(the litcaocntfct l KIbAV, Al'KIL 15, 1898. LOCAL NEWS. Some younj people partici pated in a dance in Martin's Hall, Monday night. The colored people had a game of liascball among themselves near t ;.e ( ) K. & C. depot on Monday. .1 - t . J -iv. irise nmn 01 wars ana rs of wars, keep up with all) news, properly culled and ;.r '. ir: th weekly visits of :' V i ! :. oi.;.. -'!' !-,t:! er. roll merit at the . nil it itc thus far during1 ' ar is -7. The school . . . ,1: lay ,v. last Friday it , .:, i'l id-lV. -': a i"'. i kifl to welcome to ;.; c aain the J Mack Mountain j , ... of !'uirisvil!f, which has ;;:::-'! : u ! I : ca I ioi). It is a good, . . newsy weekly. I).. yo'i want a hammock, a (:..fj'i:t set, r garden tools, or ' .inng ia the hardware line ? If o, r-ad the m w a 1 of the Marion Hardware Company. Lawyer J. L C. Pird has i,wjlit a lot ne.ir the Episcopal fiiurch, on which he is having j.'nher placed for the erection of a residence for himself. A Ilaplist Sunday school has (o n organized in the new Clear (".-':k cnurch, near Mr. Sewall !;:.w:j's, with Mr. Newton liuch ; !!.n as superintendent. A teh-gram has been received !.--:e from St. Louis stating that ( .ij.r tin J. C. Duncan would go at '...: to the (iulf of Mexico in con 1 . - 1 . ; i ' r 1 with the war service. St-ven hundred and twenty ( a week, and growing, speaks f Tin, M 1 --.-i no i.K as an adver tising medium to those who know .-; yood thing "when they meet it ;.i the road," as well as through t :ic mails. It is reported that the Sabbath school at View Hill, about a mile west of Greenlee, is doing well under the faithful direction, main lv.of some lady members. What would be the result in most of the churches if it were not for the faithful women? liefore you place your orders fwi any kind of stationery or job v. nk let us shmv you our styles 01 work, material, and our prices. Wu v. ill iet what you order, List ( !as work, at prices as reas onable as any printing establish raent in the country. Mr. K. V. I5ro.vn,of the north tin end of North Cove, sustained a severe h.sson last Sabbath night. It is supposed that an incendiary S'lki. krist and tlouring mill on tit e, bui uing up about 5,000 pounds (.: rhuir, a lot of grain and all the :..a, h:nery with the building, being a t'-tal loss. There was no insur a. the loss being near 5,000. ii v. ouid be a good idea for t.. (' ; : 1 1 y Commissioners to 1 k the public road for about 1. :..!.! cast -f Old Fort, where r : d runs just by the side of t !'.!; ad, beginning at the ' : 1 ,,t the (i"lay vineyard t . km a. : plat ter ot a mile west ' : M:.J. !'.. Fiurgin's. There would he m n safety to travelers if this ! nr. i ca.si. -nallv we send out sain ; ' 1 ; ;es. It they are not wanted ; '-a-- lei, postmasters know it at 1 : a in older that they may ; : : ; !!y n .rify us on cards pro '. .ded hv the (lovernmeHt for that .nip,..,-. When this is done we ' p "die japer, for we desire to go ii v where we are wanted. If the ; 'i; : is not ordered stopped d :: i-ct iy, or through the postmaster, ' e suppose it is to be continued. We are told that the amount ne. essaiy to construct a telephone t 1 1 ktker sville, 8500, has been ' 'd'M t died, and it is only a cpies we tr.ist, a short time when " " 1 .0; call up our appreciated : '-:g:.!'- 1, sav "good morning" and . ve.uui ,lSk for information. It : that 'phones will probably ...,-ed in Turkey Cove, Mica, e lhne. Ledger and perhaps ' j i.ices before reaching lak Why not connect at . Pino tot 1 !u rnsville, Yancey '! '.' V, 1 l ' ...' ; .v. 1 ; Si ' .';;. 7, the organ " - e .'r. O. V. A. M. of North ; .-.a a. came to our desk this ''( idie publisher is Mr. H. S. ;'-k: -, Morganton, N. C. As :' v: ' t he expected from his expe ' e ..i.d. '.act in the printing and ' !.:ug business, the paper is ' -'en .an in the best of style of 'v vi'.aracter. The printing is -tt good material. It is a ' :' 'v- nth'y of four pages, three ' ' damns each, it richly de v,;; 'es the s'ap p at t of the noble order ' : vh :t :s the beacon light. -V.die:; a. town is growing a l'-v ca ::s:d-r.ible aid to it are otii a': in ciiarge of its affairs who c :u ad.dition to being impartial ":- t!.