&JXC lttC3!5CUflCX FRIDAY JANUARY, I . i808. LOCAL NEWS. Look for the ad of Mr. J. IJ. Swindell next week. Marion is soon to have a first class photograph gallery. Mr. A. Wanton has purchased the Dale homestead from the heirs. M r. George Trogden is general foreman of the Marion Furniture Coin pan y. Mr. l'ropst has purchased q uite a number of lots in and about town Remember that exorbitant pi ices drive away desirable men and their ( apital. Mr. Will Gruber, while chop ping wood recently, was injured in Ui: eye by a chip. D j you want to order not a thi-.ip bicycle but a good bicycle c!i'.? Then call at this office. Kev. (i. V. Spake will preach in the Baptist church at Halltown en S. in lay, Jan. 16th, yf i i o'clock h. in. The stuff of "The City of Charlotte " were gu-.'Sts of the I'l'-in in ing on Saturday and Sun day. - Trm p-i at ure for the week: Maximum, 75; minimum, 2S; rain t iil, .1 f an inch; sunshine, .So I ' 1 cent. -The I'lemming house and ;,n:ii. hav.-r been crowded to theii litrino!' rapacity during the past two werks. -State Superintendent Mebane h.is sent out a circular urging teachers to be examined on the davs set apart by law. Mr. K. II. House is interested in gold mining on Muddy creek, near t he 1 1 11 n tsvil le mo.i n t ai n. He irpoits oioiess there. The N' orth Carolina 'isrv t'rii't pres-tits a handsome appear ance in us new dress, and is tilled with i 11 ter cstini matter. There hs been some talk of another sal )on in Marion. Several people have been heard to remark that we have too many already. -An artesian well to supply the town with water would likely not co I as much as to pump it from a stieum. It would be pure water, too. The free school, No. 1, colored, will open on Monday in the house on the hill west of the Presbyterian church. Aleck Carson will be teacher. We are in trie coiimunity to endeavor to do what moral good I we may, as well as for other con si derati ms. Hlsc wh it are we here for? If you are in need of medicines or other d rug store goods, it will pay you to read the great reduc tion in prices of Dr. G. I. White, on this page. Mr. J. S. Dysint will build a lirii k room 16x60, between his store and the railroad, to which Mr. IVpe will move his maiket 1, and restaurant. Mr. J.G. Hall, of Hickory, has purchased the insurance business of Mr. j. L. ('. llird, and will con tniue it under new management j other than himself. I A new church is being built I on Luck Creek, where ("arson's j chapel was burned last year. Also one by the 1'aptists near the brown family burying grounds. Let us know of your church notices and news items. Tun Mi-mm;h is widely circulated, reaching every postotTice in Mc- Dowell county and a great number in su Hounding counties. ' Ti e putdic scnooi per capita -;ta. has been reduced from $1.00 f Ito Oo cents. This will reduce '.lie tjjehool terms from 10 weeks to 6, or jo per cent, the tear hers receiv es ing the same pay as formerly. rj - The first quarterly meeting of jjtheOM Fori circuit will lie held fA in O.d Fort on the fouth Saturday 'land Sunday in January at 11 a. m. i Rev. K Myers vviil preach at l'rov- ie thatch on the Wednesday !i ifo-'lmi; the fourth Sunday at f 1 1 a. m. W- learn that Kev. A. Ishida, i the Japanese w ho lectured at the 'Methodist church here some time ago, is in New York where he will many a Miss Stocking, whom lie inn while attending school in St. Louis. After the wedding they v. ill sad tor Japan and engage in missionary work among the people ot that country. j -Rev. R. D. bhernll vas m. st f presistently pounded on Monday S night. At last accounts he was even doing better under such sud den treatment, for it was d ne 'i with things as fill the