ZZll.UZX? WF.PN MOUTH CAr. CLETA. HONDA Y, SEPT. 14, 1911 PAGE YOUR Arxnrrccx ; - will endorse our good opinion f the old tirne bund-made tin that hoars thla name. It U the same dur able material supplied by a eentury ld Philadelphia Unplate concern (or more than 60 years. You take no ehancea In using It on your toot. ' W represent the N. G. Taylor Lino of tin and are carrying all of the grades In stock to supply tba Itrada.';:, .'V-,:- . :'.( ; . ; Bsnassianass ' TOLSON LUMBER AND . . ZXANUFAGTUEmO CO. Office, Yard and Factory East Front 1 8treetr JTew Bern, N. OL FRESHLY CORNED FORTS MOUTH MULLETS- HEADS ' OFF, BACKBONE OUT ; ! 15c k i FATIIEROFUASKS STATE F0RAI1 AUTO Texas Man Asks Governor for Vehicle That Family' May Attend Church. h. C. ARL'iTRGliG 0 POTTER & SEIFERT i i ENGINEERS ; aadSPRVE YORS t ?n,ey Maps. Plans, 8ped- neations, Estimates, etc.- Muni cipal Improvements. Reclama tion and Development of wet lands. Over Bradham's Broad Street ; Store, New Bern, N. C. ""j2225S3II2SI22J258BHH'.i ; A m m On fllocumbs Creek, my beauti fully situated homo with 650 ; acres of land. The home can be enjoyed for a summer as well as a winter home. Land fine for tobacco ' and truck, now mostly In timber. ' Price 150 per acre. i Come and see it. Old Scuppernong wine for sale.- William Buys , HAVKLOCH. H. U Johnson it u u it Prepared Wax for Floors and Inter ior Finish.. Wood Dye, All Shades, Crack Filler. Paste Wood Filler. Under-lac. better than Shellac or Varnish. " Electric Solvo, Paint and Varnish m,over, . STAG Brand Semi-Paste Paint. VALENTINES Valspar and Other Varnishes CALL AND GET A SAMPLE OF WOOD DYE. Cutler-Dlades Haidware Co. TELEPHONE NO. 1. ' -" if t '. ( C!:cdC5stn:ctici3 Worries -Overcome Evidence Brushed Away. The . v Skin Cleared. Austin, Tex., Sept 14. As a re ward for having a family of seven teen chtydren, P. K. DeLany, Rural Route No.- 8 ,Box 12, Seguin, Gua dalupe county, has requested the Governor to give him and his wife and children an automobile to con vey them to and from church and Sunday school, the church being sev en mllea from where they live. The request came in a letter re ceived by the Governor, and accom panying it was a picture of the fam ily. Mr. DeLany writes: "Our family group is supposed to be one of the largest in the State, consisting of seventeen children, ten daughters, seven boos, one son-in- law, one granddaughter, father and mother. All are alive and healthy, without a mark or blemish. Fifteen of the children are at home and two are married. Mrs- John Anderson, of Seguin, and Mrs. Ross McCullough of Moore. We live seven miles from church and Sunday school. Don't you think the State ought to give us an automobile to attend church and sunaay school 7 We nope for an early reply." Gov. Colquitt answered thanking Mr. DeLany for the great service he has rendered the State, but inform ed him that there was no appropria tion for furnishing automobiles in recognition of such accomplishments. JUNIPER SHINGLES oa band, can supply yonr wants. TOLSON LUM HEK AND MFG. COMPANY. C1TROLAX Users say it is the ideal, perfect laxative drink. M. J. Perkins, Green Bay, Wis., says "I have used pills, oils, salts, etc., but were all disa greeable and unsatisfactory. In Clt rolax I have found the ideal laxative drink." For sick headache, sour stomach, lazy liver, congested boweis, Citrolax Is ideal. Bradham's Two Drug Stores. 8. 8. 8.. the famous blood purifier, li man's architect. It contemplate! the dam age done and repairs the damage. It alio looks after the possible damage ana cor rects all tendency to blood eraptloni. decay of bones, clogging of Joint! and any and all of those myriad of destructive effects such as rheumatism, catarrh, swollen glands, sore throat bronchial affections and the host of Infirmities io well known aa being caused by Impure blood. And now, why mourn 8. s. S- do an tnisr tsimpij oecauso It is Nature s antidote, a remedy oi searcn ine influence. It contains a powerful, nat ural Insredlent, tliat sweeps Its way to Ue skin. And In doing tbls It not only anni hilates destructive germs but causes them to he so converted that they are easily and harmlessly voided, expelled or de stroyed and then driven oat through the natural outlets of the body. Thus let 8. 