... ..St i -' GOLDSBORO', N. Ci, THURSDAY, SEPT- 4, 1851. NO. 17. VOL. I. mm m at ''jj-Qnp ( 4 . . . ; 7 ..... ... ' .- . " - " - s . ' Jl Hill A il i - m m u - .- i 4 4 .1 ' EEPUBLICAN AND PATRIOT- rU BUSHED ETEST TUCBSDAT MOEMXG. BT BOBINSON & GTJLICK, . Editor and Proprietor. : Tekm or SrBSCRimox.--Tic0 DUar jxx year in advance; if uotpiid ttrMlvinadvace,o dojjaw and fifty coat ; aud thrca dolLua if payment, be dtfa ed longer than tlx month. ? ... , . ' , T RTiaxa.AdTerUmcnl wjll be inserted at the ' rat of one dollar per sq-e of fittoea linci or le, for th7 Sri iasrtion, aid twaty five ccaU for each socceod- rT AdrortiBeoionH ..otua oe roar j lrinto: da ired, otherwise they will be contmucd until nJerei flat and chargv 'af conlingly. Favorable coat.-acU will be made with adverti- WKi.id JadicUldvertinWni lxsthl-?ad thirty-thrc aad oacliurd per ceat. higher than the foregoing rate. ' . ' t-ZT 411 L-ttcrJ and CmmonieaUoas on bonne con ictS wixhUB uMi4i-wnt,m--tbe addreed to the rop.ietow: 1. DISOSWAY, DltUGS MEIUCINES.; Paints, Oilsr liye-5tuns, LEWIS & B. "WHITFIELD, DEALERS IX GXOCEUniJIATlDW'ARE, STAPLE AND .'rATffCJT GOODS,, raoDiXE b oght and sold. WHITS HALL, N. C. Apr. 3, ly JOSHUA SL.OTTSB, .GROCERIES, HARDWARE, STAPLE AND Eancy Goods.- ' PRODUCE B-IDGflT AND SOLD. 1 SSOW.HHX, Aor. 3, ly iivrcn & BUHBAXK, tioleUle axi betail uealeus tx Tobacco, Solars, and Sauff, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Mr. 13, ly r TJ0SEPII It. BLOSSOM, C02IMIS3IOII MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C AND AGENT OF TUE MUTCAL BtXEFIT LIFE' IXjCUANCE COaPAXY OF V JEI1SEY. CAPITAL OVER. $1 ,o:X),000. i fv lv Lncements made on consign- nents to me, or to ny frienl in New York. Oct. -24, 185). iy C. XaLrBRS, MAWFACTCBER AXD DEALER IX II ATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, Aal Walking Canss of every Doicription, : 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, North Slk Mirket Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. N. B. Country Merchants suiplicd at NeW York wli ifiut firii?i4. . - -j J OS H PII U. FLAN NEK, Gonoral Cominission - Merchant, WILMINGTON N. C. Liberal cash,alvanaes make on consignments for ule or shipment. Ar S'J ly A. MABTIX, M' OXLY. MARTIN & CRONLY, Auction & Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON. N. C. Jul. 15, ly J. D. LOVE, DEALER IX. CABINET FURNITURE, Bediteads, Chairs, Mattresses, &.C., ROCIC SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 15, 1850. ' 1y WILKINSON & E3LEE, CASH DEALERS IX Confectionary, Fruits, Nut3, Toys, Fancy Articles, Pe.-fujaery, Soaps, Segars, &c, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL, Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Mr. 13, ly WASHINGTON & LaFAYETTE HOTEL, DAVID THALLY, Proprietor. OrrOSITE CAPE FEAR BANK, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Mr. 13, 1 J. lUT. ROBINSON, IJirOCTER AXD DEALER IX Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Nails, &c, Frontst., 3 Jr S mth of Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Apr. 3, ly SCOTT & BALDWIN, ' DEALERS IX SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING, Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Apr. 3, ly REGULAR PACKET FOR N. YORK. r IMIK fast siiling copper-fastened Schooner Alon JL to. B'Uiver. M ister, will sail regularly once a month for Xew York. For freight or passage, hav ' I ujr good accommodation, apply to G. W, TAYLOR, Derercux Buildings New-Bcrne, Feb. 4 1 tr BLiSIlFlELD 8c WEST, IMPORTERS AND JOBBER OF SILK .AND FANCY GOODS Sim wis Laces, Ribbons, Vfcc. Kc. SO Cedar Street, XCAR BROADWAY, jiuon 3IACNAIR. - NEW -TORS JAMES I. McDOTJGALD, . WILMINGTON, N. U. AGENT for the sale of all kinds of Countrt Pro vvcb os CoMMisstox. Prompt attention will be 'iven and quick returns made to all who entrust their business to him. Honett Dealing has always been and ever" shall be his motto. " Give me a trial. Ware Rooaw No. 3, London's Building, ormerly occupied by J. & D. McRae. -, lie expects order from the up country for Corn and Bacon. - Tlie sale of Turpentine, Spirit indRcsin will alo be attended to, Oct.2iUi. i85a , ij BOABDING AND DAY SCHOOL. FOR YOUNG LADIES. xewbeks; 31. c VERINA S. MOORE, Principal nd Teacher of . English. " ' ! ' A. BAUDRY, Teacher of French. J. F. IIANFF, ' Musiek. THE Thirteenth Session of this School -will coru , mence on the 1st of October, 1851. ; "The num ber of pupiU is limited to forty. Terms made known on applicatian to the Priucipal.or in "her Ab sence to the Rev. D. Stratton, John Blackwell Eeq Wm. G. Bryan, Esq., orio the Post Master, W. IL Harvey, Esq., Newbern, N. C. August 6th, 1851. U tf.