SEND ORDERS FQB- S JOB PKIHTING i5 ri n tr the . liews -TO ; i- . ir) t nflT by tho po- i.. ::, Yan-joy, lJan- . .Illlbs, I: :ii!:.T?l.r., IillTKa ii r i i i.tli-r 'it.: i. s in Vt'iafTa N-.rta Ur. mi. ;! is tber- f . I -1 il :ocri Advr rtising Medium- THEMESSENCER, Marion. H. C. S Promptness, and Good Stoei A-ouraey, Xeatnew Guaranteed. Letter nal, Note Heads, Bill Henda, Envelope. Circulars, Cards, ros ters, Pamphlets, and any kind of Printing. NO. l. MAKIOXX CFUIDAV, JCNK IB. 18i7. Vrice si l'er Year, in Advance I- y -.o ., mouium. dr J .: ..i.i.i. : 1 -n application. A-Mr--'-, :u: :!;..--linger. - '- jiarlon, N. 0. VQf TT liUl! A'pcii'iura! and Mechanical Co 0 1 j is Successful Term. NORTH STATE COLUMN. .Till ion !' i ' iio-p lial ' .Ural om 1'ioptrty -,t i:: m hum rricult; -I. el 1 III! 'A 1 1 : , n, l:. i'. .1. .ili ami ..-Phaie at Cas s been e pell!- h-d the I" the in K. 1 11 11 : u ditor the the i"ecid- I ' w;; :'.".'- i id to do- i il'HH'V to j s recently j I an Ml the n and i cs say they ; that the .:i-t be ie--s at tho ad i he State e-t uiviti4 c -ntiucnt -itvs such llal-Ms. at ii y board, hp ution. inpanv. of :.l met tin- J- ll-'l V-ITK 1 H ( ONdKKSS. IJeport of tin- I'rdiTiiIlni from Day to Day. K F.N ATI'.. Jvr. Trie. 'I Senate disposed ! I he him! cr i :ii agi apip which had been more st :: i v contested than any feature of th; bill, thus fur, by ib-fi-at-ing lii.- motion i.f s-.enator Vest to place v. bite pine on the free list. The vote v. as yeas :"t. nays 'I he contest was mainly rig niliennt in breaking party hue-., which have been maintained, with few exception-, during the early -tages of the debate. )n the final vote right I !. moi -rat in Senators voted again t Mr. Vest's proposition, namely Messrs. Paeon ami Clay, 'of de.,r,i.i: .lcllin-l y, of Lotlisi 11 -i Ai'-l in ami I lihnali, of Suuih ; Carolina: .Mai tin. of Virginia: Paw lii s, '! ! tab an. 1 White. In t he other hand, , .Mi. arter, F' iiiiilicau, ami Msssrs. ' 'annon ami Mantle, silver 1 can . vole. I for the. 'c-t motion. Fol lowing this, a, vote to substitute the il.-oii; u a s defeated, ! .'! t..:,7, a ill the -die. 1 ule w as agreed : p. a , reported . The- debate preceding j 1 he '. 1 Jo .,.', lit tipies VCfV bl " '-' V O'-.- in- to the break of political liueM. The ! roiisnicration of the taritl bill ! iii'. resiimeil soon after ll.e ' -csion orn jie.l, aid the lis- pr. , eded on the paragraph v of & per !,')" feet on .M'. n. 1'oimlist, of Ne il i 1 substitute the provis- i'-ou bill, which placed fn list. The Senator plaem Pit Limb.-.. Mi bra-U. tnn. ion of the- Limber on t! in 1 articular about restoring ;, h::.. j iiie to the dutiable list, ursine i 1: ll" the I .Its Writ: dcsiened to be ilo- j hibitory a .' litist Canadian pine. There j '. ' n. hi ii y, he said, '-in the clap-trap i :r -':i., ej t" of Amc iciiii hih watfes, as I tin ..a;.e.s of the I ii in beinieii in Canada p. . 1 e, on a hole, hi-jher than iu the J r-iMed States. 1 li s: vi .;. I'.y the di ci.-ive vote of j 1' to I'.- il.e Senate adopted an ainend I ,ueit lo the tio ilV bill, placinj.' raw cot 1 ton, the .jieiit product of the South, on the dutiable list, at -J'l 1 cr cent ad valo ; rem. It is ihe iii t time in the history of t:'.i ill' le-islatiou that a duty on cot 1 ton Iu; ; been incorporated in a bill. ie a.m nilmeiit v a i proposed by M r. ic.ui. of (Jeoi-iii, on his individual spom.ii .i! ity. and without the approv oi't'u tbtauiv committee, which thus r ha- been rc.pusite to the success -jf c: v ;:m ii.!me.,!t. except a minor one, loch went throil-li by default, iii'i ,- iu the day the suar schedule 1: pas cd over and the agricultural hcdiil" taken no. Less than two piires were tospo c.l oi. Ine p;ira- dreeii. ( ieii. L. 'U. ihaiicii, ( ien. '.Vil j -:;;i !iou . aide went over, but the i liam Machae, !'.. ibirke liaywood. Wil ! balance of the a..; 'ricu 1 i 'iral schedule, to j luitu 1'. Keasiev. William l'.'Wood. (m,v. ! nil-1 iu.-iu bii-; piua-i ai'li -.'s, was j Thomas ?d. Holt, John A. iilmcr, !!ich i aiced to a-, repoi ie I, all amendmeiits ard Stallbrd. Willium J. Ynies. W. L. that W 1 J : . Mr. Lac, 1 being ro ll was taken the t;u i:'!'h .. Mi. Allison, of .t liie su;;ar schcilule th i.;e- that it w ould be cou th. The agricultural next in order, was con- ! . I of i .il l if - !: ptouie. v.; of North ( I I " Senate had a period ; hen, and it -5 it result little j mad.- 011 the bill, liutler. oiina. siioke in favor of mers i'i(iial benefits w ith I No mention was minle I fa i.e ,-il-nr : chcilille wtitihl ami the debate proceeded I'tural r t'hedule. Oil tho li. !r liisoii, iu charge talvt p.'.iiC v. It! In -w the coiuiaittee i'lg t he I louse rates,'s t ; iuii.i. Mr. t etl to strike out tho ;!o: r.'xa ; ;c ; ; : j i . and sii bst it nte a .ee, .lacing a uniform duty of 10 i t a. 1 valorem on all liiant's til .-ejected, vcas p.i. nays ! . Five .,!.,.-. Ale- rs. Fm-oli. Clay. Me i'. 'tb-l ioirin, Ti!imi:ii. ami four ii--.. Messrs. Allen. Cutler. Heit tiei Siewa' t. '.nil I with the Ue-au- iu the negative. ihe rice :a;.h was liien iiLireed to as it f'.-oai the House. !',e and rye . t i e iiLfr.'ed to as re)ortel. ,1. lo:'.. ihe lon' deferred debate . - in.-..- sch luli- oi the taritt' bill up. afi.-r tl;e Srnate liad disposed !! .i!s i:i I he acriculuirul sctie.l .ioiie -, .; -1 1 kalisa opened the , pi some e!ent answering Al 's s'.al . i....-!it ical'diilu iht'sched- j,. :..i'or h.-ld t!i:!i tlie rates ti'f refiners an excessive ml poind l out how they n t lie ' tiili'ereiitial of the i: . I ihrr. .. lit iaw. t"-t -evelt-.y criticised r ... a"- ten 'I i'u ! aigiiel t hut the rates .1 i 'itr 1 In r 1 1 ibu !c to its vast resoiir- i ..'.';'. !-. i.f ! .ouisiana. ai-oopposed v -1 1 .1 i c as a hole. No final ae : v . la'... ;i on any feature of the . .i'-.ic I;p . her than the withdrawal of : luinal .