The Messenger -8EJCD0MIM 0- X J JOB PRINTING -TO THE MESSENGER, J Marion. H. C. J Promptness, Accuracy, Neatnea 2 aod Good Stock Guaranteed. Letter Heads, Note Heada, Bill Heads. J Envelop. Circulars, Cards, Poi- ter, Pamphlets, and any kind of Printing. J 5 Prints . the . News urn! is sought after by the peo ple .f MeIowiU, Yancey, Bun conibe, ltuthcrford, Burks nnd other counties lu Western North Carolina, ami is there to .re a Cood Advertising Medium JUts furnished on application. AJdrens, THE MESSENGER, Marion, N. O. NO. 52. MARION, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL iG. 1807. Trice $1 Per Year, in Advance. m :,,.. vuu i. ft. A 181 D1SA8IR0US HBLI Property Consumed in Knoxvillo to Value of $1,200,000. AN EXPLOSION OF DYNAMITE. I lie Longest mid llnnd-omot III c K of Houses in the t'lty Destroy Several Persons O.olly Injured. At Kif.wille, Tcnn . Thursday t ! i mo-1 d I' a -ti oils ilit-cvt r ,ci i'j!ic''l i;i that city nrrf 1. '1 hi' entire Mock hot'.VeeU I'llion a I : I ill -sel voir st i tots, in i lay street, w itli tin- exception of the '.-! due build. ng, oil t!n) one end. the largest an i hand -ohm -.-t block iti t!i clt v. is a ln:o - of ruins, and tit"; loss is c tihi.i'.-'l at nearly II I'lili'nl d i litis. Set ra! J pie were l.ghtly iujrred, t!o- iii, t : io:i b'-in., doo .McMillni, vdcha i a log broken. Tim iii.- '; discovered about 4 :o' !. iii tin- v, ho!.- a!-- gro--ery store i-I t'.- -ii-Miity t hi -ry Company by it a I -i t.-r o! ti.t; Knox Hotel, v. Li.-'h tt.l ji.i:, - tin- ; looery. A general ahum va, turned in arid ail the li.i-al tin- ,,. mi tin: scene, 'i'li:- c however, aii'l t' ip.mio- .-.: i r.,; i . proved futile. llalmS spread rapidly. Anions I In iiv ii t losers arc: I .i'i:i - i'li- .. ('-.. w ir-le -alo dry good.-,; .'-.b r. -hi r.iolh.-i wholesale ami n-tai! funntuie: Marble ity liat '.'one i any. w hi.!-- ale hals; A. I'". I.aher )ry mi . , ' . i : 1 1 ii I ) -; iiaibe-; ,V ' o., v.hole Mile shoe.. : S. II. Neu inan .v oiu j any. l-rio1er-: -'nih-u, V .-.-ma i .V oinp.iny, .; intei W. W. Woo ii u!f -v ' 'oin;.aii v, wholesale hardware; l! longer, lb.; hi .V 'oin i -an , u ii. il i -.i 1. hat .j alel sho.-s; Snuf..i.l, ('i.:,rn!.,-; .V i'.ei .s. v. Iiol.e .hi:--: : !!.' ami ihe Mc ii'ty iio. e' -v i a:, Mimy n.;:i li-r e.-t a i I is': met i unions ',. in three Kv ! v f.i!.!- in rear of titc I., i ne.l III. -A. ..- -I. t.-,; e l. n i-i ,li,sj.,. (,i i -, namite inWoul i liarilv.iiie si re" sli:'.t 0 ri'-l cvi-ry A -i H I i.ia o.' i '!-a! t ,n i ; tin; (h -j .art in n! v .-i f-ii. an-ioll arl iv;il len.lei.-.l i etanee. An...:ii lie!' i?i ! i i the tire wcr V. M. l-.e;. ;.:. I . I i :n- ! y city alitor of .o.:i-a'. M'o-r -ti-:' !!'.. men to e .-;:t.e l,t. j.;n. p, ! iri-i the thin I :-:n- of the Kii.e, !:-.:,-, t.-i t'ie loo f of the if! ;-..i,,e,:; !,'!.;. i't-h h.n i!y hill in it .! '.Ie 1 1! !en, t ' av-' i ii-.: ma::', juii)i ! fn-i:i se -,.r. i stury. h-.: l.r-.l-.e-i. .lain' - 1 1 i . h.r i.i i 1 T Jmi.'; hotel, i ,iii..:.l I'rohi tiii.i !.-.! t. roof a. ! v, i..'.i!ilin.': l-.!'i !. ii.i-i! snaine l -..h.i l;o!e. ;,J. r.-.-ii e,i.ii:ty. le.-eue-l i . :, t!r. - t i o v .-I i- : - l-.ot-. !, ir.liu- ' xi. i.oop, ;ili- !m.i -, N. ('., j tllll I e '. :- ; I in. ! '. 1. iii: i -'ii, -!erh in Knox Hotel, i e.l. ,ml.!.. !.,,.:..,. 'o. !--l'a-.i.-!, no ,, e.'. '.a.lly in- ' . I.. !i ..- 1 a: the to:.ti loss wil; ii' :. i lot t'i al.oilt -I . .'-I i I. 'l'lio iu t u-e -a Ui he ah. eat one half. ! ne l,it.--t l!o;n 1 lio.wiilo suys: ' I f the !-i!ests who worn a lf.'i in tin: Hotel I"lloX, vhel) the lirt l.ioke out. only have heell ai'C.ilinte.l I'm'. The register Will ilestro-. ami it will i;rh iis never lo known how- m.iny lives jieiisheil. luureil remains h.i heeii I'unml ill il.tlerciit loeaillie.-; of the ruins. An aline t i i.' reei st imtt of the !" e :oe! i'l nv lias I. cell seeiiroil. It is as f-.!..v-: !'ot.:l !.,-s, SI. CI I, t; tola! in lirum-e. S.Il ,-.'M.t. lt Aliuiy of tie- ,'irms Ini.'.e! out Inw seeurcl temporary ouarters the wholesnle hmi-es espeeially ha e lieve!' stoopcil Till 1 1 1 ir or.lci s. I'KI I Al l lll A;.l N.sT AC'C'IDKXT I'm -.i.lent ami ice !', cs!.cnt ;. to New York in Separate Trains. Arr.iu 'em. -nis nvo 1 i 1 1 1 completeil at V,i-!iiiul.iii for conveying the olliciuls of t!ie legislative, execut ivo and juilieiul ih -ai tinei'.t of the novcrnment t() New i i i I -.Mli. to witness the (trniit 'uotni'iii t ceremonies. l'ie -i.I. lit MeK inley an 1 his party will 1 :ael on the i nsy ! van ia roail, while i.I' I '1 esi lei t llohurtaml his irienils will i;o l.y the ISultimoie .t Ohio. This ii". isioti inis heen avMi:u;-fil to jrovi4 a-alnst possihlo neeiilent nil-1 to make sure that tlie 1'resnlent an-l Vice-'Te-i.h t:t shall not he both incapuei uteil ami the machinery of the tjoveru laeiit thus even temi.orarily upset. i;i km; tiih rMVKicMi v. lu-r Half a lillioii of Its Funds Tied l'i or Lost. 1 'e clopmcnts have streutheneil the I'.-ln-f that the alVairs of the tilohe Sav :i hank, which closed its doors re .c;.:!v iu t'hicuuo. ill., are iu much i, se shape than tr.