pantry. J, larder, etc., and he has additional testimony of the loyalty and appreciation of his people, which cheers the pastor as well as renders V; material aid. 1 Messrs. J. W. Kirby and 15. H. i Price are ai ranging to put in a l telephone system for Marion ami ' which they may an i should be 'encouraged to extend to Lakers tille and Lurnsville, the county I ieats of Mitchell and Yancey. I About thitty subscribers have already been secured. The j system is expected to be in work f ing shape within a month. hi A short time since Mr. J. G. Nichols bought a Favorite junior cjrtisheller of the Marion Hard ware Co. A short while after this the water cate of his mill race :ould not be shut down one night. The water could not be turned off till morning, and consequently Mr. N. had to shell corn and grind meal all night to prevent injuiy to 11s new mill. Moral: Keep a avorite Junior in your mill and n your farm. TsTFor sound, cured, western ibbed sides, call on Battle & Co. Miss Charlotte Walker, daugh ter ol Mrs. J. L. Guy, will begin a school in the Kelley hotel at Old Fort on next Mjnday morning. Her fitness in every way will no doubt please all. Dr. John Slrretman, formerly in the drug business here but lately of Ilendersonville, will remove his family here and open the Martin store wit'n a complete stock of drugs and medicines. "North Carolina on Wheels" is a gem of the kind to advertise the resources of the State. All were much pleased with their visit on Saturday to the superbly fin ished and choicely ladened car. The Buffalo trestle on the Ohio River Charleston Railway gave way a few days since. The freight train of Wednesday could not arrive, and the passenger train was very late, passengers having been transferred at the broken trestle. Mr. Alf. Ranipe had two of his ribs broken on Wednesday while aiding in prizing up a house near Glenwood. The pole on which he was bearing down flew up, throw ing him violently off. It is sup posed his injuries are not dan gerous. The report of smallpox at Spartanburg and Greenville, S. C, has caused our people to look with favor on vaccinations. Drs. Cheek and Kirby are well prepared with reliable virus to operate on all comers. The State Superinten dent of Health advises universal vaccination. The Morganton Herald, 13th, says: The infant child of Mr. and Mi s. John I' lemming, of near Table Koi k. met with a horrible death last week, being left alone in the house while the mother was at the barn milking, the child fell into the open lire place and was so seriously burned that it lived only a few hours. Stlli'1;l. M Sl IllollH. Tin; text at tin I'l esby trriaii church was in It Cor. 1.:."S-T liere lore, my hHovnl lut-t limi, be $f stead i'iit, immoveable, abound ing in tin- work of the Lord, Corns -iiiiieh as c know that your labor is not in vain in the- Lord. From the pit'ccdin discussion of the chapter as to the accuracy of the soul beitij; renewed from sin and the resurrected body to be reunited to the smil soul in glory. Paul urges to the teaching of the last verse the text. His address is tender, asking steadiness and ad vance in the Lord's woik, and not the unsystematic and spurting method of work. Let it be a steady, persevering, all - the - year-'round net hod, lor t hey who "endure unto the end .shall be saved." At the Met hoilist church the text was Matt. 0:0 blessed are they w Inch do hunger and thirst, after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Hunger and thirst are of the strongest bodily appetites. The renewed nature 111 the Christ ian will cause him to desire a growth of t he now tound life. In the advam ement of the life, to work tor Him is more important than bodily food Righteousness in Christ is formed in us through faith 111 His meiits and growth in His favor. Christians should show like or gieater earnestness in ad vancing in the divine life than men exercise in eating of the bread that penshe.. Could Nut ..in.