LOYELL DIAMONDS " STAND THE TEST. Board of Experts So Decide. It- Una Sfemai c4 Gttt Slit &rrf tf ill Oslltara. T57or tv'tr o :na-;v zrnti of M ty: o? . t'-.r !'..r el; et f r .:bt tte-, f t v-i .- f..oi!to the e.-.:,l rtK- t.-i .1 the act la tarath;.: f v,i . srU-'i U ..3iy;oa tu '.fher r ; ' ; f-f '(,- n.nuf.ittt f tfl foi'r i'r.'. .V.; 'r.'ivi'.ttr as jn t5e Chifr., wio.'i c-Tr.ft ts fie'.r-UA until the asc'ijoj b. b 5 tTa & tt oa tbe E tl, -.: ta tnvjitiii'.!ati tc hj Jast Ot :!'. b; i3 X ,Ji-t4 la tit. ge.airY, i. c id-srvlffioa of the TVeatsin Ea-lcrr o? C.ra-Atzo, in )!kJyto ftf '. n:r. a . r'-iiB. 'ndhitt Tha 3r a! piod-tcLi? t:a b.-t Treatl aracsg Vcr tU.i fi, 'r ti M tftV.liii home 5.r:!v" . .1 Aj-.!-aCe.,i?S.4, Mats., Bimr!?i k4 a!rate4 XvU Ptaaaasi. Xiio I(LY;!fi'.lM -aa male ?5 V)vt:xf!, U'-s.;'pj? ;,y suAt.ter'.t ez toeta ta tisj- . az'-:tJis '.I rii, in4 fefM un.-: Vi tiilrtr-savsA ct tbe s-scttrueTlis, leujci t'.&r t:lu.,it Sis k 'x&tw ttUrtri-'oA fcjj.)frlc-3jt. V-i i Is iaaiiurw:iir!- tbt cuc-)i & ',(J.. aJ1" f . -Ji.r i.'jiil tts ttUlliT'-, rj.r.ii.',V?i !i tai? T lUi -vr: O ,.,- ! i-U:-"?.! Va- ; ;. c b .: . - r. (rci,,- SV- i1'-' V'.n-.sii v? 4 taasr.n fr.x. i. i.'. Lc-y; Ar.oa sj.aT fnfjt'aJrf.r JCtsr o! s.5?- !?r !;! $?1a aj -i'.-J-wa iJtcJ, Vfeji 6 fit !v.i.rU.- i L-.Mi iias..t:' t.y-.i ';.- r-i-jr. Tj. t-"-'''-- '-;( t. i t'-i : M-t :!.'?; i. :';. S uyja t.5 . Tif pa. -i ci ;.; is. Jj ia01 tt Ctrlbi j-iiiii r. l.-.--e:l Co. b out- ' Jlcit t-fc:Uj(, hut l)i.-,i.o-i(i;,- tb Ksja ; t 1?, r part .-: rcxy i-uohla tur'.Cjf I dbeli aar y.Mt tsu cvml uct4 at si 5 fftjtofy oi' t.i Juh.j ?. Lov-il t.'aa Co. st 6-jiita Pcnitu i, '.JaL- ;. 1 a tisily ' tif t Uj woill li I Tti! A.)-a,a i.'4si tftpy hiiff tlir KtorfA ii Ik.r.'os, NYiah'rs- ton lrt, Brot J t'.rest au I Hcwfc.jkujeits 1 l-caOu ut ;r.; (ft t?rii.f, ' pwi, iVai.to?!, Iw ;., i?aiv.4ikt, Xu I., I S'srilk;..! dit.l ).: -o4ir, Unijca Li?!rj ! faatj lu u;iy ery city a&J t-ivVa ' llirougLaui fjrt oouatrr. Tholr ur CAt4- tl0 Oil !;,'; . Jajrs i i c.:'.i attention to flt fct t?-i; a.!:- 'J'.Jr. '. thrzli Cl:!fii 3!dj tr-: - 115 A-f C - ' B Wi 3 V? K X.U t!'a hit sr-s!, wLiili 1ut Mts t;i nil ttt ta lh !pfi;.jlsr,h.i LS-r Trvit! Mlr uit ov. X trJ ft'jii rt&utiT u -.K t''--'.pl::.l with &rv ficiji' .-il : X tr'vl n5- (Mag fci?jrn. t- lU:n uc:dJ to fUi;' i . C .VJiiM, lii V, - Kill -ue vt;l!, li.tvp; a blight, rich color an J ilavor, w ilh good burntng- prupe; tie, if liberally supplied wiih a icifil'itr con ini:v; r,t kat 10)' actual 3 1 v. I.- v;- i ii 3 1 lu: quality of tcb-icco is h;i-' proved by j'orm of potash. ar 'IB How President McKinley Will Pro ceed When He Receives it. WILL BE SENT TO CONGRESS And a Copy Will He Lal'l Before tbe Spanish Ooverament-"V'ar Prepa rations Still Active. The latest news frora Washington eaya the rrocedure in connection with the fiuhniiasion of the rej-ort of 7Jaiue court of inquiry by the President to Congress 13 now clearly outlined, and a cabinet officer had explained tha general lice of action at present in tended to be pursued upon receipt of the report, which is eipectad to reach Washington on the 24th. A copy of it will be laid before the bpaniah govern ment very early, and as soon as can be eonsibteiitly done, the report will bs K-rt to Congress and made public at the tame tiniO. The report to