little ton. N. C.y y::y, y,y t.-ir I :.nyy ;. Men who have nothing else to apol ogize for should apologise for being on eartn. . -.' y. ' COLORED GKATUD SCHOOL. The colored G ra 3 pi school w:'.l e!i Trl ' ji r con.wtloned and i nr 11th. f r ::'itfr fTcv:r i L I. t ii Si H.l lillt r-tef arej e" " .Li & ivin . r sod t lit r ..! not enhnt. All thU has been attained by the simple rem edy of publicity i A similar law applied to other organisations would work equal ly well and would eradicate many evils, much corruption and mismanagement. For instance. If labor organizations were re quired to publish full informa tion as to their objects and their transactions,- and to make publlo an account of their moneys, dues, etc, many abuses that now ex ist would be removed. 'Labor organizations should not curry sfavor from legislatures and Congress any more than business organisations, and they have no right to special exemption from anti-trust legislation. A labor union is a form of labor trust. Labor unions organized for honest and lawful purposes are necessary and desirable to hold In check encroachments of un just employers, but when they Invoke the aid of Congress for special exemptions they are merely copying unjust methods of other monopolies. Business should be required to give full publicity as to prices, volume of business, methods of operation, etc., so as to give each competitor the rlsrht con clusions concerning their par ticular field of industry. We need publicity of all busi ness organizations to cure the evils of mismanagement, and we need it for labor unions, as well, to bring a stop to their frequent abuse and their underhand meth-v ods Of attaining unlawful ob jects. A law which could pro duce such results would bring, capital and labor into the open field and their differences would be less and they could be settled mors amicably than they are now. - There Is a dealer in your locality who han dle Ctrtaln-td Product. If yon consult him he will be clad to live you full inform tlou about our goods and will quote you rea sonable prices on all of them. Be sure the goods are made byue. We stand behind them. t General Roofing ltfff. Company Stock Exchange Bldg rUaaeJpUi, Pa. . BeBPkoae9praee4831 leTeACSy railiaasaia fllraai fmsil n.,.Liialndidi Attasta CMua'Drfr StUak CiithaiH Kaaaw Cftr Saarraadaai Saatttt India CSr Wan I'll Hi.Wri grewy CXXk ORDINANCE. Alderman Ellis moved the. adop tton of the following ordinance: . Be it ordained by the Board of Al dermen or the city or New Bern: Section 1. That chapter 4 of the ordinances of the city be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Section 40. All railroad compa nies maintaining a track or tracks across any street in the city shall between the rails o and on each side of such track or tracks either pave the width of such street or lay plank thereon in such, manner as to permit vehicles to Cross without difficulty or excessive Jolting. ' Whoever violates this ordinance shall be deemed guil ty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof, shall . be fined ten dollars; and each day such track or tracks shall be maintained in viola tion thereof shall constitute a sepa rate and distinct offense. Alderman Dawson seconded the motion and upon vote of the boaro the resolution was adopted. ' - F. T. PATTERSON. . - City Clerk.- A Lame Back-Kidney Trouble ' . Causes It And It will give you even' worse If not checked. . Mrs. H. T. Straynge, Gainesville, Ga., was fairly down on her back with kidney trouble . and Inflamed bladder. She says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills and now my bask is" stronger than in years,' and both kidney and bladder troubles are en tirely gone.", - ' , . Bradham's Two Drug Stores. f AdvertiseiRents immru irs f tWsheevl, 3 C'I. Pta A.CZU for oarJi laserUoa. Imt o advertisement tat lem Cua 3c id f-wi words, fwre thaa E3, C.2 t-3T Pra cm. TiOas-sUM avdveniser has ji reLlar socownt, aa a4 ratlaemenr smder this kead aro STIUCTLX GAS3 Ef AD VANCS3, the amomnts beinj too amall to warrant s charge. Copy for EUEIXa LOCALS csuutot bo taken over the telephone. - TWO SALESMEN TO SELL 'OTJB - oils, greases and paints in this ter ritory. Experience unnecessary.' Our salesmen are best paid on .road., Great Lakes Refining Co. Cleveland, Ohio. - . , " FOR RENT DWELLING ' 86 GEO. St. Possession given September 15. : Phone 254, or apply 110 Pollock. 