8E3fBoiaiai,01- : Jobpriktinq : : thewessencer,: Marion. H. c. Letter Head T,.. , Envelop CHU, IT w Good Advertising Medium. J J Kates furnished oa application. Address, TJiE MESSENGER, Uarlon, N. Ot VOL. ILNO. 38. MARION. N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY H. 1898. 1'er Year in Advance. rrluing. ' " 'M4 of Tha Hessesger Prints . the. News ami Is sought after by the peo ple of XcJjowell, Yancey, Bun o:i:L , IlutlierforJ, Burks and other counties In Western North Carolina, and U there fore a ifii ) ii of en news As Gathered for Our Readers Throughout North Carolina. STRENGTH OF STATE GUARD. J . r.uil'l Up I Iip Farmers' Alliance. .Nil Town In tlx' State lias the Proper Moat ami Milk Inspector. . A'i ,';t:i!it 'icneral Cowlos, iti his rein:- ; ' til-; iov. iiK.r. has the following, -. other things, to say of !ie Stat (: -i : Tin: Mate (iimrd llOiv COiU ; :. ' i-ii,ii iini- i of iiif;u.try, one ... v '; mtdlerv de'a-h-i. I: ..rj.. , three I am! -. ;:ri i !': I i v is:on Naval Eeserves, hi.i.i'ni a total of l.T.il officers and i . i. Not n single o:ni any has been ': i.!ti.."- I (turnip the year, but there ! i r 1 n many additions to the ranks, . ,(. ; an increase of I io men over the '-'.. 1 .':;i c have been fewer le - .,:i- di.M-liat -ges tliali ever largo number of applicants i i t i icccivel for admission into I iK-w cm, .1 nines, but none . i i .. cnvt.-icd fnvoiab'y as the ! ...,t . i-. j:.ii. te as u1 lowed l.y law ami . .. : !. tiie-t.tt, appropriation. Two . i ..i-i'.lr. of Nir.al lie-serves Lave ;. :i...cd and accepted into the being - i iiij i 1 l' special : i::;!i..n from t tie United States ;i -. y I '! art u. eiit. - Meal ami Milk Inspection. '!!,' North ( an linn Yetrinary Mcdi . .1 .-.-ocia! io:i met h i ( irceiisboro hist v .!!;. I In- mi ct iiir was cnHuil to onU r I the r. si. lent, I 'r. lh Kills, of I l:a'lo!:e. ') he pli'shii-lifs U'lilress WHS ). ii.t: y ami tins en ocl tioll of !:.. v ;- i ma: lam of t tie Mate to the ilil I la:. iv i i laeat a:il liiilli. illsjiectiou 1 r mi-iiu ut thu State. 'I ho association ! i.iiiinfiiiti ! State or city ownership ( I :.:ail:;iitei ln.il -cs, so tiiat nil lneat J . i . 1 an lie ilis ceteil l y cilio itlFl'tc t'.r. It was foiiml Hint there is no town .r cty i:i the State t lint lias the 1 roper i:.i at ami milk I nspec! v .11. Oilieiais electe.l are: I r. ( '. It. Kills, of har h'fe, pre.snlent; I)r. T. I!. 'arroli, of Wilmington, l'ut vii-e-pi esiileiit; Dr. !l. S. Hf -seii!, of 1'iirliam, second viee 1 ie id.-!:'; Ir. .1. W. I'etty, of Win- t m 11 i tary and tieasnrer. Jt was ' i !i d to meet in xt in Wilmington, N. '., August. ls;iv l't I'.uihl tlie I 'anticrs' Alliance i l,n ceiMitivci eominitteo of North ( 'a: .'. 1 :i.l Kin inelV St at e A I lilt 11 CU ltd opt. -t'.e follow 1114 re-oliiton: Kesolved, I ':at 'in will make renewed efforts tc I Hid up and ete!nl the llsefnhiess ol ti n l!iatn'e its a reat hrolhei liood, il.'i'i.iiij.ju,' as much as possible all ; ;o !i -aii prejudice utnl inviting all jier :.i: who a:e entitled to memhershi p to 1'iti us m our ell'.ii ts to liiiild Up tli tu' 1..1IS 01 .a:ii.'atioii, Michasuiil Lea I o'ui'i' I'm- ;:oi; to our common conn tl V. ( mi'l Meet Willi Oiii-Tcnriirrs. :-t.tte Siipenutcmlent Mehane hns n le". li 1 iii in South Caiolimi which hay:. th.it a! a meet 111;,' of the 1 eiu heis' Ah ioc;.it;oii i f that Mate it was decided to I -c niiadi.-ali e to liold a meet iti out : : li- ul' Iii'- State I his i:; 111 answer tc tl ! ii..:ioii to mi'i.t with the .NortL ':.: 1 1 ; 1 1 I cachet's' Afi-emhly this year, i'r. Mchuiic fays that nrraliei;'. elite ;ii'v l e made fur the attendanc of a ii'i.ulii r of Ihe So.itii Carolina tcj.chers :iiie diiv dm li;r t he session of thu As i.emhlv. - lias Created a - eiisat ion. A Itatlierfoi il county man has created a ! ligation and attracted denunciation I ci an i of his refusal to jay his rail wtty ta iicc:iil-i the railway does not run to I he depi.t a! I'.ut hel fordtoil. It i;u:te laiiily intimated that somi ViVki -lioiii iiit'ii will pursue the saint ioni c. 1 iiitside the State there is l;o. d ileal of denunciation of all thi I'li'-r.its, which is plainly termed re- ii;'a!i ;i. pure and simple. I.eadinj; Stale 1 .1; cis t ike 1 1 it sumo view. Wll I : i 3 : : 1 1 ; i .M e -sell er. I) el.ireil a I i ideud. I i. d 1 eetm s of tlio North Carolina Kii.l' Ki 1 met a few davs si;ict and de :.! .-d a . 1 ci" cent. diMileml for tht h.i 1 year. I lie net one will 10 ol per ce'it , making the per cent. 'ei ai.iium d.M.lt i:d. IhilipW. AvirettV i ill f..r !e;al si'i ices as I iovel nor ilus : . 1 i - nitorcev in the uuiioad lcat c-ewa-. presented. It is for S-.',Ooi en I was iclerrcd to the executive com- A 1- i 11 1- Piirki r, !! 1 'r.! l::;;.i Sun says: ( '. I?, (.rimes. ' "l t i 'lll ilHlil. laiscd a liowhicl :.: 1 a ::i 1 at oca! of at telit ion in ac ' 1' :: :l.e. lie s!aed tins porkei l.i : week am! the m i weight was IP I the miss weight l.-eui S;;0 Ir. 1 1 iiues, js ahead in weight so far a? heard 'vm. AV.uite.l--A I ! 11 11 1 1 red lliiinits' et '."quire l. (i. Araxwe'l, of Charlotte, wants a liuudied lare-e hornet's nests, ant wants to tint her them l'eforetiit t 1 1! May. lie mlends to have a cir cle 1 t these emblems oi'the city to snr lo'iii.l the monument to the signers 01 the I 'iarat 1011 w hen it is unveiled. Alter the uuci!iii the nests will be rre-eiite l to tlio xisitors. He has al veadv beun making the collection. N-1J ivs to . in. I a Thimble. 1'ref. Henry Louis Smith, of lhwid sen, was in t .i:.vrd a few davs airo, on h; way to th- home of Mr. VVill'llur .lis. at I lar; i -!:ir: w here the X.