-SENDORDEES TOB-- 2 a--- i 1 r r r r r JOB PRINTING T 0- Accuracy, Neatneta '! ; V. (iuaraatecl. is, Note Hc-a-la, BUI Head, . -s, Circulars, Cards, Poa- -J ".?, and any kini 0f The Messesgor Prints . the . Hewo and is sought after by the peo ple of McDowell, Yancey, Bun corrbe. Kutherrerl, Burke an 1 other countie la Western North Carolina, anl la thtre fora a Good Advertising Mdlunrv Bats furnished on applioatlsa. Adirsaa, THE MESSENOZB. it a I, r?S nts'-i U f J I C A I XC VOL. III. XO. 7 MARION. X. C, FRIDAY. .1 UNE 10. 16L6. Per Yesr in Advance IR nr, ZV e. As. Av as ill VICTORIOUS. SAITiA00 iiniipii, THE RETHEAT OF CEBVERA, SHOWING THE FORTS BOMBARDED. .T Hand to Han -J . x-ti,-., H AND INSURGENTS ! Outposts AM :. !. iui-i Now Hoi 1 the ' I 'l 1 a 1 cl viu , ';): 'he Spaiih-h ii :n h!1 abmg - . avi v, ilh I'vt ul - - (! that ovrr 1,'td i ' ; . .- I i here linn been ' ii t.. I lighting for m;v 'I iiv ihe tphoon which lob-nt w iu'l'i nnd tor ' :! I tho lillyS of the, unavailing. J ho l:a :: at every rtep with i . 1 ' c'-. : t bold Mii!a.i)ou, 'fa. ia i ate attacking Santa tii: subui In of ' ; f;i j I ft -I y rncif e'ed "f - (.ill miles. '1 in; 1 i I it despairing p: u'- . ! ' 1 he insurgent:-: t . '! 1 tii'Mia v. hi!t ho i - ' ail tito Sj)uii;li '!! "M wallo l citv. 1t: J t. testing thy ii i la-'j : i.j jtroii;,' i -I in i ; ii I n.';t.H mi' I ni I!-' All th o!h . ' in tipj i-iil'Ui l ;. ' . in t Ii'i '-.jiji s,; (,f ji;, i i t !.:! tii.) ni sai ''!iT ' 1 1' u Manila Imi h i i:;i;if! I c w ey l el u --s ; il'.ilw;.;! 1 . i t i'ltentl.i to u'.viitl thy .' i." M'-au tioup-i. i a t ho '. o - t ho .faloto l Ivor, a .Manila; otin rwiHo 'i 1 " !-! at loiiyl t hro to i i'!..- 'If'-'aiO'l that four i :. v. ii li coll ie i s, torjaj'lu t -, rairyill I'MIO I o-i't -'1'uiii fT f u;:teru -i aiiiui'h-i am i i 1 1 e 1 1 3" uu ii. )i.:ii! K'foat thyre. t ii ihyir M)uatlnm Avas I, i'U'1 at fonlidan t of ! -'!:. J hoy aro lo ;' .'i:t to the einl as the (. ."ill.' I a i ail ay st i . . ; i " taiiihi ii ii '1 killu'l . : i an oilit.Tr. Tiioro lia - - - i i hatt It' at a S:inih 1 1 ! t) . near ( 'avity, t he . it t 'l' ! MrUI y uts 1 t i 1 e I . ." !- s wtra 1 r". 1 i ) K of t-otl-tl llftluU :i . nii'l thcio aro sand c ii pII dire'tions. Thy -'' a'v.;s iis:i!; t!ior , i ; i ii.-y iicvyr ility! fyry : t!ic .it'f'-lisf s. 'I'll.. ; ' c t ' i m ! t hey ai y hdi'M t i"' han i.iH'd a i too! !im a -i i . i-s jjruat yoiiyys- it 1 n j that 1 ho A myiii'a us - I !; laud. !yaU i :; m t ! y styad ily ad t y y. ii-t sil'iortcd by i 1 ie u'lHihoat I'yttyl, and . i'u:i:ails into Manila ; ' !iy lttiportant joi : '. t ho city, and o vyr i s ! , .!! k il !yd. - I- r.nii D.'W yy. I in o uiout has fopiod ; . " A !i o'.ral I 't. wyy y in nyyts have Irjen ay d in thy t'li'ViuiT of ('a ' i ! v yyk. They havy ft o ios, takyn prisoners ii iii'.d titty tdlicers, of t 1 i:tt native. The . i; he. Ml plf Miyl fei' . ! I :i it- 1 .