The Hsssesger Prints . the , News an-i ia sought aftrby the pee. fie of Jloliowell, yancey, Ban conil;", llutberford, Bark nl other countlegln Western North Carolina, and Is there fore a Cood Advertising Medium. lutes furnished on application. A'lJrfvs, THE MESSENOEB. Hailoa, N. O, -lUTDOMEBJ Tom- I t JOB PRINTING 5 TO THE MESSENGER, Z Marion. N. C. Promptnw, Aecnrmey, Xeataaa J unC Ooo4 Stock Guaranteed. - letter Haada, Not HacU, Bill IlMula, ? EnTlop. CtrcuUra, Card.. Pua- . ton, ramphlU, and aoj kind of a Printing. xo. ;! MAIUOM. N C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2G. 1897. Price$l Per Ycart ia Ailvauco. Zlarloa, K. O. VOL. IL I Pi LIBRARIES. . Strifes Relative to the Tobacco ami Apple Crops. OLD NORTH STATE CULLINGS. - . jviiln-ii'i .try I iiia!ioos--Geii, Cllug ii, in'- l.vmaliis The Pension LUt t i I lii- Year. . Librarian Co!l has compiled a ; - , i the i i i m --i i 'Jil 1 i 1 r a r i e .- in the :,.!. h-.-i hciciti-i Ashevillo, public, .. ' i ii.i.-s; l i-li H' Atkinson, 2,0'.; J t!it, St. M::iy's i'.omau Catholic ( .Ice, !",!.'; '!... pel Jlill, State n.iu-r-ity. ' I . -t : -. t Piddle Uni- it colored, ,''': Coitui, Buck !. , u u !:. ,y, ;, Concord, Scotia .i,,ny. 1 Daud-.a College, ; . i ham, puh'i.; school, 2, WW; 1 !.!;.'. !."M. Trinity College, 13,000; !.: ..:!.-,.'.', i'actteville, Cross ( ,.-.; hi :.!. I.i. I go. Frankliu t i I.m !.n:i College, I, MO; Grcous I ! .:,.:'. .:;.,., r,.:'Ht; State . .1 l.:.; ..:.'i College M.OOi; ' il l n ; and Meohani- ( ., v."m; duiiford College, i I.. Lr.-r, Mitchell count v, "uood U ; ( n- ;'i;iiv. 'vV)''; Lenoir, Pi ."'"; Mt. Plea-ant, North '!1"lm', !. ;.'(!; Morgniiton, I, .. .-!,.. , Chowan J 'a i t i.-vt I'e- :'I.S", ,l'!)'i; .r,v feme ( 'olle- : : Oak Bidgo ItiHti i i !;!,, Agricultural mill ':. '. .',! o; Newton, Ca '.. Ihiloigh. Iiishtu- I.l.ii l. I.')!'-.; State Library, ; I . :::: 'ourt Libmry. 11,000; :i -Hm o!, .:,!; shaw Uuivtr- '!. I. KutherfordCollege, i ':i. r'in.i!ii Academy, t;,ooo; . I ,i . ing'-Pm 'ollege, colored, Poic-t College, 1 .1,000; i . u!i!ir, l.iiM; Wayno '. '' ;; ' ; I i:i ! ii - ton, l.ilnury uii-.l Clussi ' i; W i:i:-.t in, jMihiic :.' I n!...v ' 'i.iumi--ionor Haturick i ; ;! . ! I I'rciii a tmir in tin; liiouu t ' ' i ' ! .'. . " i.. re lio wont specially ' - i' i.' . . i !..-, iuiiitin tu the to ! " n: i a. ; ': n .;. He say.s tlmt "' a i t:.v ..i.i. .m :)!ukU c to I'. '' i.'C - wi-st of tlio JJhic. i- l.-i i'i-i ( i I'.iuiaiid, ami thcro I ') i'' I : r : c in ii!-!i.i. it does not t ''' I 11 -t.i'v- tia!o. Muaoomlio en i:i, ,.:.'ii.' n .v. j .-.. i : ii .-Uii.TU'i ; a.i.niahy.rt'j.l !; ni::i ii as ' ' ' I " i i I i'.-:) jtuwii tiiero iu ' '- 'I in- iii I no 'ucMoili c.iilec-'!.-ti let 1 1 jh'i t'i I l,:.:!,.'i;o ii:i:uls ' I'-1'-' 5'lm'.'., mill l'71,r!MI( f smokiuir. - t,i ;! tin- I.' ( l iiniiisvidiui' t. 'iii'i !i a! r.i,i- l uncl i will he siisi'i ci tin- .-. a -on. otic c ounty, liay "fu'l. a!. .ii.' ft!-; i-hinir :'!t,i..)t." The-o ' ii" ii!.ta.!i ;i i !c- coiii?ii:;iul t'ootl I ii'i-. .i.i.l tiie ;. :. ' I ..i' "e tuvlianl was 'I S.i..i!i-., ; ia u (..'oil, oil ti re-f. i i:m cash. 'J'here arc i ; ! !e tivc-i :: . U i in diameter, whic'a 'I i . Kiiiiii irk 1ii. iiU! e.l. Ni'ino of 1 '..- - n ij .'. . ni t- i-!,i!. o.l t. l'uiillld. I 'll I ei'l'le tuaa !ln .ol til uiitl Wo I :e tin- cl,;i ;' l.;ui : IVojilo up in tlio '" ciiriiry ::-. i i hill snirit, iii-t'i.' !.;..i'o!- ( ini'iissioiiei-, and lit; '..'. In- wii. t.M t i it ! iil'u fanners and I -:i : .'hai.t s in,- !. il.T ( . I';' thau ever 1)0- l' il l" front Virginia nud t'onii ' .iui,a l y tlicir caMle. paving ;! cents '! i -iiiid f .,r the l.-aii iind for tho fut. I iii'-e c.ttli' aril :h:'iied and lnu !o ' i i .' for iiiai l,-. :. 'J hoso I'.ioli tlu; ii'iinaiis l.nv an' aii on tiie market ir-nii:: rattle, ju-t as tiie tillO nh ( ari.'ni.i t"! a-'ivi f; lit j nil into iii'iiiia l at once Vii'L'lliia to ':'V.i nul is mi known in all tin; mar 1.. is i.n eai tli. The tra'le in l..' uiit-t.ii ivi'iim-e i . iiiinict'so. lie f..liu in is a -:t itelnelit of the a:. ci s of tin- en itent lary : I'.crrov.ed '"'in vtate treasury. .'-! .',). H; due for f. ; ii!i ers Ss'.i oo; ,hirt for hills for ' ii ' MHichei i ill u yet issued, -'.s ;; MMichers issue 1 ly Smith and ' '-iii. s. 'II: vouchers isMiud h I .ear i.-id not fa id. S ,4.';i ; total. ' - '!. 'ctah;.' lulls Allantic Coast l-uie. .-'I." i .'; ( 'ai ilni-e HaiNva.v, i;i- i, a: a.-ciint, 'i, luicks at feu "H.iiiiiy, .-M. ".(iu: toli''. -si.0.i7, leauiii.' f ;,;. 1 stunate f funds from crops, eV Cotton on hand, -J,o, hnles; c(i''ii, '';'. "i'o ha! i'!s; f ul.ii'i', l,:;i"!,iiin found?-; i as. ."i. i ; . 1.,1-h,.:-: pork to kin. m.OiM) I "'in.! "utile and idie-.-p, si ,-Mi: w heat, I -u-h.-ls: ;., f,i ,.,.rd:t of wood. -. vt.-i!e r Aver fays that the ): -n list for this yeavw'ill J,0 as fol s I'ii -" e' e s, i'.'.', a decrease f s i-.-iiil av, i with, last vearecond i-lass, Vi . ii-,. , ' ,;: Hm d class. ::ii7, iu- ee .'f . r'o'.n ll. c'as-'. l.'.'.i?, lnc 'ea-e . '" - i!ns, ''.':". decrease of 1 ;; ' 'a . .s vt t the Auditor doesn't ' ''' a:i..c.;!,t which w ill heallowod ,:l':' ciiiss, us thnv cotiuties have ''.-' "ted to .-end iu their tux returns ' ' i'"1 '. ! t is- i ; .:i the latter that the rei:- I. :iie l'li-e 1. Ii e tviuains of the late (ie:i. Thomas I i.i:. ! ( luiL'i.iiui. e-l'nited State:' i o .. " w.-re taken from Mor-i-' cu. n. h,'re h" died at the State hos 1 it,,:, t , ",! n! I interred theie, v i ' e t.d-t-n tu :. i j lace and re l.n the cemetery at Asheville, " -; a : i-i "pi lute h uioi s. lv the Confed '' ratis on l'liesday, Pec. 17. I ' ; a e n.iw- tv. o l.ero guards at ' H"!it!ii:irv. lliey are jrht ': ' -is. I I, roe iio.'i'ii guards have heeu "' - for s!eepi-:r oil J'Ost. It is la 1 theie are t o otiior neuro guards '' . u th.e Caledouia farm. ' ' -i '"tie M.s,, vol'. 1 i 1 i :;:ti r.tiarv l.oard have n-ailo a '' i " nt wi;!i s. I". lid lel.