trlrHrkirk Ths Mssseseer 3 IEHD 0 JtDEJtl JOB - t JOB PRINTING I THE MESSENGER, $ i Marion. H. C. J Promptness, Accuracy, Neatnee J and Good Stock Guaranteed. I Letter Heads, Kote Heads, Bill Heads, J Envelopes, Circulars, Cards. Pos- w ton, Tamphlets, and any kind t 2 Printing. J J I v Prints . the. Mews and Is sought after by the peo ple of McDowell, Yancey, Bun combe, llutherford, fcurfca and other counties In Western North Carolina, and Is there fore a Cood Advertising Modium. Kates furnished on application. Address, THE MESSEXQEB. Marlon, N. O. VOL. II. xo. :r. MARION, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1897. licc $1. Per year, in Advance. I NEGRO QUESTION It Agitates the American Federation of Labor. CONVICT LABOR QUESTION, I'lifriif That Trade Colons Have I'l.i. cl OIta. li s in t!:e Way of Hi. .M.itcrial A. i-.-ii ciiH iit (l'llipX-nj. At the ii .,f tho Am. ii. an 1". d- ei ;.t ion of Labor in N ti'-hvi lie. Tom., ..!' t!..: iii'.-t important report of the h fi-:'iii "a - that of thr- special commit tee on -o,ivi.-t M-.t;-. It v. a the vu:-" of f 1 r i . t laiior f-honld !n primarily for ; f support an I at the fui!he:-t for the making of tto-.xls which sh'-ii'd l,u used )ti State institutions. n -oliitio-i extending to the teti!c iiiericu tli! sympathy of thi iV. l.-rat ion ns adopted. ', I'ic-tioii hrou'ht ill- liy a I h.- r -solution intrndm-cl by Henry Lb. yd, l-itllirinitig tin; declarations i f tln-i Federation, that all labor, without ie ! pin 'I to ro!'. r, js welcome to its ranks ! ii iiouni-iu as untitle in fact tho le joiti il statements of Looker T. Wtish liigton that tin; trade unions were phw ! ing '! : tacli-s in the way of the materia! lidviiiicciiiciit "f tins lic-jro and appeal in-.' to the of the IVileiation I i on ent ion as completeutiswers to such i Il -- eri lol-s. '1 his resolution caused much spirited I 'ion. 1 1 wa legates w ent finally adopti d and into eecut ive so: moi:mos ;oi; to mkmco. I. -lit Million Acres of I.. not I'nr rliuscd lor I in m. liiliauhuu, Mex., dispatch says: "l! i auuouiiced heio tiiat l epi .:: enta-ti-i fthe Mormon Church of I'tali hni' contnn ted with the Mexican pov . i i't fur t lie purcliase f oii.tiou in-i.-- of hind in the Ih -ullado district, in this Slate. II is the intent ion ol ti.e hurch to locate l",Ooli Mormon i "iioii-t ; no the iaiid within this next tw.. :!. Manv of t hese colonist w.U iioe.-t r;oi"i i'tali, but the greater n nn 1 1 '.-r ii i be new converts to the Moiiuoii faith from dilVereiit parts of the I lilted States. 'I here nre iilnady hoi pros; enn-, Morim n colonies j i this State, n,:u!e- itm: about '',oo;i in niinila-r. 'i I, ".' arrc. ;u t I ill e'las. d will a be a I umli-i- urination and divided i ' small !':ii mm-- tracts. I IIIJI.K lv M.I.I I) IN A i:i: K. i:n-i. Put ' Mil Ni I ':il!!-. I 'It II r is : . I i'w o i 'iren i'.i-.i-iii;er- Sl jii !. ; n the ( hie-,-., llaiiroad, winch I ran into an e i. hid. dhrce imi Dim el. .V I 'n si l-ft ( h t ni tr.ii employ, en of th llnume, an, I half ado: '11. Tire .cud are; in .1. I. .i. i. i: : u i- I .idly wrec ; throw 11 ilu'.v I mall car snirt-. cident i-. not ent, but it is lue t.) the ere '.ikiii. th-; i i : '.'i ;f ' ,i' . il.m-nt and tli cau-e of the k !m n :;1 pi Jo have b-en tia train oer i I - liiti p..-. tie fc1 ' i ur.ler ill a 1 1 imse i "a 1 1 y . .1. iVer-onvii'e, 'ni., at the re-! of K. I., ( iilil":', liuri .g ti.o pro of a l ouse party, Sh:nv Criiuii, a ili ot:ng man ii!:lcr the in tl uenc.; of v, iii-ky, became b:o olleuive iu hi l:;:inner towards lhe la. Ins, .Mr. Calm 1 1 mi iii':t re! id it h him and ad vised him to IT" hi me, lift" upon he became en l.ijid and ii I'ht lesiilt.d, in which Vr. Culiii" hit his life and '!arence .'ones was killed instantly, also two w. men fata!lv sliot. tli i II 1 n was killed by Call tl". I) civ cry Nominated Mar-linl. 1 he President has sent tin; following nominations to the Senate: .lu tice .l ' i-pli McKeniiii, t-f California, to he n- sociate just ice of t lie Supreme t out 1 tlie ( nil 1! ury C. IL be mar.' ha l 1" V f North ( ill"' ilma. t. I lilted State ct of North t in iu;mi!io!i was t;.'.- on judicni for the eastern ill: -In-.a. Mr. Mclveniia's refei red to the coin- It w;Il Pe s:d- t al'.er th. lloil,!ii vs. i euro Mill N a I in;i o tup let lie Concord i N. C. , Times a emau Cotton Factory tiieie M-hiiig completion and will I i i iitiou iu the spi mg. no- Seven liPtt ii liy .i Mail Oo,. special to the ( hailotte iN. C. Oh i r from lireen; boi o. says: A mad ' has put this city in a state i f tei r Si men been bitten, one ot :e . i 1 adly hicerat.d. A cluiil died at :i,'. id oili ire of hydro hobia. iin.i v llul'i r-oti. of that place, is Mil. I ; i' e I ecu bit'eu by tin- same anim.i: ! ;t the child, ii stray cat. lieiily ICatitie.l. ,-tautin.ii' from Ath of peae e has 1, e. I .ater. eaty of pe: iPy Cab!.- A dis ns ar.nounces that tho between Turkey and n ratitie.i by King ti.e Sultan has ratitie.i betw ecu Turkey and i I I ..I il cat i. in i tl 1 lie h. . Seaboard Air Line has issued a handsomely prirted and lllustra i o on lldr.catioii in the South." the ll'lllU i t' list hoi olleires an. I -UU roads. It contains information. No N. V. iir's Keeept ion. :: t i the death of President v s mother the White House will -el against all social functions utv das. Coiise.pu'iitl y the reg i -v Year's reception will be omit- C,;i(V.!.-rate I-'lag llringt .s!..)0. Confederate battle lhig which i i to have Loeu captured by tleu. i:t'..-r's men in New (rleau.. on Mav IJ. where it was hung from a win i.v. was sold at auction at Hoston, at : rooiiis i fC. I :. Libbie -V Co. , for Diirratit ent etiecd Asain. At Sua I' eo. Cab, Theo. Diir iiiii: wus sentenced to be banged on ;oii. 7th iiciif-r tVtiHHilti ff W'inclie J.UUlOht. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. iiiH-iof Hi h Hip Siniitennd Hoii-e Iay IJy Day. Tin: sknatf.. 5ni lv. -The immigration bill, w litHi is .siii,:-tai.ii.i'. 