I Th2 Ksssesger Prints . the . news an ! Is Finght ftrby the peo- w pie ofM Doweil, Yancey, Bun- iom, i:uthr?ord, Burn en 1 other ''GUDtiesia Western North Carolina, and U there ir fere a J Good Advertising Medium. T.ats fi;rnishd oa application tr AdJrfvs, THE MESSENGER. 3ar!on, N. O. BEND 0SDBR1 FOB - : JOB PRINTING 5 ? slr. i Marion. N. C. J Promptnn, Accuracy, NMtntsa anl Good 8tock Guarantied. Iff lXtr naadj. Not nad, BUI Baada, EnTrlnr-, Circulars, Card. Poa- J (f-m, i ajpaiu, ua may tin a ox Printing. J 4 VOL. II. NO. 43. MARION. X C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 189; 6i. Per Year in Advance. WWW V) u ii an un Tk- B'-z EbUioship Maine, Torn By the Force of the -,'os'o'i, Snks to Bottom. mwm wm. ! One .t". Explosion of 600 Pounds Gun Cotton; Another Ex plosion of Dynamo Engine. MILL OTHERS, TREACHERY. J : r. of.blah nt Washington Hclleve ( W .i5 l!K to AcrHent -The Nnvy IVpar; fiK ri f to Make n Itigbl lu--. I vit i n!--1 hi. (ircatest Scnsati on vi, the i nil WaOnt of 33-1, !-, f.-G nvcV ii;o d t!u.,t;o:i of the cruiser Maine, i:. Iniiii r ut Havana, Cuba, oa the oiustd oao of tuo greatest ati- ns since t Lo news of the civil '.-.u. it is r.till uncertain whether tbo Lvlno vuri destroyed by a torpedo, or by her oni powder magazine. 'Ihe latest iM-ccr.at'i fi'uui tbo scene says only iiiii'My -r-i v i ; o i were Mired out of a V,. diir.gton.- 'Special. ) After a day (1 excitement at tho Navy De- l'.-.ii:-i--:.t and clsewhor-o, growing out ! tho do truction of tho battleship .') in q Havana harbor, on the -I'ting of tlio K.th, the situation, after ii evchango of a number of ..!. Iviuum between "Washington and j'r.'.ii.i can bo summed up in v. y id a J. ccieWr; T.onj, whe, '.'ii asked, na ho wan about to 'i i ;! t'f tho day, whether he ii.. I t'Tcn to f-uput that tho disan- ; .i the work of tho enemy, replied: " ' Met. Tn th'it L tiiii inllueiift'd by . f.u-r th'it Cnj lain Msbeo has not ' ir,t.it,.,i to tho Navy j'epartment .! i !: cnu (. lv evidently waiting t 1 'i -t! ;i lull report. So long ns ho i not ox ore-a himself, 1 certainly 1 slo-ii'd liunlv from tho indi t'.i', howf.fi", that there was an ne- that the magazines exploded. 'it '.i I::1T i'iimh nb.)iif I .li nnt L-iwiti' i r t!o I i'si'iit, :it least, no other war- j ' ; o Mill bo f i nt to Havana. " ! ho aj.j natf.ro of tho disaster : 11 o i:iairyot the situation that :.'! mi I'm', f-h'-uid invpst'gntion give i i a"i-. fur the undereurit'iit of mis- I .:! i f ti.-u. hcrv ami foul play that : ;1.ioh'1i all minds, had a sobering ':' on p.iblie n en of nil shades of po al op.ni.Mi. 'I'lie fact Mauds forth "-d i:ttie less t.'iiui romarkablo that ;.: ! : in-!o re-olntto:i was introduced r a MiiIe made in either I I 'tis of i 'onsress licurmy on the raat : . ao my if condok'iu-o with the i . i f tho.-o killed, oll'eted by Mr. ' .1- liu and adopted ly the House of I.- i i e -iMitativc. I 'fil-lic men expressed ; ii opinion with reserve when ap-pivaelo-I i v iiiterviewfi, but every v '.I-1 f t htre was a demand for an in -- '. '.mm and full details, in tho 1' ,!'.t "i whi'.-ii the horror may be just I' . i'-.ed Secretary Long undoubted iy i . "ii 111 :u icd tho ceuoral opinion of th n;ii oriiy of th naval ex'erts, in Ji'i ii::,: it jrii'OHible just now to Mate t..e --a i-o of the destruction of the 1 i.e: o are a nn iber of theories, but of theia are of n character that m .;!.eM it ea.-y to rove or upset them by n simple in estigation by a diver. Sec letaiyLoiu has taken steps to make ii '.is i:iesti'!tion. bate this afternoon hi ieh-craphed to Admiral Sicard, at riey e-t, to appoint a board of naval o::'icers to proceed at once to Havana to ruploy divers and generally to make pfu-h inq-iiry as the regulations of the Navy demand shall bo made in ti.e case of tho loss of a ship. It i probable that this work will take -ome time, and while there are officers who t.ay that in their opinion it will :.rt be possible, owing to the probable ..nsrupted coiuution of tho hull of the ship, t-1 make out the cause cf tho ex 1 sioti, the i. pinion of the majority is that the qaestien will be easily tettled by the obi i vat;on of the condition of ti.e ship's hull plates in the neighbor hood of the hole which sunk her, whether or not they r.re bulged out, as w.-.f,M be the case if tne explosion came '..nil the inside, or whether they are ihium in, as wou'.d be the lesult from th.e a'.iacs of a torpedo, or the explosion ff a mine beneath tho ship. C'apra'.n Dickens, chief of the Naviga tion '.ureal, ex; ;e-?ed ho belief that th.e cxplofion to 1; place in the rnaga Z;:ie t tho Maine. lie said that this w.is f.ide:it, ti-r tho reaou that the t-h:p was atioftt tor nn hour after the f-M io-iem Had a torj edo been tne i under the battleship she weuld have tU'-d; almost immediately. Secretary Long, for the rreeident, has sent this lele.ram to Captain Sisjsbee: "Sigsbe, United .jtatea hip Maiue, Havana: "1 he President desires mo to express fcr himself and the people of the United .States his profound sympathy with the cHieers and crew of the Maine, and de Fiies that no expense be spared in pro viding for the survivors and tho care of the dead. 