.1 :T70 r---'" -v.- . .-- - . .vJ, tMi a.. w.. Ml V'i 1 4 SCENES IN THE 101 RANCH REAL WILD AVEST. THE ONLY BIG SHOW COMING TO NEW BERN MON ... DAY, OCTOBER 5th. Will Materialize if the Home is furnished with Artistic and durable furniture, such as is found in abundance at the Large Furniture Store, which merits the distinction of being Leaders in Volume, Quality and Price. All grades, all styles, all fin ishes, are carried in such large quantities as to insure the best quality at the lowest possible price. ' -: J. S. Miller Furniture Co. "THE NEW BERN HOME C. L. SPENCER, --DEALER IN Corn, Hay, Oats, Hominy and all hinds hed Water Ground Con Meal Sui Oats, Wheat and Bye Brick For Sale PHONE 'ISO - FURNISHERS" MOREHEAD CITY Saerene Horn and Male Feed Alfalfa Hone and IMe Feed Snaene Dairy Feed 32 MIDDLE ST. Evesy Morning IT At cU ScJa Fczn; " tzzni or Carhcna . T L 1 "RAGGING" GOT Englishman Tells German . He Has Forgotten What Boy Scouts Can Do. , (By United Press.) LONDON, Septl 16. An Ameri can tourist returning from Switzer land tells the following: r A large German who was stopping at the Lausanne Hotel just before war was declared was boasting of Germany's prowess and of the Prus sian war machine s irresistible strength. VWe'U pulverize France," he declaimed, "and then we'll land an army in Scotland and march down and capture London. There's nothing that can stop our War Lord and his war machine." "You've overlooked one thing," quietly remarked an Englishman, "our Boy Scouts." The German was subjected to such nnmerciful "rag ging" after the call that he moved two days later. For baby's croup, "Willie's dailj cuts and bruises, mamma s sore throat. Grandma's lameness, Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil tne nousenoid remedy. 25c and 60s. One kind of a cereal story is the rice thrown after the departing bride and what she married. Whenever You Need General Took Take Qxwtf The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic becanse it contains the well known tonic prbpertiesof QUININB and IRON. : It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. W8B IT IT U iV,miVi-n1ffirrfrr" HIS GUY'S GOAT 7 Cola' LEAGUE EMM AGTIOil OF KAISER Predict Overthrow of Military ' Despotism Too Long . ' v Tolerated. E TO (By United Press.) LONDON, Sept 16. The German Humanity League has sent to the British Humanity League the fol lowing fiery denunciation of Kaiser Wilhelm's war against the world: "We cannot at the hour retrain from sending a message of fraternal greeting to you .who have forseen and prepared for the carnage which must precede the inevitable over throw of a military despotism too long tolerated by millions of toilers crushed by its infernal weight. "Nakedly revealing himself, we see the udcurbed tyrant surrounded by his parasites now directing the most desperately devilish and self ish campaign ever waged against humanity. .We know that the in ternal revolution now proceeding in our midst will depose the despot. whose insatiable egotism is drench ing Europe with the blood of its workers and wage earners. This letter reaches you by the hand of a trusted Dutch comrade who is risking his life in the people's cause." Po-Do-Lax Banishes Pimples Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Constipa tion, etc., come from Indigestion Take Po-Do-Lax, the pleasant and absolutely sure Laxative, and you won't suffer from a deranged Stoin ach or other troubles. It will tone up the Liver and purify the blood. Use" it regularly and you will stay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves. Get a 50c. bottle to day. Money back if not satisfied. AH Druggists. NOTICE. ..' At the urgent request of the con tractor for six more days in whieh to net the administration building ready the Executive Committee of Oak Ridge Institute decided to grant it, and changed the opening date from September loth to September zznd The prospects are the brightest In the history of the school. Dizzy Head, Flattering Heart, Float ing: specks. . These are signs of kidney and bladder trouble. You'll have head aches too, backaches and be tired all over. Don't wait longer, but take Foley Kidney Pills at once. Your miserable sick feeling will be gone. You will sleep well, eat well and grow strong and active again. Try them. Bradham's Two Drug Stores. COLLEGE NOTICE. Dnrlng our approaching scholastic vear. we will take students in our Practice and Observation School un der student teachers for 5u and four hours of industrial wort per Applicants for admission 1 to our Freshman class