1 ' .J ' , 1 '!'" - . " 1 - " 1 L m m " ' 1 VOL. I. NO. . mil . . w-i. W W ' "" . a - m r W ar - - - i , .. T . r . REPUBLICAN. AND PATOIOT- raiumco rrcnr TurasDAWoaxnrBar . BOBIUSOir & GULIQK, - Editors and Proprietors. , - . Texs or SoBscwrnoV T DJlara P!. ,? advance v if wt paid etrietH in . a&oanctX two dollar a id hfty ccaU; a:id tame auuanj u pjyroav w mcu lonetr than fix month. - f L T . " A9VEnnro Adveronent wdj boA?ened at W tale of one dollar, per sq jare of 'fiftoeu Iwcs.or kxor the ftr4 iruertna, and twouiy ore ceau tor wsb ww t T A lrprti3pmwtt sai rl wthweunV bcr of iaVtiM de 4r!.othorwijthey nfl becxitincd i.itil irU junfehan i accord!. -. XfF FaroraMe coatrae.WilUae made wrtbaderu. en iv tho yenr. " . -y j. :? ... '. rtira tv1 In-iweiil Ad rtertinwrifnt will he eharwJ tii:tv-th-$ and' ww third per -Cent, lusher! Pairits, Oils, V70:zmsK T TTtTTsI - utti ,w n 1 t h 1 Ki.11. A.fmueu. ana incrjstn mtronfwre. ana to -nasvre - , tnjiiiiw"ix ' PaxicyGobdsr t.N OW H ILU, . Apr 3, ly - CHADBO URN iU.OOPMi; J rip.vER.itr OOMMIIOX llEUOHAST a-, r m FORWARDLXG-AGEXTS; , wiLixiHaToir,:!!. tr. Sept. 1..1851. UITCII & CURBAXIr., v o at. rMTTTSTTOTI HE EISC axd aojbst or TBa ifrri. Bkxirr .tajK iXicaAxrs; oosirir or i6wr. . CAPITAL OVER ya,tX. ' Wberal.-ewh adraoJaeiiU niiW eony?-J menu to me, or.i JLrXi? x " - J MAjfrFACTtntaa axo jtixETS IIAIS;?fin3REL . -WttOLBSALS ava RsYau . . . iVorf I 'Site M&rkH - : i N. a Country Merchu WfpUed f'T-TS wlwleaale price. . - " . Jn lJj JOSEPHU1. FITA.lVJffEttf ; 4 Gonqral Commission ..xiipxciiarit WILIIlilOTO.NrCL;. liberal cash, advance make'ou conVigmjftntrfrT aleor shipment. - - 4V martin: aio;n Auction & C ommfsiioa narcliaut2 WILMtNUTON, NTa . .Jal: P. if. J. UE .VT W . . CABINE-TY U.UNIT UKE Bedsteads, JTallrv jttattressei,&c., 1 ROCK SPRIXO, WILOTO, G Jnlv 15, ma . - H ' f ; - . ii CASH PlKM W ' Gmfsctioaary, Fruits, Kats,!1, Fancylrticlea, Perftmery, Soapi, Sesan, VIIOLKKAIK A X D KEtAlT, Market .Street, : WlLMINGfo,- N. C. 'Mr. 13, If WASIIIXGTOy & LaFAf ETB- DAVID TiULLT, Pro'prtor.f ' orrosrrE CArs fsAit,BAi55 Fpl recti ' Y wrLMiGTCfN, . c: ir. n.,! . . . g - lUrOKTCK AXD BItM . ' , Hardware, Iron, Stove?, Nils;&c;f Jroul-et ., 3 dw Sonti Jliriel &VrX I WILMINGTON, tf. 07- Apr. 3,,if . 4 - 5 I SCOTT & BAXDWHT .;, , - SUPERIOR READY MADB -C LOTH I NO, Moiff Sffif, v' : tj WILMINGTON, N. a-,-' Apr Jt, ly nr.im.Al? PACKET FOR-Nf YORIC 11UVI UU( - - . riTTo r.-k ininenTejrftetrcd JSchoonecAlon , I za. It. silver, Master, will sail regularly once a nwnth r..r S Vork. For freight ow passage, hav- . Bert cpix Buildings JAMES lZIcDOXTQALD, ?. W'ILM INGTOM, ft. C. A C.EXT Tor tta sale of all kinds of Oocttbt Pao-. V dixk ox Cmwsioj. Prompt" attenUon.wU 1h tivea andiuick retirnt H "arho Jtrnt tiieir buMness to him. Hmett Dealing has always Wu and ever ahall bo bin motto.: Giro moatnaL Ware Rooms No. S, Loodoni BuUdins, - ' .. . ormerly occupied by J. A D-McRae. le expects orders "from the up country for Corn . and Bacon. , 4 , . - v . The ale of Turpentine, fpirit3 and Roain will - Uo be attended in. Oct. 2 UK 1850. ly English. tL: ier f puTuL is TI- .tc VnTn on nnin?atia tvtT, Jul ticX"Wi':rH Wra, j. BryaTi, i2sqM c? to tii C Bn aV Esq., c? t6 thit JUiUlV W. IL gnat '6$L 185U ' .5 ; :f it 1 rt." 1- MIIESnbwibrJiariflSTiei)Uj returned tron fVNortliwbiTi&WtverfecteAl Uia arrange- menu xr pi future purchase, whiehwUl benuide ihvaria.bvor caanth advantages .oF which he jrUl t aXle t "extend, to his, ctuUiracr bca re turn his Aticere- thinks to tItizeqsV Hheifm enir&nrroundinff ountis Car tKeir vcfv UbetlTcon- jthsvnthatno palps pared 00 his part to ritlf confiiiuane&! Iliastsrk nbrace every nic?e, v.htherlltirpate or ropriery, usually Kt-pt uy Urujin4 UediiKAJiUDT otliers not sirici Jy irrtlt4ine.V ' 'tDOSWAV. A3 TNfiHT jMA K B R UNDERTAKER, L JftDDljE TRTCTt A FEtT Is?lt8 gtHTH OF TU K COV8T-HOUSK. U'TTEErS oonstrttlvon hand an assort ntent of ror- 1.V niture. " Mahogany, CTierry - ws-nnt -.ropier, il'hite an J Velio w; iHne'LumherV" XUpSfiiigLr j. tlescnptiou ex5lteiTAtt?ie -shprJVtjfc "lAe lyr, Mr. Piiaraow Lcvfta,- o khoa 4nd experXdad workman. '.'" - " - . . w sash and BuSDsimns jo inunni Kd Ilraei with B2(aaftiftent '-of tflnijiflte Ti-i mail h "noprtlki i II ie pr4.4n giving .to the dead t Vleeenl JnUmJeTift Terms totKUratev . . 