-.i:auigh in matters of admin ' ciaai, imbued with the same 'I "f progress as the people of ::e place wide awake, enterpris pds da e;s who know what to do, '' ,v ' 1 d. a it, ami take time to do '' : '-s fwr the best interests and '(..tare af the community. Men s:- d bo selected in harmony the progressive element. We ' 'he proper material and the 1 l-"r-" should be wisely made. i'"inii i- r.iixui i-t-i. t'u ati a clt an skin. Xolicautv 1 : ,;:irct oniiiy I'alliartic clean ki-ti. it etc a a l.y stirring up c - i :ri iti.c all impurities lr m i i ti-lay 1 1 1 a nili j im j iles, ': i.laekln-a'tls, and that sickly "'ii Iiy takii: cascarcts c uts. All ilrujji.-.ts, satit'ac c !. 1 ic -'."c, Dec i 1 Dr. Morphew has just received a new soda fountain for his drug store. The spring and summer, as well as the early fall, is the time to build houses. Temperature for the week: Maximum, 75; minimum, 28; aver age5i; rainfall, 36; sunshine, 5?. Some of the Catawba Furni ture Company's odd dressers and chiffoniers have just been shipped to South Africa. Reasonable and seasonable changes of ads will be made for our regular advertisers vitn no extra cost to them. Don't let an ad grow stale. Our Old Fort readers are especially directed to an advertise ment in this issue from Miss Sallie McDjnald in regard to the time of displaying a stock of millinery goods in that town. Elsewhere Chairman I'. Ii. Price calls the Democratic Cjiinty Convention for May 14th. Fri manes are to be nelu in every township, Saturday, May 7th. Uear in mind the days and dates. In another column appears a notice from Messrs. M. G. Fender grass and J.(x. Yancey, jr., calling a mass convention of the Fopulists of McDowell county on the first Monday of May in the court house. Dr G. F. Reid and wife had a narrow escape from cieath a few days ago. They were crossing the railroad near Greenlee's siding in a buggy, near the mouth of a curved cut, when the horse fright ened at a freight train and started up the cut, meeting the train and throwing them against the bank. They sustained some bruises and the buggy was somewhat dam aged. State Superintendent Mebane sends out a circular giving the law that it is a violation for any public school ofiicer or teacher in any way, directly or indirectly, to act as an agent for any concern to sell supplies to the public schools, such as books, charts, maps, etc. By the way, in the midst of war news, we stop to say that Sup:. Mebane is one State official who is compe tent and trying to do his duty. "Honor to whom honor is due." SymsN of Siiiiday'rt S-i !inin. Pkkshy i F.ki an Church Subject, "The Resurrection is a Central Truth of the Flan of Salvation." (1) Because it fulfills all Old Tes tament claims as to Divine power to raise the dead. (2) Hence, Moving our Savior divine; the one true religion as supernatural. This is shown by examples: That of Jairus' daughter, son of the widow of Nain; Lazarus and Christ him self raised by Divine power, the most completely attested fact of all past history, which Christians believe. Main result Man is completely redeemed, body and soul, the two being united on the main resur recticm; man is raised as spiritual ized man and not otherwise; hence we will "Know each, other there as we are known" by the character of the sameness of that resurrected, spiritualized body with our pres cut forms. TO (i lU. A CO! I IN ONi: I.Y Ta!c I.axa.ivc I'.roinu (Juiuiia; Tahlcts. All I i 11 l; i s t s 11 lund the money it it taiU to Cure i. cell Is. Iliumr i: ll at .Marion Institute. The following is the honor roll at the Marion institute for March. 