4 mj w m h - , . -.. t - . i ii REPUBLICAMND FAT810 T, PCBLISHBD EVEHT TCISDAT eT GULICK & RICHARDSON? Tjaxs cr ScmciurTios. Two Dollars per year in adTRiuw; ii" notpaM strictly in advnee. .dl and fiftT cents ; and threo dollars if payment.be delayed. longer than six month? Advertising rate of one dol the first irvasrtiau ncr 1 rtirri . - "i . . i ber3t- inseitioaa de?irel, olhprwLsaXhajfcwilt be continued ZW' Favorable contracts "jvill he mad? "."Witn adeli MKCov?rt'l)rdera nA0ciiaAilverfeor9ente be charrtf.l thirty-tSirooudtiiira per :feut. ta Will- itiEer than, the freuing rates. ' .T' , . . TW All Jjtt.M aivi Cmmnnicatins on business con nected withthw eitabilshmr.t,mitot be addressed t the Fropaeton, pon-paia, in oruer w eeuaio "y1-1" Commission and Forwardiijg BJorcliaiit,. f AND General Agent. -4 TVlL.'ilNGTON.N. C. oveniLcr, 1851. !L'8 tf. Sash, Blinds, andDoors, w JI N CFACTU BED BY - AL.0NZO J. WILLIS, AT " . NEfV-BERNE,' N. C, For less CASH than at any jother place in the State. L. &l Y. B. Whitnvld. aguts at White HalL All r iere punetu illy attended to. r io i or, 1 . Cm. i. ims os Way, ' DRUGS, ME&IClNES, Paints, Oils, DyoStuffs, rEaruMEiiv, glass, fltty, tc., NEW BERNE; N. C. exchange hestaueaht, tiiomashowle; Jlco'lct Street, fcto doors below the Commercial OJJice, and.oppo ' site the Market Jloxse, WILMINGTON, N. 0. ALSO 57- Good Eoard aaa comfortable lodging. Sept. 25th, 1S51. . 20-1 y. LEWIo & T7"H. B. WHITPIZLD, 1I.A1.KUS IN GROCERIES,' H ARDWA11E, STAPLE AND rnonucE nouGirr and sold. WHITE HALL, N. C Apr. 3, ly IEAR IN c noci:ci : hard ware, vSTATLe and F iicv Goods. rncrjucK- Eo.'riT and bold ."JV Uli.L, Apr. 3, ly CIIADBOIIRN & HOOPER, GZSTF.rwAL MERCHANTS, AND FORWARDIXG AGENTS, ' KORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Vpt l, 1351. 17 lyj, VIM'FACTCSnn ao dealer in HATS, CAiS UMBRELLAS, - lad iVa'.kls.g Car.cs of every Description, W:lOLALi: AX I tETAlL, North Ride -Market Street. 'WILMINGTON', N. C. N. 13. Country Merchants supplied at New York , , , O.t. 24, ly JOSEi'IIlLFLASNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. 0. Libond cash advances make 011 coneignments for SAleor sliij v.,n'i:t, r Ap. 29 ly WILKINSON & ESLEB, CASH DEALERS IS f Confectionary, Fruits, IVutsi Toys, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, Segars, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, - Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. G. Mr. 13, ly WASHINGTON & LaFAIETTE HOTEL,, '- PAVID TILiLLY, Proprietor. . OPPOSITE CAFE FEAR BANK, Front Street WILMINGTON, N. C. Mr. 13, 1 r IMPORTER AND DEALER IX Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Nails, &c., Front-st.y 3. fijyors South of Market Street , - WILMINGTON,-N. C. Apr. 3, ly ' NOTICE; ' - Vt THE regular convocations of Eureka Chapter, No. 7, of .11. A. Masons, will be held on the first Wednesdny .Evening in each month, at early candle-light, until further notice is given. E. R. STANLY, Sefy. i, 1S51.", : 18-6m. Newbefnc, Septal 1th Iisolutioii. THE 'co-partnership heretofore existing between Charles H. Harper and Oliver Murphrey, under thQ firm of Harper ic. Murphrey, is this day dissolv ed 'Charles H. Harper will settle the business of the firm. f- CHARLES H. HARPER.. ' OLIVER MURPHREY. Snowbiir, Nov.; 28th, 1831. ' 31 Cw. " ' WANTED, - A good workman "to build Buggies. A single man, aud one who does not drink, will be -preferred. For further information, address Post Mas ter, Swift Creek, Craven county, N. C. :Jan.7th, 1S52 34 tf '5fiT TMrmfrlij; Corn Shellers. Straw Cutters. Iron. ,-VsteeI, Plough Points, Spun Cotton and Molasses,- received by otrTxrryrON fit ANDREW . AJvertnemcnui ;nr done ia the best style at gaormouce. - , lar per s-iaare of iiftserf liaes or Ls, for .Not. l:fth: S1. .W ... 