1 v ti.e sump measure that wis i ns 1 . 1 bv the 1 iftv-fourth Congress, tucs over t ).lari!iary. A ljill ! was ,.: l fi.r a public building nt j I Pil l, am, . ('., to cost .?!'-' . I Mr. i'at!..r. f N(,:th Carolina, spoke' h! Ici;;-t!i upon amendments lie lui'l of-b-r. '1 tot i.; biil v. In.-h Ik- had pri.-vioi: iy ; !or a posta' (:tv Sueli a system i. iiii:rc j,'ieat-i' i:a'' uf th :i eat an peo oi it v of i.;coi:.i- lepo-itor:-; i wo-;;. I cultivate an ! f ..omy a:i't !:'"' for them- n o.'i As ail- 'li.i ji iit elare I that' if the ! stem we; stahl: het there wouhl of bolnlr, hv the not!, .1. ii i time of pea-e. It would ! heir it Hid wouliiolaet "'a Carolina association. The M of money i;i eirmiu- following teinporury officers wore b -nents to all the peo-, chosen: J. C. Wilborn, of South Caro .Me value. linn, president; S. J. Wntson, Texas, h Sfiiatu was in sessiui viee-j resident ; Hobert Chatham, editor ;:r,'es, adjoin nnieiit be- of the Memphis Cotton Journal, secre .f i-e ect to the 1'i esi-: tary. '1 he object of the association will ni aii n lance u; on tht . be to h 7e reiea!ed the preKent mort- motiiei-. No business 1 'a'o lien, etc., laws ntidei whieli they iiroduc! iu:i i f bills and ! contend that the Southern fariaere tiansacti 'l. Amon iuivo been subjected to abject poverty. ; !!: . I wir: oi .-bv M r. "j '1 hey w il 1 also devise some meaus to t v Pi il l i i i.'Ti -1; t:..n I !o of 11: l.-lii l -lent, fu).. i of :out!i P.ikota, tc 1 '!::'.il'e '.i; ' 1 : ; 1 . . i f ; t i , l 1ft WS 'f tht l'ni!ed . 1:l'i-v lie -jhvo not ice that at the 1 ropfi t l.lj he v, ouid oiler the iV. a - n suit t:!:i!; fo;- t i.;t which is now P' - .n lnr. re the .nate. lie pro- p-.'M-s t ha immigrants have their eiiu rational ti"-ts inado in their own coun tries, instead ot on this side of th'. o n I v. --Tiie prohibiting pe!.i so :i i lose, I witu a debute u; the b caiiciis '.-i appointment of a i eliate p issed the bill n-n'iii.:. The :-es-spirited civil service II presented by t'ne providing l'i r tht a dii i cto- of the census s, w ho vhou'i'l form thf i'. .1 .' -. ii- the twelt'tii coi:e:i r, en t 1 e solution i : u e ro .ill: f fc a an I empii skeo-iou oil 'id'.',- t.d by 1 In aturda v, I ;ec. iy, .'int. .-, 1 -!:.., i":nte :u;,l referieo apt r. ! nations, i re l assed a bib : ican ininei anil n- "4 ukon alley, piiatiou nmoiiiitf lo be ii' i d bv tin to il. 1 ie. 1' of "he . wh tarv Vi :.i' for the purchase ol lie,- a-nl -upp!:es r.n.l for theii itat:..:i and .!:siriL;tio:i, 1 1: of the ( 'ami Lil'l 'ovw liment be o'oiaine I t j j over thf iu tei ritory. 'i i.e i esoiut ioi s tiiitt the i.-.ipplio-i are to be dis ! i.iiion-- t'ne nee iy minei's. as it .iy i f Will- miiy dt -ten line, Mtppiie'-i a: e tube 1 1 ans oiled t ai tribute-. :h.- Se ll':. I the b an : ! ii I- i i', the reiniu-er tc i-they have performed theii Can in a I r.ef speech at- vice sy- leiu. lie f aii' a! I're.i dent Clt-ve-: the end of his term in - extension lie r t I i :.:ecrat ie a 1 x as not a fair en tic th-.; law . an. I th:-: lt :s t::( ' ;!. l'.-p:.o!i;-a!:s tc a ' i i c expression tn ms of the t; amei's o! i tue i:p roj i i porl t f I Vol 'lb! ' :Ui on providing foi from Pec. IS, Tho resolution i!!l if' I , - -1 i;e i ii.use asscd the pen ii api ni) iatioii til l w ithout nuieuib ut, and it l;oi;i"i-.-d until Monday, ie amendments omred by the I'euio-:-'s t correct alleged .-xiMing abuses ie ..!! filled out on tiie point of ordei at thev were new leiti-dation. Af sse.l li e bill carried .--I I l.vtCi.SSi.. e :!e! :-.1e on this I bi brought out ai teiestiiig statement from Mr. Iing!e. cut the estimated receipts of his new lii;', mi which he tiguresout a surphu ' .--:c.(m", i. ct: i Por next year. r i !v. I'xc.i'ting ti.o report inj. tl") b''is'ative, executive and j;nii a! appi-.iprialion bill, the House die i public business. '! he I'ltt ire sessior is c o n m: !: i ; d in adjust ing it persona I : cpPurn. ot Iow a. thio, which ire Norton, of it i f a controversy lhiit oeciirred last eek during ti j .'el-ate on the pensior. 7 r;i Mv.. f two hours: or tie Pics uiried at Cn: ie. s the !e udicial lull i he lioii'e after a sessior i i ioiirncdoout of sympnthj iih nt, whose mother wa! ton. ( . 1 'uring the ser executive are" r.ssed, and Mr. - iiiri. attackei expeiid.iture ol it IV, I V th. dh till' govc 1 I1 in ti.e e. .N.vutiVi lull. 1.1 the b;!l nu.t nt. lie .lolls spi nt the da legislative. isid. ration ot tl anil ju.iicial l.ty nine i f the ajiropriiitior 112 pages o w ere cov. l ed an only t'.vt amendment e.l; one red t imp ortance w ere adopt 1 watcluuan force at N;tvy building fron and the other re ti r.-e at the i ensioi I'.bi.v 1 the , War ami t ti n v the Stat lift v el- .In. .-.I th. :iv lv iu f a ie .ion l i s.i!:t'-;i's of ll e fi-rm -r au:en.itue:it w;is ."ti . car i ocr the l iote.-t of the up print ions committee, while tht er ii s a i . iic.iidi by Urn. Kingham. .'hare of the bi'l and had been ree men !. -1 by ( omn.i-sioii. r Fvanc, o said tlie ledr.cta-n would not im pa;r t ue c;v:l s-, li'-y . f the bureau. Th o-'o-tiou was the chief -si-m and the pr.poitiot" icii f;ii v of the Treasurj i e::i e ch : ks for age wa: tacked. At tiie oper.ins a : i -i lr.tlon for the holi in Siitur.l.iv. Fee 1, tc .Ian. :. wrVered by Mr. :i ti.-- committee on wavs P 1 ":t I w. . 1 iati s-e l aed a b:li ' for t he relief 1 1 the Yukon river hi i passe 1 by the liui.' sealing by . :. h. n- w as spent i:pi th- Amei ican ..:i t to' Ie oia! iii i r. di- rn.cily prcaclicd In itt'.e bv. A few ht-i b'l'l thi city P l:.;d i.e: ! hers I fa I i.e; :i.l ti Cue little h'y: -i your ,., going t.i i-. ork in Nw II 'dfor l "0": t.o." I' on id: "only preach.'' is he? Sou ervi Jonr.Ta;. I :: fully, n -in. -I ll pet':' hi. n ' dear li liiLU.'- !, ttlOU'.'.t Will lli-ilT ro away in 11. s.-ii:e of tarted. my tie la. hU:iin..' bit a piece out of "Washington Star. Is ! :.'" i ::il Mat t : i'..- WiiMi : :.u-.iii..