-and, ol 1 'if-. N. V., to fiirni'li htm with any I.'": h.-r of convie'.s up to o 'Moinake '-its i:,si!t ttie ; ri-oii. tni'iin for l nil , se the L;reatest win-,'. hich -v new uiioceiip'.e'l. Htlikd-raiid is to i the S;,.;e 'J4 cei.ts dozen for the -'s !: a le. Hew 11 be-iu :i 'in. v l-t. and net year may lift rc ! in" "( i- f., convicts. -- l i e Secretary .f Stale charters the Smiuoiiuiii for sixtv vears; ; it it 1 . ii'l,oo.. 'kfre are now uhoitt -1 . hiudetits tn- ed at the Statu Normal and Judus-'z'- Cu'.iee. resides these lobular "-'" lents, about iOO pupils are enrolled :-. tts j raetice au.l ol'trvat:oa school, ''''-'h i- fu iiurortaiit feature. il ere i- a plan to plant rice next year -the NaK.ssn i.hiutation. 'il-k-oint'.i;, and to a considerable of convicts thereon. It is said p .it the state l iads m idadou w ill not "t Use 1 f, r fn ! is. ( hailotto is iiow known as the great -'t trotiter mauuiact'.iriiii.' city iu tho Niith. STARVATION IN CUUA. The Carts ;o About the Streets on the Hunt for Dead Uolie. A letter has been received in Boston from Captain Charleson of the four masted schooner Clara E. Kandall, of Portland, Me. , now in port at Matanzas, Cuha, which tells of the Sreat distress and huflennjr in Cuba. The schooner left Philadelphia with a cargo of coal, ahout a month ago and the letter wd9 writtea , Cantain Charleson after the vessel arrived there two weeks a2o. Jte hays tliat Matitat.zas is fihed with fever-stricken and dyi:i Bohhers and that hundredis of paciiicos are lyin every week. It is no uncom mon 8iLt on the streets to see u.en ly ing in the gutter iu their last agonies and to tee the death carts fdowl v -reeo-iig about gathering up their " Wl i f bo.Uen. Ihe peonle seem to be hdi.les-! m their misery ami not oulvisyeiiow lever jday mg havoc w ith them, but thev are dying of starvation by scoreri. i ati tam t liaileson Mly3 that he has not been ashore very much siueehis arrival for fear of catching the feaver ami he intends to ret his ves.sel unloaded and away as soon as possible. Matanzas, which wa.-i once one of tho busiest ports on tho island, is now a! moHt deserted, he Hiys, and every v. here there is death ami pestilence. I XI K I ' I : X I K N r K 1 1 L I.. HKtorif I;iiI1iUiiX Will bcKestorol to Its Original l--ori:i. At Philadelphia workmen have be-un tearing down the many additions t j Independence Hall that have been built from time to time, au 1 which mnrre l the simplicity of the historic structure Tiie entire block from ;th to uh street, and facing on ( hesnut street, lias been ehut iu by a board lence ten feet high, so that tho relic hunters and sightseers can be kept at a Mife distance. Not a brick nor a board of tho old building will be allow ed to be carried away, 'ihe building occupied by the University Law School at Uh and Chestnut streets, will bo torn down, as will also several sma 1 structures whic'a were added to tiio main hall when the building was occu pied by tho city ofiicial-i. It is the in tention to restore the old building to a i Lear original design as possible. A TKXAS I'KAHiir: kikk. OverOO Square .Miles Passed Over. :;,000 Mieep Were Hum: d. A special to tho PallasNews from llinma, Texas, says: A terrible prai rie lire passed through Lubbock, Halo and Cro.- by counties, doing great dam age to the ranges. It originated east of Crosby couuty, burned eastward through Crosby county before a severe west wind until it reached a point north of iitnina, when a norther arose, bringing tho lire south in its awful fury. At least -loo square miles of ter ritory were burned over. Cattle suffer ed and many wore burned to death. North of t'liima .'',( HI sheep were burn ed in one Hook and many farmers lost their winter food. SKCKKTAKY IJMSS' KEI'OUT. Outstanding I'en-loii Claims Will Swell the A pj, no rlat ion . Secretary of tho Interior IJiiss. in Lin annual report, .submits cstimatcsaggre gat i ng o. .";',i, 4 1 y for aiproi'iiation by 'ougress for the tiscal year ending J uue .'J.'. Is.'!1. 1 )ir-cu.s.siiig- pensions he snys .Mi;).(i!i I pension claims are awaiting ad judication and it is estnuaied that 4 or .0 percent, of these will bo finally ad mitted. If they are rapidly adjudicated they will swell tho pension roll from ...,oiiii.noi) to S'7,(;ii",0' i. When, how eTir, these claims are adjudicated, and lirst payments made thereon, the amount of the pension roll will decrease very rapidly, possibly to iK'a.WO.Wi' or ir'l.ja.m ,;o;i the lirst year. NO l'bDiit.VI.I. IN OEOitOIA. Srnato Passes tiie Prohibitory aleas ure and t he overuor W ill sign It. lleprcsehtative Colo's football bill, providing for the prohibition of tha playing of match or exhibition games where admission is charged, has passed the (leorgia Senate. It has a'ready passed tho lower branch of the Legisla ture, and now awaits the approval of the vioeriK.r. There iu no doubt but that he will sign it. 3linM's Di'-iHTiilc. A special from Washitigion, Ind., says: Tho strike f the Caho .V Co. miners, which has been on since last May, is further from settlement than ever. A proposition submitted by tiie miners to the operators has been re leeted. The operators have imported a number of nogrors from Kentucky, and aie now operating the mines, and it is not improbable that bloodshed will bo the result in the near future. Loss liy ! ire. At Litchfield, Conn., themain build ing of the Echo Farm Creamery at tho Washington depot, was burned. The loss is S'2'i.Outi, covered by insurance. At Pctroit, Mich., Loydell Ihothers" paint factory, on Fort street, was burned. The loss .jKKi.sHH). Spontane ous combustion is believed to have been the cause of the tire. TolS dates To: 11 Down. The Jessamine county. Kentucky, toll-gate raiders have destroyed all tho gates i.i the county. Tho authorities were either pow erless to approach them or che afraid to. for 110 attempt was made to stop the dost: notion of 1 rop- crty. Cleared I'p the Dusiiicsa. Tho Smmiii" Court of the United States, which has been running four years behind its docks for years, lias cleared up the busiue.