-. Oh account ol thw illness of one d the principal characters the en teitaininent to have been given on Tuesday night in Martin's hall was post poncd till next Tuesday night, the ISth inst., at 8 o'clock. Admission, tinder twelve ears, 10 cents; over twelve years, I'd cents Following is the programme: (Quartette. Glee ting Song. Dialogue. The Cow That Kicked Chicago. Song and Quartette. -The Poor Old Tramp. Tableau. The Duel; two cenes. Chorus The Fanes' Dance. Tableau. The Music Lesson. Dialogue. From Punkin Ridge. Quartette. Drifting with the Tide. Tableau. - Going to Loudon to Hunt a Wife. Dialogue. My .leremiah. Quartette. Mother, Home and Heaven. Tableaux. Song by Troupe. Hold de Light. Solo. by bi'idder dousing. Oration Ain't I bight, Kli. by b.vion Christy. Clns'iig Soul U e'll Lav Down Kern! r.,.i. "Tlt'xt Tuesday evening at Martin's hall. Koll of Honor. The following is the honor roll at Marion Institute for December. Uequiienieiits, 'M 01 recitations, no dements: Mills b'ddix, Annie L. blanton, Charlie May blanton, Lueile blan ton. Genie (.'alter, Todd Chase, .Inl. a Clnse, bennie Carr, Charlie Can. Harry Clme, Koseoe Clme, Fanny Ctawfoid, L'rna Carson, Molhe Dysart, Maud Laves, S.ilFe Finley, Kate Finley, Maud Green lee, Wright Guy, Edwin Guyf M.ittie Guy, Eaunct Guy. Stevie Gruber, dosie Gruber, Mary Lo-jan Gdkey, Maggie Ilyams, Kate H.vams, Mutle Haiiilun ton. Sea gle llalliburtnu. Myrtle McNeely, Olena MeNeelv, Essie Morgan, Edgar MeCall, Leon Neal. Bessie Poteat, ben Potent, Alice Proctor, Willie Pollard, ben Sisk, Airnes W lute. Marlon' ro-.tom.-f K.'t-it ill lS'.Hi-T. Postmaster Ci aw ford has kindly iven us the following statement of t he busine.-s at the Marion post oilice tor lSa and tS'JT, showing an increase of :VJ per cent in the last year. There was ;i small fall ing etT in registered letters, due to etir excellent banking facilities. ISM. 1SD7. M O issued, SOS ,sU M. O. paid. SI 7 lS-4 Stamps can., l,4:0.0-2 $1,.V!) m Stamps sold, l,uS;i.7." 1,SJ-J..0 box rents, .SO "4 01 Net leceipts, 1.4.J4.0U LSf.52 Increase of business, 4o"J.5ii. TO CI KK A COLD IN IINK HAY T:iUc I.avativi- Kr.uno ihiinine TaMrts. Ai: 1 l'rui;ist rcluml the m.tiic v il it iailstoCurc 1 IT. nuts. I t KSONAL llHA.;i Al'Ji. Maj. J. W. Wilson, of Morgan ton, was up on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cooper we. e in Statesville this and last week. Mr. John Cheek left this week to resume his position in Asheville. Col. J. C. llorton returned from the north on Thursday afternoon. Editor J. Wr. Count, of Morgan ton, made us a visit on Saturday. Messrs. C. F. Osborne and Chas. Young are boarding with Mrs. V. II. Bobbitt. Miss Katie May Newland came up this week on a visit to her friends here. Mr. Crawley and Mrs. Macy, of Tuscola, III., are stopping at Mrs. McDonald's for the season. Mr. E. P. Gilkey, of Asheville, was here several days during the past week visiting relatives. Mr. A. Philips and Miss Lillie Philips, of Tuscola, III., are hereto spend the winter at the home of Mr. John Owens. Mr. J. II. Hemphill came up from the N. C. Midland R. R , in construction from Mooresville to Mocksville, on Thursday. H e says the Marionites on the road are doing well. Old Fort Mew. Correspondence of The Meemenjfer. Quite a deal of excitement was created iu our usually peaceful village this afternoon by the action of a joung man, Hugh Bean, who, coming in 011 au east-bound pas senger tram from Asheville pretty full ol "sow paw," attempted to take