-riiv was i ti be ai plied to locate a thimble sul 1 low ed by his :' car-old child sometime as the Conciiid correspondent of .'the Charlotte Observer. IVII !cal While riHlrrssinx. Ma'ie l'rahe, n-ed 1(1, a pupil at !ie iv. st it at 1011 for deaf mutes nnd blind, at t'alel;h, fell dead v. inle tindressi-i ill her loom, lit art disease was the ftri-i'. Severn I other ptiiils were 111 tie 100:11. and were badly frightened at the awful s ..,.u. I he grl was from IV.' v Mouut. 1 lots and Dashes. Alliance shoe factory at Hills- Ihe hoto has increiied its output to flail s a day. 1 he progress o' Hie uevo!opineat of Ions distiince telephone lines is now H'.ute van- I. ( hie is beiuir built north ward from 1'nleiti. Ciccnsboro has passed nn ordinance roiuiriiif; "t'lrry do to be kept up f. r a ee!:aiu period time" under peuultv of a tine of Sit1. '1 he Western t'uion Teleyrnph Com pany mn v or mav not take its rate ca-e nut of tho Federal Court. .Iudre . mo:. ton limits it utril April in the ma: ii-n-f :ilh-;,i'iii; iii answer to what th. l.tl! f - ' c '."'--s', ,. . t What ft bapry vroria tli'.s vrouia le U a aa couli oiUar li!ve all U syii OLD NORTH STATE ITEMS. The End of u Noted Outlaw. In the Superior Court of Cumberland county last week, Jud:e Sutton on the bench, Alex, (liluiore was sentenced to ten 3'ears in the penitentiary for the crime of burglary, (iiluioro .was former ly a boat-hand on the Cape Fear river, famed for his physical strength and his daring, and when he launched himself upon a cuieer of crime he speedily made these qualities a terror to the law-abiding community. A fugitive from jus tice, he was outlawed by the authorities, and a price set on his head, notwith standing which he more than once bold ly walked the streets of Fayetteville, exchanging words with negroes who knew him. Ho was finally traced to Sampson county, and "run to earth" and captured in Onslow county. Wright, a negro lad, accessory in the crime, who was fearfully wounded in an attempt at his .-up'. ire, was used ugainst (iiluiuit) as a w '.-.c-- for the f tuie, and was brought into the court room, where, lying flat on his fuce on a tuble, he gave in his evidence. He was nenteneed to 0110 year's imprisonment in the penitentiary. Forger of Cheeks Captured. Threo months ago II. II. Harding was in Italeigh claiming to represent the Colorado Construction Company, and to have a concession from (leneral Weyler for builditg a railway in Cuba. He went to (ireenville. and there stole a package of cashiers' blank checks of the bank of 1'itt county on its New York correspondent. Then he got the signature of jK. li. Higgs, the cashier, and disappeared. He also attempted to victimize the bank of (ireenville. The next heard of him was from Omaha, in the fchape of a check with Higgs' name forged for ,00i. Then one was given at Seattle for the same sum. The Seattle bank wires Higgs that it has captured Harding at Kegnia, North west territory. Cherokees Want Information. The eastern baud of Cherokee In dians who live in this State has filed a memorial to the United States Supreme Court, their status, or rather their lack of one, being given as the cause. TI16 federal court ten years ago held that they were citizens of North Carolina, and the following 3-ear they incorpor ated the eustarn baud. Now the United States Circuit Court of Appeals na3-s thes- are a tribe of Indians, and not cit izens either of the United States or North Carolina. The Indians have voted in all elections since the treat3 of Kchota, iu ls;M. Ju their memorial, or petition, to tho United States Supreme Court they say: "In name of hitrh heaven, what are we and where do we stand?" North Carolina Talc. The Tope brothers have bought a talc propert3' in North Carolina, a few miles north of Murpli3 Tho Southern Kail way passes through the propert3. Talc, l3' the waw, advanced :: a tou week beforo last. The North Carolina talc is white and tho Messrs. I'ope have an apparently largo deposit of it. The3 will put in (iillette mills and go to work just as soou as the3' possibly can. Talc is always in (Iciuuik! and there is a good protU in the manufacture. At lanta Constitution. lAUe the New School Law. State Superintendent ?Iebaue is well I'leased with the result of the State con vention of county supervisors of public schools held recently in llaleigh. Twenty-seven supervisors attended, besides a large number of public and private teachers. The supervisors ap pear to like the new school law. Ol course some modifications are neces sar3F. Hut the law is au incentive to teachers. l'ate Taken to the Pen. fiiley Fate, the 17-3-ear-old white boy, who during a drunken frolic in Yancey county murdered his 14-year-old friend, and whose death sentence was com muted to life imprisonment, has been taken to tho peuiteutia-. Vailktn Knilroad lloinls. The Stanley county people are delv ing that they repudiated the 100,000 of Yadkin railway bonds, aud claim that Hie compauv' has never given thecounty the stock subscribed for and that there fore Sii.tiiMl a year iuterest was being paid on something intangible. N. C. Teachers' Assembly. It is quite probable that the rext ses sion of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly will be held at Asheville. The teachers of (ieorgia, South Carolina and Tenuesseo aio invited to attend and that will be the most convenient) point for them all. Coing to the Klondike. Air. J. Varsh Heizev, who left Char lotte during November to make his Home iu Washington, intends going to Kloudike in the spring. He will soou begetting his outfit ready. Charlotte Observer. New Penitentiary Superintendent. J. AI. Mewboorn has filed with'the State Auditor his bond for S.'i.OOO in the United States Fidelity and (itiaratit3' Company, of Baltimore, as superin tendent of tno penitout'ary, and he has received his commission. Here and There. The State's expenses during the fiscal year ending November Wth, exceeded its income ill.S-Vi. There were more murders in the State during December than in an other uioulb Z the year. Hie State grants a charter to the Paltou Farrow Company, of