-s and instead i f working amo-iir fossilize 1 cases is now able to Keep abreast of tlio times iu the transaction of its business. Increase in Wages. An increase of b percent, iuwaais has been announced at the Jes-e Fddy woolen mills. Fall Fiver. Mass . to take effect Dec. 1st- Several huud e 1 hamls are affected. One ataliy Injured. Train No. -. on tho Kansas City, Fort Scott Memphis, which left Bir min -rlifim. Ala . for Kansas City, was derailed just west of Wiiiiford. Ark. n -a combination coaca, inair car ind sleeper went over the bank, the combination car going into spring river. The chair car and sleeper w ere both consumed. One passenger was fatally injured nud aUo thirty others more or less seriously nun. 11 is no Iieved none of the latter w ill die. All the States of the Cotton Belt J Invited to Send Delegates TO ATLANTA, DECEMBER 14TH, To Unite Against the Exchanges to Iireak and Throw Oft the Shackles of Ilusiness Slavery. T. C. "Wiihorn. rresident of th South I Carolina Alliance and of the recent Cot ton t.rowers' Convention held in Col- .mibia, has issued the following: Colvmi!ia, S. C, Nov. If, is;r. Tu thr Cotton frotrirs 0 (hf South: t u large and enthusiastic meeting rf tho cotton growers of the State of I -oulli Carolina, where all sections of j this State were represented, it was re solved that every State in the South be invited to send delegates to a conven tion to be called to meet iu Atlanta. Ca . L'ecember 14th, 1 H'JT. The purpose j of this convention is to organize the cotton growers of tho South, thereby securing unity of action iu the market I lug and sale of this great staple; also, ( to devise ways and means by which w e I may bo able to break and throw oil' tho shackles of business slavery that now bind tis. With foreign exchanges dic tating the price, we can only expect . ruin and distress in the future. Wo j I t-au achieve independence only by or 1 gunization. W iih a view of securing an exchange of ideas ami perfecting nu organization, j whu-h, it is hoped will result in good, 1 have been instructed to call a couven i tion of delegates from all the cotton growiiigStates, to meet iu Atlanta, Ja., 111 11 01 iecemoer, jsor. All w ho are interested in this cause are most earnestly requested to oo-oper-ate. 1 he governors of the cotton grow ing States have been asked to select delegates and all State organizations interested in the prosperity of tho cot ton growers are requested to name and secure tho attendance of delegates at this general convention. (Signed 1 J. C. Wilhotix rresident South Carolina Cotton grow ers' Association. (ioveriiors of the cotton States will lie appealed to in order to get farmers in terested to send delegations, the plan being to have ouo delegate from each Congressional district and two from each State at largo. FATAL TEXAS Dl EL. Iud;e derald Mioot3 Two IJrothers Who Had Attacked Him. J. W. Harris, editor of tho Waco 1 Texas 1 Times-Herald, a morning pa per, and W. A. Harris, Lis brother, on j one side, and Judged. II. Gerald, n 1 prominent citizen, fought a duel on tho . street. Y.A. Harris was shot dead, J. j W. Harris wounded fatally, his body , being pi-.i alyzvd, ami CeraH shot in tho side. He may die. The trouble w as the ' outcome i f tha mobbiug of W. C. j I'.raun, publisher of the Iconoclast. Essay on tobacco. The Secretary of Aarii iilture Oilers $1. Per l.OOO Words to Experts. The Secretary of Agriculture pro poses issuing a series of farmers' bulle tins on tobacco, and has issued a circu lar soliciting contributions from ex perts on the methods of cultivation, on the export of tobaccos of Kentucky and Tennessee, and on the marketing of tobacco. He promises to reward those whose contributions are accepted at the ratoof.?l" per thousand words. Tho j apers are to be submitted to the Secre tary not later than March 31, l'JS. Dig Fire in London. A cablegram from London snys one of tho most disastrous lires since Kitifi hns destroyed property to the amount of .t;'. 0Hi,0()0 in that citj The lire was caused by the explosion of agas engine. The entire lire department was called out. The historic (iiles' church and Milton's statu was damaged. The scene must occupy tho lire brigade foi srnei al days. The latest accounts in dicate that nearly 100 warehouses have been destroyed. Wi!d Fight in an Engine Cab. On a freight train dashing forward over the Louisville v Nashville road at the rate of thirty miles an hour, two men, one black and crazed by drink, the other white, engaged in a life and df ath struggle in the cab of the loco motive, w hich ended in the death of the negro nud the miraculous escapo from the same fate by the white uiau. Scandal on the Halifax Farm. A special to the Charlotte 1 N. C. ) Observer from Weldon says: Another Kirby Smith case has cropped out. This time it is at the Halifax State farm and the old doctor iu charge is accused of undue intimacy with the female cou icts. His resignation was asked for and handed in in teu minutes and the doctor has left. Masons to Assist, (iraud Master Moore, at the request of the Masons of North Carolina, w ill .-ill a special committee of the ( Iraud Lodge to assist in the laying of the comer stone of the monument erected to the memory of the late United States Senator Vance at Asheville. The cere monies will occur early iu December. Policemen Stand Ouard. Two big policemen stand guard be fore the School of Medicine iu Louis ville, Ky., eveiy day at the time the Girls' high schcol is dismissed. Their duty is to prevent the medical students from llii'tinz with the voting women of tiis high sthool. The two institutions adjoin. Number Killed by Football. The New York World says that thus far this seasou eight persons have been killed iu football games and :?t maim ed, 17 of these for life. Has Decided to Change. A special from Washington says, con trary to previous understanding, it is reported that it has been decided to make a change at once in the office of marshal of the western district of North Carolina. The term of Marshal Carroll does not expire until January 1.