2Sew.Bere, Julyni?5I. : . If. m ! Mrs. fcr- MCDonaUl, , HASjbst reeeHed St her old sta$cta llUist. jgi Xow-Berne, a splendid aoaoriiuent of - - MILLINERY GOODS, forth Sprihgand Summer, and ifnow'tjaidjrta 5pply her oh! customers and the public with etery, thing theY nay deir in her litfe. Iler slwkrn-. braces a large' assortmaot of the most fashionable Good and sho natters herself that they will pleas all-wboMnay fare be with, theiffatfwnage. Se hasroa hand a4rgasaortniat ' J ' ' BbiEiiiGta, Flowers, &cv- .m ' , TO.SOTT $XS TAOTt Blcachixg andrPrUnm. . done in Uie JtKttjJ and at sborfnoticA - " - Hr9ee Canait, nmUffto order, and ac- tordim to the latest fashionsT- ; - ...au aa MV. iL-re t urn t Pranks tt nor etHtomers tor tne UWrai ratronaae hefrtofore bestowed upon her. Und solicits a eoutbuanevof the same. 1 1- : 5.1 ' Inspector's Notice. pirn Subscttber:atb last Term of the ounty JL Court, having l?nJipointedL.aji tustctor of ; ' i iKAVAL&OItES, T . would respeorfully iafoirra the public thai h will at J ail times, be jpaay to servo mem ip uKUs.cracjty- . . . At. J.. 1 V.- Sk. lte.wonia aiso Migga& that having boen.engaged for rniauT years in making thv article atmselt, and tinvitxrii tniU 1a ia aumSienllv ouallfied for bis ntnoe- and Wlll-oe arraierano inose VU may era? "-to - . ' - I ltHiii. lie can alwavs bo found iUer at the itevoblkan, now tlte New-erne JoB Printing Of- nee, or av vetrge w . mj iui " Nelr-Berne, June jSOtli, 185L 8 tf. DAGUEitUEDTITE POUTUAITSs rpn0 ualeraigrred would respect fuTTy inform fhe I ciUxens-of NeW-Bcrne, and the public generally, that he has compictea nis . . New Gallery? where be is prep4rd totako piotij'r'eli of a superior fjtyje.nnd at lower rates thin has evtqrbeen taken itf taia place. Ho pledges himself to take true edbies or the orl itiL and warranta to give atis- J factloB-or ncUsharger TCOPIES OF llAGUEBjREOTYTES rrXimatnre J?aintls?3 takc and cn,l.-rL navingthotfrgest sired Ca-H tcha anfrrae twst-oioctc, no leeis saiisnea uaite can pleu any "who wHl favor rim wish a call. - , Pictures o4 Children taken "from one jrtsar old and upward r . ' -m . . Gallery on the eflst-sideof Craven. strtet, four doors south of the Bank of tho State. an'Ladjoining hJaJewelry SKrre .?ntrance, p.iss. ge doof . , Lad las akd Gentlemen please call'aod examine socciinens- T . is. t Jtiuusu. . mm a-a wm 9-9 - n'-r,. aJ1 fjtt, ifini S itf Aew-Serne, April 14tb, 181. &y ,1 tf . FonRiyra AND CoilMISSlON RICIURDT; TAYLOR, will give bis personal aiten(km to the sale of Country" produce, or forwarding the same to ew ITorkotiLny olher mar ket. - " V "', . " 4Tr . Mcketa he can ve unusual facilitv in Spirits a,nd Rosin, or any other produce .ij4j.IfXk:aMM immw (mail entritsted t5 bis trev Charge? small. New-Berne; Oct. .22nd, 1 850..' . a- - - . KEVV-BERSJE AJityyEMYORK '. use of :picttirs WILL run regularly !h line between this port and the port of New York if sufficient induce ments ofTeY after the 15th November hext. Schr RHODE ISLAND, 900 birrels capacity, twe hjau& . ivitvtA4 kwuA a- r vii a vavty y " jcars oU, Capt. Faireiiildj will leave hire on or about 1 5tb November. m - oa OTl ty, three Schr. CONNECTICUT. 