possession of the store of Mr. J. R. Ciawford, and succeeded for a short time in so doing; but Mr. Eddie Crawford, rallying to the support of his father, an encounter ensued, in which Mr. Bean received quite severe wounds in the face and was taken away by his friends. What a teirible thing whiskey is when injudiciously handled ! In an account of the cutting af fray between Henry Wilson and Bud Kelley, sent the Democrat by its local correspondent here, an in justice, without intent I suppose, is done Wilson, who is a youug man of very good reputation and not a drinker. The facts as I gather them and as brought out at the separate trials, are that Kelley (instead of Wilson) was the attack ing party under the influence not only of liquor but jealousy, a feel ing which since the world began has prompted men to more desper ate deeds than any other influence. Miss Mary Kice, who has been visiting her brother, our popular school teacher and friends here and at Greenlee, returned to her home in Buncombe county on Thursday. Mr. J. C. Melton, of Buncombe county, is teaching the public school at Siloam, which opened on Monday last with about thirty scholars. Old Fort's public school began again Monday, after a two weeks' vacation for the holiday season. This school is, under the manage tnent of its eflkient teacher, Mr. C. A. Rice, better carried 011 than usual. Prof. P. C. Harmon is engaged now 111 instiuctitig a clasa of twen ty two of Old Fort's brightest young people in the art of vocal music: Sidney. Jan. 12, 1S9S. CDo you want a suit at cost? Buy from the stock of readymade clothing being closed out at whole sale figures at Mrs. McCurry's store. everybody Says So. C.-iscarets candy cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the axe. pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on ki.liuys. liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, level, habitual constipation and biliousness. 1'lcase buy and try a box of c. C. C. to-day; IO, IT). f.O cents. Sold and Kuarartced to cure bv all druKists. ltelhel ltriefn. Correspondence of The Messenger. There was a good attendance at prayer meeting Wednesday night. Mr. Ulysses Walker conducted the meeting. This weather of January is fine and like that of spring. Mr. Will Burgin is talking of going to Henderson with his cousin. B. M. Burgin. Mr. Chas Gilliam has gone to Henrietta on business. Mr Bradshaw Burgin, of Glen wood, formerly of Buncombe county, died Jan. otu. lie was buried at this place last Friday. Kev. Jesse Sotrcls conducted the funeral service, 'Thich was largely attended. Kev. M. G. Led ford preached at Salem church on Sunday. The foxes are killing the chick ens in this section. Who will kill the foxes? Lt'LA. Jan. 12, 1S1H F.d urate Your Kowels With Casearets. Can.) v cathartic cure constipation forever 10c. If c. c c. fail, druggists refuno money. GpMost of the Men's and Boy's su ts have found buyers at the McCurry cost sale. Call at once, or they will be gone. Kstatoa Etching. Correspondence of The Messenger. Mr. Ed. Pendergrast and Misses Bertha Butt and Nora Ray, of Garden City, were over the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jimison at Estatoe, and their friends at Spruce Pine and Deer Park. Miss Mamie Kay, who has been visiting her sister some weeks, returned with them to her home in McDow ell countv. Married, at the residence of J. E. Jimison, Mr. Dom. Cox and Miss Mary Hale, M. J. Boon offi ciating. Mr. Salva Hampton and family have moved to .Marion, where he 101ns Mr. McKinuey waiting to build up the city. Mr. S. Worthen has gone to Led ger to be convenient to the Wing Library. There has been considerable activity of late in the mining of mica in this