Tha Messenger i Prints . the . News and is sought after by the peo ple of McDowell, Yancey, Bun fiombft, Rutherford, Burke and other counties la Western North Carolina, and la there fore a Cood Advertising Medium. Bates furnished on application. Address, THE MESSENGER Marlon, N. O. $ JOB PBIHTIHa ; -to- THE MEOOENCUR, I Marion. N. O. J Promptness, Aeouracy, TTntiaai j and Oood Stock Guaranteed. Latter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Beads. J lovelc-pee. Circular, Card. Poi- ". Pamphlets, and any kind of J Printing. T wwwwwsrww4i VOL.1. NO. .U MARIOM, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 0, 1897. Price $1 Ter Year, in Advance. t i Mississippi's Cotton and Corn Crops Under Water. GREENVILLE IN GREAT DANGER. t on-lit Ion of the Hirers and Levees.--The Situation F.xtremely Critical. Dally Iliillotlns. A special from Jackson, Miss., dated March :;oth, fays: From tli: great Yazo Mississippi delta, comes a wail of distress aii'l the cry; ' 'The levees liav." broken.'" is heard throughout onr valley of tlit: Nile. Three fresh breaks have been reported and through which immense volumes of vuter me carrying destruction to thousands of hai'iy homes, and devastating as fertile a territory as is: to he found on the globe. So far no loss of life, except todoinestio animals, has lieea reported, lmt may Ik; as the g?iit mounds of earth which protect tho nourishing cities of ( ireeli i!le, Stouovillo, Areola. Jmr'.s I'oint, Rolling Fork and others aro watersoaked, mushy and lialilu to givo way at any tune. '1 hn four breaks that have oc cur red, hav- Hooded or will tlood before reaching tho Vazoo, perhaps u week hence, the counties of Bolivar, Wash ington, Sharkey, Issaqunona, Vazoo and portions of others, in which is eom IJiseil the finest farms in the world. lu this overflowed district the State ha ! a ed eight plantations, upon which ith her m-oo.1 able-bodied convicts, she v 'is pre) at in- to make another crop of and coi n, the latter being ill tine co.m'ui ii in. I he erea'cst concern is for t he cit y of ( ireenv llle, which, situated as it is, in the hollow of a crescent formed ly the hend i f th river, world hi swept out of existence should a hi ak occur in the immediuto vicinity. The streets of the city are twelve feet lielnw tho summit of the levee, so that a hreak once formed thero would be no way of (-topping the Niagara, and ecry holl e in the place would be wept from it -. foundations, and the re maining inhabitant hurried into eter nity. I'eni 1 1 1 tr sucli a catastrophe, those who could, have migrated to the hills, but thousands still lemain. 'J he breaks that )uie occurred are both above and below Iree:i!e, I ." and 25 miles l.ove, soliint the water will pas to tin- rear i t llic city, The streams on the del. i all tlow into the river and down the opposite side of the alle.V. Thou sainK of people, white and black, line the huees nud an- making a desperate i-:V' rt tn hold what remains. It is a life and death s! ingulf, and for this ic.isoii there is no rest night or day. Tin- question has bei li a-died, does it ia to maintain this great levee system, and old rumors declare that it does not. that life and business were more cei lain huty years ago when no expect ed an t h i 1 1 xr but mi overflow and pre I m.., for . (he 'euthr Bureau on the after noon ol March .".oth, issued the follow ing special ri wr bulletin: Purine; the past ','1 hours the Ohio. Cumberland, Tennessee and Arkansas rivers have fallen slowly, and the bed river has si en two feet since Saturday, and is still rising rapidly. I lie upper Missis Mipifiom St. I 'aid to 1 uhuq'', has risen slightly and is above the danger line at I. a Crosse. The M ississippi has fallen slightly from Keokuk to Cairo, and risen from New Orleans to Helena, except a slight fall at Arkansas City, due tw a crevasse m ar that place. It is uhm e the danger line from Cairo to New rli aiis. and from Memphis to City is above the extreme ri .. 1 1 w ater of any pro ions cms. l'roin I aveiiport to St. bonis no lloodiiiir has occii! i , , except on the islands' and low lands, of v. hidi ample warning was uiveu la t week. I u no ;.: o has water l '-ached the tops of levees m this dis trict, nor is it likely to do so. Serious bleak; in the levees have occurred within the last forty-eight hours at Austia'ia. Stop I anding and Wayside, Miss j he w ater from these crevasses whl lh iv into the himi basin, and it is pa I ml .le that 1 he count ies of I'olivar, W';!-lii:i;:!uii, ssU,jneiia and Sharkey, Miss., will be linoded. The situation ut ( i 1 1 i n i ! ! e. Miss., is considered ex-ti'.-mrly critical. I tit 1 1 the period of eti cn.e daiiu r from lloods in the low er M i-sis -1 ppi is past a daily bulletin w ill be lulled. I III. .SH II.l.K CKMKXXIAI,. liilro.i;l Hates Aireel 1'h)ii On the Same Ibisis as for tlie Atlanta K-pe-li ion. The Soiiihern States I'assenger As sociation met at Nashvillo with Com-i:.,- loner Kichar.l-on in thechair. The ! .. eti;i' w;.s spent in biis-'uess, and a c.Cht iittee was named to airree upon n 1 a -1 - . which was to report at 5 o'clock i.i th" ii'tciiioon at the centennial ;:s''iiMs I he committee made their i i port, in w hich the same basis of rates w . i c a.lopi. d as that of Atlanta during the ipositiin. theoiily exception bem the i imitation f time. ' The tickets will ! :;ood seven days at the exposition : cie against iie days at Atlanta. Stop-'M-r pnxile-es wili be granted at Chnt t i loo-u for s)ecial parties, but nothing ieiinit,. in regard to tho latter can ';ind on the rate. Airents of the vari- Imics M:;rcc upon a basis tf rates. t aiiiluril silver Dull.irs. I be issue of standard silver dollars ti' in the mints and Treasury offices for the week ended March 07, was (ill .!0i(; and for the con espondii j.' period last jiar, : :;::, ;;s' Nominations !' the lrcsllent. t ha dei.iau'neTower.of Pennsylvania, tobeenoy exfraofdinary and minister 1 'eidpoteutiary of the United States in V'istria 1 1 it!iLr:n ; Anson IhirliiiL'aino 'oim-oM, of Colorado, to bo consul of the United States at Fuchow, China: V n'na'ii S. Shalleaberuer, of Pennsyl vania, to be second assistant postmaster u ' i al : 1 hcinas Hvnu. of Kansas, to be I n-t s-istant Secretary of the lu ' M' i ': Henry Chiy 1 "vans. of Tennessee, i-e Coinmissieiier of Pensions. CiirniTOil the Cnii. ' McKinn.