r A. well-established, 'well equip ped, and Tery prosperous school tor g trls end young women. Full, term begins September 16. 1114. .' ;; For catalogue, address- - JT. M. RHODES, Littleton. V. C THE N0Z.TB CAROLINA State Norrhaland Industrial College ' Maintained by the State tor - the Women ot North Carolina. Five reg ular Courses leading to degrees. Spe cial Courses tor teachers. Free tui tion to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 16th, 1914.t For eatalogue and other information, ad ress " . . JULIUS h FOUST, President Greensboro, N. C THE NORTH CAROLINA . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS This State Industrial College offers strong courses la Agriculture, Horti culture, Stock-raising, Dairying, Poultry, Veterinary Medicine; in Ci vil, Electrical, and Mechanical . Engi neering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; In Cotton Manufacturing, and in Agricultural teaching. - Four year courses. Two and one year Courses In Agriculture and in Machine Shop Work. Faculty of 01 men; 738 stu dents; 85 buildings; excellent equip ment and laboratories for each de partment. Ob July 9th County Su perintendents conduct entrance ex aminations at each county seat. For catalogue write E. B. OWEN, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. O o Made from pure dit tilled filtered water New Bern Ice Co. 19-21-23 Griffith Street Phone 23. CEs r - 1. 1 I- ' - CHARACTER HEALTH CULTURE Umr out ia tb Sooth. Delightful locuioa. Dmc nil tet. TratHoar yean) without da n of duimoat tidrnwh Ctaa Uhktia, Two fjmnailora. Ho hsulug. ' it dimtintnuhta aotntaaa wrrattr m illltocnIlaiMl br Ttalted ia fix rn u tattf aattoail Field Sxntairot Cbfbtiu Bndenor. the Spirit of Boa Collet mm to to th mod fawMr Cartjtiaa." Kaii Ubma. Writ tow foe Cua ktnaaalvifwi, Pi W A. HARPEk, Bo 6s. Bloh Collbcb. N. C BOURDELAIS' SCHOOL OF MUSIC OPENS SEPTEMBER 15TH. i . . , Faculty: Miss Carolina Claypoole, Miss Mary Willis, , Prof . Prunier, . 'Prof. BourdeUts (Director) BUT YOUR SWEEPING POW DER AT HOME! Anti Dust Manufactured By. TARRO CHEMICAL COMPT. ALSO CHEAP BARN AND ROOF PAINIV-It's Fine for Brick Work and Fences It's a Wood Preserver. TARRO CHEIUCAL CO. THONE 4S1 New Bern, ILC. turn Eooms 403-409, Elks Temple, '. ',KEW ZBX N. C Eurveys and plans for land C.&lnage and municipal im provements a specialty. Gen tTil surreys, ' maps, plans, r . r;riJ-estimates,' r"' POSTE GN THE WAR NEW ililM-A.v, - J 1 " . . w: ! . . : Q" S -. t f rrenjr C-rrit o (. LvJi. N. B. The following schednU t jnres axe published only as lnfor tL&tion and are not guaranteed. , TRAIN NO. IX LeTes Gold boro :5 . M. for K&ielgV Dnr bam, Greensboro, Asheviile ml Vv'sjnesvllle. Throngh train to Aie rille, handles Chair Car to Vaynea- Gila. Makes connections at Greens ro for all joints North and East, and at AsherUle with carouna speci al for Cincinnati, .Chicago and all Western points. TRAIN NO. 1 Leates Golds boro S:0I P. M. for Raleigh and Durham.. Handles through Pullman Sleeping Car from Raleigh to At lanta, an-ires Atlanta 1:15 A.' M, maklnt connection for New Orleans, Texas. California and all Western points, also connects at Greensboro with throngn trains lor au noruers and Eastern points, v, m r TRAIN NO. 1S1 Leares Gold bore 6:08 P- ML for Raleigh, Dr ham and Greensboro.