section. Pickett. Jan. 1 1, 1S9S. To rare Constlpatlou Forever. Take Cn sea rets cam t cathartic. lOcor 25c. If c. c. c. luil to cure, druggists rt fund money. eiBRBS STOKE liOODS REDUCED IN PRICE To the People of Marion, McDowell and Ad joining Counties : We have made arrangements to buy our drugs in wholesaler's quantities, and in future propose to sell them to you at actual price to wholesale dealers for spot cash. We do not claim to sell you the goods at actual cost to us, but by buying them in large quantities and paying cash for them, we have them delivered and get a small discount off. Yet we DO claim that we will sell you drugs at the price that any other druggist in McDowell county can buy them. Below we give a list of a few leading articles and the prices to which they have been reduced. All other goods have been reduced in the same proportion. Here Is a List of Drugs That Sell Everywhere at $1.00 Per Bottle ; We Sell Them to You as Follows : Root-Ten-Xa or li(x...7 cents Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy per bottle.. .;7 c uts Pierce's Favorite Prescript ion ii'rlottle...7 cents S. S. S " ...7 cents Pierce's (JoMen M.-ilical Dis- IUI.B " ...',7 nuts co very " ...07 cents Kind's Xew Discovery, large Hat ter's Iron Tonic ' ...07 cents size " ...07 cents Malt ine Preparations " ...7o cents Paine's Celery Compound " ...07 cents Scott's Kniulsioii, large size... " ...07 cents Peruna Tonic " ...07 cents Hood's Sarsapai ilia " ...07 cents Warner's Safe Cure, former Ayer's Sarsaparilla " ...07 cents price 1.23; now " ...S5 cents The Following Articles That Have 50 Cents, Mellin'sFood Malted Milk King's Xew Discovery, small size The 25-Cent Mrs.Winslow'sSoothingSyrup.porbottle17 cents Simmons Liver Regulator per box. ..10 cents Pull's Cough Syrup per bottle.. .17 cents Cough l'alsam l cents Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, small A llcock's Plasters each...! 5 cents size per bottle.. .17 cents Pills of all kinds per box. ..15 cents The 10-Cent Castor Oil, 4-ounce bottles 3 cents Laudanum, 1 -ounce 3 cents Pnragorie, 1 -ounce bottles 5 cents Godfrey's Cordial per bottle. ..3 cents Bird Seed per box... 7 cents The 5-Cent Essence of Iamhoii, 1 -ounce bottle Essence of Cinnamon, 1 -ounce bottle. Liniments of all kinds 17 rents Remember that these are kept constantly in stock ; everything else has been reduced in proportion. Now, friends, these Prices are for Spot Cash, and please do not ask for credit. Yours for Low Prices, I'- & Please remember that STATE JiEWS. Tlifi Mt. Holly Times lias sus pended publication owing to insuffi cient support, due to the prevalent business depression. Tbo State ruartl uiitnbers 1,71M, an increase of 153. Not a company disbanded during; tle past year. The guard was called out tight times. The J. L. King Company, to bacco manufacturers of Greens boro, has failed. Liabilities, 320,000; assets estimated to be about 29,000. Mr. David Wilson, who was shot and robbed of A1.S.1 by outlaws near Crun berry a few weeks ago, is recovering. Ou account of the darkness at the time, Mr. Wilson is unable todfcribe his assailants. Mr. I. X. Corpening has hold his half interest in the Watauga hotel at Blowing Rock to Mr. Tyre Banner, of Banner's Elk. Mr. Corpening, we understand, gets Mr. Banner's land in the trade. Lenoir Topic. The 'Bonded Warehouse Com pany at Charlotte has begun work. It is to receive and store cotton and other products at low rates. issuing negotiable certificates.. The warehouse will have a capacity of 20,000 bales of cotton. C. B. Williams, one of the coin- mittee to promote the establish ment of a State textile school, says that, over fifty letters have so far been received from cotton mill