, T'n f.benger 5 -BZXD ouiu rox- the . i ews ' : ;if:r by tbe peo- ... Yin-ey, Bun- ! r-M, burke 'i' - i:i Western !. ! it in tLere- rtislng Medium .! on applloatlon. n iinoer. Tlarlon, N. O. : JOB PRINTING 5 THE MESSENGER, ; J Harion. N. C. 1 i rromptne, Accuracy, Heatnaa J ani Good Stock Guaranteed. Letter Hftads, Note n.ls, BUI Head. 1 J Enelope, Circular, Cards, Poa- I tr, Tamphlets, and any kind of ! Trlotlng. , . " 1 VOL. II, NO. 2.5. MARION, X C, FKIDAV, )JT0iii:;M. 17. l'rir '1 ler Vcar, in Aelvaiue LIFE'S COMPENSATIONS. ,v- l.ft -l'-ar, -lib have its tear, : r-.wr.ing above us to il 1 g. I in. J:-,UUi,g iiw.iv. t i i ;tt nr- n.iieti in""; It -r-. A AAAk A.AAk -k. A-.A..A. jCs.x.""W Jh. ,? u A' 3 True btory of a Banco. V'T,'- T' "'J' V VV V"f V Yrr , v I!.- 1. .. I ! : , !r r - -.1 I.V th ill l! i-t. It-!- t.lMI (l! i- .1..:.. til i a W;. I ii-.- I in- V. t i-. 'mt :ii,l l.i: f .1111 1 i ' ill; -li. I !!, ! I i -IH i I st ! i i..il!.l t.'!. :iM A ' '. ! :. .! r .,1' t't- I -:. I ..I' lii ii Ii i-hI, w In. .. all i'M.l fur iiiitr it S!,- I -.riil.i.i. !..r .1,1 : ;rw li, ,,l-M I, i.! 1- the l! He :- - ii- l.-t ho, i ,-ook i'V in- s ni. '.1 I "I' by la' ; - i: ai-'i.- I v.. rk. II - r had w it;: s ,- ,- im i.'.. u -uM t- hi. a ,-oi of o d ( f i'.iiaii c.-i'i'ry i- liad learned it m her iiiomi'iie r.ci lira cm il.in id foil a conk ollie ei- ! -t i ,ai rv in.; aad e, -iiin ; t id ' v olid ! fill I'o-ress. 1 i i . Nine!:.-!- fondly ad ::,o ' as :;,,od, if Hot verv tl , i herself. T ,,, h .-led v 1 id '.me to the' " i 1 in:''!,' fair pi , ' ' : 1. .1 I I ! ; ! M i a 1 Ml 11 iha ' the ;.',', to the over th.- 't ni, rcscl-d hearted a i '..'. e ' r.i l mo! c I nan as Is ; n ad h .s 1 1; I i mused ' i.e. alii t i,-n he sat 1 ; . ma'am. 1 w ant to learn a hh v ou. and I I aveV: ,.t v. I'.a' if v .-.id 1 l , a -ii me 1 '. II! ,..,.-', X., a v.hat I .! I I' w-.s-, yoi.r dl-he, : i.i ; i'enn 1- 1 i-s. in the b.ir- pr,,f,-ss,,r of culinary art verv heal til v aud being a If it's No rn.v Th-r- i Th-re i Jt U ; Tie is to rain. It will rain. .Mv i. ;,-. !- ill W'l)l'-I t WIT- ! ; h A:. I .la:., -lav a!.o' I i 1 ' I I, l,i n:i fa: l.-iii u Ml, 'I'.-nt- li 1 ,1,1 tl;- la.ly a ai.ly h: and .ii 'r an :-! 1 1 1 1 " v. a ; ta!,'-. nr not find '.'..at 1, SS ,l r !o, kel k and hi i-k h;.vi I r , . l.,,v. lir t ) V-.ii y ta -t an I 'uli traon'i I t'.er-.at t! very tl. ii- rem: .thin had th i , 1 1. l - ' etl-h ,v, a t e V. liad a i tao e h v.ere not I,, 1,-r of nt ; a m I 1 1. -ni .tie 1 maiiv I vas -oiu ; ; I- .is ' to suit 111 on IT., an h- had bollt th - i.-l . hi,' 1.,: ' . l n idea .dv th .1 of w as ta,en a led. and -v. V. '; a' ,.,1 bv had 11' l in hi.-h v i 1 i i i-'l.b i al f.-tiv- sald: vvori Il Tl: ll - ;- ;:t ai etc ,"i t lie I r, M .;!,;' th y bi y and ' as cry 1,' nnirnit.g ci to,' :',id si in bed fo is no; when il l not would mat; v Mile !c :h hi b ill heoli ,,., ...,d to :,m,. l i , i n t i i lj. 111: th. !. i Ut 1 li i I a i If o t!ie I'lopl tetol in anratits of ihe city. ., sa'.i: "I'm atraid i voeu.;. my son. i-ut you .low n stalls and see the tiea I attends 1,1 that j-art of the " . 'a.'-.-,", was enco'iiau'ed M'.'.u I' if not the l-attei- of the II. t he - : eat k iteheti speech a' ben. ath , I W I diniii-' hail. la.-x- hed.r, 1 at 'in AN; -ai 1: v ei .lamsev sa d: "I'd like to be a her. The chei smiled and said iu his own J language: "What a dear little fellow." I tln-n in lln-liVa, "Can y..u i-.x.k'r" ' I i a i y !'. .r Jalnsey he res) ..tided in 'i. n.-ii. "I think I can ciink as ' ii-t lii-n, sir. I'll like to ha ' - I t I V l!l '" Hi na' i tongue aroused the chef's in H- -aid, "Y.ui speak my . lull'. U.l .'-. " "Ye s:,i i Jiun-y, "i speak Hni, : ! you speak German." asked the sai 1 Jams.-y. 'i cook in French and Ger- a ln.'tli ' "Y- VYI t iv y . to t !;: - ,n .ii, .in. v. i M - -t l.V'ivf in iv -li, 1 rn ' ih',.. Vim -o over there I evt''0)nifcU; n t'1'3 "'e this year ,v- an, I rook in- some lainh 'onie to two tlt-jiai tmeuts, the a;-'-o i.- j'i i n-h v. ay anil alxi in ri-iilii,. ul and the bureau of lahor .li way, ami n they are ! ! ii-i.t u: .1 am- i-v u t ut i.c ..ih.'r i-.n.k work in a hurry. ;ed on ainiist d I v I1 - I, -i .:'.::-ia-m. '. j . k -'l ' ' :: , sii'i-e 'lii-h i:-- rm-1 h am. d iVo m 1'i au Mu, Her ami im ; i o e 1 rjioii iinise!f. I'm- the other i!i li ! e ina'le a sj eeial sauee whieh 'h !.:,ir piofe-sor had taught him. I in ," a'.ioiit liliished, and lie h el i i. 1 the sau,ei)an rontainin on-, ..',-n a elumsy seiillioii eoin j a-T, -it iier by aeeideiit or through iiii-ehief, ran against him, and the in, nt-of one :aii-eia!i went into ih- oli.