Congress will be accompanied by a message from the President htatine that after receiving the report tne conclusions were laid be fore the Spanish government and ap propriate action from that quarter asK el. It is Btated positively that no pait of the report, and no intimation of the findings, lma reached the execu tive authoritien in Washington as yet. At the name tihie it is a noticeable fact that the curient of ohicial opinion 18 beginning to follow that of the un official opinion, expreseed so positively and persistently at Havana and Key West; that the cause of the explosion was external. Olliciais high in the administration Mate that while these were wholly without exact information aa to the hndings of the court of inquiry, they found themtelves char ing in tho apparently intangible con viction that the cause of the ex plosion as not accidental, Opinion expressed by the Maine survivors who reached here on the l'jth, doubtless ha9 contributed largely to this view iu oili cial circles, in this connection it is understood that ouo of the officers who arrived on that day stated, not as an opinion, but as his personal observa tion ou the night of the disaster, that there were two distinct explosions. The tendency of this is to support the the ory of external cause, as this is based on the idea that tho iirst external ex plosion was followed by a second inter nal explosion. Intense interest in the report was manifested on the Slat at the White House and at tho War, State and Navy jepartiuonts. The President received number of congressional leaders, among thsm being Speaker 1'eed and Ciianmod iiitt, ot the House committte on foreign ail'airs. The visit of Mr. Heed xiaiuraliy uitractod much atten tion, a he noidour leaves the congre-i-tioiiu; sphere to make calls on tho exec utive branch, and it was naturally in ferred that the purpose cf his vioit was to confer upon the Cubau situation and its future before Congress, though neither he nor .h. Iiitt was commu nicative. Secretary Long also had au extended cunterence with the Presi dent, but lo far at could bo learned it developed nothing additional relating to the Spanish question. Tho army and navy preparations are cojtimiiiig without interruption al though they have now become bo reg ular aid to lapse into routine oa a gigantic scale. Xo further purchases of warships up to this date have been concluded and the negotiations are not ansumiug a promising aspect, except in showing that the tinted States can command the market &3 against Spain. KI HKHKNCY CONTRACTS. The Navy Department IJiiys Supplies ol'l'orU, Heel", I' "lour, Etc. It has I ;cen announced on the pro duce exchange at Xew York, that tbe Navy Department had entered into emergency contracts fur 1,00'J half 1 airels oi pork and 1,000 half-barrels of talt beef. The.so contracts were in addition to the contracts for regular supplies for the Department, and the terms v. ere that the pork and beef fchould bo delivered at once. The chief supplies are salt pork. I aeon, lard, cod hsh, Hour and beans. Win. P. Craigin, of Armour .v Co., aid that the latest contract he knew of wus one made iast week to supply the N-aninb. with 1,000,000 pounds of bacon. The Naval Appropriation Hill. The llouso committee on naval af fairs have completed the naval appro priation bill, and it will be reported to the House right