fii" '-"V '. ----- 1. f ---- KO. 2G. ' PpOHltLlt CUSTOM. . . . a. . Jcn:i?utu.4Miig llo .'8u r who wt iit fi'l.' .i nivn " . - .- jkJ . - "t--. i ... i. A.' 1 .... TV ... 1 mm. r 9 I 1 W i - m w m m HJ3 v - - -- - . - - ' . m . 1 - KEPCLICA VN'EfR condor wit cast Ti-cr rJiBcairr TktTTnfowc iWVlolIai rnXib 4utauyy ojTUnd an; a t . f&n UiVderWitis: ; JWSn i rr-nr'ari'U!TY. ?.;-J rr?HE SublcHber hating fecntl rrtWJry i . ; Trtyal-FrftlTR..' H . - , -! f JL Ue Kortk wbcr4na lias pnecw u I ' vW'f --'3T2 V -tr turn liis eincere' 4tanka jUk tfie -citiSen-of t Wlwu - -t' Ofri 'fer? SAititicontiduaa4 lljut BtocK embraces e oiy . . - ..VVt f. arUc whether lesittmateW.prppnetary; usually i'- "-.j .;irri-f UeniMS-' . wrr r ..-V, TtKr not strict-. r ll ur-wMiJi will MWa ab.-t.iMi, vv. - -- araiae their, htbefyrearcht .elsewhere. iZw;nn,i.n Minrentake ihw occasion to j VetSu tfekJU) their justomers Ken2f .rAAa-heretoforoJiestowed upon thcmr Aai - r -r-: 4- sPECTACBS.RRFUMERlr WUSICAfi ,1 fl i'ikjrii fl .foitv on board iMirvaa? oi wviv. , - lictt fiuoutmuance of tlveir- tavor. ttf: " S II-3VI M'li'li J " 0 m. for Lxal eftntoTOi. Theljoase neat t Jl '!S?5 -.Si Tomerti and the publie 4 tbe markets can produce, IMnner atid firkj generull j to- aa?83uui coraueis- oi Ctoldbcro j - nv vTitrr A-iuTtuv flats, Boots? and Shoes, W ATW - . Hmne4sMncericsi Hardware, iQroe&tr A'aitUS, vus, vj., 1 on the East side or tne ltan ijt V rV n hMdationoftbetfeveiJ3h-jrtVUc1generttrly.aa-weu XJf J ' i for local custom.. Th IIo'ae ha.ien ncatlj r : " 1 y 'B I TT I M 1 1. 1 W Ik w. TT I. r.. . publici the markets can produce. imner alia ixrcu ch var to bCrbent, if posible; oa ttt lurt oaj i and 1 ikk kstiun. J? . - rpna fofertKewion of my ScJiool wUl :ooflwitoM . J fl..nirfet Monday of Ncvembov next.' iljM-euts aBd Ciapdiautf, sbcutd :cattt cUidren undenthew- the mcst AleinV, cstabUbhmeiits, to be fouad fcn , , It? :.. TVfalV TCfWltP ." tbe Post OffiSjbeiBBeptattn-e Hotel, and 1 sitiiated fudiateiV ut the crossing of the great Iortacrn aid Southeruud J2asterbaHd,Wrn roail routes . . .....ri.- aytKaMk fm receive a and in facalnlost every arcW Qo&,V 21, 185i: . - 1 tf in rctaA1..- t. t-Sll JTd examine ; . : iney '-T-rrv - rnnr confident r - A itr- XT T? - TTn rP K r TffTffltr TVTTT.tTNERT GOODS eifrn.a.ica wruu, Jf Ulcy doVturcha8e. after S. , 1 T I 1; SNOW-iULLt 4 - - - ; . - .li.M,:,! t,tndof roturninc kiutv...;, - . ... -. - , i r ii k; u:BiieviDer va. . thev doVt-ttxrehaae.after exanixmag ,. "vr. tliknltB to tbe vubhc, for tae no- f,ittUlxaiiiixiiA-i--'w-r-,.- - t'dtwe, aad eeU-as low a any vuv m "o ' . t .i 'RnAit. .r;TlaLfoin,i. and exai&e 1 theV-fceV ad aadidoilmcut ot :i I allof thtir ow n orf. FU IrVt,lhat, cdtt be made in 1ii ,totac. Wilmington, Oot. jaov: - - graty mud'.as glossy axJQU a t'.oii.i:. Bm-iBetti; yvrad6HteokJngcUtuf ysu VVfiyl ii aTtb io'H.'