'Signed) "Jonx D. Loso, ".t'ecretarj-. " Tt is said at tho Navy J Vpurtment that there is no lack cf precedent for fcuch disasters as that sustained bv the Maine, all of which can bo traced to accidental can-.es. In 133 the United States man-of-war Missouri, then lying at Gibralta, was totally wrecked by tho explosion of her magazine. Another Case famous in naval history is that cf lier Majesty's 6hip Doterel. Jn 1837 she wa3 lyin? at anchor off Pnenta Areueas, iii tho Strait3 of Magellan. An explosion wiped tho a-dp from the face of the waters and left almost none of her crew alive. This wa3 another case of magazine explosion, though it may have originated in the coal bunker3 or boilers. Ihe Navy Department ha given out a full list of the men on the Maine, with the places of birth, for the purpose of loPi i.-i-.-'.f . p The list contains ..e.n..iwiu:: .inme W. .v.e.i. .-uii.-tr O lth, Va ; Chas. Add rrsn, NoroiLr, Ya. ; .Jol.n 13. IJeil, Al-xaudrifc, Ya ; Thos. (Jaino, Po'rE-":ii, Ya ; Wm. Coieman, retershur, Ya. ; Trub.? I inch, Ilaleigh, N. C. ; Jo3. i Gordon, Portsmouth, Ya. ; West, taoie Hnrris, Charles City, Va j Pobert Hutchings, Norfolk, Ya.t "Yilliara Lambert, Hampton, Yn. ; Luther Lancaster, Fredericksburg, Ya. ; Daniel Lewis, Albemarle, Ya. ; John W. Londen, New Kent, Va , Ld ward II. Moore, Charles City, Ya ; ."o :i II. Moss, Oxford, IN. C. ; John II. l'anck, Lynchburg, Ya. ; Ajfred Sim mons, Petersburg, Ya. ; Nicholas J. bmith, Lynchburg. Ya. ; John II. Tur i:n, .nm.thrield, Ya. : John Warren, lotndolph, N. O. ; George M. Whiten, Middlehur, Ya. ; Robert White, Ports mouth, Ya.; Henry Williams, Eliza beth Cit3 N. C. Havana. (Special. ) Out of 3o4, tha total number of the crew of the Maiue, !) w re save I. The Iarcre number of deaths reported among the crew of the Muine is said to have been due to the fact that lu'iHt of them were asleep be low at the timo of tho explosion. Most of the officers f-aved were dining on board tho City cf Washington. It is reported that the disaster was due to tho explosion ef the hosier of the dy namo machine on board the Maine. Key West, J !a. Ihe correspondent of tho Associated Press has been as sured in a reliable quarter that Captain Si;,'sbeo is u ider the imj ression that tho warship Maine was blown up by a l'l nitins: torpedo, and tnat ho had com municated his impreeaiou to Wash ington, asking at the same time that the Navy Department should fend uaval engineers and mechanics to investigate tho explosion. Madrid, Spain. (Special) The fol lowing semi-cflicial note baa been issued: 'The news of the disaster of the Maine has caused a painful impression in Madrid. It was at first feared that there had been some act of imprudeuca to which the catastrophe was attribu table. Afterward, as the details arrived, these f jars were dispelled and took the form of a feeling of sympathy and Bor row for the misfortune which has oc curred " London, (opeolal. ; The Daily News, commenting on the disaster to the Uni ted States warship Maine, pays: "Ihe disaster reaches the very extremity of horror. The public feeling of the world, shocked by this diro calamity, will do well to imitate tho restraint imposed on that of the United States by both the Washington government and tho captain of the ill-fated ship. For bus picions of foul i lay there seems to bo absolutely no warrant, though natural-lj- they haunt tho minds of maty Amer icans. They should be entertained only on absolute compulsion. A spark of misdirected national feeling might cause terrible mischief. The attitude of Spam at this ogom.ing moment will either eilaco the memory of tho Do Lome incident forever, or revive it with added c.reumstauees of bitterness aud exasperation that cannot be contempla ted without a shudder. The calamity sends a pang to every British heart." A cablegram was received at Wash ington from Consul-General Lee which suggests a naval court of inquiry and wants our i eoplj to repress excite ment. Jacksonville, Fla. A special to the Times-Union and Citizen from Key ost, Fla., says: Ihe Meamship Olivette arrived here with a large number cf the wounded and many other survivors of the Maine disaster. The oCleers were, a3 a rule, reticent, and followed in line with their Chief, Cnptuia Sigsb.'e, in saung that the cause of the explosion could only be ascertained by dher-, but many of tho sailors were outspokeu in their decim a tion of belief that the explosion was a deep-laid plot of the Spaniards. They are greatly incensed against the Ha vana people, who havo shown them small courtesy, who looked upon their presence as a national aillrout, and who have pub.ishd anonymous circulars captioned. "Down With the Ameri cans!"' I hey believe that the authors of such expressed and cowardly hatred would not stop at an m-t of such terrible vengeance as the blowing up of the Maine. The sailors, acquainted with the drills, discipline and ensemble of a man-of-war, pooh-pooh the idea of nn internal explosion. New York. Senor De Lome heard the news of the disaster to the Maine at the Hotel St. Marcj. At lirst he re fused to credit it, but when the truth dawned upon him he eaiii: ' at is terrible. 