-i directors are will iio: to'i.lmit. In addition to .?l',iHi) r.i ca-h hehuijin to the 1'niversity of I ! iinois, which is tied up iu the sus 1 n. it'd institution, endowment "lu ll. !s 1 the value of Sli'e.O'iii, also the prop .;! of the I'niverity of Illinois, are i i --in-:. This much is admitted ly 1 c pre-idcnt. Mr. McKay, to the hoard '. tru-tee.-. of the unix ersi'.y. N. Jatc! Cliansc il.- litest reports from the flooded ;i -t -t show !;o material chan; in the -.Via!;.-!). There ha - 'eeeii a studr f . '. ::; tie river ut Helena. Ark. l Seriously Hurt. t St. u-ustiue, Fla . V. J. Bryati a i-i' es-v d fullv ;.ei"i pt rsoiis from the i i. a . f -an Marco Hotel. His theme "i.i-ir.o.l c,.v, rnmeiit and the money - -;. '... the free eoinau'e of silver he i .; i.i -cated a - strongly as ever. At t;.--i-'.--e .f his spee.-li' hundreds of ! . p'e ti-'cke.l around huu and so reat " - the -train that one section i f the I : . a l'i feet square fed tliroitj:li. Jro- I'.o j eopie t i the erour.d he . a liist.mce of .'0 t'et ;. o one was .--u-! hint, hut a score of ladies ntul s -tl.-'.aen rei'ei'. ed hrillses atld sprains. V. I'.rvati was picked up unconscious. ' ' ws.s not seriously hurt. Help li.iiiiu Promptly. ih st w arrant on the treasury un- ' ' i- appropriation of ', " ' 1 for the 1 ':'-'it of the Mississippi aud F.ed river o-i suherei , has passeil the aeeount-:i-' ofticeis. It for .f:l0,tt!Mi. ami l.i he fol.owod by others as rapidly as ii-e ' .mi he made of the lr.ouev. 'ycline Visits Alabama. A cyclone devasted j ortions of Pale unty, Aht , Friday. A Mia. Powrs .a en. -vt '' (v falling tlmbernof hor 'cft'a i Li.:- h NEWS ITEMS CONDENSED. Soiitlirni I'cncil I'olnters. At M"tieon,fia , ( 'Larles Tteid killed L. V.. Jlalstead for insulting his wife. The American lltilwav Association met at Kiehinoiid, V.i , in annual "es sion. with eighty i4ads represented by 1 Si deleurates. Tht; fcecutive com mittee jepoitril that l.hi: aswociation cm-biae.-il -.'ii coinpanies operating 107, W miles of railway. 'I he exports at New port News, Va., during March a'ro-ated ..!,h4s)Ji,;. 'Ih second convent ion of the indus trial aio-nts (,f tlii Seaboard Air Fine railroad met in 'har!ott.;. i he attend ance was very hire. ( lark Hovel I has Hiecreded iis father, F. I. Howell, as editor of the Atlanta 'fiu. ) Constitution. -,i!brts are bein; made at Norfolk, Vh , to have Corress erect a monu mental Hamjitoii I'oaths to tliK memcjry of Comniodoi t: Maury. Mrs. Nobles, who murdered her hus band at .Tt-ft'ersoii ville, tin , has for the fourth time been .sentenced to death, and will be hunted ApriT i;id. At u Charleston (S j meeting of the City- Fail way ( 'oni pa!t.v. the new electric line now beiiiL: buil!. it was de termined to issue ir'; , !')' of coupon lionds am1. s's."iO,rioo in stock. The charter of the company is to be amend ed accordingly. 'Che latest reports from the. flooded district . a'oii the Mississippi are more em-oiir::iii ami a more hopeful feeling prevails. Miit Hairer, Blaeklturn's silver Dem ocrat, has been elected from the IMth senatorial district of Kentucky. He succeeds Senator Sailers, jjold Demo crat . The (picstio'i is ;ai-e.l th.?t meny convicts in the Virudnia penitentiary under life sentence are improperly im prisoned; the point is to be decided by the courts. The llii-hardsoii building, the hirirest in Chattanooga, is burned; two men lost their lives in the lhnues. Twenty nii'e: south of Vicksbur. Mis-. , e.i ra t'liin No. '.'C ran over a mule, tt arin;: up tlie track , ! tt hinu' the en-i.-!neii!ul killing I iiemaii Fussell. of New irleans. No o: her persons were injured. Ail Afxiut t lie Noi-tli. A Montreal ('oort has disuiissetl the action avaiiist the American Tobticco Company, of Caualn. stating that it has a riuht to in-ist that its cn'-toniers sli dl not sell irnuiU of any man; f ictur er. The proposition to adm'it women as dcle;:atea failed in the Mtlhodisi Ctju-ft-reiiet; at Lowell, ?1 a.-s , an 1 Manches ter, N. II.. fur lack of a thiee-fotiths vote. The i'oii-fhkeepsie , . V. . !ass works ha- been burned. The loss id fully .spin, o'j'i; insurance, o'O.iiok. At Albany, N V.. the Northern As sociated i res , a corporation leu been formed for the purcha-e, saie, collec tion and tli-tribut ion of news, and the conduct of the business, ef a press association in all its branches. The next convention of the llepubli raii National Leai.c is to he held at I'etroit, Mich., July b'-. and :;. on;, ,!i le gates are exjiected to n'teud. Four thousand ru n have bee'i forced out of emblovment bv the elo-iiif of work 1-y t!io i liiuoi -steel Company ut South Chicago, 'i his ai :ion was taken by oih.-i-ds to head oil" a strike. In ! itish-.i.e, I'a . a brid.'e c.i'Iapsed and a fit i-hl train t'ei! iifly feet. Two of the crew were kille 1. i i iu 1'bimlei s in the Chinese tiiiarter of Francisco, Oil., have levied an a sesse.--i1 of SKi.onii on the l::.M cha nis an.! a it n- nl of persona! violence is ,-Xpecti.i!. A p,M miner--' convent ioii will be held a; i'er.'