27-tf. ' , anl twenty hveataforcacUucceca- - . . - NEW MIlIJOTOOp MRS. McDO JSTAiaHwlll be "glid" frijid at "her ' bid 8tandT . .lrbtfre" ilie utAow exhibitinVforial?, ft Urge aiiD3rt&ent ofmiinery Goods, of thelatest stjles and best matcnals, wai ted to Fall and'Winter,.wMcli haT!6en Bcleed with great care. " "i--" V - . Orders executed with neatness tmcl dispatcn UNIOl ACADEMY. riTTT flAeaiAYiAf Tiic SUfinAl will commence r 'xiti m ovcDiv" v. fvw - . I thfe 19th of-ipiuary next, under th manaje ment of MrWliittf, a graduate of Chapel Hill Col ia,o' wftAtiirr vnnniT rrntlenian. and an experi enced. Teacher. "ThUAcademy is legate on Neuse river road.'yniiies bow smitnneia, JonnsioH k,o , rio-.i. TTnln.i Mpptins- Ilouse. in as healthy a neieb- horhood na iinv part of the County. Tho rates of tuition -will fee moderate, and board can be obtaifi f tli ft Tmsteea" ut)on ak" rftsonalle unc f otitt miTiHv seKonl. , We. tbe Trustees jwll tujftll weans to-ma:eit fcperjartent anl, xle tirabie; institution For further partrcujars apply to tffendersigned. amTs: E. -ATK1NSQN, Trustees. JAS. M. WTI1TTEY, ) Johnston couniy, Lec, 16, 1851. . 33tf AVild Indian Ganie Stags. x-T-r-p Cnio i fiw nf thpse noble Birds at ten dollars each. - The grandmother of these chickens is the celebrated Wild Indian Gajne Hen, recently sold by Dr. IJennett of Massachusetts. t- ilr; Griggs of Georgia, for 120." For farther par ticulars address post paid, . - J. R. DK.AKE, or WMH. SMITH. Kol,rillfi v C... 25th Dec. 185i; 33 6w ' 7 " ' . DAGUEiiUEOTYPE PORTRAITS THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizetrs of New.Berne, and the public generally, that he has completed his Kew Gallery, where he is prepared to take pictures of a superior style, and at lower raves, than has ever been taken in this place. He pledges himself totake true copief the original, and warrants to give satis faction or no charge. COPIES OF DAGUERREOTYPES on S&iniature Paintings taken and enlarged. Having the largest sised Ca meea and the best stock, he feels satisfied that he can please any who will favor him with a caiL Pictures of Children taken from one year old And upwards. Gallery on the east side of Craven street, four doors south 'or the Bank of the State, and adjoining his Jevrelry Store. Entrance, passage door. Ladies and Gentlemen please call and examine sprcimons. E. FERGUSON. New-Berne, April 1 1th, 1851. 1 tf GEORGE B5IIOI, "GAB'INE T M AKEE UNDERTAKER, .klRDLE STREET A FEW DOOESSOUTII OF THE COURT-HOUSE. KEEPS constantly on h?.nd an assortment of Fur niture. Jlahogany, Cherry, Walnut, ToTlar, Whit? and VelloV &h'e" Lumber. Repairing of ev ery k -35iplion executed at the phorfest' noticu by Mr. F::aiiaoii Lewis, a well known and experienced workman. SASH AND BLINDS MADE TO ORDER. Ul?.tIer&Riilg. Having a new .nid sr-1 en did .Hearse, with an assortment of impropriate Trimmings; no pains will he spared in giving lo the dead a decent interment. Terms moderate. New-Berne", July 5th, 1851. . 9 ly. Inspector's Notice. THE Subseriber at the last Term of the County otirt, having been appointed an Inspector of v " NAVAL STORES, . . would respectfully inform the public that lie will at all times he ready to serve them in that capacity He Wjpuld also suggest, that having been engaged for many years in making the article himself and having i inadej horis sufficiently qualified for his office, and will be grateful to those, who .may em ploy him. He can always be found either at the Republican, now the New-Berne Job Printing Of fice." or at George W. Taylor's Store. JOSEPH R. FRANKLIN. New-Berne, JuncSOth, 1851. ' S If. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) ... - , ; Nash County. J Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ,v y Nov. Tcrm 1851. T?h1iT firlffln wiilniir nf V , - - " Benjamin Griffin, Petition for Dower in her deceased husband's land.?. rs. -Alfred Griffin and Robert Griffin. ". TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that X Alfred Grima and liobert ti nmn are noi mnaoi tants of this State y it is therefore ordered that pub lication be made for six weeks fn the Republican and Patriot, r the' said Alfred Griffin and Robert Griffin, to appear At the jext Term of this Court to he held for the County of Nash, at the Coirrt-housc in'Nashville, on the 5d Monday of February next, and plead, answer ordemur. or the petition will be taken pro confesso s to them, and heard accord ingly. Witness. G. W. Ward. Clerk of our said TJourt at office" in Nashyilre, the 2d Monday of 2Jo vembcr, A. D-1851: . ..... . . U. . WdKU, U. U. U. January 0, 1852. 