1 pray God the news has been exaggerated. You may be sure of one thing, however, no Spaniard did thia. Like inyelf, all Spauiards of importance entertain friendly feelings toward this country. I here will be no war; there can be no war between America and Spain. "I am forced to say now by this ter rible affair w hat L should have been pre cluded from saying before. There is no country in tho world that I love as I do America. I love the country and the people, and it is with the keenest re gret that 1 take my leave as the result of this unfortunate letter incident. Nearly all prominent Spaniards and men ef influence in my country share my views in regard to America Minneapolis, Minn. Seua'cr Butler, of North Carolina, cow iD Minneapolis attending the session of tho Populist State convention, is inclined to view the loss of the Maine as the result cf treachery. "The act of blowiug up a vessel in that manner would appeal to many of the Spaniards as a noble deed, and the author would be a hero," he said, "but of course the Spauish government has no connection with it." "Will it rrecipitate war?" "No? hardly. If it is shown that the explosion was not accidental, the Sjanish government would be in duty bound to disavow any connection with it and punish the author or authors in a summary manner. " Key TTcst, Fla. It is 6tated here thai Uni'ed states battleship Maina had hard c ml o a board, and that therefore the theory that the diater wan caused by Fp.ontaneoui corabua'.ioa is not tea able. Boston. Rear Admiral Geo. Eelk rap, United States Navy, retired, saya that he was inclined to "think that the ' Maine was blown np by a torpedo. j Havana. Lieute.jaut Commander Wainwright believes the explosion was ! due to the short circuit dynamo. j General Jos. Wheeler, the ex-Confederate cavalry commander, now a mem- her of the House, from Alabama, aent the following message to the Presi- ' dent: j "Io the ITon., the PresMeut: la c.if.e of any trouble with Spa;c, remem oer that my tender of services is on file at tho War Department. (Signed,) 'Jos. WBxnxB." i PARTY LlMCS W1PKD OUT. Democratic, Populists and Silver Re publicans Issue Addresses. Washington (Special.) The ad dressea on behalf of the Democratic, Populist and silver Republican parties, which are the result of the conferences which have been in progress among tho leaders of these parties at tho capitol for the past few weeks, were issued on the loth. They unite themselves in the future on the financial issue as the qaestion of paramount importance, and are separate appeals to each of the par ties to consolidate all along the lines for this purpose. The address to tho Dem ocrats is signed by Senator James K. Jones, of Arkansas, chairman of the Democratic national committee, and is endorsed by the Democratic central committee; the Populists by Senator Butler, chairman of the Populist na tional committee, and the twenty-five Populist members of the Senate and House, and the silver Republicans by Chairman Chas. A. Towns and tha silver Republicans of the Senate and Hou3e, and als by ex-Senator Duliois. Miss Wi.lard Very 111. The New York World says: Miss Frances E. Willard is ill at the Em. l ire hotel in this city. She has beeu suffering from cancer of the stomach for several years. The inroads of this disease, combined with a bad attack of grip had completely shattered her health. She broko down in IWnMcnn Vis., about a month ago while making j an aaciress upon her birthday. It was then deci ed that she should go to New York and submit her case to specialists. The latest is that her condition is said to be much improved. Standard Oil Magna e Dead. Mr. Geo. H. Hopper, the b rgest stockholder in the Standard Oil Com pany, died at Elmwood, near Union villo, O., after an illness of over a year. Mr. Honrev was 60 yearo of age. He was noted for bis liberality. He leaves a wife and three children. Burled Under tfto Debris. AtTittsburg, Pa., tho south wall ol the Union Storage Company's building, which was destroyed by the big fire last Wednesday, fell shortly after 11 o'clock, on tho loth. A cumber of boys were playing about the rains, aud it is believed that at least rive wore caught by the falling wail and aie buried under the debris. Tho latest is that a man, boy and two horses have been rescued. 'ourt of Appeals Adjourned. The West Yirginia Court of Appeals, after transacting a largo amount of business, adjourned until March 10, when a special term will begin at Charleston. News Points. North Carolina has chartered the Ral eigh and Cape Fear Railway, which is to run to Lillincton. The tug Dauntless is said to have left Savannah on a filibustering expedition. Another expeditiou left the Delaware river and a third has departed from Long Island sound. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals decided at Cincinnati that tho cast-iron pipe "combine" was a viola tion of the federal anti trust act and should be enjoined. Ex-President Benjamin Harrison de nies a report that he is a candidate for renomiUiition to the Presidency in ll'l-O. More witnesses in the Martin trial at Wilkes I arre, Pa., testified that depu ties shot btrikers who were running away at Lattimer. The citizens of Elkins, W. Ya. , will ask for another vote on the question of changing the county seat of Randolph from Beverly to Llkins. Houston, Tex.,hasit3 fourth recent mysterious murder in the case of Sa loonkeeper J. F. Hurst, whom some stranger killed with a couohng pio. Ancient Historical Document. A New Haven man is the owner of a valuable historical document, the dH-d for forty seres of land in Portland, which wns conveyed in 1733 to Rev. Moses Hartlett, for a consideration of ivi. This paper is intact. Pave whore It has been folded. At the conclusion are nClxed twenty seal of twenty In dians. The seals are of rod wax, and a coin was evidently used in stamping the seals, a? slight traces of a crown can le found in several of them. An other peculiar feature of the deed was the record ef the uppeararjce of each member of the band before a notary, public and nil on different dates, ex tending from Nov. 2 3703, to June IS, 1731. The rejection of the arbitration trea ty was a calamity. Even If a defeat, yet its friends should take heart, for it Is a principle too well grounded tc wither and pass away. We have woe every honor that war can bestow. We can blend the lilies of peace with the laurels of war. Not In humility, not Id deprecation, not as a nation whose palms have yet to be won, do we seek this heroic and virtuous consumma tion. Teace with arbitration would be a Mossing to mankind, a blessing and likewise a guerdon to the Amer'-cat people. s lit Ha pact.1 Radical Wing, in Secret Meeting, Propose Terms to the Insurgents. THE PROPOSITIONS DRAWN UP. All the Autonomists Kseept Galver, Monioro, Zayas and Delontc Agree to the Tcvr.n. Huvanna, ia. Key Yest, Fla., (Spe cial. Ihe radical wing of the Autono mist party, farmed of Senor3 Elizo Gi berj.a, Aauro Ambla- ""Leopolds Sola, Carlos Font, Miguel Gnor, Eduarda Dolz and others, assembled in secret meeting oa the 12th, to discuss the situation which is considered very serious, owing to the continuance of the insurrection despite the fact auton omy has been granted to Cuba. Senor Antonio Covin, Colonial Secretary of tho Interior, did not take part in tho deliberations, but sent his assent to trio resoiutmns adopted. It was resolved to open negotiations with the insur gents, in the belief that the revolution couid not be suppiessed by lorco ot aims. Anticipating tnat the insurgents woUid not accept the new terms, it was leso.ved that the colonial government would go pen negotiations thus saving the Madrid government from the re sponsibility. The following proposi tions will bo formally tendered to the insurejilts: 'Fn- ItiQ volunteers will be dissolved and a CiH'iia militia formed. Scoi.i 'Ihe lrjsutpeut colonels and gen eral will he rceogmzed. Third Cuba will be called upon to pay only ?i0.,0i y.OiiO out of tho 600.000,000 iu debtodueis uuo for both war-. roartb ma will pay c2,000,000 a year fortn crown l a-. liith Cuba will raaka her own treaties withnut iuttrference by the Madrid goveru-rut-iit. Sixth Spanish products will have only a 10 per cent margin of protection, over bilni lar products from other couutrie. Seventh No exiles or deportations will ba mad-, even In war time, to 8pain, Africa or to pe; aS E3(;ttluinents-l.sewhere. Euhth-Deaih sentences for rebellion shall be abolished. KiMk Martial law cannot be ordered by the captain general without the assent o"f both the Hou-o and Senate, if tbosu bodies ar la sessiou, or without the assent of a majority of the Cabinet if they are not in session. Tt-ijth-The archbishop cf Santiago de Cuba shall always be a native Cuban. Eleventh The actual insurgent party shall have three seats in the Hrtt cai.inent. Twelfth An armistice of fifteen days shall be granted for the discussion of the terms of pOrtCO. These terms are accepted by tho Autono mist party ia full With the exceptions of Benors Gaivez, M ntco, Zayas and Delonte. Two Centenarians Dead. A special to the Charlotte (N. C.) Observer from Elkin, says: Lewis Harris, tho centenarian, died at his home near Roaring Gap Hotel on the 11th. He was perhaps the oldest man in the State, he being 104 .years of age at the time of his death. When ho settled in this country this vast domain was all a wilderness. For the past three years he has been ia a state bordering on imbecility. He bad a mania for burning everything in sight, and his people had to keep a continual watch over him to keep him from burn ing up the house and furniture. Judith Martin, the oldest negro woman in the State, and perhaps iu the South, died at hed home near Ronda, Wilkes county, on the same day, aged 11") years. This is authetic. About two years ago this old negro cut her second set of teeth, and her eyesight, which had failed, returned to her. The Lord's Prayer Shut Out. Attorney-General Crow, of Missouri, has rendered his opinion in which he holds that it is a violation of the State law to have pupils recite the Lord's Prayer or for the teacher to rea l the j Bible as a part of the opening exuelses in 'he public schools of tho state. lie j holds that these exercises