" HA, MONDAY. SEPT. 14, 1914. fac2 nvu Poor dduded Chanticleer : thought that each mora . his Crow brought forth TEE EISINQ SUNX' But we all know , that he was wrong. Ok (THE RED MILL) . .. " ' a .'. ". : V"-'. At , Nashville, Tenn. i i f For at " the 5 beginning of ' every day ten thousand cooks bring forth THE - RISING SUN; ..v .- i. -4 f. t. And the many . thousand hungry breakf asters re-; ' , joice '. .( .' ': . . i ' ." 'v ,Y ,. ' . . - ''",.''7. . v. .if.. That THE BED MILL has given to them a Flour that " helps "as much to brighten the new day as its name sake. , - Rising Sun SUPERLATIVE SELF-RISING FLOUR THE, FLOUR THAT HAS BANISHED FROM . THE KITCHEN THE WORD ' ' " "FArf." . Made Exclusively by Nashville m FIVE"FI!" Freak Caught by Mr. A. B. Paris This Morning To Be ' '. Preserved . " - " Did you ever catch a crab with five "fingers" on one. "hand?" This was the fortune of Mr. A. B. Paris, who works ' for the East Carolina Lumber Co. ; He was crab fishing this morning. Instead of the -usual pair? of snappers to be found on- the end of a claw, forceps-like, this crab had five distinct projections on the end of one claw; giving him at least two-pair of forcepB on one - "hand." Mr. Paris Is certain that both-sets were In good working order for his crabship - got in some effective work with them as he was being lifted out of the net. - ' r There may be a Bpecies of crab to whom such a number of finger-like appendages is normal, but if so Mr., Paris has never encountered it be fore- in all ,hig crabbing experience, and. neither . have other local crab bers. - ' ' . - In order to prove that -he hadn t simply been seeing two or three ob jects where there really was but one and further to substantiate the sup position that reliable reports can coma front Paris even during the war, the fisherman . brought the crab's whole "leg" or rather "arm" down to The Sun office. He says he will preserve it in alcohol. Most similar monstrosities are simply con ceived in alcohol instead of preserv ed by It the distinction between il lusion and reality. - The local scientific authorities who viewed the phenomenon this morning are satisfied that here they have im portant evidence in support of the Darwinian theory of evolution. It has lone been supposed that when life originated upon the earth it must have done so in the sea. Now, this crab had five "fingers" just like a man. Talk about your missing link! The case is proved, and the evolution of those crabbed old gen tlemen we hear talking hard times is plainly traced. H Mn Good Grocer Sells It. Don't fail to ask for one of our new Fire Alarm Cards. Plenty for ev-erybpdy.-Hackbcrn. RAILROADERS WON SATURDAY S GAM E Defeated Picked Team By The Score of 5 to 1 A Good Game. The 1914 baseball season in New Bern las closed. The ' Railroaders won the pannant in the City League, and won an additional honor Satur day by defeating a picked team from the other three teams in the league. It was a good game, with most of the feature plays being pulled off by the Railroaders. The big feature was Sparrow's work in left field for the Railroaders. Another notable feature was Harker's batting, mak ing three hits. Spencer's work in the box was great; allowing . only four hits and striking out nine. Freymoyer pitched good ball but was banged for ten hits. . ' Following is the game, tabulated: ' SINGLE MEN: AB. H. R. PO. E. Scales, c. . ... ...... 4 0 0 7 0 Woodard, s. s. .,,.4 113 1 Thornton,--2br . . '. . ;4 1 0 2 1 Pritchett, c. f. .....4 1 0 1 0 Simpson, E. 3b. ... 4 1 0 3 3 Hooker, rf. 3 0 0 0 0 Freymoyer, p. .....3 0 0 1 1 Pugh, If 2 0 0 1 0 Willis, lb. ........3 0 0 9 0 Totals .31 4 1 27 .6 r 1 cciL2:2:o Ecm cc:.:?A!iy '2iIFic:v2i RAILROADERS: ' ' " AB. H. R. PO. E. Sparrow, If. .......5 0 0 4 0 Street, 3b. . . . .5 0 0 0 0 Harker, c. ........6 3 19 0 Hardlson, sb. .... 4 ,: 2110 Gettier, 2b 4 0 Is 1 0 Caroon, ' lb. . i 4 2 1 1 0 0 Spencer, p. . . , ... .4 1 10 0 Vernelson, rf. .....41 0 1 ; 0 Rodden, cf. . . . ...14 1 0 1 0 Totals .39 10 - 6 27 0 " Score By Innings: Railroaders . , . . ... .002 030 000 5 Single Men 000 001 0001 i Summary: Hit : batsman, Spencer 1; bases on balls, none; wild pitches none; struck out, by Spencer 9 ; Freymoyer Jb; hits, off Spencer 4 ; Freymoyer 10; left "on bases, Rail roaders,, 7; Single Men ,4. A Double play, Simpson -td Thornton; " Time of game, 1 hour .and 10 minutes. Umpires; Messrs., Daniels and Styron OYSTERS AND FISH. Unccda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, please the taste and nourish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh. 5 cents. Doronst Biscuit Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor appropriate for lunch eon, tea and dinner, xo cents. Graham Crackers Made of the finest ingredients. Baked to perfection. The national strength food, io cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name, Persorial Itr. 3. 