8-12-1 4-3t. FOB RENT DWELLING NO. 20 National Avenue, next 4oor to my : residence. ,AU modern, conven iences, Electric lights. House secreened throughout. Apply to H. M. Groves. - t-12-lwk.t COLORED MAN OR WOMAN UN der 50 wanted. No experience need ed. 1100.00 month. : Write quick. ' Box-A-409, Cincinnati, Ohio. It LOST PANAMA HAT ON MIDDLE street. Reward if returned to 93 1-2 Middle street Brown & Co. 9-9-1 4-3t. FOR SALE . OR RENT I OFFER my house 34 New Street for sale, ' or will rent as a whole or in part. J. W. WATSON. 9-8-1 4-lwk. BEAUTIFUL SHETLAND FOR sale; .Four. years old, broken for chil dren. Call at the Carnival Ground at Darling Circus. FOR RENTHOUSE NO. 86 AVE nue "A'T Possession given Mon day, September 14,' 1914. Wm. Dunn, Jr. ; y :: ' . FOR RENT LARGE FURNISHED room; 6 windows, private bath at tached, with all conveniences. J. F. IVES, 182 1-2 Middle St 9-9-1 wk.' BICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP Ap ply 24 Eden Street. -5-14tf. , COLORED MAN OR WOMAN UN der 60 wanted. ' No experience needed. $100.00 month. Write quick. Box A-4 09, Cincinnati; O. . It -::y,t rf.-,,', -v',r I WANT iti TRADE A FORD'TOUR - lng Car, in perfect shape, almost kaaJ a. nn tkdnn.hl. .nl. no bvuu M wvn, tuwiv uguij ciuij ped; for a Saxon Car. Address Lock' Box No.. 83, Grifton, N. C. 9-4-14-3t. ' . - y-y-:..t- x KODAK - FOR SALE SIZE 8 1-2 by 6 1-2. Good as new Price rea sonable. Address Camera, care of Sun Office. . i - FOR RENT TWO UPSTAIRS rooms and two downstairs rooms For information call phone 53? or 25 Johnson. St. . 1 ; , ; i FOR RENT SEPTEMBER 1ST, nicely furnished room-in private family; suitable . for one or two gentlemen; , all modern, conven iences. Pho;.e 487. ' ' MISS OLA FEREBEE WILL RE. open her music class Monday, Sep tember 7, 1914. ' ' 8-26-lmo . CITY TRANSFER CO. WILL CALL at your home day or night to make deliveries anywhere in the city.' Prompt attention given to order. ' Phone 725. A. H. Davis, Manager, 104 George St 8-14-3mo. t PGR SALE A FEW SHARES OF the paid in capital stock of Tho Central Pharmacy. Will sell at a liberal discount if taken , at once. Address "STOCK" care this paper. A bachelor no sooner takes unto himself a wife than he cancels his membership in tho Don't .- Worry Club. -';-yy" y::t y:yy Vym Dizxy Head, Fluttering Heart, Float- These are' signs . of kidney and bladder trouble. You'll have bead aches too backaches and be tired all over. Don't wait longer, but take Foley Kidney Pills at once,;, .Tour miserable sick feeling will be gone. Ton wilt sleep well, eat well and grow strong and active again. Try them, - i - - . , v .Bradham's Two Drug Etores. FOR SALE THE HOUSE AND LOT on East Side Of Bern street, own ed and occupied by Mrs; C. F. Har gett . Apply to Mrs. C. F. Hargett . or to S. M. Brinaon. 8-4-tf BRICK FOR SALE THE PEOPLES Brick Co., ia now prepared to fur nish building brick , ot the best . quality Immediate shipments. Address ' Peoples Brick Co., New Bern, N. C. ? c JOHNSON'S ' CAFE (The Blind News Dealer) Located at Union Station. Quick service and poll to attention to- thoaewlshlng lunch, before starting on trip. Open till 12 o'clock midnight ' Ham, Egg and Hamburger ' sandwiches nv cents (lust one-half price charged by other cafes in this location.) .Hot coffee, Pies, All Kinds of Bob tied Cool Drinks. Call and see mo when' yon, want quick lunch. J. . 0. Johnson. . - .-tf" fS.BO JACKSONVILLE; ' $10.80 TAMPA, FLORIDA, ROUND TRIP ' FROM NEW BKItN. y.VA Pronortlonata fares . from other points in N. C., Va., and 8. d via the ATLANTIC. COAST LINE, Tho Standard Railroad of the South. ; - Tickets will bq sold tor all trains Tuesday, Sept. 22, limited, returning to reach original starting point not later than mHnlrbt of Tuesriiv, gpp tember 29, 1314. , l or t slul reservations d informai.onsri-.y' . to T. II. I ..-.IT, tM'ot 8wjnt. New T -rn, n. C, or ' ' ' w. j. c j. , t. c. vniTr; r-r"pHs.' i Will t -t, Prlnclr Z-t t 1 I t ct . Kit 1 .1 . 1 c- i t-t i . r L r t "n J. T. ,eora.v-a. 0 i IU

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