-y, of Kansas City, Mo., h:ls succeeded in making a corner '"i onions. He has bought up t2T, 000 ' ! e!s. fancy kiln-dried stock, and is -ellin-them at .?:. ."in r barrel." tin? for -liter price.- boinsr sl.To and ?-'..'. (r di is from Philadeijihia, New York and "' places cannot be filled except 'urolith McKiuuey, as he has cornered tne crop. iiioil (tiensliiii Convent ion. A call for a good citizenship conven tion, to bo held at Nashville, Tenn. , day IS, lit aad 20, baa been isried. KAI'OSITIOX OKTIIK CAKOL1NAS Opening Day 3Iay 4th, at Charlotte, N". ('. Iov Admission and Hail road Hates. This is the day of exjosition9. They are to be found upon every hand, but it has been reserved for the Carolinas to iiitiuurate the first exposition to be managed entirely by women.' This en terprise, which was instigated ley the Women's Auxiliary of the Charlotte Youuif Men's Christian Association, has its management vested in an executive committee of sixteen representative women of Meckleiibnrjr county and is advised by an Advitory Uoard and honorary committee of prominent men from both States. i he opening day is announced for May 4th and it is expect ed that all will be in readiness by that time. Thel uildinp;, which is centrally located, is xuiiix up rapidly and will be an ornament to Charlotte, both during and after the life of the exposition. Art, science and industry are the special features to be incorporated. Us pecia! emphasis is laid upon the Fine Art 1'epartmeiit by the management, as the ladies are especially desirous of in creasing an interest in the tine art in this section, to be influenced by the exposition. The most popular picture in America, "I5reakinr the Home Ties," lias been secured and will In-exhibited in this department. This picture is valued at S.lo,()iM, and is in sured for that amount while on exhibi tion. Some of America's most promi nent artists will exhibit, and the collec tion will number about :'.()) pieces. The scientific department will con tain usual exhibits with copient cmphasisupon the museum. The col lodions of Colonial War ami Historical Holies will be one of the linest ever gathered in this section, and will con tain relics from ail over America and many foreign countries. A historical portrait gallery w ill also be an impor tant and attractive feature. The industrial department wil be one of the most compact and complete ever gathered in so small a space. It w ill include manufacturing; goods and will also contain some machinery in operation. The lights will be furn ished from the exposition's plant owned and operated by the Charlotte Machine Company. 1 he electricity displays will probably bo tho handsomest ever seen in the South unless it be that at Atlanta. The railroads will grant greatly re duced rates and the admission ha; been placed at "J-'icts. as it is the desire oMhe management to have the educational intlueiices that the exposition will exert extended among the people who cannot ordinarily incur much expense. Information of any character will be cheerfully furnished by Mrs. Minnie llebb Kellogg, general manager, Char lotte, N. C. THK JIAHKliTS WAlTINti. Sonic Improving and Some Saining Kflect of the Tarltt Hill. The weekly trade reviews for the past week, as reported by R. (b lun Ar Co. and Bradstreet is, in part, as fol lows: "The markets are still waiting, some sagging downw ard and others recover ing. There is much disposition to use tho decision of tho Supreme Court againt railroad combinations as an in strument for depressing stocks, and yet the buying has prevented a decline exceeding Si per share, and for trust stocks -jo cents pr share. The reports of railroad earnings for the iiartor have been somewhat encouraging, the aggre gate having been on roads within tho United States only !t.'2 per cent, smaller than last year, and the March returns have been rather more favorable than those for January or February. Tho vote of the House in favor of a new tariff bill has made no impression on business, since it has been expected since November that some measure of the same general character would be come a law . If the bill stands with its provision making new duties applica ble April 1st, the chances are that for eign imports and treasury receipts may lie for a time considerably restricted. "The cotton and other textile manu facturers are slowly gaining in busi ness, though print cloths and most sta ple cottons remain unchanged in prices, and the restriction of the output seems to have given some reliei to the mar ket. "The iron and steel industry has been staggered, so to speak, by the decision of tlia Supreme Court affecting rail roads, since it is apprehended that pur chases not only of rails, but of cars, lo comotives and bridge material will be affected. The demand for rails is still considerable, ami one order is pending for lO.Oiio tons for Japan, but tho reduc tion in ?depsabi ore with the want of agreement as yet among products in hard ores, tend to encourage the belief in lower prices for finished products and so to hinder buying.". hum ktkf.: t's kei'ihit. "The course of genera! trade shows some improvement, notwithstanding an almost stoppage of business in the south Mississipi'i valley by washouts, overflows and lloods. The condition of country roadways throughout the central Western States and the North west is such as to still further delay collections and check demand from in terior merchants. Another drop is re corded in prices of Bessemer pier iron and steel billets and in wheat, flour, coal coffee and lard, w hich is in part off set by increased activity and higher prices for wool and woolens. Corn, oats, sugar and petroleum. A heavy move ment of fertilizers is reported in the soni Atlantic States, interest in shin gles has increased on the northwest Pa cilic i'oast and Oalveston is exporting