away. While the foot ings of ths various items were not com pleted when ih committee adjourned, the bill is roughly calculated as carry ing between i.ooo, OOO and $:?,Ot),oi) of which ;i,U0U, 000 will be expended oa this year's work on the three new bat-tl-sh:ps, six torpedo boats and six tor pedo boat destroyers. Tlmo of Inaugural Changed. The United States Senate committee on privileges ami elections hava au thorized a favorable report to an amend ment to the constitution introduced by Senator Hoar changing thetime of year fr tht expiration of the terms of the President, Yice-l'iesidect, Senators iid Hi ref-euij-.tives in Congress from March 4th until the iast Wednesday iu April, to take elYect m H0i. The ob ject is to avoid the harsh weather of March for the ceremonies. Tnconstltm ional. Tho M issouri State Supreme Court decided the inheritance tax law, enact ed for the bene tit of the State Universi ty unconstitutional. Mania for Murder. In ApporaHttox county, Virginia, Trcmett Marshall, eon of the la;e Doug lass Marshall, hhot aad instaatly killed his brother's wifo," Mrs. W. P. Mir. ehall. He than f.red at his brother, Douglass, wounding him in the arm and attempted to shoot his ether brother, the husband of the ladviiehad shot. 1'mmett used a double-barrelled gun and is demented. He was taken to jail at Appomattox and tried to commit sir'cide by ruuning his head against a ,nurp edge in a steel cell. Nittnes of tlie New Ships. Secretary Long has issuei an order that the Ara&zonas, the cruiser recently parctaeJ at Now Castle-Oa-Tyce, from the Brazilian government, here after shall bear the name of Xew Or leans, in honor of the principal city ci Louisiana. Tha cruiser Abronall h3 been renamed the Albany, in honor tf the capital of the Empire State. Kxports of Domestic Merchandise. The exports of domestic merchandise in February amounted to $93,312,074, a -gain over Februirv, 1SJ7, of about 515, -Lot'.O-J. Prayer of t!ie PedefVfan. Keep tne tbla day unlcrcieil, I prey. From v.-hecimca scorchms up ejid lovr& They cerer look nor car, not they. They bowl one o'er and r!l away, Ar.d who they ar there's r.or.e ctn eay. And yea with broken rib ajii crown. From rckle?s drirlcj, I tinjior, Guard rce this day. I fear th by Who drives for lone small, pstty tic re. (Each year their number cro-.7 the taorfc), I They dash a:jr.g with wild uproar ! And acc'ueuf-s fill them with joy. ! j Bet If It I crdalnpd that I j ilnat meet to-day with harp'u'.-j dire, I TLat 'spite of how I K'rlre and try, ! Iu ??ite oi care and warair.: cry, ; Jkiri ktruck, run o'er anl kc-rel&ta lit. Grant me the favcr I "eqaire. Ivt sne, wL"e yet I sigh asd ffrosn, li'it haTe it !ea?t the lack or cbane, j Thzt that which break my cciltr Lone, ' Re carriage boine rich shail own, ! Whoie name arid number will L kiowa, j Kre I sri hi ihs tub;: La-no. I I.t c be braised by call ten, i Street railroads are ths best to ece : Or some freat bretrer't wpgou Jirs : Pe what shall rasAt me tust s? t'sn I And leave iiie with the jury ecare i Kcars teu wita twelve jovd usa aad true, j Ssv I prey, caharmed tbl? day Ai I p forth where doDer 2ifj j But If with harm or hurt I vizat, j Let It be done, I pray, tttreat, i Ey thcee rcpor?it;!e complete i For damage? sxd cocin-u:!!! j ht. Louin Star. j Ctrsnco Thing fn'-uriii.ri.'x j Till la th age of thlnga paeuniitia. ! A