'H. Fetts, Jr.; of ' Charlotte spett yesterday in the city. Mr. Harry Lane of Oriental was among the morning arrivals. Mr. Z. V. Rawls of Bayhoro was among the ' morning arrivals. Mr. A. B. Campen 'of Alliance was among the morning arrivals. Sheriff A, H. Stephens of Oriental arrived in the city this morning. "- - - ... . . , . - Mr. L. 3. Jordan of Greensboro is among the ""business visitors in town Mr. Levi Wharton of Ashewood came up to; New Bern this morning, .Mr. N.Ih. Banks of Grantsboro came up to New Bern this morning. Mr. J. T. Mallard has returned from a shrt trip to Washington, N, C, i Capt. Joe Gaskill returned this morning jrom a short trip to Beau fort. Attorney R. B. Nixon left this morning for Vanceboro on a short visit. Mr. It. F. Newhouse came up tc New Bern this morning form Ori ental. . Mr. W. R. Edwards of Washington has returned home after a short vis it to New Bern. Messrs. J. E. Turnage and J. F. Boswick of Ayden were among yes terday s visitors Messrs. S. S. Moore and E. T. Horner of Burlington have been in town on a short stay. Deputy United States Marshal Charles H. Ange has returned from a short visit to Clarks. Mr. Parker Jarvis has left for Randolph Macon College, Virginia, where he will be a student this win ter.. i Mr. W. W. Morrison of Norfolk, Chief Special Officer of the Norfolk Southern, left for that city this morning after a short stay here. Dr. J. N. H. Summerell of this city.. Dr. E. M. Summerell of Row an, 'and Messrs. C. L. Ives, Lon Davis and Walter Bray left this morning tor the Straits. UkCC JLCjpUML ft! I y Y It has been Mid that the secret of Hr- ' rlroan's great auuces, was in tits ability to borrow money but hli ability to -borrow money was due to bis wise use . of It- - He proved to money lenders that i be knew how- to use It to males mors money, and without an exception who- -ever went Into deals with Harrlman and stayed with him did make money. The son of a clergyman whose income was scarcely over $200.00 a year, and part of that In notes, young Harrlman was compelled to strike out for himself at the age of fourteen with a meaget education; but with a great ambition to ' earn enough money to enable bun. to ' enter West Pnint and become a great soldier. As a broker's clerk, as a broker himself at the age of twenty-two with a seat In the New York Stock Exchange which cost him $20,000, he still retained the desire to become a great soldier. But when be . embarked upon his railroad career, he found an ample outlet for hli fighting spirit and some of the battles he had with such men as Fish. Hill. Gould, Morgan, and the Vanderbilts ought to satisfy the most ambitious seeker of conquest. He died In 1909 worth anywhere from two hundred to five hundred million dol lars, all gained as a result of his finan cial victories. The Ability To "Make Good" This was the secret of Mr. Harriroan's success and one oi the best securities a man can offer. IT IS A STRONG FACTOR in determining the safety of a loan. We do not want to loan money for a man to fail on, but to succeed on, be cause his success is ours. Let us help you make a greater success. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY 65 POLLOCK STREET - . .... - NEW BERN, W. C. LAYING TRACK TO FAIR GROUNDS NOW Work To Be Completed First Part of October, Accord ing to Contractor. We have just received 1 afresh shipment of gen uine Portsmouth Mul lens. Hackburn. AT L IC SCHOOL OPENSOCTOBER 1 Will Have Kindergarten For Children From Four To 1 I Six Years. . -"-'-r.V7.'-'C.' We hate arranged with' one of the largest Oyster dealers at Norfolk to furnish us with Oysters Until our native stock gets In good condition. We expect ' a supply tomorrow and will furnish your dry meats as usual. A.H stock. Trill be-handled, , ln best sanitary manner. -'',. We shall have Beaufort f mullet tomorrow which are now, at their best..,vvi.;;;:;;i.,:"--if;: friW.y. The opening of St. Paul's Academy has been fixed for October 1. For several days the Sisters ' of Mercy who are to conduct it have been in the city preparing for the opening. The school was founded a year ago. and last spring completed a re markably successful year. Since then, arrangements have been made still further to broaden out the courses of study offered. Perhaps the most important new feature is the kindergarten for chil dren from four to six years of age, This will be the only kindergarten in New Bern,' and will be conducted along the lines of the latest educa tional advances in the teaching of small children. This department will be presided over by a graduate of the Southern Academic. Institute of New Orleans. Pupils