-l ocL THE Subscriber having recently returned from the North where he has perfected his arrange ments for his future purchases, which will be made invariably for cosh the advantages oi Tvmcu n wHTbe able to extend to his eustomerB, bcgS W turn his sincere thanks to the citizens of the town and surrounding counties for their very libeml, con tinued,' and increasing patronage, and to assrre them that no pains will be spared on his part to merit its continuance. His stock embraces every article, whether legitimate or proprietary, usually kept by a UrusKst, besides many others not strict ly in that line. L DISOSWAY. New-Berne July 22nd 1851 , 12 GORGE BISHOP, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER, V1DPIK KTBEET, A FEW DOORS SOUTH OF lllE COURT-nOUSE. JT EEre constantly on hand an assortment of Fur V niture. Malioany, Cherry, Walnut, Poplar, White and Yellow Pine Lumber. Repairing of ev ery description executed at the shortest notice by Mb. Puabaou Lewis, a well known and exinirienced workman. SASH AND BLINDS MADE TO ORDER. Tiiilnirta.liUr. llavins a new :ind splen- I did Hearse, with an assortment of appropriate ! Ti im-iniiigs, no pains will be spared in pving to the dead a decent interment, xerms moa-ruie. New-Berne, July 5jLh, 1851. . 9 ly. NEW M1XLLNERY GOODS. Mrs. L. 31cDonaUI, HAS just received at her old stand on Pollok-st. in New-Berne, a splendid assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, for the Spring and Summer, and is now ready to supply her old customers and the public with every thing'they may desire in her line. Her stock em braces a large assortment of the most fashionable Goods, and she flatters herself that they will please all who may favor her with tneir patronage. She has on hand a large assortment of Bonnots,, Flowers, &c, TO SUIT EVERY TASTE. Bleaching and Pressing done in the best style, and at short notice. Dresses Cardinal, d'c.t made to order, and ac cording to the latest fasliions. Mrs. M. returns thanks to her customers for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon her, and solicits a continuance of the same. New-Berne, April 26, 1851. ly Inspector's Notice. THE Subscriber at the last Term of the County Court, having been appointed an Inspector of NAVAL STORES, would respectfully inform the public that he will at all times be ready to serve them in that-capacity He would also suggest, that having Wen engaged for many years in making the article himself, and having it made, he is sufficiently qualified for his office,and will be grateful to those who may em ploy him. He can alwaj-s be found either at the Republican, now the New-Berne Job Printing Of fice, or at George W. Taylor's Store. JOSEPH R. FRANKLIN. New-Berne, June 30th, 1851. 8 tf. DAUUE.IRE01TPE PORTRAITS. 'PI1E undersigued n ould respectfully inform the L citizens of New-Berne, and the public generally, that he has completed his New Gallery, where he is prepared to take pictures of a superior style, and at lower rates than has ever been taken in this place. He pledges himself to take true copies of the original, aud warrants to give Satis faction or no charge. - COPIES OF DAGUERREOTYPES OB rSiniature Paintings tnl-An find en larired. Havinsr the lareest sized Ca- M Kit A sin J the best stock, he teels satisfied that he can please any who will favor him with a call. . Pictures of Children taten iromone yearoia anu upwards. O.iIIp.tv on the east side of Craven street, four doors south of the Bank of the State, and adjoining his Jewelry Stcre. Entrance, passage uoor. Lad es aud Gentlemen please can anu examine specimens. x,.riiauuou.i. New-Berne, April I4tu, 1001. -in FORWARDING ASD