I""" MW1'lr- -8ZHO OUISI T0X- JOB PRINTING am! Is sought after by the peo ple of M' Doweil, Yancey, Bun combe, Rutherford, Burke and other counties in Western North Carolina, ami Is there fore a Cood Advertising Medium. Kates furnished on application. AdJr'-fs, THE MESSENGER, Marlca, N. 0. -a. THE MESSENGER, iaarion. W. c. rromptnea. Accuracy. Keatneet nc Good Stock Guaranteed. Letter Heada, Kote Heade, Bill Beada. Envelope. Circulars, Cards. To. tern, Tamphleta, and any kind of Printing. VOL. I. NO. i). MA1.ION. X C, FRIDAY, MARCH 26. 1807. Price $1 IVr Year, in Advance. The Messenger Prints . the . News -te4rin,iririrl,z i i i ti H $5 i 1 rn r . i.ih "' . . :.l.llt vrryt" The Noted Washington Divine's Sunday Subject. Mil.) Ml Tv.xt: "-. 'Ylciirlo.is Siu-rilices." iVifhout -U -Miiii: of blo.il Ls no 'I r-xi 22. IViiitti.-r, the la-t of the (fre.it A :,'.": in poets that mal-i the oi ;i ei-iitiiry brilliant, ask'tl mi ronii. ion. J .i.n ; M-hool of A ln.-t i.irOT in tlio V':,it.; t.r.'iV'T-, in w! fa'noiis llVnr With i ." a Iit.-r.il iii.i-li M oiritains ot)ii morning after i'.'li I h i I :,'iveii out Co-jier'.-i a'i 'it 1 1 j - "fountain flllel Diyou r ill' believe thorn is a! ion of tlio hloo 1 of Christ to t lit- .- .ol.' M . icritive reply tiien is my i.'Va'iv p'p'.y n .v. Tin Itiblo statement nury with ali j.'iy.-ifiari . and nil physiol--i.-t .in I .i.l -i..nttv. in saying that the Moo I i t .T! li v, an 1 in th Christian r-Uji .ii i: n, t-i -l-ni,'v tint Christ's lif-w.i-i v.i r r lif... H-n- nil this talk of m-n who . iy tic: Rihlo .story of biool i-i di-iM-lm , an-1 that thy don't Want what thev Mii : "-laii filter house r'iiirlon," only shows th"ir in i -,t j or un A'illirrjtnoss to lo throu-'' thirii? -uon'l --t I'rioav tri-kl- I or . fid", an I ti i!!u trioi; s few h ,ar- . -vr di-app. on Hi" ,ap.,! 'ol i-t t h -re sav- 1 for th la orl-rt the lioir.! of -pi'i'-h toward the I. I h i Moo I that on tho ilark le world ever suf oo'nt or ir l'r.ai the brow, and tho ban : , aii 1 ! li" feet oi I'm :T -r-r. 1. -k of Jerusalem, in a alio. h i ilrieil up an I for-r.-i, an I if man ha.t depended oi.. i of tie literal blood of w .a. 1 not have b eu a soul i- .i-'iit-.-n cmtilriej. mi I. r-tan I th's ret word of ..u'v have to evr-:io in miieh :i- ia r.-lk'ion .n wv do in evory I'.i'rf lor inii, hunger for f".' fatigue, t-ar for tear, h... . ', 1 1 f" fur lif. we .s"i very i!e I. I'a-- a -t of sitlntitntion is , aith in,'! I tear men t ilk as ilei of (.'arv-t'.s piilTorliij; sub r oar u!T -r'.Wf w to siaiuthin so ii'-thinj; distressingly odd, Wildly ntrie, a solitary he world's ni-t ry wlc-n I could it into this eity an 1 before mm yoii to llv ii'io Ire 1 eases of sub- t.iou.'h t e s-ini:e, lo a'.iior nal. ilown p stitatio I .a ill . i an I f anotl o'.-l , .laiit iry sii foriiiL; o' ouo in i-anrro'.v aft-raoon fro ' t'ie p'.'i 'So! Iii-on-ss or toil. It will O" no .liMb-Hit thin ,' for y..u to tin 1 men who l.v t.'e-ir lo ,k, sho.v Voa that they uro over work"!. Th.-vnr. pre i,i' ur -ly' oi 1. They .ar" ha-'e:,mi. i;V t,,;Var I th ir deeeasn. Tie y ii av k ae tlir .ii,'li eri"s in business that s:u't.-re ia..ir ii"rvus system and I all- I i n th i brain. Th-y have a shortness of breath un I i pain in the ba -k of the hea 1 an I at nL'ht ,au inoainia that a'arms them. Wliv nr.- thevdru liniriit business early and lat V I' r fun? No. I; w.ml 1 be difileult to et r.i -t anv auius-iu -nt out of that ex b ia-tioii. I! ins ih"y are avarielous' In many e i- s n .. li e m-e th ir own f. -rsonal expenses are hivi.-h.' No. A few hundred dollar, wo il I ru-et all llcir wants. Tim simple fa ? is tne man is en In rim,' nit that lu' ieii" I evi-pi ration an 1 wear and tear i (i.."P II- Iio-ne j,r '-p'tiuh. There is nn ii.v. --.!, in, , r-- i -!i i -i from that store, front thai b.i-ik, fro n tha! shop, from that scaf-fohliii-.r, to a i ai -t s -"lie a few blo"ks away, n l-w mile- u.v.iv. An 1 there is the secret f l. .at I 'l on -s en tur mee. lie is simply lh" -ha .. ,,. ,i .,rn.-,teal for whleh ho win. I, re a I an I war liol,.. -md lue.ation and pro.o.-ritv. aad in su.'ii I. itilo lO.OOd men lail. O; t. -i hu-iiie- m -n whom 1 bury niuo die ol I'VTiv ir:; for others. Some sudden dls a-" !ln Is them with no power of reslst anee, .in 1 Hiey are .ie. I.ifo Tor life. Blood for b'o I. Su'.-fitiiiion! At 1 o'.-i o.-u io-:normv morning, the hour when -brir.er is in st uninterrupted au.l ino-.t ,r .found, walk amid the dwollin lion,..- ,,f ti,., ,.,,y- ll-ro and there you will llicl a dins ti r! it be.-au-e it is t ie household cu-tom to keep a sub !ic I ijefht burnlujr, but moit of the hon-e-frorn base to toji are as dar ; as th,u,':i uninhabited. A 'mereiful (lol his s-nt forth the nrdian ,'el of sleep, mid lie put his win,'- over t iecitv. But y-.n-l.T is d-ar 1 i r 1 1 1 burnin--, and outside ou th" win low easement i- a trlassor pitelier e iitaoiiii"; foo 1 for a si -k .-iiil.l. The food -' in t!c Iresli air. This is the sixth ci ;l,t thai m i: her has sat no with that suf fer, t. She has to tlie last point obeyed the I !v -i nan's pre-'np.ion, n t eivin"; a drop t . much ,.r to., liuie ..r a moment too soon or to , hit . sic- is verv .anxious, for she has f ar." I thre i e;,i,reu uath the same disease, an I -h" pray- an I weeps, prayer and S !.!! Iin; tVith 1V kiss ; tll.l Kllt Otieok. I'.vdmtof kin lns .she 'ets the little one taroii -h the ordeal. After it is all over tha m ther i- t iic.-n il .wn. lirain or nervous I- v-r s.-is in, 1 . ,n , lay she leaves the eotl v. il--- lit chil l with a mother's bles-iicrnnl i"'u the tiir o in the kin Io;n of be.uen. 1. f. f,,r life! s 1 1 b-t i t u t ion ! Tho fa ; is ha' there are i,a line mute numlcr of iic'llcrs wh , after lli-y h iv navigate 1 n iare fa-i.ilv ol chil livu thr u j;h all tho disci-..- ,f nr ia an 1 1;..: them fairlvstarte I ui n slop-of i, .vhoo l and tfirlh 1 -t r -:i ;th enoii-h ,.ft to die. They y. Some c.iil it consumption, li n -rvons pr.i.-Iratiou. .Some call b ,v. f.l e or malaria! indisposition. But r ! en of tip. .lomestle circle. Ill io I for I. loo 1. Subst.tu- I cal it mar; l.i!" for In . r p. r i io - th " a -ii -"t rai r kin In hen s! vi, m .t icr liic'ers Ion enouith m the wron road, mid his -s becomes roti'ii reply esses anxiety about him. !.!! -h" m rivrllt on. looklli ' cirefilll v :lf. i r hi- app n e , i-emeuiberin Ins every birih- lay with sini me neiit.i, aii I, wicii he is broa.;ht lio n - worn out with dissipation, '-'- h.m till he "..;s well and starts him n--a.li an l bop., --. and i-pe -:s and prays nu 1 c .sia-e '-an. I siiiT 'r.s until her strength wives iai! .an 1 -h" f a:is. She is 'oiusr, un I atleu-iia:i,-1 ben lim. (lv,.r her pillow, a-k her if sh" !.a- any ines,:.;.( to leave, na 1 eho makes l-Tea' "if 1 1 i. sav somcthiiK, but out ot t brill.-. r f .ur minutes 0f iudUlin.'t utterance n c.i: 'h but thre i words, ".My poor The s,.npie fact is she diel for him. r life. Substitution! t thirty-six y.