he Itteaacutfcr FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. LOCAL NEWS. We have had unusually warm days for March. The weather is becoming mild. Do not forget the prayer meetings. Don't forget the entertain ment next Monday evening for the benefit of the I'resby terian church. --The telephone exchange opens ;.: seven a. m. and closes at ten y, m. not in operation on Sun days. After the entertainment is f.ver in Martin' Hall on next Mon ,.!V niht delicious refreshment .. ill be served. -Kev. Win. II. White will :etch at Relfont academy on Crooked creek on Saturday night befoie the first Sunday of April. Mr. Mont Shirland and Miss Callie Davis were married on last Sabbath by Ksq- Monroe Reel at the latter gentlemen's home near Craig, this county. Within about a month, we are told, one of the two houses to be built on the lot Mr. J. M. Iiobbitt bought is to be begun. Later the other may be erected. One of the prettiest, daintiest fronts in town is the pink store front at McCall & Conley's. En (iniie within for other pretty colors in fabrics for spring wear. Do you want new and good spring millinery of any kind? If vi, then allow us to direct you to the establishment of one of our advertisers- Miss Sallie McDonald. Read her ads in this issue. Mr. K. L. Gaston has your m-eds and comforts, for only rea sonable profits, in his store. Read his advertisement of new spring joods and call on him. Messrs. Payne & Decker ship ped lumber to High Point this week. With ten furniture factories located there our sister town buys of us, and we are glad to sell her material. Mr. Ab. Rlanton has just returned from lialtimore and New York where he replenished his varied line of spring ami summer fabrics. Read the index of items in another column. On Saturday Mr. C. A. Bird was brought up before Commis sioner Haves for distilling, con cealing and retailing. After hear ing the witnesses, pro and con, the matter was taken under advise ment by the court. Now we have the telephone, how about water works? Several persons of much know ledge on the swbj'-ct have lately been heard to say tli at we should not much longer do without water works. Can we a:f ud to do without it? A. M. Sneed, living near Old l'lrt, was arrested on Monday v.i u riing by Deputies Ulalock and Gillespie for blockading whiskey, and. on sufficient evidence before C unmissioner Haves, was bound ever to the Federal C uit. Last Tuesday the zzd, the Vfinal equinox the days and rights became equal. To June .ist the days will increase in length over the nights, when to Sept. .'.-.I the days again decline to equal length with the nights, ..ft t r which, to March 221! again, the nights are the longer. Last week Mr. Merritt Burgin, f Luck creek, was cutting down a tier in the woods, when it lodged on a neighboring tree. In trying to dislodge it, a dead limb fell on his head, knocking him senseless for a time. He lay awhile alone, and when found and taken home was in much pain. The skull was injured. We are pleased to have received from Mr. .1. Michaux Corpening a most artistic invitation to be pres ent at the commencement exer cises on the 27th inst., of the 47th year of the medical department of the I'niversity of Nashville, Tenn Within a few days he will receive his diploma of doctor of medicine as having completed the full three years course. He will nrrive home within about a week. Mr. Claude Powers has open- id the subscription list for tickets for the lecture of Gov. Bob Tay lor, on " The Fiddle and the Bow.' He is trying to secure 200 sub scribers in Marion, and the adjoin ing towns will be called upon Liter. Let all who arc going noli t'v him at the Flemming. The . sice is lower than it ever has been. Tickets ;o cents each. The entertainment for the benefit of the Presbyterian church next Monday evening, March 2S, under the direction of Miss Hall, of Scratiton, Pa., and Miss Vosburg, of Wilkes-Barre. Pa., will