of every shade of religious feeling will be welcomed, and it is expected that many parents will de sire in planning the education of their children to secure for them that "discipline and thoroughness which characterises the schools con ducted by the Catholic Sisters. The aim - of . the institution is to form its pupils Into cultivated and refined men and women. As was the case last year, the music and art departments will re ceive most careful attention. y,- , , '; . v Mrs. Jones dropped her glasses and broke one of the lens. She nev er knew there was a manufacturing establishment of the kind in New Bern and had them sent away, her eyes in the meantime suffering greatly without them. ; She has now found out that DR. 3. O. BAXTER grinds difficult glass es in an hour or so; also examines and tests the eyes without any blind ing drugs. V'1'.. -j---. '. , , . OPTOMETRIST. Jnnlper Shlnirlea the Mat to over rour roof with, nave plenty on band, TOLSON LUMBER AND , MFG. OO. .' i On Und of a hnimlniM fnnl .la tha chap who poses -as -a ''good fellow' and spends more money . on his friends than he gives to his wife.' Ch)oag 9t9W9i$$t$$$ $ tOnij baa "BROMo QUININB" To rt tit fvunlM, en for rati smma, LAZA' IlVif'fO OQOitilMH. XookfnriKaatnia k.w.(.iiO CuniiD!iiiOml. Stoma Social Hiss Nina Parsons left this morn ing for Bayboro on a short su.y. rs. R. C. Minich and little son, Billy have returned from a short visit to Swansboro and Moreheaa City.- - Mj-s. Mary A. Rice of Clarks wats in the city between trains this morn ing on her way to Reelsboro to visit relatives. This morning was a morning re plete with significance for the East ern Carolina Fair Association. The work of- laying the track from the site where the West Lumber and Box Co. plant formerly stood to the fair grounds was begun today. Mr. Herman Bell, the contractor, is confident that the entire length of track, solving the fair transporta tion problem, will be completed the first part of October. The grade across Jack Smith's creek, he says, will be finished by Wednesday. A UNSETTLED WEATHER t, THE WEEK'S FORECAST i Washington, Sept. 14. Unsettled weather with showers In the great central valleys, extending by Tues day in the eastern and southern states, was forecast by the weather bureau last night for the first part of this week. "Temperatures will average near the seasonal average in the southern states," said the bulletin, "and be low normal elsewhere with frosts probably along the northern border and in the northwestern states and the Rocky mountains and plateau regions." IVAL HERE ALL THIS W E E K Past Week Said to Have Been Profitable One in Spite of Bad Weather. The Liberty shows that have been showing here all last week under the auspices of the firemen will stay an other week, as the past week has been a very profitable one for both the carnival and the fire companies. The 'patronage extended to the many shows and the concessions last week was extra large, and it was de serving as all the attractions have proven to be clean and worthy. And there has not been a single word of complaint made in regard to any of the shows or any one connected with the Liberty company. The. fire boys that are handling the affair are be ing well paid for their trouble; as they receive a liberal per cent of all money taken in on all the attractions. Yesterday afternoon the carnival band gave a concert at Ghent Park and there good music was greatly enjoyed by a large crowd. This is one of the best bands ever here with a carnival and it is receiving many praises. ? BOOKKEEPER, YOUNG MAN WITH eight years experience wants posi tion. High reference furnished. Ad dress "CALLUM," care New Bern Sun. 9-14-14-10dys. Along the River of Doubt tnere are multitudes In perplexity as to the cause of their headaches, biliousness, sleepless- 'ness, heart flutter, nervousness, etc. ills that constantly interfere -with personal comfort and success. ' ' There are others who have learned that coffee with its drug, caffeine, is very often the ' cause of these troubles, and that a sure, easy way to escape such discomforts is to quit coffee and use P O STUM nure delightful food-drink made entirely of wheat and a bit of molassea. It is. absolutely (ree from the coffee drug, caffeine, or any other harmful or comrort-destroying ingreaient. , ' l. . Postum now comes in two forms: u)t J.ISf ' '''J REGULAR P08TUM must be well boiled. 16c and 25c packages. ' V-VV i ' " : ' INSTANT POSTUM a soluble powder. Made in the cup with hot water. No boiling requlr ;ed.1 80c and 60c tins. ' . " ' ' L - ' Both kinds are delicious, and the cost per cup is about the same. .-':' , 1 . , v - ' Grocers everywhere cell POSTUM v . t , GEO. JJ. IVES A SON,'

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