&lt c lit c s vn it cx MCSSENCKU PUIlLISHINCi CO.. I'UiMHIKltS. J. v. coi:nt. ) W3I. II. WHITi:,f SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Sl.00 Entered at the Tost Office at Ma rion, N. C, for transmission through t i t mails, as second class matter. FRIDAY, FFIJKCAKY xi, iS. i.i:t r mam: oooii koaps. In n f) o.c 'hiivg do the people lack progressiveness so much as in that of (i )d R'j ids. Mechanics, arts, -cie;icc3, and nearly ever other conceivable study or project forge ahead and gain acceleration for further progress from the teem ing brain and industry of a work ing humanity; but our highways with the exception of a few spo radic cases which ought to become contagious in the Union, are left for the elements to redestroy after every yearly patch up. Already, for the "fixing and patching" of roads there has been appropriated sufficient money which, had it been expended to their intelligent im provement, would have made the States of this Union a fairyland And what is so evident of the States collectively is the truth about each and every separate one It is only in recent years that Good Roads has become a subject which must eventually obtain from the people full and free recognition of its merits. They are, in fact, an absolute necessity. Previously, even an apology for an Appian Way in tins country was not noted for being frequently found; but where the people have been so for tunate as to have foreseen the advantages of good roads they have made their section a busy point of trade and a garden spot of agriculture. To verify this it is only necessary to name some sec tions which have made it a busi ness to have highways of an ap proved type the Shenandoah Val ley of Virginia, extending from Staunton, Va., to Martinsburg, V. Va., 125 miles of macadam inter sected east and west by other pikes; the pikes of Washington, Freder ick, and Carroll counties, Md.; those of the Cumberland Valley and of York, Lancaster, and Ches ter counties I'a.; throughout the Blue Grass Region, Kentucky, "the land that seems to talk;" Southern Ohio, reaching for 100 miles in several directions from Cincinnati; Chippewa county, Mich., 160 miles, the banner county of the States for roads, and New Jersey with 2S3 miles of macadamized road ways built since 1S93 at an expense of S-i'.W- While the amount expended in New Jersey seems enormous, it is stated that considerable more than that sum had been spent in years previous on crazy quilt patchwork which lasted only the season. In North Carolina we have a shining example of what good roads will do for a place Charlotte, with all the progressiveness of its energetic citizens could not have made such rapid strides had it not been for the good highways lead ing to it. and that very one thing has made it better known in dis tant sections than any other city of the State. It is known in the North as "the only hustling town in North Carolina." McDowell needs good roads. They would add to the value of every farm; they would reduce the cost of transportation to this mar ket one half; they would beautify the country and act as an induce ment for people to settle here, and would bring trade to Marion, that now goes elsewhere. As it now is there are times when the farmer's family is practically iso lated from the world, the cond ition of the roads being such that they cannot be traveled. The fees for marriage licenses in Rhode Island are higher in that State than in those adjoining, aid the ministers have petitioned the Rhode Island Legislature to reduce them and so keep mariiage candi dates within its borders. This is only another instance wherein high tariff does not protect home industrv. "It is better to open the mills than the s lver mines," said Presi dent McK-nley. Put we reckon if both were wide open and running on full time and wages it would be still better. It begins to look as though Mc- nicy' wav of prosperity" run up against the people's ( indignation" about next Conokess is