I die e s sen $ cx MESSENCJEIi I'UnUSlIING CO.. J. V. (U NT, .W. II. H lllI K, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Sl.00 Eatcrc.'i ihe Post (Cilice at Ma ri'.ri. N. C, for transmission through thr claii i;u:it T.a: is. as second- FRIDAY, M A V 27. i"S iS li M.iss'id.ioetts i;.i!:imreans on in...: given the same historic regiment on the Kjth of April, i36i,when passing through the Monumental City. Thirty seven years ago this command was jibed, cursed, stoned and some of us members shot by the mob; on Saturday night it was pelted with lTjwers and cheered to the echo, the Confederate Veterans succeed ing in leading the demonstration of welcome. These are the scenes which fire the heart with enthusias tic patriotism and proclaim to the world ai to every action of our united country that one flag is the tlag of a!!. It is worth all this war will cost, if they could not have been brought about otherwise, to have these tilings realized by the people throughout the United States. Now that Wm. J. Bryan is to or ganize a Nebraska regiment and lead it to battle as its Colonel, the gold-bug organs are wishing him unbounded success. expecting prob ably that, fearless leader as he is, he stands a good show of getting killed. Anything to beat free sil ver, you know. A knoi is 6,086.7 feet also the length of a lifetime. A vessel mak ing 20 knots an hour goes at a speed of land miles. Forty persons, however, can make 20 knots in much less time. It is no discredit to the patriot ism of a man who volunteers to serve his country and is rejected because physically inefficient. Re member this, ye gabbing stay-at-homes. A. B. C. Alamance, Bethel, Car denas records the fact that the first blood shed in the Revolution, the Civil, and the Cuban wars was that of North Carolinians. Thk Spaniards would like to know if the game-law is off of them in the United States every month in the vcar. Thkki: ib one law against riding the bicycle which cannot be re pealedthe law of gravitation. Anohikk length of that Manila rope will hang this war higher than Uaman. Thk Spaniards seem to need that great ship marksmanship. Wmndkk if Blanco wouldn't like to have a few Spanish mackerel. ;ir llnrk tlu- l l.ii;-. With llu outbreak of the Span ish war the American civil war .seems to have ended for good. Lee antl Wheeler are wearing blue uni forms, and they and many others who wore the grey, or whose fathers followed the fortunes of the Con federacy, are now marching under the stars and stripes. Nor is this all. Senator Foraker, of Ohio, one of the most ultra Northern parti sans, says kit would be a good thing at this time to return tile Confederate battle tlags.' rlM . , . , , . . . lhe Cincinnati Commercial Inb- j une, a -strong republican paper. ' says: "I lie time to give back the cafdured Hags has come. Ohio wants no longer the trophies taken from her sister States so long ago. "She would rather restore them once more into the hands and ten der care of those who rirst bort ' 1 them aloft, as a token of love for her sister Commonwealths whose defeat in war has long since been turned into a victory of peace and plenty." The Philadelphia Press, another leading republican paper, says: "It is believed that the time has' come when the North should no longer . cherish these tokens ol a divided country. The spirit shown by the South in the war with Spain, the loyalty it is displaying to the liag ot the Union, the readiness to vol unteer and bear its share ol' the burdens, ami the willingness lor the time being to sink all political j diligences and present a united liont to the enemy have made a pro fou ml impression on the conn try. It was the liual ami convincing proof that the war between section is ended, that the country is unite. as it never was before in aim ami i purposes and that the American j peopic rorrn an inunssoiuoie nation. It is nuuouuced that at the an nual meeting of the Grand Army of the Kepublic, which will be held in Cincinnati in September, a pro position will be made lor the return to