COMMISSION MERCHANT. RICI1ARD N. TAYLOR, will give his personal attention to the sale of Country produce, or forwarding the same to Aew i or or any omermar 'rot. ;nfi-PtiHl in the New-Berne and New i;a nPir.kets he&m eive unusual facility in forwarding Spirits and Rosin, or any other produce entrusted to bis care, tnarges smau. New-Berne, Oct. 22nd, lsOO. ly NEW-BERNE AND NEW VORK UXE OF PACRCrS. rvT ILL run regularly in line between this port Y V ami the port oi i ew i or it suuivicm, ""--fTo ftpr the I5ih November next. wirn'iiK isr.AND. 000 barrels capacity, twe years old, Capt, Fairchild, will leave hire on or Schr. CONNECTICUT, 1200 barrels capacity, three years old. Capt. S. r.aircnua, mu iwm v about 25th November. ' ' Schr. FRANCES A. GODWIN. 1500 barrels capacity .2 years old, Capt. Carlisle, on or about 5th of De- Country Distillers ad others who ship regularly by this liufe shall have the preference over other snippers. . - For charter, freight or passage apply to RICHARD N. TAYLOR, Old county wharf ew.Bcrne, Oct. 22nd, 1650. . - lj SPUN COTTON AND SEINE TWTNE. TTJST received from Messra. Battle & Co. 5000 lbs J Spun Cotton, jnrl0001bs Seine Twine. For sale by ' E N.TAYLOR. New-Bcrne, Oct 22nd, 1S50. 41 tf. , WASHINGTON & ANDRETTS,- HAVE just received at the JVVftr Store in Golds boro and at the old stand in Waynesboro full supply of . - .Goods for the Season, ; ; CON41STINa OF , DRY GOODS, svea as CalicoesBeragess, Silks, Jaconets, Cambrics, Edgings, Insertions, 51 Printed Muslins, v Dotted don Swiss do, -si-i laces, Lawns, Linens, Q lores, nandkercnieSi A general assortment of Trimmings for Ladie Dreasefi. . Bonnets and nats, Hosiery, Drap dEte, Summer Cloths, Broadcloths, Cassimercs, Vestings, and at most every article usually worn in Summer. SUMMER CLOTHING, A fcxx assortmext; BOOTS & SHOES, GltO CHIMBS Off ALL K1XDS, SUCH A3 Sugar, Coffee, Silt, piolasses, Liquors, HARDWARE, Anvils, Bellows, Nails. Scythe-Blades, Bush hooks, Sheep-Bhears, Ti-ace-chains, Sieel-yards, Spring-balances. Carpenters Tools, Coopers', Pain-te.-s', Shoemakers' and Blacksmiths' Tools, Hinges, Screws, Plyers, Spades, Shovels, Needles, and in short nearly everything needed by a Fanner or Mechanic in the Hardware Line., AILES & BItIDi.ES, Buggy Gig and Waggon Whips, Sugar Whips. Martingals. Saddle and Carpet Bags, Wagon Sad dies and Bridles, Padded and Stick Uames, &c.fc 3- All of which they olfer to good customers on n favorable terms as can be made in Wayne County. All they ask is a fair trial. . rrs-T" f!ottnn (!orn. Peas. Pork. Bacon, and Tur- tttCr ' pentine, taken in payment, or baiter, at the market price. ' - Ooldsboro', April 21, 1S51. : 1 tf NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! . EdmiHidsan & Eordea, A RE now receiving and opening at their store on j the corner of John anl Walnut streets, a large 5 stock ot SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting of a variety of every kind of Goods suit ed to this market. Their stock consists of I Groceries and Hard-ware, boots & SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, AND UMBRELLAS, E.cady-made Clcthicg, &c-, Sic-, nil of which will be 6old at the Lowest Prices. Buyers will find it to their interest to call and ex amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. gj Edniundson & Lor Jen tako this occasion to return thanks to their customers generally, for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon them, and so licit a continuance of their favor. Goldsboro', April 21, 1S51. I tf NEW SPRING AXD SUMMER GOODS, rPHE subscribers, having just received their stock I of SPUING and SUMUElt liUULto, invite the attention of their customers and the public generally, to an examination of them. Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, OF EVERY VARIETY AXD STYLE, Hats, Boots and Shoes, OF EVERY STYLE AND PRICE. Bonnets, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints. Oils. &c. &c. and in fact, almost every article usually called for in a retail Store. Thpv invito thfl community to call and examine their stock before they purchase, feeling confident v & J it will be to their advantage to do 6o. They take pleasure in exhibiting their Goods do not grumble if they don't purchase after examining them. . They will give the highest Market prices for pro duce, and sell as low as any other establishment in the place for CASH, or good responsible Credit. UnilArUiiX K UJ.VL3 KJULf. Goldsboro, April 24, 1851. , 1 tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens t.f frnl.lsboro'. and also of Wavne Count v. that he has just returned from the Northern Cities, and 'l -1 1 1 . is now aany receiving u large auu w eii seiecieu slock of Snrinsr and Summer Goods, including a variety of qualities, and of every shade and color. 1 Ilia Cloths. Cassimeres and Vestinjrs. are of such superior qualities, as cannot iail to please the pur chaser. His linens and fancy goods cannot be sur Ttncsod fnr nufllitv and nrice. ln 1113 selection oi imuuuuijb wares ne nas not forgotten the Ladies. They will find, on examina tion, that he knows how to suit their notions of com fort as well as of taste. And h respectfully solicits in t-iii t frivp mill uii iiiuitv oi tiiowiiisr Liiem cruris nftho finest oroods and richest natterns in Map- wvv v. - O 1 " mm 1 " At 1 111 1 . 1 ktu it tney ao not uuy lie wm cnargc niem no thing. TT has iilso on hand a larcrelot of made Clothing. adapted to every size, and made up in a variety of Blvieo. Xiie iiurcnaociffui lutov: iluuus isiuuui mil lO mal- mrtt hnpr:iins. and save moiiev. He has also on hand, a rich and brilliant stock of JEWELRY; consisting in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Pencils, and Penf, Silver Pencils, Finger Rings. Ear RJiicra flnlil Chains. fcc fcc: all of whioh h will 11 as cheap as they can be bought any where in the State. He will take the earliest opportunity of visiting his former friends and customers at their own houses, where they can examine, for themselves. His new Store Ea3t of town and contiguous to the dwellings of Messrs. Edmundson and Fields, is now open where he invites his friends and customers, to call and examine his goods'. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change. F. ODENIIIMER. Goldsboro', April 24, 1851. 1 tf. MRS. S. DUKES, ; MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER. GOLDSBORO, N. C, TQ TiorftPAi to doanv businpftn m hi ltno thai maybe entrusted to her, with fidelity and dis . i ii i- r ii i x i i paten. All. norkCAcvuicum me xaiesi siyie, anu warranted to give satisfaction. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. ' Charges uioder Candles, starcn. suices, f epner, . i v - k;Svir Cloves and Ginger. I .-J : .---. x -.-XT I'l. ate. Jdrs. Dukes may always be found at her residence, in the rear of the Court-house, directly East of the old Academy. - Goldsboro April 3d 1851.. ly Tricopberons or Medicated Compound. . TRICOPHEROUS or Medicated Compound for the improvement of the groivth of the Hair and cure for Diseases of the Skin. Just received and for .ale by GREGORY fc GRISWOLD. Goldsboro. May, 1831. . ltf ' The Rail Road Hotel, " : ' GOLDSBORO. N. a ninSHouse, situated on the irfside of the Rail - Road, so favorably known to the ublic, con tinues to be kept open for their, entertainment. Additions and improvements have been recently, completed, which render this House, in point of comfort and appearance, inferior to none tn the great Northern aud Southern Mail Route. ; ' The STAGE OFFICE of the Raleigh and Xcio Berne Mail Routes, is kept at this House. The Proprietress, while returning thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, hopes that her increased efforts to administer to the comfort of her guests, will meet with a continuation of their patronage. ...-, . 5f; On the West side of the Rail Road. .Bbeakfast axd Dixxeb ready for the Passengers on the arrival of the Cars. M. A. BORDEN. 0010, N, C., Ma 14, 1851. 