.er. Col... I line b" and ii'., t L'liiii'i' wi'li a mining display. i ht' ho -rest mauufat tories of harness in the country tho-e at ( 'olumbus, ( ). ; Syra -use ami il'ltlalo, V Y. have com bined in the i inted Home Company of liu"a!o. N. V. 'i here will be more Federal troops usse'iibled iu New York on iirunt memorial day than at any point in the Fust since the v nr. 'The C.rt ater New York bill will prob iblv 1'.' p.i--cd over Mayor Sticiiu's vet"'- A ('!:.-. niit V.'vo., dispatch says that the losses sustained by cattlemen luring the recent storm will raiie I'-oui .i to J' per cent. Anxiety is t'e.t for nany crsons rep orted missile:. A cyclone destroyed the town of Chand ler. ' Ckhl , east of (iuthrie A doen or more people were killed aud probably I ni were injured. Mrs. Margaret .T. Freston, "the Mi mosa of Southern literature, tiieil at tier home in lialtimore. Mil., on the '.V'th of March. !1 iserllaueoiis. Mnj. Sandoval, of the staff of tlie captain renerai, left Havana Friday for Washington, on a special mission. Secretary Sane lias issued n circular instructiii' oiliccrs of customs to delay further oiilers ami final liquidating of eiiti it s of any merchandise arriving at 1 cu ts aftt r after April ist. This actie'i :s becau-e of t In' retro-active clause of ; he pendin.i: taritV bill. The Southern I Tail way company, it is stated, is considering the p! in of estab lishing railroad hospitals at various I oiuts on its s stem, says the Manu facturers' F.ecord. Small e;ree:i biij;s in abundance are nppearint; on tlie appk- trees of central Missouri. V."m -I. F.ryan called on I'resident McK inley Tuesdny. It is the first time tlie two gentlemen have met since they were in Congress together. A Huston special says: "Under fav orable conditions and to the satisfaction of all concerned, the United States bat tleship Iowa has been c;iven her oflicial tiia! over the Cape Anne course, and under tho inspection of the naval board appointed for that purpose. On the trial .she made an average speed of knots over the '.'i mile course, exceed imr her contract eed by one knot, winning S''.i.o.' bonus for her builders The State Pepartnient at Washington has received response from Spain. France ami heat i'ritian will semi war vessels te ja: ticipate in the dedicatory ceremonies at New York. April .7. when the til ant monuments is to be turned over to the city. Secretary Bliss and I'ennion Com missioner i'vans will recommend the revocation of I'resident Cleveland's or der consolidating the United States Tension Agencies, so as to reduce them fii in IS to it. on September lPt nest, and they have no doubt that President MeK inley will let the ngeucie? stand a they are at present. RATIFIED BY VENEZUELA J The Convention With Great Britain Unanimously Sanctioned! A TRIUMPH FOR ARBITRATION-. Tlie Venrznel.m CoicreM Knt tiaalaatle. allr Approves tlm Treaty Negotiated Through the CSooit Ofltce or the United Mate to Settle by Arbitration the r.onc-Kt.intlln- War.riireateiilnif UlHpute. Carioas, VPiiozuola (Ry C iMe). The C-n fTrfss of Vttnfzuela ha-i uuanenomty and en thusiastically ratiri.) ! tli'j (uiaaa bounbiry arbitration treaty with Groat Britain which was negotiate 1 by tho Uuitl States. The measure was first ro-cl t-- thq Houao of Rpres'Jatatiyys last Frl lay. ,yh-i Senor AMmjumu spoko eloquently in Its favor. The s;conl rea lin- was witfiout lai.lent. It ctrm up on thir l r-a Iiq Mon lay, an 1 after a sp j t -h l.y S mor Bricno th House voto.l for tho trea y uniiiiiinously, ami 1 Rreit cherlir an 1 ciithu-l.-Mr c 'lomonstra tlons of cratltu : to "Uu?!o S i n." Thu tr.;a'y was unii-iiTioisly Mtiflel by the Sonata nlsr. Cr-'to's sliruatnre to tlin d.jjuTieut olosoil tiio Veuezuoi.iu in citlont. REViEW OF THE FAMOUS INCIDENT. The 1'rovUioie of the Tri-aty and ttie Ar btlriktltin ('omiiilanloiicr. WAsniT,ro.v, r. C. (stpi-eiiil). Tim troafy bftweeu Grn.-it iiritain iiu l V-Mi-zu-la which, aTCordin to tlio forooins special cattle ftespat-h ha-t faisea ritilb"l by the Vnnejiiiijlari Congress was virtually tho result of tho u:ti'n of this (rovern nifiit. an.l was, in fact. prer-cPtil by a note or protocol which embo.lieil thu terms of thu tr.'.aty. tho noto boin snjne I by .Mr. Olnoy, thin Sutr:nryof St no. ami Sir Julian Piiuneufot", thu British Amha.-sa.lor, on No vember 1L', lS:ti. The Anio-V'-nezu'lan troaty, after lomj dolilwratiun tiy thu British Preiior an 1 tho Washington Stato Uepartmeat, wits framo'i, rilESIUE.Nr C3K.SI-0, OF VtN'EiUELA. a.Tl w is I-iio i In W i shiatou on February 2 last uy tln ii'itisii Vuib issi lor ,m 1 tuo Veiu-z iel in Miu,-!iv, s-uor Auii.- h. T! -t tr. a'v. Ii -ivim; I.--en ritiii.-.l n tVo Vcue:'.!i" an c..i.;re. only aw.cli.s tho s ;n. ti.-u ot thu Pr-.tish Ctrlai-r-i-ut to bccjaio operative. lis r.-.-.M'i..:i in Veii-zm la was at tlrst the reverse of lmpimtl, many ,nita:;o nists of t! Crt-spo atlmiuistraiiou uttering f a i in in at i' jus airiinst its nr.ivi-io'is, w'!i:.:!i, it was said, wro ei.n't-ived moro for tho ln-ae-ilt of the Unitd States and Ur-Mt bntaiu th in for Fan country nio.-t deeply iiHerc-tc I. .n.! of i!e! must s'.rikini ait a-:ks upon tho trejitv in Y.'iiein l i was ma in by S-:nor Micht-'lenii, liefu.