the South of all the battle tl.is captured during the war. Halt i more Sun. W'il M ti ,r ..f K.:g:tr.c::: '' Saturday ni FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL ! War News Refuse. the Public by I he Administration. RIGID CENSORSHIP ENFORCED. Attempt lUiiiK Macii- to lVr-u.nl t'i-lreiil-nt to l'-Hrie t li Inv.t-ioti i (, iib;t - PKin i r ij.niitly "!iitni: 'l -Tlx "l.onnl of MraW-ny" (on liuUiit; the V;r -iiiitor h. "r- ::i Our Ktu!;.r O-rrc-;.' .n :..:.. Washington, D. C, Ma i'. - I Had the Administration been a 1 successful in bottling up thv.t Spamh fleet, which is flitting around in Cuban waters. a it li t-bt-en in bottling up every particlr nf int'iesting war news, the end of the war would !'' in sight. ; eour.-erveiy body recognizes the necessity foi keeping news of con templated movements out of z'ui. newspapers, lest their publication should aid the enemy, but there i no good leasvii win tlr.s state ot iiHa;rs should exist. Had every cable from Cuba been cut as soon as war was declared, and the same rigid censorship been put into ell'.-ct upon European msages 'hat ! now exercised. Spam could nave derived no benefit from the publication of war news by Aineil-t can papers. If the present censor ship be followed by results, there will not be much complaint, but it :t be merely a eloak to hide the blunders of mel jd . Congres will not loijgrenoiin silent. Orders have been issued in pro fusion to our lice's in Cuban watci . and there is, ol course, a general hope that they will Mii-ceed in finding and lighting the Spanish aoone doubts that we can l;.;k A we (Nin get at thein but Secretar;. Long .seems to t.i ke it for giau'ed that the Spaniards e.tn avoid a tight Mist as long .1- liiey ma desire to. Tho.se who tor one (,; ;t n r h.-1 reason a re desirous 01 dragging the war on mdeiiniteiy have a.ain been trying to persuade Mr. Mc Kin ley to postpone the in as! on of Cubit until fall. They have got .1 new argument now that it wiii take four months to make as much ammunition as they think the army ought t have before being sent to Cuba. They also ring tin changes on the old argument thai military operations on a large scale cannot be carried on in Cuba dur ing the rainy season, w hicii usually begins about the tenth of June anil continues lor six or eight weeks an argument ioiikr ago disposed of by the active campaigns of the insurgents during rainy seasons, li the statement about ammunition be true, which there is reason to doubt, there is something radically wrong about the War Department. It is supposed from the hurrying of volunteers to the south, that the invasion of Cuba ft'iil be pushed at once, but phni.s have been changed so often that it is dif:ici;!r To say what will be done. C ir Jieed has the Hawaiian aimeyationists on the anxious bench. The other tour members of the committee on rules are evenly divided and it is lor him to decide whetht r the committee will report a special rule tor tin consideration ot the annexation resolution, without which the 1 e.S'.I tion cannot be brought to a vote. As a sort of answer to criticism from every direction, it has been semi-ollicially announced that the Naval War Board, popularly known as the "Board of Strategy.'" and spoken of by some irreverent per sons as the "Board of Lethargy.'" which is composed of naval oin-e! s. has nothing to do with conducting the war, but is merely charged with the duty of advising Secre tary Long. This wiii strike most persons as an attempt to make a distinction where there is nod I def ence. If Secretary Long did not consider the advice of the board worth being followed, the board would speedily be abolished. It would be safe to say that every important order issued "by Scire tary Long has been upon the advice of this board. Ir would be the most natural thing in the world that both Mr. McKinley ami Si ;e tary Long, neither of v horn h.; had any experience in nav.-ii light ing, should seek the assistance naval officers in conducting that 11 it .1 1 Uilll l l .S ill OIM i .11. 