-'r;ii:te committee amend - s This leiiv.s the House provis .1 the luil with an amendment iu .; the I'o'isc diit'ei-eutia! from , to It'Iltl pel piilllld. !mau. of Soulh Caioiimi. made a iv speech in finer of the amend n; .:. iii : ii'icport duty on agricul :!; ro'la is. lie took o.-casion in . .-ounce! i u: to criiicisc his Ileum tic ass..ea-cs who were giving a i.-t and I'lt-val const iiict i lt to the .aoc.iiti.- 1 1 .ri : i im of a tax for reve t.:iiv. ihe bounty amendment ; defea'ied H to -V.'. 1 1 I he !ir-t t -st vote on the was taken in the Senate, adoption of the ih'Ptlb- nc'idmet changing the :.!:-.'i: bi per pound, by the ,- ue of eas ::-.'. nays :i-i. I he nf e vote v as niade up of 1 bc a. is and one I Vmoci at. McFmu y. ps .inn: (in. silver llepuhliran. ,,,b;. ot 1.1 .Irs. of Nevada, and one I'opulist. t wait, of Neva. hi The 111 gat ive vote - made up of PemoiTiit '! I'opn - i s ami silver l't -publicans. It was he cio.-est vote thus far taken on an is of importance, and was accei'ted as how ing ihn' any amendment having he sanction of 1 lie caucus was assured fa.b'p'iou. Hoar gave notice for the p; ointn cut of 1 he I'residetil of n com ussioii of live prisons who shall ines igate ami report at tlie next fcssiou of o'l-iess oil the most ad vautageoim ,c! oi '1 ro.iuciim and reiiuing su :if. and what i-utliod will give to the . '.siimei's si;-j;iv !tt the least cost. .ii .i. ivii. I he sugar schedule was i aiu the u' .eci of i Vmoeratie iis- sa.dts in the r-euate. I'ractieally no ' .regress was made. biiy one amend I i.icnt was voted upon, and that was de j featid. When the Senate adjourned i tin.' :;:-ie:..i:.ient of Lindsay, of Keu I t i.-ky. to stiike out the ditferential on i n lined sugar, wasstiil ending. Vest trie. ! ea:-i p.i tiie.iayto tro.i ine i.e ; ui lii-aus into a detailed defense of the schedule, but thev declined the chal lenge, i he most "sensational feature of the .iar :i- the speech of Senator Mc i i.r: of i .ouisiana. v. ho vote. I w ith the ih 1 leans u,r the sugar schedule. !t u.i.- hi- maiden speech 111 the Senate. :; op.'dv avowed himself a protection ist. !:,." a- a t'emocrat -utitied Ins po- r::..i, 14; ."1 ihe giouii I .hut tariff views . !.'.:..; tn-t c'i -.itutc 1: test oi I 'emoc . !!e in. it'ov ei .b fended the sutar ti " h-e iii'.ei t sf s. he argued, went ,;,ti.i in ha-i'l w it1.-, the sugar planters. I-':'!-: : in Li t e s s!,,,wed much . s. 1 hey crow ded . -ii-ntiveiy to his ie! uriy bitterly 'at which cun- trolk l the new metlio-l for baling Cft ton. The int rests of this ooi'ipany, he ile.-iaiel, were op posed to the iutere-ts of th cotton planters. IKH'Si:. .Ti sr. Trn. -In the !Io!i after the pasp.L.': of two Senate biils. they ha 1 a wratile over a 1 joiirnnient until tlie l' tli It was carried In- a vote of to Si l .IiM:bUii. In the ifoue .laines T. I.loy.l, who was lecentlv elected tj ! 1 rucceed the late l"e lesentative (tiles, j of the Missouri di -tiict, took the 1 outii. n motion of Mr. Iavis, 1 etno- rrat ot I iir::!;i. a ei:ate resolution was tclopted, calliti' on the Secretary of Wif to furnish ' 'o;r'i es.- inforination as the conditio!! of ( iimbe) land J-iniud. and v. hat mean- should 1 a Ta'.en to pi oteet t he 1 i:t rimci; frombe !:J ' sed. it'id thus shutting oii'rouj liieii e tioiii 1'ei in.miiiia. I ! rnla .; 1 :."! '.he House aojotn ned until tlie Mth. fi riiir nnriR nr nnnu h m mm xmm A Tower Clock at Hillsboro That Still Tells the Time. CHARTER OF WAKE COUNTY. I'ctiina iiliip a- See 11 in 1 he iovermtrs Letter Hooks--I lie Mute Siiiiyand I .lei.tent , ( tiniii't'tt-tl Willi It. ilaieih Special Corresp.ndeiicc Char lotte Ib-erver. j !elil ion has been made of the tine collection of port s the State has in the Supreme Court room, 'there is another collection, lunch larger, iu the iibiai v ami this has recently been rn ai iiiu-ed. it consists of the follov. in : 'ii p 01 traits. ( .). Johnston i'etti- (irii. .lames II. Lane, dames h edeil Waddcll.t ii'ii. If.ufus I'an in-zer. I:. K. (iiii'wyn. liiomas S. Kenan. Wiiiiau .lolmstoii, . I. Andrews, 'nliati S. Cai-r. V'. C. Kerr. Henry I. Vatt. N. Cull in I i 110 lies. Thomas i . Wood. ( has. M. Stedmati, ''.. Ilavne lavis. Crayons, (Jem Albert Sydney Johnson, A. M. Wardell, Ha' ii V. Man! .-. Wharton J. Loiidon. Walter L. Steele, W. . F.ob bms, Ltlvvanil. !lali,(ien. V. ! '. Fon der. (;en. Collett I .event!!. r e. (ien. W. L. ! evvi.s, John F. Foke. den. F.r:i:i drimts, iiov. A. M. Seut-Ies. William I . Saunders. lb . Ihrie, (b-ii. John il. Cooke. Fhotogiiiohs. den. W. lb Hob t its, (ien. .1 aloes ii. Coitloii. ien. Wil liam 1!. Favie. F.ev. .V. Ii. 'obb, .ioiiii M. i. lell, W. II !b Cowles, i'ter L. lliiies, Wiiliiun Hill .'Secretary of State lUyearsi Francis L. Hawks. 1-. 11. Cam eron, Henry W. Miller. Jefferson 1 'a vis. i bie riiviugs, ( diaries F.. Johnson, Dennison Olmsted. Manuel Fetter, Fli sha A. .Mitchell, iiezekiah (i. Leigh, liavid Schenck, Wiilieni A. (iraham, Joseph ( indium. W. d. I'homas, lb F.., Stonewall Jack.-on. Joseph K. Johnston, 2 bin ie! Webster, Jellerson I 'av is. A. li. Stephens. How many pco.Je know that North Carolina has yet iv. o loyal gifts? One of these is the eh ck in the tower of the court house ut Hillsboro. which yet tells the hours, uni the other the char ter of Wake county. Moth gifts were from His Most (itacioiis Majesty King Oeorge lib A mi yet t here are those who have used some i f their time iu t' ving to explode w hat they term the "Wake M. th. " i he.-ti unbelievers and romance destroyers decline to believe that I's t her W ake v as d .v. 