-r. I' a l no more than haiiiened vshei tli- eh- I r a; ,j ,eai'e l from some other 1 art , I the it .-talilishm-iit 1 elovv :-!''. II'' v allied over to v hre t he : ii h!e' s boy stood and saiil: "II. il!o, that's a halnlsome sauee. 1 ih iit re;,iei,iber ever having seen it."' li- t .oi, th ' 'a:'.;e sjhidii whieh was in it ami -iirre l it. 'I'he stirring p;ave a liiii-htothe mixture, which nnele it verv uttia. live to the eye. It was of a rich .'!. ii, with a vvomierful er 1 i;.-ti- and a smooth, v el vety exterior tiiai v, as very appetizing. The chef r,,i ii the sjioon and tif-te l it.smin-keil hi- I s and rai l : '".My son. that is the best sauce I h. i' e tasted in ten years. Y, U call ; -lit on your i a;i and apron and -m to work now. and 1 am very ".lad to e;et so pto.i.i in'.; an assistant in my kitchen." The sauce has been luatle many hun dre I times in that restaurant since Hit l: atnl is us popular as ever. .iamsey has risen to be the second in coalman I and is hi, ike I tip to by all the oth r employes of tin' house, ami j'lau Mueller has left Kiv iut;toii street ,nd pre:-ides over a very pretty flat near ( Vntral park, w here.Jamsey makes his home. QUAINT AND CURIOUS. Tii- bri iv: at Montreal. Canada, is nearly t w o miles Ion-'. lam-bow strings were of jilaitel silk and worth live times their weight in -old. it took half au hour for a mother at liiis'oi, i'.Tiii., to recover a watch w in el which her small bov had sw al lowed. Mie of the hl'V farmers of l'tic.1, Neb., has a roc-kin-- chair attachment conn, , I ui.h hi; harvesting ma rv. Cherry Cli ck, X. V., has a 1 lind in,! one arm 'd man who -ives les ins to Iwelity-fr.e pupils on arioiis musi al int rume'its. X-ah lloby of Xevv llrunsw i-k, X. '-as ju-t le.-ovel'ed his si-'ht, aftei bi i:;- blind tor ten years. He is said to be l'J") vears old. and holies to break the ice reci.1,1. .lohn V.'i atbi i ok, bachelor, fai'iiiin it live miles iioilii of l.apoite, Imh, and t' .ft v v ears old, ha 1 never seen a laii'.vay :i v, i.i -e or street car until lit visi'-d Michigan city last week. The third set of teeth is -row iii-; foi I'm-. S. ott of Athens. IVim. Nine art alnadv out. and three more are al most in view. His aire is ei-hty-niiie ami In- reads without the aid oi , a sses. On- old lady in Kn-:'an 1 boasts ha in- h oked on Kin (icore Ill's nl ile- show i;s well as the twont I 'm-eii ietoi ia. She is Mrs. Illunt, mother ot the i'.ishop of Hull, now it.'i v f'al's of a-e. .la. in s Huike of f.eiini and William Anderson of .Maple r, cently met in I "ehivMi e i iiunty, l'eiin., to see who eoii!,i eat ihe most raw e;.C'.:s. I'.urke swa'lowed three more than his oppon i i-nt. The total number eaten wa Si i ' v one. i die hi -dies t bri, lire in iermany spans th- Vii per thai, at Mnp-ien. It i? : ..i ice' hi'ii and 1 1 1 : H feet Ion-', and ! h i eii' la! arch has a span of "d0 feet. ' ii- o uv hi-her brid-f ill l'.urt,pe is ! he ( abit via inc., iu.if.et high, in s, ,u! l.er n t ram e !'ar:ck Henry's father.-lohn Henry, ! was the son of Alexander Henry ol i Aberdeen. Scotland. The Henrys ol Kv t-'-,re Ca-tle, Cialvvay. Irelami, ' i-re of Scotch extraction. The fan. i ; !v u a ori-inal!y Norman. .lohn liriin I eai.ie to ir-inia before 1 7".i. n u'lcomni' n di-ease has fortwc , , r ... - months :l armci in.- pai.ui-. o, .vniiit v iia'i imu i. au, ... C .mi. Tii.' girl's th-s'i is gradually hardeiiiti'-, until now it is almost a- i i"d as wood. So far the i hvsicians have been unable to give relict. A cat owned by Mr. Peeler of Kip b v. X. Y.. has two kittens which i lit ,i.Jv -,.r to lightiugtiver a mouse which mother eat caught for their benetit. i;,s. l'eeler saw the ipia lfl. and. tak ing the im use from the kittens, -at it in two and gave each half. Xow v he"e i' the ca' catches a mouse, slu . ot s hi st t Mrs. Peeler and waits un- i til the i ! ittt r e'tits it in two. V Knil'e ISlail Cehha'-d 11. K Hi- Kim w ho i ai iic Last '''"j ; i.,i .,i 1'eeksk'll N' Y recently, and saoi'tly alter ward Cur - -..oii Stephen l'l ost Hortoti removed a large piece of knite fhni- that Koch had aci'l-iita ly run into his kne. Memi-ius tninetn yt .- ' " the bill of compiamt of J. c. Wood, that time the wound hea.e.l aim thi . . Hel. steel was practically forgotten.1 superintendent of the maus at 1,-n,- lV-centlv the knee beca ue very pain-' ville, Ky., praymg that Pos-matei-fr,l and "serious resuhs were feared. General Gary be enjoined from r. !.ov Mr' Koch came to New York and had in p him from office. an ' X-rav photo-rajdi of the ki.ee The case has been considt : -'. :i : ,. ,t .,.'