be the finest event of the season. The programme as printed in another '-pace is very complete, both dra matically and musically. We hope that our friends may show the young ladies appreciation by giv :ng them a crowded house. As before mentioned, let us secure needed improvements and hey will help us to secure desira ble immigration. We have ever favored and will favor securing waterworks on long time bonds It can be done easily. Electric lights we are told, might be secured from the power furnished by the plant of the Payne & Decker Go 1 his is beine looked into. These with better roads and side streets would immensely aid our growth I'KKSO.N AL I'AllAU.M'll. Mrs. W. W. White left for Ashe ville Saturday to visit friends. Mrs. John Yancey, jr., is on a visit to her home in Lincolntoa. Mrs. J. G. Yancey is on a visit at the home of Mr. D. N. Lonon. Mr. Milton Bailey passed through town Monday on his way to Bakers ville. Mr. I. M. Bobbitt is cxnected soon from a business trip to Lynch- Durg, va. Mr. R. A. Hisrsrins. store keener and gauger, of Dysartsville, was in town Thursday. Mr. las. Gilkev came over from Asheville on the 20th for a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. Jas. Hemphill came up recently from the new Mooresville and Mocksville railroad. Attorneys E. J. Justice, New- land and J. L. C. Bird attended court at Morganton this week. Miss Sallie McDonald has eone to Knoxville on a business trip in interest of her millinery trade. Atty. W. T. Morgan returned a few days since from a business trip to Asheville and Columbus. Conductor W. H. Kelly of the Southern, whose home is at Old Fort, was flown this week on busi ness. Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar, jr., who was here on account of the illness of his father, has returned to Wilmington. Mrs. I). N. Lonon. who is at the famous John's Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, will remain a tew weeks for treatment. Mr. W. W. McConnel and wife, who recently came from Lenoir, have moved to the house just below Mr. Dysart's. Messrs. Willie Wilson, of Round Knob hotel. Allie Burgin and Jim Young, of Old Fort, came down on Monday to hear "His Excellency. Mr. lohn Ratliff left Saturday for Salisbury and Greensboro, on his way to Butte. Mont., to resume his position with the electric rail way. Mr. Geo. W. Sandlin. of Old Fort, who has been stationed at Hot Springs and Biltmore, is night operator here at the Southern, stopping at the r lemming. Mr. W. W. White has bought a lot from ex-Sheriff J. G. Neal, located between Mr. T. A. White's and the Presbyterian church lot, on which he expects to build a dwelling house. Dr. Guv S Kirbv arrived on Tuesday from New York. lie had gone to Richmond and New York to lectures on the best treatment of certain prevailing and difficult diseases. lie aims to keep up with the growing science ot med icine. Miss Lennie Greenlee arrived home on Saturday from Harris burg, Pa., where she has been for some months secretary lor tne McFarland Printing Co. She will remain home during the summer, cultivating flowers and bulbs for listant markets, returning next fall. Tin- T N iiImuh- Svtfii. On last Sat unlay the telephones of the system were connected and since then we have been bu.sy calling up "central" from dillVr nt parts of the town. Messrs. Kir by and Price deserve many thanks lr their perseverance. tatience and skill in giving us svstem as good as the bet in the country, it is said the " Imperial Phone o. 0" A clear, distinct whisper, by actual experiment, can be heard over the entire system. The management are very highly pleased with the result. Ihey de serve every encouragement 111 keeping it up. To obtain the most satisiaciorv service subscribers should talk in 1 clear, low, measured tone of . - . : 1 voice. The louder ami moie rapiu the words are spoken the more lifVicult it is to be heard. Marion an be congratulated in