--. IS". . A Woman to Hang. At Cavil ga, Out. , Mrs. AJele Sterna- man was found guilty of the murder of her husband and was sentenced to bo hanged in the court yard of the iail in that tow n oa Jaanary SO. ws JlEMtY Jf. O'BEAIS DEAD. A Distinguished Olllee and Equity Lawyer Passes Away. Henry X. O'Bear, of the law firm ol O'Eear A- Douglas, of Washington, D. C, is dead. Tho Masons took charge of the remains and conducted the fun e al services at the Scottish Kite Tem ple. The demise was not unexpected, as he had been in failing health for the past year, and more especially has his condition been critical during the last month or two. Ti- deceased leaves a widow and two sons. -r. o m'iu' i.u.-, born in Fairfield county. S. C. When yet a boy he en listed in the Army of "the Confederacy, and served with distinction during the last two years of the war. He was ad mitted to the practice of law at Winns boro, in his native State, iu ISO". Later he formed a partnership with Col. Jame3 H. Kion, 01 Winusboro. Some time after the death of Col. Paon, Mr. OTIear removed to Columbia, S. C , where he remahied until August, Ib'J-i. At that time he came to Washington, together with his partner. Charles A. Douglass, and established offices, at the same time retaining tho South Carolina practice. Since his advent in the capital, the deceased w.- b actively identitied w ith the legal profession, ami soon became a prominent member of the local liar association. Mr. OTiearwas reputed to be one oi the strongest office and equity lawyers of South Carolina, and fully sustained that reputation after his removal to the District. He was a man of broad nndreliued learning. The deceased was oae of the attorneys who led in the great light iu South Carolina a few years ago in which the registration laws of the htate were carried into the courts on tho question of their constitution ality. This cao is now pending in tho Supreme Court of the United States and wiil bo tried f.01110 time thi9 winter. The remains were conveyed to Winns boro, S. C. , where tho interment taken place. TO CLASSIFY TOBACCO. Recommendations of Government Ex aminers as to Imported Leaf. The government examiners of tobacco at several of tho more important ports of entry in tho United States, by direc tion of tho Secretary of the Treasury, met in conference in New York recently with a view-to the adoption of a uniform practice in tho classitication of impel ted tybacro. 'Ihe report of the conference, which has reached the Treasury De partment at Vv'ashington, makes threo recommendations as follows: First that per cent, of all marks of every invoice of imported tobacco should be examined, ami that tho rule for the present be limited, to tobacco imported from the West Indies, Mexico and South America; second, that the per centage if wrap pei. s found iu filler bales he reached by the count of leaves; third that tho districts from which to bacco is imported be marked on the in voice wherever practicable. These rec ommendation:; will be adopted by the Treasury 1 epai tment. 10.O0,0O! t'.ALKS. The Estimate of Liverpool House on This Year's Cotton Crop. Mr. W. F.Caliender, of Augusta, Ga., who has been iu Charlotte, N. C. , sev eral days, docs not think the j-ield of cotton has beeu overestimated. He rep resents a large Liverpool cotton house, and has recently been over a large part of tha cotton-growing section. Ho says there is yet a large amount of cotton in the fields in some sections. Ho thinks the crop w ill not be less than 10, .100, 000 bales. He says that Texas will, at tho lowest ostimato, produce three million bales this year. Mississippi is as yet an unknown quantity, but it is estimated that tho other States will produce 0, 500.000 bales. He looks for cotton to be even lower than it is now be 'ore tho end of the year. All the Liverpool operators are iiguring on a crop of 10,-100, 0W bales. CATTLE QUA It AN TIN E LIFTED. Fifty Thousand Head Heady Now to Be Shipped Into Kansas. The quarantine iu Iumsas on cattle from tho South has been lifted, and, according to Taylor Kiddle, chairman of t he St ate live stock com mi t tee, the big gest influx of cattle for yearshas begun. "There are herns of feeders right now." iie said, "011 the southern border ready to come iu and there are cattle in Mis sissippi ready for shipment to Kansas. I consider it a conservative estimate to say that :W, 000 Texas cattle and 20,000 more from Arkansas, Mississippi, and Western Tennessee will come to Kan-,-a3 by Pec. 1." No More I'emi'lc Cup (lames. The National Baseball Leagueska abolished the Temple Cup series of post-season games, which have been played between tho clubs ending lirst and second the last four seasons. The Postal Treaty Finally Itatilicd. The final act ou the part of this gov ernment iu the ratification of the treaty adopted by the recent universal postal congress, was taken last week when President McKiuley tigned the formal convention or treaty, and Secretary of State Sher man had the government seal affixed. Postmaster General Gary has already signed. The treaty takes effect Jan. 1st. it modiiies the convention of tti Vienna congress, now in force. To Canvass North Carolina. Senator Paniel, of Virginia, promiset that he w ill oauvass North Carolina in the next campaign iu aid of the Demo crats. Broke the World's Keeord. At the bicveles races in Atlanta, Ga. , between Fatou. Paid. Cooper and Longhead, Jay Faton won by a foul and holds his title of King of the in door track. Cooper broke the world's record for indoor comj etition. Time, 1:17 4 --. Dedicated Their Monument. Lat week the Pennsylvania veterans dedicated their monument to their Lrothers who fell at Chickamauga. Governor Hastings, Gen. Gobin, Hon. H. Clay Evans, tien. II. V. Koynton, a:: l others spoke. Confederate veterans participated. Expense of Caring lor Yellow Fever. The expense of caring for yellow fever aud small pox patients in Atlanta this year has amounted to 4,703. 