carefully maintain- i ing its reputation for doing noth ing. The daily routine is devoid of any special interest, the consid eration of the appropriation bills being the only business of impor tanc that is allowed by Dictator Reed. The failure of the Dirg'ey bill to raise the needed revenue by an estimate of Si 00,000,000 is worrying the leaders of the Reput -lican party and they are eagerly scanning the commercial horizon for the dawn of prosperity to help them out of their predicament. They shut off the motive power and still expect the machinery to run. All they can do now is to wait, Micawber-like, for something to turn up. This will happen next November. Tiik prohibitive duties of the Dinglev tariff bill are causing trouble in our commercial rela tions with Germany. Under the guise of protection, this measure has built a barrier against foreign importations, and now Germany retaliates by issuing a decree, on various flimsy pretexts, excluding American products from admission into the empire. Germany's action is no more than natural, and we can see no ground for just protest, as this country took the initiatory in the exclusion game when Con gress passed the Dingley trust fostering bill. The presence of Mormon mis sionaries in North Carolina is an affront to the intelligence of her people. Their history as a church is besmeared with crime and blood shed and darkened by ignorance, and their whole scheme is to play upon the susceptibleness of the less intelligent people, of which 250,000 white people may be found in North Carolina who can neither read nor write. The presence of Mormon missionaries is a strong argument for a compulsory educa tion law. Talk about the United States silver dollar having depreciated ! Mr. James Ten Eyck, of Albany, N. V., has one of the date of 1804, which is valued at $6,000. There are said to be but seven of this date in existence. Governor Russell has been vaccinated, but we fear it will not prove efficacious. What he needs is a preventive of further insanity in his conduct. Ao oRiiiNf. to Republicanism and its subsidized president, the open sesame to ''national honor" is to pay bondholders in gold. The ire Trust was but recently established, but already wire and nails have advanced $1 per ton. A IiKM'KKAOO CAl'TlltKI). The Yancey County Outlaw, Geo. XV. Mc Courry, Finally l.anilwl in Jail. Correspondence of The Messenger. PruNSViLLE, N. C, Feb. 7, 1S9S. Preston II. Feltz, deputy sheriff of Yancey county, succeeded, after a desperate effort, in capturing and safely lodging in jail the noted desperado, George W. McCourry, who has for a long time bid defi ance to the officers of the law. The number of indictments against McCurrv are 111 a 11 3 aud embrace most all the offences in the criminal code from, house burning, injury to property, selling liquor, down to simple assault. It will he remembered that 111 the late Peterson and McCourry killing, in Yancey county, that the dwelling of S. S. Peterson was burned at night after the killing. George McCourry is now indicted for that burning. George has long been a terror, not only to Yancey county, but to many counties in western North Carolina and adjacent parts of Tennessee, having lately given "Uncle Sam's" otlicers a scare they have not yet entirely iccov ered from. Deputy Sheriff Felt deserves the gratitude ot all good citizens, and no doubt he will receive it. Due must be very sly to escape his vigilance. Citizen of Yancey Co. '. KY A N TIIK CANlllOATK. Th.it i the ! i-ioii of the silver Men in Coiiree. The numerous conferences held recently by the silver men in Con gress have culminated in au agree ment on a plan for co-operation with respect to the elections to the next Congress, both House and Senate. The silver Republic. ins and Populists held a conference last week in the committee room of Senator Allen, of Nebraska, and i greed upon a plan. Every silver Republican and every Populist. Senator and Repiesentative, was present, and