-.t tho tireakin - oiT iifiliplo malit? relations h-twen lint two countries Ve.'i. 7.u'!.i!i yiiu s'er to thu C'Urt of Sr. Jauii-s. S-aor M:ehel-n;i liir-'-tiy i-iipu' iho iiL.tiv sui'in i'ac.e 1 S:a:--s in ai-liicia the lr.irnm ,-(l til" tr.-:ty. Tho mo.-: Pun i-t.rc rn-of tilt .n-ril Aturio V.-ic:-- i..!.-u ;treirraii! treaty f..r t!i- 3i't'le:n!tt of tln fPii-ma b ma lary .tisnuto iir tli provisions r-latui-; t the npp'.int t.i.'lt of tin: tribunal un.l t!in ePiuso j.-iviii: tho licit ot in? iipati-ui Thi :'.i must U::1 claims. 'l ie! arbitration i i bo coTno s 'I of live m anners, of wii-im tour have bi-eu a;, p!.iat".l. A -cor lin-T to tlie arti !.:- of tho convention i s sis-ini!) ar." to yj h- iil m 1'ariJ, in wliieli city i: must ur-ef within sixty days uffr i-riefs havo l .-n prcsent-l ity tho parti. 'S to tho issue. Tin; liaio in wii e l' t hy shall ite.M Io tti') tpio.ii ui is liamoi to six months. Tho arbitrator alrea-ly h-ven nr Chief J't-tieo Fuller an i A--s n'iat Justieit Unnvnr, of the Uuiieil S: rites ,S;i;n-e no Court, lor Veuezuel i, an t Hiht HoiSi.r:i!t It iron II t s -hel una Sir Hariiar.t iier.u CoI!.t,s fortlreat ltritai". Tito vital point of thtr.';:iy. tho m!o to govetn t'to osiiioa of tln terrie ry iu liisimte, is tln ili'ty-year :!aus . A v r-iin tothi-t provis-on a, tvi-r-o hol la.. ; for hal, a century will e'Pi'.Ie the oeeunmt : nu lis ttir'.cl . .ss -s-ioii, the or 'in o-v rules o,-' evi tioueo to be applied in esialilishia titi '. ner:il e!..a : ! t.-r. At st. Augustine, Fi.-i., Mr. s . ; . ; ; 1 pre sented le.Ue:iant-G :.i -ral Jo ia M. .S.-lio- fleltl. United Slates Ar.uv fretirtn. with a lino h.-althy tnrl baby. O.-m-ril Sehoibd I was retired eiv'hie 'n months ns;o on account of tno m;ii limit. Hois now s sty-six yo irs old. Mrs. Sell jlli'ld, who is now thiny-two years of a;e. was lorai 'r.y Si -s tlj rLr;ia Kil bowrne, of Kt o!:u!c. Iowa. Tho Sjaollo; !s have been nt irrie.l six veiir.-". Money Order Incre:e. The raon"y orlerbusiiiess f th Now York Postoflioe auiouutt: I to -JP 8.0 0.0.10 in ls-jj. Thi was an iin-reuso of J5.fl00.00J over 1S:. Superintendent l'llicott stys'thru this iti-crea-o is cr.ntiiiiiia. To-day tho money or dcrsamount to mo-o han iheyaa I the postal orders combine I .lid iu 1S!.'1, an t tho foreign money t-r ler busln"-?, from (.r.'rmauy especi ally, is b-'CorniU;; very mu.-.i irreator. Tlie rresblpiit's Peeoration Day. President M.'Kinley an 1 all the menibrs of the cabinet have a 'C ' ted invi'ations to participate iu tint dedication of tho battle uioiiuraeiit at West Point, x. V.. on I '.-r.i-t.'oa l.y. The mouu ner.t was built by privatesukTiption, and is mteu to com memorate tlie de-ds of oili-ersan l sol tiers of the regular i-attlisbmeuc who lost th:ir lives in the Civil War. Nansen Invented the model of the Frain, making her hull round and t-lip-pery, like an eel. villi no corners or sharp Hires for the Ice to seize upon. She is the strongest vessel ever used in Arctic exploration. He said thai pressure would simply lift her on the ice. and so her bottom, near the keel, wfis ma le almost the in order that sha niiirht no: capsize while on the ice sur face; and her screw and rudder were also inLvniousiy protected. The many experts who said her design would not save the Frani from instant destruc tion were mistaken: for she met these resistless ice pressures, and they mere ly lifted her out of her cradle, and she rested safely on the surface. Mother When the boy !u the other house threw stones at you. why didn't yon come and tell rue? Bobby Lie cause, mamma. I can throw them back Knter than you. He's more likely to get hit. Hartford Times. As soon ns a man irets tr.s first gray hairs he begins to honist to Lis wife of the business worries he has. M'ti',;t"rt'""'cPy GLASS MAKIrtQ IN FRANCE. Thousands of Well Fald Men Em ployed at the Work. In France there are no less thrtn 2.10 glass furnaces that employ fiO.OO'J workmen and pay out annually in wages 70.000,000 francs. These fur naces turn out 1So,0iX).000 bottles be sides window plass and other product. To obtain entrance to a plass factory Is no easy matter, as every superin tendent Ls suspicious that the visit or is an agent of a rival fr.ctory and is endeavoring to learn some of the se crets of his place. A person must be properly introduced and nhuiirieJ be fore entrance can be pained. A blast furnace Is nothing to a glass furnace; a foundry is an ice house in comparison with it. A great room, with limited ventilation, tor no cur- TAKING (.I.Ass FttOM TDK 1L7LT '. rent of air can bo allowed to pa through the factory, where molten class is being handled, long rows of red-j hot furnaces, the air on lire, great blasts of flame from the opening and closing doors of the kilns, the scene, especially at ninht, is lurid and terror-inspiring. An army of half-naked men. with long iron instruments, stir ring the molten giass, withdrawing the bars with a ball and iiiolding it into va rious shapes; the sight is a tit addition to tlie superheated chamber; these are the genii of the glass works, and tlmir performances are more wonderful than those of the Arabian Nights, for at their touch the substance which is the very type and symbol of fragility be comes plastic, malleable, ductile, ev erything that is soft and impressible. It is veritable manic, for dipping h;s "canne" into the red-hot liquid, the blower in a moment produces at the end a huge crystal sphere, r.s transpar ent as the purest water aud yet reilt-ct-ing from its inner ami surfaces every hue seen in the rainbow. A pair of genii simultaneously dra'.v from the molten mass their Intruine:i .