- Makes dlr i connection at Greensboro with sona Pullman Sleeping ' Car Train tor Washington, . Baltimore. Philadel phia, New York and all Eastern and Northern points. Connects also at Greensboro with ' through ' Tourist Sleeping, Car tor Los Angeles and San Francisco. ;" ' . TRAIN NO. Ill LesTes- Golds boro 10:46 P. M for Raleigh. Dur ham and Greensboro. Handles Pull man Sleenlns Car Raleigh to Wins- ton-Rklem. Makes connections ' at nrnahoro with through train tor AUanta and New Orleans, also makes connections tor Asheville. Chatta nooga, St Louis, Memphis, Birming ham and all Western points. - For detailed Information, also tor Information concerning special round trip rates account various special occasions or Pullman Sleeping Car reservations ask any Southern Rail way Agent or communicate with ths undersigned. J. O. JONES, .Travallnc Pass naer Agent. Raleigh, N. a H. F. CART, , . General Passenger Agent, " Washington, D. C B. H. COAPMAN. '.V . President ft Gen. .Manager, a. H. HARDWICK, Passenger Traffic Manager, Washington. D. C v NEW i ROUTE SOLID THROUGH TRAINS BETWEEN FLORENCE, ; 8. C, AND ROANOKE, VA., VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, FLORENCE AND WADESBORO, WINSTON-SALEM SOUTHBOUND RYm WADESBORO AND WIN STON SALEM, NORFOLK & WESTERN RY- WINSTON-SA- LEM AND ROANOKE. DAILY SCHEDULE: A. M. 9:60 10:20 10:06 P. M Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Florence Darlington Hartaville Society Hill Cher aw Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. 7:80 7:01 7:16 6:22 6:68 P. M. 11:00 11:30 P. M. 12:85 Ar. Wadesboro Lv. Ar Winston-Salem Lv 6:00 1:26 1:00 P. M. , A. M, 8:45 Ar. Roanoke Lv. 9:00 ' Close connections are made at Florence, in both directions, - with trains carrying Pullman cars to and from the North, South. East and West For rates ot fare, and detailed schedules to any desired destination by this new and attractive route, ap ply to T. H. BENNETT, Ticket Agent ef the ATLANTIC COAST LINE the Standard Railroad of the South. TO Commencing May 3rd, the Atlan tic Coast Line will inaugurate through sleeping car service between Wilmington. Florence, Sumter,; Au gusta and Atlanta, in ' connection vitb the Georgia Railroad. ' Following is the schedule from New Bern in connection with the new service. Lv. New Bern . ...... . 9:36 A.M Ar. Wilmington . . . . . . .12:50 P.M. Lv. Wilmington 845 P.M, Ar. Florence 7:85 P.M Lv. Florence S:00 Lv. Sumter ,.. 9:80 Ar. Orangeburg .......10:53 Ar, Augusta .. . 1:40 P.M P.M P.M Ar. Atlanta 6:00 A.M, C Passengers mar remain in sleep ing cars until 7:00 a. m. ' Returning the train leaves Atlan ta 8:00 p. m., Central time; aid ar rives Wilmington 1:16 p. m., and New Bern 6:45 p. m. Eastern time. Connections are made In the un ion depot Atlanta with the "Dixie Flyer." (leaving there at 8:00 A, M.) which Is a solid train to Chicago, carrying sleeping, dining and obser vation cars; also through sleeping rtu to St. Louis: and with the "South Atlantio Limited." (leaving a 7:12 a. m.) a solid train to Cln lHnatl ' AAinrtrlftai alaatln A A1. Ug cars; also through sleeping cars to Louisville ana Indianapolis. ' ' Connections are also made In At nta with the AUanta ft West Point .. R. for Montgomery, Mobile, New leans and the Southwest; with the mthern Ry. for Birmingham, Mem "is and the West with other diverg- lines for points In South. Gear- a. etc i- :--;-;,H' -vv i?- For reservations, tickets and iedules, to any Western destlaa- n by, this new and attractive jute, br old and reliable lines, an- to T.M. BENNETT, Ticket agent ; ts ' ' , IHTj coast hi Under t- ', i t:.Uj of power cl sale in an order rnaJe by the Clerk of the Superior Court in a special proceeding entitled B. J. West, Ad ministrator, vs. George R. West et al, the same being No. 669 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned Commission er will, on Monday, September tlst, 1914, at one ; o'clock, p. m. at the Court House door in New Bern, North Carolina, offer tor sale to the high est bidder for cash, those certain tracts of land ,' lying and being in Craven' County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows, to- wit: -v.. . i--'. ;;". FIRST TRACT: A tract ef land containing 33 acres,', more or less, conveyed to A. C West by William Barrington by deed dated October 6, 1311,- and recorded in the office of the Register ot :' Deeds