&yoa. !jna cn " c Tui-uis us heretcforii aavcrusea. " .. VM. Gold.boroV22nd Oct jfel. SSS-Ji tIW, NOTICE. ILX. .T - . S - - -4r r.TQRWAUDKG--AGISTS, V. rV. tit i t R It ST li I t!1jvtm rwy rpinecuuuv baP haadartmei 4 alBoof Wayne County, tbat lL-u- rlvreceivioa ia,i4Wf "and atbort ootJce;. : 'i " V VSprmff lind SuillXXieKWOOGSf T.f;r- m3tto order, and. -act. s -wiUXfii .kn'd of evervaliado Hojfiaing a-variety; vrrr. ,4T - ... a Uiatfoior,- . W0tii! f attch- . WILMINGTON'? 'CJJrJijT AS A "J . v, l ' imuica courT or X. . zMXf-r CJVrlTAU u i . - - - . . v s rl a OA He would al.uggeft. tbatbavingbe r . i . i n nia.kin? thv arUele hvraaalf ana aaaptea vo ;w.iot fail to office, al?diutrgiux-- , Pit"tUe 'He to mo -rr- r - .rT?;-rraA? JLM: iWrt 'ofGold arid SilVer Watenea, uoia r-. . . ... . . tj -..nrriiiiv iniurui v wiT-f . ' -r, .flA oa conuzn nJct24,aS50 on.tho sesoad aREEN,Sty. Vvery; jeScripiionj padlocks. spnnUcks, aut y esrstranptafaid the uopsicr, 1 bn I tU'nli my: sbooting with a nfle. u I ';doi1t. W9BWone ofukfia locks. . I want a luckjuvf. for I've tfKQ every tneaus 0siop my oi Doultldeal 10 ffflt afticl taid tte cleric, gruffly returning w waa me " Aocjem t- wmi SALE; hi U Trust executed to mo. i,y ,1 . . . .. tntolva in number. auction, a lot W LViTliA. huii- xaland pleasant " .-v : Alao. a TracM "r"" uZA,, .vmre&et for trufelleftcn tbe Cars, to give , ivinjsiatbe bounty of Wllanover ou him a call without any tiak ot tlUbeftortbdeof fbera aroau best the markup andaurrounding country jU at TariQty of other article. ? ford, and actircand obliging servanU will .always Alliams undergone bund?l dollars, b in readiness to wait uponliis custom. . ow, negotJable-oote at mnety day., onacjfcB m bu 7 . ..u ,. . with-approvea sevmy- any baor from 9 o'clock in tberaoroiDg, till tea at ffBMFl . ,p n.t' nth. Xot. 1830. i 9 j- - ' j . ifc.:.- ', " ' " 7 ' ,-- . li'"'' ' 1 ,, nmrPETiTfON extra. Road Uolieo. xlqu SO 5 . f ir? WALKER. Assfgaee. Wilmintfton. October 221851. . 24-1 1.- 100- REWAJiDi ' AUQ UitlM JJ) ,- j v " fiisf,' replied the HcotUr, . you ball feather- balf trve looljlng prairie chiclien.' ThHoocr left the stoie whutling 4 Ha:4 Coluihbiu r THE subscriber will give tbeabore reward for the arrwt of, and confinement m any. Jail in thUtate ao that be can get them, b two uegro : t :is, 1 rwc whom he purchased otOr. L Koruegay of thisCovmty ; or hwiU give Fifty " Maiicii of? XrJTEtiECT.- Exjract of n le ter froin a pbxsl$mtmt$Jfcdjt who had fi. iihecThet-ciuati6n ata laxhionablo boarding school! It wa.Tvvriilea to aa- old echcroV rnatt: ' y 44 1 Vainjaxried ten- weeks ago. Mo and my dear husband haimoved into'tho ouu-v try, two uoiles froui an Lous. We Have no market to go to, but have tt buy 1n our pro, . vision by thearl. IWy furnichere is much liner luail IlltlU mv jauvia. nij hoi nn niiMrVSl.f uiost thins? s he tbinU'. UUBAUUUIJ , 7v,.y"a iitioBft- f SfJfe thVsub- country, S&nMj WJ . itl ttOCK OI vuc . vminriM cji aii.a iy. - i i- r.i in riain ill- w a v Board tUe Jnl,; leigh Se r" rTprentafma S L TMnner. always ready on the-arri- made to Shareholders, ?"r 'Wr,. next; By 1 ordar. dot 7TSMIMJ- r c yk.aad at lower ratei- -- - .. .