'i'rvou's sister in law ; that she was as lovely as the sun lise; that this cor ity was named iu her honor: that Us iirt county seat was liiooiiis.l ii'-g. ii honor to My Lady Tryoti's to-vn house in London. These unbeliever : and donbtors are of a piece with tie -e who east insinu ations against Mecklenburg 1 uenf r. ion. ity of tho t ine of the gilt ye has made to the ;-'tatt of the south door of ; was taken out while in Idaies and ih r.K as he looked in a. 1 m i'(;i i est tniileiit ibrai v is the key t)!d .'apitol. Jt lie biiiidinir vmis who took it saw. ot'ou doorwav. the famous siii ie 1 Wasbiiigion. sit ting there, coldly tabu, with the tire w rcaihing about it. t he fi e received this pride of Cutiova The head was never found. It w.. said it v. as car ried away. Th i i - I v untrue. Most of the statu. I in :h- v't.dc mu seum. Fi rtions oi it a: t' .-ralti'i ed over the State. ne fragment wu.-.atthe Wo nniu's exposition at Charlotte. Fll'orts were ma le to restore it in l":;s. of course they fatle.i. Much of it is so ca'eined that it breaks into powder. ! all the letter books of the old-time liovt-rnors which rest in the book cases ia the executive office that of ( Joveruor. Thomas liuikeis the most interesting. One f the lirst letters copied in it is from Sjtiuuel Johnson, dated Kdenton, lib"., in which the writer says he has just seen the Legislature in session and that ii was a very poor body. He ox presses his fear that the colony is break ing aw ay from the mot her country, and evidently had but little faith iu a re public. While at the town of hatieras. last March, it was stated by the keepers of the life-saving stations and others that only Maltese cats were on that island, ami il is a long one. Scores of these cits were seen, many of them very large and of great beauty of fur. The largest telescope iu this State, owned privately, is that of Col. A. W. Shatter, of Kaleigh. It is four inches aperture and was made by lira-hear, of Fittsburg. It is mounted in a brick and stone observ atery and the equip ment is very complete. A gentleman of Wi-v.iington owns a three-iuch: also by Brashear. The items in ihe newspapers about the singing of the "i i. I North State" by dovernor Hob i'avlor. of Tennessee. hist week. its a compliment to dovernor uiissel! and party, and the fact that the bands at Nashville are to play it for ihe North Carolina Veteran", recalls the la. t that it is the only "State vnu" save "Mary land. My ?iaryland. " which was written by James K. lbn dull. William iiietuii. perhaps iu all respects North Carolina's greatest man. w rote the "Old North State. " His line face looks out from the canvass iu the Supreme Court room. The lady w ho played the air of this State song the fii -t time, lives here. These many years she has been an invalid. Her home id but a few yards away from the ofMee he ii Judge daston occupied and her loom, on the second lloor. is literally 'embowered in flowers ami graceful foliage plants. The Country Needs Restore-j Confi- : dence More Than Anything Else, j TENNESSEE, PAST AND PRESENT j The Kt posit ion a Promising Intllce. ( ion of t !ie Kit urn of I res perl t y All Americans. At the Tennessee Centennial Imposi tion on the 11th Fresnleiit McKinley spoke as follows, after being introduced by I'le-tident Tlioma-. of tho Imposi tion: "Oi?:cers of the Tennessee Centennial Fxiosition, Ladies and dent'.emeu: "Americau nationality. eomi ared w ith that of Kurope and the Fast, is still very young; and yet already we are be ginning to huve ii-it eiioi'gli for centen nial anniversaries 111 States outside of the original thirteen. Such n-.-c.isi.jin are always interesting, and when cele brated iu a .tactical way. are Useful and instructive. Combining retrospect and review, they recall w hut lias been done by the State and nation, ami point out w hat yet rcmait'S for both to :c compbsh in cider to fuhiil their highest destiny. litis celebration is of general mteiv.-t to the whole coiiu tiy, and of sj.ecial Mgniiicance to the people of theSoiith abd West it murks the end of the century of the State of Tennessee, and the close of a v ear of its second century. One hundred and one years ago, this State was ad mitted into the I niou as the mem ber iu the great family of American Commonwealths. It was a welcome addition to tho national household- a community yonug, strong ami sturdy, with an honored and historic ancestry, with fond autieipiiti. uis, liotohlyct' its founders, bat faith in iis success on the part tif the far-seeing and sagacious statesmen in all parts of the country. I am justified in saying that these an ticii atioiis have been grandly realized; thai tho present of this community oi sterling- worth is even bi ighter t hall tho prophets hud d.;icd b pie-'i-.'i. "i he builders f tlie Mate, who had forced their way through trackless for ests of this splendid domain, brought with them the f ame high idea's ami fearless devotion t-j home and cuupry, founded on resistance to oppression, w hich hav cevery where made iHosii io'js the name 1.,' America. Whether it w as tlie territory of Virginia, or that of North ( a: oiiii.i. muttered little to the n. 1 hey came vi!;r:g and eager io light for in b j elide!..-.- and i:! . it ., and ia the var of li.e li v. i itioli :: ever loyal to the . tan. hu d of V- a-iiinglon. W hen their 1 .resenta' ivea : erved iu the '. 'o!on:al .bsi nby ni' .o; '.h ( Vro limi, th"v eiri ,. for he nrst tiuio iu nr.r enunt!-y,.-o far cs ! k;i.r- i hi' vreat name of asliiiigto'i It ihe distriet iu v. hic'ii they lived, and at the close 01 the revolution sought to organize their territory into a Stale, to be knovvu as the. State of ''raaklin, ia grat::!'ul iiomage to ihe name of another of its mi. st distinguished patriot command ers. "Spain sought to pos-ess 1!: ir terri tory by right of di-.-ovtrv as a part i f l-'lorid.-i. France claimed i. by right of ri-ssioti. i'.s a part of ! oai.-iann. and i'.ng'.and as Lcvs by co but Uel iit -r c:i!Hent!o!t eoiild for a.i insiiiiit be reeii.'iiie.l. 