the conference was eutiicly harmonious aud was unan imously in favor of co-operation with the Democrats in elections M-'st fall, looking to a general e.;-oporatio!! ill the presidential election of P. mo. There was also a unanimous ex mession of opinion during the informal discussion that Mr. Pryan was the logical candidate for the presidency of the eu operation sil ver forces. Co operation will be encouraged in all sectious. Honor Roll at Marion Institute for Janu ary, 18W8. Requirements: 'JO on lecitations and no demerits. Arthur McCall, Roscoe Cline, Harry Cline, Millard Kirby, Olena McNeely, Myrtle McXeely, Ben Poteat, Kate Fmley, Maty Logan Gilkey, Ha Frazer, Kate Hyams, Seagle Halliburton, Lottie Miller, Carson Sinclair. Leon Neal, Anna Laura IJIanton, Lucile Plan ton, Charlie May IJIanton, Mary McDonald, Alice Proctor, Sam Pioctor, Genie Carter, Saliie Fin ley, Willie Pollard, Essie Morgan, MM Is IJuldix, Agnes White, Ed win Guy, Ei'nmell Guy. Julia Chase, lien Sisk, Charles Ellis, Maude Greenlee, Annie Greenlee, Mabel Greenlee, Ad. Gilkey, Mollie Dy sart, Fanny Crawfoid, Freda Hyams, Josie Gruber. The Greatest Discovery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III., Chief, says: We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Culds. Experimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at White & Yancey's, Marion, and W. II. Disosway's, Old Fort. Kducate Your llowel With Cascaretfi. Camlv cathartic cure constipation forever lOe. If c. c. c. fail, drufyists refunu money. 1ETJ. C Howrenstein's Photo Gallery will be ready for business next week. The Kntertainmeut. A full house heard the program rendered Friday night. The weather was auspicious, and there was much local interest. The sing ing was excelleut, and the Japan ese fan drill beautifully acted by young ladies in llowing costumes of cream, blue and red. The com edy at the close was acted with interest and spirit. In the hall after the program, refreshments of cream and cake were served, netting about r'll. At the door $33 was received. The music was furnished by mandolin and piano. A OOI LKTTKK. Front the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Fernandina, Fla., Feb. 28, '9G. Mr. J. George Stjiirer, Drug gist, City : Dear Georfje: Please send me a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I would not feel easy if I knew there was none of this valu ble Remedy in the house. I have given it a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been suflicieut, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yields very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children. Yours respectfully, Geo. E. Wolff. Sold by M. F. Morphew. The Messenger and the Silver Knight-Watchman one year for 1.50. This is a 16 page weekly paper, with Senator Stewart as editor. Hons. William Jennings Bryan, II. M. Teller, John W. Daniel, Jos. W. Bailey, J. T. Mor gan, John McLaurin, Benton Mc Millin, S. M. White, F. T. DuBois, J. C. S. Blackburn and A.O.Bacon are among the contributors. Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Freder ickstown, Mo., was troubled with chronic diarrlnea for over thirty years. He had become fully satis tied that it was only a question of a short time until he would have to give up. He had been treated by some of the best physicians in Europe and America, but got no permanent relief. One day he picketl up a newspaper and chanced to read an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnea Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the first dose helped him, and its continued use cured him. For sale by M. F. Morphew. Kveryhody Says So. Cascarets Candy cathartic, the most won dertul medical discovery ot the aire, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, net uentlv and positively on kid:ies. liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, disril colds, cure headache, level, habitual constipation and biliousness. I'lease buy and try a box of c. C. C. to-day: lo. 1.". .o cents-. Sol J . and Kuarar. teed to cure by all druists. A further hearing m the railway lease care will he laid before Special Master Craige at Salisbury Friday. Judge Avery, ot counsel for the defendants, Governor Rus sell et al, desires to have certain books of the Southern Riilway produced by its officers aud aii effort will be made at this time to obtain them. A similar request at a former hearing was refused. Fiom everywheie come words of praise for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Allow me to cougratu late you on the merits of your Remedy. It cured me of chronic hrobchitis when the doctor could do nothing for me." CrJAs-. F II em el, Toledo, O. For sale by M. F. Morphew. Ma.orChas. B. Way. a well known resident of Buncombe county, died at Grace on Saturday, aged (Is vears. A sur Tiling tir Yun. A t:-:i!!s.-i:ti..n in which wti canm-t l.-stia urc thitu:. lti!i,.ur;c. vlck hca.laihc. fur-ri-a t':.j:i.c. lever, jiilcs :unl a. tlmusanj other ills arc causo! by c n'.i;.ati n arnl Iuih Iimt. C.Ki.'in-t-i can.lv cathartic, the won-ik-rf.:l new liver tiiiu!atit ami intestinal tunic are ty al! ilra'ists uruarantfetl to cure or moilt-v rr-tii nilki . - . - r. .. w. u : - I Try a tox to-ilay; l(c. I'.'lc, "Oc. S.-nnjlc ami ' liookkt trie at all tlrujjfosts. List of Jurors. Tlie following is the list of juroif for McDowell Supeiior Couit to convene Monday. March 7th: FIRST WEEK. S. A. Hensley, S. A. Laresey, Jesse Hollifield, T. '. Hemphill, W. A. Goiortu, J T. Durham, J. Ii. Coxey, Noah Turner, J. F. Fat ton, T. L. Tate, J. L. Burgese, N. R. McCoy, W. C. Hogan, A. E. Rowe, L. L Walker, C. L. Carr. Geo. L. Poteet, W. A. Cuthbertsou. SEfO.VD WEEK. A. I). Erwin, G. R. Morris, W C. Elliott, Emmiel Louis, J. D Laughridge, J. A. Anrood, J. M. Neal, M. II. Bird, J. L. Laugh ridge, J. S. Wilson, E. L Green lee, J. Luther Elliott, J. Z Page, B. E Wat kins, G. C. Ellington. John Rich. TO Cl'IiK A COLO IX ONK WAY Take Laxative Uromo Ouinine Tablets. All I'runnits refund the money if it fails to Cure 23 cents. Robert Hancock has been given until tue liw mst. to resign as president of Atlantic & North Carolina railroad. Ltucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores Ulcers, Salt Rheum, tever Sores, letter. Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Emotions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give neilect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. I. White, Marion, and XV. II. uisosway, oiu l ore. Sunday tire in Savannah, Ga., caused a loss of j?1L'5,000. Among the buildings burned is the Cathe dral of St. John the Baptist. On Monday the Highland hotel at Aiken, S. O, was burned, causing a loss of 70,000, and the same day a tire at Atlantic City, N. J., damaged buildings to the amount of 0.3,000. A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every, of Woodstock, Mich., was badly afflicted with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the full length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamber lain's Pain Balm. The tirst bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a cure. The L'o and 50 cpnt sizes are for sale by M. F. Morphew. Sale of Valuable Mining Lands. BY VIRTUE of sundry executions in ma llards issued against Ihe Marion Bul lion Company and the Marion Improvement Company. I will sell, at the eourt house in Marion, on Wednesday 9th of March, 1898, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described property: What is known as the Duckworth, or Marshall, boundary, contain ing about l.OTU acres. Fully described in a deed from II. C. Hemming und wile to the Marion Bullion Company, so-called, and registered in Book 1. page -13C, and follow ing, in the office of the Register of Deeds, in Marion, McDowell county. Also the interest of the Marion Bullion Company in eleven other tracts described in the above deed from II. C. Demming and wife to the said company. All located in Braekettown, in said