Winstou, composed of . I., 1. F.. and V. 11. l'alton and T. 1. Farrow, capi tal, S.10,000, to make plug tobacco and cigars. The railroad commission orders that hereafter all quarterly reports of rail roads as to earnings and expenses shall contain separate, detailed reports of each branch line or division. North Carolina remains at the had of all the States po far as the number of new mills in and the additions to old mills are concerned. The Charlotte Observer 'arns thai one of the retiring saloon men of Mon roe is going to test the dispensary law which went into effect at that place on tho 1st. Stung to Heath by Honey Hees. The Independence Beige reports that a Belgian aeut nt Boma. Congo Fret State, has been sentenced to two -ears imprisonment for the murder of his black mistress in the Aruwimi district. He tied his victim to a tree, smeared hei with houej- and sugar, aud left her tc the attacks of bees. She died after threi days' horrible torture. Two million dollars have been Le queathed to the rcnnsyl vama Hospita by Mrs. Henrietta It. 1 ales Baker, pro Tided ib.9 ton and daughter of the tes tatrix did without ctliHr.u. E. Mooresviile, N. C, Office Safe Cracked and $154 Stolen. NO CLUE TO THE ROBBERY. The ICobbery Is Supposed to Have lieen Committed by Professional Safe-Crackers. The postoflice at Mooresviile, N. C, was robbed Wednesday night of last week. The back door of the email building in which tho office is located was prized open w ith a crowbar, which, ha 1 1 ecu obtained at the railroad sta tion, a short dibtaace from the office, and au entrance thus effected. After the burglars entered they be gan operations at once on the safe. A hole twelve inches deep was bored through the top of the safe, and d3-na-inito put thereiu. The safe was moved from the wall and the fuse lighted The door was blown completely from the hinces, several panes of class in the front windows were knocked out, and pictures thrown from the wall. Although the robbery was committed in the heart of the town, within a stone's throw of the Johnson Hotel, only a few heard tho explosion, aud those that did did not think there was any thins wrong. The burglars got away with about $l."4 in money and stamps. Daylight disclosed the robber, and threw tho town into a state of excite ment. Mr. ltobt, S. Templeton is postmaster at Mooresviile. As soon as he learned of the robbery about o'clock-he wired Postmaster Mullen at Charlotte asking for instructions as to what course to pursue. Mr, Mulleu w ired him to notify the department at Washington at once. 'I he mayor of Mooresviile also tele graphed to Chief Orr for bloodhounds but none could be gotten. The hounds at the convict camp are not sufficiently trained to be put on the scent. The robbery i3 supposed to have been committed bv professional safe-crackers.-Charlotte (N. C.) Observer. XKW YOItK IjKOISLATURK. Covernor Ilaek's Sugsestions as to the Labor Problem. Tho Legislature of the State of New York mtt and organized on the Gtli. The Senate, with a membership of 50, has a Itepcblican majority of 20. The assembly, with 150 names on the roll, is Republican by x. Jn both houses the Republican caucus nominees weie elected without nu3' unusual incident. The speaker of the assembly is J. M. 11 O'Orady, who presided during the ses sion of ISO?. In his message to the legislature Governor Black made three sugges tions in connection with tho labor problem: 1. 1 hat immigration be checked. 2. That a fair rate of wages bo paid laborers. ;. 1 nut in opposing strikes by armed men some method should be adopted which would not at first discharge oil firearms produce these fatal, tragic re Milts which have caused a recent event to bo universally deplored. MRMPHIS COKS INDKPKXO NT Ihe Kntire Democratic Ticket De feated Ity u Small Majority. .Tas. J. Williams, independent Uem. of Memphis, Tcuu., has been elected mayor over Hon. Lucas Clapp, the present incumbent, l3' n majority of about .WO votes. The entire independ ent ticket was also carried by reduced majorities. The campaign has been au excitiutrone and both sides claimed tho victory up to the last hour. The elec tion w as quiet and orderty, and a heavy vote was polled. lianua lias Caincd Two Votes. A special from Columbus. ()., of the Oth, says: Conservative estimates to night place the legislative vote at 75 to 70 aganist Hanna. The workers of tho Senator claim 71 votes, and assurances of the two necessary additional votes, and possibly four more. The opposi tion insists that Hanna will never have 70 votes on joint ballot, and that they have gained ti. o votes. Disastrous N itro-Clyccrine F.xplosion An explosion of 1,500 quaits of nitro glycerine near Booth, an oil town a few miles east of Toledo. (). , killed an oil well shooter named Stephen Wilson, and w iped out of existence a team of horses and a wagon. A piece of Wil son's rlesh and the head of one horse was all that was found. Considerable damage was done to property iu the vi cinity, but no one else was injured. A Cra.y Man's Awful Deed. A Bristol, Teun., special to the Nash ville (Teun. ) Banner, says: "In a fit of insanity, Alexander Carter, a white citizen of (ireenville. killed his wife and Kbyear-old daughter, Montie, w hile they slept, aud then shot and killed hiiuself. Carter brained his wife and daughter w ith an axe. He is said to have been mentally unbalanced for some time. " Another Kxpress Kobbery. The American Express Company, at New ork, has been robbed of $'.0,5S-, and Clark Bradeu. Jr., a trusted em ploye, is missing. Central officers and private detectives are hunting for him. Gets 4,000 Damages. The second trial of the suit brought against the ttreet rialway com pany, of Winston, X. C, byT. J. Wil--ou, secretary aud treasurer of the cit-, f ir the killing of his 7-year-old son by a treet car two years ago, was concluded by the jury last week returning a