regard to its 'phone system. Another mark of our upward progress. Ui-Htlf liiK (Iniwtli, Wo h:ivc climbed up over the seven hundred notch in the num ber of .Mksskxukks that go out regularly from this ofhee each week. This speaks for itself as an advertising medium. By fall we want to pass the one thou-and notch. To this end we a-k our friends to aid us. Please give us the name of a friend ir. or out of the county who would like to take the paper. From now till J inuary 1. liiW nine months to new sub scribers, when pa:d 111 adxauee, (k cents. TO CI UK A COM IN ONK. I.VY . T:ikc I.a:itivc r.roin.i Juir.i?io Taints. All I'ru.ccists nl'uiul tlic rieiuv it it i'.uis ti. Cure 'JO cents. liENLTIT OF PRKSKYTKRIAN CHURCH. MOMUY. MAKC1I 2. 1 '.. P ROGRA M M E. I. OvKKTl'IiK. - - - W II. Cantata Quarrel Anions the Flou t rs. HI. Vocal Solo. IV. V. VI. VII. .h vL.Mt.i: Taiii.lai x. Om: Act Kuama or I.m;omau. Solo. Pkama Lady of Lyons. VIII. Tabllai-x. Doors oh-ii at 7:?.0 promptlv at S o'clock. Admission: Adult.-. " IIU rxrHlfiicy." Manor opera house was filled with eager spectators on Monday night to witness "His Fxeelleney," a comedy drama, in which Edwin A. Davis played to perfection the role of Baron Alvin St. George Sharlock. Cain Baily as Larry Mulligan, Jessie Atkinson as Ger trude Montgomery, and Miss Pearl Berrj.as Verriam Bell, also deserve special mention. Jesse Atkinson's spirit and vivacity were very attractive. The drama was interesting and exciting throughout, and each part well sustained by its actor. Marion seldom has the opportu nity to secure such a good perform ance. The audience was appreci ative, and, on the whole, all seemed well pleased. The tnnsic furnished by Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Morau was beauti ful, and the management of the hall was well conducted by Mr. Claude Powers. To IIM ii Ti fthr' Institute. The county commissioners have done a wise thing to appropriate 100 with which to hold a teachers' institute for McDowell county, and Supervisor Wood is arranging to have the institute the coming sum mer. He has written to the author ities of the State Normal School at Greensboro for one of their pro fessors who do institute work dur ing the summer. Efforts are being made to secure another institute teacher. The institute will likely be held in July, at which time steps will be taken to organize a teachers' association for the county. A plan is also being made looking toward the holding of a teachers' institute for the colored people. They request it. All this should receive encour agement, for it is needful in keep ing our public schools abreast of the times. 257Scrivens patent elastic seam drawers, the best in the world, for sale by A. Blantton fRemember the Millinery Opening at Miss Sallie McDonald's April 1st and 2d. A greater vari ety of pattern hats than ever be fore brought to Marion. "All the nobby things in hats Blantojs. at SETTING Every expectant mother has a trying crdeal to face. If she does not got ready for it, there is no telling what may happen. Child-birth is full of uncertainties if Naturo la not given proper assistance. A fl 4 fi FT vaouier s Is tho best help you can use at thi3 time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, It makes the advent easy and nearly pain leas. It relieves and prevents 'morning licknoss," relaxes tho overstrained mus cles, relievos the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-efFects. Mother's Friend is good for only one purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of danger and pain. One dollar rer bottle at all drug stores, or Bent by express on receipt ot price. Fufb Bnoss, containinc valuable informa tion (or women, will be 6ent to any addreea upon application to THE BRADFiCLD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, G. J. H. G ORMAN, !rn ( hi:i to W.iti -In tin kt t ;ml ( yptirinn A specialty niadeof the very finest watch tvpairingnnd adjusting. Spectacles scientifically fitted and a (it guaranteed. PCTII Kill ART KN(JUAVIN(ijsa Yniirs to lo;iso, J. II. GORMAN, Londinsj; Jowclrr. 