79. according to In.-pector Veal's official icpcrt. The cxiense of the yellow fever cases amounted on Nov. 12 to 1,-.7SS'. One Saloon Keeper Kills Another. At Lexington. Kv., Merritt Martin and J. J. Kyaa. two saloon-keepers had a bloody liatlciff, which resulted ia Martin killing Kvau. Martin was ir- j recteJ. F New England Cotton Men Meet and Adopt Resolutions CALLING ON THE PLANTERS To Put Up Their Cotton Iu Better Shape They Insist on the New Sys'eni. The Arkwright Club, the membership which is almost entirely composed of treasurers aud managers of New Fng land cotton mills, held a largely-attended meeting at Koston, Mass. The topic discussed was the baling of cotton, and th--follow ingwas unanimously adopted: "Cotton manufacturers have foi a long time suffered in their business by reason of the poor condition in w hich 1 cotton has been delivered to them. It J is poorly ginned, poorly handled, poor , ly baled, over hooked and subject to ! robbery from th time it leaves the t planters' hands until it reaches the I mills. Nearly all of these evils are en ; couraged and fostered by the practice j of dealing in cotton at gross rate. I "The advout into the market of cot- ton put up iu new forms of bales in I proper condition gives an opportunity to remove these evils and their causes. The old forms of bales can be made en tirely satisfactory if put up in like man ner to tho Fgypt;au. As a large amount of cotton this seasou will be put up in the new bales, the time has arrived when users are in a position to take a decided stand on the question of baling aud weighing. "We, therefore, insi.-t upon better baling aud handling of cotton and upon a system dealing at a net rate, aud we pledge ourselves to give all the prefer ence possible to cotton so baled, hau dled and sold. " It was stated in the course of discus sion that at least two new forms of cyl indrical bales have been invented, aud are actively promoted, as well as one new form of the squaro bale, aud are vastly superior to the old bales. For eign cotton reaches the manufacturers iu good shape, and they are nnu-h more dissatisfied with the manner in which American cotton is put up. The mem bers showed a firm resolution to insist on better methods of preparation. Their i lea is not so much in favor of the adoption of any particular form of bale, or even the abandonment of the old, but to secure such improved methods of baling as will assure them that they will receive at the mills the cotton which they buy. A DKYILISIICHOOL BOY. Sct the School House 011 Fire und Bt-at Up the Professor. A riot occurred in the public school at Dardauelle, Ark., the result of which is that Trof. Dickson is in a critical condition, a student named Alley is expelled, and the student's father, F. A. Alley, is in jail. Tho troublo started when Miss Joues, one of the teachers, attempted to correct j-onug Alley for an in fraction of the rules. Alley is seventeen years old, and Jiiss Jones thrashed liim. Tho boy took the punishment, but resolved on revenge, and at recess set lire to the premises. For this offence Prof. Dickson attempt ed to give the boy another thrashing. Alloy resisted, and in the fight with Dickson had all the best of it, beating tho professor's face to a jelly and m llie.ting dangerous wounds. A free light ensued, and Alley's father came to his son's rescue. Officers stopped the fight and locked Alley, Sr.. in jail. Cotton Growers Convention. A special from Columbia. S. C, says that preparations are being made for tho holding of the convention of the cotton growers of the Southern States in Atlanta, on December lo. The con vention was called by those in charge of tho receut convention, held iu this city, iu consequence of the action taker: at that time. A permanent organization will be effected for the purpose of con trolling the production and sale of cot ton in the South and to fight trusts that seek to lower the price of this staple. Long Term for Embezzlement. Joseph A. Iasigi, formerly Turkish consul in Boston, Mass., who was ar rested in New York last summer charged with the embezzlement of large sums from trust funds he' by him, aud who wss recently found guil ty in the Norfolk County Superior Court has been sentenced to a term of not more than eighteen nor less than fourteen vears in the State's prison, with one ifay of solitary confinement aud the rest of tho term at hird labor. Western N. C Conference. The eighth session of the Western Korth Carolina Methodist Conference was called to order in Asheville last Wednesday by Bishop J. S. Key. of Texas. A full attendance of preachers were present. The Virginia Conference. The 1 1.1th session of the Virginia Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, commenced in Danville last W'ednesday, and w ill continue a week vt more. Bishop Oscar I. Fitz gerald, of Tennessee, is presiding. Five members have died during the year. Three hundred delegates are in atten dance. Football Prohibited. The faculty of Lrskine College, at Due West, S. C. , has decided that the students bo not allowed to piny any more football oa the college grounds. The students protest against the action of the faculty. Alabama Imports 830,000. The 6uni of $10,000 in carcency ha been transferred to Alabama through the sub-Treasury in New York, iu ex change for gold deposited in local banks. Released on dl.OOO Bonds. Walter O'Quinn, charged with the murder of Policeman Ponder, of Atlan ta, Ga., has been acquitted. Jnlias Sirnou and L. bteinau, arraigned fot the same crime, w ere released oa $1,000 bonds. Ed Purvis Hanged. Ed Furvis, a negro, was Langed ia the jail yard at Lillingtoa, Harnett county. North Carolina, for the murder of M. J. Blackman, a white flagman on the Atlantic Coast Line, on the 14th ot August lat Purvis confessed in the crime. INDIANS LYNCHED. Three Murders of the Splcer Fart 11 y Huns By a Slob. Alexander