will not be required to 6tand entrance examinations. For further particulars address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton College, Little ton, N. C. REPORT SALEOF Various Rumors Circulated in Hammondsport Regarding ., Future of the America Hammondsport, N. Y., Sept. 16. It is rumored here that the transat lantic flying boat America has been sold and that extra forces are work ing day and night at the Curtis fac tory getting her and several replicas ready for early shipment, wno nas bought her or where she is going no body seems able or willing to tell. Requests for information from or- Beers of the Curtis aeroplane com pany elicit nothing definite.' It is ad mitted that several persons, mciua lig a New York sportsman, have en deavored to purchase tne cratt, ana that a price, hat been set on It, ; ; ' Another story In circulation here is that a fleet of the transatlantic type of flying boats has been ordered by an an American cititen who wants to Information regarding the future of the America will be forthcoming, undoubtedly, as soon as the big flying boat reaches her destination and be gins to do any flying. Her size makes her too conspicuous to keep her des tination a secret for very long. ' A laiy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and eonstlpatlon, -weakens the whole system. Doan's-Reguiets SEA FLYING BOW (25c per box) act mildly on the liver ,--f-' -'-i :': 'if''" ' ' tj f nn,",v Germany Literally - Honey combed With Railways to . Frontiers. k - .... . ii ii - ... ,. ' HE FEW RAILROADS : . BJ uiuibu i-reus. . , BERLIN, via THE HAGUE, Sept. 15.- To travelers familiar with Ger- many, France and Russia it is plain why. Germany could mobilise her troops with so much more rapidity than the .other, two countries. The railroads of course, afford the an swer. Throughout Germany the webs of railways Join up every im portant garrison with the frontiers. On the Rhine, lines stretch west ward, to the French frontier . from Cologne, Bonn, Coblens Kreuznach, and farther south from Frankfurt and Manheim. Posen and Eastern Prussia are literally honeycombed with railways to the frontier. On the Russian side of the border line there are hardly any railways. True, France is exceptionally well supplied with railway, but from a military standpoint they are sadly lacking. They have been planned, like everything else in France on radical system, with Paris the cen ter. Practically everything to get to the frontier, must pass through Paris. ' supply your wants. TOLSON LUM BER AND MFG. COMPANY. JUNIPER SHINGLES on band, cm Stop That First Fall Cough. Check your fall cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to serious lung trouble, weaken your vitality and develop a chronic lung ailment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey today; it is pure and harmless use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If Baby or Children are sick give it to them, it will re lieve quickly and permanently, it soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air passages. Loosens Phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the system against colds, It surely prevents cold germs from getting . a now Guaranteed. Only 25c. at your Drug gist ATTRACTIVE ROUTE TO BALTI MORE VIA NORFOLK AND CHESAPEAKE RAY STEAMERS. Low fares,' account Star Spangled Banner Celebration, via v Norfolk Southern. - Consult ticket agents. E. D. KYLE. H. S. LEARD, Traf. Mgr. Gen. Pas. Agt. Keeps Yonr Liver Healthily Active. A man in Kentucky just toia friend that Foley Cathartic Tablets were the most wonderful medicine that had ever entered his system. Said he would not be without them. Neither would you, if you had ever tried them. . A thoroughly cleansing cathartic for chronie constipation or for an occasional purge; Bradham's Two Drug Stores. Men of strong character make many enemies, but it doesn't follow that all men who make, many ene mies are the possessors of strong character. -Chicago News. Rheumatism Pains Stopped The first application of Sloan's Liniment, goes right to the painful part It penetrates without rubbing it stops the- Rheumatic Pains a- round the Joints and gives renei anu comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle today I It is a family medicine for air twins, hurts, bruises, cuts, v sore throat, neuralgia and chest pains. Prevents infection. - Mr. cnaa. a. Wentworth. California, writes: "it did wonders for my Kneumatism, pain is gone as soon as I apply it. I recommended H to my friends as the best Liniment I ever used." Guaran teed. 25c at your Druggist. "MTTJT ANTS DOING ' GREAT RELIEF, WORK v . .