'OKTH CAROLINA, Sitkriok Coi kt. Mc'.'invEL'. Co. Special riccciiiii. J..hn T. IViect J J"s, .... , J Summons Mrs. Jisha I ntt"n ami I Youth.' 1'atti'ti it al. IKKI-:XHAST. Yol'N'l I'ATTON". WlI.L T.1KE Kotio:: This is 3 special procrcdini: fir a partition of the 1. 11 whom lands in Mcl o .vt!l county in vh;ch voti claim sin interest, and you are rchv commanded to appear and answer or demur to the pitiiionot piainti:: now hied w clt rk's otVicc in Marion, said count v. on or lefore May !th, or relict j raved for will be granted. This March 24th. Signed bT order: It M. TRICK, C. S C inner p. in. Programme 15 cents: Children, It) Ix-oms cents. I Have ou seen the gieat bar gains in Trimmed Hats at Miss Salli McDonald's, at only 50 cents each. Real Estate Office.... Of McDonald, Dale & Co. in Martin build ing, i.oom 2so. 1, stairs. op I MINERAL and TIMBER LANDS A Sjvecialty. Corre spondence solicited. Respectfully, McDonald, Dale & Co., Mn. r I IMPROVED . . . NSURANCE FACILITIES The undersigned, J. G. Hall. representing the Northwestern Mutual Lite Insurance Co, the United States Casualty Co., and a number of leading Tire Insurance Companies, has associated with mmseii i)r. u. 1. White for the more thorough establishment and conduct of ftn up-to date insurance business. Ihe companies we rep resent are known of all men to be leaders in the insurance field. nether it be life, accident or tire rotection that is sought. We ropose to deserve the ii trounce of the eutire public in a general insurance business by briuging to their aid the business exneiience and personal activity of our senior, Mr. j. 1j. 11 all, aided by one or more of his sons, as may be neces- sarv, and the ofhee im mediately in charge of Dr. White will, we think, be abundant guarantee that Marion and surrounding commu nity will have such attention given to insurance in all its branches as will be the best guarantee that every iutercst will be safe in our hands. erv respectfullv. HALL & WHITE, WITH AT ANY rate, this is the and I have declared war HIGH PRICES and expect want to dress well, and I can I Quote You a Few Gentlemen's and boys' ready-made spring and summer cloth ing; ladies' spring and summer dress goods organdies, dimities, ducks, percales, spring flannels, etc., in newest de signs; soutache braid; gentlemen s and ladies' summer under wear; straw hats for men and boys; sailors for boys and girls; Standard Rotary sewing machines from $20 to $45 each; a large, lull stock of dry goods Yours for trade E. 1 Prices from FUXiXy J. RUSSELL & CO. l O K T A 15 L i: T K A C T I O N S T A T 1 O X A It Y I Catalogues lur nislied on ap plication. Estimates made on com pktc outfits, .iud ail i 11 for mation i-heer-lullv tarnished !v SAW MILUS! . . . Low Down Cyclone Separator . . . ...The Chattanooga Plow feeds .Cjw?7 V&rt Coin i.a 4lM eountv. 5 .... YOURS Marion :-: Hardware :-: Company, AGEXTS FOB CHATTANOOGA TlAtXV CO'S l'lOWS AMD CANE MILLS. ZDIRTCTQ-S ! IDIRTXGrSI JLi co nlk I IH1 cs sx cH IF Ihi ii s 2 T HAVE NO SECOND-HAND DRUGS to offer you, but JL have just returned from Baltimore, where I purchased a full and complete stock of Pure Drugs and Chemicals fresh from the manufactories, and which I propose to sell as Cheap or Cheaper than elsewhere. We all very much dislike to have to take medi cine, but when we do, is it not natural that all intelligent people prefer to buy their Drugs where they can get them Pure and Fresh. This is where I count on your trade. I can as fully and confidently commend to you my ine of Toilet Goods, Stationery, etc. Respectfully, DISOSWAY, THE DRUGGIST, OLD FORT, N. C, Oilers to his customers au absolutely correct stock of Drugs aud Patent Medi cines Fresh and Reliable Garden Seeds. Philadelphia Onion Setts. Skin