'i;v vtl by the highest di- iincts.f s. If government ami ihe lotti. st i;...t:vts of, i-ii.ler gallant ..!.l .iohu S v i. r, at Kiug-'s .vli'iintaie. your forefathers bravely vindicate;! fheii- lienor, and gloriously . ii "Tiius Ci..:iie the new State, f-eeoud only then a" nov.-, ir the mighty We.- f ami Soulh .est. And ii has mule a vvo'i'leri'ul history foi itself. Teniies .'ii' has somcthms been railed Il.e Mother of Southwestern Stale'-men ' Il f:i:-.::--he I us ihe iuim:rtal JacK.-oii. who.-e record in war and whose admin istration iu . ace at the head of the great republic, shines 0:1 w ith tlie ad vancing years. The country has ou'.v added to'th.e lifter of hinamr. iii etc.v-ed the ob! igat ions of his country men, and exa'.ie i him iu their a He'd ion. Polk and Johnson ah-o were products of this great State, and many more heroes of distinguished deed -, vdiort: names will cme unhidden to your memo) ies whi'e i sorak. " l enne: sreaus hav5 ever been vol unteer!., not di-iftetl In I s.J;;, when -'.-lu'l sohiirrs were r.ibo.l for. :;o.0ii.i loyal '!'eiini!'sser-ans effered their ser vices; and amid tho terrors and trials of tho great civil war, under conditions of peculiar distress uud embarrassment her people Mere divided on contending sides, hut. upon whichc-ver side found, tii.vr fought fearlessly to death. Now, happily, there are 110 contending sides in this c.lorioiiH Co mmonw ealtn, or iu any part of our common country. ! he Jaeit who opposed each other in drea l fu ibattle. a third of a century ago are oiilv more and forevi r unile.L together l!ldcv r;.g ir ; 1. '.. r lo be-lTrokeil ii'P.ei ' i I e :i . :': m'-C-is .n this Sia:,, in 'ts i . I : " 1 1 ; small :"id ! ea -b. .1 . its farm 1 .re tha i .-: a ir.u.t I c- iim TViiv: its in; iiv-arl v its mineral v.e-.ith c form a splendid ,:e i am sure no iu..! I found than the j " i o'v eX os:t'. it siio-vs ietter than any v.. id- of ::,;::; .r.i K '!, the tietails of your th of rf-.".ii-i'i'S and towers . f i.itsbr o;t hare done wisely m exh:b.i:::g thes und to your si-tcr time ce'Vd the .Ms. i ; v our ov. n pe..p:e States, and at uv iv 1 ei: iVeetive than now. when -vi-ai the cnutry necis nr re a'.i els", is ..,:i'."t confi dence in it-elf. '! !:;- eposili..n ilfiirll ?t rates. ,tl;-e..t:y your own faith andpni oseail signifies in the vilest s..Use viiur fi ue and uiiiaiiing belief in the ir-repies.-iiile pbi.-k of tha American pc p'.e. and is a roiitising ia-Uottioit f ther.-tUMt of A meri.'ar; prosperity. " i he km ge which thir. beautiful and novel exposition gives will sutely stimu'a'.e c.-'ui e: lir. n, develop your tr.. te. increase vour output, enlarge -our tiehls of eini'loymeut. extend your markets and so t - ei.;u.i ly piy t' rail ir Cost, as well as j 1st!: i i a'.;! -eSTr..-. nr.! encourage :arv n h-. "Mc-i; tnd woiL'.n i -cr al . m f:o:n a'l parts of the convey, a-:-! ti'.oiisands more v. ;!! a-se:a' ::, c I ...If the e.X'. sitioli is c'o.-cd. ! it i i'.r selves, and it-: them, always ivn.e:i r tint what ".r .V.tV-renriw lib r.t ; ". e - ay have exis ei. or itill :.;-t. . "e are a.l Ameiieati'; i.f lot? we are i-.-.sti i i . i.'.. .. e : I . 1 . j 1.111.-. a'.'.'l value l;:e wri....e i ;i.i ail t.i ad'. c. u.bitiotis may teij i rail:;.' imp. i flthway of cur national jiegit' nothing can permanently defeat ir." NEWS ITEMS. Southern I'enell I'ointers. , Archbishop Janseeiis, of New ( H leutis, j ilied at sea while on his way from that 1 city to New York. j Maj. T. M. Mayo, formerly of WT-it- i ake:-. X. ('. . novv'of Ocala, Fhui da. w as ! Killed by a train iu Florence, S. C. Austin 1. It.jiileware. pre-ideiit oi the First National Lank of Kichmoinl, Va . if dead. He was ." years of age, was a lawyer by profession, and served gallant;',- in the Confederate army as a lieutenant of cavalry. dov. Hudd, of California has grante.i Ibirant a respite to July i th. ih-yan Mot ieiland, the widely kno' u tr.-fiuan, died at his home iu Lexing ton, Ky. At locateur, Ala , a ii-year old girl was assail I teil by two negroes, ami they had to be taken to Hirminghr.ui for safekeeping. The Florida Legislature has appro priated sjll,r(M for the erection of a State reform school. It wiil be the oir y institution of its kind in the South w hen it is completed. At Asheville, X. ('., on the the 11th argument was concluded in the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley I'.ailroad ease; decision was reserved. J. 1. Cunningham, chairman of the (ieorgia State executive commiitee of the People's Party, bus issued a call for a State conv-.'iru in Atlanta, on June Otd. In a remote section of hester county. South Carolina, 'J liomas N'eal suspected his wife, of infidelity, and chopped his w ife and her grandmother in tho head with an axe, killing both, aful then poured kerosene oil over the la. dies, cremating them and burning up the house. The sixteenth annual session of the Alabama Press" Association met in Florence. The plug tobacco contract for the United States navy, lr.o.ooil pounds has been awarded to a ltichmond, h, firm at their bid of cents per pound. The million and a half pounds of w o.-l raised in Kentucky this year has all been sold ami delivered by the farme 1 s at an average of K cents a pound, which is i"i cents higher than last year's prices. A cutting affray took place about six miles irom Mountain (. ltv, Jeuu wliich lludd Price, a North Carolina !, killed James Hampton, and I fatally injured his brother. Theo. I Hamptou. All were drinking. 1 I dov. O'Ferrall deliverad an ad. tresis j to the Master Car Guilders Association I at Old Point Comf.