cattle to F.uropo direct. The most fav orable trade reports are from the Northwest spring wheat States. " f here are 4. "CO business failures in the United States reported by Brad street's during the past quarter, com pared with 4JVi in the first of 1990, a falling off of about 11 per cent."' Went Off to Iiorrovv Money. E. C. Lineberry, who was reported as having absconded from I'urhaui, N. C. , with several thousand of dollars, has returned to that city and given up every cent in his posession to cover the shortage, and to keep any from loosing he will not reserve house, home or shelter. He did not run awa-, and he was not trying to evade the law, but was endeavoring to borrow money to cover the shortage. As has been said, it is the old story of a man who specu lated anil lost. The Flood and Federal Aid. President McKinley Saturday tele graphed the ttovernors or Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi asking for information as to the extent of the suf fering caused by the prevailing floods. Telegrams poured jn on the President all the morning, asking for assistance. It has been decided that the emergency bill appropriating $2oO,0'.HI for the re pair of levees cannot be used for anv other purpose, and the President thinks something should lie done by the gov ernment to reliee the people. Wlie n the information desired f rom tho ( o v ernors of the States named has been iv t oived, it is probable that the President will aik Congress to do something. NEWS ITEMS CONDENSED. Southern Pencil Pointers. The banking firm of John C. Tandy & Co., of Morgan, Tex., closed its doors Saturday. Eighteen of the young ladies atten ing the Lucy Cobb" Institute at Athens (a., will lie sent home on account of ai. All Fools' I ay escapade. At Huntington, W. Va., a riot be tween Democrats and Republicans oc curred over city politics, and fifty people fought with knives and clubs. It is not believed that any of the in jured will die. H. N. and J. li. Duke, of Durham, N. (j. , have given 310,000 for a science hall and auditorium attiuilford College. The Georgia Electric Medical Associ ation met at Atlanta in its twenty-third annual convention. A special from Durham, X. C, kiivh E. (i. I.inebury, bookkeeper of the Morehead Bank, has left town as a de faulter to the bank for about $'5,000. Fifty tinners went on a strike in At lanta, (!a., six firms having refused to sign a scale which had been proposed to them by the union. The tinners want Srtday for nine hours' work. They have been working ten hours a day. The employers who have not signed the scale say they can fill the pluees. All but three firms employing tinners have signed the union scale, and the men have returned to work. April 1st a severe storm of wind and hail prevailed throughout Missouri. At some points stones weighing ten and twelve ounces fell with such force and rapidity that not a house escaped with out broken window glass. Stock of all kinds suffered intensely. Xo loss of life is reported. No doubt is entertained in Rich mond, Ya. , that" the man giving his name as Wilson Williams, who com mitted suicide in a cheap hotel in New Orleans, is Frank D. Steger, the de faulting secretary of the Mutual Assur ance Society of Richmond. Heavy frosts throughout California have caused extensive damage to fruit crops. At Elverton, CJa. , W. A. Lynch was caught in the shafting of his own plan ing mill and killed. The Tennessee House has passed, in concurrence with the Senate, a bill de claring the conduct of "white caps" a felonv', and fixing the imprisonment at from three to twenty years. At Chattanooga, Tenn., C. X. Rndd, in a fit of temporary insanit3 shot him self through the head, producing in stant death. He had quarrelad with his wife on Tuesday and on returning home found a note saying she had ceased to love him and had returned to her father. At New Orleans, a man who regis tered as Wilson Williams, of Washing ton, .(!., killed himself in a cheap hotel. He had erased his name from his spectacle case, destroyed all his let ters and papers. His coat bore the mark of the Globe Clothing House, of Richmond, Va. He said while here that he had lost 875,000, and was des perate. Wilson Williams was evident ly an assumed name At Amerieus, Ga., two negroes were killed by lightning. The Comptroller of the Currency has declared a second dividend of 10 per cent, to the creditors of the Chattahoo chee National Batik, of Columbus, Ga. Thomas Blue, aged -., born blind, of H oilman. X. C, was restored to sight at the Maryland General Hospi tal, Baltimore. According to the Richmond (Ya. State, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, ex-Governor of Virginia, w ill be home from Havana. Cuba, about the middle of April, and the governorship of the "Old Domin ion" will be offered him. All About the North. The Legislature of New Hampshire has passed a law providing for the in spection of all ice sold within the State, to guurd against disease. Over 0(), 000 bicycle tires have been made this season by one firm at Akron, O., about 2,4o0 people being employed in the work. Capital ; u'liishnient has been abol ished in Colorado. Frank W. Palmer, of Illinois, has been nominated by the President as Public Printer. At Detroit Mich., Win. HjIz, aged 21. was slain by his father, ow ing to a misunderstanding, A cyclone destroyed the town of ( 'hand ler, Okla , east of Guthrie. A dozen or more people were killed and probably ISO were injured. Two thousand workmen in the big tanneries at Chicago, 111., have gone on a strike, to remain out a year in order to prevent the changing of the hours in a day's work from nine to ten. The companies affected have decided to close down their plants for an indefinite period. Mrs. Margaret J. Preston, "the Mi mosa of Southern literature, died at her home in Baltimore, Md., on the 20th of March. Miscellaneous. London has this season taken r.07,615 barrels of American apples, against 181,74 last season, aud Glasgow has received 400, 117 barrels, against 122,022 of the previous crop. The old bank of Weymouth, Eng land, has suspended w ith liabilities of .".00,0(10. In three weeks Postmaster General Gary has received !", 000 letters about appointments to office. It is unofficially announced that on April 20 the Southern Roilwav and the Florida Central and Peninsular system w ill take oft their Xew York and Flori vestibuled trains which have been in operation all winter. Corbett says that he will keep after Fitzsininions until the champion will atford lrm auotheropportunity to either win back his laurels or go down a whipped man for the second ard last time. A cyclone struck Austin, Texas., do ing much damage to property. National bank notes outstanding on March:! 