-. with a glowing ball of double size; one walks away carrying his "canne" over his shoulder, and between the two ap pears a red-hot rope of glass, longer anil longer it grows, until the behold er looks for it to snap; it does not. bat when drawn out many feet and to a:i equal thickness throughout, it is laid on a contrivance resembling a ero-s between a railroad and a ladder, and behold a long glass tube, ready for use In the chemist's laboratory. It is straight, but It does not need to be so; at a touch, the genii of the glass house can make it a spiral of any de sired length, or can curve it. twist it Into fa.ntlst!c shapes, f;.r it Is th.-lr slave and obeys their slightest wish. They do not work for plea-tire, these genii; by no stretch of imagination can any amusement be found in their toil. They get good wages, for, although the price of labor has fallen greatly ia recent years, each genius can command lo to 20 francs a day. In the golden age of glass-blowing, ten to twenty yeara ago, '20 franca a day wa con sidered poor pay, end skilled giisli received from 25 to S3. Improvements in the mechanism ap- em ml a glass ra nni.E. plied to the manufacture have result ed in blowing the great glass spheres by an air blast, but in most lines the machine has not yet learned the lo terity of human fingers, and so "hand madt" is still true of a considerable share of the gi-iss product. Not all tho work, however, demands stre mth. Tlie great spheres must b. cut up, nnd with a diamond-pointed cutter, and a young lady attachment, the huge transparent globes soon lose their shape and become piles of littlo aucer-Iiko disks, to be afterward mold ed into various: shapes and articles, is the needs of trade demand. It is a wonderful industry. It is a sight to be remembered. Mr?. Jiiusniith Ceorge. What does 'carte blanche' mcunV Jinismith It re fers to the way a liian leei-; wln-n In; Las got twenty-live dollars in hi- pocket nnd ids wii' gone away for a v. et-k. Ili'.ii':! !o Ilxprcss. n ' irr-j t'-IL - -7 -- ai n n"-'-rsrffi' P.r.WEi: (lord) ?.It.!No -!:i-is;.:d:j,iw.v YIim's, H.vitvKsx firrxn in" the Catawrv Valltv. ! FRIENDS OF ACCUSED PASTORS. J Many Pcnplo Crititj to Krrrl ct Preach crs A i tt-r Tl.t-i r tluitt 5m I'roun, j "TY'reV. one thlr r I can't under- ;::n i," said a man of the v. . ni l. "That 1 ;s the ticreellt-ss of church lights an 1 'the ability of every man who is a I preacher to rally to h.s support scores ' of good people, no matter what his c.ui I dti-t may have been. On.-e a man g"ts I tttaciii'd to a church, though le- may j -i ! into trouble the le-xt week and lie impure of his i t- . ! may o nd to dls- ! : Il . 1. .li. he has It",:- s-,-;,:, i t'i. .- d people. 1 - ill ilil' e e.i-,.-s ' A moo-o-r w:, s 1 to a enure. i ti, charge wh.-n his wife sU' -l for divorce. Si:- ehargt ! or;'- Ity tin 1 alt Cat. Tlie lii'-mlici.- of t;i eoiign tiell Ui: H -i .Poely l.ot.hllpr ab-.U! tli.' I.. I rits l'i" c !-e. i b- -.' 's .: .;i-;i!!e;' P. th.-ii, but tl.-y r.dile.l arouul h.m, P tl d h':.;. s..-!t i'i. wei's ; him. and. tigi! -a lively :; o I; " iii:. eui'sed an 1 re vlh 1 the yi-ts.i;i v. lie h id pr'du- -.! ! l-.VC. eh-ris!l -it''! pr-.-eet. tho'lga It pi-..v.-d l.e h.i-bi't dme iii.y:li:: J..." kind. Tl," pap,;.- prln--! col- uo.tis of - itiV. a::d ec-ry 111,- h . v.. is r- damage r.. th- can ! r-ll-lon 1 an ! a partl-uiar d-i:.:agc t-. the cl.ur -'i. j Bu; tii-s.. g----i p. -. pie r-:..o 1 by !, .,: ati 1 a:-- - bailing by hl":i ye. ii" the v.-','--i go-.- a .!;v..i-m' thvy win .-on: to j .stand by hltu and will cou.l-bin th ' v.umiin. I "Another r fen: ca-e thnt h.ts :lu:--1 i !:i the iievsprp,.i's is of a mr.n who has I clearly ouiiived his us-'-fulie-ss ;u ;,, t hn.ivh he is In. The church Is In ,b-ht. Nut enough money i raised to p.-y run uln; c-xr-ecs'-s. The organization has run down. It has beu gttluv? wors end woife rer kIuco th:i man tok x' Id. This fat.; U 5o;rious, yrt enough p.-ojile cllnj to tlrp, to keen hlin iq. tii church and to ir. ike it mighty unpleas ant for anybody who says a word aga'iist hi:;!. "A thhd ease that has also figured largely in the papers is That of a man .v!."--ei.a actor Is well k lov. ii and who has bamboozled everybody who ever had any transactions with hi: i. Yet he is ah'e to hang on. am! is surrounded i:i all his troubles by a crowd of wot. en and men who call him' 'dear and pi'y him an 1 ih-nounee th- men who are trying to have him de posed as a uanir of persectlto's. These ihre - c:i--.