1260 barrcbapaci years oldiCapt.S. Fairchild will leave ro to. ri ScS r. FRANCES A. GODWIN-1300 oarrels capacity Q ye4reoU,CapL Carlisle, on or about 5 tb of Do-J Country Distillers aid others who ship regularly by this line shall have the preferencorer -other shippers.1 i 7V -For chatter, freight or passage apply to . . -RUJIIARD N.TAYLOR, . . - Old.countT wharf - ew-Bcrne, 0ct22nd,l85Cr. . - ly . SPlKf COTTON AND SEINE, TWINE. TUST recei t1 from Messr." Battle Co. 5000 lbs Spun Cotton, ind lOOOlbaSeineTwine- Forsale by R N. TAYLOR: Jl? mecetTtlXitfcf Oct IS kTft Wara -- 1 "r-mr r a z & : - j-k ( r -v- r palico3, Beragem, Silks, Jjcoueta, (JanibriC3. Dotted . jiTftJ? - i VA? . r J' t1 A" general iss-ricinjt;f f rjuunui 5 Xor ' LatK , Bonnets mn4 ITats; nosier urap SnmuicT I Cloths liroauflotbrf, uutstmeces, estoa ana v most . OS jtti ' srixus, seen -s Sagv, Cdtfee,Salt, J Molasses,: Liquof, Caudles, Starcl . - Spices, 1'eppcr, Jlace-- Cloves and Oinger. . : - Drrgs, Painis, 0il,Xye8, Vurnfeh c&d , . HARDWARE, Anvils," Bellows, Kails.. Scythe-Blades, . BosV hooks, SUcep-shears. Trace-chains, StceWards, Sjpriog-VaJancca. C.irpters Tools. Coopers ,P4.kv-te-s Shoeinoloers, anil Blacksmiths1 Tools, Hinges, ticrews, Plyers, Spades, Shovels, Needles, antj in short ""nearly everything needed by a Fr5ero Mechanic iu the Hardware Line. . , . . j, - xv in.- a Baggy Glg and i?0A Vhtps, Sugar, Mrtin?al9. U:ddle and Camt-B.tt?S. Waron Ssutt firroriWe terms as Can to mad In Wiryjaa Conattrf aii mey ass is a lair rKu . ' . ) . -i --6utton, Corn, Peas, Potfc Bacon. antUTuj peiitine, taba in payment, or bai ter, at the txiartcf . . '.'4' ' .T t Woidsnoro, AP"ivir ifcai. f tr Edmaudsoa & Bordeo, V; XA corner of John and Uolnut streets, a iacfi stuck of - ,1 SPRING AXD SUMMER GOODS: t consi3litrgt)f a varietv of every kind' of Goodsiiit x led tohis mar'Aet. Their stock conSistsof f ' ttv iii rrv z? -pn jes - . , T vX vjar v ik o ; v ; , Groceries rctul Ilard-jrfect BaaVFXUS7A ;r;-A.- I 11 ATS, BOSKETS, AND UM BR EEL AS, Cicady-mado 0 jothixxgv ; - all of which wiH be sojd at the Lowest Prlce buyenrwilj find 4t to their intemV.ttt caU aTex. amine their stock trpfore purchasing elsewir. . Edmundson &.lkrden take this occasion to jorden take this occasion 1 return thlirks to; their customers generallyfor the patropage heretofore bestowed upon them, and so Kelt a-oonilnuance of their fav&r. Gorastjoro'.pril 21, 1831. - Itf .NEW SPWilG 0U SU M ME R G 00 D S, T'lTE subserfbers, having just received theiPstocV ,f SPKCya and SUMMER GOODS, invite th nttirrttton -of their-ewstomers anH the public gerall; tSi jutamnatioft of them. TUeijBstoek ccJi4ais.-of . DRY(0ODS,v Hats, Boots ad Shoes, r ; OF EVERT STYM AITD raicK. ' Bojiiietli'trroce'rictt Hardware Crockery t " " m Paints, Otis', d-c, ike, f and in fact, almost every article usually Called., for in aTOiaii oiore. They Iffvit the -comnrSMty to, call an mine i : "a. a i.-..- it j .nir apcK wioro uiev uurciuuw, itwivnz wuuuern i i v.- - i . i . j rn i. trfeasnre in exhibitinsr their Goodsdo not srrumbliPT if fhev dont purthase after examining theev. Tney win give ine niguesi matrjcri prices ior pro duce, and sell as low as any other estab?&braent ia the place for CASH, or good vesponsibte Cafifcrr. . GREGORY &GRLSWOI3. GddsborcA April 2, 1 851. 1 tf . SPRING AND SUERCtOOa T 1 UE Bubsenber respoctfully informs tho citizens JL of Golddbogo, and also of Wayne gounty that he has ju$eturned from tBe Northern Cities, and is now daily receiving aJargc and well selected stock Sjagnd Snmmpr Goods, including a variety of qualities' and of every shade and color. . . . t . ' His Cloths," Cashmeres and Testings, are ofwicn superior mialitiasV as cannot fail to please the ggr chase His linens and fancy goods cannot be sur passed for quality and price. In his selection .of 'fashionable wares he Mas not forgtttcn the Ladiei They will find, on examina 'tion, that he knows taw to suit their notions of fort as well as of taste,. And h respectfully solicits, them to give hint an . opportunity of showing them: some of the finest goods and richest patterns in Mar ket. If they do not buy he will charge them no- Lthing. I has ai3Q.on nana a large ioioi maaeuiothmff, - 4, size, and. made up in aTarUty of styles. ' The orchnsei-s qf these goods cannot fail to inaKA gOO. IMU-gWBB, turn. Niiv'.uiyirjr, ne has also on band, a"ric)f and brilliant stock of JE W-SIVRY; oonsistingin part of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold J Pencds, and Penfi SUver 1'enciis; ringer Rings, Ear Rings, -Gold'Chains, &ctcyall ofjwhicb he willell as cheap as they can beboughtLany where inthe State. V " " He will taketbe earliest opportututv- of visiting ins iormer irienas ana customers at ineir own houses "I where tliey can examine for themselves .