c ITA, UOITDAY, SEPT. II, 1911 PAGS csvu ii On . 1 - ,x J" ..... - ow sis- ley . : 111 : T to do good printing as it is to do bad printing, but it pays better in the satisfaction to cus tomers and in self respect. We aim to do the best work. The tooks, cata logues and job work that we print afford pleasing examples of the typographical art. Let us submit prices on any work you may have in mind. IS E 0FFM.B THIEF is Treated v Harshly But Prevents Brute From Bobbing House BUMMER EXOJRSI0K8 OB- FOLK, VIRGIMA BEACH, MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAU FOBI, Jf . OL s-, S : ?' Round trip Summer Tourist, Week End and Sunday Excursion Farce, season 1914. New York, Sept. 14. Nine-year- jold Helen Morltz of No. 1406 Webster Avenue went to mo. wasniug- ton avenue to call on ber stepbrother, Frederick Bruns, and the latter's wife. . .- v Neither of the Brunnes was at home, and after admitting herself with a key, Helen sat in the parlor to wait their return. About 4 o'clock the door bell rang and Helen admilt- jlt Willi, WUU UK1U. il -"I'm from the electric light com. pany and want tor inspect the meter." The child showed the man to rear room and he acted as though examining the meter and then he said: There's another meter in the house. It's in that closet I have been here before." Helen was standing close to the closet and the door was open. The man attempted to shove her in, but she sprang from him and screamed Then he knocked ber down with chisel, striking a hard blow on her head. v Continuing to scream, the child was on her feet quickly and again the man struck her. This time the blow fell on her right hand, cutting two fingers to the bone. . PHCiTER AI1D BLAIS B00LI.1AKER NORFOLK: Week End .......14.78 8unday Ticket ......... 2.60 Week End Tickets on sale Satur day trains June 5th to Sept. 12th, inc. Limited to following Tuesday. No stop-orers allowed. - Sunday. Tickets on sale midnight train Saturday night limited to leave Norfolk 9:00 p. m. Sunday night fol lowing. No stop over, no baggage, nor sleeping car accommodations al lowed. , ' VIRGINIA BEACH. Add 40c on Norfolk rates, same Umitations as to Norfolk. , Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, in the matter of Redding L. Simpkins. Bankrupt . - ' The petition of Redding L. Simp kins of New Bern,- N. C, for a fall discharge in bankruptcy having bee filed in sail court, it is ordered by the Court that a hearing be had upo the same on the third day of Septem ber, IH14, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, before the Court at New Bern, N. C. in said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition er should not be granted. ' This the 1st day of August, 1914. WALTER DUFFY, Deputy Clerk; NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS FOB DIVISION. MOREHEAD CUT: Season ticket ;.' .11.60 Week End $1.60 Sunday Ticket $1.00 ci mi .i a- 1 j j i mf.J 11 . "STS rSJl 5 .V North Carolina Craven County. w mpw sv. uii.':Uh i I Sunerior Court Before the Clerk. Addle May Outlaw, et al, heirs of L. usual 1914. Stop overs all poizts. baggage allowance. Week-End Tickets ov sale for all Saturday and for Sunday morning train May 80, to and Including Sept IS. Limited to Tuesday following H. Outlaw, deceased. Ex Part By virtue of an order of sale made In the above entitled proceeding by the Clerk of said Court appointing u x ucouaj luuuniue ,ha. Mn,inn n .oil date of sale. No stop overs, usual tyZ , ,i,. division, I, D. L. Ward, Commission- baggage allowance. Sunday Ticket on sale each Sun day May 81 to and Including Sept 13. Limited returne same date. No stop-overs or baggage allowed. BEAUFORT: Add 20c to rates to Morehead City, same limitations as to Morehead . The man ran from the house and city. disappeared down the street. - The Week-End Including Hotel Accom plice came, and said he undoubted- modations: ly was a thief, who timed his visit Board and lodging, Saturday sup- during the absence of Bruns and his per to and Including Monday break- wife. Have you seen the new toilet goods in our show cases? They are tbe best on the market. Bradham's. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en-1 I joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, I the family system tonic. Price, ?l.UU. -,.,. ; ... VALUABLE! CITY PROPERTY FOR . SALE. A prominent business corner, sit uated in the. midst of New Bern's greatest activities Is on the market, for price and terms of sale call on JOHN DUNN, 55 Pollock St., New Bern. N. C fast, and transportation, rate $6.00, Tickets sold each Saturday June 20 to and including August 29, 1914, Limited to return Tuesday following date of sale. No step overs allowed. Usual baggage allowance. Extension of Tickets: Week-end and Sunday tickets to Morehead and Beaufort can be ex tended on application to agent and payment of difference in rate. For further Information apply to T. H. Bennett Ticket Agent, Phone 737, or, E. D. KYLE, H. S. LEARD, Traf. Mgr. Gen. Pas. Agt, NORFOLK, VA, t A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation, weakens 1 the whole system. Doan's Reguiets (26c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. . . Alter a gin gets to De aDout so I old she makes a bonfire of the baby picture of herself taken in a wasn- lbowl. I OWN YOUR OWN HOME. f will sell either residence S3 or 19 1-2. botn located on Avenue a. Price and terms reasonable. All modern convenience and good loca- er as aforesaid, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door, at New Bern, Craven C unty, N. C, at the hour of twelve o'clock, M., on Monday, 6 th day of October, 1914, the following lands of L. H, Outlaw, deceased, to-wit. FIRST TRACT. Beginning at a bridge across the Fort Barnwell road about 200 yards nortneast of the intersection of the Dover and Fort Barnwell roads and runs with Seth West's line, now L. H. Whitehead's about S. 48 E. 70 yards, thence N. 42 E. 171 1-2 yards, thence N. 48 W. 70 yards to the Fort Barnwell road, thence with the road to the beginning containing one- fourth of an acre, more or less, and being the same lot of land conveyed by J. R. Griffin to Harvey Mann by deed dated June 2lst, 1906, and re corded in Book 158, page 203, re cords of Craven County, and known as a part of the W. B.' Griffin deceas ed land. SECOND TRACT. Situated in the town of Dover and north side of A. & N. C. R. R. and west side of public road leading from Dover to Fort Barnwell and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on said pub lic road Alex. Walker's corner and runs westwardly with said Walker's line 135 feet to a stake, thence north- WEEK-END SUNDAY AND SUM MER EXCURSION RATES TO THE SEASHORE VIA THE AT LANTIC COAST LINE THE STANDARD RADLiROAD OF THE erly and parallel with Barnwell road SOUTH. Round Trip Rates. From New Bern, N. C. To Washington, D. C. To Baltimore, Md. . . .. To New York City . . To Boston, Mass. . . .. . . Tickets on sale every ,$15.80 , 15.80 . 24.80 . 290 day until September 30, via Ooldsboro, Nor folk and Steamer, with final return limit October 31, 1914, tlon. Apply Jack Crabtree, Avenue T WHohna Pooh" i r ti Vr Il.-M. I "0 , w...T 195 feet to Griffin heirs' line and said Barnwell road, thence eastward ly with said Griffin heirs' line to Main Street on Barnwell road leading to depot, thence southerly and with said Main Street 195 feet Alex Walker's line to the beginning, it being the lot known as the Cicero Williams lot and containing one-half acre, more or less. This 31st day of August, 1914. D. L. WARD, Commissioner. Build no your system with our I Beef, Iron and Wine. BradHnT. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having Qualified as executors un der the last will and testament of E, Z, R. Davis, deceased, we hereby no. tify all persons holding claims Against I. ii". ..i. . .1.- . wvwww m y"Trr.rZ l To Wilmington, N. C. .. N. C, or at Cove City, R. F. D., Tickets on sale every day until September 30, with final return limit October 31, 1914. To Wilmington, N. C. .... . .$2.85 Tickets on sale for all trains each Dr. P. Saturday and for all forenoon trains each Sunday until September 13, 1914, limited returning to midnight of Tuesday next following date of NDTI CE. North Carolina Craven County. Superior Court Before the Clerk. C. Jackson, Administrator of the estate of David A. Moore, Deceased, vs. Dinah Moore (Widow). By virtue of an order and decree ..$1.26 of sale to me directed in the above Tickets will be sold for all fore-1 entitled Special Proceeding, pending duly -verified on or before twelve HISth 1914 inclusive Court of Craven Conntv. which said 11 ill lie 11 iciui uiuft w uiiuuifiui) vi i yiuocuiug ttob IUDIHUICU Mil tuu months from the date hereof or notice will be plead in bar. All per- "Ji DUUD lUUOULCU IU tilQ CD vw tv W 111 A1UU ly make settlement. LUTHER J. DAVIS, ALBERT H. DAVIS, purpose of making assets to pay the For summer excursion rates to debts of said David A. Moore, dee'd.. many Mountain, Lake and Pleasure I will offer for sale, and sell at pub- Resorts, and for any other lnforma- lie vendue, to the highest bidder for t. f. tkli.. U, reservations, etc., call on T. H. cash, at the court house door of said Executors under the last will and tes- t,,Vo, , .n... rran rn.mtr