- -Fid he ;! ?.::,m..'. ' W .!ut"i-e he I uO ill H 1.11 is IjOITOiI (jiiOiflfll j i Favor Reduction in Acreage and Advocates Action DISCOURAGING SPECULATION. ( omplple Orauiat Ion In Every C ounty an! State in the- South A'l-vorsitel--YiilMrti lrcIlent, When the convention of the Southern otto:i ;:rowers met iu the ball room of the Kimball House at Atlanta, (la., nt noon on the 1 1th nearly :jt.) .leleatcs i.nswerc'l to the call. They re pies'; n ted the foremost planters of South Carolina, ieoiiil, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas ami other Southern States. The meeting was called to order by J. C. Wilborn, the president of the "leatl v mitigate the Npeeulation in cot ton, which is no-.v indulged in so freel by the Southern, a- well as the North ern people. They nay that the specu lators practically cobble the entire crop before its production and that low prices is the result. The Southern farmers will bo adivsed tu'ieducM their cuitoii acreage and pi. it more food crops. lly unanimous action the cotton growers decided iu favor of reduced acreage; against trusts and speculation in cotton; endorsed the meeting of the American ( 'ottou-( J rowers' Association, to be held in Memphis-, Tenn. ; decided in favor of complete organization in every county and State in the South, and advocated self-sustaining farms and information bureaus. The following organization was per fected: lion. .!. C. Wilborn. of South areliiia, president; S. Jl. Waison, of Texas, vic;-president, e.rd iticLard Cheatham, of Memphis, secretary. A committee of six wi.s appointed to attend the meetiug of (he Memphis convention. viitki i;v i.or!i$ri:sT. Hons Wiislied (uiiiii Foimdiitious. Monuments I'n.Ieriiii : cd. A cloudburst wi'.h winds visited Mobile and vicinity, doing t-onsiderable daiiiage and grerdly alarming the in habitants. The rainfall iu less than an hour was one and ninety-two huu ilreths inches and so violent that it 1 euetrated openings and llooded many houses. The house of William Collins, on Texas street, was carried from its foundations. In Magnolia cemetery the wind twisted trees in two near tlio ground und leveled scores of head stones, seme of which would tako jivo men to place uu plight, iron fences with stone bases weie overturned. "Monuments were lifted entirely out of the burial lots. J'ive miles out on Fulton ro-nl. the Oil U l V UIIIII1IS.-IUIIL-1" 111. II Ol- comoe was carrieu ;mi yar.t.s aim tno corn scattered half a mile. Wis house lor.t its chimneys, and falling brick broke holes through the rcof. At Maysvilie, a sabuili, two wooden churches were blown down and seven cabins destroyed. Iteyond F.slavas creek the house of John H. Jackson was completely destroyed. Several barns in the same neighborhood weru blown down. The bark Arizona, load ing at iSlacks Jliil, in tho river, va-i blown across the river but sutlered no damage. A Wholesale linrse-Tliief. Fred Hnbeck has stolen within the last live years between .?.";, i(!) and 10(.0-.I0 worth of horses and buggies. A statement to that effect was made by Kubeek himself to the police at Chica go, 111. Kubeek was arrested in Cleve land, O.. two weeks ago and taken to Chicago under indictment for hoiso-f-tealmg a few days later. There he was identified by iive women whom he was Recused of having attacked last summer. Kubeek gave a list of over fifty persons iu Chicago from whom he .said he had stolen horses and vehicles. Senator Daniel Kc-EIcctcd. In the voting in tho Virginia General Assembly for United States Senator, Hon. John W. Fnuiel practically re ceived the unanimous vote of both houses, the election being a mere mat ter of form. House and Three Children Ilnrne.!. Three children were burned to death at Augustine, Pa , a small lumberimr Lw n near the line between Warren and 111k counties. Mrs. John Frederick, a resident of t-he place, used kerosene oil to start a iiro. Ture was an explosion and the house ami contents, including the children were burned. Mrs. Fred erick rescued an infant, which was so badly burned that it may die. Tho woman herself was seriously injured. liaised Ills Salary. At Wilmington, Iel., Mrs. F. F. Briggs, wife of the pastor of the Second Faptist Church, presented her husband with bouncing twin boys. The con gregation increased llev. Briggs salary siVJ a vear. A Keduction of Wages, Notices of the proposed reduction of wages at Fall River, Mass., have been mailed to the various cotton mills and distributed and posted. The notices announce that there will be a reduction of w ages beginning Jan. :!d, lSlN. It is hoped that the fact that treasurers and superintendents are to have their incomes reduced will determine the. operatives not to strike. No address will be issued to the employes. An Omnibus Dili. The omnibus biii for the payment of an immense number of claims reported by tho Court of Claims, under what are known as the Bowau and Tucker aetr, has been favorably reported to the '.louse by Mr. Gibson, of Tennessee, from the committee cu war claims. The bill appropriates a sum of ? :V.i. 0.VJ for I the payment of claims for Ftores and supplies furnished the government dur ing the civil war. The biil covers all claims for time purposes up to Dec. 0, lSt-7. - - 31 K t" K L K N 11 1" U ( 1 MONUMENT. ill IJe Entirely of irauite -30 Feet )llh: Weighs 1; Tons. I Ve Lercwith present an illustration of the design for the monnment to be ! erecteJ fa Charlotte to the signers of the Meeklen'uurj Declaration of Inde penlei!ce. Mr. William A. Gault, of Ilaltiuiore, is the designer. It will le entirely of granite, to consist of a needle-pointed shaft mounted upon an imposing base. The height is :5'J feet, fsl ihe shaft being 2l feet in height, and weighing l'i tons. Tho base is nine feet sipiare. the four faces containing bronze tablets, each with a suitable in scription or design. One will contain the names of tho signers of the declara lion, ami on the other hide will be a hornet's nest in