90 on recitation and no demerits: Harvey Greenlee, Genie Kirby, Sallie Finlev, Libert Nichols, Wil lie Proctor, Leon Neal, Julia Chase, Ada Chase, Jessie Ratliffe, Horton Pushee, Lima Carson, Maud Laves, Merrit Laves, Plato Laves, Ad Gilkev, Horace McCall, Arthur McCall, Frank lones, Mollie Dy- sart, Josie Dysart, Wright Guy, Lmmette Guy, Joe Gruber, Kate Finley, Mary McDonald, Lottie Miller, Carson Sinclair, Agnes White, Maud Greenlee, Mabel Greenlee. Genie Carter, Willie Pol- 1 lard, Leta Halliburton, Myrtle Halliburton, Seagle Halliburton, Fanny Crawford, Alice Proctor, Sam Proctor, Hen Poteat, Lssie Morgan, Kate Hyams, Freda Hy ams, Maggie Hyams, Lucile Blan ton, Annie Laura Llanton. Two Millions a Year. When people huy. try. ami buv ajinm. it means they're satisfied. The people of the I'ntte.l Staus a:e now buvini; C" a sea rets e.uiiiv e'.itn.u tie at the rate ot two million boxes a rar ami it will be three million be fore New' War's, tt means merit proved, that Cascants are the most delightful bowel regulator lor everbo,H t lie year round. All ilrTisiiiists, loc. L'.lc, .".iv a box, cure juarati Ucd. Freight Wreck. A disastrous accident occurred last Sunday at S.45 p. m. on the Bine Ridge Mountain, near Old Fort. A car of a freight train on the Southern Railway jumped the track and totally wrecked thirteen ! cars loaded with com, lumber, etc. The trestle upon which it occurred was entirely torn down. For tunately no one was hurt. It is thought the wreck was caused, by the breaking of a a heel. The track was cleared about daylight. An laiterprisiiiK Untwist. There ate lew men more wide awake and enterprising than John 'Pull who snares no pains to MH-u'rothe best of even thing m his ' lii.e for their many customers, j He now has the valu ible ! agency lor Dr. King's New Dis j rove rC" lor Consumption, Coughs I and Colds. This is the wonderful j irtuedy that is producing sucti a i furore all over the count i.v by its j nianv startling: cures. It abo I lutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis. ! Hoarseness and all atl'ectiotis ot I the Throat, Chest aud Lungs. Call at above drug' store and get a trial bottle lite or a regular M.e lor oO rents and l.0U Guaranteed to cure or juice refunded. l'HKSON.U. I'AK 11. Dr. V. R. Putt, of P.jkersvilie, was over this week. Engineer Pitts, of Asheville, was with us last Sunday. Mr. Rom Brown, of North Cove, was down th:s week. Col. O H. Blocker, of Old Fort, was in town last Sunday. Mrs. M. McCurry is to rebuild and enlarge her present residence. Mr. Mitchell, of Asheville, was over this week in the interest of life insurance. Mrs. Laura Campbell ar.d Mrs. Gowan were visiting at Mr. Gor man's chis week. .Viss Kendall, at Mr. McNaugh lo:.'z, has bem sick for some time but is rep rtcd better. Mrs. Annie Nichols is arranging to move to Morganton, where must of her relatives reside. Mrs. D. NV Lonon, who has been at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, is expected home within a few days. Mr. W. C. McCall intends to build a dwelling on the vacant lot next to Mr. G. W. Crawford's residence un Morgan street. Mr. W. H. Williams, of Cleveland, Ohio, was here this week, looking after mica is this region, in which he is a large dealer. Mrs. L. A. Thomas left this week for the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, for treatment. Siie may be absent some weeks. Col. G. A. Merithew, of Blue Ridge, (ia.. was here last Saturday inspecting for copper and gold deposits in this region. Miss Charlotte Walker was down frpm Old Fort from Friday to Monday visiting home and friends. Her school at the Fort is doing well. Dr. B. L. Ash worth has bought the house of Mr. G. W. Crawford, where Mr. J. McNaughton now lives. He will move there about May 1st. Mr. John McArty, of G-veneur, X. V., dropped in on his former townsman, Mr. J. McNaughton, and made the latter a pleasant visit a few days ago. Rev. W. A. McLauren came in Tuesday from Spruce Pine on his way to Presbytery, which meets in Mooresville to-day at S p. m. He went to Charlotte on Wednesday. Messrs. Westlcy and Pink Bailey, two of Mitchell's most substantial citizens, were over this week. They hauled back to Spruce Pine a new lumber planer for use at their mills on the river. Dr. Cunningham, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Wheeling, West Va , will arrive to morrow to visit his sister, Mrs. McDougall, and his brother-in-law, Col. Sinclair. He will be here sev eral days. Rev. John C. Collins, president of the Mountain Retreat associa tion, and John S. Huyler, the mil lionaire candy manufacturer, ac companied by a party of friends, are at Black Mountain and will remain there for several days. AshtHu- Citizen. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Owens are soon to occupy their new house near the Southern depot, when the house they have lived in, next to Sheriff Neal's, will be occupied by Mr. W. C. McCall, whose present place of residence will be taken by Mr. Sam McCall, and the Crawford house east of Morgan street, occu pied by Mr. Sam McCall, will then be taken by Mr. Streetman, the pharmacist. Old Fori Facls. Correspondence of The Messenger. Mrs. J.A. Trexler returned from Salisbury Saturday, accompanied by her charming niece, Miss Nellie Trexler. If all reports are correct"Sidney" will be the next who will pay the "legal bounty" to the register of deeds. Our best wisties are tna: his future life will be one of unlimited and unbroken happi ness. Miss Ada Crawford came home from school to spend Faster. The temperance society is pro gressing nicely, and all the young people should attend and every one take part in it. Faster was slightly dull. The weather was too inclement for summer paraphernalia, is the sup posed cause of depression. Mr. McCoy spent Sunday with us. He is gladly welcomed by all. We extend our sincere sympathy to our friend and townsman, Mr. Thos. Davis, in the sad loss of his mother. Oh, but it's unlucky when a fel low goes to see his girl and has to walk back eleven miles at r.30 a. m. on account of the wreck, when he expected to "beat the train." M. Notice of l-mocritic County (oiiu-nlii n A county convention is hereby called to inert at the court houe in Marion on Sat uj day. May Mth, 1MJ, at I'l u'ch.ck m., to elect dele gates to the State and Congres sional Conventions. The primaries will be held in eveiy towuhip S iturd iv. May 7th, ISPS at 2 o'clock p. m., and elect delegates to the County Conven tion. Every Democrat in the county is earnestly requested to attend the township meetings and give a full expression as to his choice lor a .candidate for Congress, and send delegates to the County Conven tion accordingly. By cider of the Democratic Ksec uiie Co.nni;' tee. B. B riiict. C a inieti. April 11', 1S1S. L'r. consiij:i:i:i ckktain. The following dispa: a v.ai re ceiver! yesterday evening at the Lag'.e Hotel, addressed to Mr. Geo. I P. Horton, Jr. : Washington, D. C, April 14. The Senate has adj urncd till ten o'clock tomorrow. It is evidently a war or a backdown by Spain. Action on war resolution expected in the Senate tomorrow. Richmond Pkarson. t'VCali at White Yancey's for Fruit and Confectioneries. Larg est assortment in town. M ion iatfrri. Com-pond crcc of The Mtssct.i'tr. Mrs. L. A. Berry returned home last week from a visit to friends and relatives in Bakersville. Mr. Samuel Hoihfield was badly hurt last week by a tree faliing on him. We are glad to hear that he is improving. Miss Dotie Lngiish went to Marion last Friday for a few days' visit with friends. To the delight of their man friends, Misses Maggie and Katie Hyams came home to spend Faster, from the Marion Institute. Their cousin, M:ss Freda Hyams, came with them. I Mr. Charlie Hlckev went to Bakersville, Saturajy, for a visi? with home folks. Mr. Calvin Wood has his house nearly completed. He is now having it painted. Mr. G. L. Greenlee gave a party Friday night in honor of Misses Maggie and Kate Hyams. It was largely attended and very much en i oy ed. Mr. Dexter Carpenter and Miss Sailie Biddix were married April 3d. We wish them much happi ness. Mrs. James Young, of Old Fort, is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Ge rge II ams. Mr. L. A. McLauren's sermon last Sunday on "The Doctrines of the Presbyterian Church" was very much enjoyed. He ordained two Llders in the church at Spruce Pine Mr. Lli Johnston and Mr. Pinkney Baily. " Br isv." Mrs. A. In vet n. residing ;it 7-0 Henry St., Alton, III., sullVred wit h sciatic rheumatism for over right months. She doctored for it nearly th" whole titnr, using vai ions rem edies reconi mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but