BL Louie man km, inritl & mhlr i cloalc which can t-e tisn formed Into n ! ai?.ttr by blCTrinj It cp. Evwrythiig 1 bUywa cp nowaday. A pctent ha be-:a grajitJ for kinl of cap Thlc, talrr blown np, rcay be EmSs t serva & pillow t night or ti t life rr--6rver la case of ahijmrack. This U a r&crt converrlent tiling to travel with on th ocean. There is alio a life pro erver oorect. BoUcr thac any of therse, bOTveTtf, U peculiar buoyant f&btla i c-onsend by a fx-ermea. It U iatrwoTn !t -it tiy ured. toe. W cer.ta a boi m with the QUillfl of ZKZQ or Other bird i d' a n-i id- M cecta la oa o: , . . , . , , ataKpa from J. T. Shuptilii. flayancivh. Ga. ca2 Is lntccdexi for wc&rlnj tpiarel or j ' for Unlng-s. Bo iiffbt is It that a perwn J Tfl9 Uar. who shovels enow never en oa a Toy.ge, If dad in a suit or drs , croache on hi Ldghbor's prcnabes. cf. it, may be eure ot Costing la cso ci 6isxAtMr ar tr.'Mnv ft4tfl Dia't TRY to kn w!thi4 Bin PvibV.o Paking- Powder. At all Grosr9. B. K. li. P. Company. Rlcsiuond. Vtrjiaia. It it said that tha French eat snafni. and yewthfyare aocued of Hg fat. 1 1 jriUj-erraanently cured. No .t rS arroo- I sm afnf.r Itrt dy9 use of Or. K.'.5'e il ; is I fc;'roilc6torsr.$Jtritii5';tt!es.r-.lt.rft;fl'r.) j Vr il. h. Kuax, Lth. fcJIArch ar i'i'i., ?. " " , - i VoKet f.hould rera laiuof th.ii tax pT j aAdr a kks a!yfty d--wat 4 1- To tar a Cold in ); 0y. ! 7lt LfcXitive Hrom j Qulr.ia- TaKita. All Xr&i! glats refund ao2y It it f'id totiuro. XT Icowhundredii of Lfl-hc'.o vi:c iiSTi.r i epoi e a single oross word to their wi Chivr Stir Tobacco Tha Bri'.k Sledge Ciz&retU;. Ko aiattor how litti-i weuis-y lovt orjrtr?h-j bora we can ee do reason why tiu-y shcnlda't i havo kliidly Jeellag for us. j $-400 for jVcw Xara! Th Saizor Sd Co. want tuitafcle tRmes !or their 17 -lfich lcri; corn ar-i Wb'.t Ont 1 prodla. Yfa ca.i v.ia thU f 100 eaily. I . ataione te:;s an aoout i: Kt-o I potatooa i only 50 a barrel, Cek Taia Noticb i?r 10 C?.srs is 3iii:i3 j to Joha A. Baleor bed Co., La Cross-, Wis. , j tud get their great s?d catalogue Hud li i . r . . i ,.,. i, -:., n.. . t. ...... I 14W farm ssed samples, irisi'.idluic ah ,v ; )cra and oaU, positively worth 810.03 to jet a start, 8m 4 to-day, to-day,nir 1 A. c. 8 SBggfS-55SB555BIaggB5 In reply tonuineious private in quiries from its tremen dous clien- gj 5 t. age the 11 I" 1EW OF S h Commerce" 5? P4 -tbe seien tifle publica tion having the largest circulation g H in the west caused to be made a most thor- 11 fij y ougfi com B S pnrison be P f t wt'p n nil y the better y class of cy !l cles avail- Jii Cl olsln in nnmi p y market, g 3 As a re LS suit of tbe p g expert and p N the criti- Dictated by cal exami- nation of .37 H A n j : r r . W u 1 1 1 e r e 1 1 1 3 j makes, and H without any U prejudice, this publico- Liun uiiuei tatingly an nounces in favor of the Hi! LOVE L L U. TM TTAVTI overall co m- 0 Hi netitors. i8sl TTcman's Fate. From Z7i Record, Uu.nn, 7TZ. fTo wexaa ia better able to speak to otherj regarilag "fromaa'a late" thaa Mrs. Jacob Weafcr, ci Eushnell, 111., wlf of ex-City Xarsh&l Veavar. 