1 . i, lli.il hrumu 0 Ue uar T, . , hi ; th;lt noh a s:at(:il, sl,nM h:lVe been allowed !o! ;-.e been made. The Naval War B' ;d has certainly done all the cm. ing of the war that has been :!. e from the Washington 1 n,: : if e :s anv credit, it shn;;!d t:t i . deprived, ot it any more rii.i:; should be shielded ;;o;:; e: i'ie'sni Senator Daniel m ob,- , r ;j t. strongest speeches yet ico.e againt an issue of bonds, arid favor of paying the expanses o: the war as we go along, r .it her than saddling them upon posterity. thj ,;sl of I 1 Tl ir Til f ... .. t .1 Tl f .... . !,., intendeil lor crlVct u;on Swain. Senator Daniel said that it desired effect could be assured he was ready to vote to issue the bonds. "Itnt," he impressively continued, "il Spam was not con vinced at Manila that this country was in earnest in this war. then Sampson ami Schley and Miles and their lieutenants have om. wguments to submit to her that w ill prove to be even more assured vehicles ol conviction than any issue ot bonds could oe. lit ,U.chut.a lhv ,t:tnip tax t(1 bv mut tll;ous :U;(1 ' t:f,reits invented bv man. Tm . Millions r..-.u.l : C.tli.'.V 1 .rt New Vt:,is I th:it C:isc;irrl. ;.iv : rcK"'; tor I. r .--. i r 1 .rtik;i;i'.s. U'c. I'.".-. , tecU. COVERE D f N ONE COLUMN Epitome of Important War Nev.v Uor V.'o-k Just lindsd. v- (ii.bif; i'-'I. Th- ?j :.;:ih :i.ir:i--.r:ui cisis was olv-d W :: ho th- f aai.ati'jii of h- Ml'.wmc- u" 'it: l'r--j-i'irnr .-,f th. ' ct m:i:;-t- S-;r.or I'r.:i:--'i- ? .-nurti.-ta. Mir.i-t.r .if f, ,r auair- 6enor 1-t. y C,::V. . t t' v.:.r Li.-. - tC-i..t CokucI Ctrr' . Mhii.-: r :.:ar;:.. - 1 Ann on. ::!:-:. - ,11 or L ?. ir.t-rior-rrcnor F. K ; -? r '. nor C. Gn-iz- lui-"rv !-U ! 'On. Ma.i-r r public m.-traction lienor Il .tlb hip Oi-f gon ;ifc-. S.- m-tarr of the Navy I.-usr pare our the wtf.ouic- information Wednesday thai the Luttlt-ship Ore.f--.ai, the second !ai,:'.-t t-i nft m th'- Am-.-ri'-an navy, had iu.vetstully eoniplet'-d her lcn trip from .-va. Fruueix-o. n. akiny the entire eir; uit of H.jnth Am. ri'-a, and was safe. V Lttii'.r o-r ii.-t she hit-I j'.-iu-d A1 aiiral ia:;i n.-ju's il-vt tii eCL-retary would not .say. !?l.ui:iii Oft ( Matiou. A dis-'cttoh fz"oiji ilontival, puL'ishcd TLursflay, said .Sen or Polo y lifcrnabt had -..-cureil, by cubit, a c-al depot near S:. I'irrru, Miqutlun. the Ftiui-u colony j2 the vuth c as; u! Nt.-wfoundlai.d, at wLi-h t a..-Cadiz s-paadron would eoal yp-viou-s to attacking the Atlantic scu-boa:-i tL- 1'iiit. d .Sratt--, wailo the Caj : Vera:.- s-itiin n, foimnuuded by Aimirul Cei vera, ar.-w oil' tht squadrons oo2:i::ifc.n.l'.-d by Kc-ai Admiral bampson ii- i Coiaiii-jU'jOt SeLlcv". I in 'I on Sautlayo L-'ort. A dls::at li frcm Havana, via Madrid, re'.viv. d Thursday, reported the bom-b:udia-rit ot the torts at Santiago de Cuba by A.intriean war vessels, adding: "No i.i net was d ji', as the ships v.-:.:i- .so far di-tant that the shells did not 1 .-.u h :Le Ui-d. " S:).4i.-,'i i-'j(t tit autlatjo. A di-p-atvii rt-Ci iv-d hi Madrid Thurs day tin n r. a-I th.it the rvanish Cape Verd. tljjx aad arrived at Santiago dc Cuba v. itiiot ie.xideut. u!:aii!. oivc on (JunttHl. A dispatcis from Port au Prince Fri day said inluimatio.'i had reached that place that General me., at the head of an army of i."i..'hj insurgents, was clcsing m on 1 tavuna. His advance guard, led l.y Quentiu Jimdera, the dis patch said, ha 1 a skirau.-h witli and put to fibrht -'io T..a!o..-l. tro ;-. Santiago o.- ."ula, acei-rding to the same ivpcrt. vas menaced by 0,000 in surgents under ' '- n..ral Caaxto Garcia. 'lrai:o:-s :..iTiy J r.ij.pfu. ILr-o n.'-n vocn- nrrested at Chicle aniaUkTa pari: Frid iv haruod with dop ing the ueiis (n- w..t.r tr; m-'i-o Three jHunds 1 ar-eui-- v. "uc fi.uad on the ia-.n. N.;v il iiiittk- I:k .i0.i1. Rune v -i uivat naval battle t-.-' tv.-rta the Amori.- an and Sjanish fleets trained er.rr'-n:y Sa tarda y idarht. These. ho-.v-.'Vei. v. "i- .-t i.t rest by the navy dejKUtn.en1. the 1' .11. Avin oflicial tube-in: '0 tiuih ;;i the pubb-h-'d statement iciii v : uhxi: .m ..