received no relief. She then used our and a hy.lf bottles of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, which effected a complete cure. This is published at her request, as she wautsotheis similarly aillirted to know what cured her. The L'o and of) cent sizes for sale by M. F. Morphew. JTJust received a fresh lot of Crushed Fruit, etc. We expect to make our Fountain especially attractive this season. White & Yancf.v. CMiss Sallie McDonald will be in Old Fort on next Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th and 20th, with the largest and best assort ment of millinery goods ever brought to Old Fort. Wait to see her stock before buying your bon nets, hats and other millinery needs. We are glad to announce to our readers that Dr. J. M. Rose, of Morganton, has consented to con duct the Westminster League de partment for this paper, and we promise for our young people an attractive and helpful page. Xorth Carolina Presbyterian. Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and mm danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. liOTKERS FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as w oman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the u-e cf Mother's Friend. is a Hijsir to iceman. 51.00 ?K BOTTI-J: a? 11 DrusrStorea, cr ts-t by cz.-j -is receipt or price. PnrrS C.:.utr.:r. in-:.: -' 1 lr.fnratMn (t I CV-V t-t:T.-; VI .r.ita. ws.l te if.-.t rhL- ti aay a..r.:s , .;-oa a; ; iica-.ioa. ly j TIe LIUIiritLD LIGrLlTOIl CO.. Atltftfa. C j J. X-I. GORMAN, it ;i .;. if ;i trlii unkt-r iillil (tiri;lli A Mp-i.ilty nnuU'of 11V vtv f;!. t WMtch ivpairingainl iidju-t ln-j. Sp.'rtaclcs ;K-iitii.-ally littl a!il a tit giiaraiitiv. x II I ( J H A I LT EN J U A V I N i Yours to jilutsse, J. H. GORMAN, Leading Jrwrh-r. vm y -a e IR.UGH3I DPoUGS! L o S2 ! 1HL eadl tip Hn is J T II AVE NO SECOND-HAND DRUGS to offer you, but have just returned from Baltimore, where I purchased a full and complete stock of Pure Drugs and Chemicals fresh from the manufactories, and 'which I propose to sell as Ciikap or Cheaper than elsewhere. We all very much dislike to have to take medi cine, but when we do, is it not natural that all intelligent people prefer to buy their Drugs where they can get them Pure and Fresh. This is where I count on your trade. I can as fully and confidently commend to you my ine of Toilet Goods, Stationery? etc. Respectfully, Some Leaders. Window Shades 13, iS' 25, 25, 35, and 50 cents. Celluloid Collars all sizes 5 cents. White lied Ouilts 50, 65. 75, S5, 95, 1 co and 1 .5. Colored Ucd Juilts 45. 65. 75, S5, 1 .co ar.d 1.5. Two Barj G od Washing Soap for 5 cfn'.s. Fairy Soap, best made, 3 and 5 cents. Large I x Gold Dust only 5 cents. Silk finished Windsor ties 5 cents. Laundered Shirts 25, 35 and 50 Cents. Linen Napkins onh 5 cents. T'Ao-Ouart Agate Sauce Pan 15 cents. Double Wall pockets 65 cents. Table Covers, Turkey Red, 50, 65 and 75 cents; Better grade 65, 85 and 1.00. German Linen Table Covers 65, 75, 85, 1 .00 and 1.25. Feather duster, 10 cents. Glass dippers, 15 cents; Handker chiefs, 3, 5 and 1 o cents; Yard wide Bleaching 5, 6 and 7 j cents yard; Lace Curtains 45, 60, 7c, 80, 9c, 1 1.00 and 1.25 a pair; Curtain pole.?, complete 25 and 35 each, Looking Glasses 5, 10, 15. 20, 25, 35 and 45 cents each; Towels 5, 10 and 15 cents; Clocks 65, 85, 1.00 and 2.00 EACH one guaranteed; a good line of Medium Priced Jewelry always in stock; a large line of Framed Pictures suitable for Din ing Room, Sitting Room or Parlor, a!l at low down prices; also to ar rive a good line of Photograph frames to be sold the same way. Besides the above goods we al ways keep in stock a full line of Plain and Decorated Table ware, Tinware, Glassware, Lamps and Notions and Novelties of ail kinds. Will be glad to have you inspect our goods. P. S. Sole agents for Fairy Toilet Soap, pure white and float ing. TRY IT. If not satisfactory , you get your money back. Respectfully, Thomas Medd, Variety Store, IMPROVED . . . INSURANCE FACILITIES The undersigned, J. (I. JIall, representing the Northwestern Mutual Lite Insurance Co., the United States Casualty Co., and a number of leading Fire Insurance Companies, has associated with himself Dr. G. I. White for the n.'oie thorough establishment and conduct of an up to date insurance business. The companies we rep resent are known o all men to lie leaders in the insurance field, whether it he life, accident or fire piotection that is sought. We piop(e to de.