relief. :ON"TESTIil ICI.KCTION CASES. I'oiiimillee No. ; Meets anil Sets Dates (for Ifeailttg Soiill ern Contests. The consideration of the various con. tested election cases before tho House committee on elections No. has been deferred until after tho holidays. All ilie ccutestrnts from the Virginia and 'i eunessee ..istriets were, present, in ternal Keveuue Collector Urady, of Vir ginia, aud John A. Wise, of New York, were among the counsel. After a long parley for time, the committee set dates for hearing various enses as fol low s: I vs. Carinaek, tenth Ten nessee district, and Wise vs. Voting, second Virginia district, at the rirst j regular meeting utter the holidays; and I the committee will sit from day to day until both eases are disposed of. Thorp vs. Pipes, fourth Virginia, aud Brown vs. Swauson, lifth Virginia, at the next regular meeting thereafter, llieboutu Carolina caes, Murray vs. Elliott, first district; Chatfiehl vs. Talbot, second, ami Johnston vs. Stokes, seventh, will be taken up for argument nud submitted together on the law .piestions involved at the third regular meeting of thecom mittee niter the holiday recess. The Duty on Lumber. At a meeting of tho Mississippi aud Louisiaua Yellow Pine Lumber Mann faeturcrs Association in New Orleans, La., a resolution was adopted approv ing of the duty placed upon lumber by the J)ingley tariff bill, aud protesting aiiainst all attempts to repeal or reduce the amount of said duty in the interest of Canadian lumbermen until there is a general reduction all along tho line on manufactured goods. All Senatorsaud Congressmen representing Southern interests are requested to oppose any reduction in the lumber duty. l'opnlists I'rcparinx. The national committee of the Peo ple's party w ill meet in St. Louis Jan. 12 to prepare the call for its national convention, -which will be held in April. 'I his will be the convention ot the mid dle of-the-road populists, and they come thus early to the front because they desire to place their platform be fore the country at ouce, to avoid pos sible fusion. It is stated that the main plank in the platform will be a demand 1'orJlLe referendum. Soothcrn Hauliers' Convention. The Southern Bankers' Convention met at Atlanta, Ga , and adopted reso lutions setting forth their ideas as to needed currency reforms, which recom mend measures that will give an elastic currency and take the government out of the bankiug business. Col. Julian S. Csirr, of Durham, N. C. among other prominent men, addressed the conven lion. .Mr. . atr varied tne program somewhat by declaring in favor of free silver. Pay Themselves Handsomely. Chicago aldermen have raised their salaries from j! a w eek to 1,50:) a year. 'I he ordinance which accomplished it v. as passed under a suspension of the rules bv a vote of to x. To Help Textile Workers. A: the convention of the Federation of Labor at Nashville, Tenn.. a resolu tiou was adopted, after some discussion. that beneficial aid be given the textile workers of Atlanta, (ia. , and that an adviser be sent them. A resolution was ' a'so passed opposing the annexation of Haw aii. Declares 1 Per Cent. Dividend. The directors of the Southern Rail way have declared a dividend of 1 per (ent. on the preferred stock, payable .lan. 2'.. To Pay a Claim of $Jf,."oO. The committee on claims have favoc ably reported to the House a bill to pa S.i.i.vjO to the Richmond Locomot; and Machir.e Works, in fnn fo'it& Ciaimsfor damages and losse in tire construction of Pajilesliip iexas "Must Tni ,. . .. rior,OII0,0O0. wheat hJfte:i ia Chicago that thf jjonrfis will probnb'3' have six mil sliels of wheat to pay for be ro tbe last dav of this mnntU. --f-: The Next Grand Gathering of Con federate Veterans. 20, 21, 22 AND 23. JULY fJordon Announces Formation of ("amns anil I'rarpa r'ninnlrl Oriin- ! K..nizat!on of All Kx-Confcderatcs. By order of Gen. J. B. Gordon, com mander of the Confederate Veterans, vdj. Gen. George Moorman has issued a general order as follows : lu'j general comnianiiinu; announces that under the resolution passed at the Nashville reunion, and under the cus tom established by the association, leaving the date of the next auuual meeting and reunion, which is to bo held in Atlanta, to the general com manding ami the department com mander the next reunion will be held at Atlanta upon the following dates: July 20, 21, 22 and 2:5, lSD. Wednes day, Thursday, Friday anJ Saturday respectively. Our host especially urged the dates of July 20, 21 and 22, being anniversaries of tho battles of Feachtree Creek, Manassas and Atlanta respectively. The rapid growth of tho association has caused such an accumu lation of business, which demands urgent attention at the coming session, that it is absolutely necessary to give ample time to disposeof all the matters to bo submitted to the delegates; there fore four daj-s' limit will be given for this important session, instead of three, as heretofore. With pride the general commanding also announces that 1,070 cam us bavo now joined the association, and applica tions received nt the headquarters for papers for at least 110 more. Jle urges veterans everywhere to send to tho head.iuarters for organization papers for camps and join the association so as to assist in carrying out and participa ting in its benevolent, praiseworthy and patriotic objects. AMEHICAX FEDERATION' MEETS" Increase in Membership and Iicceipts During tlie Year. Tho American Federation began its seventeenth annual session in Nash ville, Tenn., last Monday with an at tendance of more than 100 delegates from different States and afl ejual num ber of visitors, President Goinpers pre aiding. Via. Aimison, of tho local Typographical Union, delivered an ad dress of welcome in behalf of the labor organizations of the eit President Gompers responded. The report of tho committee on credentials vas presented, after which President (iompers read his annual aderess. Secretary Morrison preseuted his re