. ' Th.e plate when dev eloped nature of a test of th r;gh' , : r . .i.ov e I the pie of kniie lilade e;.i- . , , I ... .1... 1....... it OS I - e.Plcil t - .. . . ,ved bv lr. Ilortoii .p. ration. 11H CAROLINA GULLINGS. I . ! : Industrial and Other Developments ! in the State. MONEY FOR THE SCHOOLS. Frclglit on Cotton Ke-Arrangcd .'.O Companies in State Guard smit h's Immorality to He Investigated. The reports of industrial anl otl'.or etah ti-s. u Inle no jreut work UM lieeu done at auj- i ai tii"i!ar l'o.nt, yet the ai'iTleirato i-, l'ir'e. in th- lu.i'ter vi cotton lnillii.-f ih'j .o;-ia:nt i:o uraut that the 1 . i". i . ' -s-iiutiie n.aik has been i.asse-.l, anl there are also i4,'t'M) looius repot tt d. 'i he largest luill uuiler one roof is at 1 Mirham, ainl thu coinpauy owning the ri eatest niiiiiher of Kilinlles and looms i T and ,"', respectively,) is at Henrietta. Another line of developia-nt h; in the way of roller tloutiu' mills, of whi-h li-i are reported. 1 he lumber interest is ot au minor- tanee not -euerally known. The re- 1 ports from twelve of the eastern , counties nnow t it' . .owiiilt cat oi ,. o . :.,..r,.. w. -..nt. ins millions of feet: J'eaufoit, s; llertie, 1; Carteret, it; Chowan, -J; Craven, Halifax, H); Xash, "J; New Hanover. l'T: l'amiico. ! '. ; 1'a-iiuatank, b!; Wa-hin-ton, 1; I.e'uoir, 11; the Hon. Walter Ik Taison, ex-Solieitor total beinsr ur,,0 iil,ou() fe-jt. ; of he State bepattmeut at Washington, The triickiiur iuterest in Craven died at the house of his brotherdn-lavv, county (in which is Xewbern) is in J r. .1. 11. .Matthews, Wilmington, X. proeess of -rcit tlevelopment. and C. , ai'n -1'.' years. money was niade this season .The of- ; T1,c lU,im;SH portion of College Sta- licial returns state hat dunn- the i ti, !.,li,url( of Mirmingham, Ala., Bl.ippinsr season, which continues saxty h.!S ,,,. wj ,.a ,mt bv tire. The loss days -,..111. men and 10 (m:i. women ami ,t lrtl whicU is almost children were employed ou the trucK 1!lslll,uit.0. larius. i he shipments from there t,.e lmst season were T ,!.'''' larrels of Iri-fn , With the exception of the store of. Top potatoes, .1,1 rM of sv. eit potatoes, PI ,- 1 1 ill .V Co., the entire business portion (MM) of cabbages, ,, i .' of mlishes, 1',- of U iimeti, Ky., has been destroyed by n0 of kal r "i'I.U i'I bushels of snap tire. i he total loss is estimated at over beans, 7(),0t)'l of peas, '.'.in i of tomatoes 1 S ",;, I; insurance about half, and IQ.iMO crates of straw berries. An Illinois Central passenger train - , an ilow n a wagon on a crossing near The State Superintendent of Public; ' ivcrsburg, Teiiu.. killing two negro Instruction says that while only seven boys instantly and fatally injuring tovvurfliips out of the l,:!oo voted for lo- ' u ne-ro man. 'l'hese were the only cal aid to imblic schools, tho people occu'-ants. really cast a favorable vote m umety one others, but the vote was not u ma jority of the registered vote. He was asked whether ho thought interest in educational matters was increasing iu the State. He leplied that he feels sure of it; that th re are more educa tional meetings and more teachers' as sociations than ever b, fore. He is ar ranging to disburse s ni.s;.) among the various counties. thi sum comiuir from the sales by the Stat- i'oard of i.duca tion of xvliat are le, huieally termed "swamp liiutls. " - Manager Stannnnl, i f tho North Car olina ITeight Association lat week again appealed before the raiir. ad com mrssion and asked for a iediic,-.u , rates on cotton in North Carolina. The commission issued the following order: "Having fully examined the lutes, we lind them lower than in any other State leorgia as low, but that the rates are not uniform 'U iht'ci int systems, and hence it is ordeu d that the rates be on one hundred pounds '.) cents for ten miles; 11 cents tor M-; l'.i for -10; Si for M; S for b ) for bin; :;.1 for .'00. These ra'es to apply to the main lines and b:am lies ulke, ami g into eiicct ictoiu r b'th.'' The -rand jury at Ileiidersieivil'e found a true bdhi-ainst le! i.o-sfor breaking into jail at Asheviiie to 1;. -cii J'.ob r.rackett, rapist. A spec al fn-a J lendersonville says there was an un expected turn in attempts to f,'t evi dence against the lynchers; that true bills have been found in a large num ber of cases, names being withheld until capiases nre issued and executed, l'.xciteinent prevails i.nd quite a num ber of Huncoinbe participants have tied the State. baleigh Corie ondent Ihd timore Sun. ; ) ros erit v for the Last, est. North The penitentiary board adopted reso- and South, lutions.lecid.ngtoiuiiy investigate on AiH,,lt fortv inmates of the wcrk CVtober the l - the horn ,!e char.