Diseases. For the ppeedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continr.ed use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, pore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady's Condition Ton-tiers for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge . Price , 25 cents . SPAIN AFTER THE MAINE REPORT. main report of Spring Goods, on POOR VALUES and to win the battle. I know you suit you. Samples of My Stock : and groceries. and to please, GASTON. FOR SALE BY J. H. GORMAN The Best Bicycles In the World. $35.00 to $125.00. . GUARANTEED. H. GORMAN. ENGINES T. S. MORRISON Agent, Asheville, N. C. ANY SIZI'. SUITA UlAl FO It A Ij Ij KINDS OF WOICK rpo orpe to blow it. j'1 It is able low its own horn. (Iimrant-! to scour in any and all kinds of land. This Celebrated Plow, Cane Mills, Plow Points, Shears and Mould Boards found at tin Marion Hardware oinoanv's. who are atrents for McDowell Sec them and be convinced. TO PLEASE,.. .. sjiuiuniuiiiiitiruiiutiiiiiiiiiiiMtiitiuttiitiiiuiyutiiutitiuiiinmiiunniuuiii Big Values for Next Week. The Yankee Dollar Watch at 79 ctS ! The King Nickel Stem Wind at $1.79 The Elgin Key Wind, Open Face 275 S A Pair of Tip-Top Spectacles, worth 75 cts; 5 E a case with each pair, for 25ctS The above goods are warranted to give satisfac- S tion, and we mean it. 5 I JAS. B. SWINDELL, Jeweler. 1 FiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiii:riiiiiiiiuiuiniiiiniiniiuniiMiiiiiiiriI hi 1 in 1 111 11111111 11 1 iiiiiiimiiiiit imiiiiiiif 111 tt irmriiiiiim 1 1 1 1 11 utitiiiiiiiiiiiitrtrru 3 I DRESSES! 1 1 YOU WANT ONE? 5 Now is the time to buy Newest, Latest, I Up-to-Datcst I AT BLANTON'S, I Come in and inspect our stock. No trou- E ble to show goods. E Respectfully, I A. BLANTON, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothier. E E iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiJiinuiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiI 352 'LUST WL? O r TEN THOUSAND CUSTOMERS to exam ine our New and Complete Line of Fresh Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc. "The blood in spring time purify" 18 an old fia' ing. All doctors advise a blood medicine or tonic in tho spring. A little money invested in some of our fresh stock of medicines now will save you lots of suffering and a big doctor's bill. It is easier to stay in good health by taking a little medicine in time than to rebuild your whole system after letting it rundown. "Au ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure." We have just what you need. S. S. S , IJ. B. H., Mrs. Joe Person's Kemedy, Hood's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and the greatest of nerve tonics, Paine's Celery Compound, besides all other Standard Preparations necessary for a Complete Line. Call on us before buying. Respectfully, WHITE & YANCEY. If cpapt DO YOU. WANT TO DRESS WELL? Then see our new line of Fall and Winter Goods Tamis cloth for evening dresses, Irish dress linen, lawns plaids, silks for any purpose, calicoes, dotted swiss and trim- Imings; general line of Gentlemen s Negligee Shirts. I Also, Shoes (the Douglass Shoes), Hardware,- Farming i Implements, Harness Goods and Saddles, Lime and Cement, land Groceries. J. S. DYSART. Marion, N. C, Jan. 7, iSgS.-t f. Setting Out in Life! SSS JtSpEr F&ZZ- H tea S3 EVERYTHING NEW IN I SPRING PRESS GOOPS. lbJ IQ ell It GJou JlPay lnow It is Good and fot Soo fygfy. As troll a in the thick of the battle, U a tin? when a man khould be careful about mat and correct drtnr- First imnrtaiic - are half the vic'orr. wlio a situation, thtn the young nVar y aMire ia an evident-of tat, tbt judgment? Ycrnnf mtnw prosper should ordcf their. .Uveixosts from ill. dUKW All apes can Ja suited. 8t fit ijl workmanship are aarax3t",ti.rr worK's best looms supplyVj? niatenax. tuitMH The A pCOBCylCAL SOSirW U1SCTKS rATTISS' J fi&- rtor p? "V 4 W 1 J. Q.GIKLEY, lJcnU , Already marked.