Coudert, Iudian half breed, Paul Holytra?k ond Thilip Ire land, full blooded Indians, the first of whom was sentenced to death for the murder of six members of the Spicer family last Februaiy, and had jnst been granted a new trial by the Supreme Court, and the latter two self-confessed accessories in the mnrder, were taken from the county jail in Emmons county. North Dakota, aud lynched. The lynching had been apparently cooly planned, and was carried out without a break in the programme. Williams port, whore tho hanging took place, is about 40 miles from this city aud oil the railroad. The men were hanged to a beef windlass several hundred yards from the jail, where their bodies were left swinging to the breezes. There were about 40 mea concerned ia the lynching. Lynched tor Murder lu Aikans.i. Henry Phillips, alias "Doc" Jones, a negro, a self-confessed muulerer and moonshiner, was lynched in the court yard at Osceola, Ark., by a mob com posed of prominent citizens of this town and surrounding country. The direct cause of the lynching wai tha murder of a mercnnnt near here by Phillips a few days ago. HOW DOES IT SNEAK IX? Doctors Want a Commission Appoint ed to Go to Havana to Ascertain How Yellow Fever Travels. Surgeon General Sternberg, of the army: Dr. Horlbeek, of Charleston; Dr. Josiah Hartzell, of Canton, O. ; Dr. Samuel H. Durgan, of Boston; Dr. A. H. Doty, of New York, aud Drs. 1J. Olliphaut, of New Orleans, the latter president of the Louisiana Stato board of health, members 01 tho American Public Health Association, called at the White House last week. They saw the President and urged him to incorporate in his message a recommendation that a commission bo appointed to go to Havana to study the f-ubject of yellow fever aud the manner in which it is brought to tho United States. They claimed that good regulations in Ha vana would do more to prevent vellow fever in the United States than the best quarantine regulations that could be adopted and enforced. '1 he Presideut said he would give their suggestions duo considerations. AS TO LODGE BENEFITS. Hooking Won His Case Against the Lodge of Odd Fellows. The Court of Errors aud Appeals of New Jersey in session at Treutou, has rendered a decision w hich is of general importance to beneficial organizations. The court affirmed tho Supreme Court in the case of tLe Iloxhury Lodge, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows against Win. Hocking. When Hock ing joined the Boxbury lodire the tick benefits were Sil a week for an indefi nite s-eriod. Subsequently thoy were changed to id a w eek for 'M weeks and SI a week thereafter. Hocking was sick for a long time and sought to re cover ?: a week for the period. Tho court decided iu his favor, and laid down tho principle that tho benefits which the lodge rules provided for at the time of a member joining were in the nature of a contract, could not ba changed without the member's consent. CIIEKOK EES NOT CITIZEN'S. Supreme Court of United States Over ruled. In a decision handed down by the United States court of appeals in a case from tho Western District of North Carolina. It has bcea virtually de clared that the members of the eastern band of Cherokee ludians are not citi zens of the United States. The decision of the court is that the band has no right to make any contract whatever without the sanction of the United States government. In this case the court ignored the de cision of the Supreme Court of the United States wherein Justice Field ex pressely held that the members of the eastern band were citizens of North Carolina. Famous Dentist Dead. Dr. Thos. W. Evans, the famous American dentist, who facilitated the flight of tho ex-Empress Eugenie from Paris in 1870, died in Taris from angina pectoris. Dr. Evans attended to the teeth of most of the crowned heads of Europe, to say nothing of almost in numerable members of the royal fami lies, excepting Queen Victoria aud tlio Sultan of Turkey. His fortune is esti mated at from J.i, 000, 000 1 o 000, 00-). His wife died last year. They had no children. Has Xo Sue 1 Intention. . The Columbia, (S. C.) State, in au interview with Gen. Wade Hampton in regard to the statement, that he would begin the writing of the history 01 the Cavalry of the Army of Northern Vir ginia npou his retnrn to his home, he said that ho has no such intention. He had been approached a great many times in regard to this work, but has yet given not one any ground for mak ing an announcement to the effect that he would undeitake the laborious task. To Mark Confederate Graves. The Georgia Legislature has unani mously adopted a resolution requir-ng tLe Governor to appoint a commission to undertake the task of marking the graves of :JO,000 Confederate soldiers buried in Northern States. Labor Memorial Day. At the session of the Knights of La bor, in Louisville. Ky., it was voted unanimonsly to set apart the last Sun day in June as labor memorial day. This day will be observed by all the distriet assemblies in the United States. It was expressly stated that the day should not be regarded in the light of a holiday. It was fixed upon Sunday especially because it could not be ma le a holiday with itsattendaut fe&tiviiies. Condems the Shooting; of Miner. The executive committee of the North American Turabund, iu session at Cin cinnati, passed resolutions condemning .he recent shooting of strikiag miners at Hazleton, Pa., by a posse under com mand of Sheiiff Martia, and calling for t' rmisL.ment of the sheriff and his deputies. B-ud Leader Comml's Suiride. Trcf. Doanis Levy, leader of the band at the National Soldiers' Home, Hami'ton, Va., committed micide by uhooting himself with a frhotguu. li was 02 years old. Postmaster - General Gary Urges Postal Savings Depositories. YELLOW JACK LAID AWAY. Heavy Draft on Army Officers Haytl Secures a Loau--Othcr Corridor Capitol Chat. It is the intention of Chairman Can non, of the Appropriations committee of the house, to begin the preparation cf the