a e forms of religions worship, and hence aie foi- j bidden in a i ubhc school house during school hours. Arms tor Cuban Patriots. A large Cuban expedition, under command of Geu. Sanguilly, slipped away from Tampa, Fla., on the l-JAh. It 13 understood that o,0J rilies, C,yy' 1 ouuds of dynamite, i!O0,O0) rounds of cartridges ami a large lot of supplies, including seventy men, made up the cargo. Nomination Again Postponed. Washington special, 14th: At the request of both Senators Pritchard and Putier, the Senate committee on judi ciary today again postponed considera tiou of the nomination of Mr. Ewart to be judge of the Western district cf North Carolina. Awaiting Woodford's Report. While the personal incident of :r:ti cism of President McKinley in tho d Lome letter is considered closed but the statements as to Spain's duplieitj regarding the proposed commerci&i treaty and Cuban autonomy ray etill be the subject of alarm by our govern ment; on this point the administration i awu ting the full report promised by Minister vVcodford. Strike Seems Imminent. At Boston on the 13th, at a meeting of forty. live representatives of textile unions in New England, it was unani mously yoted to recommend that ah unions call out the operatives in every cotton mill ia New England. Ihe strikers at New Bedford, Mass., wishto fight it out alone. A His Whale Caught. Capt. Moore's whaling crew on Fhackleford Banks, near the bar, at Beaufort, N. C, killed the largest whale captured there in many years, measuring sixty feet long, jaw bone seven and a half feet long. Ihe whale will make sixty-five barrels of oil, and is estimated to be worth SI.SOO. Food for Alaska. The pteamship Oregon sailed from Portland, Ore., on the ISth for Dyea and Skagnay, Alaska, with 500 io engers and 1,209 tons of freight Proceeding of It th tho Senate and j llotiie D.y Dy Day. j THE SENATE. C5rn Pat. Purine the entire pea- ! f ion of the Senate, the Indian aprro- : pr.ation bill was under discusiou. J ihe reading of the bi l was comi-leted, and all if tL? committee's amendments j ii a minor character were attached to j the measure, lln. of Nebraska, e:i lit cued ihe t roi ccd;ngs a few minutes before ado-irninei:4. I y :r.:,king an at bckupou .- pei'ker Itch den. Wil liam Bor.th, of I ci.iion, England, founder ff the Salvation Army ohici ated lis chaplain at the opening session today. Mr. and Mis. "Booth 'Fucker, the son-in-law and uangutcw of General Booth, were in the galh ry daring the prayer. Previous to ti e meeting of the Senate the entire party held a brief recei lion in tlu, Yica-t'.i-'ident'i V'-.im. V.ii'.i Day. The Scnute passed the Indian appropriation bill, after beiug amende'! somewhat by Pettigrcw, i f South Dakota. The bill carries nearly S.O-MOa1. Allen, of Nebraska, intro duced a resolution directing the com- ; xnitteo on foreign relations to inquire whether tho yacht 1'uccaneer, owned ' by Wru. 1. Hearst, has been se;ze I and is being held py the Spanish gov ernment. The resolution wa3 agreed to. 4!Vrn Day. The Senate Foreign Re- I latious committee reported againpt placing Allen's Cuban beligereney amendment on the consular b.ll aa 1 recommended that it be laid upon the table Senator Allen spi ke on his ics oiution providing fcr the free coinage of silver without waiting for action bv any other country. Morgan culled up his resolution asking thatthe I'reident bo called upon for certain information . in rega' d to Cuba. It was pa-sed. ! 4Pit D.vr. Pettus, of Alabami, of fered and secured the pa-sugo of a i eso lution requesting the President, if not incompatible with tho public intere-t, to inform the Senafe what nctio i had been taken in relctence to the murder of Segundo N. Lopez, a citizen of the United State, on April 11th. li.'d, m Santiago del Yalla Marqucria'la, Cuba, hy armed soldiers of Spa n, commanded by Coiouel Estruch. Tho roso uton introduced by Harris, of Kansas, di recting the Attorney General to furnish tho .-cnate information, as to aa agree ment icached by the government with tho reorgaiiizaiiou committee of the Union Pacdic Railroad, concerning the Kansas branch, was passed. 4;iD I) at. A discussion upon coast defenses wa3 the interesting feature of tho Seuate. Many Senators took the ground that tho appropriations should be for tho fuii amount of the estimates by the War Department j instead of somo f-l,0GO,0 le-. ! On motion cf Pettns, tho appropriation ' fcr the construction of sea walls and embankments was mcrea -cd from $'), 000 to S-3-V'Ui1. An amendment, ofl'erod by Chandler, increasing tho amount appropriated for powder and projectiles for a reserve tupplj- for armament n i fortifications from S0j',;i8 to .'..'..m.OIS, was accepted. This completed th co l- eideratiou of the bill and it passed without division. THE HOUSE. 41o DaT. The House -was in a very bad temper, and the whole session was consume I in fiiibustei ing ag.ii ;st two bilis of minor importance,aud the othci1 to mako Rockj ort. Me., a subpa rt oi entry. Neither got fur. her than en grossment aed tlrrd reading. Pol; call followed roil call all day loug, arid i ar tisan feeling reached n high pitch. Fin ally, when it became evident that no llogress could be made with the bills presented, au adjournment was taken until Monday. 