33 Gw TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscriber has leased for attcrm of years of.R. W. Brown. Eq., his fire-proof store, with his-wharves, and is now in a condition to take es rnecial care of Snirits Turpentine and other Naval J Stores committed to his care. The Ware-house is well-known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of -Racon Lard, Corn, Teast &c. The lower wharves have-on them four large Inew sheds, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and sunVi He ia prepared te reccive.and ship, or sell all kindf of produce sent to his care. ; He will also make advances when required. neTegs to referto the following gentlemen t R.W. Browrif John Dawson, O. G. Pareley and Thos! H.Wright, Esqrs. MILES COST1N, , Brown's wharf. Wilmington. N. C. Wilmington, Sept- ISth, 1S51. : - V 9- y Z -J 'T V " ' Saddle and Harcess.Saii!ifactory m T 1 1.' c,.,Ke1.'Ko7 ttiftntful fni tliA 13 rpral snrtnort f H J U KU V- r X "JL heretofore received, begs leave to inform the - - -. 1 " A 1 1 citizens 01 ayne ana aajommg counties mat ue has just recti ve'd and is now opening an extensive and well assorted stock of materials, consisting of Leather and Hardware, and is prepared to exeeute all orders in his line of business ; he invite his friends and customers to call and examine his stock. - Ilf hopes by strict attention to the business,' to mer t a greater share pf public patronage.. Saddles and Harness made to order at the shortr est notice. Repairing neatly executed, r T? o tit TTiilaa tntn in PTclmiKrfl frr RaddlprV. JOHN TAYLOR. till ' - . Dresses anil Cilramaismaae. Dieauamgjiuin.ia- - i&xm a. ttle girl . - And the Sparkling snow, with a whlffend whirl, Wot a frosty wreath xn Her Hanging curi. , As sne pusxiea ner nuix; miu s . . I.Wyr her tearfal eye, .k TTiat aivit-o-in Yffliler OOTTCr. tiTtltiTvcr liirt -with a throe and a sign, Were the sparkling tongues tnat assureu m I asted what "brought her there a Tti a -.ontc Iau- nnl sad. She asked for somcfbpd, for a cfust was the iiz Of mother and babe 'mid the heart s aespaor v -1 , In rags tliey were uiiniy- cuiu. I Iler father with the dead XTnA rrnna tr filA hi re&t ! .t-. . . a-a.u.u t - Had struggled along with the toil and the dr ecu - i And had alvavs done iirA in inn i in i iiiiiiin n lii;uu mvs done his best. , Nor did she 6peak in vain ; For the prayerful .tone, atid the'sigh'ftnd the word Of the pale thin lips, all my pity stirred. As she spoke in tears again. -Her wants I well supplied With such as I could spare, And the poor '-girl wept in her soul's grateful tide, For her heart was full and she vainly tried To utter its prompting there. My heart grew rich that day My soul more noble grew For her tears that fell were the gems fa the ray Of the great love sun that shall chase away The iiight and its gloom born dew. I would that I could spend My life in joy like this, I would gather gems, and the gold with them blend Of a thousand hearts, till my life shouid In a neaven 01 love s pure -4 THE FATAL SLEIGH-RIDE AND ITS RESULTS. In the snug little town of C , lived a farmer somewhat advanced in years, - who had an only daughter, whom he thought a little the prettiest gal that lived in the coun try. Now Hulda could have a new " calico" when she wanted it; but there was eorae ihjng else "in her mind's eye," far more nee dy than dresses, and that was to be joined in the connubial state. The father, or "un cle Jim," as he was familiarly called, if any thing he detested.it was getting married. I have been once, be would say, when en-o-adeu4 in strong controversy with his daugh ter anv3 have seen the folly of it. No 1 I say a ai.'i and once for all, that you shall not ! And he wvtfld bring his hand heavily upon the table wt.i-h shook and almost collapsed. No wonder jfbor uncle Jim had seen the "fol ly of being marnW," as he expressed it, foj he had a spouse that continually