1st. Iu7. were 32.W. 70Sil-, a decrease during the month of ?441.0t, but an increase since March 31st. ISM, of 312.41.0:. The gold coined during the month amounted to 12,77O,!0O, while 1,400,230 silver dollars were struck off. Fitzhugh Holds His Own. The State Department at Washing ton declares that Consul General Lee has not been granted leave of absence to take effect April 15, as published, or any other date Gen. has not ;isked for leave, and no action looking to his relief at Havana or to the ac ceptance of his resignation has been taken. Not Much Change In Flooded Dis tricts Along the Mississippi. FOUR FEET UNDER WATER. Xo Pen Can Describe the Desolation Oreenville Under Water Tre mendous Hatns. A Jackson, Miss., special, dated April 1st, says there is nothing encouraging in the situation along the river front, but the unbridled waters are frolicking along on their march to the sea, aud the people of the greatest cotton pro ducing valley in the world are fleeing for their lives. Several refugees have arrived in Jackson, and rejiort that the half has not been told; that no pen can describe the desolation, the devastation and ruin made by the water in the counties of Bolivar, Sharken, Issequoua ami others. Greenville is still dry, but the waters from breaks above and below are back ing into the city. Rosedale, a town of 1,000 inhabitants, is four feet under water, according to private ad vices received. Other small towns are in the same condition, and still others w ill be in a day or two, but no loss of life is j et reported. Fortu nately the waters travel slowly and tho denizens of this swamp have had abun dant time to get out. A special from Alton, 111., of April 1, says: One of the most tremendous rain storms on record swept over this city last night and the Mississippi is rising again at the rate of an inch hour. It stands feet above low water mark, aud only I) inches below the disastrous flood of 1892. The highest levees are being encroached upon and alarm is great throughout the farming regions of the Missouri aud Illiuois bottoms. Manufacturing institutions here are fighting the waters back from fires with immense pumps. A special from Jackson, Miss. , dated April 2d, says: The only change in the situation in the delta is for the worse. The water is still pouring through the breaks and encroaching upon places heretofore thought to be above the danger line. Plantations never before submerged are under water. The streets of Greenville aro now navigable only by boats. The flood from above having met and joined forces with the flood from below, nearly one thousand fami lies in Greenville are surrounded by water, although some portions of the little city are still dry. The levees there still hold. Citizens of Huntington telegraphed the Governor this morning to send "i0 tents at once. They were forwarded on the first train but will have to make several miles of the journey by skiff. The State is do ing all in its power to assist its delta people, but from the depleted condition of her Treasury can offer little else than the labor of her H00 able-bodied con victs. Thousands of delta negroes are now homeless and will remain so until the floods subside, but planters are feeding and caring for their hands as far as possible. At New Orleans the water is less than in lsox, and the city can stand a rise of a foot and a half and yet escape a flood, 'fhe situation is very discouraging at Helena, Ark. A special from Cairo, III., to tho Scripps-McRae Press Association, states information was brought to Cairo, by a commercial traveler, that a relief toat found the bodies of a young girl, an aged woman and a child in a llooded house, on the Missouri side of the river, at a point about :50 miles south of Xew Madrid. The people had either starved to death or died of fright. The water was at the eaves of the house, and the victims were in the attic. A negro and a white man are also report ed as having been starved to death on the platform of a temporary refuge in the same locality. OXK THUST SURHKNDKKS. The American Tobacco Company llves'Vp Its Kxcluslve Contraets. As an effect of the decision of the United States Supreme Court in the Railroad Traffic Association case and the anti-trust laws of the South, the American Tobacco Conipauj- has adopted new contracts with its agents. Heretofore this corporation would not sell their goods outright, but sent them out on consignment. Tho condition they repuired was that the customer should not sell the products of any other factory. Thpy have sent out a ciicnlar withdrawing these conditions and oflering to sell their goods outright. They intimate that they vid give a present to liberal customers. FKKi; TO M AK K-WAR. The Kill Restraining the Seaboard and Southern from Cutting Hates. Last fall Judge Hughes, of the United States Dirstrict Court, setting at Xor folk, Va., grauted upon application of the Mercantile Trust Company of Bal timore, an order restraining the Sea board Air Line and Southern Railway from cutting rates. Against that order a number of demurrers were entered and the case has been argued several times. Friday Judge Hughes sustain ed all the demurrers and dismissed the bills and petitions, saying: "I must confess an inclination to the opinion that on a proper bill, with proper par ties, a court may put a stop to a ruin ous rate war, but as this case goes off on a question of jurisdiction I make no ruling on that point." Southern Cadets. Cadet appointments to