-s f lmply come to my min i now. If I --at tlov.u and thought I could recall a booki'ul. Now. umoiestioiiably. this is ail wrong. It isn't business. ui 1 It hurts ivbrrion. It keeps men in the ministry who are wholly unfit to be Cere and are continually bringing dis credit upon the church. The most pe culiar thing about it all is that in al-u.os- eoi' row tin-re wil! lie found on the stide of the paPr some business n't n who would no more think of run i lu-.r th.-lr b-.'s'ness ;n the yvay the hm-ch is run th in they would Ihink of !!; lug. If anybody f.y-get,..l their k- epin: a malcontent they would say that the man v. h- suggested It must think thev were crazv." New Yorii Tiy the aid of maeiilnto-y one man .:! make 1 :.' tine watch screws a day. some of which M-e so small that more than P'ii.omi of them are retiuired to wi'L'h a. potttid. :o' of the smallest of tliese -s tin- pallet-arbor," which has a tbi-ead of oi;o t, the inch, undergoes f '.venty fr- tils'.inet operations in the liiuki"' -. b u i of which it takes llJit.tfji) to v.eig'.i a pt'ttml. So-.n will the man who owns a sleigh I. c'are theie's money in it; He will not it nt it by tiie day; lie's n-tit ii 1 y the minute. Wa-!iii;.::uii Mar. The'Iphia Ledger asks; "Why should there be an outcry and pro-le.-i Ii caiis:- ilie farmers in Nebraska ami o iier parts of the West are using their corn crop for fuel':" And It then goes on to show that corn is the most profuable article for fuel these farm-e-s t-.mld have. We have heard no out cry or protest against burning corn. The farmers themselves have not ob-j-it'-d. They may protest against the conditions which make it necessary, but not against tic r'ct 1 1 self, for the wi ds of Western Nebraska are very l- t . . fin 1 a b-.i-ied .,f corn is capable of making a bri-k fire. Ciider favor ;'.! conditio.! the West produces b .iifti! ill No i oi.ibinatioii of t a; tral. no tru-t or association exists wi.'. h ean lin.i: the outjuit t.f the soil. I'. i: ii'iiisin greed and ingenuity have l-e.l bio, His by Whhh ll i'llral Co,l- (il'h.ns may ! ou'.-et and .nn teracte.. and It is ei"!'.l"::ate railway rates v, i r.'ii'h-r u-i-h -s iii- fanner's la bor and tli" boun-'ifol and which imik'-s it necessary fo.- him to burn as f-.p-l grain which might sip-alu thoii-s.i;- ls of IVniisylr-inla and Ohio mb;"rs ..ut of work ;uid near starva ti .ti bv reason of the limitations of .,:-. ;.u: i:.'.pose,l bv the coal tru-b And so gr ly '-api"::l ket-j.s !a the bowels of tl... Ma-'or;-. Stat-s Tite v.hl.-h the Wes-ern fi.rn.'T needs and throws into the farmer's tire the corn -ho miner . .-iry,., .!-. :' v. h..t t;s.. nre the tr-as-tir' -hoti-es ..f nnt!ir the vi-:;,s of coal. :;..- fc'-u'-id earth when trusts a;:d rall v ays prevent the natural of the products of eahl" Dreadful. Housewife-It is dreadful t think v. Lat whisky w ill brin a lnan to. Tramp Thai' , mum. Aforv I tr-ok t de road, I never thought I tot!.j Lev t' eat sich things ez are be-In handed out t' me every day. Judge. He Reviews the Situation in the Flooded Districts. THE GREATEST ON RECORD. Confessing Their Inability to Further Cope With the situation Congress Appropriates $200,000. The following message in relief of the llooded districts of tho States of Mississippi, Louisiana aud Arkansas was sent to Congress Wednesday by J';e. i c-At McKinley. The House and i'eniV-.e agreed to S2CiC;i: To the Suate and House of Be."resen- tatives. Information which has recently come to me from the (Jovernors of Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, nud from prominent eitiens of these States and 'lenuessee warrants the conclusion thhl widespreud distress, involving the de struction of a large amount of prope ty and the loss of human life, has re sulted from the Hoods which have sub merged that section of the country. These are stated, on reliable authority, to be the most destructive Hoods that have ever devasted tin Mississippi Valley, the water being much higher than the highest stage it Las reached betore. From Marion, Ark., north of Memphis, to tireenville, Miss., more than J i.i miles of river, it is reported that there are now at least .10 towns and villages under water, aud a territory extending from lou miles north of Mem phis to L'tiO miles south, aud from live to forty miles wide, 's submeiged. Hun dreds of thousands of acres of culti vated soil with gixiwing crops aro in cluded iu tho sulnuergod territory. In this section alono there are from aO.noj lo t;t,otto people, whose property has been destroyed and v.hoso business has leen suspended. ("Irowing crops have heen ruined, thousands of cattle hnv been drowned aud the inhabitants of Jertain arears threatened with starva tion, us a great majority of tho suf 'erers are small farmers who have beeu ;eft entirely destitute and who will bo unprepared for work even after tho lloods have subsided. The entire Mississippi Valley in Ar kansas is flooded ami txmimunieution w ith many points cut off. n Mishissippi hko condition exists. Tho levee-. Louisiana, with a single exception, have held, but tho water is rising, and tho -ituatioii there is reported us being e ircmelv