-e llt Toled... O., are ill from fever n-amst .;- Iv.iby Sia.th. whohasb-en f . i !liaHjim,lt tvl,e, bordering ou piliys'.c;-. to the crtunn&. insane, and lv,l.i, who is charged with gloss immorudty w ith two white women who are in that ' ' hio's Democratic campaign was department. opened at Columbus; about ;;,0oo peop'e ; at'eti ied, ami s,eeches were delivered Tho (iovernor appoints as State proxy j by many prominent leaders, of the Atlantic - North Carolina Laii- j Afn.,. a two Ill(mths' shut down, and load. L. .1. .Moore, or New Lerne . amt j ,,u t,x,,ellsive strike of if-,i,r.ilii, the us directors, Hanu-lW. I atrn-k, .). L. (,.;,.,,,.(,. steel plant and plate llerson, Hubert Hancock. W l liam II. ' n,iil ol the IVilaue Steel Compat.yut Chadbourn, Kd ward II. .ueadows, 1 . i j ;,.i!li;ri.. . , i;llVo started up, giving D. Hewitt, W. i. Sawyer and John 1. emplo tueut to .loo men. Mewborne. ! " , Miscellaneous. The farmers say that this is a record- j Wa;tt.r , ;rPsham'fi estate, breaking year for partridges. Ihe k.ft 1tl i.is wift. liettell .s.r.irj. breeding season was almost perfect, ana there are more covies in the lields than ' Ti ieudsof Tan MacLnrcn will ur:e at any time since tho big freeze about him f-r th- posted moderator of the ten vears ago. i next Synod of the l'l esbyterian Church . i in Kn-huid. II. 11. Harding, of llaleiirh died very j Washington's wool clip for Is'.-T Binhleuly at tnet hntou hotel. ( linton, aliiu;mts to oo,0oo pounds. S. C. Mr. Harding was of a verv prominent family and has been oilici ally connected with the Seaboard Air Line railroad for -" vears. There are now thirty companies is I lUOSIIUi; L'l'Hi'i "" one lauepriioeui cwm,,ftllv. There are no lessthau ci.'hty- j mrje applications on uie lor permi.-.-iou I to form companies, The Souther Pallwav is to build a ' new freight depot at Charlotte, OuxdoC feef I Mr. J. Edwards, of Paleigh, petal 7,.100 as a compromise in his nit for ?:;o, oho against I'r. J. J. Lawrence patent jiedieinediseoverer of St. Louis. iloth formerly lived at nson. Senator Eansom will certainly be found in the next camj ai:;n, and those who know him predict that it will be one of the greatest carni aiges of his life. Ex. The State Board of Health announce that it will personally examine the wa ' ter supply of all the cities and tow cs in , , . j Wood C'Hipbiint Dbriib' ( Judge Cox, of the snpreme ( the District of Columbia, l a- ul, ? , , i ine delivery o: ttie i -.v.'.- t - 4Vi iriTirt rnoin m.inv i ',:! eluding members of the civ. , commitsior-. TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. ' The outh. 1 he Yireinia Peiuocrata held a rati ti -atio'.! meeting at i'.iehmond. Tw en-y-three stores have been burn eJ in Arliutou. da. The Xashville .v Knoxville Kailvray v. i!i ask fi'ibseriptiou from the city of Nt hville. Kentucky's tobacco crop has been i M short by m.st from to ;it. per eat. rs. A. V". Titts, of T.exinston, X. I ". , l.asbfeti appointed inatron of I.hza hetii I'ohe-e, t harlotte, X. ('. j i; e in A u'U-1 a. Cm, dpmatred the ,':.i!ii,-:riu' Club building jft, .: li... y ui. ured. :l. C. bentha.! has been appointed ) -'i nast-r at "'ir.ii'rteslioio, X. C. , a . liuavd ilav. kins, who killed 1 'r. .' iu .," i aavll.e, Vs., is to be ' II. l'rooksis to build a pri vate i.osj ita! in vii'eeiisboio with all the laoi'.eru ..ji:ij mel.ts. At Ki-v 'A'e.-t, T'la. , Sylvanius John Mn w as I aned for rape. The hangman blllllt d the execution. Ikimroft. the well-known nipgieian, died i f typhoid at the liiverside Infirm ary, Charleston, i5- A. 1'. (irace, of Statesville, ihe court f teiio-rapher, has disappeared, and all ell'ort to lind him have been vain. , . . .. ;-,., l.ou n Atlanta, da., lupinr tirm has hrou-'it action before .iud'e Xevvniau to compel the Southern Kadway to ac cept us shipments of w hiskey for South I luolina. l i ited States Senator John, W. an iel o-encd the State campaign at Chatham, the county seat of I'lttsylvan ia. v ilh a two hours' speech to an im-lm-iis,. i rowd. 