-- lira new more tut oi iuwnmi couiiguous to the dwellings of Messrs. Edmundson and Blekls. ia nnw I open where he invites his friends and. eusfb mere, to call and examine nisgooas. - tW Aft kinjlsjof Country produce taken irVex- ebange. r "F. ODENHBlXR . CKldsboro April 24, 185L - Jmc 1 tf.i" I MRS. S. DUKES, - MILLINE5 , AND DRESS-MAKER! - U5SloRON. C. 8 V -ra': T-i aVwt .K,.n i i- . ; o iiLHiTn w - ioiiix3 111 uer line una lrn rriav be entrnsted- to her, .with fidelity and duu patch. All woVk executed in the latest style, and patronage iarespeetfaUyaoKcited Charges moder eteivl"-' ' "V - - . Mm. Tmkes mav alwavs be found at hem roc.n. in 0e rear of the CourUbouse, directly East of the old r a 1 I Acaacmr. . . . t i ; -Goldsboro,; April 8d 1851. : , jT : ' "" Tricoplierous orZIedicated Corapouuii;;' rpRICOPHEROlJS or Medicated Compound for tie J- .improvement of the growth of the Hair f nl e,ure for Diseases of Oie Ski n. Just received anf for sale nv uno.ytti. x UKWHLD. Terj article usoaJlj worn 4ft miner. Goldsboro. May. 1?51 v yXfxt ttai I -Roiia H cri e I , - ; . - . G0LD5BOKO. K. CL T riTIUS tiouse, situated on the WW jide of the Rail JL Koat so fuvorably kpomi to the Poblic, t con tinuas to be kept open Cor tiieir entertainment ldditions and improvements have Veen recently completed, which render this House,- in point of comfort and -appearance, inferior to none on the -groat Northern and Sontnem Mail KouteA - Tue STAGE OFFICE of tho Raleigh and Jit Ifcrn Maattdutes. is ket-totillOusa. lib1 Pftfroaa Eeretofore estovd; hopes that hef msriaed'feffora to Administer to the ommrt oC her guests, wilLme'et with a eontliraatic of their Tfavwiiira . j On to Wxt side yf the itu Komd. BaBAKrAST ajto ,ItssB.reudyJor jpio Passengers . on tlie arrival of the Cars. , - " ' f -a.,BOBDEK 'X Goldstar? N. C, Maj 'ii;l55l' TIIE subscriber respectfully announces to th public, that he Jias opened that' large afid . Commodious Sot 61 in Goldsboro', on theEast side of tho R1V Road, or Ihe accom modation ofthe travelling public, genecalry.as well iy& for- loavl custom: The House has been, neatly fitted up the Beds and furniture entirely new Th J Table and Bar will be torukjhechwith the best the markets can produce. Dinaer andBreakfast i Will be ready on the arrival of fhe Rail Road grains. A r large ' addition is llow . being erected, which jrheii.cdmpletej .wiH make if one of the. largest, and "hi si -plalsant -establishment, to be found on the jgweat fiorthjer and Southern Mail Route. its the best point in the State Tor mail facilities, KnafOStiumce oemg Kepcaiine tioxeana suuaieu . x W ll V " . A. XT A 1 Ho hopes to merit'and 'expects to receive a full i . . fTUfPofloiewnrn, yoIdsbor&f Pnl V? y1' 1 tf txr A .VAT XT' t "C'T i ; : It nI Xi - ll w -x Xi ju K V ? GOLDSBORO .it XX. HE Subscrlbet, takes this metbodof returning fja, "hiajribere thanks to thejiublia, for the lib eral palronager he has reeeived daring the post f i 3Yhenhe lirst undertook the enterprise of open Ipgthe Wayne" Hotel, he felt more thati ordinary solicitude, Vest Jiis efforts to -please thet ravelling community might fail, and himself be visited with loss and disappointment. Hois bappy to say, how ever, tKat nil hisexpectations have beenrmorerthan 4 realized ; ttnane now teeis encourgett o renew nis eiertionsand toidouble his diligence. His House js situated on West Centre Street, im mediately on'tho Rail Road, about 100 yards South of -Mrs. Borders Hotel,jind is one of the most Cen- trVXand pleasant localities in Town ; and sufficient vfconvenient for travellers on the Cars, to give hint a call Without any