-'i t, Va. j At ?v!ucon. (Li , 'Tiionuis Welch was j killed by lightning w hile standing in his door. At Jacksonville, 1-Ta., the suit for libel against the three friends has born liismisseTl. In a speech at Jacksonville, Fla. . Senator Mallory criticize'', ex-President Cleveland and predicted that liryan will be the standard bearer iu i'.iuo. The annual convention of the Master Car Guilders' Association of the Fnited States, met at Old Point Comfort, V a. A. 15. Smith, of Mlartinsville. Va. , has Tiled an application with the Treas ury Department at Washington for the position of Auditor. The Kaleigh iN. C. j Press-Visitor learns that the Tribune is to resume liublicati'-n about July 1st. it is to be published as a four page morning daily with an eight-page Sunday edition. Col. V. AV. ilaywat-tl will continue as editor. dovernor LHerl.e. f South Caroll'iii. has announced the following hoard of iuouiry to investigate the condition be tween the students of the South Car. i bmi College and police and military, on tho athletic grounds, ('apt. Henry 'J . 'i iiomison. Col. I. d. Wardlaw an. I brigadier ( ienetal Joseph L. Stopprl beiu. with Judge Advocate S. O. Mav tiel.l. ib'ar A.imira! Saiuiiel l'hilli)is Lee. I'. S. N., retired, the last of the com manders of the great s-'inadron dining the civil war, died at his home at Oliver Spring-;, near Washington, ! . C.. after a short illness, of a stroke of paralysis. He was a Virginian by birth, ami a di rect descendant of Light Horse llavry Lee. of V.evolutionary fame. Admit a! Lee's war record was one i f the bright est in Americau naval annals. All About Use Norlli. l'.x-Comti-ol!er Hiram A. W'aite, of Port Huron ?'ieh . was given five year-; for emblezzling city f'tnds. At liutValo. N. V., a! the State eirciit meet F.d.lie Paid, the cyclist, rode an exhibition inile. .jiced by a sextette, making a track record of 1:31 1-r Prof. Hinton's patent baseball pitch ing gun was tried at Prince'on, N. J., 'lhursdav. Figlit strike-ont-. one ba-e on balls, one wild itch and four saft; hits was the record in three trial in liings. A Chicagoan w ill attempt to earn the .!.n;..0uii reward ottered by the New York merchant. Charles '.roadway llouss. to anyone who will restore his sight He is a "!r." Hj.rr.v Slater. He believes he can restore the lost vis ion by the application of a common herb found in the swamps of Virginia. At Lynn. Mas-., on the '.-th., then was a slight, but w i ll define ! snow ibu -ry. The tlake; melted as fast as they struck theground. It was the tir-t snow ever recorded in that city in June. F.x-Congressman Frank Al.lrieh, of Chicago, is believed to be (ien. Lee's successor to Cuba. The fireworks factory of ?d. Shure. in Chicago, has been blown up. Th" explosion war. cause, 1 by a match drop ped by a workman, 'lwetity-two e., pie were injured. lut no one va killed. The Wilcox .v White ii g.iu ( 'oin pany. at Meridian. Conn., have failed. In a labor riot at Ninotik. 11!.. tr.., men were killed, one" of them being A. W. Morgan. suerinfeiident of the coal mine. ?tlanufacturers of the In liana gas belt at Anderson aie organizing to preserve the natural gas fields. The entire plant of the Standard 1 Company at i 'ievehmd. ( . has si.i. -down for an indefinite period. ' ne thousand intn are out of v oi l:. Senator Ahirich i compelId to i.-avr I Washington on account of iii health. j Plan-for a new .rlo.'ii 'i ho.-p:t d lor the Fni'Hi Printers' Home at Co!..r:;d" j Springs. Col., have been ll. cept. .i j The Fiiiversa: i'.'-la! t .ngic-- ... ; in.!.! it- next .oiifeieu.-e m lid'.y ,'i i February, it'o::. lyam in lint ii. Tiilman and Party Ask the President to Retain Him AS RAILROAD COMMISSIONER. Nt Change Visit ii Art. For the ken of Present-- I he a (iraccfiil I A special from Washington, under j date f the '. th, says: "(ieu. Long ! street wiil have to wait until (ien. I Wade Hamp.on recovers from his j present indisposition, before there will 1 1 e a change in the ollice of coniuds ' sinner 01 railroads. 1 One of the most interesting hu-i-denisofthe .'lav at tlie White House ( was a call by Senator Tiilman, Senator I eicLavii-i'i. Pepresc.itaMve and Kepreseti tilth o Stokes, of South j Caio Unit. Although silver icmociat -. 01 the it' elest-tlv e l hue. they are 011 ! friendly term w ith the I 'resident and visited him to re.p.est the retention of (en. Wade Hampton, a gold l'emo crat. 'Ihe Preside. it told them that he thought very highly of b neral Hamp ton, but said that he expected to make a change in the oilier some time in the future. He did not expert, however, to immediately nominate, a successor to (ion. Hampton. As has been stated (ion. Loiigstrt et is the man who has been picked for the position. To South Caro linians and to politicians generally, who are familiar w ith the relations that ex isted for years between deiieral Hamp ton and the faction represented by the callers today, the visit is of deep inter est. In s;m. when Senator Tillman was elected Jovemor i f South Carolina after one of the most bitter campaigns ever known in the South, an intensely hostile ieeling between l iovei nor i'ill l.ian atid ( .eueial Hampton, then Sen ator, was aroused, resulting in the de feat of Senator Hampton for le-elect'.oii, iiii.l '. ho election by 'iillman's edicts, of Senator J. M. L. H by. the Los I il ity between ( '.cneral Hampton mid dovevuor 'Tillman was further iu-creas-d by the bitter attacks which dovernor Tillman and his faction made upon ex-President Cleveland and the Chicago convention iu is:r dencial l-l'toU being a wa;-m supp.ebr ,7 lent Cleveland. There ha nevei , ..v". ' 'V. ; , "'V1 l'"'''';, any kind be- ' 1 ''! -H-ral Hampton, ami the visit to the President today was a grateful act on the part of tha South v urolinian. Senator Tillmci ml Presider el fully go". , ide diverge McKinley are on vvoii leri'is for men of mi-.'