(By United Press.) 1 LONDON, Sept 15 Sylvia Pank hurst's East End suffragettes have completely ceased, campaigns , for votes and turned their energies and money - instead toward establishing war relief depots in their Women's Hall and all their .branch establish r 1 ''' Advertisements Inserted r der tbiabead, ON CEXT rI WORD for enefc Insertion, k no- advertisement taken for lew than SSe. Additional worris, more than 8S, ONfl CSST Fil WORD. TJnlee stne advertiaer has n regular aoeout, all noV rertlsements vnder this - bead am STRICTLY CASH Dl AD VANCES, the amomnts being to mall to warrant n charge. Copy for BUSINESS LOCALS cannot be taken over the telephone. - TWO SALESMEN TO SELL OUR oils, greases and paints in this ter ritory. ; Experience . unnecessary. Our salesmen are best paid on road - Great Lakes Refining Co , Cleveland, Ohio. FOR RENT DWELLING 86 GEO. St Possession given September 15. Phone 254, or apply 110 Pollock. 9-12-14-3t- frX)R RENT DWELLING NO. 20 National Avenue, next door to my '.'residence. All - modern conven iences, . Electric lights. House secreened throughout Apply to H. M. Groves. . 9-1 2-1 wk. BOOKKEEPER, YOUNG MAN WITH eight years experience wants posi tion. High, reference furnished. Ad dress "CALLUM," care New Bern Sun. 9-14-14-10dys. LOST PANAMA HAT ON MIDDLE street. Reward if returned to 93 1-2 Middle street, Brown & Co. 9-9-1 4-3t. FOR SALE OR RENT I OFFER my house 34 New Street for sale, or will rent as a whole or in part J. W. WATSON. . 9-8-1 4-lwk. BEAUTIFUL SHETLAND FOR sale; Four years old, broken for chil dren. Call at the Carnival Ground at Darling Circus. FOR RENT HOUSE NO. 80 AVE. nue "A". Possession given Mon . day, September 14,1914. Wm. Dunn, Jr. . 1 FOR RENT LARGE FURNISHED room;. 6 windows, private bath at tached, with all conveniences. J. V. IVES, 182 1-2 Middle St. 9-9-1 wk. BICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP AP , ply 24 Eden Street. 9-5-14U. COLORED MAN OR WOMAN UN- der 60 wanted. No experience needed. $100.00 ' month. Write quick. Box A-409, Cincinnati, O. It.'.: . ... I WANT TO TRADE A FORD TOUR X lu$ Can in perfect shape almost as gooa as new.ownnhty equip ped; for a Saxon Car. Address Lock Box No. 83, Grifton, N. C. 9-4-14-3t. KODAK , FOR SALE SIZE 8 1-2 by 6 1-2. Good as new Price rea sonable. Address Camera, care of ; Sun Office. FOR RENT TWO UPSTADW rooms and two downstairs rooms. For information call phone 537 or 25 Johnson St - FOR RENT SEPTEMBER 1ST, nicely furnished room in private family; suitable for one or two gentlemen; all modern conven iences. Pho.e 437. MISS OLA FEREBEE WILL RE- open her music class Monday, Sep tember 7, 1914. 8-26-lmo CITY TRANSFER CO. WILL GALL at your home day or nignt to make deliveries anywhere in the city. . Prompt, attention given to orders. Phone 725. A. H. Davis, Manager, 104 George St 8-14-Smo. " FOR SAUffi A FEW SHARES OF the paid in capital stock of The Central Pharmacy. Will sell at a liberal discount if taken at once. Address "STOCK" care this paper. FOR SALE THE HOUSE AND LOT on East Side of Bern street own ed and occupied by Mrs. C F. Har gett Apply to Mrs. C, F. Hargett or to 8. M. Brlnson. 8-4-tf BRICK FOR SALE THE PEOPLES Brick Co., Is now prepared to fur. nieh building brick of the best quality Immediate ' shipments. ' Address Peoples Brick . Co., New - Bern, N. C.; -J ' " . fOHNSON'S V CAFE .(The Blind News Dealer) Located acumen Station. Quick service' and polite attention to those wishing lunch before suiting on trip. Open till 12 o'clock midnight- Ham, Egg, and Hamburger sandwiches llTw ; cents XJnst one-halt price charged . by other cafes in this location.) -Hot coffee. Pies, All Kinds of Bot tled Cool Drinks. CaU and see me when yon want quick luuclu J. C. Johnson. ," 1 ' ' tf 18.50 : aACKSONVnXEs - 10.50 , TAMPA, FLORIDA, ROUND TRIP FROM NEW BERN. - ' Proportionate fares from other points in N. C . Va.,. and S. C, via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, The , Standard Railroad of the South. " : ".,;. Ticket will be sold for all train Tuesday,-Sept 22, limited, returning . . to reach erlglnal starting: point not later than midnight of Tuesdav, Sep- ? temberi29. 1914V-; For schedules, S(; reservations and Information,, apply to T. H. BENNETT; ticket agent, New Bern, N. C., or", xv-1 r.KAia. w T. C.1 WHITE. , Pass. Traf. Mgr..' ' Gen. Pass. Agt ? ' - -t'v !; fir ' and bowels. ' At au arug stores. ; -v; if:

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