1 tf NEW HOTEL. THE subscriber respectfully announces to tht public, that he has opened that large and Commodious Sot si in Ooldsbcro', on tnA Fist side of the Rail Road, for the accom- SJiodation of the travelling public, generally, as well s for local custom, xneiiouse nas ueen neaujr fitted up the Beds and Furniture entirely new h i Table and Bar will be furnished with the best the markets can produce. Dinner and Breakfast will be ready on the arrival of the Rail Road Trains. A large addition is now being erected, which when complete, will make it one of the largest, and mcst pleasant establishments, to be found on the great Northern and Southern Mail Route. It is the best point in the State for mail facilities, the Post Office being kept at the Hotel, and situated immediately at the crossing of the great Northern and Southern, and Eastern and Western mail routes. He hopes to merit, and expects to receive a full share of patronage. JAMES G1USW0LD. Goldsboro', April 21, 1851. 1 tf WAYNE HOTEL, GOLDSBORO', N. C. THE Subscriber takes this method of returning his sineere thanks to the public, for the lib eral patronage he has received during tho. paft "v car. " When he first undertook the enterprise of open ing the Vayne Hoiel, he felt more than ordinary solicitude, lest his efforts to please the travelling community might tail, and mmseii De visiteu mm nz Twl i;:inrtnintincnt. He is happy to say, how ever that all his expectations have been more than realized, and he now leeis encouraged io renew ma exertions, and to clouoie nis aiiigence. it; a TTnnsp is Kitnated on West Centre Street, im mediately on the Rail Read, about 100 yards South of Mrs. Bordcvs tiotei, ana is one oi me wusi. neu tral and pleasant localities in Town ; and sufficient ly convenient for travellers on tne uars, 10 give him a call without any risk of being left. His table will at all timestbe supplied with the best the markets and surrounding country will af- ford, and active anl obliging servants win uiwajra be in readiness to wait upon his customers. Snacks to suit the taste and pocket may be had at any hour, from C o'clock in the morning, till ten at nieht. tlorses careluiiy auenaea 10. Goldsboro', 7th Nov. 1850. ly. COMPETITION EXTRA. Rail Ro ad Co f f o e House, t GOLDSBORO'. f I TTT3 of rtV1tf'U-rt-rf lioa lnon vnATl fflf til A flf- X commo,iation of travellers and transient board ers for several months, and as far as has been ascer tained,, has given general satisfaction. It has recently passed into the hands of the Sub scriber who will spare no pains nor expense to keep up xne repuuiLioii oi uiu uumu vj ""I'pj-r "" v ble with everything that is "good for food" and bv administering in all things to the wants and the comforts of his patrons. Board by tlie montli. ,5. Tipool-fucf niA Dinner, always ready on the arri val of the Cars, will be furnished at the reduced price of uonts. Tlie Rajl Road Coflfee House is on the EAST SIDE OF THE RAIL ROAD, NTm-tli V.oat. of Mrs. Borden's Hotel and North of "Gris wold's Rail Road Hotel." Passengers are requested to call and test the dualities of a Twenty-five cent meal. H WM. F. BROWN. August 'ith, 1851. 14 .tf Everettsville Female Academy. rffTTP. Wintpr Session of this School will open on the second Monday in January next. It will Rev. J. J. Smyth and Lady, late of Virginia. Mr. Smyth is an accomplished Scholar and an experienced Teacher, having been at the neau oi su vurui oa iuc moi uvuuuui- - Virginia. . All the English Branches usually taught in Fe male Seminaries, will be taught here ; together with Music, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Drawing, Painting, &c. Books, Stationery, Crewels, Canvass, Ac, arekept on hand and sold to pupils at a small sdvancc upon New York cost. & - Sect'y of Board Trustees. Everettsville, Wayne Co., N. C. Nov., 28, 1850. 1 tf A. A. B. SOUTH ALL, General Agent, Commission Merchant, and Collector. ' . HJSHNGTON. N. C. WILL receive and sell on commissi on.any Goods, Wares, Merchandize and Country Produce, that may be sent to his care. He also offers his services to the Merchants of Wilmington and the public generally, as collect-ino-agent. All claims pu in his hands for collecting, or any other business entrusted to his care, shall re ceive his prompt attention. He respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends in the above business, or any other business where an agent u panting. Wilmington, N. C. Referexce3 : , Ellis fc Mitchell, R. H, Gbaxt, G. R.FBESCB, C. Myebs. May 8. 