Ths ffossoager Prints . the , News '. r, ;&t Rfter bytha peo ; . of !". :.T i well, Yancey, Ban r-r-, Putli&rfcrd, Bur rr. I '.t!:cr roamu in Western :ti; tiandma, aal la tber- ; r- C-cd Advertising Modlurrv I'. it' f. I :ruirttJ oa applioatloa. VI Irrsa, 1H MESSENGER. nation, N. 0. s f f 8EHD OXDM1 TO - N T JOB PRINTINC I X Q THEMESSEHGE Marlon. H. C. Promptness, Accuracy, Mettaw fli Good Btccic Guaiated. J Letter HHdi, Note Heda, ISM Head, Envelop, Circular, Cards. Poa- J trm, FamphletJ, aad try Hfl.1 of 4 Printing, t 'AV, K VOL. II. NO, .52. MARION, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 22. liKs" jt Tcv Year in Advance. 5 K w 1 a I :: i is u From ' : i iij lilt Ei) r0MCES OF AMERICA, w mm is pi r 'Jo :i is Now Finally S-ttlod. E -ii'JSE AT LAST ENDED !'!. V. u i- Near ;it II a :il--Tlie lilnti.-ci Iti-portcl i'luiu ihf Si n ' !.t i:i ; ! 1 ( or. Koieir-ai Ifc ..;:. i i:ial! A'lopto.1, With "tit ;:: of !:: Com ;h See !:::. v:i ;:s t lie Teller . :.!: .::!, ?i? luif.iinj; Any ln . .1 the li:t ;f the Clllte.l . i '-"lire t ill,.!. ia.-i a ''Special ; After oac of ! taught ! .it t ; j between the i.i! .". a :u many years, Cou . . .:!;, hvjur, 01. tho morn ; tii. chum loan agreement t i;io!:i.-utous question it ' . ah ia i thud of a century. . . u . ii'.oa m-u& iiiiSSCil ami :.t '., '.ii 1'icsi.lvut. It3 pro t'.iu e:-;i nl.--.oii of hfpaiu r i ! .,u ! ci' Cuhn hy the aimed . i: I'm ted states. - i-n: iua:-y roll calls in both !!. I .u :i h.M tenaciously :. -.lutiou. 'J bt! rotiferees ' : :.: !:y in a , ; t- -i . i -. 'J'Le : i .:.-: -'hnv. ed a d.-t ei '.: i liat lull . : l ! i House liui to yield 1 i ::.t. an I it v. a ; only t-.aaltatioaa v. itb the i ..! - ihut t Ii -.-v agreed to allow N '-arc a-'d," in the fir.-t : ' - i".iate rosolution, the people f Cuba are ::: 1 1 1 t be free i;uJ. mde ! !.e ii ulutluu a liualiy i .-ported from the Sen-.- t t.'i t-ici,a rtbitins wiib - f the fourth heetioi:. .e t !!.: aiaou Iment, dis i a! in '.sou on the part of ! '-''.a '.es to acjuue I'uba The !'tual!y nteod to is a? : : ohii i ik Joint ivsolu . the i "'v.'Oiiiiition of the i '!"iH-o of the people of I' iMaiidin that the sjjov i f ji.thi relinquish its :;'y aipl ninent in ! -.' Cnha. ami v.-ith- ' Lui'.i ami naval forces i ' ;1!;) ami Cnhan waters. :;. tim; the rresilent ot a States to tise tlie i naval forces of the 1 :-t ::!-; to carrv the e ; i into eilVct. ! - i- The ahhoi rent ean- hi. h have existeil for ' ! 1 !;nie years in the Cnha. s near our own have shocked the r--' of the eoie of eil State.-, have heen a to Christian civiliz.i- til in in;it inLT, as they i i destruction of a '1 siates hattlcship, with : i'. - i i'iicers and crew, 1 a a iriendlv visit in the "i Havana and cannot i 1 i-n dared, as has heen itii hy i!ie President of ! States in his mes- L'' tigress of April 11. i.i 'on which the action of s was invited, thete- Ived. tirst, That tho poo id and of Cuba are, ' otiht to ho. free ! anient. ud. T hat it is the duty i ::itvd Statesto demand. ,u;o v ninent of the I 'lah'i does hereby de thai, the pv( i nment of ,;.t i ) i elinquish its ati- !!( 1 -ovet ninent in the ' : '"uLa and v.ithdraw a; d naval forces from ' !i i 'tihan waters. Th.ird, T iio t tie; President of tho Uiiitr-d St -js he, a;:d i e hereby is dit ';(. d an 1 (.-mp.-r.v-oral to ire tiu t-inire la:;d and nuval f(i (;;-. w the Unite-I States, and call ii.) ;e--tivo servi : . Cdu.d States, t' for the purpose-'-rrd Stateb. - advancement com- j ma ..!. have with what.' lhe.e resolutions iut-j eii'-' t. Fourth, That to United States hereby di-elaitn-: a-iv disposition or inteii'ii'-n tw (-::". e-rcise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over tiid island ex-iptfci- l!:c jjacliicatiou there of, and asserts its deterniiua tion when thatis uccompli.-hcd, to loave the government and control of the island to its peo ple. The conference report of tho above joint resolution was udopte.I by u vote (d tiU) to ij, uftt-r wiia-a member.-; of both bruiicLes -f Cc!ic.