8. S. be your safeguard In all blood troubles no matter what they are. It won't fall yon. Get a bottle today of any druggist but refuse any and all substi tutes. Get In communication with the medics; department Write The Swift Specific Co., 64 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Oa. This Bpeclal advisory work on blood troubles has been of Incalculable benefit and has cured a host of sufferers. If your heart prompts you to do a good deed, do it immediately be fore you have heart failure. FIRE MSURADICE-BONDS fTRB INSURANCHT IS A SMALL INVESTMENT that yields returns whether you have a fire or not. For with a policy la on of the trst-class companies I rep resent, there Is a feeling of protection that I alona worth more than the cost of the Insurance, reel safe and be safe by ordering a policy 1 today. 'r-. !,,:v:t. ,..- "'' .-' -V -:W' ' '' " -.;,0 '''v'. . IV YOU DO KOI OWN A HOMH, COMB TO ME AND LET Ml SELL YOU ONE t i eaa sell you one on easy terms, or I ean sell you a desirable lot now, gad yon ean build the Home to suit the wife, yon can elMt the tit and with a small cash payment secure It, the bal ance la monthly installments. Call and talk It over with m. JOHN DUNN - MAI .ESTATE -FIRE ' INSURANCE BUHDINa M IX) Al 7 POLLOCK STREET, MEW BERN, N. C C.L. SPENCER, . '-dealer m--Ccrh, lhy9 Qzis; Ikzzitty end ell kbJs feci I'cl.t CrrrrJ Cera ted. : A'Jclfa Uoru crJ Lldt Fed Szcrcr.z Ddry Feci Stop That First Fall Couch. . Check your fall cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to serious lung trouble, - weaken your vitality and develop a chronic lung ailment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey today; it is pure and harmless use it freely for that fall cough or cold. , If Baby or Children are sick give it to them, it will re lieve quickly and permanently. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air passages. Loosens Phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hold Guaranteed. Only 25c. at your Drug gist. - CITY ORDINANCE. ; Meeting September 1st: Alder man Dawson -moved the adoption of the following ordinance: Be it ordained by the Board of Al dermen of the City of New Bern; Section 1. That chapter 22 of the ordinances of the city be amended by adding the following: Section 8. On and after the first of October, 1914, charges for open lng streets, tapping water mains and extending service pipe to curb shall be as follows: . . 3-4-Inch- tap on dirt or shell street . . : . . . ? 5.00 3-4-Inch tap on paved street. 7.o0 1-Inch tap on dirt or shell street 7.60 1-Inch tap on paved street . . 10.00 which charges shall be pain In advance.''- "';-..' Section 9. When it is deemed ad visable the Superintendent of the Water & Light Department shall in stall water meters and on all such installations the following rates for water shall be charged, viz: First 10,000 gals, per month at .25c per M. Next 10,000 gals, per month , at . . . . . . 20c per M. Next 10,000 gals, per month at . . ...... . . . . . . .18c per M. Next 10,000 gals, per month at ........ . . , . . . , . .16c per M. Next 10,000 gals, per month at ... ... . . . . . . ; '-. . . . 14c per M. Next 50,000 gals, per month at ................. 12c per M. Nevt 100,000 gals, per month at ................. 