owners, and that without exception ttiev lavor such a school. Architects in Xorth Carolina hare an opportunity to compete for the 30,000 ottered as pr zes fVr the best designs for the various buildings of the University of Cali fornia. Secretary of State Thomp son has the specifications, etc. The grand jury of the Criminal Court at Wilminglon returned a true bill against Giles Anderson for murder, by shooting through the heart with a pistol Theophil Carl von Gliszcynski, a fireman of the British steamship Kirkhil'. Old "Uncle" Austin Craig, of Game well, who is pat 81, is the happy father of a girl baby which arrived at his home Christmas week. The child has the usual number of toes, but six of them are ou one toot and only fonr ou the other. Lenoir Topic. Jsortb Carolina has 1S." cotton mills, with 1,023,132 spindles aud 23,334 looms, according to recent statistics. This represents an m vestnl capital of over 20.000,000 in t Lis one enterprise alone, over DO per cent of which is North Caro lina money owned bv North Carolina home folks. CFFor Exchange House and lot in city for North Carolina tovrn or farm property. Addres, P. S Snyder, No. 3S Raw'.ings Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. . FROM . . . Third to We Now Sell as cents Chamberlain's .".Scents size .U cents Simmons Liver Articles Reduced Articles Reduced Streetman's tle Articles Reduced ...5 cents Essence of Peppermint, 1-ounee bottle : cents cents ( astor Ou,2-ounce bottle ." cents a bottle, including Yager's, Mustang, and Barker' 8 Serve and Bone. only a few samples of prices these are not old, second-hand J. H. GORMAN, Graduate Watchmaker and Optician A specialty made of the very finest watch rcpairinnnd adjusting. Spectacles scientifically fitted and n fit guaranteed. & I II G 1 1 A RT EXG R A VI X( i "a Yours trp!ease, J. H. GORMAN, Leading Jeweler. Skin Diseases. For th speedy and permanent core of ittXt-r, salt rheum and eczema. Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is wkhont an eqnal. It relieve.- the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its cortinned use effects a permanent cure. It alo cures i;"h, barber's itch, scald ii f!l, sore nipplpg, itching piles, chapped ha.i.l, chronic Bore eyes and granulated lids. I5r. Tady's Condition Towdcra for horses nre the bent tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge, rrice, 25 cents. Sold by .The Chattanooga Plow feeds -i! l&a ConiTianv's, who are ajre t "?S-county. See them nnd le YOURS TO PLEASE Marion :-: Hardware :-: Company, AOKNTS FOR CHATTANOOGA PU)W CO'S PLOWS A!I CASK MILLS. riiiniiujiiiiiiiiniiiniuiiiiiitiutiunuuiniuHnuuiiuiiiuiiuiuniiiuiiiiiniuiw SOMETHING NEW JUST OPENED. f H A,T E. k GASTON'S are some beautiful designs in s the Dress Goods Department. It will pay you before E ' ,..v, , .m;n. liic I-.i .v,, Dress Flannels, Cassimeres, Plaids, and Woolen Goods of S E all kinds. He can furnish you also Something New in the E E way ot Skirt Binding, called E I "BRUSH - BRAID." I also have the Latest Thing in Dress Trimmings. I especially invite you to to see my Thorough and E Complete Stock of Clothing. E E Very Respectfully, E I E. L. Gaston, 1 wiiii iiiMinuiniinMuitiHnmiuiiiuauuxnmtmDinmitituiuijuuiiiHiiiilini n-Half. Heretofore Sold for Follows : Cough Remedy, larg , Regulator, liquid as Follows : cents .' cents as Follows : extract ot iemon, z-ounce bottles 7 cents r.xtracT oi vanuia, bounce bottles 7 cents Quinine, 1 -drachm bottle 7 cents Headache Remedy, per bot .'5 cents as Follows : of hundreds of other articles drugs, but are new and fresh.