-. alhersd is. i!,e loboy and i-v.uj ' :e'! u:i I ''ifun Gcj. evict .n about Appie Avr.IL lOril. C.ur. arativi-'y little bu-iae.'-3 vas tr.uro-;.-: I by too Seuute today, all of th'j s :.:.ti'i .-. btinyr fn tinned on iuc .nnt oi t'm l.,ii vi.;il la-t mht over tbu nK-tm Coiisidt-ration .f the .undry eiil ai proprintioa bill va ( 1 1 -ua.e I, and tho viile latitude of debaio periniMed under tho l uie.H of the Situate i-.ilbi ded opi or tuaity for tome L-Sp'um.lour- to bo made concerning the uetioii f the Sen uto upon tho Cuban'.tien. Mr. CocLrtI!, of ?Iisst ui i. and .Mr. Jlacon, of (Jeoiiriu, ejpiaaicd tho action of the L'eraoeiatrf in voting against the e-.m-fcienco repoit iu tho turiy hour t-f tuts moruiii-, mid the eol'uo'ues that oa-U'-d between them aud some of ta-j JU-pub-jicuu fcenatoib were fpa.-y i!id iaterttt inc. At i2:2', p. in., u moao wasio ceived from the Uou?e of la-p: eenta tives cnuoaueiiiLC it;-, agreement to the report of the confereuoe committee on tho C'ubai. resolution:-. TiiO announce ment of the si-nature of the Speaker to the re. olutioas wan made. 1'iaht lniu utea afterward t!io 'u-e-President an nounced Li.i si-uaturo to the Cuban letiolut.ons. Aii:il L'Tra. In t ho S'enpte the re cent uction ca the 'i;bau it-.-obitions was the subj.-ct t;f a i;ve-hoi! .-' debate. I'oraker excited s-amo cuiios:ty by .-tat in - that thi-' ucv-m ni.u.-nt, he thinks, hub i!ueiica!ly l ceo-nizO'l the ib-pabbf. oi ( 'uba. Little ; i'.'-rc-.s v as madi' villi tne sundry civil lull. In the lasl minutes of tho t.-. imi an am'-udmeut was f.j?i oed to proviai'r.;r for I lie pay ment to (Jreat Jlritain of tho Uehriiu' hen uvui'ti, ...iiOuU'ia, to .' ibo following resolutit-u was presented b .Mr. Allen: ''L'e.olved, That in the opinion of the Senate, no circumstances can arire iu the relations of the United States of America aud the Kingdom ci Spain that will warrant an increase in the interest m the i'ehrin' bonded in debtedness of this government, or that will in any manner interfere in the re form of financial atTa r of tho United States on lines laid down in the national l'oople's party platform of July, ls.0. " The resolution went over under objec tion. ArriiL H'th. Tho House- presented a desolate appearance when it con vened at noou, alter the weary aH-maht session. Mr. Dir.Iey and Mr. L'adey, the leaders of tho respective; General iro-cnr and other liou-e veterans f-w si-ns o: the b.-nr siegethcy had pa-sed through. While the journal, wiiicii w:: vcr loajr. was bt-iu:; lead. .Mr. liau'C-r, 11. publican, of Iowa, cha riaan of tin lommif.eo on enrolled b:l!s, bnuuh: in tho Cul-aa resolutions, which had. enrolled under hi- peisc.ual dutctioii. The S eakt r lmme iiatc' .: iii".t ihm. and as hotui an the re.i.lin tho journal -va cotudtidcil. at l'J:la p. in , he an nouuccl his s'.'m-urc. ihi ie was lie. dem-mstratun. i he House then ad journed. Ai-i.iL COth. 'i he lionse lo.lny l-a-s-ed as an emergency war mta-uie, t!ie bill cmpowerinLC the 1'iesi leat to cab out the volunteer force - and ) rovidii: for their organisation. iJotii the Presi dent aud Secr tary Alt-r had i.ra;cd the imperative necessity of tho passage ci the bill today, and" t hairman Hull, ot the military committee, drove ii through under whip and spur. 1 he bill was "drafted fit the War io partmeut, introduced iu the House yesterday, and com-ddc-red and reported by the committee today. No ftich expedition c.uii i have been possi ble except under the tt;cs3 c i' v ar pres sure. The bill is ))-rm raa' in :t char acter, iheie wa-. a tremeadoas e.eiaon stiation in the House imtncdiateiy aitei the readiuj- of the journal, when .Majoi Ti udeu. tijerreMdeiit's execanv e c'.ei k, announced the I isu:eai:s approval oi the Unban resolution. The Hou.-e then went into committee of tho whole to consider the bill authorizing the 1'resider.t to cati tor volunteers. Mr. Hull explained that the committee had uiianiuonidy agreed that the I ast prewdcats iMiotild be fol lowed and the of str.te shouid retain the j o.c- a; point all Tczi mental olllcer. d ho j.uut :csolu- tion passed by Uoar;i.