-Mutes ti 'ops '! :i ih" triitisports. " rthv. ai .1 there- has la-yu .. ' i t tie ' tpyty rn or. 1" . : I'.'i'i I a I'liid". 1 !; ; tiif l ! ( " y U t i-:l Hi alj 11 :i t 1 avsdav. Mav 1st. 1 on th" If'i ' . y ,'.!!' t e. jrded aerc.-s . :,. .: r:... d the hanks !'o "i - l'rl.ii.r h '.'. -er taken to N.o f..;k i i i'n'inna! i has 1 yen l ' i i Monroe W hil.' it .' t'o- Sj ;tUl;Ut is tin v'Y. k. his rlyntity i an- '::ied in a comfyi ta ' c v t-!i ti cat l as Ien: ' 1 the c:ti i t-otj. . . -t .' treul'les, M i s . a X e w v k eit y v. ldov . i I.-,!.. 1 and eoni '. :.v.,,,j JiP the ( : ( f tl ( I'M !o ThlOlV'h I no ; v. lu n the Moot i- tli. ehanuel .hanny! h it i a;;o's feet -h'-O- If .-V: in:; a I ! f a v. yi I inn is in, ( t r mid ('over hi tte ( 1 ff) m i -wc ere f naMed to trivett r uioUihil e ilvernt, clcarh showiiip the situation at Santiago de Cuba. . . r.p in atitiao harbor," ailicd to Admiral Cervera's ileet. scias i-articularlj- expressive i!lv n n.;. ! t" d. I lie harbor, witli tho very narrow i.;outh of neck, is the bottle, mid Schley iti v ' l-etu-eeii the- shores of the oponinjr of the harbor, r.nd in iimes of peace the ship . s. ;is hov r. on .hait published by the English admiralty oihee, is but :',ii) feet wide. This liiled v. it1' ! -ti -u.-tiuus, and at present the actual fdiip e!o;unel is only feet wide. In depth id jut I her in toward Santiago, even miles from the entrance, tho water is but lo or '!) t, lit'V c h s!:ip t . to i-ntyr tho ' bottle." after tho Spaniards, he will find the, ta !: . ) ! :': nod ''; feet broad, like the 3IftSP.ieiiusetts, or a bo by o! ; : i u , : v i i If nnd'-r tho uus of several forts is u practical impo.s i;..un wd! 1 .iti-'d up, and SatnpHon can proceed with the work of . iiii of lieneial Miles' arniies of invasion. a ) .t .liflieult one. Maneuver it ei uK-or, like the l.rookiyn, in lity. Hut so lonaythe "cork" !oh.- hiu Havana arid San .fuau 1 ' oi i of ( a n.i b . ': ' t'e "'1 bv htcii It is ' u tenant ( 'ui i ail a. 1 l tie x a:u?h .p si s ' . ;' h lis u-,c:'tte i i t -t .' t c! eta: ; - .'.' at x .ihn;.:teu. ; 'i-T.i ' 'itia ia unless i '.: aus t. h-avc I .- ; '; ; .:' ; '. sti'"i is ia!t 1 I i ;,. i y idie ( 'in ran ; -te'.n, w as ' ' I ': ; i i-h n'li l'.a.-M' ' )...:i.-,'t.t.. t,'-.oh. i 1 t;!!i';oM I'.-ai 'nj om ; : j -inish I'iciai in -:.-adi -r '. a- jui-'k ! " i a 1 w ithout v Hi' : :m - f the mail, cable i j ' t "iho i'eiein Mice. , i l.-iuocr.it. , , t ieoi j-ia voted on f ; ii- is;, for tiovernor and i : enutora atnl niom- ' i daturo and for ("on ! ticket chosen is as I ' 1 1 'ivci nor, Allen I . 