'Ihe Senator iliscuseed taiilf. currency and State affairs, but made no illusion to the recent lively correspondent between himself and (iuv. ( J'i 'en ell. The North. Seth Low deciines to withdraw from the race tVr mayor of (.renter Xew York. There nre 7,0oi children in Xew York City for whom there is no room in the public schools. Cattle are dying in some Stiuthern Indiana, counties for want of sulticient water. A ihiuia-ing frost is reported in S uMiei n i 'hiu. Indiana and Northern Kentucky. Architects are soon to submit draw ings ut Newark, X. .J., for a Catholic Cathedral to cost si' 1 , OIK , I Mj: t. dud-o Foster declares the Kansas Live Stock Association au illegal cor porat ion. The Xevv York police will enforce the law n-aiiist the sales of thinks m coll ect ts and music halls. The drain on the Xevv York banks f." crop money lias brought seven of them below the ".'I p r cent, reserve re-tniM'-ment. I he leaders r f the lleiiulicati party in Xew ovk have asked Lenjamin Tracy to become their candidate for mayor. Comptroller of the Currency Kekels, in a sp.-e-h at Jleiiver, Col., predicts Foreign. Creat liritain has refused to take part in the sealing conference in Uashti ton. t ... .... ho l.rice of fill kinds ot f,..i r5si,,.r MendiK- r.win.r to the growing depreciation of silver and t.f pa; er currency. A 1 J'ivate dispatch from Pome says tll!it l,,"",t forty persons were kibed and iiiiuiv others injured bv an eai thshde at the sulphur mines near iirgenti, Italy. 'J mkistan and Switzerland have been visited bv severe earthquke shocks. A miliion dollars in gold has been withdrawn from the Lank of England, pre-umably for shi ment to the I nite.i 'States, '1 he fact that ten Latteries ed horse and lield artillery are ordered to i ro- t-eed to India from England causes the I'ublic to think that there is soii.eth in ert hand much more serious than the outbreak e.f the natives. There are rumors ot .iiseoverv ei secret plots Pe tweeh Lussia a:.'l Af rhaustaa against the Pritish in the east. Washington. Gen. John W. Pester is arranging for the international conference of sea! experts in Washmrton next month. J. If. Carpenter, of Leading, Pa., who o tiers to furnish the government armor plate at Nl'JO a ton. is erecting a j luiit ut Cramps' ehipyards, in Phila d.elph a. to carry on experimental Se.'.e'.ary Alger is informed tha" t. Louis compsny Las contracted f, i sevcrtd steam sleds to be used in trai.s porting supplies up the Yukon river t the Klondike gold regio&i. it is Grown by Thomas A- Jackson, Near Atlanta, Ga. SENSATION AMONG GROWERS. 51 .my Ilolls and Squares to a Stalk, And They Crow to lis Fourteen Feet llish. The Atlanta Ida.) Constitution eays the famous Jackson limbless cotton has assumed a national li.ipiirtauce and recently the United States Secretary of Agriculture tclegrajdied to Weather and Crop Olli-ial Mai bury, at this pl 'ce, to.,o cut to the Jackson farm en.' ma' .- n 'w '-i rh and sxlvnstive examination of-tVij plant and then re port to the government olticial au Wash ington. Mr. Marbury at once vent out to the farm near the barracks, where the wonderful cotton is -rowing, and throu-h the kindness of Mi. Jackson was enabled to go through the six acres M1 Z SIMtl.IK OF COTTON STALKS AS BEEN IN FIFI.Il. of magnificent cotton. Ife spent quite a wiiile at the piace and looked over all the field. After making his examina tion lies we s a low ed to bring some eif the cotton to town w i'h him to include w ith his report. Mr. Marbury was enthusiast ic over the limbless cotton. He said that it v. as the liucst crop of cotton he had ever seen. He said that Rome of tho cotton was so tall that it could hardly be reached with an umbrella, 'i'he plant is thickly studded all the way up with large bolls, and tho lowest esti mate is that the six acres will yield four bales to the acre. '1 ho weather official will make a very full report e, n the condition and tho I ros peers of the ceitton, iiinl will enter into its probable commercial value. He xv ill give as full and complete a report on the subje.