county. Also the following tracts of land in Old Fort township: one of 0 to acres and one of oM) acres, conveyed by Fugene Orissom and wile and Mrs Mary A. Lawrence to the Ma rion Improvement Compativ: recorded in book 15, pageoOl. in said Register's office. Also one tract of 35 acres, conveyed bv Virginia C. Upton to said company, and re corded in book 1 0, page 4-01. Also tract of 50 acres, conveyed by A, Hig gins and wile and Henrietta Iliggins. and recorded in book 16, page 4-7'j. Also one tract oi Go acres, conveyed by James Upton and wife to said company, anil recorded in book 10, page 4U4-. Also the interest of said company in several tracts described in a deed from William Owens and wile to the said company, and dated the 2th of August, lh87. Registered in book 16, page 4-S'J. Also one Huntington gold mill, the prop erty of said improvement company. This February the 7th 180S. K. L. NICHOLS, iebll-4w. Sherirt of McDowell County. 0 P-!cA I "A MAN MUST AT TO INt." T1?jK IIAVKon hand a fresh .stork of such goods, with all kinds ot VA I'lain ami F.wicy Candies ami other Confections. We h;li j keep on sale a supply of frej.Ii home fruits: also, foreign fruits, ! such as Lemons. Oranges and Fiirs. Selected Mixed Nuts. The !,-: 1 brands of Flour sold. We oiler the best Cigars, Cigarettes und Tobaccos. Goods exchanged for Eggs, Iiutter. etc. Our motto is "Ouiek Sales and Small 1'iofits. Call and see our stock. Most lJK.srEcii ully, MIDDLE OF SEIGLE BLOCK. i llriv i Leading Clergymen of Every Denotation ITB2 m Arivisfi Paine's Celery Compound. feffc:: m '--- .V&lt :,, MAVMhtylfM ; r;-. ': 7':' YAitfJ: Like Goldsmith's parson who Tritd each art, reiroved each dull delay, Allured to brighter worlds and led the way, great preachers throughout the country have been the most until ing and earnest in telling the truth about Pai nes celery compound, in urging sick people to use it, and at the same time they themselves have employed the great remedy in thoir own homes with results that have steadily kept up their faith in its health giving powers. It is significant that Paine's cel ery compound stands alone as the one remedy that is freely used in the homes, not only of clergymen, but of all liberally as well as pro fessionally educated men : physi ci.ms, lawyers, school teachers and others, while every other remedy purporting to accomplish ojtial results is promptly shown the door. .No class of men have the public good so disinterestedly at heart as clergymen ; none others see so intimately the a Hairs of so many homes. It is their business to know the sad side,soriows and sufferings. As confidant, confessor and com forter they learn the truth as even the physician often fails to do. Aud clergymen recommend Paine's celery compound wherever they enter a home where some member needs a general building up of the body, a purifying of the blood aud a stiengthening of tired nerves. The old Xatioual Jiitclliji nc r, I published in Washington City, 1). j 0 , although in its t7th year, j appears fjuite young ami ftisky in its 10 page form, fresh from tie monotype each week. Sentl ten cents for three months' trial trip to National Intelligencer Pub. Co . Washington, 1). C. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c Anyone Feni'.nff askc-trh pr.d (iorr:: ti'.n rr.riy jn!ckly asc?rt:ini wir '.ini.u.n fr.?e wtictl.cr :u, Inventton Ii ir'.tiaMy .'itcntaMe. f'.n,'!,nmr n tlnns strictly oot.a.lfii! inl. Hatii1tK,k n CHtfi.ti Bent free. ol1i-t ii'Ufy f'-r -ccunt.tr j.atei.t-. Fatents taken thr.urh M'inn & Co. rcitlvo tptri.il n'tice, with iut ch-irk-e. In the Scientific American. A har.dnmely illnstrHte.i weekly. Lnreet r,r Cultttion 't any ciei'title J-iurnal. Terrn.a. f a feir: foax months, 1. Al by all r.evrdea!-r. MUNN&Co.36tB- New York Kranch Office. CS F St, WasbiDtrton, It. C. AND HE WANTS HIS FANCY AND FAM- j ILY GROCERIES GOOD AND FRESH. I jtmm "TT'-"-- i NUMBS R t " ---- Aiiotli l great pieachc: , the K v. S. Domer, pistol of .St. P.un's English Lut her:.i ii chun h, V.' Isl ington, 1). C. s : Washington. i. (..'