1 " NOTICE. THE Subscriber takes this method of informing the citizens of Wayne, and the pubhc general i. ,i fn the. town of Goldsboro, iy, mat ne una iuo. . , . . , and will carry on the business of repairing and put ting in complete order, Clocks, Watclies, and Jewelry, of every descriptipn. He is a Clock Maker by trad J has beS for xJny years engaged i in h ' Pnt , o cation and guaranties that he will give the most n tri'tbfectfon to all who may favor him with their custom. -rcr crvxrniTT? Goldsboro, May 1st, 1851. A tf TURNIP SEED. rF the following varieties for sale by the lb Flit'rStch'Yellow, Long White or Cow Horn, 7 te, " Tankard, Strap-leaved, White Top Hanfr- L DISOSWAY. July 22nd, 1851 . 2 Froin thit London Magazine. - READING THE WILL OP THE i MER CENARY LOVER. - 1 This morning I receive I a note from my affianced bride, Constance Graham, request ing mfe to-attend at two o'clock that day at the bouse of her late uncle hi Hai ley street, frr the' purpose of bearing hia will read. I iad the gieatcst pleasure in comply mg; with this invitation. Though Constance is the prettiest and most amiable girl of my ac quaintance, I bad determined never to mar ry her while her uncle lived ; he had fre quently proclaimed her his heiress, but as frequently took offence at something Or at nothing in h-r behavior, and. bequeathed his wealth to a hospital, prison, or lunatic asy lum. I Mi quite easy on the present occa sion, for Mrs. Batei, Mr. Graham's house keeper, had given me information that, only an hour before her master's ccaih, he had told her he had handsomely provided for Constance. I felt, however, that it was my policy to .appear ignorant of that circum stance, Constance being-very romantic, and Constance's mother veiy suspicious. At the appointed lime 1 walked into the drawi g room in Harley street; the very f w relatives of the old gentleman Were as sembled. There was Constance, looking as Hebe might have looked, if ever Hebe had worn crape and bombazine; Constance's mother locking very stiff, cross, and uneasy ; an elderly female cousin, and a strippling nephew of the deceased. I feared none of them. I knew that Mr. Graham disliked his fine lady sis'.er-in-law, dtspise J the servil ity cf his eldcily cousin, and dreaded .the f.olicsof his stripling nephew. I seated my self by Constance, and in a soft tone began to protest -ny affection, and disinterested ness. "Knowing the caprice of your un cle, my beloved' I sa:d, " I have every rea son to conclude that I shall jht ar you are disinherited ; this, however, will be of little momeni to me ; 1 have enough for comfort, though n3t tur luxury, ana as the song. beau tifully says " Still fixed in my heart, be it never forg t, That the wealth of the cottage is love." " I fancv. Mr. Chilton." said Constance's J mother, iookinp excessively isneerinsr and shrewish, " lhat it is pretty well known that my daughter is ihe sole heiress oi ner uncie s wealth. I " Indeed, madam 1" I replied, with a start of turpiise. ' 1 was not aware ihatnny sur mise was hazirded concerning the contents of Mr. Graham's will" . J " I have heard a surmise hazarded," sharp ly interrupted the elderly cousin, " that Mr. Graham was not in his senses jwhen he made it." . " The mind must be both base and weak," retorted Constance's mother,! " which. could itivp crertence to sucn a rumojfr." , Ana fforthvvith a sparring dialogue! took place be- tween me iwu mutes, uunuj; wuuu x vuis pered to Constance a page of (Moore's poetry (lone into nrose. Temple now entered the room, the solicit or and intimate friend of the jiate Mr, Gra ham ; he was a handsome young man, aud had presumed at one time to lift his eyes to Constance ; he opened the will, and, we all became mutely attentive. Oh, what a dis appointment awaited us ! Three thousand pounds were bequeathed to Constance, (this was the old fellow's idea of a! handsome pro vi;ion !)