8i tal enttrely r sovered from the tllaess vhish kept her beifa.3t each ot the tlae for nre or six years pa't. ad her rfJOTerv fa dn to that weii-ltnowa rexedy, Dr. Wlillau' Flak rills. Mrs. Weaver ! fifty-eix years old, aad 1:M llvel la Eahnli nearly thirty yean, the 1 o! unqutier.a;! veraelty aad H2 biemlsbed reputation. The story of her re ?3vrv la later5ting. 8he says: "I .suffrrei for 5ve or elx ysare with the trouble t'jat comes to wom?a at this time j c! iity ilf. I was inueh weakened, was uu j arie uoich of the tloie to do my own work, I aa-l sufTered bsvond my poer to doacrioe. i W53 cornneartei ana mJanehoir. "I mr,y diffsr'iit siedlcinss, in fact, I took -r.o ilatae ail ths tixe, but nothlcc sS'I t d? :n a".y goi 1. 'I ral a'iO'U Vi. Wlitlam' rink rills for rla Teoplo, aid soai of nv frleni9 r&comnien'jei them highly. I taaJe an my mma to trv tl;ec jk. r b. uivj it rar, pllie. "I hav raooamended the pills to taar-.y w"P:i Lo ara eaffrlna; as I u3crea. J Ley ara the only thing that helped ma ia tba trial that corasi tc so many women it icy e." Mae. J. fl. Wx av. iiulisribod and sworn to bofor ute tbl iSJ day of O-stcbcr, Jl. D. 1S?7. O. 0. Hioxs, XoUtry PYiio. VThir wotrisn is pawlafj byond tho aire of motherhood, It Is a or!s!s ia her life. Th?a: if ever, proper Mtsatlcn to hysleaa ft hot; Id bs exei?el. Tho attendant eurfer lr.? will disanprar aad buoyant health will iolbt? if Dr. Williams' Plat Tills are U3d. ThesK pili exert a powerful ianaeaoa In rc-fitjrlj the systacn to its proper eoadl tioa. 'i -ioy contain is a condensed form &11 tho elc-aoct? PO?csa;y to ive new life aud riohi&3 to ths blood. . r i. .- '""'"li A Viro ncil Vice. VhDttv and a r,rf,r'r rsrjird for th feitnjrjiof o:hri aaoli both urra yon to -t rid r.f ait itiSTHJilag aHin d!e'as. Vhetherlt fee a aimp vbrriIm. . i han or a. l)i:rn rr whffcnr It (a r. if'- c;ocf E'f ir.a, Totter or Ringworm. Iiia. l?:r:e aii asd Stoh txe.M j lb dlvc-rca ju.U;e, like the poor mark j men, maked ivci many miefit. wt bvs not boti without Fls aCure for CJon'-.nrflvr.ioii for 20 jtM-LiEssFasi:, Ci;--o St. Howard. V.T:s.. :,1hj 4, ib)i. , Ti wise yous? man always laegbs at the ancioiiijcke of his tr-llor. , J.t W ias!.,w'5SrH.tLln88yrup for7h:idra tio,a;li paiu,cara wiad coilo, atte. a oota. ' i It tb?aawho iaake-4 two b ades ot jtr. ::n.'; wntre oniv one crew na.oien o.m i'.1'' tcpiftt. v. liiit isiioalc be am oz AGwra 1 paper Afrtcsii LlmblCM Cotion Co. Row's Thia T A . Htndrai Dollars Reward fr anf 0( Oat-irrh that caaisot ba cored by Hall & ua-taira -ure. . , , F. J. CiiRMKr & Co., Toledo. O. I Ve, the un dcrsigriod, hav known F. J. Cha I rr rr. thn ifcfit 15 voarti. And bolleve him wcr- fotlr hnaoia'le ia fc'll Dusint-w tranevtiotiii ana (iiftneiaily s.bia to orry oat cay oblijf- tiou mie by veir nna. , . . . Waj.diko Kikxas A Ma PrvH'fts, Toledo, Ohio, IlftlVa Catarrh Cnre Is tek ilri..."tlr cor tho blood Ohio. , , takea internally, act- in? dirf.eUy upon t f5h , i:a-uily Piii- e dirftctlv upon tho blood and racoons eur- ! 058 of tho aystein. Testimoaiale fit fw. ; fe-oli by all Di-ugiklits. lis are t'aebtot. 66 I I &:i'S&?