., f May L, l -:7 i ITc'v, liichnrtlxou d' Co. : (iebt'.emeii Have taken Paine's celeiy compound as a tonic, am! am pleased to certify that so f.r as I have been able to'test it I have found ir ;iite satisfactory. Yours, veiy ti uly, i. Domki:, lit. Paul's En if. Lutli. Chiiieh. It ean:i:)f be repeat! d too ( lien that the stomach is the fountain which supplies every part of tin body. If the. stoma' h is sick, the brain, hcait, liver, bowels and kb! neysareali sick. The trouble m iy all be felt in one spot; it may be in the stomach itse-ll, or it may be in the brain, or m a rheumatic muscle. It will be fel; in the weak est place. Paine's celery com pound is lnlly competent to correct all such disordered conditions of the stomach, and to restore a healthy, hearty tone that will enble it to meet, every demand made upon it by hard worked brain, heart and nerves. A dyspeptic stomach cannot furnish sweet, healthy chyme, as the digested food is called, but aeids and poisonous g.iscs, ami the brain and neives thus get poi INSURANCE Northwestern Mutual or mu.w.u ; 1 ., . ., . iK. l,-i;n, .... t h:irrtcl-r;-tit-- i -f j rii-ct : ' - ' !;- i.-.i jrivi!c.-s t,, iii.iu-! M.,-t .,;ul:;r v.,t,i its J ." I'.i. Tio: Cn.ui'i.M." Wjitt :is t.-,r ii.i.rT.:.-it!.,n. .i'MVT:. United States s I-r.-.ijiyc-: tl;- W - .r;:;: - ,,,. - .:. r.i.n a li :m 1.!, r.i. .'.ij.V'i Souiiicrr. Stock ' in:, sm. sr L. - .". .r..- nt i.tlii-r i-. C.-.:-! v. ii, I;rkL- a a -12 Cm 8 i'V--v t'J ' l WKj-'-.y y&Szl?'?' g it- I j 1 feyS' "SV'd-Z-Z 7 J. Q. GILKEY, Agent. a h r a dv m a -i 5, m u w t s rat fina i IS L sly st, son instead of food. It is not toml wed digested that produces tlli and hiood. Paine; ci-lery cei i pounil disposes tie body to tali; on lli'sb. It makes the biea:li .-Wicti'i, t!n' s'reatli more -n. hir ing, the body plamper and tie spM its !ettei . Dyspej)' !'.s ami tier von-:, sw-Ly persons. wIms.vc whoh livt s ate a failure, both as to enjo.N incut ai.d usefulness, ought to learn lit w elosely their debility, aehes a;.d pains di'perd on their .'M iieral i u : ln n comlition, and that J he sea si bh last i ng care can only t or e from bmhling up their eiai.u healtli antl eoiist it nt ion. Tin tie g.-aml misitit! of paine's e. 1 ei y !'omi)ouml. It cnr s iifiiia! gia, i hcumali-m, stomieh tionbles, blood iliseaes and he;n!a !a s ly this enligl.t-i.'ed, broif! f leaf ment. Pure b!o;id anil plenty of V, 0,11a-:, .-atisli.ctoi ily fed nercsanda cm- lifion td' tie brain tlat makes sound, sweet, sleep a sefegtianl against all ik i oiis troubles eoine when P -tine's celery compound 1 used. If you are 4'piayel out," to u-- a forcible street phrase, can't digest, can't work and have lost ceina-e. Panic's eeleiy eompouml will show itself to tin' best fi ieial you evt t had. It will enable you to former . our stomach, and will lt for ,u what it has done for so many o'Ih is- make on again a hralt:i;, ae;ive man or woman. - AGENCIES- Life Insurance Company, :ia:K, wimuvmn. -..-.! T-, tl Casualty Co., - - .V, , - I:, tia- V I i 'j ' ) U' L K ' t : v, c -. r v : Mutual ii.iraia-e Co O! OKI 1 NSI'.ol ' . . . .N I ' wo 1 i c : : t is ! ;. s ' r . r ( .-. r .im-! i r;-t ' .'- '.1 1 t : : - ;: ciM- v. I.t r. . .1 . . o. ttjy4 son, 1I03I1: )I ri( ;.s : L. noir or U; korv N. rj tfj always reaJy f r the w tii-urtSStrJ S l ni-n- Hare's no ir.istike ir-ui 1 this. Er.cr.-y rr.sy n.iiS ;t mark. Taln.t f f i wulect. but there is always a welcome i and measure i success for gooj clothes, f v - nivti - j - 1 11 v.iuiii, lunula t J tt'ho.e ?r-!act!'.o are D' tcd tverr here for cboli 'f"-s mj'triI, neat 6t aol eU!i, aad ptrfect op-t-4U J st.lc. A "BORN" ijlt of cluthet U po- X ptrt ti the Uorli rrlco'f.hii.r Q . A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. I 303 Selected 1'attcri.s lo order from. V CAit. ty I V

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