4!m Day. The house committee on foreign affairs reported and called up for or nsidera:ion the house re-o!ution calling upon the secretary of Mate for information as to Spain's dealings v. iih the starving Cuban , and also as to the progress of elTorts for the establishment of autonomy in Cuba. After n fliort debati the resolution was adopted. Another resolution was adopted culling for the correspondence relating to the exclusion of our fruits, be. f and h : ; c-s from Germany. Ihe remainder of the day was devoted to District cf Col urn b a business. 4 Tir Day. T:; tho TTcuse Updegrnn, of Ttjwa. I e; liblic .n. from the Ci.i.imit tre on jU'iio.f.vy. c. 1 cd n-. the lull to rmen 1 theav't of It:-1", relating to feo-, of United Si nfleors, so u t-i i r rsct some existing a'-uses. and it wa I assed. Mr. Coxe. of Tennessee, Dun from the rom:r.itte on bunking i n-i currency, called up the bdi to I o i'.-r control and to promote the t-a.v-y of national banks. The b II re-1 net-, t he borrowing bv president- at d other batik olh'eials. Their application' for loans must be filed in writing and npj na 1 by the directors. Loud, of California i Pep. ) from the committee on ;. oiTh es and post roads, called up the b 11 to make it lawful to transmit through the mails private festal cards -with a one cent stamp am'xed. The bill was parsed. 40iii Day. The debate on the bank rui'.cy Pill attracted little attention, the interet of the members being en-ti-ely absorbed by the disaster to the. Maine. Just before tho House adjotiri ed, Boti telle, chairman of the nava' committee, presented tie folloii.-' resolution, which wos uuanimor.-i v adopted: "Re-oived, That the flcnf of Rei resentatives hr learned w.tb profound sorrow of the f.rca' rulr.iu t which ha? caused the deMru-.-ti u oi th United tatc- l.Htt!csh:r Maine, the r. I ailing los-j cf mrre than ' live an ': the wounding if many other.- of t! gallant defenders oi ur Ca.', a-. 1 ti..; the Hons? express its sympathy :'.,: t:. injured arid i's Mr-cere omiol. :i with the '.".mines f th'-se v:. i lost tht r lives in the service o: the l;. tion. " Wlit!? progress In (iennany !s not so apparent a In other nation, where the sword and rifle are not o dominant factor", occasional incidents prove that the notion of political freedom is gain ing irround. With every strain to which It 1 subjected It 1j prolrable that the divinity which hedges Wil! Ian loses tome of Its power to save his throne from attack. This development of the democratic spirit In Germany i In accord with Its growth la other m tici&o. VTII't ?a, what tne "-irent Li Tlde'f 1-a It's what coxes after an ubdlaCszcizo Oswa fcAb-Am school INTERNATIONAL LES33' C0MINT5 ! I T.fifn Ttfxt: "Th Ttrrlr nt Tirtl... lit. X., M-l-' iMm ivt .t.if. x.. S-Cnmintrury r-, tlo la' f.riwn Wi-llloa by the tier. Jr. 1. M. Sleirn.'. t' .s ur iL.-.-: T ! r-r -p r.-ter. M'il An' !:' -. Himself tv." t tSon r. ; 1 .veto ay. i . v." ' ! i i s e i : rr Je: cit.o-! r.-. 1 i,' I-nv;:- Pi r V.Tl-,'yg.'.'.4, till Tr-.-ii-M g t :.-;;--! r.'t!.) ku;.loi.i, ani J-a'"'- vw-ry so-.-.. -. t a- I .very ararngt;.jvr,. '-a th - r.vtititules wa-- W-r ...s r.!':-e;i Wh.r.Uf ii vcp ',, j to-i-'iti I iin lr.'.:r; a-, t il i i ip, p., t ,.rav tU. L-r 1 of i : h-.r.vtl.-it H.-'w-.-ubllju": fcrt5. H-'Ci-rs r.j lbs 1 nrve.-t (.-har t -r Ir., T'i Z W'iicu v.- j r.iv tills prayer fro-a t:ie h-r.tt. It se-'rti to in; ! v a r i iiie?s oa enr r:n oc- i-lv-i if li -n- t:i- way, t...r ,t j:t . : i P-) t j pr.iy tnat Jiavtf t'i r-o; 1 of liU ehoos;n,' aa i rcnliuc foiia thf s.j tw.-lv. laj-'uk'j vi., 12, tv rea 1 ta.it ju-t b-for-ll-i CllOS; ttl tWClvo II went C-Ut into a ir..-iii!:. tain to pray, ant c - ntlaue I a'l night la ' rraverio Go I. I i Marl: iii.. u, we r. :i I J that Ha rialited th vi t'nt tu-v eaul.l t-j with Hiin.an l thai IM mig'it'unil th"::i ! forth to prr'iio'i tin lo iic.tl tb id; 5c. Xhn ! lat r.igiit lef.-rj Hi- craoi lxi -va Ho told j taem tnat Hi ha I ohcis.-a a-id f r lnine i I t'ae.a that th shell 1 Co ai d I -ring fotlU ' fruit, an 1 1 .!'. their ira.t l;o:l 1 a"tde. I 5, "i i , i tiv.-lvo Je.--.jss'.t forth, nn 1 ! loui nan to J t i i, scin , (i o not into t tie i way of th- ..-i:t I ianib.ioanychyof t K j Satnaritai t-nt-r v- r et. t ut go r.ither t. I th3 Ijit s'e'en el t i. hj.usi. of Isr.U-1." ' Ihii restrict -.1 o.n-n s-!:i wi l not he un- 1 drstDi t unS-'-s ens is fauuii.ir wita God" a ! ri ta oT Lb.-s-ii, for u'l liiaons, which is to bless I-i-.ioi i.r.-t nn I ti:ea nil ratioi.. thr-jugli Irai. Tl.i is tall v ref:iln I ia the proph 'ts, an H." will n t d.-part fro u it, for tho f:its a a I .-iiliiug of Go I r.re Without lrpi.iat:.-. . lio n. .i.,t: .. T.i i ) rs sa;.:-.' p -s--ig.s Is. !xif lsa. xxcii., C: lx.. 1-3, Li; Jir. iii., 17, 1 ; Z'eh. xiv., p., 17. Tli-.n-f ar t ,vo oiner J ra crs wulclt h j wOiihl d) well t o pray ;tl-Mi"g wita Math. lx.,S-. Ouo n la I , lii., 0, 7, nnt tl;e cth-r in IP;-,-, xxii , -j ). T.j riy t he-o tiir.