Military Acad emy at West Point are announced as follows: J. Henry Stanndard, Flor ence, S. C. ; W D. MeXeill, Waycross, Ga. ; R. T. Harrell, alternate, Valdos ta, Ga. ; G. W. Duvall, Cheraw, S. C. ; Baxter S. Moore, alternate, Chester, S.I C. : YValter O. Boswell, Penfieid, Ga ; Win. Clarke, alternate, Madison, Ga. ; Francis D. Dunbar, Xew Orleans, La ; Clarence H. Knight, Gainesville, Fla. Nominations Continued. The United States Senate has con firmed the nominations of Jos. L. Bris tow, of Kansas, to be fourth assistant postmaster general ; Henry Clay Evans, of Tennessee, to be commissioner of pensions; Thos. Ryan, of Kansas, to be first assistant secretary of the in terior; Frank W. Palmer, of Illinois, to be public printer. To Retire From the Kench. Stephen J. Field, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, has decided to retire from tbe bench in I u! v. FIF1Y-FIFTH CONC.RKSS. Report of the Proceeding from Day to Day. SEX ATE. Monday. The Senate spent abou two hour in open session aud about tan hours and a half in secret session dur ing the arbitration treaty. A joint reso lution appropriating S2."0,000 (to be made immediately available) for the im provement of the Mississippi river was passed. Pettigrew- (Silver) of South Dakota, offered a resolution which was agreed to, calling on the civil service commission for a statement of the reas ons why laborers and workmen in the government printing office and in other departments of the government are re quired to submit themselves to eoinriet itive examination Contrary to the pro visions of the civil service law. Berry (Dem. ) of Arkansas from thecommittee on public lands reported, aud the Sen ate t se.l a bill to approve a coin prom ise aau settlement between the United States'and the State of Arkansas. Tcesdav. The open session of the Senate lasted until 2 p. in., and then the Senate resumed, behind closed doors, the consideration of the arbitra tion treat', spending two and a half hours in the discussion. To the 1,404 bills that had been introduced up to the close of Monday's sessiou, there were enough added today to bring the whole number above the figure of l.floo, the vast majority of them being pension bills. Tho house amendments to the joint resolution passed Monday by the Senate, to appropriate ?2."0,000 to aid in protecting life and property in the Mississippi floods, were concurred in by the Semite, and the joint resolution was sent to the President. Wednesday. In the Senate Mills (Dem. ) of Texas, offered the following resolution, which went over until Thursday: "Resolved, That the com mittee on foreign relations be instruct ed to inquire what, if any, obligation the United States has assumed toward the iieople of Cuba, by asserting and maintaining the right to prevent tho acquisition of that island by any Euro pean power, and compelling its people to remain subject to the pow et of Spain; and to report by bill, or otherwise. " Pettigrew gave notice of an amendment to the tarill bill which will remove from the dutiable, and place .on tho free list, all articles of like character of domestic production, or manufacture that are made, or controlled by a trust, or combination for the purpose of pre ventingcompetition. In secret session the Senate reniuiued this afternoon for three hours and a half, during which time it disposed of all the important amendments to the general treaty of ar bitration aud failed utterly to agree as to a time when the final vote shall be taken. Thxksday. In the Senate after the journal was read the tariff' bill was received from the House aud referred to the committee on finance. Hale, (Hep. ) of Maine, reirted a joint reso lution authorizing the Secretary of the Xavy to transport contributions for the relief of the suffering poor in India, and asked its immediate consideration. It was read and passed. 'The Senate still further emasculated the general treaty of arbitration with Great Britain, by striking out the eighth sec tion entirely, and adopting an amend ment offered by Bacon, which is inten ded to protect the Southern States from any claim baked upon securities issued during the reconstruction period. There was quite a lively debate about freedom in Cuba, which was brought about by a resolution of' Allen, (Pop.) of Xebraska. in the case of the Cuban general, Rivera, w ho is to be tried by court martial and shot. The resolution declared that "in the judgment of the Senate it is the duty of the United States government to protest to the Spanish government against such a vio lation of the rules of civilized warfare." The resolution offered by Morgan in re lation to the letters from the Cuban general, Maximo Gomez, to President Cleveland and President McKinley, was taken up and agreed to. So like wise was the resolution offered by Mills, (Dem. ) of Texas, instructing the com mittee on foreign relations to inquire what, if any, obligations, the United States has assumed toward the people of Cuba, by asserting and maintaining the right to prevent the acquisition of that island by any European power, and compelling its people to remain subject to the dominion of Spain. Senate, after being in executive ses -sion from 1 to 5: Pi p.m., adjourned un til Monday. HOUSE. Monday. In the House there wore some dissatisfaction among the Repub licans with the tariff bill. McCall and Lovering, of Massachusetts, protested against the high rates of duty imposed in the woolen and cotton schedules. The provisions of the bill were defended by Grosvenor, of Ohio; Russell, of Connecticut. and Dingley.of Maine. The changes made by the ways and means committee wore generally of slight im portance. The Senate joint resolution, making immediately available S2-V),0iHJ for the protection of the lower Missis sippi, and carrying some of the more pressing items in the deficiency bill, passed. TfERDAY. The House occupied near ly all day in disposing of amendments offered by the committee on ways and means, most of which went to perfect ing the phraseology, or making classi fication clearer. An amendment put ting books, maps and charts imported