ver dict for a4, 0(0 in favor of the plaintiff. Tho defendants will apreal to the Su preme Court again. The first jury gave Mr. Wilson ?it,o00. The Waso Cut Now General. A special from Saco. Me., says: No tices have been posted in the cotton mills of the York corporation that on and after Jau. 17 wages would be re duced. It is thought the reduction will be about 10 per cent. The Y'ork cor poration employs 1,500 people. The Lucona aud Fepperill Mills, at Bidde ford. posted similar notices a few davs auo and the reduction is now general in the Maine cotton mills. The Fisher vi li Cciupiav at FisCerville. Mass., have also cu: wages, w hich effect Goo employes. New Bedford, (Massl weav er.) will strike on the 17tb, the date on hklitlie cr.t Tke& eSTtct. TOl.O IN A PARAGRAPH. The South. Atlanta, C a., last year used S2.0C0, 000 iu building. Fire at Washington, (ia., destroyed SfiO.OOO worth of pn pert3-. Insurance, 40,000. A mob lynched Ja mes Jones, colored, near Macon, Miss., for setting fire to the house of a w omivn. Thirty-six buildit gs in Farmville, Ya. , have been burn d, causing a loss of $150,000; insurance S4"..000. E. If. Miller, a prominent tobacco manufacturer at Danville, Va., has made au assignment; liabilities $50, 000. The President has uamt'd Owen L. W. Smith, of North Carolina, to be minister resident aud consul general of the United States to Liberia. The Virgin Cotton Mill, :t Hunters ville, is running day and night. A number of new factory houses are beinr built. Charlotte (N. C.) Observer. The Lynchites or sanctified band who appear to have settled at South port, X. C. , are sending their mission aries into adjoining terntxwy. Trouble is looked for. Governor Tyler of Virginia, has an nounced the appointment of Col. Win. Naile, of Culpeper, to be Adjutant (ieneral of the State, to succeed (J eneral Charles Anderson. Governor Charles A. Culberson, of Texas, has announced himself a candi date for the United States Senate to succeed Roger ;). Mills, whose term will expire this year. At Russel ville, K3". , two b3's named Robert Evans and George Duncan, be camo involved in a quarrel, which re sulted in Evans stabbing Duncan to death with a pocket-knife. Green Fennell and his wife, living near Jasper, Fla., left their two chil dren, aged 2 andO years, at home alone. The clothes of the 3 oungsr taking fire, the older went to the rescue and both were burned to death. At Asheville, N. C. , several boys were in a room fooling with a pistol. One of the boys, Wainscot, started to show his revolver to Willie Hampton, and while extracting a cartridge from it one shell exploded, the bullet striking Hampton in the eye and killing him instantly. The biggest fire iu the history of Commerce, Texas, occurred on the Jd, in which the entire east side of the town was swept away. The fire broke out in the Presley building at midnight and spread rapidl. Tho postoflice, Odd Fellows building and a number of stores were consumed. Loss, 100, 000. The North. A whipping post for the correction of bad bovs has been set up in Evansville, Iud. " The Maryland Republican has split, and there will be no fusion with Demo crats. Governor Lowndes, of Maryland, has withdrawn from tho Senatorial contest. On the 1st New Y'ork became the second city of the world, with Robert Van 3-ck as its mayor. Chicago, 111., for the past year shows the lowest denth rate of any city iu the country above 200,000. Business organizations throughout the country will hold a national conven tion at Buffalo, N Y. , on Jan 12, The Rhode Island cotton mills havo decided to reduce wages It per ceut. The cut is said to be due to Southern competition. At Jamestown, N. Y. , 100 men havo been thrown out of work by the burn ing of the Straight Manufacturing Company's plant. Wm. C. Oakle3 of Chicago, has been appointed by" Comptroller Dawes national bank examiner to succeed Jos. Talbert, resigned. A dispatch from Springfield, Mass., says the creditors of the Overman Wheel Company will put it back ou its feet in a week or ten days. Mrs. Nellie Peterkin, of New Y'ork, has been convicted at Boston, Mass. , of manslaughter for causing the death of Mrs. Catherine F. Murphj". At New Britain, Conn., the 200 em ployes of the cutlery manufacturing firm of Mason & Beckley have been no tified of a 5 per cent, increase in their wages. Wm. T. Buckley, who. until Jau. Isr, was a member of the dry goods firm of Dunham, Buckley & Co., of New York, committed suicide by shooting himself in a boathouse adjoining his residence. Adlai E. Stevenson, former Yice rresident of the United States, has accepted the position of Western coun sel of the North American Trust Com pany of New Y'ork, with a membership in the board of directors. Miscellaneous. The number of deaths from yellow fever in Cuba is diminishing. There is a water famine in Kansas. Dozens of towns are hauling water thirty miles. W. J. Bryan wili in a few days make public his views in detail on his Mexi can trip. Robbers attempted to hold up a train on the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf railroad, but they made a "wind haul. " Spain will send 5,000 troops to Cuba at the end of this month and further troops, up to 14,000, will be sent to.the island if needed. James Kirkley, the Benton County (Ind. ) Treasurer, who was found dead in his office, committed suicide because his accounts were short. Ihe Senate committe on census has appointed Senator Carter to report favorabh- the bill introduced at the last session of Congress to provide for the twelve census. A locomotive exploded on the Cin cinnati Southern Railway, causing the death or the engineer and firemen and the train being wrecked. A cablegram from London says Gen eral Both, of the Salvation Army, has sailed for America. His object in com ing to the United States is to assist in organizing great additions to the arm-. Washirgton Jotting. Rural free delivery pestoffices are soon to have carriers who will receive cash and obtain money orders for pa trons aud receipt for and deliver regis tered mail. One effect of the new tariff has been to almost stamp out imports of beet-root sugar. Zimmerman is now leader of the Ma rine Band and will take charge Feb ruary 1st. Justice Brown, of the United States Supreme Court, is having serious trou ble with his eyes. j The Washington Star has raised gwi I for the suffering Cubans, nhich Las I oeeu reunite.! xo Consul-Ueneral Lee. The President has cotfinedthe nomi nation of Hezekiah A. Guder of North Carolina, at ccDS'al-gneral at The Strange Will of an Aged New Yorker a nd Officer of the Church. . CHRISTIANITY, SO - CALLED, Me Sayi, Is Not the Religion ot Chris '.