-V :f I bousht tee iirrt J-ftl-Y'fflox Jo" March, 1337, f&vi T teneateJ ; y h-iir cure.l me cora- --V0dty.. pleteiy, and I am If.' :'3Ql!jf trosjf. I have not S"--'-'--'&&rf$g'f been bothered with m-'SUtli rfiy troabl08 s5nc jKii33Z&n i bewan takinp the .OVELL '!DI Takes Precedence Ovet ftHrj'Ma f. LQtiU. CSSfiMrS4ut P:-t!tai. gum: Ceorg C. Carter, Prea. foton,' February 11, l?3V Tha f-estarn Review of CoTnrce, Chicato, III. Dsar sir: Yosr letter of February 7 rceied In reply will 5j that a war.;, to thank you for ease ar.d would alao say that thia Is th3 fr'rat tima v ever knew of a peper of your diss having th covrii to r.oro right out and atato a fact, ar.d want to aoy right hvr that, w dn' t ihlrlc ycu hava ciad? any rsia'.akc, for C-j iooij sill back ycu up in tha statement. "9 ore willing to f r-ie cr business reputation of over 57 ycara that the Lovoli Piancr.d la the best bicycle built, not only in thia country bat in &ny c Ju: a son aa yo-j inaue th papers with tMs article In, which j t-j :rsolicited and ur.incwn to us, and in your letter i 9 kind enough to say that itnould ba printed and that yo J asked r.c advj tissccnt, gifts cr anything of the kind, a should be pleased to have ycu send u a few copies by cail. Again thanking you fcr your kir.J letter a.-.d alavs wishing yo-j the very best of euccees. s resaln Ycurs ? ispectfuliy, 2. S. U 7 p. BOSTON STORES: fj d 147 Washington Street. 131 Broad Street. 121 MassaciiusetLs Avenue. C. cor Gatalcgoe "Famous Diamonds of the World" of our nsarest OofwUFea ihi Lalrf. ... In Cia ftbsesc of a fiunily, aj 5?aro ilonients, ti prirate prouihle of a certain Scottish lord were ofteo used by th native of tha two nedirhborlnj rlliagea, as thereby a tatrlas of fully a mile waa feiTeOsi OccaaionAily, too, when hia lonJahfp waa ai home, atbMapa were made to "run the UoclauK" whenever any tr-poiJrr waa caujht bj hla lordship be had to obey the comnixnd to MfO back th way he tad come." . A lyxl Lawker, when cautiously whUrg Lis barrow along the forbid !en path os day, hapi'ued to ee Ms lordship before the litter saw him, and coolly turning tie barrow round sftt cawa with his beck to tha dreadd Klrd, who, coming up, ;av nlm a Be rer rrprlmaad ervl thea c-rIem3 him to whel about end go back fc7 road by which he tad come." The wry hawker did as he wa bid den, thereby turning hla btrrow ia tin Clrectlon in which he wiehed to go, csd to effectually urwit-tJi-jr th unsu trading lahrd. 1-rj clrsynii who, a frw Dun Jay a ego, whipped out a cbeee knife frora behind hla pulpit and brandlshtd It be fore hid throat, and another who during tie sermon weighted a balloon with a whisky bottl. may haT convinced their cosfre-gatioji that drink la both uicidal and deb&t.ing, but they accrn to have forgotten tho nil of rhetoric that such simile burletqus both the rubject and the object. Eccentria and -yellow" method, whether Sa aph, or Jounial laci, or eocial life, m.y enforce atten tion arid excite comment, but are mere tricious in character and of doubtful utility. ni r ATTENT I08ITIVEL III GE1II S or inn cele.di:ate3 JACKSON AFRICAN .:. .:. LIMBLESS COTTON IS OKT.TD BY THIS COMPANY. PLANTERS ARE WARNED NOT to purchase of othtra offering ttt A cUlmlnj It to be ol thfa wandarfully proI!Ue variety, as ni reed not fa our pcssloa, or eolJ without our trade mark, ks resrlateied In U. S. PatenJ GVict. ess tt sutUfaiii-ted as put 6 aid geauiss. Trade liri ter cc? t-ml Clisrto Ccttsn Planters. AGENTS 17ANTEU. JACKSON AFRICAN .:. .:. LIMBLESS COTTOil CO , 9 1-2 Peachtreo St., Atlanta, Ga. All -j4 1 -"ti. 1 acbikiMakr ' I'.r .51 1 a i OHO. C. CARTCT. r F. ERAOULRV. Tr C & FOOTS. S'r. Ma Arms BOSTON, flASS., U. Agents wanted in every city and town. !f none in yours, write let lie fndnvr A Xew Swindling Sobemaw T tvew rillaia pose as an author. He write