-ais atro there went forth ur ii-Tthern and southern homes hun f thoiisiuds of men to do battle for uutrv. All tin- poetrv of war soon I an I ,e t the n u nhini; but tho ter- If. . They wa led knee deep in mud. ! in snow-Link,. They marched ut feet tracked tin earth. They lie 1 out of their honest rations on meat not lit for a .to. They i i fra 'fared and eye-extinguished -h 't away. i'ho',is:m,is of them v iter as t iev lav dvia on the Hel l 1 I iiv. 1 a.v : I Iri e- I fo 1 i.is-ht a ter th y were hom-.-h battle an i wot it not. ick and receive 1 no mes-ov-,1 ones. They died in in ditches, the buzzards of th only iitten hints ou N" lonebiu theintinitetlod. bush ' i;e. very; hi u , knows the ten-thou-l t h i :i -t :t and breilth an I ''i -cut o; the iiucuish of the 1 - ciliiern b ittl.'Mel is. Why ' r. ie iv, their children and o an I why did these youu ncu, ' " a irnac day, start out into M"s ..: n- vcrc vnm back? For Hi-ydi" . Life tor life. Bljod ab-ti'.iiti ,;i! 1 u : " o s . tar. What is that i Ur- mw I? it is to thedoc 1 in the -oiith.Tii i-i,i.l..T.i,. ll.lt 'A i vriu x . 1 Wh w. ! 'th-.r.. no; en need sii'k to b.j th se northern latitudes? Oil. ' -1 !.(,, r ,l;ts tl f0iV mtvlical tah-e. mid some vials of medi ums n;s patients here in the physician., and takes the rail .' h. wets to theinfected regions v ie I rail train.-, regular and t'.'.c I'viu c and affriclitej popu arriv.'siu a ciiy over which a " is irooHm.. He oes from h, f-.'liii"; of the pulse and i ;."i:s and prcscribiii"; iluv af 11 ii-ter i.iitiit, until a fe'low iy-: D.i.'tor vou had better Hat t! ' ra, la:i i, II ' ph- an I H.;t !.. V .ii look mis irmot rest while sc a'.' - r.n -. O i an 1 on until !!: :!n s him in a deliriun:, in 1 1." t .U-of h.ei;e, an I then rises und '"" el - 'nil !...'. after those imti- II" i-1 M t,', He down, but h 11 .dits ti''nl::".s umii i. fads back and U ' r en '. w-a:.er. and .lies for people with 1 " h i I i.o kin-hip. an 1 far away from vn ' a-, i v, an 1 is hastily put away in a -'r'- t cub and only the fifth part of a ; a'.er one t.-'.ls Us of his sa-.rifleo, his ' j't-t m-ntione 1 nm.-in? tlv. Yet h the f.irtii "st h"ilit of sublimity ;t ti-r e we of humanitarian service. - an arrow to t l teirn II, -i I M who I was an 1 ve vis- 1 tor' blo-i I. f..r ll'c. r,: a I - ihe su-n :.:-in-lu 11 1 Wiiii im l'roc- man, a pauperize 1 an 1 i liotie nero, was at Auburn, N. V., on trial for murder. He ha 1 lain the entire Van Nest family. The foam In wrath of the community could be kpt tff him only by armed constables. Who would volunteer to be his counsel? Nj nttorney wanted to saerifloo his popularity by such an unzrateful tos's. All were silent save one a youn? lawyer with feeble vole j that could hardly be heard outside tho bar, pale and thin and awkward. It was William H. Seward, who saw that the prisoner was id otic and irresponsible andoustht to be put In an a-ylum rather than put to death, the h-'rolo counsel uttering these boautlful words: ' I speak cow in 1 lei hearln of a people win have prejudge 1 pr.soner and con demns 1 me for plea lin In his behalf. Hi isaeonvict, a pauper, a nuro, without Intel lect, sense or emotion. My chill wit'a aa affectionate smile disarms my carewnrn fae of Its frown whenever I cross my threshold. The be";ar in the street obliges me to (rivd lieeause he say.s, 'On 1 bleis you'.' ai I pass. My loi caresses me with fondness if I will but smile on him. My horse re?o;nlzes me when I (HI his manjer. What revyird, what eratitule, what sympathy and affe? tion can I expect here? Ther the pris oner sits. Look ut him. Look at the assem blage nroun 1 you. Listen to their ill sup press d censures an 1 their eslted fears an 1 !ell me where anion my neihb n or my Tellow men, where even in has h .rt I tan axpeet to tln l a sentiment, a thou-, nr '. ti 5 iy of reward or of acknowle lment, or even of reeonitlon? Gentlemen, you may think of this evidence what you please, brin in what verdict you can, but I assev erate before heaven and you that, to tha best of my knowledo and bell"', the pris mer at the liar does not at this moment know whv it Is that my sha low falls on you Instead of his own ." Ti e wallows ot its victim, but tha post mortem examination or the poor creature shov id to all the sureons ani to all tha world that the public was wron, that Will iam II. Sowar l was riht and that hard, .tony step of oblo.piy in the Auburn court room was tho first step of the stairs of fame up wkieh he went to tho top, or to within nno s'ep of the top, that last denied him '.hroi;h the tn-a :h'-ry of American polities. Nothiu sublimer was ever seen in an Amer ican courtroom than William II. Howard, without reward, stau din Imtweon tho fury if tiie pop u I. -ico an 1 tha loathsome Imbecile. Si.b-titutioi;! In the r"alm of the fine arts there was as remarkable an instance. A brilliant but 'lyp-reriticlsod painter, Joseph William Turner, was met lv a vo'ley of nbuso from ill the art trallories of Europe. His paint ins. which have since won the applause of a'l civilized nations "The Fifth Tlacuo of Eypt." 'Fishermm on n L-m Shore Ii S.ually Weather," "Calais Pier." "The Sun Kisin Throu ch Mist" an 1 "Dido Buildinc Carthago" were then targets for critics to shoot af. In defense of this out rageous' y abuse 1 man a youu author of twenty-four voars, just one year out of 'odege, came forth with his pen mil wrote the ablest and most famous essayi in art that ths world ever saw or ever will see John lliskia's "Modem Pain tors." For seventeen years this author fought the battles of the maltreated artist, m l after, in poverty and broken hoartai uess, the painter ha 1 died an 1 the public tried to un lo their erirdtios toward him by giving him a big funeral and burial in St. Paul's cathedral, his old-time friend took out of a tin b x l:l,0f! J pieces of paper on-t-ii-.iing drawings by the old painter, and thr nigh many weary and uncompensated months assorted and arranged them for pub lic observation. People say John Kuskln in his old days Is cross, misaithroplc and morbid. Whatever ho may do that he ought nut to do, au 1 whatever he may say that ha might tot to say b 'tween now an 1 his death, ho will leave this world inso'vent as far as it has any capacity to pay this author's pen for its chivalric and Christian defense of a poor painter's pencil. John Buskin for Will iam Turner. Blood for blood. Substitution! What au exalting principle this which leads one to suffer for another! Nothing so kindles enthusiasm or awakens eloquence, or chimes poetio canto or moves nations. The principle is the dominant one in our re ligionChrist the martyr, Christ the celes tial hero. Christ the defender, Christ the sub stitute. No new principle, for it was as old is human nature, but now on a grander, wider, higher, deeper nnd mora World-re-sounding scale. Tho shepherd boy as a ?hampiou for Israel, with a sling toppled the giant of rtiilistina braggadocio in the dust, but here is another David, who, for all the armies of churches militant aud triumph nit, hurls the Goliath of perdition Into de Tent, th i crash of His brn'.en armor like an xplosion at Hell Gate. Abraham had at rod's command agree I lo sa trillco his son Isaac, mi l tha same God just in time had pnvided a ram of the thicket as a substitute. Hut here is another Isnac bound to the altar, m 1 no hand arrests tho sharp edges of lacer itiou nn 1 death, and the universe shivers md ipiakes aud recoils and groans at tha aorror. All good men have for centuries been try n to tell whom this substitute was like, md every comparison, inspired an t un'n--pire 1, evangelistic, prophetic, nposto'.ie aa I luman falls short, for Christ was the Great I "ulike. Adam a typo of Christ, because te Jama directly from Gol; Noah a typj of "hrist, because ha delivorol his own family from the deluge; Melehlsodeea typi of Christ, focauso ho had no pre leoessor or successor; Joseph a type of Christ, because he was ?n.