henpecked and harrassed him aJost to death. Now HuldS loved a smart you'n man by the name of JcrLiiah Sampson, ano: he 'loved her, in somudh that he swowed that he wouidlnarry i :t. that was lio ih.cf inn fnr II thft- Cliance Il COUiui -I tr court her.' was on the Sabbath conying i from church. , -, Hulda was silting plying her needi?; cne cold winter night, with her father in the back kitchen, when suddenly the door open ed, and a note was thrust hastily in. She ranaad picked it up, and alter brushing the snow off she sat down to peruse its contcuts. " What do you think it is, father ! i" said she, after having fully digested it. and care fully placing it in her bosom. 'Only think. James Drown and Matilda Draper, and and a whole lot of the boys are a going to have a sleigh-ride, and and want me wsto go; let me see, there is Matilda she will wear her now bombazine, that her feller I mean Thomas Smith bought hef at the vil lage last week, arid ii I I go, X diall have towear that old . faded cashinefe- Oh, dear!" and here Hulda burst into a 'par oxism ol tears. " Mv daughter," cried urrcle Jim as Iw be held wr sobbing, as if her heart r.-ould bcak, "you must not think of going, for you canH go, and there is an end otih&t. It's nothing more than a contrivance arranged to have yoib and that Jeremiah Sampson together. I understand it; you can't deceive me. -Now go to bed, and be a good girl." Now if uncle Jim should give his own pri vate opinion in relation to Jeremiah Samp son, he would call him an honest, upright and good-hearted man. But the real anti pathy was, the union, with his daughter, or, in other words, marrying; not that he did wish Huida should not be married, but he was afraid of something fhat he did not himself know. Hulda with big tears on her damask cheek," reluctantly took the iamp, and wen ded her way to her chamber, there to dream of Jerry and the sad disappointment. Moru. gay and beautiful, at length broke, and the day of the sleigh-ride had appeared. Hulda arqpe with a heart overcome withsor row and grief, and prepare the rerAstfor tne morning. . " My daughter,"" said uncle Jim, as he finished his breakfast and removed his chair towards the fire place, " I have come to the conclusion to let you, go to the slefgh-ride this day on one condition."" " What is that father V exclaimed Hulda, as if a ray ofljope had made its -appearance. " You may go," a thrill of joy gladdened her very soul, " but if yon' do you must go with me!"" '" '" !,'. :'v'"'- - - A shade of dissatisfaction slightly darken ed herTace, as,she thought of Jerry. After remaining ima mood of contemplation for some minutes "she joyfully said : " Yes, father, 1 will go with you, but you znusii uuy ujc a. new uiessr Tut. tut, Hulda, don't be, too hasty, for I may not get a conveyance; let me see, here is Squire Jenks sorrel colt wonder if he would Jet him V and uncje Jim turned on his heel, and forthwith started for the Squire's. ' Hardly had he disappeared, wben the" back door opened, and there entered nobody else but Jeremiah Sampson. - " Are vou coinff. dear Hulda?" were the TGTiP be said &a he entered Up door. "Yes, ,ve " she stammered. 'Tmt I hare I to go with father - L Jerry at this trembled Malmostrtaiikj t becausc 1S true.;r--A young.ag wno tothe-flpor, but for he aid of his betlet kad tnade "ffoioe, ' goipg, -gone hisro- i r- ' i ''Go with your father?' he faintlyutlereo, as be recoyered and ikt down besid8 her. , uStopt Jrry, don't be so frightened, for going with him will prore for the best, and furthermore, it our plan cucceeas to nignt, then We shall be but hark there comes father , he is now in the front entry hurry put, quick -to-night, at the tavern." t Smack, snjack, went their lips, as the ex citnmentvwaxed,warm. - Huldatnf,her flurry, tore her dress, but soon had ber apron on to cover the guilty part, if"itmlght be thus termed. VComedaughler, I havs'got the Squire's horse ; get .ready, for We must be on the start " saidJJnele Jim.pulling off his boots. "Yes, dear father," replied, .nuiua, witQ mnnh kindness fair dsntrhter Hulda. were