risk of being lea. .His table will at all times be supplied with the tlietfhe markets and surrounding country will af ffordi and activeand obliging servants viil always do in raauinefs to wau upuu uis uwiucra. ' l$naeks to suit the taste and pocket may be had at any hour from 6 o'clock in the morning, till ten at nightr Horses carefully attended to. J J i$ '1 -' d OHN P. S ANFORD. JOoldsboro'jSh Tov. 1850. ly. COMPETITION EXTRA Rax 1 BTadTTof f eo'fio u s e'. ; GOLDSBORO'. fTMTIesfaBlishment lias been.ipen for the ac X ' coimnadatiorvof travellers and transient board ers for severanionths, and as far as lias been ascer tained, lias plvencnerarsatisfaetion.- - It feas recently passed into the hands of the Sub scriber wnou spare no pains nof expense to keep np the reputation of tbe House by supplying hisjta ble with evervtbinihat is "eood for -food w and b adrttiriienngriii all things to the Wants and thj J comiorts oc ins piunuua. . r - Brea wast and Thnnerr always reaay o tnerarri yalof thoCars, will .bo famished at the-reduced urice 01 . r . - oft ri ati f Th9 Kail Rxad Coffee House is on the ErTfr.pl3 ,Of- TIE RAIL ROAD North East' of Mro.?J6ordeuV Hotel and North jof .4' Gri3WldsBaU Road. Hotel." assenersaro- requ6tjd to call and test' the nualities.of fapftv-jto eenttneoL - r i 'WM.'E BROWN.r- Augtet ttsslV) 14 tf. ErerctiriUaFemaleJwdeinJ; . TIHE Wjhtr Session of this School .lf open on 4Uia iRAond Mondarin January next lt will WC-IawnediAtely at the crossing of the great Northern f .HSnnth em fu, d T?:ldWsteVn mail routes. that bo conducted !y the Rev. J: J. Smyth and Lady, lap j. "Vof Virginia.9Mr. Smyth an accomplished Scholar I and mi experienced Teacher, havtog Deen ai in head of several of the n4-sinuna4'"8 in the State of lrgima. r 7 V-';... - - . All the English Brapibes usually Wught m Fe jnale Seminaries, wB be taugbthSre; together with iliwie, Latin, French, panihr Italian? Prawmg, Paiifting,&c Books, Stationery, Crewels, Canvass, Ac., are kept on band1 and sold, to pUplf ,at a advance upon New Y.orkcoet u L J' , - V" . J.- C-SLOCTJMB , . ; -J ' 1 ; c. -Seefy rf Board, Trustee. ,EerettsvilleWayno., N. O. v Nov., 2,1 85 .,vfs . - A. A, B.UTH AI.E; 1 tf General Ageut, ommis3ion- Merchant, .frV..WINGTON; T7nLTeivgjind &Yin commMSioMy- Goods r-V L WArel'-MexeWfe d Couutr Produce, .fthatmaybe senf to his. care. 4f ' ' of WilmingtoiUmd: Uie pub jc generally,, as collect ing ageSiVAlI claims pu in his hands, forllectmg, or any other busTnesa euusted to his care, ball re ceive hi3prom pt attention? HertpectfaUv Solicits the patrSnage of his friends in the above business, or any other butoae" jdiere ah agent is wantuig. J Wilmington, N.CLm;- 'JZtxn& MrroHEM, 1. ITtaAsrr, . . - May 8. "vT4 .f " r . . rwtifc' Qi;ttp-!rfhU metb'od'orin&rming X theatUetis ofWaVu, andie pnbUc general, j 1 vtHthat he Wlocated i&th town of Gxldsboro ,1 3 anirwill rry-on the bo:; olrepairuig ana iui- M " r I ... . -m-m . J ting itf cojnpeto order, ' of every deseripti6t4e.i&aac has been for many years fciged v1w present vo cation, and guaranties, tliat he wiU giw M nuiSten' . - TT.M.'rtAii him with Iheia ii re sai isiac.ivu j , r r . ciiBtom. -W.SEXMOtTR: GotdsboroV Mayjslf 1MU TLIRNiar45En. QF the following vaVietieifor sale by , the c lb Flat Dutch Yellow, : . Long White or. Cow Horn, Tankard, Strap-lcated5;White Toj- -Red , - 7: July 22nd, 1831 . Tlanerver, -Rutajlaga?. " I. DISUSWAT. - tNprtH Carolina Baptist Cpnven- tibxt. . . . . . The next annual session of this Body rfB be with tho Wilmington Batiajt CftUrtii T&e introductory sermon 'wHIta delivered on TifTrsday," 16th of Oc tober, 1861, at half past JO o'clock JL; M. . . Th.President and Directors of the Wilmington end Raleish Rail Road' CanaT have reserved, to jeive trtum HcLeti, to those who may eorne to their Road, to attend the Convention. - We hone that Pother Colap&niehaving control of Pm&Uv convey ances mil be eqtlally generous. - i ' It the Cave Fear River bo ro strclfa'etate 'asHrBl admit Steamer to pads, (whidh is probable, V a Steamer wrul leave FayettevUlo at 6 eloct A. M- on-Wednesday morning! 