-. Five hundred pounds to ihe elder ly cousin, ditto to the stripling nephew, small legacies to the servants, and the re mainder of his wealth to found a cold water establishment for the reception ot those who were not rich enough to pay a gratuity for hfiinnr half drowned. Temnlelread the name of the attesting witness, and then refreshed himself with sherr'v and biscuits. As he was a friend of the family, his presence was no resiraini on conversation, i " That will ouffht to be disputed," said ' Constance's mother, looking very red, " I do not believe Mr. Urauam was: in nis senses 1 L , J , If)' I i ' WllUU ".U lilt ic . . t I " I thoucht." said eldeilv cousin, with i I .... . . . i 1 i . t I snp.ftr. " tnat tne mina mu?i De Dom oase ana weak which could give credence to such a surmise." ! "D.ar mamma!" said Constance, "do not be discomposed : 1 am very well conten- ttd 1 shall not be quite a portionless oriae." Constance here hwld out her delicate white hand to me I affected ; not to see it. -Mv dear Miss Graham." I said, "do not believe me so cruel and selfish as to wish tp nlnnn-e vott into DOVertv. "I thousrht vou said lhat vbur income was sufficient for every comfoi t,? remarked the stripping nephew. ' . I did not condescend to answer birh, but continued : "No, Constancej though It breaks my heart to do so, I give you back your freedom, saying, in the pathetic words of Haynes Bayley, "May your lot in Jife be happy, undisturbed by thoughts of. me " 1 was just making to the door leaving Con stance looking more like Niobe than Hebe, when Temple said, ;I think the party had better remain till I have read the codicil." 1 reseated myself in amaze,' and Temple forthwith read that the testator, being con vinced that he had received no benefit from ihe cold water system,revoked and rescinded his legacy to it, bequeathing the same to his beloved niece, Constance Graham, r "Constance ! dear Constance !!? I exclaim ed, in the softest of tones. But Constance looked neither like Hebe nor; Niobe, but as siein and severe as Medea. I then attacked Temple. "Is it legal," I said, ? only to read part of a will ?" "I read every word of the will," be replied, "and, having greatly fatigued myself by so doings I Jrust that it was perfectly legal to retresh myself witn a glass oi snerry oeiorc I read the codicil." I was going to utter some further remarks, when Constance's mother said, "Good mor ning Mr. Chilton !" in a tone of voice which left me no alternative bu: to 'echo her leave taking, and I descended the! stairs, pursued by a smothered laugh from the party in the rimurtntr.rnnm. returned home in very low spirits, and entered my adventure, or, rather, misadventure in my diary, deducing from it this very valuable pi ee cf adviee to gentle- men in search cf furttfne : 4 Never believe that a will is concluded .till you have in quired whether there is any coJicl to it "" ' LiETTEtt FROM ONE OF THE CdSDEN MUR DERERS. The following copy of a lettei from Wm. bbelton to his mother, written two days before his execution is coin? the rounds i f VJ o - . - the press. It constitutes an awiul comment on filial disobediance : . . ( Chestertown J.A1L. August 6. 1851. . , My Dear Mother: i have sren you for the last time in this world on the day after to-morrow Jt shall close my life on the gal lows : I acknowledge on manv oeea.sionH F have sinned itgainst you, and eel at defiancu VOUf WOrds of r-n oof rndndvirn nnit nft.on mf , r. . " 1 V W B WV have you cautioned me againsMhe paths I termiuatc in a discrraceful' dfaih rnv all young men take warning from me, and when iuianci iuo uuiiguiiona uue to parents, ana esDeciaily to themolhers who bore them. ana nursea mem in their infancy, iemeraber that the end of such is certain and sudden destruciion. How true will your prophetic words nrove when in th nnmiinh nt'-vniii soul you have expressed your ftars that my A 1.1 U I i .1.. T IJ '.i . uava wuum uc ciiucu uu iue tuuiuiu or Willi in the bars of a prison. I prav that God will forgive all the suffering dnd ancuiiih that I have caused vou. and thai in his nif4. cy he will soften this last blow from an un- uutmu son upon tne neari oi tnoiuer, in mvdvinsr. mv last thoughts will turn to vou j j ai j o . j i , and my last prayer next to mercy in my own sinful soul, will be that God will stay and support your declining years. I can say nothing to comfort or console you except to protest my