on' their "'way, gliding on the ?wmte-c rested ground lor tne tavpm. After a few hours Lmooth ridm?. thev arrived, and found the boys and gals "... - ' . -r 1 1 . rfl assembled, and having, l calculate, -a uarr. nice time," said James"l3rov:n,as he ushered the charmm?: Hulda. sans ceremonie into tne best parlor, to the astonished gaze of tho old man. '. "Why, how do you do?" exclaimed a dozen voices at once, as she entered the room. Wlifrf's Wrrvar.d her eveff wandered around the room, and in, a corned , secreted she beheld his Iovelform. and rushed to hi 3 arms. What a hubbub, a errand meiee was then. It however gradually subsided, as fWv beheld uncle Jim. Hulda slid from Jerry's lap, "as if n'othing had happened, into a near chair, X7hile her lamer iookcu n, mm Ys-ith a severe frown and sat beside her. It wiis proposed by tho ceppanyi to play "Snap Dragon." In an instant the .cry Snap Drag on was Lcaid from every lip. A large earthen platter was scon brought full of "old whiskoV,"- set" down on the table : raisins being furled, they.all seated themselves around, with, the exception of uncle Jim, who wondered when they were going to have the-sleigh-ride.- The -.whiskey being fired, a score of hands were plunged into the burning element. ' " Oh! my hands," "cried one. "1 have got the most," said another. " J3oo-o6 oo." bellowed a thrid. What a noise lo the ear of uncle Jim. But with all his wilfulness, he could haidly re frain from laughing,, as he saw the grand rush. The play soon cred, and the dm quieted, as they returned to their seats. " The next play 'shall be marriage," said James Erown. "Yes! man iage," they all cried. This wa? truly cutting to uncle Jim" but he knew 'twas all a play," and therefore was dprnivd v mum. In an instant a ecu-. Knd been foined in tlie bands of Hymen, jerrV and Huida were called up. itjjc3 anv one present forbid the bans ? if they 'cJ them manifest it by rising," pronounced th o parson. Un-lo Jim twisted and turned m his chair, as rf trying to rise, but could not ; for the same old thought, iJ only- a play," entered 1.:., rM; w if untruth was known. a piece of cold pilch had been previously ad hered to the bottom of his chair. The union of wedlock proceed, Jeremi ah Sampson with his dearly beloved U"la' were pronounced man and'ivife, with " bat Gcd hath put together, let no man ta:e asunder." f At the recital of the sentence, undo Jim succeeded in raising himself from the "sticky" seat, and in a menacing tone said ." 1 forbid the un " " Little too late," interrupted Hulda, " for I 'spose Jerry and me are one now, father,'' continued she, approaching him ; " further more. I will make you acquainted with our old minister Parson B." , Tho Rev. Mr. 33., for ii was no other, now pulled off his complete disguise, and .shook hands heartily with uncle Jim, ' whose rage was now turned into laughter as he exclaim ed . .- rs. " That it was the first time he evef was deceived in a Rev. gentleman, and more particularly in a marriage ceremony, and lie would knock under, if they, would tell him who planned the trick so handsomely." . . Every eye was immediately turned on Hulda, who came forward, and appeared as the o-uilty one, amidst roars of laoghter, and applause, iuwa3 snoruy cunaueu, vy uc nnnnn nP.P.mPnt of the suDner, The compa The comna- ny, headed by uncle Jim, who declared - that he had always advocatea wrongs repmreu iu the kitchen, where baked beans and brown bread lay smoking in abundance before them on the table, and not forgetting a large pitch er of new made cider. .They all gathered themselves around, and, without- any 4 apolo gies, helped, themselves.'. 