-t out by his brethren; Moses a type ot Christ, because ho wasadelivererfrom bon 1 igo; Samson u type of Christ, because of his streugth to slay the lions an 1 carry off tha iron gates of impossibility; Soljmou a ty;o if Christ in tha affluence of his dominion; Jonah a type of CUrist, bojauseof the stormy sea in which ho threw himself for the rescue of others. But put together Adam and Noa'.i net Molehlso lee an I Joseph au 1 Moses an 1 Joshua and Samson nnd Solomon an 1 Jonah, and they would not make a fragment of a Christ, a quarter of a Christ, tne half of a Christ or the millionth part of a Christ. Ho forsook a throueaud sat dowu on His own footstool. Ha came from the top of glory to the bottom of humiliation and change 1 n circumference seraphic for a circumference diabolic. Oa .-e waitelonby angels, now hissed at by the brigands. From af.iran l high up Ha came down: past meteors swifter than they; by starry thrones. Himself mere lustrous; pa-t larger worl Is to smaller worlds; down stairs of Armaments, and from cloud to clou 1 au i through tree tops and into the camel's stall, to thrust His shoulder under our burdens ant take the lances of p iin through His vitals, an I wrapped Himself in all tha agonies which we deserve for our misdoings and stoo t on tha splitting decks of a foundering vessel amid the drenching surf ot these, aud passe I midnights on the mountains amid will beasts of prey aud stoo 1 at tha poiut wuere all earthly an 1 Infernal hostilities charged ou Him at once with their keen sabres our Substitute! When did attorney ever endure so much for a pauper client or physician for tha pa tient in the lazaretto or mother for the chili! in membranous croup, as Christ for us, a Christ for you, as Christ for mc? Shall any man or woman or child iu this audienca who has ever suffered for another find it hard tc understand this Christly suffering for us'r Shall those whose sympathies have been wrung iu behalf of the unfortunate have no appreciation of that one moment which was lilted out of all the ages of eternity as most conspicuous, when Christ gathered up all tha sius of those to be redeemed under His one arm, and all his sorrows under His other arm aud said: "I will atone for these under My right arm nnd will heal all those uuder My left arm. Strike Me with all thy glittering shafts, O eternal justice! Roll over M" with all thy surges, ye oceans of sorrow'." An ! tha thunderbolts struck Him from above, nnd the seas of trouble rolled up from beneath, hurricane lifter hurricane, and cyclone after cyclone, and then and there iu the presence of heaven and earth and hell yea. all worlds witnessing the price, tic bitter price, t he tiauscendent price, th ' awful price, the glorious price, the in finite price, the eternal price, was paid that sets lis free. That is what Taul tneau; that is what I mean; that is what all those who have ever ha 1 their hearts chauge I mean by "blood." I giory In this religion of blood. I am thrille 1 as I see the suggestlv co'or ia s icr.i-.ueutal cup. whetlcr it b of burnished silver set on cloth imma.m'.ately white or rough hewn from woo 1 set on table in lo hut meeting housa of the wilderness. Now I am thrilled as I see the altars of aneieut sacrifice crimson with the blood of the slain lamb and Leviti cus is to me n d sj much the Old Testament as tha New. Nw I see why the destroying angel passing over Egypt in tha night spared ail those houses "that had blood sprinkled on th 'ic doorposts. ' Now I kuow what I. -aiah means when he speaks of "one in re I iu parel culling with dyed garments from lio.-r.ih," and wh ) the" Apoca'ypse means when it describes a heavenly chieftain whosa vesture was dipped ia bljod," and what Peter the apostle means when he speaks of the "precious blood that cieanseth ail sin." and what the oil woruout, decrepit, mis sionary Paul means when in my text he cries, "Without shedding of blood is no re mission." By that bloo I you anil will be saved or never saved at all. Olory be to Ood that the hill ba'tk of Jerus tlem was the battlefield ou whica C-irist achieve I our liberty! KKYIKW OF TKADK. Larger Purchases for Consumption Cannot Longer lie Delayed. Messrs. H. (1. Dun .t Co. 's review of truile for the past week, issuel Satur day, says: "Though steadily increas iu lousiness is still muc1.! below its volume in former years of prosperity, iul many express lisapioiiitment. Vet there is some Rain every week, with more hands at work ami more mines in operation, ami the sure result, larger purchases for consumption, can not lie lon tlelayed. In some branches it is felt alreailj-. There is a larger distribution of finished prod nets, and the demand for commercial loans lias sharply increased, especially in dry .roods and the iron and steel branches. " The progress of the iron and steel industry is hindered by uncertainty re garding the cost of lake ore for the com ing year, though the repeated adjourn ment of producers' meetings is inter preted as evidence that an agreement will be ultimately reached. It is re ported that Norrie ore at j.!.?'. will be taken as the basis, which would imply ilxiut for Mesuba ores, but until the question lias been settled many im portant transactions are deferred. While there is no great activity in finished products, the demand steadily in creases. Contracts for several great buildings at Chicago are i ending, and for a good many bridges and other rail road works, and the demand for wire nails and for wire does not abate, neither the demand for black sheets re ipiired in the tin plate manufacture. lthough shipments tf boots and shoes are almost as large as many previous years, it is announced that one or two of the largest works have closed for want of orders. At the same time many other concerns are taking verj- large orders, it is claimed, at prices below those generally quoted. Xo change whatever appears in quotations of leather this week and the Chicago market for hides fluctuates with a slight change reported downward. While manufacturers of cotton goods are looking forward with much confi dence, the present demand is not equal to expectations, nor has the curtail ment in production of print cloths ac complished the desired change in con dition. The buying of wood, mainly of a speculative character in expectation of new duties, continues remarkably large. Sales at .he three chief markets for the past week were 111, sill, !M pounds. No great increase has vet ap peared in the demand for goods, al though a few more mills have found enough orders to start, perhaps in part anticipating a future demand. The ex pectation of new duties does not influ ence the woolen .oods market as might be expected. "1 he volume of business indicated by clearing house exchanges is smaller than last year. The average of daily exchanges for the month is li.tl per cent, less than last year. "Failures for the week have been 01'! in the United States, against '2M last year, and .'