innocence. T enclose a locli ol my hair, which 1 hope you will kep in memory of your .unfortunate and . miseraoie son. i . William Shelton. ' ; , u , Rights and Wkongs of Wom.ev -When mjm-1 - a v mm the simple question of superiority is ct is sue, the men always have given up. If ladies' auu gentiegian miei on me siaewiK, who have to lurn out ? If there are. not seats enough for all the company, who has to stand up ? When there is danger to face, who must go forward 1 .if thcro is curiositv to gratify, who goes behind ?, If theie is too . much company for the first table, who eat at the second I Who has n.1tvn.v. f Ii rmh hand and the most enviable position We couiu mention a nunurea omer cases in . w'hich. on the simcle Question of rioht. vrv m I A O J J thing is yielded to the women. Uut there are many cases in which the condition of men is S'ill worse. For instanri if nn nnir'nnk . - - J w.. uu lic occasion a pew at church or a seat any. nuuju, ue uucupieu uy men ever; so respect able or acedl a smirk v little beaut v trios rlonc and presents herself at the ion cf tha seat, aud then tbey must a'.l jump up and run out as if they hui been shot. Especially ougm u 10 De noticed tna: wnen matiunonial negotiations are to be made, the whole bur- aen jot perlormmg the delicate and olten embarassing part of making proposals ii thrown upon the men, while the women til . and say no, no, no, as long as they like, and never say yes un.u mey nave a miua .to. The Caors of Texas In looking over our exchanges from the different stctipns 'of the State, with a view to learning something in relation to the irrowinff ctoo -contrail v. (now that the season is sufficiently advanced tor something like certainty in whatiis said upon the subject,) we are pleased to find that notwithstanding the corn crop has fallen far short of what it would have been but lor the drought, except in some sections Bexar county, for instance, where the yield it is said will exceed that of anv Drevious V'car still we stall have no lack of bread. And as to the cotton crop, we learn that it is nearly wholly destroyed on the coast plant- " rio nnrl li o t li rk r rr I a avf anrlinfv if a avivUD. auu tMuw uw. vwsua 10 vaii;uuiu; air9 ravages on the Guadalupe and the legion above. This iniich we say in relation to the crop of middle and western lexas. As to the state of things in the east, we are not sufficiently advised to give any thing satis- faciory- havacea ( Texas) Commercial, Cth. -, . i' i Camphexe vs. Bed Bugs. The Cincin nati Gazette tells a story of a gentleman in that city who, u few nights ago, was awaken ed from sleep by the disagreeable presence ,of an army of bed bugs.- Tho thought oc- ' cm red to him that bo would make them scat ter by tho application of camphene to his bedstead. He did so, and to make it more effectual applied a lighted; match to the gas. In an instant an explosion . as loud as a pistol , fhot took place, and the whole bed fixtures were in a blaze. By the prompt use of wa ter the flames were extinguished, bflt thei premises were ieit in a sau pngot. The Day Book is responsible for the fol lowing piece of Arithmetical nonsense : " If 27 inches of snow give 3 inches of water, how much milk will a cow cive when fed on rutabaga turnips ? I Multiply the flakes of snow by the hairs of the cow's tail : then divide the proJuct by . a turnip ; aaa a pouna oi cuai anu me sum will be the apswer. , Poetical. A young western poet describe! heaven as "a place of bliss, fenced in with girls." An editor asks, H Where is the man that won't repent?" Repent of what 1 Few men would be in clined to repent of sin, surrounded by such a temptation. . ' A Sententious Sayino of Dr. WiniEa spoon Not to hit a mark, is to miss it; almost persuaded to be a Christian, is to re main an unpenitent sinner ; almost to enter the gate of heaven, is to sink down to hell. You often hear of a man being in advance of his age, but you never heard of a woman in the same predicament. ' rf Sir John Germain was so ignorant, that he left a legacy to Sir Matthew Decker, as the author of -St Matthew's Gospel I , L 4

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