critical. Lifter such circum stances the c'tizens of leiese States look Tor the co-operation aui .support of tho national government in relieving thu pressing cases of destitution for food, iotl iug and shelter, which are beyond teach of local efforts. '! he authorities w ho have column n icat-jd w ith the execu tive recog'iie that tlioir iirst ontl mo-t energetic duty is to provide, as ! ns possible, the means of carimr for th-:'-awn citiens, but nearly nil of t m igree in the opinion that after their lc--ources have been et'uiu: ;!, a r- -itregatiug ut le;" ,cio'.,n,tu, and possibly i :'.hj,iJi"J, Alii be reijuu'ctl for immediatj Use. Precedents are not wanting that in such emergencies as this Congress may lake prompt, generous ami intelligent action, involving the expenditure t.f considerable sums of money, with satis-factor3- results. In lsM .' itio.onij w aa appropriated, and in iss:.' :--;:5 fjOOi) wus also appropriated for reliof in the same direction besides large Bums in other years. Tho citizens' relief commit lee, of Memphis, which has taken pi"!uta -tion has already tared for :,- or T,o refugees from the llooded disl-icts and they aro still arriving in toticiiyiu large numbers daily. Supplies and pro visions have been sent to the, various poiuts in .Arkansas and Mississippi by this committee; but tlie utmost thai can be done by these efforts is to partly relievo tho most ucnte cases of sutler ing. No action has yet been tuku fo. the great majority of the iuhulutHiits living in the interior, whoso condition has already been tlesribetl. Under these conditions, and havitor exeited themselves to the fullest extent, tiio local authorities have it Iiictiintiy confessed their inability to fui ht r cope with this distressing situation, unaided by relief from the government, it has, therefore, seemed to me that the rep resentatives of the people should be promptly informed of the nature and t tent of the suffering and needs ot these stricken people, and I bne con. iiiauicated these fucts in the hope and belief that the legislative branch of the government will promptly reinforce t lie worn of tho local authorities iu the States named. William McKinlcy. Executive Mansion, April 7, lS'JT. KKMOVING OK.N. GRANT'S BODY. Workmen Kngaged In ttuttlng the Rivets from the Steel t.'ase. A Xew York special of April 7 Rays: The preliminary work of removing ( ien eral Grant's body from its temporary resting place was begon this morning, when carpenters began to build a fence ia front of the small tomb, to cloe it from view, while the men engaged in cutting open the steel cae enclosing the casket are at work. A force, of four men will be kept busy severu! days, cutting the rivets holding the case Af ter the case is opened the casket w ill be taken out and transferred to the mrco phagus. Just at what time this will be done will not be ina' e public. Must Have Their Consent. The Xew York Senate has j avr r d the anti-cartoon bill, which prohibits news papers publishing the portraits of ny person without tieir consent. LOOKING A II HAD TO lf)00. llryan and Sewall Iiibs In New York City Orxatjiln. Bepre.-e l.tatives of one hundred club', that fctipptirted Bryan and Sewul 1-it fall recently met in New York and or ganized the I'rojfiessive Democratic. league of Mow York City. Aside fr 'u the single tax clubs and labor orsanizu tions whi- h took p&rt in the la-t n. puign. there were about 2'' Bryaa srev.ul clnbs orgauizfetl. To Aid Flood Sufferers. Xearly 812, 000 has been raised i. St. Louis, Mo., to aid flood 'ntferer- i i the South. The Terminal Hail v. ay As sociation, composed of tho raiirond-ev tering St. Louis, gave notice that it would transport supplies free. New Press Association. There has been formed in Xe-w Yoik, the "Publishers' Tress Association.' temporarily to fnrrmh a general news service by !eaed wiior otherwise I!AI KAII.KOU) ACC1DKXT. Engines Telescope Kuch Other, Re suiting In Killing Three and Injur Inx ix . The most frightful railroad accident that has occurred in North Carolina since the great disaster at Bostain bridge, near Statesville, Aug., lSDl.oe. cm red Sunday morning at Harrisburg, a simill town about thirteen miles north of Charlotte. Train No. ;iit. the north-bonnd fast mail, on the Southern, and train No. 11, the south-bonnd local passenger. collided, killing three persous and wounding six. The killed are: T. Clingman Benton, of Charlotte, aged :!0, jnistal clerk on No. 11. litns Liblv. of l orest Hill, ( oncord. Will lo .'Idson, of Lynchburg, fire- n: n o.i ;i'. Wounded: W. U. Tunstall, of Dan ville, engineer of No. eti, badly wadded about head, arms and face. I. C. Kinnev, f Ihomasville, en gineer td No. II; scalded aUmt chest. back, arms and neck. Will tlie. .lames Lovell, of Richmond, conduc tor of No. 11, cut in the face. Fithugh Lee, colore!, porter ou Xo. 11; leirs hurt NViiliaui Clemens, if East Durham, X. C. ; slightly hurt. K. 11 tiidlagher, express messenger; hurt about head and arms; also bruised. 