of v- Craven County in Book 187, at Page 891, beginning at a hickory in the Splker line; running South 41 8-4 East 70 poles to John . Spiker's line; thence with his line South 88 1-4 East 103 poles, to Jersey . Barring ton's line; thence North- 411-4 West 70 poles to A. C. West's line; thence with his line North 88 1-4 West 103 poles to the beginning, containing 83 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land also conveyed by John T. Wayne to A. C. West by deed .dat ed December 4th, 18(7, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for craven county in book s, at rage 618. -H: , SECOND TRACT: A tract con taining 67 acres, more or less, con veyed by F. P. Latham to A. C. West by deed dated October' 17th, 1856, recorded in the Register s office ot Craven County in Book 65, at Page 259, and described as follows: . Beginning at a Cypress In Broad Creek Low Ground on the line of Isaac Barrington, then runing North 13 West to a stake; thence South 16 East 126 poles to Shive's last corner; then with the various courses ot said creek and Speight's and Price's line to the ; beginning. ; containing 60 acres, more or less; and another tract conveyed in the said deed, beginning at a Gum standing in the edge' of Broad Creek; running thence West 170 poles to a stake; thence North 43 West 18 poles to a Btake: thence North 56 East -6.6 poles to a ( stake; thence soutn 50 m&st si poles to a stake; thence Nerth 45 East 200 poles to a gum; thence South 15 West 160 poles to the beginning, containing 67 acres, more or less. This 14thday ot August, 1914. - ' . B. J. WEST, . r v Commissioner. DOVER & SOUTHBOUND RAIL ROAD. To the Public: r Regular afternoon train will be held at Dover Sunday, August 2nd, Sunday August 16th, and- Sunday August 30th, 1914, until arrival of Norfolk Southern afternoon train from Morehead City, and the follow ing round trip rates to Dover are authorized: ' From RIchlands. ,75 cents From Petersburg . . ..... 7 5 cents From Comfort .... .... 50 cents From Wimsatt . ... . . . .60 cents From Phillips ... .' . . . . 50 cents Tickets good only on date of sale. N. S. RICHARDSON ; Traffic Manager. Dover. N. C, July 29, 1914. WEST AND NORTH-WEST t ... Hock System mock Ballast- 85m ail Schedale In effect Nov. M, '11 v. Norfolk V...,...f:tt v. Petersburg ......11:06 w. Durham 1:01. 1:00 19:4(1 1:81 a.m. S:10 v. Lynchburg 2:49 up. Cincinnati T:2 ir. Columbus ....... ,j 6:21 p.m. if. Chicago , ir. St. Louis ....... 6:38 9:21 9:11 T;t9 8:81 Close connection made for leattls tan Francisco and ail Western points Pullman Bleeping and parlor ear . ft W. Cafe dining ears Bauli ent and servioe standard of excel' nee. , Blue Ridge and Allegheny fountain crossed at most plctur- Kis parts.. Time-tables, descrlp- dre literature and lnformatloa tree. rrespondence Invited.. ' W. C. SAUNDERS, G. P. A 4 L Boanoko, Va O. H. 9OSUR1 V. P. A. ',.',, :. '", Richmond, Va, , W.B.BEVILL, Pass, TL Mgr. BALTIMORB r. .-... Bsrahiishea 18. THE OLD DAY LQ teamers Florida, Virginia and Al tarna. Finest United States Mai) Iteamers South of New York. Eauip- Hd with United Wireless Telegraph tad every modern convenience til the pleasure and comfort ot the trar tllng pubUe. Leaves dally, as IJ- lews: ' '"':.,.( '-.-ye - "'- - fortsmouth, Buuday . . ,1:00 p.tv ; Week days ...... ... ., .1:19 .n. Iforfolk t , ... , , . ", ,..,6:13 p. a tli Point ....... .......T:) p.B. Iteamers arrive Norfolk. .7: t J an, ticket sold to alt rc!-i, I ns Cast, West and Cant 1. 1 cr l-."- ssat:ou as to tickets, t' ' ro&Ji r srvatlons, etc- t;;'.y ty -. zz ir If tl . c a i.- :. La, 1 I t L3 it C. . Li ij iasi of .V derr a cf fe C't of New Bern: " v EecUoa 1. It t Chapter 13 Of t" ordlnancs of the city be amendal " by strlklug out Section 8 thereof ani ' Inserting in lieu thereof the follow ing: '.'