--. authorixin.-; the l'residt-ut to em; loy tlie m: ;;;. force of the United Mares, he s'aal. would not meet the l roeai sauatioa. He felt authorized te f-ay that if v:c were to liht this war it would bt with the volunteer and nut the luilitn force?. SOLDIERS TO YVKAU, To Identify Iliose Who Full lu IJattle. When the men of the regular and vol unteer armies go into a.-tmn they wili wear around their necks litl.e tas 1 aluminum, by which they may U idenlilied ;f iouud later on the a of battle. lu the ia-t war it va often impossible to proj cr.y ideutii the dead soldiers, ami thousand; were buried ia graves ma. k ed "uuidentitied. " 'Ike w ar de partmeut has prepared this sy.-tem oi ldeutiticatiou, aa.l i: ha been dce.dea that oa each ta.t shall be t..o nuaieia. assigned c-ach man ca tue latistv. rolls, witn iae letter of the cnu; any. l-atterv, ur troop, ana ln teg. met. 'J hee tags wall be seat fa the tioo, s il he South w he u u is ev;a -at tua: a tieht is on bund, in the cu.! v.-a.- c.n cers cf some of ths ltaaea;? La I lit tit l , siiver shields iuscubei with the wear ci s Lame, raLk and ie. imc-at. A KM V AKI- Alii- i A Hill Introduced by Hawlcy for I-:-! ri ;.. cf the 3 1 i 1 1 1 r. y . V,'n.Aa:t :j ccial. ; ILe Wj.t i Dei ai Imcnt bill to provide for tempo ' r ualy increasing the military est ddih- ir, was ecu ca the Hull, cf the House T,. -if. i -nix to LLa:rman military aitaits ccmmiltee, and Senator IJa-vlev. the chairman of the Senate committee. Ihe measure was prepared under the immediate supervision of Abiistant Secretin-' Mcikiejohn, after a thorough tudy of the Le:t interests cf the ter vice. In trau:-mittin the bill to Con gress a request is made for favorable consideration, and in view of the ex igencies of the situation, speedy action is expected. In time of war, the army is to to consist of two tranche?, the regular and the volunteer army, the latter to be maintained only during the existence of war, or while war is immi nent, and is to be raised and organized I only after Congress authorizes it. All enlistment for tho volunteer array 1.19 I to be for three years unless sooner terminated. All the regimental aud I compauy ollicers cf the volunteer aimy j aie to be appointed by the President j n 0:1 ath u e of the Governors of States i ii which their respective organizations laie raised. Concerning the .National I (itiard it is provided that when te I members of any corai any or regiment ot the organized militia f-nau euu?c iii the volunteer army in u body, u Mich, company or regiment, the regi mental and company oUice1-" in rvice w ath the militia organization thus en listing may be ai pointed by the Presi dent, subject to an examination as to tituess aud capacity to bo ollicers cf corresponding grades in the same or ganization w hen it ia received in the scrvico as a part of the volunteer army. Ihe troops in time of war, whether belonging to the regular or volunteeror to the militia, are to be organized into divisions of three brigades, each brig ade to be composed of tree or more reg iments, aud when three or more divis ions are assembled in the same aiiny the President is to organize them into m my corps, each corps to consist of not more than three divisions. Tho Presi dent is to appioatiu the volunteer army not exceeding one major-general for each organized arms corps and division, ami one brigadier-general for each brigade, to be selected from the regular or volunteer army or the militia. Senator llawiey introduced the bill. It was stated at tho W ar Uepaitmeal that only tho National Guard wili be iiiven opportunity to volunteer at this time. The President will reserve the right to appoint all stafl and Held olii eers, w hile the Governors of States w ill designate regimental officers, a3 we.