-o frayers tr j w fi- hf.trt iaily will Lri'-q mh Vi'ry n iir to the heart of C;nri-t. Hisiri nit ms.i.in was t Isravl (.Math, xv., 21 ; hence tiis rcitrl .t-. I commi-si .i at tiiii ilairt to th.et.veiv.., tut l.ri.ig r-j-.ir-; J anJ MaciP;l by l-r.i 1 II after his rebarrc tio:i garo t U i worliAi-u eo;uuiijo!oa as in Jlntl:. sxi;!., li 7. "And as wa go, pr?';,i. saving. The kingloia of le-.i,vu i at hi-iJ." Tii n pra.ich&.l t iia li.ii.tNt, an I Josui IIirii-elf, Rnd tho 12. an 1 t!i3 7a, for in t'i person of thakmt m kincJo-'i was vi-rily aaorg them (J.u!;3 xvil., 21, innrein), "an I iia I they L'cen eo- io it to recuve a rrif-Pie-J aa t risen Messlali tho i.ing..lom would dovtnt le?s have bcra set up after His resurrec tion, hut seeing thHr dici'l-.I r.jectl 'n cf Ui'n, lie. b iforo His de ith, tol I tin n In a par thi-j t'nat t!io king.lo.n w-a po tpon?l i -1 il?s r.-Piru iro.n tlio lar coa utry (Luifl Xlv.. 11-15). 8. "Heal thcst:-, cleanse the lepers, raiso the dea l, cat cut il-ils; fri-eiy yo liav receive!, fioe'y pi.--?." r-nA one lots su geate ! t!iat veri -s 5 to 13 r f t ti i- cha; ti r Contain s: ?iul dirc.-tlOM f-.r the sp-.-efnl mls.-ion oTth" ny-o-t !.. at that tbn', vorvj 15 t ) -j J'i-j-tlj.is f r '"1 ministry in nil ag-'.-, n 1 verscn 21 to ii tho rvlc cf Christ in i's full-st "idwld t ns, call ing attei t ; on to tho la 1 1 hat th la-t vrr.-n In ca?h o. t':e-o e.tiui. ha-j Jiis '-'criiy, I inv iifto y.!'i." . P. 'Pi ovi I'? nit'rr goll nor silver n"vr Ira-1? in your f nr-'s' Jn I n. 1., 8, tl.A IJ'i-'stion i., "YiiO'n sTsall I sen 1 an 1 who Rill ro f. r usV If any iit't w ill go for Get the father, .Son nn-l Sf Irit on tiu-ir l.ui cess an wnoily lath iririi. r- :-K tio-y mfiy r!y upon PMl. iv., i:, l.tirg n a So tiuo to the. n, "ly Ci . 1 sh 'l sapply r.11 your ne4 a'?;orl'ng to lii-s ri.-V ia gi .- I.y C'hrisl Jf?u-." Or, as r. hn para.'hr.ie.? 1 1 r t ".Ma ';d th J I i - rvi ) thy tlclight, II-j il ai I've t hy w.i'.ts JIm e;irt." I ). ''Mor si 'rip r-t yen r jonrney, nith'T two "o-its, lo-it ;-r s'i-.". n"r t stuvn. for tin w jrKma-i i-i worthy of l'is inent." If we nrl'i" I.-ir i's rn-j;ng-r- on fi Lor-l'M I'ti'In -s. w: '::ivu ti-t ecu-ion to l.e anvi is n'oat f jo 1 rn'-twnt ft rr.oi.i-y, Lut disiit:ing!"d al fr ."; .vi 1 without fe'.r (ver-ps 2-h 2?, 31) follow wheru H i-a let!j In rpihtn"sg ,ii Pi ciol 1 ri:?, for tho sil ver and tho coi l m l tho cuttlo upon & tbou--r.n.l Pills are Ilia. 11. "And into whats ivr city or town ye shall nt r, in ;-nr who In it is worthy, bnltLiero ahilo till e g tii'-'n?"." Ti"fl pro;ri ts w-ro j 1 ibily tu jiht that not nil woul 1 r 'el v t :- ir : T - --i ," 1,-ir that 0:r o won 1 1 l.-it- th-.-- ' r it .'.r.-r. I.. 17. 10; VmU. 11., 6, 7; IM.. 7'. In lho s-'- n l section cf Cur res?n i a- :- r. a-; 1 in John xv., H-I10, we ar-3 tangl-t to f-x;.-; -t t.'io sun: t'dh!?, but we arc t ; ;. t '-it s-.ni' will w-l-co n" Ilin, a-. 1 - lis i-.r Hi- 'ace. Ho will -Sired on' ht-ps Pi thi- matter al.-'i, an 1 if son iav He -.v.t-.N "is to I.nvo f-1-low3'.i witli HI-. Ia 1.1. r- f iaai, lii. pra -! will ;; :. ' 12. 1. "A i I v ! y ; :i . it:t ian honr", tal.it.i it, nvi if !':"!', ;-e i e v. ,rl!.v i t your p a i.i--.:i l'p I' it If i: I n---1 wcrtt'V, 1-1 .r (;; r -t'ir.i to yon." Lv' ii lira d v.ii j. to fight o-alot a" city H!:ti: t.'.-.t c.t v i. i I .- .-1 t i -.r ctrs r-u" w..l h th--.- .. ! t jr-. -.iii'-i t it ( it I. XT.. Pi I.- -. J . rv ' I ir-. .-r l4 t e-'U-t ! i '' ii i" of t VrU: ' of iv.i -, u.i-l. he i.i it i i i - i.:rin, w i nro t . j r . ; n: -u ; .-. ia !! i il. i'i". Ii.. II.-. l-f. .--. r.g j i-a-" S.7 .!-; fiiri-t Is ( :ir v.-'--r' A -t- v.. :; f- r II (-at ma P, j oa - i.y tl." ,:.-,-. t of in, -r r:. I., 23;. ;1---" t arc t i --4 - :tj--t-r-" lfo-.v lea--tif :il .i rl th- '.: t cf t"i-:V Jict t'.er nr ir.inv who know r. -t th'.-se ihii--'Hath, v., P; Iii.. 7; ii-.. 11. "An l w:j-.;o-.er shall iict rci;Iv you n-r h'-eir yo-ir w:-r when ye :e ,art out cf that li'J-i-" r e.ty, SiiHi" Off the lu-tof v 0'ir f--r." Ijih t L" .'i- ''-tlei .li 1 (Acts xill.. 57; xvii'.. C. aa 1 do-j-itl-ni Go 1 vra g'.ori'le 1, n . Hf- nlwavs wi.l he If th ms-'t'-gr 1 fiit'i'-jl, w:.-t !"r in? v.oll hearer ftr: ---.r. Ti.e fa;ti.ful ni-f '-r.ir'rr is inCo G-l a w-t sav:r t,l Christ, whH'i'-r rr.-i .-:-.- -t net til Cor. il.. 35, 16 . T . ' r-eoifcr i i oo.nsihio for t V faith? Jl 'l-.iv- r f c? th? r.i -sag, i nt thi O-i" wliO s'-a Is i;ii.a U the oi-c wf.o will hi. tr-nito thfl way tiiJ r.-i i tf-atI. Vchs 40 snys t t a- th y tr-.it the T.or l'i n-e5eii.'---r o f.ry tr--iit the Icr 1 Hiu..scif (sioa!ol. ii I., 1C;. 15. "Vtriiy 1 -,y ur.to yoi. It haii i,-rr.cr-J t -I -ra i ? r th- laa I ..." S nail GoT.crra'i ia th" ju i f.:.-;:.t, fi.-.n for that t.ty." i' .:.' aring e !i:t-r xi., j ave'wo r'.t a rlu: to con-i;: ! tuat it t.ty lj ur- t'.i-rv- for tn- heathen w-'.'o cr-r Pearl or Carlat. tioin forthcl2 o-ca!il ChrNtlaa laud wLo haviLg harl l.v cot roc-iTi Hi.n. Leioa Iif I' r. lt Is a T;.-; '. .aI M 1--a-hus-tts tow n ct whh h 'u- of ti.e v "e.