for the use of schools, colleges and pub lic libraries on the free list, was agreed to, as was also one restoring the Mc Kinley rates on horses and mules. Twenty paragraphs of thetariff bill have now been passed over. Wednesday. The object for which President McKinley called the Fifty filfth Congress in extraordinary session a fortnight ago was accomplished, so far as the House of Representatives was concerned, when the vote on the Dingley tariff bill was announced by Speaker Reed. The vote was, yeas. 2o"; navs, 121: answering present and not voting, 21. The arlirmative vote was composed of lfW Republicans and 5 1 emocrats Messrs. Broussard, Uovey and Mey cf Louisiana; Kilberg and Sladen, 'of Texas and one Populist, Mr. Howward, cf Alabama. Mr. Reed, in the Speaker's chair, directed the clerk to call his name just before the announcement of the vote, to which he responded aye, amid applause. The negative vote comprised 117 Democrats and four Populists and fuiionists, Mes sit,. Baker, of Illinois; Marshall, Simp son and Todd. According to a con clusion reached last Monday night the great number of Populists. Silverites and fusionists contented themsolves with answering "present." It was agreed by a vote of l-"0 to 120 making the duties in the bill effective April 1st. House adjourned until next Saturdary. Satcrday. The House passed the joint resolution authorizing the Secre tary of the Navy tolransport in suitable American vessels, which he shall char ter, contributions of the people of the United States for the famine stricken in India, after which "the House ad journed until Wednesday next. A promise should be given with cau tion and kept with care. It should I" made with the heart aud reuieinbereJ Ly the head. CAX'T STOP BREAKS. They Are Beyond Human Control The Worst Is Yet to Come. The latest from Jackson, Miss., dated March 31, says: 'The condition of affairs in the Mississippi valley grows daily more exciting, and it is probable the worst has not been experi enced. One or two more big breaks, one of them 1,000 feet wide, occurred in Bolivar county last night, and the wa ters from the last joining forces with three other streams are now rushing to wards the eouih, carrying destruction to houses, barns, gins, fencing, live stock, etc. Fortunately, the people of the delta had taken time by the fore lock and had either secured their horses in high places, or had driven them out to the foothills, where thev will remain till the waters subside. Xo efforts are being made to stop the breaks, they having gotten beyond human control, and w ork in that" direction is fruitless, but every possible energy is directed towards the preservation and strength ening of miles and miles of niusy banks still standing. .STEAMBOATS SAVING LIFE AND TROPEKTY. A Scrippe-McRae telegram from Helena, Ark., says: Telephone mes sages say that Westover levee is still standing, but there are slender hopes if saving it. Rumor has it that the La conia Circle levee has broken, or is about to break. The government res cue steamboat, Titian, due East last night, is not yet in. It is rumored she anchored five barges of refugees off Old Town and then turned back to Laconia to save life and property at that point. The steamer Kate Adams saved nearly 800 souls from the relentless flood at Rosedale and Laconia. The break at Dennis, several ujiles above Rosedale, has sent wtier down that way and threatened everybody in town. The water is now w ithin a short distanoe of RoEedale. Xo jiower on earth can save it aud homes, stores and mills will be ewept away within twenty-four hours. Men by hundreds fought the river as long as possible, but the river was too etrong. Breaks above have relieved the pressure at Arkansas City. Water from Eaton is now rushing with fright ful velocity through the country. The people of Arkansas City say they will hold the levees. A GREAT SSOW IX THE WEST. Trains Stalled and Traffic Almost Completely Abandoned. A special from Omahs, Neb., of March SI, says: Because of heavy snows for the past twenty-four hours, hardly a wheel has been turning on any railroad in western Xebraska, and the same condition applies to districts in Colora do, Wyoming and the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Southern Pacific experienced the greatest trouble on its main line between Sidney and Lara mie. West-bound express trains were stalled at Hillsdale, Wyoming, until this moring and tho fast mail did not succeed in getting away from Sydney until to-night, a day late. The east bound flyer got as far as Red Butte, Xebraska, yesterday, and then was run back to Laramie, where it was pide-tracked until today noon. The Rock island's east bound limited train was tied up at Liinon, Colorado, Tues day night, and has not reached Omaha yet. The west-bound fast train was also stalled at Limon, tohether with the limited trains from Kansas City and St. Joe. It is expected that the rotary plows will get through tho drifts some time tomorrow. On the Burlington, the conditions were very much the same Tho limited, which left Denver Tuesday night, got as far as Mcl'ook, Xebraska, where it stuck in a drift. The west-bound train was stalled at Holdredge, Xebraska, and the locnl trains were tied up all along the road. Xot a train is running on the Black Hills. Wyoming & Montana division of the road. The Elkhorn only suffered on its Black Hills lines, and trains be ing abandoned west of Chandron, Xe braska. Most of the telegraph lines were down. TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL.. A Circular for the Information of Military Troops. The following circular has been is sued by the military committee of the Tennessee Cetennial Exposition, for tho information of troops desiring to attend the .eunion, June 21, 22, 23, 21, 1897: "l'he military camp will be pitched inside the exposition grounds. Floored tents wi'l be provided free for all troops attending the the re-union, also bedsacks, straw, fuel, lights and water. There will be a mess house where ra tions will be served at very reasonable rates, probably not more than o0 cents a day per man. Bathing houses for troops free. 