.(I in Canada, against 4'l last v ar. " Chicago -rn in anil Produce. CiiiiAuo, Saturday. The leading futures were as follows; Wheat: Open. Close. March .:$,; 74 7:;. May 74'(o.7- 74. Inly 711 li Til Corn: March 2:5, May s!ai tMj July '.'d'v'!., -.'", ( iats: Match Hi; Vl May 17, 17 J fitly 1! 1.."' I Mess I'ork : Match Mav s .- s K lul'v ! 7 , S !;1, I.'urd: March Mav 4 :() 4 -J7i lul'v 4 4(1 4 :S7l bibs: March Mav 4 S7. 4 SO July 4 4 S'.'l Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Sat unlay. Futures Closed firm. Match :d .nih'.iid Marchand April :; .V.b..CO April and May .5 .V.ic HO May and June :i .7.1' ill) .'tine and July .' ;7.i(;;i!() July and August '.i 't'.tiA'iU Vugust and September ii r7 5s eptember and H'tober ii 'tlr,''2 ctober and November :i4ii;47 Vovember and leeember : 4o s December ami January ii 44i'f 4o lanuary and February New York Cotton Futures. New York, Saturdiy. Cotton quiet. Futures closed steady. Lowest. Closing. March ii b'.l li b7 pi il 7(12 li 02 May 7 " 7 I hi I line 7 O'l 7 10 I ill v 7 l:l 7 14 ugnst 7 14 7 15 -eptember C s7 (I us i . ctober ti 7o (i 7i November li 77 (! 77 December ( 0 82 January i S4 (j SI February (1 si) Cleveland I'aiil Oft. The treasury department at Wash ington closed up its accounts vxith Mr. irover Cleveland Saturday. Secre tary (.age signed a warrant in favor of Mr. Cleveland for .$277. 7S, the balance due him on his salary as president, and it w as mailed to him at Frinceton. N. J. This balance completes the j2hi.nnn to which Mr. Cleveland was entitled for his four years' services. Total Yl-ihlc Supply. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is ;,.!)."2,22-5 bales, of which i, Ull. ii'.'ii 1 ales are American, against l.-lM.7ii7 and 2.'.iSl,r,i;7 bales res ect.ve Iv last year. Keceipts of cotton at all interior towns Xo.nst. l'eceipts from the plantations 1 U,!u: bales. Crop in sight. 7.i;'.i,o22 bales. Death in the King. At Philadelphia. Pa , in a boxing bout Samuel S. Peri v struck Edward ions a blow iicar the heart, and after recei.ing it began to vomit blood and died soon thereafter. BLACK AS INDIGO. ( laia I suppose the brightest moment iu your life was when Jack proposed? Cora Prightest ? There wasn't a pur tide of light in the room: For 1897 Will be Held in Raleigh October 18th to 23d. NEGRO COTTON MILL ASSURED Bids for the Building to be Taken The State's Judicial Appropria tions Ii alelgh's Street Railway. The North Carolina State Fair for 1S'.)7 w ill be held during October, from the lsth to the 2-'id inclusive, on the State Fair grounds near Raleigh. As is well known, the Fair is held uuder the auspices of the North Carolina Ag ricultural Society. There was a meet ing of the directors of this organization held iu l.aleigh, and it was at this meeting that the date for the Fair was decided Uon. Col. I5euehan Cameron, I i esi.ient, and a nnmbjr of other mem bers of the board were in attendance. I'uring the session President Cam eron was instructed to appoint commit tees on premiums and for the arrange ments of other details of the Fair; but these are not prepared for publication. In speaking of the F'air, Col. Cameron remarked that the prospects for the suc c of the event w ere brighter than ever before and the 1S:i7 Fair promises to eciipse that of any previous year. The dates selected were made necessary in order to form the chain of dates for similar events in other Statea and will allow the presence here of attractions which could not otherwise have been secured. The special committees to be appointed by President Cameron will doubtless be made public within the next few days. TlicXrsro Coltuii 5IIII Assured. At a meeting of the directors of the Coleman Manufacturing Company, held in Concord on last Sat urday, the directors examined all the correspondence and various propo sitions which nave been made to the corporation, and have now decided that the mill will certainly be built. W. C. Coleman tendered his bond as secretary and treasurer in the sum of Sio.oooand as it was signed by a large number of the best white citizens, it was at once accepted. The subscriptions already made to the enterprise justifies the directors in empowering their secretary and treas urer to receive additional subscriptions to the capital stock. There was an as sessment of ten per cent, on the stock payable inside of sixty days. The secretary and treasurer was authorized to secure the services of a competent architect, and also to advertise for bills of contractors for the buildings. It is expected that the Southern llailway will construct a switch at an early day for the benefit of the property. Parties interested in other parts of the town have already ollered to do nate a sight for the mill on the line of the new proposed railroad from Con cord to Aberdeen within the limits of the town, and the propositions are being considered. The Special Appropriations. The State Treasurer lias completed a list of the special appropriations made by the last Legislature as follows: Western Hospital. ;?1IO,i;o0, department for insane. ,000; Central Hospital, jf.V,4oO; Fastern Hospital, j?40,00ii: In stitution for Deaf Mutes and Hlind, .?2:J,00t; Institution for the blind, ii4, 710; State Normal and Industrial Col lege, $12,0-00: University, i?o,000; State line between Tennessee and North Carolina, &.00; white Agricultural ami Mechanical College, .o,0(M); Colored Agricultural and Mechanical College, .$.