- donu m It has been practically decided that the rirbt call shall be for fcv'.U'JD men. SAOASTA'S FIERY SPEECH. He Said Acts, Not Words, Are Now Necessary. Madrid, via Paris, April 19, (By Ca bledThe supporters of the govern ment in both houses of Parliament met in the Senate chamber at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Senor Sagasta, the Pre mier, addressed them as follows: "The times are so grave and the circum stances are so exceptional that acts aud uot words are necessary to face the present difficulty. Attempts are being made to sully the glorious history of Spain by an" infamous calumny. The diilereut Spanish governments have done their utmost to avert the war to which we are being provoked. We have now reached tho limits of concession, compatible with honor and territorial integrity. Wo consented to the last concession at the instance of the Pope and the powers. We yielded in fact; but now attempts are made upon our honor, aud menaces directed aguinst our territory. J hat i a thing to which Spaniards will never consent. (Applause). This is not the moment to trace a parliamentary pro gramme, but the moment to uniie our selves, us our fathers have done, in the face of au odious attempt against the integrity of our territory. The insult oii'eied us today is the most infamous that has ever been oflered." (Pro longed cheering). Continuing Senor Sagasta counselled the rapid constitution of the chambers iu order to accord to the government the means to clefend the country's in terests. "Spain," he added, "will not allow a parcel of her territory to be taken from Ler with impunity: nor will she be a party to any trafficking for her pussernious." Prolonged and enthusi astic cheers greeted th9 speech. FEELING IX SPAIN. Kathcr Fight Than Yield The Queen's Speech is Firm. Madrid. Spain, April 13, (By Cable. : The general belief here is that the joint resolution of Congress makes war between Spain and the United States inevitable. The terms of the speech which the Queen Regent will deliver at the ot eniug of the Cortes are jealously guarded, but it is said thr.t the speeea will prove firm, convincing and satis factory to the national sentiments. It is claimed here that perfect harmony prevails in Spain to face war rather than yield to the demands of the L'nited states. t n the receipt of a dispatch from the . Spanish minister at Washinston, Senor ; 1 clo y Bernabe, giving the result of 1 the voting in Congress, tho Minister ' for Foieign Affairs, Senor Gallon, for- warded to all the Spanish ambassadors ; a memorandum to submit to the for eign governments, setting forth the . grievances uf Spain, showing all Spain Las done t? avoid war, and saying the responsibility for war rests entire!- up on the United States. SPAIN'S WAK MOVE. Warehouses nnd Churches to be Used for Military Purposes Teneritfe, Canary Islands (By Ca ble ; The Si anish authorities here have acaairci all the principal w are houses at this place aad at the Grand Canary for the accommodation cf the l.-i'e re-enforcements of troops expect ca here, and t j haii the store, which a c al-o about to arrive. Lven the churches ere to be used for military pui p'jse?, and the strength of the forti fications is being increased. Work on the latter has been in progress for some time j ast, and heavy guns Lave just been mounted at the chief land battery, which is situated oua promontory com manding the towu and harbor. At Las 1'aimas large quaatities of grain have been ama-ed and more cargoes are on their way there. About G,0 JO additional troops are expected here, and it is paid that a similar number of men will, iu all probability, b 6eut to the Grand Cauary. THE TOnACCO TAX. Tobacco Men of North Carolina and Virginia Meet Iu Washington. Thero was a meeting of the Tobacco Associations of Virginia and North Carolina ia Washington oa the 20th, participated in by the jobbers of Balti more. J. F. Eison, of Danville, vas" elected chairman, aud Mr. W. G. Lee, of Martinsville, secretary. Resolutions were passed insisting upon as small an increase as possible, not exceediuir ten cents per pound, snd insisting that the tax fhoukl not be made to apply to any package upoa which the tax had been paid previous to the passage of the act. The association appeared before the way.