-t as could bo desired, and when therepoit is tiled the government w ill then be in a edition to act as it may consider proper. That the government officials are evincing considerable iuterest its the remarkable cotton is not a surprise. Jt is an entirely new variety of cettem,aud is the best species that has bee.i grown in tl. i country. Tho government will probably buy up large quantities of the seed aud distribute them among the ag ricultural classes, so as to insure a w ide !'sti lbution and a spread of the new va riety. i Im seed retail nt S'-'oo per bushel, and the present owners of the six acres at Jackson's farm have been oll'ered ;-, I f,'tl, i.i-odiiet of the? field 'ilie cotton does not have a limb ou the stalk, nin I has many advantages not possessed by other varieties. Mr. Marbury will file his report in a few days, and the government will probably take early net, on iu order to secure the seed that is now being grown. Civing Away Hi ides. Among the novel u,a:is by xxli:h SOIlle? veopio of London saibsh-t Is that of giving away brid. s at th- altar. Tint custom has grown to coiisltl-ra hie pro portions of late, and a nie.m!,er of a Orin of fashionable eosf.imers, in speak ing eif it recently, said: "You. of course, recognize the tact thru In this gre-at city are scores of hard-working Kirks who are miles away from tlie'.r rckuloiLS and who have always beeu too busy to cultivate many frloinK Well, when these g.rls are aiut to marry young fellows xvho are similar ly circumstanced the qu-son ar'.ses as to who shall give away the brid-. "I can answer that epics'-lou for tli-m at onee. for I have es.nne-ti d with my business an ex-major in the army, a member of ai an-h-nr family and a man, too, of unimpeachable character, lie is poor, but In- drcses well, has beautiful white hair otid lod;.s the kindly father to iHrf-e-tloti. I Intro duce him to the b r'. h.' and bridegroom, and he. for a i:i.'h r.Te t.-, gives tho former away. Sou, -times h" tak-s the whole arrang':ne-nt.s of a breakfast and so on uiin hitnsi if. u:A he is a line steaker e.u wa.on. II- Is always a welcome guest with these ln-ople after wand." r.ine l-' d I The so fr.- qti-T," ly d p. d 1 histories, vvor l'.-gi'.aTors o -ays: -It is air the Mosaic !; e.-f Charles Ii. be-an." a t'-r ati.vthiLg whi is:n. ar.d "blue tan i-al la w . , rll..-e laws ; .h-a-h for wo: I Cd of the 1 I s; tl'ully ... Ibdy Chost; f j few earing and mmarn Wwr VVr?c.v...'V-':rs-.. SOUTIIERX COTTON" ULLS. Growth of These Factories Jn the I'ast !Seven Year. The growth of mauufactnr.ng in the South i:i the past few years is shown by th-? fact that there are now in the Sta'es of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mis sissippi, Alabama, Georgia, the Catolinas and Virginia 4-4 cotton mills, with ;t,41l,i.;i spindles and bN looms, besides 72 knitting mills. In js-to the total number of spindles in these States was 1, .',?, i-Vi, so that the increase since that year has I ci n about !-'. per cent, t f tho cott an nulls, 'i:i, representing about tvvo thiitls eif all the spindles and looms, are on the liao of the Southern Kadwar. I here are now ,1j per cent, more spiu tilc.s on this road thau there were in the w hoi- -outh in H'.io, an. I the gi eat er proj o.fou of tlie increase has ocenr ed in the hist three years. 1 l.e w: olen nullsof t hese feven South erti ', ,1'it.iher eighty-eighi and are situate' as fallows: Alahama, VI; ieor gia. 1; Kentucky. Is; Mississippi. JO; .North Carolina. i.; Tetitit.ssee, S; Vir giria, 21. .-iiotii ii'teen ed these mills are also cotton and knitting mills. f the total nearly one-half are located on the line eif Ihe Southern Kail way, and these in clude most of the largest ones. MM) ok I UK M KIKK. ,000 liiii-rs io Hack to Work nt lll-li.T Wall's. A Pittsburg special says the bitumi nous ceial strike has been officially end ed, 'i'he ten days during which it was agreed the miners rshould remain idle expired ou the -'-el and a hundred and lilt y- thousand miners who have been rdle for eleven weeks have resumed work at au advance ef 20 per cent, in the wages paid for mining. 1 he light against the New York and Cleveland tins Coal Company will con tinue. this strike has been probably (the most extensive that has ever taken I lace in the e'eial industry in this conn try. At one tune as high as 2.1o,ooil miners were idle. Ihe miners practically won thi strike, be-mg granted the concession they demanded freim the mine opera tors. NO LLiiTM.VU M IMI'LIKI). .Minister Weio.lloi .. I se.l No Threat ening Kaliuage Against Spain. Ma, tnd. Iliy Cable. ) -The 1 uke of Tetuau denied that Minister Weio.lford had implied an ultimatum iu an inter view. A dispatch from Washingteoi says w hile it is declared at the State l'epart ment that while (ielieial Wooei fort .