to the typewriter, saying that he haa a great deal of manuscript to b copied, but It ia of Incalculable value, and he require a deposit of $3 eecurtty for lta gaiety before It can be forwarded. Once tbe truaUng young wman baa forwarded tbe deposit, tha fxTiPondence with the author end. Bobby' View. q doat want to quarrel, mamma. Bus It's thia way ion t you I can't asree with eieter. And she won't aTee with roe.' J Beware of rI II 1M! g N ever fire l remedy containing; piam to your children. Refuse to accept itreaj.po'tonoae IVldkitseatnatareBOt Al"5tienaineatina;butdaBferoBa. i NoRIA!S5 NcitrelUloe Cordial SaveacBUdtea from premature death. ( 2 O frrlae health and a new Icaae 5 J sjf life te swwbare of aufferera. a S n v t loy cheeka. food appet'te, restored iJifrestioa, are results of lta use. X ti tbe sovere'.i-a remedy for All affections of tbe stooaach ad f. 59 Lower bowels. Absolutely curea V DYSPEPSIA. v t; and 50c. at druffgiata and dealers. ? Tlf.E NORMAN CORDIAL CO., Prop's, g I KOREAN'S INDIAN WORM PELLETS 9 RtBote Worms. The Best Liver Pills, g g 10 and jjc. CMAtLKIIOIC, B. V. aa .,n, . FOR 14 CtKiTS g WawUatocaialM.iXM atw aus- 4 lirattoatl wft isadrka Utlna. lie r tcbi Olant Uainm, la . ruiiaat iawsr &!, Ho ir YTevta $l.tt, far 14 eaata. c Ahovalt pka-a. worth fl TO, wa frill nail yoa fr, tethr with er o tit titia. rsfatisiatsi. aiBbl.Cataissalaaata. No.aoI ft J QU99Q99999Q9 9G9Q933t 3EHD FOR & BICYCLE Illeh (trade ' Hwala, 14 te !. OnSAT CLSAK1NC3ALB af t7 and tt 'fjjf j rnadala, beet "ia, aa.Tk U tli. W an er wVaal te eur ayrata. writ for oar :! "Bow to Sara a. TJJoyoU" aaa trk KJi)r tr raadvU i atle-Virfcevwornl, eie.u ' book ef art, . iur auup whUe tity lur. i IX. F. MBAD C YCIX CO.Ul'ANY, Cbtcase. ill I ! 2: trSV5?i ir.tpj feiS l w Biroi OoeBmh.r. lOo hf.i?li!.2 I " 0mi Vttori Lite. Ioj a 5; I:S'J I 2 ! ! AMOND" Other Wheels. .tLSTA8U5MED M Cditorial Department. WESTERN REVIEW of COMMERCE . Bradbury Publishing G).; iarwe 22J-223 DEARBORN STREET. Chicago, Feb. 15th,. 1838. Jo?m P. . teell"ArBe C.. Boston, UatVj Cantlexn Your eateesed favor of the 11th IrBtto.andlarjd'conter.te rioted. thank you for yor kind worda of appreciation. We can Jost what e say, that for careful and scientific construe--lion and raal practical value the Lovell Diaaond ia undoubtedly the beat wheel cade. In our investigation we exaained 37 leading nakes, end we were satisfied after oost thorough teats that ae ware jus ti f icd In giving the Pala to the . 'Diamond." Consider ing we ware not influenced In any way by financial con siderations, not even in the form of advertising patronage, you c&y reet ensured that the decision was unprejudiced. withln.g you.eucceaa In the cosing aeaaon, we are Yours. ver jr. truly. Co., M'fr's. S. A. fef? Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pavvtucket, R. I. Bangor, Me. Portland, Me. agent or sent by us on application.. $i.oa Fca your raoicenir i t'Ul'USITION 1 6QTJAW VINE Wl3rEcr.nTI-Ic.T Write n 1ft How i0n K T told br. Simmaae EqiuVvil .,T at ttata IMaeasca It cured Mr? ;v-. ti those It cured. 4th bta'e tu' d between iw atrensta c--raf. strength end artiSa f vcn i0,? ttj Cardul. On receipt of cently taken H.otorraP, if, cI'r 5 1.00 Bottle Sqcew Vln's ffBe (FatJ'Wl FROrosiTIOX 3 VER MEDICINE CrnTIF,c4T(, VTrlte ua 1st i:,.w Ioec ,&. va. uaed or sou Dr. ,v. t . . Clue. Snd StatftDUjwea H t",'r. i'' euce betrreoc iu .rs: l-'., '.", l-6 l.f. tbe str?!cth e:,u ectivi rf i ,.'c!1 M :gx Vriki i- Vo.