5th of October, and arrive in tho evening: at Wilmkistoa. Price S3 eaeh, for Adnia. Wo shaU give aotice no Week previous to the time, concerning tho state of tho River. Delegates to tho Convention, on arriving at Wil mington, will please go immediately to h Caroli na Hotel, where they will meet a committee who will assign to them their places' of entertainment during their sojourra , We hope to see a large attendance. CHARLES D. ELLIS,! JOHN A. PARKER, GEO. R. FRENCH, V Committee. JAS. L BRYAN, f BENJ. HALLET, J TIMBER L TIMBER ! I ATfTEl") bT-thASnliseriber at the steam mill V in Kinston, a large duantity of Timber to fill contracts, for which the highest cash prices wiU be paid. Aa we use headblocks and dogs it is neces sary that the logs should be butted; we, prefer round logs to square. ; , COBB, HILTON A CO, Klnston, Sept 4th, 1851. 17 3m. TTOOFLANDS GERMAN BnTERS.For the l3L cure of Liver complaint Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Nervous debility Asthma, Disease of tbe kidneys, and all other diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach. Notice ia hereby given that the price of the above valuable medicine is reduced to 75 cts. per bottle, at retail, or $200 for three bottle.' L DISOSWAY, SoU Agent. New-Berne, Sept 4th, 1851. 17. r - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) . Nash County. J " Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1851. James Harrison, Administrator of Guilford G. Whitfield, against Oliver P. Whitfield, Pembroke Whitfild, Betsey Ann -Whitfield , Sally Ann Whitfield, John T. Whitfield, and Le- onidas L. Williams and wife Martha Ann. PETITION TO SUE INTESTATES' JLANDS FOR - ASSETS. P- appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Leonidas L. Williams and wife Martha Aim are not inhabitants of this State, it is ordered thati pub4 lication be made for the space of six weeks Succes sively, in the Republican und Patriot, a newspaper published in the town of Goldsboro', notifying the said 'Leonidas L. Williams and wife Martlia' Ann, to be and appear before the Justices of said TJourt, attire term thereof to be held "for said County; at the Court House in Nashville, on the "2nd. Monday in November next then and there to answer or de mur to the said petition, otherwise the same will be beard Exparte as to then, and theprayr of the pe titioner be granted. Witness, G. vy. ward. Ulerk of our said Court at office in NasBville, taie 2nd Monday of Afigust, A. D. 1851. - g. w. Ward, cjS. a r. adv. $6 17 6w, PRESBYTERY f FA YE VI LLRH rTlHErresbytery of Fayetteville will meet in JL the Presbyterian Church in Etorettsvillej at 12 O'clock on Thursday. 25th September, and will be m session several days. Theroorilt tie preach ing some two or three times each day during the meeting of Presbytery. A committee will be A nomtcd to make suitable arrangements for stran- geca'ajtienaing rresoyiery.? " August 25th' 1851. M 16 tdm. $25 RE WARD. RANAWAY ftom the Subscribers on the 3 tst ef last May, a neero fellow named Hatch. Said iJlatchwas bought by us in Macon, 3co., of -Col J. J. liaker, or Wayne county, jn. un anawasraisea by Wm J. Kornegay, of Duplin county, N. C -Said Hatch is about 2r years of age, weighs about 145 pounds is of a dark copper colour, has rather aftert look,' and speaks somewhat slowly or drawlt ing. . He is inclined to be bow-legged, yet scarcely enough to be remarkable, and is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high. He has beeajsecn in the vicinity of Jno. D. Pear sail's, Wayne county, where he has a wife, and is no doubt lurking in that vicinity. - We will irive tha above reward for his arrest and COllulieiXieUfc III Ulljr ii:m iu iiui m u(iiwuuujiv,ii we can get him, or if delivered to Col J. .1. Biker of Wayne county.' BROWN & HARR1SS. r' Macon, Geo., August, 20th 1851. . 