(did, uceoriliug to the original idea of lus in structions, set forth, the deep interest w hich the United States hae in desiring a cessation of the deplorable coiilhet in Cuba, he eliel not eleliver himself of au ultimatum but simply made a statement t f our deep interest iu a M'ttleont nt eif the Cuba war as a rersonabie explana tion for intervention iu any manner ut this time. 1 I.IIUDS IN ITALY. Many Uilletl ami Wotiiitlfil--Scvrral Villages Destroyed. ireat damage to property and loss . j life Lave be en caused by Hoods throng t -out Italy. Jn the vicinity eif Paindisi, J'rovince e.f Lecca, several villages have been completely destroyed by the tloexls and storms. Seventy persons have lui-ii killed and many others are either injure 1 eir missing. A L.KSOI ' I .. I I K.ss 1 ;s. He Owns t' I liat Ile Direct.-! the Killing of Arroyo. City of Mexico. (Special). Heine Don Eel.iardo Velasquez, lute chit f police, has cenfessed that he tihectci the killing eif Arreiyei, the uisailant of President Ida.. Velasquez was ic move'd from edlict? and pla-i'd in Lelem prison, en suspicion of having as quiescetl iu the killing of Arroyo. Americans In Hi-lglooi's Army. The Americans residing in Antwerp, Pelgium ami who are liable, under the new law, to be enrolled for military 1 se-rvice in case e f war, have held a I meeting and organized to eppeso this ! action of the Kelgian government. Kesolutions to this effect have been for warded to Pedlaiiiy StoreT, the United States Minister at Krussels. The Hattleof Kuuher llltl. ( )ne of the big attractions to be given during Charleston, S. C.) Gala Week, in October will be the historic picture 'if "1 he itatt'e of P.uuker ifii!,'" as produced by the greatest ejf all pyrotechnists, the Pains. Martin and Ills Deputies. At Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sheriff Martin and his deputies have been re-leased on I ail in the sum of 80, 000 each, .iM.om; for mnnleT anil Sl.ftoo for feloniouily wounding. Abend was provided by a Philadelphia trust company. llig Hridge Works Hiirne.l. At Youngstown, Ohio, the Youngs town Pridge Company's works have been burned, 'i'he loss is a hundred thousand dollars, partly insure, i. Two hundred persons are thrown oid of employment. Haliy Cremates n Tiny Sister. Laby John Kcble. aged 1 months, with a box of matches, burned to death his sleeping sister Amelia, e.nf; year older, at their parents' Lome in Sha mokin, la. ISig l.iimlit r Fire. Fire at Ifammic, la., destroyed the I'eiPhee Lumber e-ompHrii's dry .' .Ins a.d jiiatiing mill and contents, o -st-iiig of feet of dressed and : -uh lumber, and 2,,0'hi feet of iiea s in v.i.-d Ihe loss is -'0,o ei; insurance, -Herli- rt Watts Is a e-l-ver f.ii.w. He couldn't hud an u.-ni.v. ellali that xvould roll tight enough to suit him. W hat do you suplse h" did? "I e avvn't iniiigine.'" "He had an umbvvellah ,-.,vcr made for Lis cane." Cleveland Plain Dealer. I'ap.i Crum'ev -"I Judge :i jaan. sir, .v th-i ":..I.a::y l.e keeps." Mr. Suitor ."-Ve. sir. I h"i ' .v'"i will '"-ar In mind that I've been ke-ping company with your .Iaiu.ht.-r for over two vears." Philadelphia North American. Consul Lee Assured Enough to Con sent to Return to Havana. SAYS WAR'S END IS NOT IN SIGHT Armour tMate Hoard to iiie si.,uh Stamp to Ite .i ecii--Cilu ami Currency. Washington. -- (Special.) General Lee, consul general to Cuba, had along consultation with the President at the White House. It ts the first tl:...; General Lee had seen Mr. McKu.lcy since the former's return to thi eve. ati v about a fortnight ago. He saw t I'resid. nt by t ee' ai p-intmetit an 1 all visitors were excluded during the pror--t..s '. 'he conf-i ence. except Se e retury Alger, w ho came ov er lrom tho War I ej atiineiit and remained until alter General I .it's depnrture. I he conference was a 1, ng one, lust ing about two hours Ceiieia! I.eecaie fuily reviewed the situution ui t ulu and explained at length a. I oints upon which either the President of Secretary Alger asked for information. General Lee gave his own views fieely to tho President but after the interview wa.t very reticent as to the iiii'u: e ot the re port he had made. He sa I the Presi dent Lad not given itiiii un i-ii i;ie of his policy. It is evi.leir. however, that the President isle..I impress ed with the eritical character of the situation iu Cuba as it is de scribed by Genera! Lee. as it is under stood that at the conference he strotigly urged General Lee to retain his eittice, at least for the resent, and to letuiii to ltabaiiaat his earliest convenience. As it has been strongly intimated for several months thut e-x i Vngi essman Aldrieh would sue,-, ed ( I. nei al Lee at llitbaiia and that the latter probably would not return, tin- Prc-uleiit s ac tion is construe,; hi mean that in- '.'