'The military to pay one entrance fee of fiO cents to the grounds and to have free entrance afterwards. Commands can be provided to do their own cooking and messing if preferred. A military detail will meet troops on arrival and escort them to camp." Signed by the President. The President has signed the Missis sippi flood joint resolution, making an appropriation of $250,000 for the im provement of the Mississippi river, from the head of the passes of the gulf to the mouth of the Ohio river, and to supply deficiencies in the appropriation for the fiscal year ending Juaa SO, liJl. Consul General Lee's Successor. It is stated that Judge John R. Day, of Canton, Ohio, w ill go to Cuba as the duly accredited representative of this government. His especial mission w ill be an envoy of the President to ex amine into and rejiort the true state of affairs on the Island. Improving. A celebrated German physician was once called upon to treat an aristocratic lady the sole causae of whose complaint was high living and lack of exercise. But it would have never done to tell her so; so his medical advice ran thus: "Arise at 5 o'clock, take a walk In the park for one hour, then drink a cup of tea. then walk another hour, and take a cup of chocolate. Take breakfast at H o'clock." Her condition improved visibly, until one line morning the carriage of the Baroness was seen to approach the phy sician's residence at lightning speed. The patient dashed up to the Doctor's house, and. on his appearing on the scene, she gasped out: "Oh, Doctor, I took the" first." "Then drive home as fast as you can," directed the astute disciple of Aesculapius, rapidly writing a prescrip tion, "and take this emetic. The tea must be underneath." TLe grateful patient complied. S.'i. is still improving. II BE? Auditor Ayer is Still Puzzled Over the Machine Act. OTHER NORTH STATE NOTES. Taking Out Licenses The Jersey Editors Damage Suit Compro misedRolling Exposition. The Raleigh Tribune says: "Auditor Ayer continues in a dilemma. He is anxious to issue the tax lists so that they may be in the l ards of the sher iffs as soon as possible. In fact, it is necessary that this should be done soon, because the people are expected to begin listing their taxes in June. What is causing the Auditor trouble is the $I.2! jicr capita tax. It will bo re membered that the Legislature, in its machinery act, made the property tux 4i cents on the hundred and the h1! tax$1.2tt. The Constitution of North Carolina provides that the per capita tax shall be equal to the tax on &;oO worth of proierty. Well, this would make the ioll tax$1.8N, whereas the Legislature made it $1.20, the same amount w hich w as collected for the hI1 tax under the revenue act of is;i.". The Auditor is puzzled. He has no right to change this poll tax to theconstitution al requirement, and yet if he sends out his lists to the sheriffs with the property tax 4i cents and the poll tax$l.2! the property taxpayers may refuse to pay their tax on the ground that the ik11 tax is not up to constitutional require ment, and the poll tax may not be col lectable by reason of tho unconstitu tionality of the section. "There apears to be only two solu tions of the matter. The Supreme Court must decide the question or else it will be necessary to fall back on the pre vious revenue act. How to get the act bofere the Court is the question. It will be too late if the Auditor waits until the question arises upon the re fusal of some taxpayer to list under the act. "A law'3'er expressed the opinion that if the matter was carried before the Su preme Court thev would declare the ler capita tax $l.;o. He thought that according to the Constitution the prop erty tax comes first and the poll is based on this, being three times the tax on a hundred dollars worth of prop erty. " Secretary of State Cyrus Thompson and his assistants are in tho midst of the arduous task of issuing license to the numerous insurance companies who do business in North Carolina. The licenses run from April to April of each year and are the source of a right neat sum of money for the State treasury. The proceeds from license is about 31 2, 000. The last Legislature increased the license tax of the lire and accident com panies froru 100 to $200, and on life companies from $200 to $210. During tho year ending April 1st, thirty-seven life insurance companies did business in the State. There were also seventy one accident, fire guarantee and marine companies doing business during the same period of time. Of the life com panies about six were exempted from taxation by acts of the last Legislature; but all the other companies, life, lire, accident, guarantee and marine must take out license if they continue busi ness in the State. A large number of these companies have already sent in their checks and appropriations, and there is every indication that there w ill at least be no decrease in the number of companies who will do business in the State during IS'.7. The Washington Post says: "Rep resentative Pearson, of North Carolina, after much imortuning of the indi vidual members of the ways and means committee, has succeeded in getting specific duties placed on mica, a work which will give him the unalloyed thanks of at least 100,000 jioople in the mica-producing districts of North Caro lina. Mica is a peculiar article of com merce, in that its value increases in size. For example, mica in sheets about two inches square would be worth 10 cents a iKiund, while, in sheets 5 inches square would be worth $1.50 a pound. With the duty on mica on the advalorcum plan, it was all valued at the low price. 