20-tf. . . BLACK CREEK, f'TTNDER tlie joint superintendence of Messrs. J. L (J Robinson, and E. D. Baker, will commence its Fall Session f five months, on the 1st Monday in fifptemjber next - . Every branch of a varied and accomplished -ed-ucabn will be taught, on terms ranging from $7 to $13 per Session. Cards specifviag details may be had of the Teach ers, r at ,the P. Om Black Creek. Wayne county, ISth Aug., 1851. 15 tf. STATB OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) " - Ar Cavks Couwrv. ) T7TIERE VS, complaint upon datb bath this day V bfierfwuide to us, two of the Justices of the reace for the State and County, aforesaid, by Church Chapman, of the county Of Craven-, tha.tJ certain-Male Slave belonging to him, named Fred, abeut 30 years old, Jfeet 7 or 8 inches high, yellow complexioB,"stput built, large full eyesf with rather a dowji toki.1" hsented bhnself from bis mas-; ter service, and is supposed to be lurking about on Swia JCrcek-and- Neuse Rjver in thbi Coanty commiting acts ef ebony or other ra&deedsl besi are therefofCvid the name of the 6tate. afocsaid, to command the said "Slave forthwith to surrender himself and Return home to bis said master, and. we do hereby, by virtue of the Act of Assemblyjil such cases made and pro vi JetJ intfrnate and declare that 'itthe said "Slave Fred, doth not surrender himself and retfirn home immediately, after the nubliciition of these presents, that any person or persons may killed destroy the said Slave by, such means aa he or- tbej may think fit, without" accusation orimpeaebmentjof any crime or offence for so loing. and without incurring any penalty or fbrfeUure thereby. , .J Given under our nanas ana?8eais, uB who As.-wr nf X nnrliot. 185 1 . J .SAML. R- STREET, .J." P.' . JiO, BRYAN, J. P- ,. S50 REWARD. tSKAL.1 Skax.) WILL be paid Car the delivery of the said Fred to m on- Swift Creek in Craven connty, or for his confinement ia .any JM-p Btate: jo that I can get him. I caution all persons not to harbour or employ said Negro under tbe penalty r the Law The above reward will be given for Swift Creek, August Utb 1851. 20Hf. ,mTW Aninm. Castor Oil. Ereom fcalts. an' (J all other articles usually kept by a nniggiM for sale by a,uw3aa. M Cuba aju the an article juned h itf-pTni siMe l jx)5s DUtty ir mdefi. bfleudr i ' ' Tilts Times fbwtlubhaL if ilia r-v. 1.,. 5eriou.4y cubfeTipnied: Uie umeUoration . f bolh cfaes iti botidf, tbe Ciebles ar d blacks,' there wxuld b less cui fm leiuoii strance. bijt it (ears iWri-h aud wrnngj ofl the sJavesTorrn no pari of the SL-beiuo of mn 1 f qesL The Times regar Js ib almost Amer. R-an totantyfpartiff lo-the liberaung ,x pedftiortthe gm, at mtrj .rity of tLc,n from the slave mates-aa istisfactory ,p:oof tbrtt i the freedom piorwfor Ciiba x)nly mrans , . freedom of lbti4jLifA fronV Spain, and car- 1 ned pot, Wou!dreDdef the coudition of lhe million slates iiv Cubk wom :han it now is. lepiniiir-allvanced thai , thcuSh th South unite in ttej crusadey to strenghrn its " peculiar instituiin," the North and i West of the Urtrm3 States will oppose tt, boih from a sense of justice and pal icy, and termination tcrliinlt tne. bounds" of slavery. Foreign powers, ibe.Titnes says, vill.not st e . 5pain invaded and f lucked of her colony with itidiflerencp, and ihe United Slates will hardly adverflure upor 3, or countenance an enterprise .which might involve Her in differ ence wrtfr the European nations. holds Lopez to le a unctiodary ; a restless 'revolu tionist, who, bred hi tfie camp, and, solJier like, ambitious of notoriety, has enlisted a small party of-discontlnted spirit stich as arc to be found in every country, and that his nrpvemfint is hot renrrsentatire of the wish or'tho will of the great muss of Cubans. I he Junes also plancea at the: United States' political eh menfs miied up , with the Cuba question, and seM a: parallel with tn case of 1 ezas and the Il exicarf, war, on , ly that the involvemer tof tho-U. States with Cuba threatens worse- resultssmce