10c per M. Next 300,000 gals, per month at , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 09c per M. Next 500,000 gals, and over per month at . . . . . . . ,08c per M. and accounts " thereof rendered monthly to the consumer who shall be required to put up a cash deposit of $1.60 before water is turmd on, which amount less whatever part thereof may be due the city for water used shall be returned whenever ser vice is discontinued. ; - v ,Ten per cent discount shall be al lowed on bills , when paid not later than 10th of month following that in which water was used, except on the minimum - charge of 60c per month, on which minimum charge 2 per cent 'discount shall be allowed, and for Which minimum charge the consumer shall be allowed 2000 gals, of water. . Alderman Scott seconded the mo tion. Motion upon vote Of the board was carried. - ,F. T. PATTERSON. . . L' City Clerk - ft" (CHESTER SPlLtS 1 lit lllAHttttU BKANlik l Ak roar SnnM lot i hl.kn-trsllnasl UmhiSA fill, la Ilc-4 "d OoM ntrtoJUcV Nnrt. Makd vttk BIjs Slbhoa. ' TO THE PUBLIC Our pay checks are exactly the same as other, bank checks. The party cashing same must know that the person tendering the check Is the lawful possessor. No discount should be asked as all our checks are good for their face value at the bank. J. Lb ROPER LBR. CO., A. T. GERRANS, Supt. This May 4. 1914. lyr, Po-Do-Lax Banishes Pimples ; Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Constipa tion, etc., come from Indigestion. Take Po-Do-Lax, the pleasant and absolutely sure Laxative, and you won't suffer from a deranged Stom ach or other troubles. It will tone up the Liver and purify the blood. Use it regularly and you will stay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves. Get a 50c. bottle to day. Money back if. not satisfied. All Druggists. D. G. SMAW (SUCCESSOR TO B. W. SIMPSON) "FUNERAL DlRECTOE AND EMBALMEU See 18 Broad St 'Phone in, Residence 28 South Front It Phone 129. ERNEST M. GREEN Attorney-At-Law PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS, MX CEPT FEDERAL COURT, OH '- CRIMINAli SIDE. OFFICE OPPOSITE CITY HALi ' - NEW BERN. N. C. sir.ir.is & ward irejuriYS in Cvuiul. LK1 AT'LAW laos Rooms ttl-M Uks Bldg. rracoesa la tie Coantle td cravum, Duplin. Jenes, Lsneir, Onslow, CarUrtt, Pamlico ami Wake, la the laperlor ami l"oi ' ral Courts, an waertvu sat- lees are asatraii Sheet Metal We carry a complete stock of the following and can give the right prices. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFING GALVANIZED V. CRIMP ROOFING GALVANIZED ROLL ROOFING ROOFING TIN IN ALL GRADES - Estimates cheerfully given on all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. GET OUE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. -Tbe :S-J&PajkCT:-CoL "EVERYTHING IN SHEET METAL" 'Phone No. 299. 46-48 Craven Street. AARIGHT5V1LLE BEACH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT WEEK END AND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES" li BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING ATLANTICAST LINE THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY VIA NORFOLK CR RICHMOND. Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago and St. Louis. Dining Car Service A La Carte. Lv, Ar. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar, Ar. Norfolk ..11:35 a.m. Richmond 2:35 p.m. Richmond 2:10 p.m. Louisville 11:00 a.m. Cincinnati 8:20 a.m. Indianapolis 11:15 a.m. Chicago 5:30 p.m. St. Louis 7:18 p.m. Schedule subject to change without notice local trains, reservations, etc., address 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 2:35 p.m. 7:35 p.m. 7:18 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:80 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 11:65 p.m. 7:10 a.m. 7:46 a.m. For time tables F. W. CURD, Passr. Agent, Norfolk, Va. W. O. WARTHEN, A. G. P. A Richmond, Va. DOVER AND SOUTH BOUND RAILROAD SCHEDULE OF TRAINS CARRYING PASSENGERS EFFliO TIVE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1914. South Bound Trains: T. P. II. 4:41 6:00 6:04 1:18 1:21 6:42 6:00 6:06 i A. M. 14:46 Lv. 6:02 6:06 6:17 6:28 6:49 6:10 6:16 Ar. North Bound Trains: II. Dover Foys Taylors Phillips Whnsatt Comfort Petersburg Rlchlaads t Trains Run Dally Except Sunday. Trains Run Sun. Only. D. W. RICHARDSON, N. S. RICHARDSON, General Manager. Traffle Manager. Lv. 6 A, M. t6:26 P. M. I Every Morning Pepsi -Co LAI j WO! Help 1 u , '.I, r Vv' A n II 11 tains or iMrtwna, ; . 7 V , tcdinBzttlzu 0 I, m rf -a : 1 C 9 C2 LIIDBLE CT. v -. r 1 n 0 T-