-n'u-' in. nt -:I St. Ki.-li-oi a.- r-i'de. H.ayti. m which 12 Spanish j.ii.- v.-.s ; - i r. -t '.nly fi.r e(Uoral ird; re ,.i.-"i. lut a!;-" to jr.iet the alarm au;--; ixlativcs and friend, -ji those on l-....; i i Am'-ricaii sidp. Si;liitrs lit U.td Snuislnij). o.ue United Urates soldier was killed au 1 tsv" ta rally inyir 'd in a wreck Sat uoiay on th" (.Miartano..n. Koni" and Scat la in, 1 .-twv, n Chatraii.-gaund the vohiatc r .ti!i;! it Chi.-kanainv'a. Th- iha.i and m.-uied !.d.-: l'ed to the Iiis-t r--ie.. n'. M:.-.--.uri noantry, and w?r-' ut" t.i th. p. dnt of mobilia '.i.n : u 1 .-'-i ll wh n run into by a recul.ir i'..s 1- train. ( h : ric -toil Io:i Cruif. do. - l"i.:r. i St ;t. - cr-is. r Charleeton tn n; an Frcn:;- o Sunday with suppVi-'- .'.1 In ard l.-r Ad:..irul Dewey at Maud a. i-.Y-iy jtc;':a v- -s.d in the h;ir bt.r b'-eo .01 !r t.. Captain (rlass and his rr-w an i tli.-r.- was a treincnd v.s :n..:s:;;Ki- :: : the -r, o.v-ls on the r-Tcm-y " ; r r 1 1 Di.i ii.ii 31 cut fi. Ir v...s ah-.; i:n. in Va..5'.ra:-ron S.it-r.t-i.iv t'.,.--lays --t t:o-war against th. I..:.- I : .tin h id f-bi this - . i'. . ..r .;....!. .o-r, ...r luarlv ',- . .... -i.ty. ..:;e half of which w.:- .s-j f .a th-- way r.f po ; ar.iti. .n. .; .:: !.: : warship- auns and ! r v. a :.-':: . 1 t m-rc tiian 2-- : i .-.s ,.ctiv ly -mployvd ... - f;.. :: .; -a'.- 'and and sea f oi es ilcrrphi;; .va f.r.md ' - near the heme . d Lorn r son. ab' -u t z'.ii of Bridge water. r.-. n.-. Cor-.ner '"- i ."-.nd u ent to t L. e .rv rnd ma.ica brief The vordict ren : .'vceaed came to .1 excessive :r:d. ulg Since t;:;s deci e. I .rti.rr i::vest:ga - ' : th- dead man v.ie,..- s thr.: :..u: rlav ;mkJ r i;-e ! v-'lcrfce. Mr. 1 1 O. .,CJ. !..,,;, Willi t.ts,-.4.,f LATEST YAR MEWS. The Situation Briefly Stated in a Telegram to The Messenger. Ni:u- Yi;K. May 2." I r. m. Pp-.-'nlviit McKinley li.as calle.l i'nr 7". 0 additii )ii;il Mihuitoors. and this numl-er will 1 apportioned among; tin various States at once. The battleship ""Oregon'" is now coaling at Jupiter Iiih t. Florida. Th vessel, ai't-r its run of over 1 .".'" m miles from San Francisco, is in excellent con dition and will le assigned to one of the American tl'-ets now in Cuban waters. Arrangements have li.-on completed by the Govern ment for the occupation of the island of I'orto liico immediately. The Government has no news to make public concern ing the different fleets. There has brti no battle yet. The prisoner at Key West with charts of the tor pedo "hods L New York harbor in his possession turns out to be Sobral. the former military attache of the Spanish legation at Washington. J. S. I). Tuniua Camp to Be Divldarf. Tampa, Fla., May 5:4. Plans are being made to establish camps at sev eral points near Tampa. Water being the principal requisite wells are being bored at Seffner, at Dade City and sev eral other points that are high and dry and convenient to railroad lines. liuekleii's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world lor Cuts. Bruises. Sores Ulcers, Salt Ulieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is fruaranteed to give peil'ect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 15 cents per box. For sale by White & Yancey. Marion: W. li. Dissoway, Old Fort. otlee Will Xot lie Taxed. Washington, May 24. Coffee will not be taxt d in the war revenue bill. This statement is made on the authority of Representative Hopkins, member of the house ways and means committee. The YYesttield (Ind.) Xucs prints the following in regard to an old resident of that plaee: ''Frank McAvoy, for ears m the employ of the L., '. A. & C. liy. here, says: kI have used Cham her laius's Colic. Cholera and Diarr hoea Kemedy for ten year's or longer am never without it in my family. I con sider it the best remedy ol the kind uiauufuctuied. 