.i e o.' xiews. Senator Me !v regarded bv the Pies I I ami iii is in i ident. A IIOi.'iiitiLK Jii'ii:. : I tie i: ir tie of I'll liiimiy Clio. r.irs that the suh-ide of t C!it. S. ('., was thttiesuit i .11 Cu-edy pca-'tical joke. A large part of Clio was recently destroyed by lire, and some j young men jokin j committing the iier.i.'eil Pun. iv ! . and told him that in 1 his son would be tri.-d f r bui ning Clio, barm less, conscientious lean, and bring charged ' u hi- M:Mtj.!f,.!i lias Cie "!.. At A-h-.e-ille. N . ('. . Wednesday the injillli S!o!l rase of til" So;.;!-. I ll iiaib wai eoiajisliy again 1 !:"ei': .r i:i!s m :1. Ai to: ip-y-dc tiercl '. a' . r a-dthi- .!iiC:-to)-s of 'the loa ! v.-:; eo-iei't.'.-i V. II, i -ay. eoiiusei tortl.e -h ;..t ois tie-i the argnmei.r. . i::.i ging a . n . lit' Col 1 lip: ion. Millli.' till eil V. a it'll.- oliiy I :.e. ei n-.r . eit-r rone agailisi ihe- oigir-! ii's wiii. Mr. I ar ii-ie. i-v .-,., ,.' tin-' r, took ;i V al tile doVe-nor, and pokl for an '.our. Judge very r.-j lie! i:. ng Uri.:s. i ii . i .lii i... l;ia,.e;i lg,:.-d for the --I IdpeeUil-. l it" c:,-e i- m w in t'r- luiuds of -ii.i.iiitiin. an I he :-a.v :- lie viin reirb-r a 'le. isj.;1, i;s -oo i as -. - ibie. I'leadi'ig. w-ro ti!-o tiieti in th- -uit of the! Ti a-t coi'ipati;,- of New ori. against tii: N ! til aroima railroa !, the t a-; vi tit t" (i.e c'-u't wjthoit ar:.' uiiiftit N.trtii . it.l-ti.t II-., Lii-.. 'Th" x o! fii i 'a ndi mi V . i i.-al vs .,.-i;;. ti-ui in aim -e-s j,". itt .'.lie lie.. 1 1 ! v i -beted i'r. Fri.n.i- ngV. ..; New b- i ;i. president: ! r. il. ( . I . :..-. of !::.,.. hitte. iir-t vice p; os it lev. . ;i r . I I'r. !!. I' Pattb-. Jr . the !.e-..- j.;.-. ' oft!-,, ex amining' l ' ii'-i. Miiirl, e.- :o .li'.-i-ii as the place t r the m -eting i.e - t year. -..:.l!: a;-.. lina's Keeotn-e to .-., IheCn.t.-.j Stat.s .in ate ind i.-iar .' f.liiliiitti ' I:-''.- coU-ideied the i,-.,;,. tioii .f S.-natoi- 'iiiiria'.. eoneei-ning the -o;t i : ( 'ai oiiii.i ib-p .j - ..'y .! . : - i 1 1 by Judge -simoliti.n Who.- te. ileiimtc cone!i:sioii La- been it n i.e i. t'.e opin ion in the committee w !..-. onth Carolina La.1, recottr-. . ti.-t by aj j.eal to the Court of Aj.pta'.-. ..n 1 tln-n by appeal to the Miprea.e Coiilt in indtee. I h. opinion na- exj je--e. in-.l-.-.i. I it;' I - bv n.iiny!-, that the .I" -i-i. Hi might he reversed in the l.igh . r c"U!is V. hole I iimily i'oi-oii. d. I Jei..;ne . ueathers. his v. if and --.e:i .-i.ll lit n were poisonf"! ) v ingt .u:. j ! P.'. el.-boio c.iil.t;.-. Ky.. with Cilil i greel!. 'The poi-oil s :. - on ;i s',.,.;,' n.l.-e C itthe pgj.e;-an i t ie , oi.t-i.l s:fi-e-l into a ba. k.-t ..f w : r I ..-low . O:.? child is rei orted dea l, two . v ing iaiid possibly lione will j..-,, r. i!l dive It is W iloie Pol 111. ie. i Charles Proadway Lous-, th" New- Ix . rk rner.--l.HUt. whos sight i aliu.,t -kv he vsiil give his w hoie for I tutu-, a'poiit sr.'.'i '.uiM. to have it re- mi I be an 1 his son would be arrested and I tri.-d f r binning Clio. Pr.t.dy v. a ; ;i I barmles". conscientious ami sen: itue lean, and being charged with so grave a crime boic. heavily on hi- mind tor sev eral days and drove l b'! to self-de: ti ue tion. lie lived seven. I iiinntcs after his thr.iat was cut. uad niamigoil t. say t.voor tloee times. "Me an 1 my soni'-e not gui'tv. " He leaves a wile and live vi- six chii.ben. WATSON if. i'C!IA i I S Ii:VA. '.lie Poj-nU-t ite.::iy io do ite( i ';: iiioi. ig n A bin e. An AtL.nla. da. , s .e. iai say s Tl.oi u.s F. Watson has won the fight to have the Populist conference which meets in Na-hvilie on July 1. 1. -solve it'-e'f into a 'o;ieil ti Ut aiid I 't eeed to Ite.ganie tile artv, : cpo bating ?e : ion intier i-.tid electing ;i ii."'. Nation;. i coi-in.ittee. in the tb'ciaration e.d'ing lo.- a.-tion "'ir. War og's paper: ;.y- : "i.eius eliminate three ''? Prvar: liutler and Pargains. 'l Ic t;-; : itp'.eii ated our Witt. -on. the m-, ;:,, i :. ti.. ami the third means tn-Mm. V... !; ,e hill :l surfeit of !i's. i i,.. -;:o; s' will lior.-aitt-r i'c t.iid. and .'. ad: nh-ne can reduce their i;i,i::l.. r-r " LAND OF Till: SKY. Ihe Charms of Asheville and Bilt moreTennnessee t'eiitennial ex position. There are no more beautiful or delect able resorts in America, at all times of the year, than Asheville. and P.iltmore, situated upon the lofty crests of the lUuo Kidge Mountains, iu western North Carolina, in the fabled "Laud of the Sky. " Kver since the charms of this won derful and most fascinating region be came known to the traveling public, it has been tho Mecca of all who love to dwell in the choice abodes of nature. And nature has indeed been exceeding ly generous iu the bestowal of her :i;'ts in respect to tho "Land of the Sky." Never was a country blessed wi;h a more i-a'.ubrious or cju ible climate; never was a country invested vv ith such lovely, romantic and cha-te scenery, ai this marvelous region of the Southland. Sweeping with tho eyes the va-t. ex Wiuse of nature on every hand, the grandeur if the creation -of the growth and enibe lishment of cosmic life, rise up aud uufol.U before the enia; tured vision with imperil splendor, displaying sceues of the rarest virtue ami enchantment. Through ti'O mountain ranges of the "Laud of the Sky," tlm devious course ofth.j beautiful French Frond Liver marks, a succession of gloi ious v i-t:.s of cosmic life. The high-walled c".n.;.i-. or the tree -hid teaks standing sent .:;el on either ha", I form a wonderful setting to the sparkling river as it i!ow s i in, ard toward the sea 'The three famous resort - of ihe "Laud of the Sky" arc A :- hevil'.e. iiihui.u e and Hot S,.rings. These may be considered separately : Asheville is an enterprising city nestling amid the imperial ranges that mark tho "Laud of the Sky," and has ail the indicia of a live and pro gressive municipality. It is. I i-i ly a resort city, and is graced v. U'.i numerous palatial villas. tasteful cottages and grand hotels. Its streets are romantic, tree-shaded drive.