-: and means committee to urge the adoption of these resolutions. It is stated in a later dispatch that rart of the ways and means committee agree that 1,' cents is too high a tax. Spanish Cortez Opened. The Spanish Corte3 opened at Ma drid, Spain, cn the 20th. Tho Queen regent, in her speech, blatcd that the menaces and insults which Spain has previously borno, are not tho true American sentiments. She appealed to Spain to defend the rights of her 6ca until ho is old enough to defend him eelf. Gratitude to the Pope was ex pressed. The pcenea were very impoe icg. The wealth and beauty of Madrid were present. TIIK MARKETS. NEW YORK COTTOX FUTURES. "ew York. --Cotton stead'. Middling upland, G; Middling Gulf, (H. Futures closed 6teady. Upenhag. Closing. Ariil May June Julv August , September October November L'eccnber Jan-atv 611 G01 6 12 'o u G 17 G 10 G 13 G U 0 17 Gil G17 Gil G la G IJ G It) 0 14 G 21 G 13 February .... OIHER COTTON" MARKET?. Charleston. Cotton steady; mid. a-?. Columbia. Cotton quiet; mid. 5?. Charlotte. Cotton fcteady, mid. C. Wilmington. Cotton firm; mid. 5. Savannah. Cotton 6teady; mid. C. Norfolk. Cotton steady; mid. G. Memphis. Cotton firm; mid. 5. Augusta. Cotton firm; mid. 0 1-16. Baltimore. Cotton nominal; mid. New Orleans Cotton 6teady; mid. 5 11-10. nALTIMOhE PRODUCE MARKET. Baltimore. Flour dull; Western super. $2.703.10;do extra ?3.40(3T.0'J; do family S4.40.4. G5; winter wheat pat ent :?4.yo(2io. 10; spring do So.2j(3.o0; spring wheat straight $5. 10i,a. 23. W heat Strong; si ot and month, l.U2t4l.02jr, May, l.t2(2,1.02i; July au bid; steamer No. 2 red, JiK&'jyi; South ern w heat, by sample, 1. 00i 1 . 03 ; do on grade 1.00cJ.1.0:i. Coru Strong: Bpot and month, G (.:;G; May :;-Hf'i duly UG::Gi; steamer mixed, Ur-m; Southern white corn, Li?; do yellow, SG$. NAVAL STOItE. Charleston Turpentine market nor mal at -J". ilosiu firm and unchanged. Savannah. Spirits turpentine firm at 2o. Ilosiu firm. A, B, C, D, L 1. lo; F 1.1.; G 1.23; 1 1.4U; I 1.43, K 1.3u;M 1.53; N 1.G5; window glass 1.73; water wnita 1.S3. Wilmington. Spirits turpentine firm at23J-i.2 f, Rosin dull at 1.031.10. Crude turpentine quiet at 1.232T.90 Tar firm at 'J5. New York Rosm steady. Turpen tine 8C(&30t. COTTON SEED OIL. Nev York Cottoa seed oil steady prime crude im&20; prime yel'ow 22. DANVILLE, VA. , TOBACCO iLAEKET. Common dark Medium dark Manufacturing lu; Granulators Cutters common. . Cutteis medium. . Cutters fancy L Common Medium Good fillers .3 3 COS? 4 30 .. 4 30 GO'J . . 5 00' 6 30 .. 5 OOiS 6 00 .. 8 0-M 12 'A .. 2 15 0a , . 13 0U.& 23 Oa ..$ 4 00 3 01 .. G 00v. 7 It . . 7 Gjvs 10 0j wriAPI-ELS. Common. Med' urn.. Fine .510 00" 13 CO . 13 00 2 j 0" , 23 00 30 o.i Ti e Men the State Will FurnUh. According to a table recently pr e pare i bv Adjutant Genera, Austin Cor bia, A the United States ''army, a cai! for cC.u'.'O volunteers viould demand from labama, l.OSI ; Arkansas, t'";.J; California, 1,023; Colorado. 4G3; Con Lecticut, 1,22a; Dei a war. 194; Florida, 4a3; Georgia, 1,073; Idaiio, 223; Illi nois, 2,330; Indiana, Iowa, 1,073 Kansas oil; Kentuck, .f-t4; Louisiana, 1,220; Maine, G3G; Ma ryland, i20; Massachusetts, 2,2.o; Michigan, 1,303; Minnesota, Mississippi, 7oo; Missouri, 1,104; Mon tana, 227; Nebraska, 04); Nevada, 1G2; New Hampshir, 7o3; New Jersey, 1, '.7; New iork, 5,7uG; North Carolina, 7is; North Dakota, 23? : Ohio, 2.G44; Oitgon. 6 54; J'cnnsvlvania. -5, 47: RLode i-Iatid, 432; South I aka, 27-, South Carol iu a. 1.GG2; Tennesee, 'i ; Texas: 1, g4- ; Utah, P.'4; Vermont. : .4-1; V'rginu, 1,Jj3: Washington. .'J21:V.'e-t Viigiuu. :.Sv; Wisconsin, l,2C3;Wyum iug. 2 v; Aricona, 223; JDisttict of Co Iamb. j, 321, New Mexico. .; aad Oklahoma, 220. m EM MM. Co a" fi'.t?d 3 a i fha-r S1C0 OCO.C00 Fr Y.r TEA AND COFFEE TAXED. Beer, Tobacco, Cigars, Stocks, Checks, Patent Medicine, Tele graph Messages aud Kspress Pack ages, All to Pay Tribute. Washington (Special. ) The Repub lican members of the ways and means committee of the House have practical ly completed the preparation of tho rev i rate mca nic, which will le passed to raise re-.t-nue anlcient to prosecute the war. 1 In in end era propose that the present generation .