1 take pleas ure in recommending it.'" It is a sp cilic for all bowel disorders. For sale by M. F. Morphew. Culm ii KnroiitP to Coa6t. New York, May 2-1. A Key West special fays: The Cubans are fighting their way to the coast, where they will join with oux forces of invasion. Congressmen (So to Cuba. Two representatives in congress, Messrs. Robbins of Pennsylvania and Bronssard of Louisiana, were given au thority Monday to go to the front in the Cuban invasion. According to the newspapers, an Ohio husband became, the lather of seven children not long ago. Of the seven all lived but one. It is to be hoped he laid in a sapply of Chamberlain's Cough liemedy, the only sure cure for croup, whoop-ing-congh. colds and coughs, and so insured his children against these di5eases. For sale by M. F. Morphew. Admiral 2seIson said of the Span iards: "In time of peace they are great braggadocios, in time of war great cowards but great thieves all the time." I5f Kf.ki1 Fostkd The New Vork Journal, Knoxville Tribune, Charlotte Observer, and Asheville Gazette, at Swindell's news coun ter. Wi.vi'r.R underwear and the weather are at war. jIf you want extraordinary value in envelopes, see the kind that sell 25 for a nickle at Swin dell's. News-naoer advertising is the scintillating searchlight of business 1 wn;cn throws its rays m every di rection, iK'jrriir.atir.g the channels of trade. How many people know that the remains of Christopher Colum bus he in the Cathedra! at Havana"' i r" lii 1 fas linen paoer, 25 cents 1 p.-j r.J, at . windeli's. Ti) CI III: A CllI.Ii IN K DAY l :. .v Vr.--. . ij-.::r.:r.c T:.M.-.. A" Spain's loss in ships alone, grow ing out of the recent conflict l;i Manila h u bor, aggre;za.-s T l.Too.i hki. K.rtuty 1. r.loml I-ej i ...U means a clean sk::.. Ni.:.caa'.v . Cr:i-urtt can.'y cathartic clean ". i.z. I it clean Ly stirrir. up :ver 'n i .ir: :.!! iirpuritics i'rni f'c;:r. t-.-clay to ijani'h pimj.its, tcV.cs. Mrn.khc.-ii:., an i that sickly .';; xt-iti Ly t:tVinr cascarct- Tl'i cents. All iJruvt.. .ti5!ac iilitecJ. loc .jc. oOc. Her War Hat. Alas ! Tid hard to leave you thus, Distracted and forlorn ; But. hubby dear, remember this. That man was made to mourn. My duty takes me to the front, Tis true, love bids me stay ! Hut sternly I repress my heart And tell sweet Cupid nay ! But, hubby dear, I fain would know, I can no longer wait ! Oli ! tell me. dearest, ere I go Io my war hat on straight 'i llu- Ut?t KmeIy for KhcuinittUui. From the Fair haven (X. Y) Register. Mr. James Kowlaml of this vil lage, states that for twenty-five years his wile has been a still'erer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was neaily crazy. She sent Mr. I'owland lor the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Fain Ualm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. Ilia wife did not approve of Mr. Kowland's iuireha.se at first, but nevertheless applied the lialra thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it when ever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much good. The L'o and oO cent sizes for sale by M. F. Morphw. Poles for a telephone line are being placed along the route from Marion to liakersville. It is ex pected that communications may be made within a few weeks. How To Look Goo.!. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver is inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good Alter ative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidueys, purifies the blood, cares pimples, blotehes and borls, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at White & Yaneey:s, Marion; and U. II. Dis osway's. Old Fort. 50 cents per bottle. The mica mines of Mitchell County are being steadily worked and the industry will furnish con siderable revenue to the county. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than White & Yancey, Marion; Discs way, Old Fort, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that rs producing such furore ail over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, litonchitis, Hoarseness and all af fections of the throat, chest and Lungs. Call at the above drug stores and get a trral bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and ?1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. The commencement exercises of the University of North Carolina takes place May 31st. and Jane 1st. it J the Hrt on J-Iarth." Thar is what Edwards & Parker, merchants of Plains. Ga say ol Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheamatism,lapie back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by M. F. Morphew. The F.fceenth North Carolina Teacher's Assembly will meet in Asheville June 11-16. Hverybfxlj Sy So. .rets casuv cathartic, th rr.c ... , - C.-.--C uertu. :::c;:ca. Cisco very ot the age. pieasart :in-l rtfrcjh-.r.- to the taste, act trentlv ar.J positive. v on kn'nes. liver and bowe's c.eanMr.fc' the entire system. disrKrl colds, cuVe bca l.-ichc, level , habitual constipation an 1 l.ilixusnctxs. I'lea.se Lav and trv a Loi of t c. c. tMluv; lo. 2o. 50 cent". Sold anj jjuarartccd to cure Ly aU droy'ist. 2l,llllllllltII!llllll!lllllMHIirilllllM ...Boots 11 HEN you want something to read, drop in on us and get a book, magazine, or daily paper. EYEACHE ....AM). HEADACHE Z)RK frequently ;iiir! Iv ill-tit tin: ill ''' Dim't nbust' vour vrvs bv buving n j;tirofb;idlvinuih' ' 'lasses, that vou can Ji'k ii i aiivwlwiv. If vou want real eye nun fort , come to st-e us. We give vou a guar anteed tit and doift charge much for it. Quality consid ered. JAS. B. SWINDELL, : : : JKWKLER : : AT MiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiJiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinf RUSSELL & CO. l O 11 T A 15 L K T It A C T I O X STATION A It Y Catalogues fur nished on ap plication. Estimates made on com pletc outrits, aud all in for mat ion cheer lullv furnished by SAW MIUUSI . . . Low Down Cyclone Separator . . . if cpetpt Jou and DO YOU WANT TO DRESS WELL ? Then see our new lines, Spring and Summer, percales, dim ities, organdies, for evening dresses, Irish dress linen, lawns, plaids, silks for any purpose, calicoes, dotted swiss and trim mings; general line of Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts. Also, Shoes (the Douglass Shoes), Hardware, Fanniui: Implements, Harness Goods and Saddles, Lime and Cemt r.t. and Groceries. J, S. DYSART. Marion, N. C., May 6, iSgS.-t f. WAR WITH SPAIN is at hand and so are our choice lines of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! iiiiiuimiiiiiiuimimmn NOTIONS. Our stock of Notions is brimfull of choice stuff such as HAMBURG F.DGING, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, DRESS BRAID, " FEATHERBONE CORSETS. LADIES' COLLARS and TIES, GENTS' SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, ETC DRY GOODS. Our lines of ORGANDIES, DIMITIES, PERCALES, LINEN CRASH are hard to beat. A full stock Bleachings. 10-4 Sheetir.t-s. STRAW HATS. An excellent line just arrived, price ranging from 5c to $1.75 eacr.. SHOES. All kinds, low and high cuts all prices. Be sure to see us hef purchasing. Respectfully, McCALL & CONLEV. WAR WITH SPAIN AFTER THE MAINE REPORT, AT ANY iate, this is the main report of Spring G and I have declared war on POOR VALUES H I GH PRICE and expect to win the battle I know v' u want to dress well, and I can suit you I Quote You a Few Samples of My Stock : Gentlemen;s and boys' ready-made spring and summer clos ing; ladies spring and summer dress goods organdies, dimities, ducks, percales, spring flannels, etc., in newest de signs; soutache braid; gentlemen's and ladies' summer undcr v.ear; straw hats for men and boys; sailors for boys and irirls standard Rotary sewing machines from $20 to $45 each; a large, full stock of dry goods and groceries. Yours for trade and to please, E. L GASTON. and Stationery! If you want H Good Stationery, i A Bottle ot Hood Ink. A First-Class Pen Or JVn Holder, A Tiptop Pencil, or anything t.;Sc : in the line, we have the Right Thing at the Rih; Price. Try us and see. SWINDELL'S. ENGINES Asheville, N. C. ANYSIZK.Sl .. KhE FO K A LL KINDS OF WOltlv 5I?ay rnow It is Good rpot Soo MORRISON ell, It

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