-it Puts an Unknown, Imag inary Being in (be Place of Nature. One of the most remarkable wills ver filed in the office of the surrogate of New Y'ork. is that of Henry More house Tabisr, offered for probate on the 4th. In r4pite of the fact that Mr. Taber was president and treasurer of the board trustees of the First Presbyterian church, in the opening clauses of h wiil he denounces all religion as shaw and as having its origin in superstition He requested that no services be held over his body and that he be cremated. Mr. Taber died on Christmas eve, at tue age of t,i years. Two children, bid uey Richmond Taber and Mary Taber. survive the testator, and to them the entire estate, valued at over Si. 000.000, is gjiven absolutely. The will is in the nana-writing of the testator, and con tains the following: "Believing that all religions, including Christianity, are superstitions; that the basic doctrines of the Christian religion, the fall of man, is utterly and absolutely false. aud that its opposite, the rise of man from the lower orders, is a scientific fact; that beliefs in (so-called) miracles are hallucinations of the brain, and witnout existence; that the chief char acteristic of what is termed 'the Word of God are injustice, cruelty, untruth fulness and obscenity: that the ef feet of orthedox Christian teachings is to encourage ignorance, selfishness narrow mindedness, acrimoriousness, intolerance VrnlKT anil inanlil Elin.ra that Christianity, so-called, is not the religion of Christ; that it supplants ethical culture and true morality with meaningless theology and unbelievable tiogmos; tnat it puts an unknown (and probably unknowable) imaginary be ing in the place of nature; that it gives a name of personality to evil an 'equally unknown an imaginary being; that it 60 works upon the credulitv of its adherents as to invite in them a fear of that most horrible of doctrines, eternal punishment, (I say, believing an tnese) J, in nil kindness and in all earnestness, request that over mv re mains there be no religious services ol any kind, nature, or description what ver "l also request that my body be cremated at i resn i'ond or other cre matory, and that my ashes be left mere. THK FKKKZK IN FLORIDA. Orange Trees Only Temporarily Hurt Strawberries and Tobacco Cooked. The cold weather of January 1st and 2d did considerable temporary damage to vegetables, but none of a permanent character, in Florida. Orange trees will in some cases lose their foilae aud where they were in exposed places in the northern linnlnr nf tk. nn- belt will lose a part of their tender prowtn. owing to the fact, however, that the sat) was down, thn trooa than.. selves were able to resist unscathed even lower temperature. Reports from the pineapple belt of the coast indicate that the damage to pineapples was trifling. The fall crop of tobacco in all parts oi tue state was injured badly. Blooms on fitrdn lmrria n'ura Ull.l Early strawberries in the northern section were frozen on th vinos .n.i the vines themselves set back fully six W OCKB. The tenderest p-Anion rmni in nil wvua Ua mi ooum as a am pa, wnere, lacking protection by forests, streams or lakes, were bmllv inlnmii vi.t op posed gardens did not represent more man nan tue area in truck, growers naiug learneu uy experience the wis uom oi selecting wen protected spots. THK COLKT STUMPED. A Salvation Army Thief Presents a Schedule of Ills Crimes. A. P. Revis, a member of the Ralva tion Army in Redlands. who was ar rested for wholesale thievery, appeared before the Superior Court at San Ber nardino, Cal., with a Bible in one hand ana a tabulated statement of his thefts, committed since Isss in tlm ' Ho pleaded guilty to the crime ch arced, and ftlnn insiufa.l tl.oi meut be administered for each theft committed as per schedule, which ap peared uy me score, in that way only he said, he could atone to a just Hod The defendant presented nn nnrd case, without any attorney to advise him, that the court refused to pass sentence without further consideration ana continued the time for sentence. The Federal Finances. The monthly statement of the public debt, issued on the 3d, shows that at the close of business on Dec. 31, 1H97 the debt, less cash in the Treasurv! amounted to $!!)!, 11 1,507, a decrease lor the month of 31 0,1 14. This de crease in the debt is due principally to an increase in tne case, whicu is ac counted for by the sale of the Union 1 acihe railroad. Sankey for the Holy Land. ' Ira D. Sankey is again about to sail to Jerusalem, Egypt and the Holy Land, and will beaccomnanied bv Mrs. Sanke3 and their oldest son. This trip is undertaken principally on account of Mrs. hankey, who has not been well lor some time. Southern Coal Fields. The English 63-ndicate, which has re cently oeen Dreaumg into the Kentucky and Tennessee cal regions with a view to buying all of the mines, has made a nronosition to tha miim nun.r. l.i.V. may be accepted. The deal involves tne expenauure of $3,000,000. Embezzler Thought Dead is Yet Alive. W. J. Pope, who it is charged embez zled S;0,000 from the First Nation. -J Bank of Louisville, Ky., and who was thought ueau, is alive in Sacramento. Cal. The Appeal Case Docketed. A Washington snecral iti. of North Carolina against Jas. W. Wil son has been docketed in the United States Sutireme Court Tha r... vol ves a controversy over the position of railroad commisiioner in North Caro lina, and also the constitutionality of jiiuuuiuj lur m rauroau com mission. Wilson took the case to the Supreme Court upon the plea that he was deprived of his office without due process of law. Fnsionista of Lincoln, Nb. , will of fer William J. Bryao tit Bonicatloo for Cctfre-M. ABOUT COTIOX. 