-had beat the bur dens of the war, n:.d roceediug upon that iheury, they Lave prei iSi u bi. that wili raise between caw.uv'V'O'J and J 'oyj jij additional revcnim per an cum. Uie bill will provide for an additional tax cf 1 per barrel upon b-er. Unman ufactured tobacco and biiuli the inter nal revenue tax will bo increased from J to V2 cents. Tho increao on cigars and cigaiettes has not been absolutely V.-M.ff COSStL-CLXiKAL 11 1 2EU J 2 LEE. (.The New York Wi.rM ays ho wi.l probaMy lead the Aii:. ri '.'tu f '.r. t-s laCul-a.) fixed, but it probably will be 51 oa ul! classes. Tho proposition which the Senate placed on tho tariff bill, but which went out in conference, to tax all stocks and transfers of corporations, is embodied iu the measure, itincludes a stamp tax ou all checks, drafts and ail instruments of business; (mortgages, loans and bends); a tax on patent and proprietary medicines and a tax on tel egraph messages and express packages is also incorporated in the bill. This scheme of taxation is estimated to raise $o3,000,U0'j. The tax ou proprie tary aud patent medicines will be 2 cents on packages or bottles retailing at 23 cents or under, and 4 cents on those retailing at above that price. The Ihx on "telegraph messages will be 1 cent n all me.-sages which cost 23 cents or less, and 2 cents on all above 23 cents. A duty of M cents per pound is placed upon tea, aud ;j cents pir pound on culme. Bottled waters are to bear a tax sim ilar to patent medicine". For the pie-sing needs of the government the Secre tary of the Treasury is given the gen eral power to issuo ct italcates of in debtednes. parable in one vear, and to bear not to -::'. ed ., per cent inteic-t. The Secretary of the i'rea-ury is uiso ar.thcim-d to borrow ou the credit! of the government by popular Fub fcriptiou a loan of S.";oo, ;'", ono. 'lh: loau is to be j laced thrcatg h the po-t- I cilices of the country, the sub-Treas- j uries anil government depositories, in j low rate bonds, which are to bo soid at par. They are to bear Li per cent, in terest and to be redeemable after five years, at the option of the government, and to ba due iu twenty years. The principal aad interest are to be payable ia coin. MOD ATTACKS A CONSULATE. Tore Down the Shield With the Un.ted States Arms. At Malaga, Spain, there was a se rious disturbance on theKtb, resulting in an atteck upoa the Uaited States cnsulato. The demons. tration Legun with tLe parading of imail crowds thro:.. C! leS. del r tate- aa "t c ' It hi-:' u ; a aad .1 ;u tae f-:reetj, bai a mob Hill a:ta:l. shouting 1 a'riotic C". entualiy ga'.h- ! 1 the United j t r ss were throwu 1 -: procured a j e s a a. la, having i ti.e t !.it.-d Mate : ; P.e '. '; - .a. :. r : - f ;! ... later, r. ! !: a ..f Mag. a u a-.ll fat.-.'a. la u. g'.ca L-rs of tae out- j t i. c I l j - ia.-ti u a-i ;;. tL-.- Amui-a ar.'i to ar: eit the Lreak. Wiir News Xn'n I he strength of the Uaite 1 States I army tow iaclude- ab;i it 2, 3o officers j and "2", "00 men, ab.ut half the Si aaish ; stienzth. i The Wilmington N. C. ; Me-senger says the merchants repoit that the ires- j pe'ct of war w ith si aiu is knocking the j spots out of business. ; A Havana, Cuba, si-cml eaya the f pentim'int Lere is that the sooner the j first shot 13 fired the Letter. j TlieSjanisU minister, Senor Polo, on the, c'o American steatuc: which v.ul! carry - .! . C V ' nn. ,ed charter for au 1 of the P.aat line, i'aile the eatire ! a . I i 1. . to Ifa- t aiu'a rei or: ca the "Maine," vhlr'i t-. 1 hor;. v is rau to 1 ! : ov e that thf- :'r.,. a au in-: b 1 ver: , .'--'I ' . A' V A miy : .li : -.r . r.::.u Call e. r a;. e..a:-ejb.-d d- oa: pioiuce proofs. t the American' ar.d refused to TWO NAVIES ClMl.HKI. We" Have !rr !;lps I Spain, l.:ie !:.