port showing an increase in receipts of 2,34! over tiie previous year. An extra amount had been expended in organiza tion nud :4,2SO new members were en rolled. The greatest item of expenses was So.;Vi'. for organization and of this2,(i)0 bad been used in sending organizers among the miners during the great strike. Expenses for tho year were IK!. During tho year, the report states, 27t! strikers bad been omeiallv noticed, in volving l.r,407 workmen. Of these is;) were won, !il compromised and VM lost. I luring the vear 217 charters were is sued to national, State, central, local and Fmlernl labor unions. The secre tary recommends that tho per capita tax for locaf anil reiieral unions to the Federation bo increased from 1 to 5 cents per member. Treasurer John B. Lcnnon then sub mitted his report showing the income of the Federation from November 1, is:m, to November 1, 1S;)7, to be.2!,S'JS, aud the expenses $!!, 113. MKS. MKIM,KY l.S DKAD. Lingering Unconscious for Several Days--Her Son by Her Side. Mrs. Nancy Allison McKinley, mother of the President, died nt Can ton, ()., on Sunday morning at 2:30 o'clock, on the 12th, after lingering in an unconscious condition, as tho re sult of a stroke of paralysis, for ten davs. The President left his mother a few days ago to be in Washington at the opening of Ccngress, but im mediately returned and was con stantly by her bedside until the end. The funeral exercises were held on Tuesday, the 14th. The attendance was large. Several ministers partici pated, aud the flowers aud messages of co ldoleuce were great in number. Louisiana lurderers Lynched. Two negroes arrested for the murder of a storekeeper named Rabin, at St. Gabriel, La., have been lynched. Tho proof of their gui't was conclusive. Sheriff Frown, fearing a jail delivery, put the blacks on the Texas v Pacific train to be taken to New Orleans for safekeeping. The people stopped the train locked up the conductor and the deputy sheriff, took tho negroes and hanged them in the woods. !j(l(),(00 Kor it Horse. Y. M. Lakeland, trainer for J. R. andFoxhall Keaue, of Louisville, Ky. , lought from John E. Madden the great two-year-old Hamburg. The price paid was 000. The Fall Kivcr Wage K .Indian. A special from Fall River. Mass.. says the committee which has charge of the details of the pending situation of tho wages of mill operatives, will recommend that tho fa'araics of the treisurers be reduced ia the same pii S 1'oitionas the wages cf the emplp,Jes Lech member of tue com mit La3 agreed to bring about tun rectioQ iu the administrative cost inJ-,SOWI1 miil Ihe committee also cided that a'.l overseers and otbe? not r.nllr in - eluded in the cuty,i0Tl.ns 6,oud come under the orde I'olirtay Kecess of Congress. Saturday, December IS to Monday or Tuesday, January 3 or 4. Speaker Reed j is understood to tavor the?e dates. If. however, any important business de velops in the Senate oi the House, the j recess will be postponed into Christ mas week. So far as the House is con cerned no general legislation will hi, . . -i i: i..I,.l,i,I.J,'. ready lor conswera."m c days and work is likely to be p?inu't to the aoproDriatioo billa. Southern Kaiivvay THIRD D1VISIOV. Ia effect Maj 2, 1897. Thla rnn.tnnu,! K.-hn.tiile I, rublUhed U Information ouly and is subject to change without notice to the public. j tALISBlBV, ASBCTILU, HOT BrI!0B MOXTI1U. j K 08. 37 No. 85,9 Eastern Koc.12Koa.lf, a. 11. a. lo. Aiuio. oj. ma Daily. Daily. Daiiv. Daily. P.M. A.M. AM P.M. 10 43 11 15 Lt.. Washington.. Ar 6 ii I 23 200 12 00 LT...Iii.-hraoad...Ar 6 00 23 66O20Lt Danville.... Arl2 00 180 7 05 7 87 Lv..Greiutoro...Arl04l 12 10 .... 9 25 Lt... .Norfolk... ..Ar .... 5 25 Central Time. 8 55 1 65 Lt... Salisbury. ...Ar 6 40 9 20 LT....Clevelaud...Ar 6 12 9 30 Lt Eimwood...Ar 6 02 946 8 40 LT...6tate8viiia...Ar 5 44 10 07 .... Lt CatawDa....Ar 5 25 13 :r .... v...Cla-ea.oi.t....'.r 5 is 10 28 915 Lt... .Newton ....Ar 6 03 10 30 Lt Cooover Ar 5 03 10 47 30 LT....Hiekorj....Ar 4 60 1106 19 46 LT.Coouelly Sps .Ar i 3 11 28 10 02 LT...Morgantou...Ar 4 11 1140 .... LT..UIoa Ali iua...Ar 4 00 11 SO LT..Hrlli;ewater. .Ar 8 51 12 12 flO 85 Lt Marion Ar 3 32 1236 f'.O 53 Lt.... Oiil Fort.... Ar 8 09 1112 00 .... Ar..noua.l Knot..Lv:;2 55 1110 .... LT..ltjunil Kuob..Arf2 35 145M137 LvUUi.-k MountaiuAr 2 03 167 Lt. . .Swanuaaoa. .Ar 1 57 2 15 12 04 Lt lnitmoro. ...Ar 1 35 2 25 12 12 Ar....AhevUl....Lv 125 too 4 39 4 23 !4 06 3 49 18 15 f2 65 1 61 1 44 Fourth Division. 3 52 fl 29 Ar..IIot Snrinss. .Lvll 46 f 12 28 455 fa 20 " .... Newport.... AriO 42 fll 2 6 55 3 00 ..Morrlstowa...Lv 9 5) 1055 720 4 00 " ...Knoxvlllo.... 's 25 9 55 1135 7 40 ..Chattanooga.. " 4 15 6 20 r.M. A.M. A.M. T.M. Heal Station. " Train. Nun II ami 12. dally, curry eiillm.n Sleep ing u.r. betw.-ea JacknoiiTUls. Savannah. Colua bla. Ahhi-vlll anil ('nn-li.niiil via f. (.'. & P., Colum bia Ilnntinaii sad y. at C. Also I' firawlnf Kixiiii sWiiinic Cart l.iivwn Hot b:rlxi...a.h.Tlu.. Wa-li i.kimh an.t N.-w Vrfc In C 'U.iooiloa with WaiiliiKi"ii ami Sent li western Llmitcii. Tiuliik ,N.i. 15 an I l'i. Ni.rf.ilk and Chattanoega l.lmlie l. Pullman Cars lial.-lnh ami CbatlaiUHiga. a'DEVlLLE, SPAR TAX UCRf, CIl.tTtLESTOM, SA VANNAS ANDJ&rasOSVILLK. No.10No.14 Eastern No.9No.13 Daily.DailT. Time. Dftilv.PallT. r. M. A. M r. M." P. M. 2 05 7 20 Lv....Asheville....Ar 1 45 C 00 Central Time. 3 05 8 20 " ....Asheville.... 2 15 7 00 Eastern Time. 315 B23 " ....liiitmoro..... " 2 35 6 52 3 35 8 50 " Anlfii " 2 12 6 29 341 900 " Eiitotieri.... 2 05 6 2J .... f9 10 ' llillgirt " .... fC 12 4 00 9 13 .Ueiiilersonville. " 1 45 6 05 408 9 28 " ....Flat Hoek... " 1 35 5 57 4 27 9 43 " Saluda " 1 15 6 33 4 45 10 03 Melrosa..... " 12 5i 5 16 5 00 100 " Tryon " 12 42 5 00 509 10 29 ....Laudrum.... " 12 32 4 40 6 21 10 41 " ...Campobrlla... " 12 20 4 28 fSilC 10 57 " Ininaa 'T12 03 4 OS 05 11 23 Ar...Kpartanburr..Lvll 45 8 33 6 53 11 45 Lv...Sj artanburjt. .Aril 25 3 10 fC47 12 14 " Pa-olet "flO 54 2 37 !6 68 12 2C "....Joii-vilie.... "flO 89 2 23 iii 15 'jl4 43 Ar Uuion LvlO 20 2 02 730 105I.T Union. Ar.... CI 42 f7 4J 1 25 Kantuo 'MO 04 1 25 17 4 1 35 " Carlisle. ....' 