-, (MM i; Colored Normal School. So, WO; colored State normal schools, 4,000; extra physicians for Colored Deaf -Mute and Plind Institution, S7A0; executive mansion, Si00; portrait of Vance, So00; purchase of Moore's Creek battleground, ?200; Colored Normal and Industriul School at Elizabeth City, S",00. Kaleigh's Street Kail way. An order has been mailed to the Gen eral Electric Company, at Schenectady, N. V., for eight handsome new- street cars. The order was forwarded by Mr, Charles Johnson for the l.aleigh Elec tric Company and the cars are to bo used in operating the street railway of that city. An order has also been "for warded for a 12-lTiorse uyw-cr linanm and other machinery needed in the re establishnient of i.aleigh's street car 1 tower house. The street car line is to be run on schedule time not later than May 1. It is expected that within the next week work will be commenced upon the new power house and will be pushed with all possible speed to im mediate completion. However, the contract is not yet awarded, nor have the managers of the company determ ined upon the kind of material to be used in its construction. - - Wilmington is being terrorized by fire bugs. Pesides otherrecent attempts two were made Sunday. The residence of Mr. Duncan McEachern, on Sev enth, between Orangeand Dock streets, w as found in flames. The prompt work of the department stopped the blaze. The damage will not amount to more than Sloo, which is fully covered by in surance. The lire was incendiary be yonc a doubt. A little later another lire ala. m was sent in from box ."ili. This time .lie- tire bug had set lire to the store of James Durham, corner of Ninth and ( li ange streets. The damage amounted to $200, covered by insur ance. This lire came dangerously near spreading to several wooden houses ad joining, but through the work of the liremen and the heavy rain at the time, this was prevented. All the records and journals of the late General Assembly are now in the archives of the State. Chief Clerk E. O. Masten, of the House of Represent atives has turned over the last docu ments from his side of the house. Speaking of State matters Maslea said that the expenses of this department of the House of Representatives was not less than SI.immi less than the exjienses of ltio, which, with the saving in the Senate clerical expenses of Sii'.M. gives a total of SI. 024 saved by the General Assembly of lv7 over that of l:i. All the work is thoroughly up and in better condition than for many years. Dr. P. L. Murphy, superintendent of the State Hospital at Morgantoii. with Dr. Isaac M. Taylor, the first assistant physician, and Mr. F. M. Sm pgs. the steward of the institution, have in mind the establishment of a private asylum for the treatment of insanity and in ebriety. They have had strong induce ments to go to Atlanta, but all their inclinations are to remain in North Carolina. Among all points in the State they are said to prefer Charlotte. 1 he expenses for the election contests l.o seats in the legislature aggregated s'.o'.i. The legislature cost, in a'l. about 7 '2. 1 M h.1 which i.- ubi.nt the sum. tig me as for is:..,. NEWS ITEMS CONDENSED. Southern Pencil Pointers. Fire in the mailing room of the Rich mond, (Va.,) Dispatch caused damage to the amount of S2,oW. Col. A. E. Ruck, the Georgia Repub lican leader, according to the Atlanta Constitution, is to get the Japanese mission w ith $12, W0 a year 6alary. John D. Smith, a negro preacher, was shot dead at Scottsboro. Ala. He w as charged with outraging the w ife ol a white farmer. J. R. Littlejohn assaulted his wife, at Danville, Ya . lieating her w ith a stick. He was arrested and locked up and later was found dead in his cell, having taken laudanum. Mr. D. A. Tompkins, a leading man ufacturer of Charlotte, N. C. contri butes to last week's Manufacturers' Record an article in advocacy of greater flexibility iu banking methods. Fletcher Kennedy, a prominent young man of Clayton, Ala , committed sui . ii--: 1-y taking some drug. He left a letterstating he was out of employment and could get nothing to do. The report that Governor liradley, of Kentucky, had respited Walling," one of Pearl Rryan's murderers, is not true. In the trial of the mayor and chief of police of Knoxville, Tenn., for their part in the recent riot they were ac quitted. The building occupied by the 'West ern I'uion Telegraph Company, at Charlotte, N. C. , was gutted by fire Sunday morning. Loss,$ii,(oo. The annual meeting of the grand lodge of Independent order of Odd Fel lows of the State of Florida, met in Jacksonville Monday. At Sheffield, Ala., on Sunday eleven hundred bales of cotton were burned and the damage is placed at $4-1,0(10, most of which is covered by insurance. The compress was destroyed, it being the largest in northern Alabama. At Jackson, Miss., A. A. McKenzie was arraigned on the charge of passing counterfeit silver dollars, and. in de fault of $.oo bond, Commissioner Moseiev ordered him to jail to aw ait Federal Court iu May. Governor Jones, of Arkansas, has de cided to issue a call forau extra session of the legislature. He said the appro priation bills have not been passed and he has id funds with which to run the State government for the next two jears. At Houston, Texas, Walter Hughes was shot dead in attempting to kidnap a daughter of Frank Dunn, a wealthy resident of that city. The purpose of the would-be-kidnapper was to keep the girl in captivity and demand $40, 000 runs un feu- restoring her to her parents. A washout on a branch line of rail, way extending from Shel'mound Tenn., to the convict mining camp at Cole City, Ga., caused the wreck of a switch engine and the death of the en giueer, J. T. Stewart. The fireman, by name of Cogle, received internal inju ries that will prove fatal. -4- AH About the North. Ten persons were injured and one killed in a wreck ou the Raltiinore and Ohio Railroad near ( )akland, Md. Representative Lambert charges gross corruption in the Iowa Legisla ture. The Speaker of the House has resigned, and demands au investiga tion. The Pacific Loan aud Homestead As sociation, of Chicago, has gone under, the stockholders charging that the sec retary of the concern got away with $2:i2,ooo. Engineer Monroe Ray and Firemau John Cody were killed in a railroad, wreck near Danville, 111. ( hiengo (111.) plumbers have de manded an increase of twenty-five cents a day, and if refused will strike. The Phenix Savings Rank of Phenix, R. I,, suspended payment and refused deposits for the first time in its history. William E. Harding, sporting writer for the New York Daily News, died of pneumonia. He was about ! years old and w as born in Canada. The sugar refinery at Williamsburg, N. Y. , belonging to the American Sugar Refining company, after a shut down of over live months, has opened with a force of nearly "00 men. The firm of Whithman A- Keith of Brockton, Mass., shut down their shoe factory Tuesday afternoon, summarily discharging its 210 emploj-es. Rumors that a strike would occur in a few da3-s was the cause of the lockout. Uneinployel men and women to the number of several hundred held a mass meeting in Chicago, at which they launched a "declaration of independ ence" against "King Plutocracy. " ('has. Z. Lincoln, of Albany, N. Y., Governor Black's legal adviser, has completed the preparation of the two anti-trust bills which are intended to carry out the recommendations of the Lexow trust investigating committee. At Fort Wayne, I nd., W. E. Coler ick, a prominent young lawyer, and his fiancee took carbolic acid. He was found dead and she iu an unconscious condition in the hall of her home. Miscellaneous. Reports from Washington say that Gen. Wade Hamilton's condition is greatly improved. Orders have been sent out from Washington to secure increased