- . v Hon- ?amen. The ";iig list ili-c- not ia'lu.Ie the ill, - ! .v-nt'y pa-cLa-! br e.thvi rtrai ; : SUV.' stmts. F.T.t'esh'i ' l'";t "!a"5 Tonnage Indiaaa 10,2s- Oregon I0,2sr Keaiiaige i l.',32 Kt-..t icky ..11,323 lllin -.-a ii ..v. Alabama 11,..2 Wiacoasia 11.32". Iowa 1I.4P" SPAIN. Battleships st Iaa Pelayo ',! UXITED STATES. Battleslaps t eccn c!a?s: Texas f,.;;-, SFAIS. Battleships second class: Numaneia .. Vitoria I MtEi' sfATFS. Set goiii coa-" defence ironcli Is . Mouteity 4. i.'.S l'unta i " r,o . Amphiti no ; Miaa'.oiiomuh Mouad.nocl: Non--ei i;cing. court defence noa clad: Aj.x .'... ( an 'incus -',! ''? g, p. i Manhattan v, : . undone. 2, i( o Cat.-kill j,-?-. Comanche Tasoa l,Vl'i Lehigh 1," 3 Montauk 1.S13 Nuhaut l,s7i Nantucket l,s73 Passaic 1.S73 STAIN. Non-sea goinc coa6t defence iron clads: Puigeerda 333 Duque do Tetuau Too UNITED STATES. Armored Cruisers : New York 0,135 Brooklyn P, 40 SrAIN. Armored cruisers : Emperor Carlos V P.OM Cuidenal Cisneros 7,0'.t) Cataluuas 7,Oa0 Princesa do Asturias .,'."' Allan auto Aquendo :,s.'' Vizcaya '', ".' Infanta Maria TLereso S, mi r.Mri:i stails. Armored ram: Kat'.iidin 2,133 J 'ynamito cruiser: Vesuvius 72 1'rotectea cruiser? (steeij Mianiai 7,:,7 Columbia 7. " 7 3 Oiympia c.s."' l'hila Jelphia 4, a.'i CLicago 4, .' ) Newark 4,o;s San Francisco 4,0'J Baltimore 4,41u Cincinnati 8,213 Raleigh 3,213 Charleston .5,730 New Orleans 8,0'JJ Atlauta y.l Boston y.lJ Marblehead 2,00 Detroit 2,000 Montgomery 2,000 'lopeka 1,8 JO Bennington 1,700 Concord 1,700 York town l,7oo Nashville 1,371 Wilmington l,-.'.2 Helena l.:2 Anuaooiis !.') Vicksbnrg l,"oa Newpoit Princeton 1, ' Dolphin. I'lotected cjr.iscrs iwoa b: Hartford ..'3i Lanca-ter "') SI'AIN. Pj otectfl cruiseis teel; : Alloas . XI 1 1 .." ) Leiui.t, 3,u Mai (j.iis de la Fnseua la 1,tl 1 Isla Ou ( 'uba 1,' 1 t lsla ie Luzon 1,1) 1'rotected cruisers (iron): Alfonso Xil 8. 'wo lltiiiii Lristina ','):) Reiria Mercedes '-'.'I'ji Coiide da Vuna lito 1,132 Don Antonio Ulloa 1,132 Don Juande Austria 1,132 Infanta ieabel 1,132 Isabel 1 II 1,132 Piotected cruiters (woods: Costilla 3,31.' Navarra 3,31.' Arraagon UNITED STATES. Total number vessels, 04; to'al ton nage, g'j", 00 j: average, 4,203; torredo boat", 1; ofiicerp, Feamen, 12,- fO1; total activ list, 13, -7"! 2; reserves, 2, tOO. SPAIN. Total number cf veie!s 2;; total t ou tage, 114,721: average, 4,017; torj -: 1 b"at, 32; officers l.ooO; n-&u.:u, 1", 3"o; total active lut, i(4,G2; le-erve , 23,0.'O. Wool fr.-n. ' Id"!- rlS ;.!r.-. i L"t '- '' '' i i : -i f t a 1 v r. i-stira'.i-'.a f r th faa. -.' -.-s wi'h whi.h c-veryoa? U fatatlur, v ..j tern in Sterling. Mas--. In l. Thr v .r(.; r the pct-ra was written by Jchn Nau'.soa. to which two more v-ricG vra adlti Ly a Mrs. Towa-EvL-I. From the wool cf this shcfp Miss Sawyer rr!i.e rw.j pairs cf stock lap?, and In lv". at the oil church fii'r'at Sterling, she consented to un ravei the ttoc kings, aad Mrs. Copp, who vra-- present and an acquaintance cMhe family, cecured the yarn. M!a Sawyer diei ia KJ.-vt. Panl Pioneer Presr . Greatest Drinkera of Alcohol. A learned professor a.t iea..-vn, Sv.atzrrlinJ. t-'r-t that I'ran'-e Irink-i n: Te .il.yhl annually than any o:;..r ration In Luropr. His rah ala tloa 1- ba-c-1 oa the j-rcara?e of a !:-h-'lic La1-ts consume!. According :o ta:s staa lard. each pc-rsoa ia Franca d:i::hs thlr.eca quarts of alcohol la many more quarts of vrlaes, beers, etc., ia tie course of a jear. . . irnhis Siu Till' Lnuw III Ur.cN Has Been tio;.::.cJ. WAITING ON SPAIN '3 ANSVlER. If Her Answer U 'ot Jj'atUfactory tii.-Arrty "i v Will i lcar Cub of the Spaniard aud Carry Out th Will of Cougrets Washington, April CO. ;5 ecialh This was 0 Jay of events in the history cf the Cuban que-t.oa. The -dgualure by tho Pre-i lent of the j iai ic elation requiring intci eir a m Culu, tho nc taicata.u 1 f thai activ.a to the Spauisli mia.v.,r l.e.e; Lis dea.a:ul for pass 1 t.; tho Lvi ai tin. at '. iompt reply t. that demand; the mm; t.a's .lepar- t.ire f..r ( '1 l.a ia. ia ! tie t'aat s-puii: i..a-t : a. a a . latr t msl. 0 a as v. ei by ai a. .' Minister Vooalri, to 1' government, loli.cud m 1.; simi. J he next : t- i - ;..o ultimatum 1 uba and .... thiough : a anifch at succes- 1 s answer, the muvo- li the is to mali-.! a a v. meut cf the Lured State uuuy and navy on Cuba. ILe next move mu-t ia.w I 0 initio by Spain, accoiding to the 1 Yi.u t ment ollicials. If the S t nt: l'.