-! winding about in the most pietui e-pit fashion, and in the pretty ark adja cent are the lent borne homes of tho favored inhabitants. 'The -.-limafe is singularly .in e, dry and bracing, mid possesses to a reluarL "ble ti lee tho qualities which tend io promote hta'lh and pleasiiie. 'ihe number if .-h nr days is very high tor the average year. In winter the climate is very mild, vet extremely bracing. Iu summer the charm of outdoor life is inexpi ess ible. 'The a;r is w arm and genial, et not oppres-ive. on account of tlrync--. an 1 the nighis are delightfully cool and conducive to re ti illness ami sweet re pose, ihe gtcai resort bot I at Ashi il!e is tie! i'a'tery Park a magnificent home which exeinptiiie.i the bight si degree of ltixury an;! g.-oil tast . N o w, !-.s of c ine e t.tiu :. "i needed for this famous l.o.tse. standing j.roU'IIy upon a n.o 'e tmi nence, rf it stmiptUos fui iii ling, or of its pei less cuisine or n-vi.-e i'ho fame of the house is world v. id-: b'iltinore. 'J his place is some two miles from Asheville, ami pa; takes of the .same general charAeVr, iu respect to scsuery, climate and geiici at !i'1i :te-' tions. P.ut tho place taken its nauio from the imperial -half an of Mr. (iorgo W. 'tidel bilt. 1ho mo.-t mag niticelit palace in America aveiiiab!o rival i f the rova! a! -odes of ihe Obi World. Tho splendid enrdens and the adjacei t to tho castle at !! worthy of a journey of mill Ibliu oif1 i sa ; a'afuii Lot. !. kecpi'.g V-. ith I ii' place, k. Kenilwi !l!i 1 an. an ideal hi and ii e i . -o: t i ! tint Test 1 1 gi . ut farm itiiitet! are toM-e. At of abode, pie of the laud. i he eoulpineut, cui an I i.-e of this now fiimi.u- b n e me ?ql!.i' i i t.,e be-t hii h-cia-- bole -.. find no '.-libi t is spared to liiiiiiitalu tho sta el- rd . 'excellence in cv r respect. Fi.i s-piingt. Situated in a rhur.uing plain m tht 1'ii.t-t of a v ast wiidei-ii"ss -not far from Asheville and ;-nr-roun.'ied iiy (1 e most beatit 1 t'i.l al.s. is the lii'.Ie city of Hot Springs. I heie i;t the Mountain Park Hotel, a ch arm ing boiii.i for the health or ph a-ui'o seeker, and a most excellent sanitarium w h :! .. ihe waters of t h" VM.n lei f ill (her nia! springs are udmiuisft red with the most . X; rile. it IT! ill's. '1 In: l onto is v ia the Southern Ilail wa.v. itli sib-ieiidly i.nanjtd and luiig a dh-t nt i v arpoiiiii tl i ' i : ..i i g i car service. Pullman I '-rawing room :-bip-iugt ar; between New oi l;. i a liiiig ton and Nusliviil" w hero the 'l etines pee Cenfenial I x in sit i. n is tiow in prog,e-.s tli'-i ugh the "Land of tho Sky" :'ii..-; , llle and ( lu.'t iiiii'.ji LooLoul Mi iiutiiit!, the. ict io- oi tha "fhi' ie bove tlie i 'l..:.i .. ' " he Nor folk ami i !iatlali'.og.i Limited, daily, iietwe.n Norfolk, lialeigh, Luihani, i iiee.;. b. ! o. Sail bury iunii count e tiou from New Voik, Wa-hingtoii and : : iiiia . and N:f hv ilie. 1 h-" ig h '. -he-vilie. Pot Sjtrings, Ui.ox'i ie and ( hiotitiioogj. I bis tiain cat i n ; uli man' - line-t I h aw mg-i oom Ili.Oet sleeong ear, bet.veen aei Na hv ill.', a i i t 'egant vt-stibu'ed day coiic'ue, 1 etwee. i N Olfol k ami ('t.i n.iog.i. i li'.imio.i di awiiig room b-e; .in g car are a' o operated between Jack sonville a. id Cliicinnati through Sa vaiili.ili. Ci lumbiii, Spai t-li! ui g. Ash.-'vilie, Kiioxville iitet linn lm.".-i Jllil.-tioll. Visitors to the Tennessee Centennial Fxi osition ai Nashville w ill tin t a v i -it to A-heville or vicinity mo-i delight fn: and vab.nbie. 'The .-outLein i'jiil wavno.v has in press its iinnuHi wui i merlb me and Pesorts" fohbi. taining a full li-t of the many .blight ful re.--. rls, hotels ami summ r I Hits o:i its line, which will be mailed bv t'.e (Jeneial Pa- engt'i- Agent or of 1 assenger I lej'aitme.'it to an v :.d b' - ni-on n cei t. of o'.te-.-e tow .-. nt NOlfl H CAIfdlJ.NA IJIUKI'"". I There i- talk of Salisbury l.avit.g a 1 cil v , ark. h.trioite'" tiiiiteeiith fu'-iory l- lii j e. r -a-.. I his (,.,..- i" for webbing Htei I I, -.rt-1-t the agi i-ultuia1 tie;art-, ..: 1 di'.'-. I'. di.t.iag- i-v f;;-t ' ,-!,, .tpgie ci'-p thau ws i v-t-!'-l. . ill k g. ( he-hiie Milled fn.m N..-W- j i-ie i.j.t from lingiu!.:. li;-: i - .-.-it.lril.iite 1 - ) todei'ia;- i' -S i x; ' :i hal iotte dts. rvr: . j H !. iLVVer. of No! foil., get, lilt, i ro:,l;;. -' to' li'i. id 'ii't 1 -e.Vf -. if ' i in . !.-!.! ' f. r tin; I'd Not th Pie-v ing ..nil any. , ( ii.'.-!'-- i . Me Iver. . d l'.,;. S'TU-e ,'. : !..:'. .!'. I llldll-t! ia1 ' .'. . ei ' P. lt..ti'ill to tl.-liver the ild- .!.. - ..i -:. John s Fay. -'one .''.th. at 1 the ,xh '! ban As.v bin.. ir i- ...... 1 that the r..-'.!nit- a 'J j.;,..,. I. d; strict are making deo.o.d - :..,..!. tiie authorities id Wa bitigtoa . i, ul of ti:.- .,;!!... to d-. en . i- hi.h'iV 1 ;..,! ..- two i. -!, . -: t- vv::! be unveiled in 'hu. .':. M-- Msv the -heir to li.e fig ti-: - t'- - vb !- it-iil.'ir: I -'a.iitioi; ' ..- V, ;t!.' ..l'i". I.iis I'll '.te-t H.:i. ZJ ill. : i:..:r l at..-.-. lit ii iniis Continues, at the Best, Moderate But Distinct. BETTER THAN A YEAR AGO. ilopi'le irs f.n-Uie Fall Trwit.' ture People l-liiiplov etl Tli.m Irler tt tiir I 're-it It -nt I :il Flfrt :o'. lb (i. Ib.n A Co.' Wcridy Kcview of 'Trade, under date of the savs: The gain in business continue - not without ib.i.-' l:. and st the b.-t moderate, bet ct di-t'.ri. i. It is still in quantit it - lather (ban prices, al though in some branches an it iva-i. e m prices appears, but oil the whole Ihe number of bands cmploytd. the vol ume of new orders au.l the amount i f work done in e slow I y increasing, i i t -peet of good crops of wheat end cotton help gi ;: . i' dein .nd from denier whose stock-a gradually gaming con sumption deplete also helps, and 111 tho money and exchange market large buy ing of American secnriti.'