-ei ve the patronage of the entire public in a general insurance business by bringing to their aid the business experience and personal activity of our senior, Mr. J. G. Hall, aided by one or more of his-ons, as may be neces sary, and the Oliee immediately in charge t Dr. White will, we think, he abundant guarantee that Marion and surrounding commu nity w ill have such alien' ion given to !iiur,;uce 111 all its biauehes as will be the bet guarantee that every interest will be -ate in our hands. Very r-spvctfally, HALL & VHITE. Skin Diseases. F r th- Tv-fly acl ix.Tmr.nent c:r- cf t r. t.i rLni.i and c--z-:r: i, CL.iu-b-ri. .in's Eve aud .Skin JiuU:: :.t U v-:th- .r.t an vpa!. It r-liews th- itc-h-ir.- n:A :uarti;: almost in-rar.t!y zrA its coiitinn-d e-cts a p-rrr.'an'-nt cur. It nl.-o enr'-s iv-h, barter's itch, all h-ad, fore riijjl-, itcLir. jiles, chaxTl han-1 chronic Eore tves and Dr. CauT's 0n!iticn TonJers for h'.rv- ar the lt tonic. Ll xxl iuri5rr anl vermifuge. Price. 23conts. ' " i t: 0 e i o r. J o p t 1 t.y ) u Seasonable Needs Supplied WL CANNOT mention all of our laro stock of Hard vare all the time, but at seasonable jK'tJods we will call your attention to certain lines of our goods. We have just received a carload of Virginia Lime. We have laid in a varied aud full supply of Hammocks and Croquet Sets for spring and summer use. Take your choice now. Before buying let us show you our Farming and Garden Tools, Dik Harrows and Steel Hay Kakcs. We have something new and needful for the kitchen a Meat, Vegetable and Bread Chopper all in one. Thero are three modes of feeding the machine for the three kinds of food. Sold for !?1.7."i. Thanking the public for our good beginning in business here, we are, Yours most respectfully, Marion LI!llllllllllli;iiIIIII!ll!!liailll.llllllllll!lllllUIII!!!IItllllltIlllllnilM a j EAS 1 YOU WANT ONE? f j Now is the time to buy Newest, Latest, 5 I Up-to-Datcst I J AT BLANTON'S, 1 EVERYTHING NEW IN B SPRING DRESS GOODS, a Come in and inspect our stock. No trou ble to show joods. Respectfully, I A. B L A N Ladies' and i iiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!it;ntniiii!ii!i!iiii:iiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiminiiiniiim; iiiiiuiiiiriiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii iiii iMiiiiiiiiriiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiriiiiirmH S Big Values for Next Week, j I The Yankee Dollar Watch at 79 CtS E The King- Nickel Stem Wind at $1.79 1 H The ILlg-in Key Wind, Open Face 2.75 2 E A Pair of Tip-Ton Spectacles, worth 75 cts; a case with each pair, for 25 CtS r if The above goods are warranted to give satisfac- lion, and we mean it. H 1 JAS.B. SWINDELL, Jeweler. t : nit 1 f 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in r 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 : 1 1 1 1 : f 1 1 i mi iiiu iiini 1 tim liintif if iiiiiiiiiitsm irmiiisin' WAR W TH T ANY rate, this is the I and I have declared war HIGH PRICES and expect want to dress well, and I can suit you. I Quote You a Few Samples of My Stock : Gentlemen's and boys' ready-made spring and summer cloth inir; ladic-j' spring and summer dress goods organdies, dimities, ducks ocrcales. soring flannels, etc.. in newest de- 1 signs; soutache braid; gentlemen's and ladies' summer under ' wear; traw hats for men and boys; sailors for boys and girls; Standard Rotary sewing machines from S-O to 45 each; a large, lull stock 01 dry goods and groceries. Yours for trade cni to please, E. L GASTON. Hardware Company. ES! i T O N, Gentlemen's Clothier. 5 SPAN AFTER THE MAINE REPORT. main report of Spring Goods, on POOR VALUES and to win the battle. I know you

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