'Uncle Jim now enjoyed himself " first rate" and Jerry affirm ed" that he-knew his Sunday courting was not in vain.". - . W; ;':- .:--. The hour of ten struckand each withdrew from the empty table." But the best of all is, that uncle Jirauhad fallen ini-love with a widow, alike in thought as himself, named " Sally Main," and proposed another wed ding before they left. It was accepted , and Sally Main, and uncle Jim, tfiey, too, were made one. " ' . -' ' - A frentleman by the name of Nooh, by an act of legislation ha his name - changed o Day, and at the next session of the Legisla ture he again petitioned to have it changed to tru. t.;Vi wVasioned a facetious - roem- 1 r u tthcia to cret up and propose a u 1 un!" tn enable that gentleman to take wha ame am - . j , h n oircuu 01 iuo uuuu ui vvummm. to send word to the door that they were not ft lrt n ? rH?! has P-escnled District in Con- You are not of this class, we are pleas had occn concealed uchma a leg m tno w.., , ar3'i if-wp ai'p in- mistiken the 1. . ... - J - r and who. had not been noticed by uncte Jim, ' . ' (nt-.a rrilo lnAn lvftC j v r -,c ,',nr,nn- Hp -ppmpJ to b 'oine- picscuu itic. . chewing pride ana vanity, we can promise was Ciioen paion. tie jremeu 10 ;.,i(,nt f thi.-dplivprv of the ermon tind ? r . " .1 n s-t rtr-,,;! nnH wai i-inlinrd to Moonine piesent at me aenyeiy ai uie ejion, auu you-a jarg,e arnount 0f happiness in thi world wnat aisguisea, ana wa i.iciincc. ij luupug, , , . .1 T)i-ea..her l)V wav of J . i - r Ai u . r- 1 nc,v ni,i oWrrpdniT unon him The vas Oiougnt m Dy xnc p.eat ner, vy vay oi to sav nothing of the world to come. Cob- riltf cSd Xr "two coopte ! "'f Wiihnd bc,you ko,vfavt saW his wife a tho V WITT I- AUCTIOLLK. , Thft following excellent story loses.no in- sion a great favorite among the knights ot tha busfin, and all good fellows bewd . . . J r thA ladies - ..... ... ha rniirni.': n being cnossn iavorue a"o - ... -was once mounted hammer in haod,nS a piece ofrniturUs -".f sant with, alt the best aram r ,Tu of the day, and amon the lest tho "Hunch- Kah" thp thAxrflffe-of Boston, nere xne joke occurred. FanriKemble was a t that time delighting the town vvun ner juxi, -every body was well " acquainted with ihe celebrated lines, "Oh! Clifford, i9i$yoUf . ri:frT..i ttvVvtj- mi rw&Ic to m3." etc. which are ranked arnong'the favonta points of the play. "Going, going last callfifty uvo any mores uuy-turee- 04. j(o, fifty-three dollars last call; . once, tvy ice, any more 2 gone 1 Whb is lV Xhera was a -021330. and nobody answered. "Who is it? "who 'bid"0ftyihreentlifTordCT a voiceinear theAdoor. "0 Gliffordi is it you ?" 'exclaimed ths auctioneer, dropping his Hammer, and clasping his hands a la Fanny.Kemble. 'The joke was irresistible ; every body recognized it, and catching the spirit nf tha thinfrs : the "whole audience fol lowed in. an ecstacy of laughter, with three rounds of applause, wtnie tne auctioneer drew out his handkerchief and. wiped his nosa in burlesque imitation of Miss Fanny? "Clifford, did you say sir, lifiord Vsaid the auctioneer, when :thc . - merriment, had subsided, "is itcash, sir ?' Clifford, the nurcnaser. 11 seems was a uauiui iiciouw, upamted -with AftriM things, ani had ?ecome soihehat ?Iarffled at the unae- . i t ' . .1 - . V . 7. countable good hurflbur of the crowd, so that he was alraiu tQ open his nps again lesi ue should excite'another burst of fun. " It is cash, sir VI agai n enquired the auctioneer AU eyes vvere turned, upon Clifford, who looked very much as if ho felt that his mother might be anxious about him, but still made no answer. The merry, auc tioneer would rather lose his customer than his joke, and . exclaimed, still imitating the fiery "eyed Fanny " Clifford, why don't you speak to me I" The assembly now fairly screamed with merriment, and amid an uproarious burst of laughter, Clifford made a precipitate bolt for the door and escaped. Kingston ( Canada) ,T ... : News. . . . ... : A NEGRO SERMON; The discourse from which the annexed passage is taken, was actually preached in the town of Zanesville, Ohio, some year ago. i:,t" wuioibiulu V-' colored ge.'6manvand we believe a sincere and humble Christian, wonave -forgoitc: but the Judge Harper, to whom he refers, we name 01 tne revered divine, wno was a remember well. He was, tve peiieve,au iuai tiiTip. President Judflre of the 15th Judicial taken bv him. But to the passage " My dear iren3 and predren, said me preacher, "de soul ob de brack man is as dear in de Lord, as de soul ob de white man." " Now