vigi lance on the part of the vessels now on filibustering duty off the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts. The Australian steamer Oceanic, from Sydney to Melborne, was robbed of $2.1, OW in gold. The Crown Prince of Japan is dead. The Railway Mail Service Mutual and Benevolent Association met in San Francisco. Judge Brown of the United States Circuit Court declined to take bail in the case of Turkish Consul Jasigi, w ho is wanted in Boston on a charge of em bezzlement, but granted a motion to place him in the custody of the United States District Court. The family of Consul-General Lee will return to the United States within two weeks. This is thought to be pre paratory to a change in the consulship. The French line steamer Yille Suint Nesaire, which sailed from New Yoik March nth, bound for the West Indies, was founded at sea off the coast of Hatteras and seventy lives were lost. Only four souls have as yet been found to tell the tale of privation aid death. It is said the Spaniards have sus tained very heavy losses in Piuar del Rio province. A government train was blown up and li'.o men killed. Geo. E. Bennett. formerly ot Pennsylvania. commitP d suicide at Fayettev He. N. C. . by di inking foui ounces of laudanum. He left a lettel attributing his reason for suicide to a ialthless wife. fifi y-fifi ii o;i.i:ss. Keportof the Proceedings from Day to Day. SENATE. Monday. The extraordinary session of the Fifty-fifth Congress was opened by reading the President's nroclainatioii convening it. Sixty-eight Senators answered to roll-call, and the galleries were filled to overflowing. Mr. W. A. Harris, of Kansas, was sworn in as suc cessor to Mr. Fetter. After appoint ment of a committee to notify the Presi dent and the House that the Senate was ready to begin its duties, a recess was taken until 2 p. m. At this session the l"rt ident's message was read and re ferred to committee, and on motion of Mr. Allison, Republican, of I owa. the Senate at ;-;;.. p. m. adjourned until to morrow at roon. Ttesday. Many bills were intro duced and referred, among them bills from Mr. Allen, Populist, of Nebraska, directing the foreclosure of the govern ment lien on the Union Pacific Pail road; to prevent over-capitalization of companies doing au inter-State carry iie, trade; to prevent professional lob bying; to preserve the purity of nation al legislation, and to increase the cir culating medium. A bill to facilitate the construction, working and main tenance of telegraphic communication between the United States, the Ha waiian Islands, Japan and Australia, was introduced by Mr. Chandler. Also a bill to provide for the twelfth and subsequent censuses. A bill for a gov ernment telegraph was introduced by Mr. Kyle, Populist, of South Dakota, and ouo to amend the immigration laws by Mr. Lodge, Republican, of Massachusetts. A new Nicaraguau Canal bill was in troduced by Mr. Morgau, Democrat, of Alabama. Also a bill to create a board of trustees of tho Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad Companies to fund their bonded indebtedness. Bankruptcy bills were introduced by Senators Hoar, Republican, of Massa chusetts, aud Nelson, Republican, of Minnesota. Altogether there w ere 4:iS bills introduced and referred, most of them coming over from the last Con gress. After a short executive session, at which today's nominations were re ferred, the Senate at half past ii ad journed till Thursday next. Thi'ksiiay. After a two dav's recess the Senate re-assembled anil a large number of bills, most of them survivors of the last Congress, were introduced and referred, ('ear, (Rep.) of Iowa, from the committee on Pacific rail roads, reported tne bill, which was pending last session, for the adjust ment of the government debt through a commission, to consist of the Secre tary of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Interior and the Attorney-General. It was placed on the calendar. The constitutional amendment for the jiopuler election of United States Senators was introduced and will be debated Monday. At the close of the morning business the Senate proceeded to the considera tion of executive business the arbitra tion treaty. Morgan made a speech against it. A long debute is in pros pect. I-'kiday. The calendar of business in the Senate this morning contained only four items: The notice by Mr. Turpie 1 1 em. ) of Indiana, of his intention to address the Senate in favor of the pro posed constitutional amendment to make United States Senators elective by the people. The amendment itself, which is on the table, and the two Pa cific Railroad bills w hich were reported Thursday. The number of bills intro duced in the Senate since Monday last, up to this morning was 70s. Mr. But ler, Populist, of North Carolina, to establish a iostal telegraph system; and one bv Mr. Chandler, Repub lican, of 'ew Hampshire, as to first and second-class mail matter. On motion of Davis, (Rep ) of Minne sota, actingchairnian of the committee on foreign relations, the Senate at 12:-10 p. m. proceeded to executive business, and at 4 p. in. adjourned until Mon day. '1 he Senate confirmed the follow ing nominations: Charles U. Gordon, postmaster at Chicago; John Hay, of the District of Columbia, ambassador to Great Britain; Horace Porter, of New York, ambassador to France; Henry White, of Rhode Island, secre tary of embassy at London; Perry S. Heath, of Indiana, to be First Assist ant Postmaster General. HOUSE. Monday The opening of the Fifty fifth Congress in extraordinary session was witnessed in the House today by au immense corwd. Alexander McDowell, clerk of the last House, called the House to order. The election ot Speaker was then proceeded with, the result being: For Mr. Reed, 111'.): for Mr. Bailey, 114; for Mr. Bell, 21; for Mr. Newlands, of Nevada, 1. The President's message was read and re ferred, on motion of Mr. Dinglej, to the committee on wavs and means." Mr. Dingley then introifuced his tariff bill, which was also referred to the commit tee on ways and means. Permission was given to the committee on ways and means to sit during the session of the House and to have all necessary printing done, and then, at 4 p. m.", the House adjourned until Thursday next. TnrusDAY. The Speaker laid before the House the recommendations of the Postmaster General for an appropria tion of $200,000 to be immediately available, to enable the government to defray the necessary expenses of the postal congress which will assemble iu Washington in May next. The Depart ment finds itself in the embarrassing position of having the congress on its hands, and with no means to provide for its reception and entertainment. Henderson (Rep.), of Ohio, stated the committee on wavs and means would not be ready to report until Friday, therefore he moved that the house ad journ until then. This was agreed on without division, and at r':li; the House was declared adjourned by Speaker Reed. FkiKAY. The first executive day of the House of the Fifty-fifth Congress gave