- DISOSWAY, THE DRUGGIST, OLD FORT, N. C, Offers to his customers au absolutely correct stock of Drugs and Patent Medi ctnes Christmas Cards, Handkerchief Extracts, Purses and Pipes VANTE1 AGKXTS. "The Confederal Sol .Her in il.e flvil War," just published, contains Boo jmcs l21" inches, anil over 1 ,loo targe liattl ncs, l-ortraits. Maps. etc. The Rreotest and largest War Hook ever published, and mc uniy one mat noes lust ue to the Con1.-d erate soldier and the cause he fought for, Complete in one volume. Agents wanted everywhere to sell this book on our new and easy plan. Many of the ladv and gentlemen agents who are at work are making lrom $100 to $'jOO per month. Veterans, Son and and Daughters of Veterans, and others inter ested are requested to send for a beautiful illustrated descriptive circular (freel and terms to agents. Address. Coi riek-Ji hai. Job Printing Co., Louisville, K v. no2.ri-ll't do one to blow it. JJi!J ni- l.loW its own horn. Guaranteed to scour in any and all kinds of land. This Celebrated Plow, Cane Mills, Plow Points, Shears and Mould Boards fan be found nt the Mi irion Hardware nts for McDowell convinced. I-'""""""" m" Old stock pretty well closed out, and 1 NEW GOODS I ARRIVING DAILY 1 for Mid-Winter Trade. Come to see us, and 1 bring your Produce. 1 NO TROUBLE ( TO SHOW GOODS. I )(iii!iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiJiiitiiiuiiuiiiiiitiiiiniiiii()0 "A MAN MUST EAT TO LIVE." HAVE on band a fresli stock of such poods, with all kinds or JSj Plain and Fancy Candies and other Con feet ions. Wo mI.m keep on sale a supply of fresh such as Lemons, Oranges and Fics. brands of Flour sold. We offer Tobaccos. Goods exchanged for Quick Sales aud Small Profits. Most Kkspectfullv, MIDDLE OF SEIGLE BLOCK. Jou and 1)0 YOU WANT TO DUESS WELL! Then see our new Tamis cloth for evening dresses, Irish dress linen, lawns plaids, silks for any purpose, calicoes, dotted swiss and trim mings; general line of Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts. Also, Shoes (the Douglass Implements, Harness Goods and Groceries. Marion, N. C., March 22, with of Clo( st FOR CAS H. TV ESI RING to close out my entire stock I 7 of ready-made 1T1 ... .1 attention to otner lines, 1 nuvc iim to offer, for cash, my large stock of Clothing at Cost. I mean wl at I say, and nothing else. To show the reduction made, I quote prices roods : on Suits, formerly $1400; now $12 50 Srrits, formerly 1 2 00; now 9 00 Suits, formerly 1000; now 850 Suits, formerly 9 00; now 7 00 Suits, formerly 6 00; now 450 Suits, formerly 3 00; now 225 Boys' suits, formerly 225; now $1 75 Boys' suits, formerly 3 00; now 225 These are only a few of the figures. Come and see for yourself. I propose to do what I say. Be sure to see me before buying. Mrs. J. C. McCurry. i rvrr EETING WITH DESTINY. 4 J I II No man can tell when It will 4 I II come along. Often it Urt I np before as la nepected i timea and places. Een an Introduction may thape ail the cxrarM of L one's after life. To be always at your beit and not ahamed c your destiny you moat , dreaa like- rn crDllrmio. This caa be done by ordering your SaftaaadOiarrssls of : M. BORN & GO., The Great Chicafo Merchant Tailors Who iff nnHTlld yimnlrm f , the Tailoring; Art, 300 NEW Patterns. Finest Material. Perfect J Fit. New Stock. Latest btylca. Beat Wora nanship. Thrifty Prices. I a Cbeery Guarantee With All. lu CmU-m J. Q. GILKEY, Agent. AND HE WANTS HIS FANCY AND FAM ILY GROCERIES GOOD AND FRESH, home fruits; also, foreign fruits, Selected Mixed Nuts. Tim i.t the best (Vars. ''ifantto.. n...i Eggs, lluttcr. etc. Our mot in i Call and see oar 6tock. Jftay IJnow U h Good fot Soo figf?. . line of Fall and Vintcr'GooJs Shoes), Hardware, farming and Saddles, Lime and Cement. J. S. DYSART. i8g7. - t f. clothing, to devote my i- i l- ; iHt! ff f.N vlLj jtC. JT mm i