appropriation bills at the earliest possible dato. lie has announced the appoiutmeut of thesnb-comuiittees, and those on the pension and the legisla tive. ,ev..stive f'l judicial bills have been railed to meet Nov. 27, a week in advance of the assembling of Congress. As the house is fully organized by the appointment of all the standing com mittees, it w ill be expected to get to work as soon as it reassembles for the regular session ou Monday, Dec. 3. Ordinarily it requires a month to or ganize the house, and the month of December at the regular session sees practically nothing in the way of legis lation accomplished. But tbe'orgauiza tiou of the house at the special i.ession this year will rave valuable time, and it is almost certain that at least 0110 of the regular appropriation billsand probably two wi'l have been 1 assed before tho Christmas recess is tuken. Most of the members who have already arrived iu town express the opinion that the com ing session will be the shortest regular "long session" of Congress in years. Ordinarily the long session lasts from nix to ten months. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois, one of the prominent Beptibli cau leaders, predicts that Congress w ill have completed its w ork aud adjourned before May 1. The lirst annual report of Postmaster General James A. (Jury to the president has been made public. Its feature in ttie strong advocacy of postal savings depositories, a scheme over which Postmaster General Gary has worked for many mouths iu ti e formulation of plaus to present to the president and congress. He says the time is ripe for their establishment ntid that the adop tion of a well organized system would confer a great boon upon a large num ber of people and ultimately bo of ines timable benefit to the whole country. The estimates for the revenues and ex penditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S:, are: Total postal rev enue for 1SM7, '?, iiil.1,4i!.'. ,H; add .1 per cent., jM,l;fJ,27;!. l:t. Estimated revenue for isys,si:t ;,;:.-.. add 7 per cent., 8(t,0(-1,yi 1.-11. Total estimated revenue for 1SIH, ?f!i'-,.874.;47.:t7: estimated ex penditures for IHD'.t, S'S. 7i;. 00 ; de ficiency for lS.Ht, estimated, :?;i,0H, lRt;:i. No method of perfecting tho I organization of the postal service has proved more efleciive than tho consoli dation of postotHees. The experimental rural free delivery has been generously appreciated. The report reviews 111 tie tail tho operations of tho various branches of the department. Now that the yellow fever epidemic in this country has been brought prac tically to aa cud by tho appearance of cold weather, the Marine hospital ser vice is preparing to begin a post-epidemic crusade for the purpose of pra veuting a recurrence of the contagion next year. Tho officials of the bureau will co-operate with the health authori ties of the various States affected iu conducting a thorough disinfection of the districts iu which tho fever gained a foothold. The cleansing of all infect ed cities will be urged and each house iu which there was a ca-e of fever will be thoroughly fumigated. It is believed that by pursuing this course, the conn try can be protected against another yellow fever epidemic in lSS The United States minister to llavii reports from Port an Prince that tho Haytian government has concluded a loan for 84,00 I.immI, through Lazard Brothers, New York, at ! per cent, to be delivered immediately; the paper currency to be destroyed, .the national silver and copper coin to bereeoiucd in the mints of the United States. Adjutant General I'reek, in his report to Major General Mile, calls attention to the heavy draft that is made of tho effective strength of the army by detail ing officers to colleges and military schools, and suggests that there be no increase in this direction. He says tho service of artillery officers are much needed in their regular duties. Congressman Frank W. Mondell; of Wyoming; has been appointed Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. Judge Emery F. Best, of Georgia, whom he succeed), 1:1 all pro liability will lie appointed au Assistant Attorney in the Interior Department Ex Congressman, John M. Langston, of Virginia, died here ou the nth. Ho (i years of age, having been bora a slave in 1S.'!. He was emancipated at the age of six and was educated at Oberliu, where he graduated from tha theological department in 14. Ho was the first colored inaa elected to office in the United States by popular vote. From 177 to 1m1 he was United States minister aud consul general to Hayti. Upon his return to this country lie be came president of the Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute at Petersburg, Ya., where he remained for threo years, when he was elected to the Fifty-first Congress aud won his seat oa a contest. Since lk!l he had been prominent in polities, but did not hold office. December 14th, prominent American women w ill assemble here t carry out Washington's idea iu establishing a na tional university for the purpose of teaching "American sciences und American idea-i for American citizens." Their purjiose in the interim is to urge the matter continuously on the atten tion of women all over the country. They intend likewise to interest all the school children in the work, and want them to raise J.10,iW, Lecessary for the erection ofaa administration build ing to form the nucieus of the univer sity. They hope to be able to lay the corner-stone Feb. 22, lsTJ. Senator Mason, of Iliiaoi. is prepar ing a postal savings bank bill which L9 will introduce early ia the coming ses sion. Keveral other bills oflike nature will be introduced. The question has been thoroughly agitated in Illinois and other Western State, and a Etrong ef fort will be made to tecure its pas cage. Secretary Gage has issued a circular letter directing that hereafter all claims for rervices of the Union Pacific Bad road company against the government be settled and paid iu cash. TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. The South. . At Augusta, Ga., Win. Moody killeit ( himfelf after quarreling with his wife. I A Mob shot aud killed a negro de-i-er I ado. Josh Buff, near Gibson, Ga. Mr. Joseph Wylie. of Chester, S. C. has presented Erskiuo College with 54.I.0OO. Kobert Sims, colored, wss hanged at at Jonesboro, Ttuu., for the murder of Walter Galloway, ou July y last. At.Uh'aml, Miss . W. H. Harrison, editor of the Ashland ltogi-ter, wat stabbed to death by J. L. McDonald. The Mooksville-Mooi esvill.exte!iioi of the North Carolina Midland 1 ad.oad wiil be pushed through u-i rapidly as practicable. A mob broke opeu the jail at Etitaw, Ala., aud lynched Hud Beard for out raging a 7-year-o!,l daughter of Farmer Crocker, at Boform. At Marion, N. C, Fob Flemming, a notorious burglar, run over Deputy She-:ff James 1'iuley aud mado hia es eaH. 