19 59 1 15 8 53 2 45 " ALston " 9 07 12 15 933 3 35 Ar.... Columbia.. ..I.T 8 30 1130 .... 8 00 "... Charleston.... ' .... 7 10 jit') .... ". .Kuvauuali.... " 11 S5 ? 10 .... " ..Jaoksonvillo... " 700 .... Central Time. j m. vy -.J i.o 13. Dally, ruwanfrer. C nnectt at Culumt la wtih S. O. ot li. It. K. an. I Coast I.lne from Charleston and at spartHiilnir wi.h second LflvUlon l.iiln No. ifr un Atlanta ami liiia Kmiili. No. 11. Dally, .nsM.-uKor. t onn.-ci'. ai Sinrtanlmr with Main i liit- Ni 11 and !IT, asluiMioii ami boultinre.tarn I.lmlied. for At aula. Ntiv liiIphu. and So'itbn-nt-und vilth S. C.& li. 11. 11. an t Atlamtc loait I.lne for l barieston. and M. Oal'v, Tiawutfur. (' nnect at Co linnliU wl'h r. '. & P. N... ao ui.d 86 to ami from 8Ti.nn.ili. JackMinTllltt, St. AuRiiktln. ami a.l Plor 1 la 1- In irt. . arry 1'uilm .u Drawing kooin b.i-lnf Car. Ujiwoen Jitoks-iiivltle and Clnclnnail. Thri-uga Coition la, Anhcrllle, Hut biirliiga, Kd ixvllio au4 Juuctli-n. BETWEEN ASDETILI.8 AND Ml Kl'llT. Mixed. Mlu'd. No.i7. No.67. Central Time. Miie.1. Mixnd. No. 13. No. 63. Ex.Sun. Ei.Siin. Ex.Kuii.Ex.Sun. 1. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 4 41 9 00 LT....AsheviiIo...Ar 12 01 8 35 5 10 985 " Hominy.... Ar 11 28 2 60 630 9 55 " ....Turnpike... 11 14 2 30 6 42 10 19 " ....Cajton " 11 02 2 10 652 10 50 " Clyde 10 50 1 60 6 05 11 30 " ..W'aynosvliis.. " 10 30 1 18 G3J 12 15 " ....Lu'.sam " 10 05 12 35 6 50 12 40 " ....Balsam U 80 7 15 1 10 " Hall " 9 35 10 65 7 30 1 25 " ....Addle " 9 22 10 40 7 45 1 50 " Sylva " 9 10 10 15 750 2 15 " ....Dillsboro. . " 9 05 9 65 8 20 2 65 " Wliittinr. .. " 8 8a 9 10 8 40 8 30 Ar..Iiryson Clty..Lv 8 20 8 40 Lv..Br-.-9on City..Ar 8 00 4 20 ' bushu.-U 7 20 4 52 ; Almond " 6 55 5 25 " ... Hewitts " 6 28 .... 64J " ..Nantabala " .... 6 20 .... 6 07 ' Topton " 6 50 .... f645 Ar Andrews.. . .Lv .... 820 705 Lt Andrews.. ..Ar 8 00 Ar Murphy Lt 4 30 p. ar. P. M. A. M. A. M. N. and 7. Mixed. iJally, ciccnt Sunday. M.-ai Station. TIIEOUGH SCHEDULES (Southbound.) No 11 No 37 Nof.86 No 9 Dally. Dally. A 15 Dally. Dally. 1115a 8 00a 11 S3 8 25a 2 27p 12 20p 4 05p 217p 6i0p 465p 7 37p 6 25p LT.WsahicKton " Alexandria " Cbarlottesv' " Lynchburg ' Jiimvllle 6 05a Ar.Greeusboro. 7 32a 1" 48p 11 06p 1 65a 3 40a 6 CO i 7 05a. Winston-S in 9 50a lialeigh 11 45a " Salisbury... 9 S7a " Asheville.--. 2 25p LT.Ashoville... 2 3Jp Ar.Hot Springs 8 52p ' Kooxviile... 7 40p 11 Chattanoogall 35p " Nashville.... C 45a Central Time. 9 50n 11 45a 8 17a 2 -o 2 30p 8 52p 7 40p 11 35p 6 45a 8 50p 7 10a 5oir 12 Pin 12 17a 1 29a 4 05a 7 4D.i 1 50p 8 15p " Charlotte. . . jH 15a 9 25a 10 OOp "Columbia. 12 OOp 137a BlandlnK bt. Station. 9 45p Aiken. f3 50p 4 lop 4 35p 9 30p 8 10a " Augusta.... " Savannah... " Jacksonvilla ' Ta-npa. .... StAuK'stine Central Time. 8 00a ... 5 00a ... 9 10a ... 7 OOp ... 10 30a ... LvAtlauta. 9: Central Tlrr.9. Lt Birmingham . Central Time. Lt Memphis... . Central Time. Ar New Orleans . Central Time. I0p 8 65p 10 lOp 7 25a 7 40a 6 10a 11 45a 9 40 9 40a olOp THBOUGU SCHEDTi3 (Korthboun'l) No 1 Nos 36 No 33 No 19 Daily. Daily. 7 50p 9 OOp 6 55a ..... 12 00n "7 30p 7 00a 8 15a 12 00a 2 lUp A1G Daily. 7 55a 6 25a 4 20p 11 50p Tbo'a" 6 25p 7 OOp 11 35p 9 30p i Lv Jew0ans . Lv-"""Tiaie. fjT,a?'mphls.. . Untrailime. f ;Tli'rm1Iiiehani Central Time. Lt AUanta..... t'entrai Time. j L7i st.Auit'istin " Jucksoavilie i "Savannah. . 50a " Aiken 2 20p " Columbia... . 634a 6 20p BiacdingSt. Eta. Lt Charlotte... 6 40? 9 39a 8 30p 6 40a Central Time. .t Nashville. ..11 20p 12 25p 11 20p " Chattanooga 4 15a 6 20p 4 15a " Knoxvlile...li8 8Ja 9 5ip i S5a u...lf..ln.i il AAm 11 II iS.m ! Ar Asheville ... 1 18p 1 8i 1 lip Lv Asheville . . 1 SBp 1 41a 1 25p " 8alLsbury... 15p 10 4Ta 9 36p JCetUal Tiae. Lt Raleigh 40p " Winston -B aa 6 90p 8 63 10 99a 8 40p f SOp Gret-nsboro. 9 62p 13 10? 10 44? 1 COp 12 10a 8 40 p 1 69a P8p JU Ar Danville 11 25p , L nb Cbsrl'ti-arHa .ZT9 H7a 25p 42a Ar Waa&lngten (If a) ttaUoo. uirufo ck uAioa. Koa. ST acd , WialnVa n4 acttvMWr bud TMtrbnta train tolirm Kw VorK Limit!, and Ada hiwia. trafanl I Lata. Coiuo4 f fiu.nuuj DrlBi Rotm ; tot Rov ht cn (tticioigta t t lntiM Twtfbutod Iy Coaell n aaBiucoa ana Autata. nroaaa a...r)Di pa b.twa N.w or ana fw Orlaaoa, Vtw tftirk and Memphl. Sw Tqrat, Abrlll, Heprlnfa. Eno villa. CkattaBAcca aid MaahtlUa aal Va V ark a&4 war ixoiof car Ikiwms Graauboro and rv ibii aonm .oa. and K. Vuipd Etatas rnl!l, Car batwaca Naw Tork. K a&l Stasia tania, Aioataomarr ana .w oriraa JasaaoBtilj. and trharioilf an 1 Ai ants, at. lasBMBtii. and Cbariotl aa 1 Auin Ilea ai ailaburr wlh h or folk and Ctiarianuoca kaafcto'aad1UM TkiAK TwS&lalVpliRu tuarttt Bastaa Qara Waaklanoa M aa Vranaitaa yrm Mew vinnu and Boutn.ra rcina Kallwa?. vithnut rMsn once a !. Iarnf Wshln(toi Carurdar. arriln San Franclaro ThursdaTa. Sim. 15 and 14 Norfolk and l natiano?a MmltM Bwffn N.-folk and haitan.ra. ttinmkh Stlma Kalrttrlt. -Orernabor-s SalUb.irr. ilirlll. Hot tprtnn and Knoi.tllf.. Cullman Dran iti Hixn a.epla Car. between Norfolk and Naahvlilv. Thn.u.h ticket on ! at PrlnciDal nation, to at polnia. For rata . r luformallira ai i'ljr lo anj , H. .kr. 'Jn.-ii! !"...j!.-r,.i.L V A Tei if. tx-li.rrl I'ngr A B. lw, iramo Jianager, :m i t at. TEE SABBATH SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR DECEMBER 19. I.rMon Trxt: "John' Mere AUont Sin ml Salvation," I John I., S to ii., O iililen Text: I John I., ! I.r.suil Coiiiiiientary by tlie Kcv. 1. M. Strarna. 5. "This then is the message whl.-h wo have heard of Him anil declar.) unto you, that God is light aad in Hi.n is no darkness at all." John wrote his jrospel that wa miijht Ix'liPvethat Jesus is th. I'hrist, tlio Son of God. au-1 believing iiavrt life in Him (John xx., :S1. He wrote this epi.stlo Hint we who believe niisht know that we have et.