nn unnH th kh, W. J. CRAIG, . T. C. WHITE, day of October, 1914, at the hour of. Pass. Traf. Mgr. . Gen. Pass. Agt J 2 o'clock m., the following de-. tament of E. Z. R. Davis, deceased. Though the straight and narrow path may be all to the good you'll find the biggest crowd trotting down the great boulevard. Chicago News. i.ii irfolk-SoatfaerD R.F. Route of The "NIGHT EXPRESS" e-4-tt Wilmiagton, N. C. scribed property, to-wit: All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situate in the I 01 a Tim r V x . PnnKn IT.t BSTirTJTi' RTTVTY TRlTWa ftV " w wuuV, onu CONVENIENT SCHEDULES 1 1 " ' T 1 v, , . , LOW EXCURSION RATES TO WILMINGTON, AFFORDING AN OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT CARO LINA BEACH AND WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH AT A VERY SMALL COST. Commencing Sunday, Juneind continuing until, and including, Bun- Schedule in Effect June 14, 1914. . The following figures published ai Information ONLY nad are not guar anteed. . t JNS DEPART: I For Beauki 9:05 a, m. and 5:41 p. m. Vor Goldsboro 4:05 a. m.; 9:10 a m. and 6:65 p. m. Vim Oriental 9:30 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. for Washington and Raleigh 12:80 a. m. and 2:26 p.'m. Tor Washington and NorfoDt 11:80 Lv. Jacksonville . m nl !10 a. m. Lit. verona irninto msniv, I LV. DlXOn IUU"0 Folkatone rrom Bemniort : a. m. ana L. Hollvrldse 1:60 t. m. ILv. Edeecomb I From Goldsboro 12:28 a. m., :00 Lv. Woodslde n. m. and 6:85 p. to. Vom Oriental 8:68 a. m. and 4:10 rrons Norfolk 1:05 a. m. and 6:81 tnm Raleigh and Washington 4i05 a. m. and 11:48 a. a. For further Information or reser vation, of ' Pullman Sleeping . Gar f race, apply to T. H. Bennett,; T. A. t!a Bern. N. CjV- ,;t:-:a-i Sa. S. LKARD, , ' General Passenger Agent .(' '- :. uvau wutt. Oeneral Superintendent KCSTCUE. TA, day, September 13, 1914, the Atlan tic Coast Line, the Standard Rail road of the South, will sell Sunday Excursion Tickets at the following very low rates, limited to date of sale, and operate trains each Sun day on approximate time shown:, From: Schedule: Fare Lv. New Bern .... . 7:00 $1.25 Lv. Rhems ........ 7:22 Lv. Pollocksville ... 7:34 Lv. Ravenswood ... 7:42 Lv. Maysville . 7:50 Lv. Deppe Lv. Kellum Lv. Hawkside 8:01 8:12 8:16 8:18 8:37 8:48 . 8:67 9:07 9:12 9:21 e:26 9:28 9:30 9:48 9:47 9:68 township known and designated as "Larksville," as plotted and recorded in the public records in office of Reg ister of Deeds for said Craven county in Book 153, Folio 300, and bearing the number (26) twenty-six upon said plot or plan. It being the same land conveyed by waiter Duffy ana wife to said David A. Moore, by deed bearing date of June 19th, 1907, and recorded in said public records in Book No. 167, Folio 252, to which reference is hereby made. This 17th day of August, 1914. ' DR. P. C. JACKSON, Administrator. R. O'HARA; Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of J. A. Foy, deceased, late of Crav- $1.00 1 en County, this is to notify all per-, $1.25 $1.10 $1.10 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $ .85 $ .75 $ .66 $ .56 $ .65 $ .46 J .46 .46 $ .45 $ .85 $ .86 f .86 Lv. Topsail Lv. Cypress Lake . . Lv. Hempstead . . . . Lv. Scotta Hill ... . Lv. Kirkland ...... Lv. Bavmead ...... Ar. Wilmington ....10:18 Returning, leave Wilmington 7: 10 d. m.: arrive Jacksonville 9:28 p. m.: arrive New Bern 10: p. m. Btpp plng at all stations to let off passen- ; Conductor will not sell ' tickets from stations where ticket offices are bnen for the sale of tickets. Children ever e ana nnaer 11 years of are, halt fare. - ''" , w. 3i cr Aia. " ' t, c. waixE. Peas. Traf. Mgr., twn. paa. Agt, wunungton, m. u sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them for payment duly verified under oath on or before the 80th day of July, 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. ' All persons indebt ed to the said estate will please make Immediate settlement. SYLVESTER FOY, ' Administrator. R. W. WILLIAMSON, Attorney.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' Having this day qualified as ad- mlnistrator of the estate of David Moore, deceased, all persons holding claims against ' said ; decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verifiedi to the undersigned, or R. O'Hara attorney, on or be rote .It. . O.U Jlm A fnl 101R Utm notice will be pleaded in bar of their rocoverv, ;':;i,J-.i-?v'' :'.:"'; Si.:.. 'v.'-''''V..'fi All persons Indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make lm mediate settlement .v - j: ' Thi 18tS day of July, 1914. . . ' DR. P. C. JACKSON,1 , - j Administrator, .i;