you all see Judge Harper, a-setlin dah leaning' on his gold-headed cane you all know de Judge, mggas, and a bery fine man he is, too. Well, now, Ise gwine to make a little comparishment; Supposin" de Judge some fine mornin' put his basket on his arra an' cro'es to market to buv a m'ece ob W " ' Jt ' -J . . " , - I '1.1 meat. He soon finds a nice fat piece ob mut- j ton, an, trots ott wid it. Vo you s'pose de Judge would stop" to 'quire wedder dat mut ton was ob a white sheep orob a brack sheep? $0, nuffin ob de kind if de.multon was nice an'" fat, it would be all de same toide Judge ne vvould not stop" to ax wedder do sheep had-white wool or brack. wool. " Well, jes so it is, my frens, wid ourJHeb enly Marster, . He does not stop to ax wed der a soul 'longs to. a white man or a lrack man wedder his. head is layered wid straight har, or kivered wid wool --de only question He will ax, will be, " Is dis a good sou'i?"an ifso.de luassa 'H avK Enter into de joy ob de -Lord, ran' set down on de same bench wid de white man yo'se allien a perfect "'quality."- Decatur Gazette. The Girls of DAALiiiiseoTXA. The young ladies of Daraariscolta (Me.) have re cently formedtheniBelves into a, society for mijtuai improvement and protection, r They have determined to receive the attention of no lso-styled" young: gentleman who has not learned some business pr . engaged' in some steady employment for a.divelifcpodvA and that they will'promise marriage to no youhg mnn iYn i c A A h P''h ahi t - n 1 1 nnfin or nnd i lnstW. that thev Avill marrv.no vounsr man who is not a pairon 01-uis neignooinoou paper. oensipi gins, anu,xii max.: guuu wives, v;;-'.- r? . ' Anoldlellowwhbh of his life, thotight that he might as , well com mit suicide,, but he didn't wish to go 'off with bu t forgiving all his enemies , S 0 1 at the last moment he removed the noose from his neck saying: to himself, f I never can nor ,fllfor-: rriye. Noah for' letting the copperhead shake Jntb" the Ar They; Jiayekilled $2,000 wortli oi jmy catUe j wheh he and-tjaeet,-there wUl.be a general .fnssX -.iliSil A flT-ossK Rrm a See there V1 exclaimed a returned Irish soldier lo a srarjinif "crowd. as he exhibited with some pride - his tall hat with a bullet-noie in iu i l&ok at that nolc, will you ? You see; that if it had been a low crowned hat'I should, have been killed outright !" - ' -r-. " I say tKy,. stop that ox.'J " I haven't trnt tin stnuner. siri" f.-Well Tina! h?m ihn w He' already headed, sir.V Confouhdl vocr fmnertinetiee twrnfiim," - 11 HeVrtVt 1- X -7 - i.Jfy :iuv out .already, at" a Speak to himj you I . -I.I f l.,,rl n I "...aav I Cfk 1 -11 . i laKen UV Ullll. UUK, l uaa;d"c . nc . . , 01 lr woo er miinh e otoH tvit I. SKIGHBOHS. BT D. C. COLfcSWC RTI17. 'n.ofr dcli'ghiful it is to live among gco I neibW" When your lie.1.1 is bowc:i in sickness, aa isneir -uvpress the aching brow: when vour ncart ib ac.rcssBj 1,3 row 'words of peace and ct:i;5olatron afn whisbered in your ea; ; when poverty :iS:a.!- you, bountiful is ihe provision madp lor your ntdsssities. Whatever may lc your want?, your sorrows, your trials, your disanpoiut ,ti: rnnd nftiffhbors. kind friend?, gvmpa- ising hearts arc around you; ppeakmg com fortable wrds,or pourm? into your ajvHun j thing more substantial. "Wehawolten iu in;a ;cation.picturd heaven as a neighborhood of iovin'7 and elove(J souls each siiiving to make the other happy. - , Rf hTti are neiglibars who study to vex nd torment each other. Shame upon them. dogra cat, a fowl anything is &eizca up on to quarrel about. A little dirt droppcJ on tb:e grourjd--soap. stfdVcuiptrcd.on a par ticular' epot-is sufficient to 1 aise a breeze -aa'd prbduce vcJumes of hawords repeat ed insults and back.hiting,, and landrrs without number, Such, a ueighbcfhoo 1 is a hell upon earth. Thank Heaven Ht has always Iccn o:ir good fortune to live among kind neighlo s and sympathizing friends. And if thorp is anything wesincerely prize, and are extremely-grateful for. it is this. Good neighboih ! kind-hearted fiicndswe love you, sincen ly afid affectionately love you. INlany a