-rnnl lite, ho full of jot un.l not xin (Chapters v., 1J; I., 4; ii., 1). Knowing Jesus personally, having ln-ar.l and seen and looked upon und handled Him. ho declares Him as the Word of Lift, that we, too, may have fellowship with hiin. and witii th Pather, and Willi Jesus Christ. 6. "If j-e say that we have fellowship with Him and walk In darkness, we lie and do not tell tlie truth." l'rom the bejrinninjr of tho Iiible story liht is siifrirestivo of (io.l and darkness of sin and sntan. The wast n and void ami dark condition ot things in Gen.'l.,'2, seems to have been the result of a judgment, whii-h must have come upon thd earth, for, according to Isa. xiv., is, l. ., eonipare.l with Gen. l.,2,'(iod did not create the earth waste aud void. Isa. xxxiv., II, and Jer. iv., 2:1, are tho only other two daces where we have the same combina tion of Hebrew words as iu Gen. I., 2, aud In each ease a judgment is manifest. 7. "ihit it wo walk in the lilit, as ne Is in the light, wo have fellowship one with another, and the blood of J.-sus Oliri--t His Son cl'-ansi'tii us from all sin." Light shine;., discovers, beautifies, purities, for light is of God. Not only did Jesus Christ fcav, "I am the light of the world," but He also silid to His own, "Ye nr. tho light of the world; let your liffht so shine lefore turn that they may see your good works ntid glorify your l ather which is in heaven" (Math v., 11, lii). If we walk with God, we cannot but walk in tho light, but walking with God implies at least two things viz., humility, such as is not natural to us, and perfect agreement with iod about every thing ( Mi.:, vb, 8. margin; Amos iii., 3). S. "If we say that we have no nin, we deceive ourselves, aud tlie truth is not in ti." There are those who conclude from the previous verso that all sin, root and branch is i "moved from their being:'. Put such a thought is contrary to the teaching of Scripture, and surely tho Holy Spirit in piecing the statement of this verso ju?-t wh re lie has sought to correct any such false teaching. While we nroin these mor tal bodies tho flesh or old nature remain in us and lusteth against the Spirit, bat the Spirit is also in us as children of God Wy faitli in Christ Jesus and keeps us from the tilings which otherwise wo might do (Gal. v., 17, lt. V.I. 9. "If we confes our sins, lie is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to eicaiiso us from all unrighteousness." While in the mortal body always delivered to death for Jesus' sake i. e., tlie death of self or the flesh or sinful nature (II Cor. iv., 11), if we sin ngaiiibt God, as all are linlite to do, hero is our comfort, that in stant confession of sin brings instant for giveness through the blood of Christ, and then we must go on more watchfully and prayerfully. 10. "if we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." J.din is writing to those who are children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, fur only such as have received Christ are children of God (John i., 121. Others are children of the devil even though they may be very religious, according to our Lord iu John iii., 4 1. 2-1. "My little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not, nnd if any man sin we have an advocate with the Pather, Jesus Christ tho righteous." Our marching orders day by day are to sin not. We have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, that the righteousness of the law might be. fulfilled in us who walk not after tho flesh, but aftertheSpirit(l:om.viii.,4). Surely t '.'. has made full provisions for us lo live this life which He would have us live lo His glory by our advocate or para clete with Him, Jesus Christ tlie right eou, aud by our para-iete in us. the Holy spirit; yet so weak are we and often so un watchful that notwithstanding the abun dant provision we grieve both Father, Son and Spirit. 2, "And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the fins of the whole world." Propitiation here siguiiies atonement, reconciliation, sacrifice, and that provided bv God through ! Christ is sufticieiit for all tho world. There is no forgiveness of gins apart from Him and His great work,iut in and through Him there is sufliclent for all who will ac cept Him, even for every soul on earth if tiiey will come. How shall they come if they do not hear? "-And ii.j,y ,ve do know that w know Him if we keep His command ments." Not faultless conformity, fr' there is none such on earth, nor cv. r except in Christ, but a h.-nrly ':-yaP J of and willing subjection to Ilis:', i' - veal.-d will. He Himself saif ..jj tl,.,t hath My commandments, . j,,.,.,,,.;!. them, he it Is that lov.-.. ?.aJ K,-eiLlu keepeth not His Vommandmc-i.ts, is a liar, and the truth ju hjm So hkilJflll -atan in tj tu t u , ing ii i.-ot. lv-. ...... . . I 'c '.'''Lot mutter very much how I live, i Ji';v'J ia Jesus Christ, and therefore I JPn saved. If my life is not epiite correct, r :ll ..... nr.. IVtl.lOM.y .0.-5 Ulj .n.T. ..v.. .... ....... evidently deceiving themselves, and are liars. U.-IieviDg about Jesus Christ saves no one. He must be received into the heart and that is the Scriptural sense of believ ing (John i.. 12). 5. "But whoso keejx-th His word, in him verily is the Jove of God perfect. 1. H'-reby know we that we are in Him." When we receive letters from those whom we love, we treasure them and read them many times, and live on them. A mere casual reading ot a letter, and that but once, would not indicate much love for the writer. How, then, can those be said to love (ioi who care not for His word? ;. "H-j that saith he abideth In Him, ought himself also so to walk, even a-i He w alked." He could say, "The Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father." Ifit lie also said, "As th Father hath sent Me, so send I von," and "Hethat eateth 3Ie, even he ahall live by 5Ie" ( John vi., 57; it., 21 1. Now He wa-i here wholly for God, Speaking the words of God, doing the will of God. always pleasing God. There is no other way for us, and wo must be willing to renouie-e self, deny self, die daily unto self that His life may be mainifest la us, or els..