- ba- a'l in tliiem e. Wheat look ; well and t! e best trace authority i..w estimate- the yield at .M.'i.l.O.I.IMO bus),, S. with i iauy States and railioal r.'.i.i ii-t . ,;rtoitit. dim price recovered '. c r Lt week's fall of over four i cuts. i.. , mise visible supplies are dimini-h iv.'. i ii with -ll."'l, '..'I bu-hcl- r.c i i d at W e -tern olts ia .'iiiir. t'ant:c i orts have been, flour im-lu,,,.l. .',:.",' i:i bu did-, agi.ii, st ..,' !. M moil.' more i!.:y bp! year. The outg.i i, ; t.-adv and since .March has i ee.i :i.' hi., -g bil-hei-. iiL'ainst IU, li'.. i.l bet vear, and vet Westein receipt', have kept l.lillv ahead of the exports. i he anum.l i. ; oi t of the c.'toii acreage by the t inam-iid Chronic!. i showsan increase of ."..':! per cent, in all tlie States and .in in. re.i-e iu ev. ry State in : pi-e of the floods, vv hich a! li. mure favorable w.ntht r lii.oi th.ito: last year v.o'ih! mean aciop of inariv !. i.'i,.Mi'i ,:,!es. i h iiiaf'.et I- a si ... tretith weaker, isollv because .some Southern cotton mil!-, are trying to ci'.itail the production Neither cotton or oole'ii mills can expect other than a waiting business v ith a chance of the ta' itf impending, bill the de:.. ami for bleached ; is is steady, tin. .mil modi rale, for prim cloths -lightly better, at " ' pi r cent , phis 1 percent., and for print goods, (.hough not active I'lown goods are dull, liioilgb ip;.,!al . are 11 nchal'ge. I Some large w ...ien mid ; ate preparing to increase il.ef ..i.tpui and Lave nt i I. -si oil ii'ir ! i-. in g i . a -r .-I i'.:,;o. (Mill .ouiid o I oi' , i. i i 'd i f al! kinds ;,t the ti 'o.- ch.. .' i,..,- ! P; Car pets at I h ialh b I ia v. L.ei! have .:'!-( lt'.sin.l' d alter ll long idlellcs -, V.efe also bu. n.. am! all .tic now run ning in-ill I v !uM time A somewhat better reorder demand for vvi obits is repoitrd. e-pe-iiiliv in medium ami high priced ; o.-l- and !:( ny worsted, V, l! LorM iei l. e iu l'i i" -. iron te.i-na. es in bh.- t June 1 icporl the weekly output of !.:. tens, against 1 ;.'.'-: ay i. and in unsold stocks, ex. i t -i . . t tint K11'"1 -'eel cm i aid- io- .u . .is. , t I in is lor the in--nt .i. t . i.e.' . ' : ! .hell , e t , ..I. ..ii:c! l;. I'.e price ti- burg. ' It ii gl ev iu fa. t ' i. i- . - .me . f ih" de- f liili-hed .cms, into tht ; i-r -t i .",0.0 ill to l. '.PO.I t !; . i ii .-'.; ing nfti ; v.,. id i.i foige lo-.-ller lit . . ' . . i that production T pi-. . Oet!,s lf. ll lull, I. o. , .. iiiaii'l in ihe m:tip.Pi -t I'::-.!. tre to I--: m th. rod Ir.e d e.l'isel null- lo Vie' 1 0 cents. The slide at I ill-burg en.'e I without suc cess. laiiiii." hi- ihe w cel. have been ' it! ti e i niicil . a railed -Jbibi-t year, ami JO in ( a ia i: against V7 hi t year. vv ill -l II! I Ma hi 1. June ! . i;. idling. P. Cable , dh. m r an., -.a-. .:.-! .'.'.. is I '.'pot P 'I II' I de. mines of the ( io Uiio. Ii. an l' no ing (Ind tie- I do l 'i:. Ih" ;i' t-i i. i n t ili.i-n who t -pi ! I in i:;d a". ' ' '. n'.:t I a'-o.i, a ; ! cut I . front ing received t !iere. in'i't be Xiigg. l iip-'i. i in- I i en. lei-added, how ever, that if t'e- widow t.i Pr. Pui. de manded an m. Ien, nd y and her claim was sho'iu to be pi t.iied .pain Would see tha! ll was paid. lie sitid: "I bo not believe Pn-ldeiit AScl-.inley ha, any iiiif ieii'll .-Teen:g . toward Spain, but if the I' lilted : 'laics departs fn in a f'ieteliv attitude, S an. w ill I t altln to .blend her light--." row is 'oi:., e.l II im. W. .1. I'.t arrived in New Tori, in the 1 .'th troii Tmv. He v. a !.n l at th- dram! cotii.l depot by a Loge crowd, who iiccnded hint hi. j1 id ia -tie reeep'.io!.. 'i b- J,:-. ! y v..i - i:,, I deputation from the I :-. I e::, C'l'die rbib - Mr. iP vll i bft tl. Miitlonii.e h.ici.i'ii i, a'l in a row m !'-"iit ' 1 tlie bu.l ll',: i .-moved 1 heir Lats and it ii.''' i i th.-. hi . i ;.,g bu- "i. next President i.f tee I n ' : . M.i ,-s und Mr. I. rvioi a,.t -.:.';-:. 'twiedgt- tee sail!.- Cn.-vd- I ' lo-.w -I hii.i to th Pit: ttmlid. ho:. ! s-liafieii l.v n it.' ;i'i ! nr. ii. .ti.. In-. Calculi-;. June I i A scV.'.e!. .p-.aht; " k ill iie- !' i'.ese.'. v.'i felt heie oil 11.- I .1 '1 at "t o I'.oCn. 'lie : hock extt-:, tie,, t" i!ov..'-a!., a. ioks tl.. Foogiv liver, v.h' ie seriei; . damag. wiii done Sev ei ai L u ih lings col lup-ed Mjlne iiv - -..el' io ami a number of people '...-i-" in,. li.' I. e.'de or b-s's :e '.t-re!V. lathi- cd;. altliou rh a till;., bi I oi btiildliig. wi eiae,.e,, tiieie va , mi 'ei ion - tin-. -age done. linn ii ( ..Hi i t p. n- .iiited for .ii. . J ,e (.iba.ii I.eagiP- of the' . Slate- I il- cafe I IP ' ll th'- t hlirches the bold P. li.-vote In- io i'i .i'-tl service i t Suii hiv. Ju'v I'h. i.'-'.t. to the ciu-.' of ' dod. I ibt i ' '. and i : .'..aii'ty as w-p i I -elded 111 tlie Ml Ugg. ' Of I 111..". f"l indl'i end-:!.-'-, dev. .g t i.e et i"i, ei. -. th-- ;., t !,uif of t! : "- ...I. t-, the U', -. ! . . . ..poll llii the - i i. . f "' m i n-a to im: '.. I . . i - , ' ui'-morabi" t J I .di lot:.- I iiei e '.- .s :-. .. fi er-h' trai.,s t I. Fr. erieksburg ' 1 t.t- i. a ' buliroad, 1.. A-hland, ll lie Were I ii' damaged and b r:o s '.' n e sn a-lii i he crew jiliai ed and e -caped llijui V I.; v iii" 1- - if Au.iin. I he A i.. .: :.-. X. I .. I I.;,,.! of A! r i i. an ut n i - a' ; . -,i,i r re-cinded ds a.-tion !.. -.o! t'.e .. "dry" ami v 0e-l t" g:..:g th- ;.; ; '. n'v-iis f- r a If new a! i.f ! i e' - . -. tl.c tbirteeii , laiooiis. 'i i.i aidi : :, i a !. d out and A . h'.'V li ie i . -' n.'.i.:,. Heft-on oiiisioii. . el on eo. Psion i : A

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