tear has been wiped away by your soft hands many a pang has been relieved by your sym nhthies tnanv a wound has-btften healed by your attentions. How can we but love you? w - - ,. - .... - & long w. tll treasure yo.m out hearts. When the day of mortuno ftmvtoe if pvpt it nnmrs to rou our hands hands and our heart shall be yours The warm affection's of our bosom will never slumber, when a friend is in ad vers ity. No eiloi t w "i i 1 be too strong to put forth in your behalf ; no watchings will be too tedious and no sacri fice too great, if so be we can sobtbe your sor rows and remove a single thorn from ycur piilow. Olive Branch. W . - AT THE TUB- ' You heed not blush, dear .Tiadame, if we t i. - .1 i t. nave caugnr; you in mc suus. n yncs u more pleasure to see a woman wring dirt out of the pin a-fore, than to hear tier wnng music out of a piano foi'.e. We uhvays heard of your industnous habits, and our present visit confirms the truth, in fact madam if we were on the look out for a w.fe, we should notbe temted to go farther, provid- ! cd, &e. We 'have known ladies as th-y call themselves woman being 100 old.-fash-ioncd, unmeaning word to-be in a terrib'o state of feeling, when a sranger called and th Q nQt drcfsed up to Hieninc?, to. sec IlIui T:.e .-.j iurn rej or raie,and t o at lKeir wits cnds. to know what to do; state of feelinrr. when a sranrfer ca led and at their wits ends, to Know wnai to .up; and sometimes we will tell the truth sometimes they have been wicked enough wash-tub. and he was sO much elated -'with. her appearance, that he married her and the became one of the inosf devoted and bct of wives. We must speak against pride nndUth it wrong feeling which prompts young women to give out the impression that they never wash, or -mend the holes inajtlie heels of their stockings. Not a fig!wou!d we give for such girls. What are they good for, but to keep in a ass case to look at? A man" who chooses such for a companion, will ruo tho day of his choice, and repent of his folly in dust and ashes. Olive Branch. A Sister's Value. Have you a siter ? Then love and cherish her with all that pure, and holy friendship, which renders a brother so woiihy and noble. Learn to ap preciate her swee't influence as portrayed in the following words : . "He who has never, known a jistci's kind ministration, nor felt his heart warming be neath her endeanngsmile and lovo-beainir.f eye, has been pnfortunato. i'JtrJ. It is not to be wo-CIed at, if the fountains of pu:c feeling flow in his bosom but sluggishly, or if the gentle emotions 0 his natuic lc lost in the sterner attributes of mankind." "That man has grown up among affec tionate sisters," I once heard a lady of much observation and experience remaik. "And why do you think so ?' said I. "Becausc of the rich deve.lopemcnt of ail the tender feelings of the heart " A sister's influence is felt even in mnn hood's riper years; and the heart of him' who has grown cold in chilly contract - with the world, will warm and thrill with pure enjoy ment, as some accident awakens within him the .soft tones, thec'ad melodies of his sisters voice ; and he will turn from purposes which a warTtnd and 'false DhilosoDhv had reasoned j- I r into expediency ,and even weep, for the gentle influences which had moved him ia his car lieryears." - . . J Wife, I'm to live but a few hours at most I shall sootj, be in Heaven." "Yen? You'll never be any nearer than ycu are now, you old brute I You'd look well stuck up mtoTieaven ! I think I see 3 ou thcro now.''" Doiphus, Dolphus," hoasely growl ed the old man. abrin mo my eancohj let me larrup the old trollep once more before Idie.",. "' , r- '- "WEiLERiSMS.-Coine rest in this bosom, -as the turkey iLkid. to the stuffing. . f Ours p no common lot, as the totds said wbjn they got into the clover, lielrl. That's my impression, ai'the die satd to tJie dollar. - . An honest old Jady m the countrr.w hen told -of her husband's -flea th, exclainitd : u Well, I do declarej our troubles never cme alone! It ain't a week since I lost my b st hen, nd now Mr. Hopper has gou. toa4 ' '