-' - 1 iT.i.-.MMi. I1C incut11" M.M.wr -. - ... - 7-:::aaTacrcaa -J QielUfbe orrginal, andfwarrupUtO.gtTO 6aU? - V rro VaDS iTMBKlliL-) lfm or no charge.. - r - nA10,v 7 Wfaa. PIES OPT DAGUERREOTYPES xaa naiiuas vm------ - vs. rc vt r iND arru. . ,rr.i.7:i-i -nV.Ued T? THTT V7f EWELE.Y. WiiR vt w- -Ti-- milE ,sticriber;.nerTarcsiueuV r- quouwe, -fi - i-Wtn fATor uinrwita-a 3al!.v?- .5r'rj.. ... .--u.-Mfr w-rtaen witB "Whom ao J?vlv" ....'rrJrcbanta eauea. -. lean pe. M.,rs, i i;!'- v.rrneold r ' v 1 n v. i ri nn- Mercliaatv JawelrvStcre. - Entrance, parage door. ; aaltibil'mcut 'aaiOlluaw . e .: :.JTw, . TWcWa Hotel and jMoruo ,- . .u. t.;i Rnnd Hotel. - . .. ISInger. -ted to call and e?t e. JAMES 6. GREEN, 8wWf if-: . tf.- -fallal w"-pwOr " tYE iust received at ibe : Stare in Qoldb- we are Txnacbuauy nappy, turn ana . ..1 f,.fi,nAi. innAlir nn jni'i(,hr.r!!kVe ibeother a loitbehollexi word, cct. - : Mv hmbard is the since uij n rv whlo Wrld-tQ- rn. -If I can pleaie him, noinuig rise i. 'Wnaf tiroes we used tojhave atAlrfl. ji.UK.rtll Siih labor as Siudvi" LitinantUlogic, apd.algobrynd music ! I .ttt;iu AnMin frp.t ont?of vour smale ible8t?dnfss as soon as you -an. How lnjdi-1 fui old : raaiua is i i aadTdence of ;JSH,TS " rltW na3 transacxea uum. . 1 ' . J -t... itarudtrom.the Northern Markets, B tbe b li. CHOX1.T. :nrnTV X?l:lf . J. rVf Oil ttlD N. TAYLOR, iU , gtTisersoat SSn to tbo salof gouatry?produce, or XX , v Wrlc or anv other mar- fbrwarding vao . - Ddng- iatercstca tVV" " i fnrtv in Vnrk line ei pist newo v--f;i i- ftrrdlngSrits 41 Eosin, w other product ""177 A-. lr0. A "Tiew-ucrne, v. -r f .- jm Wkrrrwfti. nan a - - -. VSJUtJCuoas.1 j -- - iw 'v I iPerfamarytSoapipnr?'!. iurf XITifti. ACD WHO--" ... -AS WILMINGTON. N. QIr.Q3 , .? " -i-- rT ;c Potilin -Alpac- i - ' T- ' rsucn as w-,-----r w-t,. Kdcrmfff, Ei-rctUTiire Female Acaoeaiy. iWSMS.! M,nnd Monday in vauumjr ,ttt a creneral agaortmca i - and otfetoHhe pbliicb -and;vaflJable stock. be cWuctcd by the - irahed Scalar of?Je5e!ryfvctde3ciption.m of Virginia. .,MfamK having been at the I , . nlw7ffid SHver'walehett gold and silver.pen. aftd an.experieaced Teacher s q c "a; gold, wataVaaias, 8eaWal,kgrs.of sa Hfead of several oi tnc -- . fir-TtrMsLtiins. fineerand vrfrinia. , -as 4-atiht An Ye a?lTtaMbla:v Lfvild 'fJInd? Spanish, Italian Drawing- ,flmbs and Ladies 'pocket Woks, gold buckles and Mtt8,c lAUBenc,op CrCwel9, Canvas. "I i 'ia ir. T.nil at a escaii k-am n in i nuiu i M'-Deor TOe' saYd a Utile girl, when rcques: ed'by.hei'iB0r,:'as ft' tespf h'cr leu. vc - lence, w give iuom" , - - - : comb wu!d cost; i6 a? poor .e!atio. u Pea. :.w. nAJI !s -i.Tif orif nsivn I" AKll and-wo'ineii pltnjbiak.what ciuldreii fpe- " " ' ' " BBia sas asJB i ? . t i i iTri Ktw0TthiSTort ILL run rezuiar '" -: 1Ji -A' ?f nffir.?entinduce- V V and t ue.porwJi 9 .a,,,?obE IStrW ?00 Wels dpidlyf twe xddition tothebove, be-keepaon hana.a are. keptJ jw uperior article ofpocket knives, pen kntyes ance. apoa ew i ori. o.SLOCUMB. . .iWalso silvficbufter knives, anda full as k. - , fi 0y0ard 2Vi. t ofspecticies.8trel, silver and gold frames.. Co 5.4 .vrtJaT. ftttPntion to his diamond V.verettsrine.Vayfie oo., tf Ko28a0. and raz 11a invites panicuiar awcuwwu . xinsrs: and ; breast pips, an; article which iflseldom tOUnl Wltn in.ianu vruuers s , .- . . 1 nccnFmiint nf rmlrfct LOOK". 'pW mdaiofaudcigar eases. - . . -ii . vnit tile . .w . "I T .iiAll 'I T.fl Courts or Joanson," f ajne, uruc,--" Sampsonhere he will always have on band a fail .i w onnmorateatocetner Elms gloves, Haridkerchi etsxwuarv f gal artmeof Trimmgs farLadies j TtAW&Qk'KTi CAPS. - . n Vstines. HoEie-i ry, Kentucky JUUj J Strined Domes- ernd Baggia TAd nfl' Twine. 1 . IVIMTER- CLOTHING, ' ! Z.p.Tits nd Vests. A full assortment, consists - 4 sortment of LinenjBoSom " BOO rr6 -Aiv 1 o xi T OOK, AT THIS t TliHE subscriber returns hid thanks tc-thc citi- JUi zens oTyne buu m v. : TorKe veryflil?eraV hlUi since hrUasbeeu a citizen Of Goldsobro . ; . ,. is .. ri. .Uvpn veari rebidtnee iu Yfayne Suiity, has.enabled bis fellow citizens to SrrtCCopInlQii of bis Claims to that" pat. t, tn Ktndifid to. merit? und hopes to receiVaaCeif aa.i. lie continues w ear u -- -y - - r -ii -t.,iit t' hia old.stand, on taat w. oAifi- rl.tfn Odd .Fellows' llU. He hJls employment' soin, good workmen as tfo country affords, and from hia long, experience n, and diligent attcat.ou to hi jru fression, as a 'science, he flatters himself thai alL MIES fression.asa scitnc, u Laaic i " i,;,. fpure.- can be cut and wai " ' Zrn CAROLINA. ) L, . icinds. such w Sugar, Co'CansJ Btvi:fafcrior to hone iffibe'eountry. STATW "-iCovsTT r rcVlclasses, Liquors, bpices, xM , rrl&mon, Aur Tstm. MQtg BTCS uff, Bruihes, cat by, binvvl Receive prompt attention at r, CPWrn Dru-, s, tls, BCmabbrp. ectln-ed patronago fdsonCoOri.inal jtgj-J buSpIv of the articles above enumerated, together Wm. C Edmundson f levicd on lot ho 86 m - H A K U J A iSallthe articles usually kept by the ioat ejjen- . Crosby.- ) the town of Goldsboro . . , . .u i rrtu of those -Joseph H. Crosby. - J that Anvils, 'Bellow Bive jewelers, y. - ; . I - t t. iatisraction " 1 1. a Sheen-stiears. in"'-? -j . . Counties for that generous,, patronage TT appear ifig to the resi(jeot of thi8 State, orA .bSsCarpenters . Tobls,i Coopers V ain- freelv claim .of tbe traaing i the defenaan" " ,ai.5,:-(meht betnadd raPrnK. . . " wa Tlllfkfimitbs, Tools, mages, ivitMie. -awai- f ... motion, j p for six suww"C 1 aWes.. Shoveia. . - , . r - t. iei - - - 22-iT. RfnnbLican rzs: a rmai- screws. , . - -- - 'Tiar d.feadan Dc T " - TOT WAIU5 , - e mir iTnnrL ui " .r. t . . . - e or PinD.THALLYj Proprietor. . . ( OwrOSfT. cir0l; B ANK" . . AVILMCSTGTCK5VN.C. Mr. is;i; I m r o ai a a-.