1.1. Said Tht, 7e7rs Crop v, l Ap proximate 0,930,014 i;,i Latham, Alexander Co ,s ued a statementof the cott..." . ' vu-a in which they state that the tu-JVi-i' supply of cotton in the wo' i " :;22 bales more than last year, i-1 "baics less than in lsio, and 5.;; 1 Ves less than in lSW. The export, ! ; ii W.1 VaIes " than Ct v. . .,'-, Aea moie tL'J iul.".nJ -1 l..b bales more than iu ,-, " ihe stock in United States ports -Tl bales less than last year, i.y Ves more than in loti, and -'"i i,u'-' 1 '. ' vs than in USDS. ' ' ' The total amount of cotton tut has come into sight from September m to January ist (tour months. fr .i,,, ,-ot uiouiiodw oelow i, low.: 1S9S, 7,2G0.0;; l,: ,' 190, 4,944,220; ls)5, ,;: " amount, therefore, that has e,.':'aV ,i'.'2; The into I. "41 .-,.M:i H6ul J ear 10 January 1st j . bales .uvio mtiu last vein- 1 9 oaies more man ism,, and -v,:, 1,0 ba'es more than in 1S'J5. The receipts to January 1st arcs.' "41 bales greater than those of ,,-t vi-ar. when the crop proved to be s ,; :n;4, and with a corresponding gam untii the end of the season on :.v " p des which were the receij ta'from' "u-inary 1st to September 1st, the tutul crop would approximate U.'JM.ou bales. KLONDIKE KELIKF EXPKIH 1'ION Proposals for Transport!..- s,, piles Opened Pack Train Soon jsve. Vancouver Barracks, Washington.--(Special.) -Captain 1). L. i'.ruimrd, in charge of the government Klondike relief expedition has opened mm. sals for furnishing supplies to be.kh .cred at the head of Lyau canal, l'th 1 ;. A large number of proposals re ceived from Pacific ccast pnu.u and elsewhere. The award has'i.t been made. The government pack train f r the expedition assembled here, is m com plete, with the exception of fur.r addi tional packers. It consists o: 101 mules, 9 horses and 17 lacUrs in charge of Lieut. C. II. Preston a id' J. A. R3-an, of the Ninth Calvary As soon as the supplies purchased by Maj. Jacobs a few days ago, are received, Captain Eidridge, and 00 selected meu of Company H, Fourteenth infantry, will be ready to proceed to Alasko. Wanted to See the President. The police officers at the White House arrested a crank last week, lie was a middle-aged German, named Jacob Clements, who said he lived in New Y'ork. He has haunted the White House for the past few days, endeavoring to obtain access to the President. He ad dressed a letter tothe President, nnd he called and announced tbat io I hud sent him; that he bore the mark on his brow and that he must seethe J 'resi dent. When he was denied lie became boisterous. He will le examined as to his sanity. $20,000 for Mrs. LuviKcrt. Police Inspector Schaack, of Chicago, Las made a verbal offer of $2 immhi in approved real estate to any person pro ducing Mrs. Luetgert, dead or alive. Attorney Harmon, of the defense, has complained that he is only presenting from producing Mrs. Luetgeit by a lack of funds, and Inspector Sclmack, it is said, chose this method of rejoin der. He also hopes to thus j fit a quietus on the reports from various parts of the country that Mrs. Luetgert has been discovered. Embargo on Tobacco Exports l.'aisc,. The following telegram has been re" ceived by the Secretary of State from our minister to Spain, announcing the revocation of the embargo on exj orts of tobacco from Cuba: "Tobacco can be exported on paying tax of 12 1 eso.s per 100 kilos. All manufactured tobac co except picaduro, is free of export duty. Santiago de Cuba is excepted from the new order. The importation of tobacco from all ports into ( til a js prohibited. " Cigarettes Made Him Kot a II. ink. Calhoun Calkins, son of rich )urents and formerly a young society leader, is on trial iu the Criminal Comt at St. Joseph. Mo., on the charge of burglary and larceny. He broke into the real estate office of John L. Ziedler. on the night of September :;d, aud rith-d the safe. When the police arrested him he admitted the crime. The defense i that he was made insane by tke exces sive use of cigarettes. Perpetual Motion I)1scovit-I. At Logansport, Iud., S. B. Nickum, an inventor who has been experiment ing for seven j-ears, says he has per fected nernAtiittl mnti'n 11. atnt,,.. is sealed in a globe and will last al ong as the globe remains intact, he sir s. A r-onff Distance Telephone l ulk. It in lioti'otTA.l 41. - 1 t- . 1U, 1UUj uistance te.e- phone record has been broken at (ialla tin, Tenn.. when John ir representative of the Bell Comi-ai-v'. talked with tha r,r.t. . x- fl. I ho Itlrmiil 1 . v i "..7 v" passed thro ir :. Nashville, Evansville, Terre Hunt.-. 1 - V.. "iiumona to .Norfo.K. making fully i.rK) miles. Money Order Postoflleri. About 1.100 rostoffl the country w ere assigned to the rn v order class on the Zd, This makes';, proximately 25,000 postoffices at wh '. money orJers may be obtained ' ' cashed. A New Silk Manufactory. A movement has been starts -"4 v .. port News, Ya., towards tie esfabl ment of a manufactorv for ' . , raw material of silk, as it arrive, in country, into silk yarn. It is " .'i to invest 87VJOO and to e"! 1 ; J ilurdered Sister d Mother William Foler. Mo., for the murder of bin mother . ' sister, was found guilty and 7.V i to be hanged, Friday, hi U'"aX 1 Increase in W heat Seeding. Th iirecittl bnll&fin r.l l - Journal says there has been a materia', increase ia wheat seeding m tL. Z t 7 V7 ' , price of cot- J "e!l"?: Nr Carolina. vi- ' y. -roiina, ij- . v bam. 17; Mississippi. 