- prove ourselves unworthy ol Hisname. Lcisoa Helper. A St. Louis choolrna'nrn Is rcrj angry because the Board of Education Insisted tb:it flowers on the teacher'! desk were the only kind of bloomen to be aJlowe 3 there. .tl epucq 3ntrqo ppo. s;rjt tij Xpti -dojJ son uoiJBair;dxa puoc. s u pn pdsnsoji st j-trqi aqx 'S-mom jo aanc ejlBj Oi 2u;qi aiouTip v SJ u -nfK !, OHIO RIVER & CHARLES1 OH RAIL WAY CO. SCHEDULE. lo tako hiirect May o, lo'Jt. i:ou o'clock, a. m. NOBTHBOrND. 2nd. 1st Class. Class. il.) 33 Tues. Dnilj Thms. Fx. Sat Sun. SOfTliaol-Nl. lbt. 2nd. Clas Clas9. Hi oi Daily Mon. Ex. Wed. Sun. Fri. EASTERN TIME. a. m. p. m. p. m. a. iu. 9 i0 2 00 Camden 1 (K) G 50 0 3J 2 20 DoKalb 12 IF) G 13 9 43 2 32 Westvillo 12 20 5 55 11 10 2 45 Kershaw 1J0 480 1160 3 00 Heath Springs 11 .'.0 4111 11 5-"i 8 Ol Pleasant Hill 1 1 f 4 3X i-.1 "" in. u iter li U 21 1 0 3 43 liiversido 1 1 0 2 3 1 20 :i r,0 Spriugdell 10 5:1 2 CJ 2 00 4 00 Catawba .1 unction 10 45 1 50 2 10 4 10 Leslie 10 S3 1 13 4 40 4 :W Rock Hill 10 20 12 51 5 00 4 45 Newport U ot 10 J .5 20 4 T.0 Tirzah V 47 10 41 C 00 5 05 York villa 1135 10 20 20 5 20 Sharon V 20 tl 50 0 40 5 40 Hickory Orov DOS t) 2T 6 5.5 5 50 Smyrna 8 50 1)03 7 30 20 Rlacksburg H M 8 40 p.m. 0H5 Kuriii 7 4Sa.m. (J 40 Patterson Springs 7 4 J 0 50 Shelby 7 "0 ..... p.m. Lnttimor a iu 6 55 5 50 Smyrna :! "0 9 03 11 2nd. Class J'aily Ex Sun. 12 "ml. (last lV.ily i:x Sun. p. in. i) (.-. 8 13 b 40 ti 25 7 33 7 10 U 50 C 20 0 00 0 35 fS 3D 5 03 4 45 p. in. EASTERN TLMH a. m. 8 10 g::o 8 40 9 10 9 4) fl 50 10 09 10 20 10 50 1 1 0 3 1 1 25 11 3 12 00 12 20 p. ia. Rlacksburg l-.arla ra'.terson Spring Shelby Lattituoio Moore? -:iro l!c;;.etta Fores. City Rutherfonlton Golden Valley '1 hernial City Glen wood M arion No. 32 has connection with the Chea ter & Lenoil Failroud ut lorhviilo, S. :., with tho Southern Railway r.t Roc; Hill, S. C, w ith the cncast-.-r .t Ches ter Railroad at Lancaster,.0. C, ami with the St utli Carol itiii Georgia Railway at Camden, S. C. No. 33 has connection with the South Carolina ami Georgia Railway i.t Cu:n den. S. ('., with the Lancaster .V Ches ter Railroad at Lancaster, H. C. with the Soouthern Railway ut Lock Hill, S. C, with tho Chester .'c Lenoir I '.ail run 1 at Vorkville, S. O. , ami with the South ern Railway at Rlacksburg, S. O. Nos. 3-1 ami 35 will carry passengers. Nos. 11 and 12 have connection at Marion, X. (!., and Rlacksburg, ti. 13., with tho Southern Railway. President G. 1. A. i -TAK lItll,IIN;s. Kiuslon is to bavo a hosiery yarn mill, with something like f.5t;,W: capital. All hope that the Seaboard will re build its shops at Raleigh appear to be abandoned. Charlotte is to have a strictly whole sale establishment, and its door" will be opened on Jan. b"th. The State grants a charter to tho St. Helena Gold .Mining Company, of Ran dolph county, for sixty years. Judge Robinson has appointed A. I. Cow lea permanent receiver of insolvent 1 li-diiioiit Rauk at Morgantou, requir ing tf20,iM0 bond. There will soon be another division of the naval malitia on tho rolls that at Southport making live divisions, with a strength of some 230. It seems that thero i i to be no abate ment during tho coming twelve mouths iu cotton mill building aud extension of p!aut3 in this State. The Secretary of State grants a char ter to the Asheboi o Telephone Compa ny. Jt is allowed loruu linesauywheie and its capital ia &3,00. For the largo Pennsylvania colon; which will Kettlo in Rowan county, 11,000 acre3 of land have been pur chased aud 2,000 will bo secured. -l.i w..b niKlsitn.Tit. Tirmtt.iimtr cf I c-llsviiie, was convicieu m ni t,.ril t.;ouri oi rouowig tue mana ameMt l(J the peuneniiary lor one yr jjj3 6ia. ter is postmaster. After a quarrel orx excursion tram near Mount .yy Jon jHV,J0, cllt Lemuel llemjfi H throat and disem boweled hijff n unknown man then fcliot Ibsfues in the back. Iloth are morttfiy wouudel. , 'Prominent residents of Southern Piues were ut Fayetteviile last week iu conference with leading citieus look ing to Fayelteville's co-operation in tho project for a railroad between that point and Southern Pines. Nineteen miles of tho Wellington and Powellsville Railroad are finished. 'Ihe road in to be twenty-tbree miles lon', and it is expected the Atlantic Coast Line will secure it and use it as i art of a line between Newberue and Nor folk. Jt turns out that the State has gil.OOO in the suspended 1 ie lrnoLt Rank, of Morgauton. 'J here is $15,000 ,f collat eral tosecurethe State. The Park l.'nnk, of New Vork.boldr83-5.WjO of the bunk a collateral end the bank owes it 11, JW. Time oml Pilcnce. As time is the greatest ;i phj, no s;!-!:-e is the great t of ar:i:ters. Tim" and t-dence :-u'-cer-l of fettti.nes where all other ageii.-;. ami infuencea fa.'l. The tru'h Is omnipotent ami liceds no props. In the end o.i!y tftj right will prevail, and. ill men cha'.i K-e it. SiiffLii:: !s the only avenue t the highest an.1 divlr.cwt expi rienccs. "He Wiis made perfect through suffer ing," and if we would "r -ign with Him we must also tiuflVr with" Suf fering Is Heaven's br!ghtc.-.t nr. gel ir. Jisguise". If we suffer ai Christians, I-t us rejoice und be gtn-!. Tor gr.-at ia our reward, not in the far-off life t- come only, but here on earth abso. If we are right with God and our cause Is Just, we have ucthii g to fear, however we may suffer, hut in the end we Ehali say. ' It was well; U was well!" A'.l things come to those who know how to wait, and silence Is goVcn whin know that He gu des our t.feps. II: loeth ail things w-J!, aud He shall bring Tarth thy righteousaesiastbe 1-iit, and thy Judgment (vindication, as the noon day." So shall it be well witli thee; &o auff-jr oa, If it be fiy lot.