-t 'l-.a-v i;.r ('- K CO, oocjra Vrii cine. E4-18 fr-ui iha fuiiyac;cci tho liulbs liulbs of the ii..v ,7;; fJC0;: js by our spcret i. .m.c:"s tit-f 'Jt; Hcibs thrown ov.cv, casaot tct e.-'t:,Vj rema. i ne r;:vcri t f t Oa June in-r -.V.;,-et.' 8 of "Dr. Simaoi y Llv.r ;,- ; r.,UtL' taj, Zeliia 8cua;vor tovor ! ". ,v Oiao wae f!clsned r.s .-' - "",'. fc! cine fer tbe r.egioei t f i .m,". a r- 'is. ley." n d 1 i ! a in - r t . r . . . ; " fr: c. elating tbetr arilolewjth'our ! m V' Dons' I.lvc-r liediein v. hich bVrt,'it.' I bore his 1 1ctr.ro Unco l v ca 1 1 On rcr!pt nf 1er:-r ec!of!? , n. taken Pbolo.-rr.rh we v.Ci n-;' -nU . ,! Fackage Liver f-iik-iju ; -r' 1 C, KlL'I'j.Ni Ml.n. c? , Interrptlna; THoiicrn Hnn An American who bn recectiy r'fiv ed the ancient desert l t'itj of Via Mexico, eaye the liovemur'a raise the most lnt.cret.tinj; ruin la Ai.,-;; It rl6ea on a bread triple terras. t;J embraces const vna o.urf rvv.3 c mlfcThty pillars, &:A lonx btrettLes f empty balls. Op of tL? ryraElcj u eurmouctcd by sv tcmi h and rnvtlier'j BOO feet Lme, 200 f.-ot wide a id 7u fec tb'jh, with t platform lb f wt S'-jnare oa top. The wliole city Is pr"aouuvvl a 'maJda-tlc picture of dttoLa:iou. 03RtJf?rJL.-3 I huk. aMkortt.iaa. vtap bo.-d b J I BflEN A? OEH WAKTEl 813 T TitAVf-Ti f.T i.Sdff'aMi.aal.etiilJ ;ii3. i'.W ..Li.l.i.11 it CO , i..s lciil tt .ru udi nTTC rn?sf,r:noi 'i w,r U3LLEBE, cnBicT.K.c M j Ko Vai-fcil'-a ?..iUoDifJii raa(fl-CuinrMrw TTT" II AT JJOI TAVtOK," ' ' i)V. OK TKNN., R.lt 'arb!o ntj- J,ru .. Kiinzrllla, TL!i. rf .Ji:t ante, v. !1! tay t.'iut I lul r cilvt trtJ leiit-utiji iroin lr. t rum. Ci uxa dr.. to'. older tt ti: l-es-t rCLutlr for counts n coMa 1 have ettr uacd. Voura tr-uf. K :Bht L. l ii.nj. For sala by a'l lj-.;irsleti6tiVj., or tt LJ:i, B N. U. Ko. 12. "81. close sri'l ' l iti ral atffM'ion to tli rluirr.' ff a'i the l.':a'iiri rnaka 'f ry clf? 01 f..im' in tli'-;.- cata lftic.a, nn l a? j-. resptitr"! h agents ar:d in trestP'l men. A ?n re sult r.f tJ'or ou?!i al f ra1' ticH1. tp-f and examination", the uriar.irnus ver'li't --f r,1ir experts was in f;tvnr of the facturd by the John P. L-'r' ell Ana? vaa ha?"! UP" on neral asi Bycirnetric! excellence lS everv part of a bicycle, rjed with cr rect and scien tific desi" Sterna of Her.-s, and huva io'V A'""'' cent i5t pad, aad t'.-.-'-i , . lt' -'l over lOcentsif oi?-i-n-, ,',. r l ,"'fi: nroa. whie Ur. M. a. Si i ". rn - -'-i- .l Ill .- all th4 Livor Mrdici:,?t).ey 7 ,!"4 the same funnula." V. r-v ';'-c fT evidence roul.l thtio ttl ri;l'' i ! 7"' Again, tne i!ira ttvv, iv,.: . Zellin case et KtvJiTj'le.T.-ra 1 old troprietere of t: s rr" rfj! Black brU.Ut" froiu Vcri--V . ' f '1 by utlD th woius r !;:t-- 1 name, and "IVact 1 )r- w! t:i t till sflf r lfr;y-'t thov f.-.:.v ,1 tt waaeataMUbed in i j l ', v "V" ' by allowtn? lh'Tcuu-xvmvsr': ' repwBvnt It as taeniae hso ireen-', ' ' ' ' cle, they rItIp oior c f tr;h t0U-' ' copfloi: by pu?l'h'in thi y.c.a:, r,f .' i .' M r.'Pii.!in) r,t.'iry B L tie J M r e m a 1 k the g, " Vw:vrri:Nl!F.- n vinv F ('M- H J3 MLri'K sny in 1 23th, I SI': ji Ijetml A4ic Km to M Ef H attbcrlkcr(ral tttii?. , MM "r)ur rrprc- fjj g Ff -ntativps liavc A A laiaT?gaiSrga:?a " ' - - - 5