- v SchT.CUWBwvv . will' leave on o :&-yr j j-; , ; .about .w?" i.nan barrels capacity V6cember.f; $ vkV Mffularlt - ,-. T. :-n,d county wharf - V -: 77',. ; vi STATEF ioRTHAROmAr the'next term of our JTSh - -n , f - ;:WAt:-Coiwtt... scwioaatobe held f theeo j Monday AaorMe 0 the Court-house Vafthnd there to replevy lameror VATfi - r.d .:-.i4;r,,!r;. . f November next, ana judrments SAU 1 .a - a ka nri 1 u nuv 1 i v ua - t 1 . r t rv khume v .a. uuaw - 1 .:uai v k"i . - mar l: k m nnii 1 & xv PTWWAEE. almost i everything ; neeaea - Joseph H. Crosby J J towabf Goldsboro . - . '.. iv-TViirtthat demana 1 uvISifamlaTif "iaa nontresideai of this State, on Jis7l;ilcip TJ Q AL 1 s . . .1. .tnn nae w - : vmh.t.m v yueeu v Tiindoii78 BUUaiE6 intine. SpiritTand Rosra W RLGULAR i ACl A -WnJ Qct 24th, 1850, inn r -- ..iimir mnTier.iaabcubu 1 1 ' Wi sail trularly nce x. motion is otdehateremen. -r' in the Hepuuican ana itromw-wr 7 n0inrvr:r3 rbaarter ""sT - .... - "kt the Sessions ttrjae new ior me county o j 7; CourUbouse irf (Qoldsboro; on tbeSd Monday of JAv.-jwt ifion ind t)ir toTeDievT ano XMjfCIUVl AA&JBk wv Hr. - default Umi lev mand V?2iT GVUabSro' the 3d Monday; lUrt, at office in uolr . rpeEN. CUrk. said in Court, 'B Y GREm l..Mist.lR31i . - - . .. oT Kir ''""rr TTinr Sr.ure. L preserves,' Itaiions L: ugust teal. Vo iRi. Goldsboro7, Sept. 18, -1851, rrice, CltJPERIOR BrE'tt.aT4PB AviiilyG!roy,c;.'. Apr. 3, iy lrr. HE rt idling wpF-T'.,..,.., . o. B. OUrer, Master. wil satl regularly nce a W aflrtSbs Co. 5000 tt TUST receieu --"'" -win,: v0 nsTt short, airoosi. '"o . ir . " - Monday orhauic in the Unr Le - j to replevy I;arni AWoiJES & TS&VMAu&i Judgments SAfXP4 hJ t him, and Baggy Gig and aggb K Weaad Br, ST Padded and Stick , ! ' c:pmr COTTON. ' : " ' : ;' favorable wms a .IiTw " - - I ; aieo ' 1 AlltheyisafeiFtriaL , .l -v A r . nriee. ' tf I Yeas l.owui, t . . . TbaccogaudvSmiff, a fall stock of k..b;cd. Hecurethat ot new one. Goldsboro;-0cr.l6tb, 1851.-' -rly' . 4L - - - - -'- ; i- M1MTTTT1T Uifihardson'sr trrocery &iorc, ; . . . : 1 full and ;cojnplete stock of f - . . ' i 'possisTiKO or j Molasses,-Flour, ff Candies. Adamantine uor n xj cc v- cf f MMBER t DDEB r ivwtS irtr tH- nlCiir at the steam ilVV - in Elnston; a large quanUty quested to onounco KIN CI 1 EN V m JUnston, a large quanutj . r - . , r f l .v i. ?!.... .V rm Pa, Will DO. eontracta, Jor wniww T15? TXJU it ia meeea- Urjr tbat tbegfoga should bbutted; prater WttM, rpf.-tfj, l&Y. '" " ' or any; - y -.- - - - r ' ' ' j Rzrzxxxczs: ' yrj m A Mrrcngi. M't-; ?' -e. lTrsaav . - 1. 1 - 1 r I TTTE are requester .i. " ..r a.i WV:Sretee? Militi.. at the , jiaw iiiaw 1 JvJiiJf, i -fflpev 9?Ara - sa-T V"f--- . ' : - -'- T- -1 . - '.K-i ' . ,. -,;- " ' I rill . .1. Vti J.w.tra4. OftUt. . 1

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