every indication of an unusually lively session. Dingley, from the com mittee on ways and means, returned the tariff lull with the recommendation that it do trass, which, with the nc companying reirt, was placed on the calendar, and the genera? debate will begin Monday and end Thursday. The vote on the passage of the sundry civil bill was: Yeas, 117: nays. The Republicans only voted for it, all others against it. The reading of the general deficiency bill was completed at : 10 o'clock, but its third reading by title, was ordered w ithout a divis ion, and the bill was fiien passed - 1H1 to .. ne minute later the House ad journed. The Democratic members of the ways and means committee bae authorized Mr. Pailev. of 'IVxss. to prepare the minority report on the tariff bill. It will be ' laid before the House on Monday next. STi'l::AY. --'Ihe fir'-t week of the e traordinary session of the Fifty-fifth Congress closed with to-day's si-s-iou of the House of Pepie-entative-. i he n-c.rd made is extraordinary. The ti itl' bill has Iw-eu repotted, and an or der legu'atitig it- discussion adopted - our ai .l -iii-raMon bills, which failed t become law- in the Fifty-fourth Con gress necessary for the prosecution of important parts of the public service, carrying a total of over seventy-two millions of dollars, have been passed, with the exception of one paragraph as they were finally agreed iiHn by the last House. Two of these, the agricul tural and Indian, were considered and disjosed of. The former, appropriat- $-'l,ls2,!i 10, was passed, as had been sundry civil and reneral defi th ciency bills Friday without change. One feature of the Indian bill provoked much opposition and wus finally strick en out. by unanimous consent) before the bill passed. This was the para graph oj ening the gilsonite or asphalt lands in the Unconipaghre reservation, Utah, to entry under the mineral law s, which the Senate added to the bill. The debate on the tariff bill will begin Monday. coTrox fakmim:. Hotv Two to Four Bale Per Acre Are. Made on Very Poor Land. We have not the blightest desire to assist in any manner in bringing about an increase in tho number of bales annually raised throughout the Sunny South in general cor in Mississippi in particular, but . do de.siro that Southern farmers everywhere should realize the fact that the same (S.OOO.OOO to 10,(H0,(!()() bales thai are now raised annually may be jiibt aa easily, just as burely and far more economically and profitably raised on one-fourth the area it is to-day, leaving the other three-fourths to be put in provision crops, fruits or grase. We have had the good fortune to tee and walk over many Georgia farms farms, too, that were worn out and washed away many yeart ago that aro now made to pro duce from one to four bales of cotton per acre. This condition of things is made possible BUtl actually brought about by tbo "intensive" pyutem of culturo and liberal yet economical fertilization. As early in the new year as the weather will possible admit of, tho old cotton stalks are "knocked," or cut, tho roots are then flowed tip with straight shovel; green cotton seed aro then strewn in this shovel furrow at the rate of ten to twelve bushels per acre; two half-shovel fur rows are next thrown on the seed to prevent the loss of ammonia; in a few weeks this small bed is opened with a long, narrow scooter and 200 to IIOO pounds of some good commercial fertil izer distributed in this furrow; phos phate and potash being all sufficient, the cotton seed furnishing the necessary nitrogen ; the land is then bedded out and out with straight shovel and is now ready for the reception of the seed. Under this plan, persistently followed, Georgia farmers have succeeded in so in creasing the fertility of the soil that with a slight increaso in amount of fertilizer used and favorablo season four bales per acre havo rewarded their efforts. , A good heavy cow-pea stubble turned under will be found to bo fully as ber.eGcial to the coming cotton crop as the cotton seed; cither one will supply all the nitrogen needed; but in the absence of a cow-pea stubble, the cotton seed should by no means be neglected. Stable manure may be used instead of either of above, but the fact should bo kept in mind that all three of above ard "nitrogenous" fertilisers, and are nsed mainly for the amount of nitrogen they contain ; and either one, or all three need the addition of phosphates and" potash in liberal quantities (seventy-five pounds of Mu riate of Potash or 300 pounds of Kainit, with 200 pounds of Acid Phosphate) per acre in order to make a complete fertilizer that shall bo at onco proper ly balanced and dnly proportioned. If the peas have been properly fertilized (with 200 to 300 pounds Acid Phos phate and 200 to 300 ponndsof Kainit), which they always should bo when Ihe object in raising them is that may be turnedsUnder as fertilizer, it would be hardly necessary to apply any addi tional fertilizer directly to tho cotton. Georgia farmers break their lands deep (eight to ten or even twelve inches) once about every three years; they say it does not pay to break them deep any oftener. In this deep break ing, the land is broken with a two horse turning plow, plowing about one inch deeper than the surface soil, thus pradually deepening the soil. No crops aro planted Lere at all without fertili zer being applied, and in the sandier portions of tho State the farmers seem to be unanimous in the declaration that "Potash is the element that is most needeu" and that "any fertilizer that does not contain as much as four per cent, of it is not worth applying." Cotton here is planted in four foot rows, barn d off with balf-shovels and cultivated the entire season "with cotton scrapes" i. e. "heel-sweejis." Caught t'p with the Herd. Southern railroads have a reputation for slow travel, and in some cases it is well merlnsl. A western traveling man making a trip on the.? lines sufTi-nil ;i gn.it deal of annoyance fnm this particular falling, but up to the time of the following iiiHilfiit ho had enjoy ed himself immensely guying the on duciors. trainmen or any tsoiis driv ing to do with the roads about th-lr rapid traiisit. He was traveling one afi.-rnooii on an e.xi-eptionally slow train, whi'-li came to a stop every now and then without any apparent cause. After expressing himself very audibly to the passengers In? resigned h'ltise'f to the inevitable and dozed off Into short naps, which were Interrupted i(y the sundry jerks of the tr;ln, at whh h he complained. The passengers show id their annoyance at thse complaints by angry looks. The eond'n-tor had ex cused the engineer in every jiossilile way. The last ajHilogy had been tint cattle obstructed the track. The train l ad started again and pnx-ceded al-mt ten minutes vh-n it halted with a jerk. Up waked the impatient traveler and petulantly remarked: "Dear dear! I suppose, conductor, this worse thati slow i rain lias struck another hen! of -,itt!e." struck another i-m-! Not much." re died the conductor. 