- ei takes a view, as might 1 ho cou cluded from the u. turn of r.K miui'-ter here, that in laug .:ae aa 1 ttams tho congressional resolution : m-u.ting, it may promptly Lund t 1 Mr. ...diorcl his passports upon n-ceipt of thi- .'urn muuicdtion, aad thus 1 nag tho 1. emo tions to tho er.M and cause a biaa. h of diplomatic relations withiu th-.; next 24 hours. Jf, ou tho other hand, it -mould neglect to return a sat. .-fact, i v unswer beloio Saturday noon, that iino ci pol icy will be 1 11 1 1 ? ai t ii". ctivc .1 pasi tneact, inasmucii as it would u.nouut tt a refusal of tii-j demaa i cf tha United States. in --acii ca tho l'ic-sidi nt would pro. e. I iiiiDie . Lately to in- the ami 1111I1- tary 1 a ce -. oi ti.e I n.i 'l Mates to cxe- cu'c t.a- . Von d i'o lir.-t 'i b ocl.a b I be Lia-.e t. Lui hag a V;:ii,. nine a lb..- , uie ct o.igi , iiow this i. e. . st; shail ba ,. lia r imaii.i si. ad bo . !;'. iO'i an a'.teai t bhull ii. .- a -peedy ca apaigli by . i a ... tr. to 11a . 1 1 i a i aib.ii'iiment bv . a 1 ; ail m.t ' e. . ! m.-. c k j tcuhi i ho t-xjert-. f m. i.imv aud Lao laal t1.-.. 1 aa. x ith the tlo.l. llHV V gieatcst detail lor the futu:e, imt they do not hesitate to tare ti.ut any at Fu-'th to make these i.Pl.r in advance, to t lift manifest 11 1 of S aiu, would b uciual t!ea-i.a. Au outline of pob.-y t I e fol lowed by this go.einm -at ia th tieat ment of neutral and the matter of pri vateering m contained ia the loilouia-J Btutement: "In thi event of hostilities l etweeo the United States and Siain, it wall be the policy of this government not to re port to prit ftteering Ihe govtrnuieul will adhere to the following rule: First, neutral llag -over.. cue my goods, with the xce; tio.i of contra band of war; seeoa 1, !.-at:al uoods uot contraband of war au- not , to con fisciitmn under ic-my's Hag; third, blocka l. -1. m orb 1 to de i an Img, iuii'1 bo c-;ie.-t 1.0 Southern Railway. Fu!'m-..n Ccr Service. In -IT. -rt ?;,ir h 1, IbO. Sullsl.ury, Ah i.P-, Hot .r""lus, IvnotvUle nii'I ' J, .1 1 1 a u '',;. Wia-t Pallfiiim lira I r. Boom Kant ! bound Sl- p'l.g C.irti. l oiifid. No 15 ( M .ster n J n..- ) No Ifl j 7 CO prxi Lv . . Sub.-l.ury . . Ar 0 30 am J (CeLtral 'lime.) I 830pta Ar..Stut-svil!'i..Lv 843am I 925pm ". .Hickory. .. 7.72am ! 9oSpra ". MorcaLlon. . ' 7 20atu ; flO 23 pm "... Marion. .. " 0 43 am j fll OS pm " . P.ound Knob. " fG12am 12 lO.m " ...Ai-Leville. .. " 5 15ara 1 29 urn " . Hot " 4 00 am 8 00am ' . Morristowu . " 230tn I i 13 am " . Knoxvill;. . " 115 am ! 7 40 am " . httnuooga. lOOOpia I (Centrl 7irrj".) 0. R. & C. II. I co.":c5f.Tr.T :i:i rnr Scuti Carolina rnd Gsargia R. R. H' !--! a-- ia ' " : O : li7 N rtJ.'.-.a:. I. f. Sou'hb-)Tn1. I.-.ivr 7 l a rr: ( ::.. m. v Arrive 3 Oi p rr. b :' p ra i ii p 2! " 12 (' p m. ' i-'. a a ' 3 0) p ta " l'.'5; n. II t- 1 1 " 2 00 p as 1 4 t ra . . I. .' .-.-t ,r .. POpa " i ?0 a rr. . . it a ' J : " 12 15 pm i I3u a. .P.-.-i Il.a... " US' a a " 3 ').ta..V.r.V! !!... " 11 If am " 4 'A j. m. . 1 U vurg. 10 10 a m ti0nfi. Sf.-.'T. .. " )20u ' 6 51 p m . . H-r.ri-:'.ca. . . " s3 i (O " 6 12 o n. .l,',T-,i Ctv. " fi.'Oara 6 27 p ra imtt-rJorJtan ' h 05 a in Arrive" Jlpm.. Mirloa I.-arj 7 00 a a GtZwy Li v. suttitoaj,J. Ive6 3" p tu. . Di' iC'.l ur,'..Arrlr 7 25 a ra Arrive" Ct p ai..Oa.lTaey L-av. 6 M a ra Trails Lorth oi Ciu--ea un tlaiijr except Eon-lay. Trait. l.etw-ea t Lariat a a si Kla?svl.?4 run lltv. Per mtcrrra'tcs to r- t, j Lii.1 Sal!.ii?. et-.. .-a i oa I c r.tra ;m? an I traveling a.-Lts cf f c tL r. :., . r L F. ..KAY. Tra M v2iT u a. nir.ii-os. F. L. i I'MPKIS. T. 51.. . AO. i 1 --. UL. li. ii-, tsr.oa- m-.Lii. C, ton, 6. C. , if!