1 he accident occurred at 11:13 o'clock. Train Xo. ;! was manned by Ku gineer Tunstall, fireman Donaldson and Conductor (Sentry. It left Char lotte lute, but had orders to wait at Harrisburg till 11:11 for Xo. 11. The train's luuke-up con sisted of en gine, mail cur, two express cars full o vegetables, buguage car, Fecund and iirst-chiss ciaches, ami two tdoepers. The track for a mile or so approach ing Harrisburg is perfectly straight, except at one point where there is a small curve and considerable cut. 1 he side track ut Hal risburg can be plainly seen for more thun a mile, ap proaching from Charlotte. Captain l'unsta!l. who was of course on the look out for No 11, kept his eye tu the dis tant r iding, expt cling every minute to sc.r No. II run into it, but seeing that the track whs elear and if ) train ap proaching, and hiiving flic right of way, lie steamed ahead nt the rate of 4" mih s an hoti", losing sight, by reason of the topography of tho country, of th siding, as he neart tl it. No II, tlie local passenger, left Con cord late. It wits manned by llnginetr .). C. Kinney, I iremati Id. Lee, ami Conductor .iiimes i .ovell. 1 1 had slow e( up. p; fpr.i atoi y to running intothe sid ing, a;.o was to.iv -i iteet Horn rneiiorin ei. 1 of the switch when No. H dashed into the ei, I. The two engineers faced each other w ith"; fact s bleached w ith the fear of a lion ti le tieath. I'ngineer I'lltistall an-p-ic 1 his brakes and pimped It is not know n wlit iht-r l .ngmeer Kinney jump ed or not. Almost at the same instant that the engines faced ach other, the deadly, crush came, and was heard for miles around. I! i -i..l aid ;;.ur.d were taken ' to t hailottee. Till'. Tit IK m i i.ooK. tl Iltisluess Scrl- IToofls Have Mill j oitsly--('tlton Ailvances. Messrs. H. i. I bin At Co. 's weekly review oi trade for tho past week is as follows: "Out of l,Ki; failures with liabilities of 1 10.7 rC.l iu the llrst quarter, L'I bank failures covered more than a fifth of the amount, or J IS, 7-1-1,-I and :i, ;;4 failures with liabilities oi -- ; I .sot,' or nearly three-tilths, aro t !a-siliud thil iet-U Hceoiding to blanches oi business, having only W7 iailii'-es and less, than a iifth of the lia iuiil its, i' i J, oil, i, opt, in brunches of man ufaclure or trade not spicilicd. Only two of tlie b; mainifucturiiigclu' Hesamt .n'y four of the IU ti lid ing classes show liabilities lor the quarter larger than l.i ', u-ii;-, and only five maiiiitactuiiiig and t hret; trading show lurger average liabilities. 1'or the month of March, oblv three manufacturing ami four trading elassea slitw larger amounts than la t yearand only two manufactur ing and live trading hhuw a larger aver : of liabilities; in almost every case a so it is shown thut the increase is due to on- or two exceptionally laro fail ui cs in that class. iu t pile of llootls, which must have materially affected the prospect, cotton has only advanced l-tOluringthe week, i i:e fate of those, who were absolutely ct t tain that the crop of ls:i;j was very short has left but little confidence for further speculation. Speculation in wool has be n checked by ttie possibili ties that duties inuy tuke effect April I, and some iurge shipments from abroad have been countermanded, while t'lideis ii'o less disposed to Hell. ..ut trading between dealers makes up more than liaif the ales of Y.:'.V,A: pound for tie; week, ami since t-aleB in r ix weeks nt these markets of 7'1,4;4.;0) pounds, it is not improbable that many mills have, as is claimed, a full year's supply. Tho de mand for men's goods has diminished, h- fust round of purchases having been completed by many buyers with it .- ult--. fairly encouruging and the de mand for tire-s goods, especially of the io-ter grade has caused an advance of t er cent, in pome lines. The iron in dustry i: hampered by the contest be-twt-en Megabit ore interests, which pre vent i as yet any settlement of ore I rices ami feeds many to ex;ct further declinn in linisln-d products. The Illi nois steel works and the worksof Oliver k Co. ami livers A Co. ut I'lttsbnrg are -topped by labor dilJicultirs and some fin '.aces have Mopped because the pro din turn of pig had outrun the demand for lini-hed products, and heavy stocks remained unsold Trietl It on tiie Duck. William Taylor, of Marysville, Va., has witnesses from bis own horn? and from Lynchburg to testify that on a pond at his place a huge bullfrog aelzeo a half grown 'Pack by the neck, swal lowing it? head, and then choking fo death too late lo be of i-ervice to th duck. A colony of Immigrants from lll.noi has 1 ought a large tract of land fir miii .s s.oiith of Washington, On. The t.ei.nis! nr- pb-nsc-l with tlc-ir new iio'ii", an t. as they pay cash for ev er; thing, tic-ir iie'gl-hors are v ry n.'i-h pl'-a -' d w ith tin -l"- So you nr. t-1 -vers tla'i. : going to marry your cut-ht-r':" i'.etcherliff. The oi l n.a!i has w'irLtd me eight hours a d iv for the past ten years, and now I'm golll WOIK l:i!ii oifiii.t-i'i'ir ii'Jia" lor the next twenty years to get ii."- Life. I T.-Il Li-it- to hurry! If she vo-'ii rnlss the firs', act entirely!' -You're no; going to get her there early to-nli'ht. he's got a new hat." Chi cago Tribune.