2- i;' see, 20; Kentucky, 13. ' leDLe' Thieve IIolTl'p a Trut. A tiain on the Km. r-; ." . and Gulf Railroad M U1J t, Kanjas Citv. The Wi of 8300. Iielthroueh lafe, v"kL wj ft nut lock, wm noi di-tBruI Inhabitants Around Buenos Ayres in Danger of Starvation. THEY HAVE EATEN AND RUINED Every Blade of ireen Grass About ThatPurt of the Country-It. It. Truf lie Suspends ou Account of Them. CapL d'Urso, commanding the Italian bark Maria L., which arrived recently at Philadelphia from La Plata, near Buenos A3'res, told a representative of the Philadelphia Prees that unless im mediate aid was given tho inhabitants of that section of Argentina their end from starvation is not far off, a tlm locusts havej-uined and eaten up every blade of greeu grass about that part of the country. Taey rise up us dark clouds and sweep before tho wiuds from one section to another, bringing destruction and ruin to all sorts of j vegetation. Railroad traffic just ont- siue 01 Duenos Ayers was suspended for a time, as the trains could not move through the dense cloud of insects, which for a time hovered about that particular loealit3'. The tracks became ?0 thick with insects that tho wheels Skipped as though runuing ou an oily substance, and it was this, covple'l with the fact that the engineers could not detect danger siguals, that t:a!lie was suspended. In a locality set asido by the govern ment for the purpose there .were de posited by the natives, w ho are reward ed handsomely, over 1,000 tons of lo cust eggs, undergoing a process of de struction. The natives are reduced to a condi tion of poverty and are almost desper ate. Rates of exchange are lower than ever known, banks ure becoming em barrassed dail3 and tho people declare that they cannot exist much longer un less some relief cau be had. The gov ernment is using its every effort to rid the country of tho plague, Lut so far without ina'erial success. A commission of scien tists is engaged in the study of tho de struction of the insect, but at the time Capt. d'Urso left it had not agreed upon any fixed line of action, i his commission has encouraged the natives very much by the circulation of a paper giving it as their judgment the plague will soon abate. They claim that the life of the locust in 8113- fixed locality has never exceeded i-eveii 'years, anil that five have already been spent in South America. Although this year's plague has been their worst, this" body of scientists claim that tho insect is be coming debilitated and with the cold weather wiil die out altogether. WOOD EXPLODED. A Loaded Stick of Wood lilows t'p a Fireplace and Wounds Five. The Charlotte (N C.) News Fays: One of the most unusual accidents that has ever taken place in Charlotte, oc curred on South College stieet, in the colored settlement. The family of Ed. Roseborough (colored) weie seated arouud the fire. A fresh stick of wood was thrown on, aud there was an imme diate explosion that shook the "hole house like au earthquake, while a broadside of bullets poured from tho fireplace. Tho mother and four children were seated around the fire and when the list of the wounded was made up it was found tiiut five were wounded. Roseborough's wife was shot in the neck and thigh; a seven-year-old child was shot iu the stomach; another child was shot in thu eye; another was shot simultantou-iy in both shoulders, aud the fourth 0110 had his hand torn almost oil and was shot in the mouth. 'I hey are all oeri ously wounded, aud the bullet', or slugs have not 3'et been located. Rose borough sa3s he purchased the wood from a near-by wood yard, but the par ty denies that he loaded any of his wood to catch wood-stealers. No Hettlng on Races in Virginia. In the Virginia State Senate Mr. Morris has introduced a bill to prevent gambling or drawing of any money, thing or consideration of value upon the results of any trials of speed, or power of endurance of the skiil of am mals or beasts, taking place within the limits of tho Commonwealth. This measure is intended to meet the decis ion of the Court of Appeals in the case of i.acy vs. Palmer, in which the title of the act passed at the last session was found to be defective, 1 he net re ferred to simply prevented pool Felling, for the court held that the words "and so forth," meant nothing. The Morris bill gives a new title to tLe act. .Mr Morris is in favor of horse racing, but be is opposed to gambling on races. Looks Itiue for Hanna. A special from Columbus, O., says the Legislature is organized on mi anti-IIanna basis, and he cau name no chairman of committees, or place no menders in desirable positions, yet he sa- s he will win oyer all other rou te' tants for the SeDate. The air is hot with reports of wholefale attempts ut bribery and treachery. Merchant Commltts Suicide. At Lauriuburg, N. C, Mr. J. W. ?.IcSair, a prominent young merchant, taken his own life without a cause. He miide two attempts before l.eicg mic ceM-fil, the first being withaiazor, that fading he used a pistol, whu h. brought death almost instantaneous-. To Ilulld the Largest Sanitarium Negotiations are in progress for the purchase of a large tract of land near Harni ton. Va. upon which to erect one of the largest sanitariums in the United States. A New York syndicate, with a capital of $2,000, Ow, has u.ad an oiler for a desirable sito. W HriitnKton,'t I'ostinastcr. The Wilmington, N. C, postoffica c mteit has been decided in favor of Col. W. IL ChaJboarne. Violent Weather. Violent weather prevails in the South of Fiauce and Spam. A cloudburst, :.ear Toulon, has done much damage. Several 1 ersons were injured. A num ber of vessels have gone ashore, and the promena le of San Sebastian Las been ua-Led away in teveral places. Hen Ilutterworth III. CoLumissioutr of Patents Benjamin Butterwcrth. i very serioUflv ill at t e Piney Woodi Hotel, in Thomas- ville (a , aa grave iears are ie.i iui j his recovery. He is suffering from 1 kid ner troubles, ith nrea:e coeval- j j own. D(nvNn,KY ,l0 , ltt," Ell,-, t. j all Hiver. Ma. . t.a the ;: 1 ,v j -tlofthep, threo i-m e:Vct m the ..nil, 0f tUt citv U I ;". a the ,:.mu,f tho Na:imV. juvtcd. ' "M ""I'l-ves re at oU o:, a ,, ,,r ,,,it. teduVt, ,t;;Vie.lmt.oa,I,Iljt,01,loe;!ei.lna I Notices of reduction ,f . j sent to the co, -on tnd.H f ;,,,,, I 11 uhts. 1.,,,,,,,., ,4Il,( .,,, M i;Y ;,TI"?v,r rri"ti'ti i:i..i 1 MamUml have been ps,,.,l r w,n ., jlia.l.iyor t,. 