'The change which Mr. Pearson succeeded in obtaining will keep out foreign mica or make it pay an adequate duty, and this will Jiring prosperity to the North Carolina mica producers. " A party of Xew Jersey editors and their wives, numbering thirty-nine, ar rived in this State last week on a pleas ure trip via the Seaboard Air Line and spent time in Charlotte, Pal eigh and Southern Pines. At Char lotte they were welcomed by the mayor and others, were driven over the good roads radiating from the city, shown the various manufacturing interests aud were entertained by the Manufac turers' Club. At Raleigh and Southern Pines the- were given a royal welcome also, and each and every one expressed themselves highly gratified with what they saw in the Old North State. At Lumlierton Friday fire destroyed seventeen buildings. The loss is esti mated at $75,000, and insurance about $55,000. 'There were other losses that cannot be estimated at this time. The origin of the fire is not known. 'This is the second fire Lumlierton has had this year. Four brick stores and the llobe K.niau office were burned in January last. The town is a picture of desola tion. Main street being piled with heaps of brick. . The North Carolina rolling eosi tion car is to be finished by August 1st and will be named for theeiv that bids highest for that honor. Pab-igh. Wil mington, Abbeville and Charlotte will send in sealed bids. - - A Raleigh special says: "The South ern railway has compromised the suit instituted ijy A. G. Bauer, who, while driving across the track was run into by a passenger train and severely in jured. Bauer gets $2,500. Reports from all over the State give information that truck farmers in the east ami south have suffered severely from frost A Richmond paper says that a young womiiu of that place declares that when Ehe received her first masculine kiss she "felt as if something was run ning down her nerves on feet of dia monds, escorted by several little Cupids in chariots drawn by angels, shaded by honeysuckles and canopied by melted rainbows." The now Mayor and Council of As bury Park. N. J.. have put In fore ;i new ordinance which prohibits batbin. at that resort except in "respectable I Lathing su:u." ANDRE THEURIET. The New Literary Member ef tfce French Academy. Andre Theurlet. the new member of the French Academy, Is one of the most """'TBr of the literary men of Parta. HIa. public, outside the atmosphere of the French capital. Is limited and he Is known to very few peo ple in this country. He was given a scat in the Academy In preference to Emile Zola, but the order of his genius and his talent is immeasurably below that of the author of "Nana." M. Theu rlet began his career as a poet and. wrote pleasant verses for a number of Parisian magazines, which attracted much favorable attention. During the past twenty years he haa devoted him self chieSy to the writing o novels. ANDRK TrtCVRIET. which have had success. Ills stories are pure, and savor but little of the French laxity that has kept so much of tlwt literature from translation Into English. Theurlet's beet-known novels are "Glrard's Marriage" and "Ray monde and Aunt Amelia," both of which have been rendered Into English. Ilia attempts at play writing have not been especially successful. One of his two plays was produced at the Odeon, and the other at the Franenls. He Is a 'member of the Legion of Honor, and as long ago ns 1887 the Academy honored him by awarding him a special prize for the excellence of his literary work. M. Theuriet In 53 years old, and was educated lu Paris. IIU career In poli tics was limited to a term ns Minister of Finance. lie was never noted as a statesman. He wns elected to the Academy with Albert Vandal, the French historian. The nohWt workers of our world be queath us nothing so great as the image of themselves. Their task, tx it ever so glorious, is historical and transient: the nnjsty of their upliit is essential ami eternal. When the external condi tions which supplied the matter of their work have wholly decayed from the surface of the earth and become nl sorboil into lt.s Hubstnnoe, the perennial root of their life remains, bearing n blossom ever fair and a foliage ever green. When a man's suspender button gives way he feels about as bad as a girl when she knows her garter is slipping down. OHIO Wil AM 1MIX2T0H SAIL WAT OTAN7, Bohedule In Eir-x-t Monday. January 4,183 at 8 o'clock. A. M. NORTHBOUND. No. 35. Ho. 11. Eastern time. AM AM Lt. Camden 8 30 PKalb 90 Wtville a 15 Kershaw 10 45 HnathHprings .il 05 Pleasant Hill 11 15 Lancaster 12 05 Rlvemlda 12 35 Hprlngdoll 12 50 Catawba Juuct'n 1 60 LHslle 2 00 Ar. Kock Hill 2 20 No. SS. PM 8 SO 260 3 02 8 IS 880 885 8 65 4 10 4 20 480 4 8 4 49 464 609 615 680 6 45 600 610 680 Lt. ltock Hill..... 4 00 Niwport 4 20 4 40 500 0 40 6 05 Tirrah.... Ar. YorkvUle.. Lt. YorkvUle. . Bharon. Hickory OroTe. C 30 Hmyrna 6 40 Blacksburg 7 10 Earls Patterson Hp'ns. .... Bhwltiy Lattlmorn Hooreeboro Henrietta Forest City Ratherfordton.. ...r Millwood Oolden Valley Tbermai :ity Olenwood 800 820 830 9 10 9 10 960 10 00 10 20 10 60 1105 11 25 11 35 12 00 12 20 V M Ar. Marion. I'M P M BOUTHIiOUSI. No. 82. '). 12. Ho. 84. AM A M I'M f.v HTftrinn 1 80 1 60 2 15 220 246 8 05 885 400 4 15 4 25 6 30 (45 565 6 10 Glen wood Thermal City.. Oolden Valley.. Millwood Rutherford ton . Forest City.... Henrietta Mooresboro.... Lattlmore Shelby Patterson Hp'ns i.aris BlaQksburg... 830 860 840 9 05 9 25 'J 60 10 20 10 45 10 65 18 65 "l 15 1 60 2 06 2 35 3 65 4 25 4 83 680 665 615 660 PM Hmyrna. HIrkory Grove. 9 05 hharon YorkvUle 9 35 Tlrzah 9 47 Kewport 9 51 r. Rock Hill 10 10 Lt. Rock Hill 11 00 Leslie 11 53 CaUwba Junct'ull 25 Spring tell 11 3J RlTerside 11 4 Lancaster Pleasant Hill . ..12 24 Heath prlngs..l2 32 Kershaw 12 45 WestTllle 1 00 I)eKalb 1 12 Ar.C'amden 1 30 PM PM All trains dally eixpt Kundsv. tO. O UU CUUUI7.1IUU m.u Lenoir Railroad at YorkTllle, 8. C, with the Bouthero Railway at Rock Hill H. C, with the Seaboard Air Llo at Catawba Junetloii. B r with the Lancaster A Chester Rllroe4 at LaacaBter, 8. C-, and with the Booth Car olina aod Georgia Railway at Camden, 8. C. No. 83 has connection with the South Car olina aau Oeorgla and Georgia lUllwayi at Camden. H. C, with the Lanc er A ; Chea ter Railroad at Lancaster, 8. C , with the Seaboard Al. Line at Cwo Junctions. C . with tho Southern Railway ar Rock HUi B C with the Cheater A Lenoir RaUroad at v.w JnJ Th r and with the Southern Rail-XS&-- No.. 84 and 85 will Southern . BAML HTTT, President