-'-' 5, .,' Section's, Any person. Arm. or : corporation who shall keep open any store or shop for the purpose t buy Ing or selling merchandise or trans v acting business, or doing any work or labor of any kind on Sunday, ex- ' cept wont or necessity or -charity us L is permitted by the general laws ot the State, shall be deemed guilty of. misdemeanor ana. upon' conviction - thereof, shall pay a line of Ten Dol- tars.' PROVIDED, That the ' drus rista inay .be allowed to keep open their stores for the sale of drugs and med-, . lclnes only; and- provided further -that hotels and restaurants may sell - necessities to guests,7( .! : - Tne caie or delivery of necessities on Sunday shall in no case be per- -mltted to become Na nuisance, either in stores or on the street, or to cause " disturbances to publio worship. $ - - i IT. T. PATTERSON, Clerk. 'i PUBLIC SALE. ,' By virtue of authority contsJnedf Wn n. certain hypothecation note, ex- ecuiea oy a. a. van, payable to the Land ' Improvement Comnanv -a1 North Carolina, bearing date of Jan- uary 6tn, 19H, payable on January 5th, 1912, 1 will offer tor sale to tha highest bidder at the court house door in New Bern, North Carolina. on Saturday the 15th day of August, . iit, at 12 o'clock m., the following described personal property, which is pledged as collateral security, .there-' Certificates Nos. 1 (66) fifty-six: (63) sixty-three, (67) sixty-seven at par value of f 25.00 for three shares of stock, and one share of stock No. (106) one hundred six at par value of 35.00, issued to said. 8. A. Vail, al so one promissory note and mortgage on real estate, executed by Thomas vail and wife to R. O'Hara. and duly transferred by said R. O'Hara to said S." A. Vail, which said mortgage is recorded in the public records in of fice of Register of Deeds' for Craven county, North Carolina, in Book 176 Folio 260, to which reference is here by made. i nis lsr day of August, 1914. THE LAND IMPROVEMENT COM PANY OF NORTH CAROLINA. By Hensr Dudley, Vice-President, ORDINANCE. Alderman Ellis moved - the adop tlon of the following ordinance: v- Be it ordained by the Board of Al dermen ot the City of New Bern: Section 1. That Chapter 17 of the ordinances ot the city be amended by adding at the end thereof the toU lowing: ..; -..5i v.'-. Section 12. . It shall be unlawful for any - person afflicted with the' smallpox to be in or go upon any street of the city. Whoever violates) this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convio- tlon thereof, shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars or be imprisoned lor thirty days. - - i F. T. PATTERSON, Clerk. ! 6-19-tt , APPLICATION FOR PARDON.; State of North Carolina Craven County. ' Notice is hereby given to the pub lic that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina lor the pardon ot John W. Gibson, con victed at June term 1909 of the su perior court of Craven county, N. C, for the crime ot larceny and sen tenced to State's prison tor the term ot seven years.:' .ewV- r-v; All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protest to the Governor without delay.. - . '.v , r This 3rd day ot July, 1914. N, ARPEN. July 10th. 1914. . J SaaHa-aawaaaaaMBNM ... : DANCING 8UUUUJU KOTICB. r , Dancing school every Tuesday and Friday nights. Public Invited after 9 o'clock on Friday nigUt. - LI CHATTAWKA TBIB9 NO. 14, L . B. MU Meets every Wfanesaajj sleep Red Men's HaD. over Rev Bern Gag Company's oOoeOBroCS . ers from other reservatfons son daily welcomed. E. A. Braddy. aehemi J. H- Smith. O. ol B. k FIBS Ttcse that have not paid tax ) nl: b3vitl0sd;'.jf: czciv 1 caScJ epeia b t tyili cly. Fip? ll::r Una capiat ha p Uyca fcrcejpa ( ) cc!!;ct by H:irc:3 1 v.! I rrcac: J to ('o ca. Lc a, . ,iiV .... . . , 1 thca city tax pleass ta!:e varir tiat tieirldlv . "! X, ' 1 ETAT r TTXO AD Q7 I IGVi-I. . t "T '