1 1. (,,.,.ril,ie, ,. Vbi7stHtolMa,U' ,0 l!U ri'll u'tlou 111 I lb., agents, fall th,. cotton nulls , I ''"'-'"'i and An!...,,,. M t tre , ceixe.l directions to nmU, n i: l eral re I iluciion 111 w.i-cs u an I f,er tii i;tl, Notices 11, a.voidauo ,th these 1:1 tructious hae been posted j I h re ill i: some IC sKt .ncr The weavers of New Bedford. M, ineau to make a stand 110 less deci le.'l ! than the spinners. nd the opeiutiv, j are a:inost unanimous xu fttv, ,, A tlrill I resistance to t lie proposed reduction of I wai:es, and at the mine tune a utrile a-a:iist the tii,n,K hystem A deputa turn has been appointed to go to Fall jiver for a eenleieiiiv with the Fall Flier otllcia's. I he coiumittee will en deavor to secure the pledge of tho Fall Fiver unions to strike an ho,.u s tli. New Bedford strike begins. It voted also to send out comuiunii atioiis to all centres of tl.u textile trade in ihe North soliciting financial support and proposing the Minieuetmn as that w hicli the coiiiinr.tcti wiil Mi-gest to the Fail Fiver help. No Cut In the South. The cotton nulls in the South will not c.ii wuires as has been stated. Col. I'. A. Tompkins, of ( h-irlotte, N. (' , the best authority 011 tlie .Southern null situation lut iveu out the f illow nig signed statement: "1 ho trouble iu New Fnglatid is due to a depressed condition of the cotton manufacturing interests of the UuiteJ States more than to Southern couipeti tio'i. "While (lie S.nith fias some advan tages, n also has New England son, v,-r- material advantages, as. for exam ple, capital. Mined expel ieucc, exten sive knowledge, much skiil, etc. There is no occas:oi. for fretful controversy between New England aud the South. 'J heie is grcit need at this tune for the two sections toco operate for the better ment of the condition of the cotton iiiattufiict'.iring interests of both sections. "One of the chief advantages th Southern nulls have is that the owner Know how, and are coutent to, live on less money. '1 he real competition now is whether the United States on the one hand or Fuglaud and (ierinany rdiall furnish the world with cotton goods, hi this competition New Hug land and the South must wolk together and it will require the best efforts of I o'.h to extend our trade to where the liitil'I ets will tnl e our goods "All ilnpl ovcliieht 111 our domestic b ade ran. in my opinion, be made by proper reform in our currency aystt'iii I lur foieigi n trude can be extended by laws fostering American shipping. Until tiado is impiovcd by theiie or other means there is mi chance to laise 111 Southern cotton iiiiils. When these improvements are accomplished there will bo ample room for ages to the o eratives and fair profits to the tiwnem in Southern and Noi thorn cotton imiln alike. " .OI.I OF KOI ii MM EH ( harbitle Ollb e Assayed fjfilM.r.HiJ of lite Metal During the Past Vrur. It would ffi'iti from the figures given by the assay office located iu Charlotte. N. ('.. sins the News, tiiut gold mining in the South for the past year has been ft prolitable busineso. From the States of North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama the buliio:i gold that ba passed Ihioti -li this otli.-e reaches the enor moiis sum of Ji;,-'.:7. Included m this buMioti was silver to the amount of si,:: I", making a total of "IV."':. 4 In add.tioii to this, old jewelry to the amount of I J has been bought and foreign coins to the amount of SI 1 1. Making the grand total of ?ii.- "of ,'ouie it will be understood that ).:s ,1,,.., not cover tho entire amount . f ,. taken fiom the earth iu the foirr States named above. Several of the mines 111 the-o States do not shu their KoI.l to thl Olliee. the.efoie it would be a difficult matter to ascertain the exact amount of the Soutu output of gold. .lej;e Preniderit Shot E. Triplet?, president of the AWrn (Miss, j Agricultural an 1 Medical ( ol lege, hile on l.is nay to attend prayer meeting was shot by an unknown a m-iu and mortally wounded. J he faculty has had some troubles and the I itterness there engendered, it i f sible that a clue may It 1 killing. Coininltted Suicide I.,Ztl.'r. At Fort Wayne. Iud.. Ms-a Marquandt, aged -'-! year, daughter of a wealthy farmer, and Mi.'hael Milr aged . a r.loou keiqer, '!'u lying in a room in the Mar o fa!o,n .le.,1. It isUi.po-el tr.at .ey committed suicide tetLer, mH'J we-! e lovers. Prominent Educator Dead. Dr. Bobert L. Dabnty. one of n. mft promiueht educator of t ie Sloirh. .bed at his home i-i Ktonilie, Uuu. Dr.CL. W. Pabney. , r es.dent of the University of Tennes.ee avl .;"' 1 Secretary cf Agriculture ua-ler . r" deit Clfve-:jd, 1'is svu U ill I r ' Cotton. The Oregon Vadwav will try t., T. cotton and toha.-o f';"'-;,. Oregva V.'a.Lm.-ton wi i'". " courage itttleliit-l.ts. W,V' y'ur u,,j l.'ellef The National Beiitf Aoc. sum of & to be befit to Consu.GeJ "t i rt'. e relief of distress en era! I.ee, f.r t .e i.l tneis.aml. 1 e ti.ea.beM leneued iftal to its UJ , kU. .otters r-haZllZ?l'"-.e loube their erVrts to ' n., of uon.y. u.ed;c.l I; u foodf.i t'ie fcuLVr:i.g 7" j,.,ft iu ,u-w f the peni tUr011(,U the government, tl.e a, s . after dro,sfiotuitSnau. tU ---

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