'I he Populists 01 Alabama prowK to hereafter cut loose from the silver Dem ocrats, and will n umuato their own State ticket. Kuinor fays tho Plant I'uilroad Sys tem may remove its teraiiual from Sa vaunah to hurlest in aud establish a new line of steamers. The general assembly of tho Knight of Labor in session iu Loiii-villo. Ky.. selected Chicago as tho licit place of meeting, Novomiar, ISIS Damage suits aggregating ?:i!!0,n.!0, grow ing oat of the Cahat a i ndgo dis aster iu Alabama, have been settled for S71.W0. Fx-Policeman W. B. Campbell, of Shelbvville, Ky. , was idiot and killed by Policeman Oscar Duncan iu ilefeuso while resisting arrest. The Wheeling Iron and Steel Com pany f Wheeling, W. Va., has ad vanced tho wages of nearly tut thou sand employes 10 per cent. At Durham, ". C, Henry Green, col, killed a oar-old boy and au officer in turn killed tho Mayer in at tempting to arrest him. At Fresno, Cub, Mrs. A. M. Dorn laughed so heartily that a paroxysm of coughing ensued, which caused tho nu t ure of a blood vessel, resulting iu instant death. Hon. Henry Watterson spoke to a largo audience, ut the St-do Normal Codege, at ( ireersboro, N. C. , last week. His matchless eloquence I.lld the audience i-pell bound. Governor Atkinson, cf West Virginia, has announced his candidacy for tho United States Sonatorship. This, however, is conditional 011 tho with drawal of Judge G oft' from the race. Wilmington, N. C. , lias just organ ized a paid fire department modeled after that of Atlanta, w hich is one of the best m the South. An Atlanta tiro man wiil go to Wilmington to tiuiu tho members of tho new department. A Memphis house telegraphs that Ar kansas, Mississippi und Tennessee will make the largest coitoa crop ever raised. '1 ho bottom crop are much larger than was expected; half of it is not yet picked. At Welborn, ITa , Mr. SiiinmeraH'n little .1-year-old boy 'Tommy manajod to get in the cotton pn ss unnoticed, and was not mis-ed until tho body had been sewed 1111 and thrown out ou the vvpys, ready lor shipment. The men cut the bain of cotton open and found him crushed and dead. Mr. H. D. Leak has in his posses sion tho oldest pieoo of tobacco in ex istence. Jt was manufactured in Char lotte iu lHii'.l by Ins fat lo-r, tho Into D. B. Leak, and has been in the poss ession of a Mr. Transeau, of 'Tennessee, ever since bo purchased it iu '',! from tho factory in Charlotte, it was on exhibi tion utthe tobacco fair recently held in Winston, aim attracted a great deal of attention. Mr. Leak will give it to Mr. Bamseur,, who will place it in tlio car 'Charlotte'' as 01m of tho State's relics. Charlotte (N. C. ) News. I he North. At Warren, Idaho, a mail carrier was held up ami relieved of . 1,000 iu cash. Tliulliivi.r,,,,, i.f trim,,,.! n.r-o ) playing of football ought to bo etop- ped. Football has been stopped at Girard College, Philadelphia, on account of a boy having his leg broken. Mrs. Henry Paysen was burned to death at Clinton, lona, in a vain effort to save her 4 -year-old daughter, A 1110 ha. Tho reports from North Carolina and Texas to the National Grange, in Mis sion at Iiarrisburg, Pa., were encour aging. The State Supreme Court has sustain ed the constitutionality of the inheri tance tax law passed by tho last Mon tana Legislature. Beports received at Boston, Mass. , state that heavy snow continues to fall in parts of Connecticut, Vermont and Massachusetts. Several iuchea cover the ground. William llaynes leaded guilty in Boston to au indictment charging hint with the embezzlement of jfwilO from the Equitable Life Assurance Society. New York stock brokers who wish to bet on races, elections or football matches will hereafter retire to tho lounging or smoking room. A sheriff" jury in Brooklyn, N. Y. , gave a verdict for J'i;.1,0w to Mrs. Horence Van Schcvk against her father-iu-law, Peter Van Schaaek. for the aiieuati' u of her husband's affec tions. At Carson City, Nov., ia revenge for an alleged wrong to his ustt r, .) nliau Gniuau, aged l'i vears shot and killed Charles Jones, United States district attorney. Guinau iirrei.dered himuelf at the sheriff's office. Albert J. Frantz, the murderer of Bessie Little, of Dayton, O. , was elec trocuted in the annex of the Oh:o pen itentiary at Columbus. At Cleveland, Ohio, .1. J. Shipherd Las been anc-ted on a charge of em bezzling nearly jf'.'OO.O'W from F. D. Bobiuson and a receiver has been asked for his firm, w hich iH alleged to be ia fcolvent and 01 ing .'.W.W. Mlscillaiieou. Spanish rpits are known to be in specting our fortifications. The first installment of .100 carloads of iftatoea has been eent to Cuba. Germany is becoming alarmed at th falling off of extiortatious o the United States. There are 3,0( Young Men's Chris tian Associations in tho world, tha membership being 0-10, coo. The Inspector General of the Army recommends that a fun 1 be created for the benefit of w idows aud orphans of military men. Five Adventist missionaries have railed for the 1 itcaira Islands, in tho Pacific, where men are to famously 4 r 51 jL

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