-,in ofTlciaN f-ta'c a ''iggi-Ml ve fact that the ag cregate values of thr plao, organ sewhig-ir.af-LIco. carpets and similar trtieht-s of luxury now ownM therein fcsce- 1 the whole valuation of the town as It was forty year ago. Ia 1S.'7 only c. fraction of tho so-called rich possess ed such luxuries. wLich In 1J7 are lound in KC7 :.ou'-ho!I so many tonc-'.te proof t!.it the ATi.erioan fetandird of life aud comfort tends con ttantly to In Dawon City, we are told, raea thinh nothing of spending SlXO a day for "fun." How much fun can they Sr-t there for that much coney? 0.B.&C.B.B. Souri fcrofina end Georgia R. R. 5 h.'-lule l- err.-c: Oct. 13, IS??. N rthV urd. i. C. a. ml.'..an 1. L-av- 7 t't a i n 57 n - 12 25 a: " !2f5r, " e:,ri 14'-i " SSflp: 2f5i: " .".S-ip: " 4 .'.ft j. : so r r.5-.p; ; 27 p S rriv-7 3J p t Arrive p m f 5 m 4 il J na 2 01 p r. 1 0 p m U 15 p m II f " a -n 1 1 5 a ;n p Hi iu . U') a n S 1 . .a m b i) a in k i 5 A m 7 Ou a oi .La: I . t a'.i.. V h ii. v ..! m ; ;.t i.-ii i. " r. -t " ty. mln-r.'or.ltin arien I.eav N'ortuounl. (ut. ,- Iviv. S.e.ithtxtuu-i. Li-avo C : p ta. . Fla -Sist'iiri... rrlr 7 25 a m Arrve7 03 p in . .UfTapyt L-hv C 6J n m Train noitu .f t'aniden rns da;'y exeept Sun iy. Trains P.'iv.i eu ( Lariet on and KlacTiH run-' a ::V. l or iii.iutr.aUon rn to ynw, Ciy.t Llaa S.'.iluig. etc.. eall ou h eol ciiitrav ting and traveling agents of Letb r..i t, r i: r. giuy. TrKttl i 1 i-'-a.-er L. A. nrF.RsOW S. It. LVMI'KIN. t. :.i.. c. a a. G-.'t r a-. .t.. 1.. K , t lnr.es- BlK'ksnurg.fJ. C. t. n, 8. C. Till! atAKKl.l'-v NFiw touk I'ni'fiiv i i rrtin. XfT Viiil;. - -I'll"..; ipiiet. Middlinjf nfhiud, i'.'; Mild.uur (lulf, t4. 1 utures clu-ed fieady. lYl'tuary .: ti r !' Ma. cU .". 0 05 . 5 OH A iii . I-; rt O'J May C, I i f. U'i dune (. 11 0M dnlv C 17 13 August i; -gt tilt) S". j'tenilicr 0 1 J 0 1 ( )eto'ter t 21 0 Hi November G 2 J C 17 Jic.-enilier January .... oTitrit cottov MiiiKitri. Charleston. Uottoa stertdy; middling r 5 Wilmington. ('otton lirm; mid dling .'ii'. Savannah. Cotton f.rm ; middling l. Noifolk. -(.'otton linn; middling .Mfcinphi. l t'ttuii lirin; middling. "i. Augusta. C ttou iirni;iiiiddling 1 raitiruore. Cotlon notninal; mid ling tl. cw Orleans Cotton easier; mid dling .v Culitiiihia Iarket quiet; cooolmld dling l. harlot te "Market tte?dy; Ood mid dling o i-i'; .-.., liAi.riM'ip." T'lt'iorcp; v.utKr.r. ra-iiniore. llonr duil; UVstcru f-npei tin .-.. S ' :;. 2 ; -x!ra -i : 4. nt; d fann y Shi ' 1 otH'-r w heat paleiitH M ; ',.i, 1 i; spring do .. lU:J i. .,; HpriU' wheat htia ghts 5:4.0.''', '). " ( ".'. V. heat 1'asier; j ot and month $6h 0' J (i ' ; May '.'dt' t '.'.:;' teani-r No. 2 rd : ; ;''. S; Southern wheut hy sun. pie '. i 1. 01 ; do on grade liO".i Si.'Oi. Corn Strong; not and month, Zh 31 3 ; .March ;44,.;il2: April ?.-t.vAy, Fteamcr uiixed ''J,-'ti::, Southern white corn ;U '.3"; do yellow WVy-i.'Ai. Oats -trong and hight-r; No. ii white Western oik y.) '; No. 2 mixed s.tjt'iao. NAVAL HTOKTta. New York -Turpentine dull at CI. Hosin steady at 14 ) '1.45. Charleston Tnrj entino firra at C'l Li'l. Iloiiti tiim; 'itiotatious un changed. Savannah. Turpentine firm at 8'M. Hiihin tiru; A, V, ' atid i 1.25; Hl.IW; F !.;!'i; O 1.1".; H I.o ; I l.';.5(l. 71), It 1.7; .M .-; N l.'.i"; window glass '2.i.o; wntt-r wlo.t "2 25. Wilmingh.n. - -Ki in firm at 1.2'.-'A 1.2"'. i in i Mine nothing doing; qno tat ons nr.'-hangi 1. Crudo t irpntine t.o'hiug lioiiig; ipiotatious unchanged. Tar lirm ut It". cT7v.' rr.r otr.. New Yoik-Cottuu Ht-1 oil firmer; fair l,':irk at the aHutice; prifnn ciu lf j; .rifi; ui..u.er yo.l(w 22; '' L' J; :T mincer jeliow 22; Imtter oil '2027. I.fht til" Su.)Jf-t. A f..-w days :i?o Hev. Ir. MIntyr delivered n lectf.te In a n--v theater ar Washington, Iow.n, "-''. ht I'li'.cago T'm-H-lIfrald. It wa a lin.- buHdlc. nd the company v hlch built cud oper-it'-d it also owned a private ilectrlc fl.mt avl.h h llshttil '.t. A lnrg audi ence was prc-'-nt. cud the !cttur-r tmd i.S subject v.c-ll !n hand. wl.-n sudden ly every light west out. The th'-at.r was pitch dark. A few words from the ;"3kr Ir .-tf-l n j-ri i.:. arid th'- httiro wu r1 stixM in th-- ''.r.rk. Jut at the climax 0! a fine p.-; r.ash'-d up a: :.' lii'o ills' tl: U- '::- r. M'nhlt.2 It. !L v. o.'ti .'ii."il:.. .'it lv v.-Lc:i tr..-1 1:2:.: i hu i i'-niy , t'.r ving xli" au ll--r I '..'--'iv '-rtlng . r ri - ;:.!:i".-s of . . r,. , ;.. (pwn t' v.-.- -v;,. : .'.ng u;) ni'-C- lnt:mipt-d b!:n. He was r.r ar.:. tL j roratlon and hop'-d to f.nl-l! it in tl.f di-k without farther i-terf -r'-:: :t "fatlcace," h ai !, "Is ab,!u-'iy rte-.-ary for uc- . ss la the daily affairs of life. Never Iom; your temir. It !. f"::h to dis play fcuch a we.'tks s " Just then the lights flashed up. Th rjieaker wa'.ktd to the wins, and shak ing his flit at a brawny Irtshruan who was tamperli with the v.lre. cried out Id a tone which could havp beui heard a block away: "Confound you. you Idlotl W!l you ever have sens enough to leave thoo wires alone''" That end'.d the lecture oa "I'atltnc. Car? a5 a political ymbol used to f.gt-Ify merely Kin? on the fence. Now they're gela Into ballot boxes they tuay further typify scratchtd tickets. 4 i

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