'Wo'v limply caught up a -rain wil.i the liis' herd we ran into: that's all." The trav eler subsided and 'he conductor v.a ; left in peace. Harper's Round Tal-h . M Y "VE VOICE BETWEEN HiEM Then." sai l Mr. Watts, de ' bin.: til : hiirih nitirtaiiiruclit to his wife, who ha i U-en too ill to '. the Jono guis L'ot up and sang a solo " Am,!o;" asked .Mrs. Walls. -'. o.v .on!, 1 two j-r soils -:i g a soln." j "Ilicy only lia l hail a voice tip:cce A DDI BI.F. 11AM. 1N. Jackson and Walling Pay the Death I'enaity. Saturday at Newport, Ky., the once promising lives of Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling, the young den tal students, paid the ienalty ou the gallows for the murder of the sweet faced country gil, Pearl Bryan, of Green Castle Ind., aud the extinguishing at the same time of the tiny spark of life that had driven her to deseration through fear of open shame. The scene w as Fort Thomas and the date February 1st, lsni. The victim was decapitated to prevent iden tification and the head has never been located. The arrest, trials, "confes sions" and the awful sequel have Wen largely of the siectacular order, es pecially the closing hours of the trage dy at NewiKUt, Ky. Walliug's fate seemed swaying in the balance, and the .l.OiHl eople. with a plentiful sprinkling of richly uniformed militia acting as guards, w'aited with interest at highest tension for the springing of me iatai trap, or the announcement of the clemency exteuded by Governor Bradley. At 11:40 the double track was sprung and they swung in mid air twenty min utes before the horrible work of stran gulation was completed. The hour originally set w as o'clock, but almost as the start was made for the gallows Jackson made another "confession," in which he said Walling was not guilty of "w illful murder. " Again the Gov erner was iqipeah-d to at Frankfort by wire, Jackson himself telegraphing: "Walling is not guilty of this crime, but 1 am." Filially, the Go-emor, after patient investigation of Jiicksou's tardy attempt to save his comrade, in cluding a long-distance telephone con sultation with Judge Helm, the trial judge, ami the attorneys in the case sealed anew the doom of both by de claring against further delay. Jackson is said to have left still another written confession to be pub lished, or not. as his friends may see lit. '1 he one of Thursday, diabolically trying to shift a part of tlie crime on aii innocent man, both Jackson aud Wall ing acknowledged this morning to bs a fake. As there was object ion to receiv ing the body of Jackson for burial in the Green Castle Cemetery, it was shipiH'd this evening over the Big Four to his former home at Wininsoe, Maine. Wallings body was taken to Hamilton, Ohio, by "his family for burial. WAY TOOT. 8cb?duie Ia VM--t Monday. January 4, lf'7 at 8 o'clock. A. M. NOUTHHOUNI. No. 35. 11. No. 83. I'M 3 80 2 50 3 0i 3 15 8 30 8 35 3 55 4 10 4 20 4 30 4 34 4 49 4 64 5 09 5 15 6 30 6 45 C 00 6 10 (i 30 Eastern time. A M A M Lv. Camden . . . DeKalb WeHtville, Kershaw. . .. H : 9(10 . 9 15 .10 45 Heath HprinKS. 11 U5 Pleasant Hill. .. 11 15 Lancaster 12 05 lilversidM Ill 35 NprtuKdell 11 M C'atawha Junct'n 1 iU Jsll Ar. hock Hill. Lv. Hock 11111. NWiort . . . Tlrzah Ar. YorkvlllH . L Yorkvlllo. Hharon 2 00 2 JO 4 00 4 20 4 40 5 00 0 40 A 05 Hickory drove, li 30 Smyrna "40 IUackshurg 7 10 Earls Patterson Hji'us. Bheil.y Lattlmore Mooreshoro Henrietta Forest City Itntherfordton Millwood Golden Valley Thermal ( ity Olenwood Ar. Marion - r si H 00 8 20 8 30 J 10 9 40 9 50 10 00 10 20 10 50 1 1 05 11 25 1 : 35 12 00 12 20 V M r m bOUTHIJOFM. Ho. 32. A M Lv. Marion Olenwood Thermal City GoIiIhu Valley Millwood Kuthnrfordtoa Forest City Henrietta Moorshoro Lattlmore Hhnihy I'atterson Hp'ns 12. No. 81. A M V M 1 30 1 50 2 15 2 20 2 45 3 05 3 H5 4 00 4 15 4 25 6 30 5 45 6 55 C 10 I.arls lilMckrthurK bmyrua Hitkory Grove. Sharon YorkviiJ-i Tlrzah 830 8 50 9 05 9 20 8 40 9 05 9 25 !l 50 10 20 10 45 10 55 12 55 1 15 1 50 2 05 2 35 3 65 4 25 4 35 6 30 6 55 C 15 r 50 I'M . 9 3.1 . 9 47 . 9 51 .10 10 Newport Ar. Hock Hill.. Lv. Bock Hill 11 00 Leslie H 13 Catawba Junct'ull 25 Ht-rlng tell 11 31 I-ivwrid 11 Lancaster 105 Pleasant Hill . ..12 24 Hettb Hprlnzs-.12 32 Kershaw , ...12 45 YVUlilo . . DeKalb.... Ar. Camden. . . 1 00 1 12 1 30 I' M I'M Ali trains dally e-e t Hundav. NO. 32 liHJI CO.'llie-lloIl Willi Hi" 1 li- io. .t Lenoir "lallroad at Vorkviile, H. C, with tho Houthern Hallway at Itock Hill, H. C, with the Seaboard Air Lino at CatHwiii. Junction, H ' with the, Lam aeter A Chester Iuilroad at La'nc-u-ter, H. C, aud with the Houth t r olina and Georgia IUilway at Camden 8. C N'. 83 has connection with the South Car olina and Georgia and Georgia lUllwavs at Camden, H. C, with the Lancaster A Ch ter Railroad at Linca-ster, H. C, with the Seaboard Alt Line at Catawna Junction. B. C with the Southern Railway at Rock Hill, B C with the Chester A Lenoir Railroad at YorkVtlK H. C. and with the Houthern Rail way at Bliwk-burK. H. C. Not). 34 and 85 will carry passengers. ,,. Nos 11 and 12 have connection at fitmlby, S.'c.'wlthttie Heaboard Air Line, at . Ma rlon, N. C. and EUKk-burg, H. C, with the Houthern R. 11 way. H. C. IXMPKIN, O. P. A. SAM'L HUNT, rresiient. 00 Reward in Cold! Wrll t nrltt Trylnc far. lut.j. w. rrt MF.AI.'llKt'I. r- rin leOen. Yon re n-rt 0',i uri to ink-- four' u w..r.U. f-l nr-: ku.l if l" tou will re i- a rwrl. In nut niw Ji:'r rri nf tllfew lh-j It 'A. um io (li w. r'l PI. A l"l Il'l'i.. l -i.i,Ir l i.i li'li r-li. Ti, H..-nh..M I'.e.h-liii.eaii.l iViiitu.d .. ,,r..i.i.i!''m t J res J.,ii-...l C.,:i,jj.-il- n. il! iy 4m i In l-.H lo tlm ITS..I '! llil tt, i..nr.-t llat f I .i.'llnh w.rl tr-.lll the letters III the vr-.r.l llEAl' J.f I 1.: .. lor tlie iwri.lKl l.T.le-T; I f, t. tl ir-l: 1 -h f'.r the i.-i: t,-. an.l ti .' ea. l-.r tl.a. next li l..!iK- II--"- '1 li" a:.ve rem.r.S ar io veo Ir. an " "let v ? r tii- i-i:-;.-.- I a r t-o -a:tet.tt-n ... ' ir .. o- J.;sV u ,a't.e. nif Hoi .lHIOI.ii i'i.i'AM" .. aiiiin ti,r - ---iiit i,aye- ftiiel r iil:is: r a'e.l. Ie-- " a-i. i-riif. at-''is i.u f l..riniltur. . 1 lf,'. aer". OetiTai It. u-euulfj Htli'a .:.. mi .lri tj ti.e i..t .tan.l-a-l a.ltlinr.; t,ul'-l,e.l n.. nTl.lv . J rn I i-enta l--.- vf iiiakli.i; it ti,i 1. e-:.(,ri-eii ii.aaiiin. ;i Aluerl a. lo opler t" enter tl,e . - lile,t It ia ,.e ,w: v ,r v,:i t, wn-l villi v. or li.t f -' r.la ol I'.lF.hN i.ent .taii,i-..r :! reuti in ali.e.-, '.Ill ll e.l l'le ...U !.. . '.all .er ul-aTtttluL- i,. 1 Hh JiOi:.sl.H'l.l i (i ,11-A.vi'O. In wlditixn ':. tli a..e JTlie, - villi iito. to eery.,ne iwlilltiT i - a ht .f !' ineen i r ns'.re w.r.U liaudwui Oli ver aoim-nir pi n. List- li'.t.l! tie wilt a awt a t. -sl' le s:i1 im : Lot t'.an Ajrll s.1. a7. j ti at I e naiiK-s of am ' es.iul .-. ute:aiit mav m p re Ji-)e.l In t,e Arnl im i f lilt HOLSLHol.u i i1I-A.M'iX. refer jou Ui a-uy uiercaulU avetii-Y a- to our htaii'luo;. Ilu-rhli Cuhll-ssiBK 1- PrtBiiac l M Itlc-rrkrr !'., St" l ark IftT.