.links it inadvisable to mi.Lc a e-haa-" at this juncture. Genera! Lee ret ui nod to Covington, Va , but before his departure admitted that he would I, -1,11:1 to ubn as soon as he had arranged Ins private nfhiirs, pr bably about the middle .f ctober. Iu private conversation w ith close per sonal friends General Lee lias expressed himself vigorously as to the situation in nba, and Las been ve-ry emphatic in his condemnation of some) td Gen eTal Weyler's methods. Postmaster General Gary is deveitiug considerable attention to an investiga tion ed the wisdom of establishing pos tal savings banks. hen 111 the last Congress 11 bill was sent to him provid ing fir such institutions he decll-ed ttl linleise it because, as he said, ho had not had un opportunity to investigate the siileei i. lie has since taken up the matter, reading all the literature bearing upon it he could procure', and see king t.i discuss ils merits with those) familiar with it. ihe result is that ho has become convinced d l oth the wis ibuii and the utility ef postal savings institutions, a,,.! has decided to have a bill prepare,', providing for their estab lishment, and to .recommend its pas sage bv Congress. In all probability ho will treat the subject in Lis annua re I 01 1 at Homo length. He has riot yet elecided upon the de-tails eif any plan, but will soon give his attention to them. Secretary Wilson is informed that the I'oanl of Live rMoek 'ommissioiiern eif Illinois probably will quarantine all cattle shipped to that State from Ken tucky, ihe-re Lavr bce'ii 11 number of outbieaks of Te-xas feve-r iu Illinois ro ce'titly, caused by 1 utile shipped in vio lation ed the I ederal arid State regula tions from 'le-xas, Arkansas and 'J'en-lie.-'co. It is asserted that infected cattle are now being driven acr.s tho epiHi'ant mo lino, shipped to Louisville uii.l rebilled to points in Illinois. The Treasury f'e'pai t merit has al ready seune difficulty 111 making ship ments of ceun and cuire:icv from tho United States sub-tre-asiiry un I tho mint at Xew I Irleaiis. in coiisequehi'H of yellow fevT epiarantiues against that city. Xo particular inconvenience would result but for the fact that be tween s.'.o.i.iioo and .. i.ou.ono 111 subsidi ary silver has recently been coined at the mint which is now needed else where. The:r are also about Vt'i.OijO.rxK) iu the mint which may be tied up. Tho Navy Department is resolved to free itself from tho responsibility of sending American warships to foreign th eks in tho future and to this end Hid Department will recommend to C.u giess that appropr a 011s bo ma le, fur tht; construction ed ut bast four new dry thicks. It will be suggested that these be located at P.oston. League Is'and, Norfolk and Mare Island, Cal., and it is Loped Congress w ill authorize tho construction of at least some eif them eif stone. - The next le.t of two-cent iiostago stamps turned out by the I'.ureaueif Kn gravmg and Printing will be printed in gre en of the shade now used eh silver certificates. The e-hange was decided on after a corisiil'ation between Secre tary iage, and Chief Johnson, e.f the bureau eif Liigrnving and Pr inting, arid is large ly a matter ef ceinomy. 'J ho saving by using green will be some glOjOO'i annually. ... It hns been officially settled that the Armeir Plaire Koard will come Seiiith about the 1st of November. It is not stated what place they will visit fir-t, but it i-i pretty sure they will visit the iron sections u' Tennepsee and Alabam 1 anil then swing around the circ to other places. Secretary Alger, who Las been anx iously planning to get sur.plies into 1L0 Yukon region this winter to relieve the almost certain starvation now sttiiug tLe hordes of treasure seekers in the face. Las Lit em the novel plan of trying a hicome.tive sledge to run on the river after the Lard freeze set in. Twenty-seven laborers in tLe I'ureau ed Engraving and Printing Lave Lad their wages advanced from 3170 t " - per annum, and forty t.tie skilled Le!ers in the same edfice were ad vanced from -"?-1H per annum to ';-;. Authority Las been granted for the organization of the First National Patit. e.f ( atejLsville, Md., with a capital of .1",000. Florida, for the first time iu her Lis torv, is now shii ping sjionges to Eu rope. Adapted to I ohaceo Halsin-; . Sydney, X. S. V.. (By Cable ) 1 Le exj ert recently appointed by the government to inquire into tLe practicability of growing tobacco in the colony reports tLat many of iLe farms contain some of the best tobacco land in the world. :1