the non interference of European powers in behalf of Mexico would probaorrfiot follow in? tesrlflct to Cuba. England has er claim for debt agaimt Spain, and Cuba offers about the oi ly secuuiy for it vTh 3 fact, the editor con cludes, will not be witphit Weight in deci aing ner course. A Jsensible Letter fbom tiib Slave Daniel. The Buffalo Courier publfs besHtbe following letter from the slave Daniel, now in jail in that city. "TAeiditor cayy that hfi is assured, upon unquestionable authority, that the publication ol the letter tras Da'tutl's -free act ; that the sentiments weTe first ex- , pressed by him, then written- down and carefully read over to him, when he deliher ately approved and signed them : To the Colored Population of. Buffalo I thank you for what yu have triecf to do for me. You meant it for good, but it is of no use... VVe colored people of Kentucky, are ADtfut aswellofl'ssydu are. I a"m going iack I had rather gd horaa'than stay here, I hope vou will not interfere with my go ing. My master, Mr Moore, has always' treated me well ; I ftel that I did1 wronir in nnfangaway he baWhtmeat my urgent request he placed confidence in me, and I do not feel that 1 pughjt to deceive him. If he had frentedme ill, t should fel different ly abrnt it. He nevej did, Ifcwas advised to run away and !ame to a free Stote or I ahould-not havo done ?d the advice was bad, though I rrekon it .was not so meant We ate about as well off in Kentucky as you are Hcte, andtsofie of us bjtrer. M shall advise the Kentucky boys when I get home, to stay Where tney are. We-iiave-?lenfvto eat and wear, and are notbadfy worked : this evcrv U,l 1 ; - Lk- i- Ij: - . .. J vuujt kduhs who uas oeen in Jrvcntuckv. Acuin, my- c doretf-brethren.! thank" verti for youkind symnatb es, and to my, white abolition brethren in Buffalo. I -wish vou the same, but J do no more for , me. . want you to dt any 1 . v Daniel X Davis. Aug. 28, 1851. " mark. i Gem. JacksonIs OpiNioNs.--The.jwmi- ippian brings to light the following extract from a letter wriUerupy Gen. Jackson in June. 1840, in relation toihe Presidential contest then pending: :M The occasion calls for the patriotio'and determined efforts of the people to preserve the ascendency of thoe great pnnciples in Tjurystcrn ol Government which which it.' was tba object 6F tHe Itevdution and of tbe Reform in 1800, to establish and preserve. If the doctrines of the Federal party' artnfit novo resisted,. Mr. Jcffetson toill have warned us n vain against the dangers .ofZfaitolida tionuntl the pedpbt ', nay lose, befbfeihey are atoare'-of it. the bfessingfof free Governmiht. LGrah to the Federalists the principle of conarwzive 'pQ&erSi ana- law Uonstitution is no longer a guarantee tor tbe rights or sover eignty of the Stales. .-Vedjscrettefl of Con gress will be submitted for the checks and balances of a liujited Government, and all the, powers of Ugislalipn trill be at once a b yorhed by that bodyt Against such doctrines it is our duly to eenUnas the jjaiherj of the, Republican chtttfih hate done .before us, rely ing upon the ustite'ofxoui editsei and never douMgthejwWlrscffrvlh. . I ainy.jTith.eiitimirnts of great respect, your obcofent servant,! AiepRirWj Jackson." . : $ ' - V . U3 ACertaitX Divide, about to change his congregation, mentioned that.iulject fxonr the pulpit ACtf r senr.ice was" bv r, an old nejro man, wh0J was one of his ad mircts, w nt up to him, and d'sireof to know the motive of hie leavieg his v fiist flock. The parson answertdfc I have a call: - CAy. mafsi," rttirmod ihe negro, u who called you?"; 1 " ; " The jIord,, answer- d tbf parson. . M Ay, tniMa. he called yeT . . u Yrj, Jack, -lie called me u Ma?sa, what do ytwi get here ?" i'getsix hundred dollars." v. M And what'do you get tnder place V toI am to gt-t'fme tbousand doIlars.M Av-maasa tl e Lord til joutill he hlind, fiom oe thuWnd dollars to. sir hun "dred vou n V I . 1 . Ncw-Bernc. Oct 2?nl, 1S50. i ltf. Itf rr riv ay: 1-tb. 1 r it. 1.