'vtary of State, Phillip s 'luiler Ceneral, William ' ininissdoner of Afjricu! " ' ; State School ( "oui '' iletin; Attorney " ; ciiili; i'iisou Cotu Xmi'er; btata Tieaa- syyi;i! lo 'ts ;;' ;i'id larried tho Xp.uiidi t yo'h- '. ith ktiiit ". bii.t' i they id too i i biasK-h of Use ipo-e. f.ut i:;!-!. lie Sf-atjial.-"iilphiwd iiiti !. ' ;,d d.i'.v. but il" caua!'i 's ;..,.' y: : ;. Hot I ires AI ; i. 'Ihe l-riti-h ;.;iii.'"oi S-, n'i, which htiS iu! hi r' . t d i i on dniii1'!. !ei'v'r!S( that tii. in urui'i;!-. ii se cut th" latb j w ayr. ont-.dy '' the t v. n and --s.e ad an cei I it hi", f. ,i i:o ! s !' 1 1:;, city. S .yiidi i - . .:.! ; t n n d and idiot is otiieer.-. ' Is? i eeti th.. in siMeciits j.nd tl:y 'i'ii.:i tic. p.- is frt .pictit and t'.e . .' ' io.i-ht a thousand l i l-oi.i i s 'The A. uu". i--an s. r i i ! ei te-i af Maui!:!. the i;'..:r.:e!:ls wtth 1 : ars and i ,-:iv I he .-v. tit ro- I eat a i'l'.i,; .' " : - . .. . ::t-' had c-h tuted e.t.d ! t i . ' a t: lUid-er of pi iys! lie i m 1 1 le-i I. tits ni t lie time the :;; X 'i. s 1 1 ! ie-idcd in ' ; 1 :a ti.e edo i' fi:re;.rc c s l'!f 1aki'ir, 1 (.-III.'.' l'i ! . -..'i :-iiip.--. tlnli'iit! Nn! t ( . i e ( ! t I it i'oi t i ;: apt. Au'a'-n. ?!i:.i-'t of Mai it:e. t 'dadi id. ha- r iei c'. cs t: y one connect ed with the a 'I.::: i.i'y 1 ' 1 ' ''-ho'.tt the eoi'itiy t" a:- . in troys 1;::,; m foi ianMo'i i f v i-'.'i I i t ' pre. -at a- tl"!ls fo! l;:- :,; V.c el .1 !' s Ji'.d a!"' i" (. i) e :, ,i ! 1 ; e! :i s n t - ; t i the 1 '-past!::! ni :t ta :e .-r lciritiuiate pre'tt --".i1!! into: ma- I I 'u. " Mon.iil.( ts' . ;. Korods from tl..- ivhoih!." reydon in h.'a'e ih.it -. : .... i.c.it two months -..t '. . ' be whippyd P..:- t .. t 'it y t" San i'rat.CisCO M -t 1 " Ilea". I- is Ms:d t be t'.e i ! :' t ' A'.tka ( 'oi.;n;oi c;al '- ' ;1 :viits havitio :v:-:a t: e . o. '. d :-t H. :s. the Mine'- tl'd ic'.l .-i-'-c i 'i ! '.vi ie-it. I I i... I -I. dl.i!' :S Samj son :s , J.i.-d .Tl iir- liiiiiii . ih .h:it: nl ' i v--. n o r ti.e chau u:- i Na'ci' '.i :u t..r ! ; i :.-o;s ar.d the mt t. w h.o a: u-c ; - : - ;y. : s .;t S.i:n::i-o. . r I the i t - at.-l 1. it'il lit 1 ! ! 1 ".-O'.ie! .- t-.ti.yi tt.te I '"tatcs at IV t Mel ncr :;. A ICc-pitc t'-i- .'ia a .. ' i. Tdeutenaiit Ta: i a . . s at. 1 .-.no-tin iU'.-.", n h :..e -..o. I:: ' in- their I-ani-ii ope'-ti:. ! - n i i Moutrea!. have succecdcii :u ol ia.".;::; a brief if? poe from e.pi:V.o:. thr;.;:-'h the denial bv v'i.'i-rau,'.:i oi the .. -ciiiacy of certain fealu'ts of the letter attributed to him. New Spanish Loan. The Temps publishes a dispatch from Madrid which announces that the Spanish Minister of Finance, Senor ! uiitcei ver, has Bubmitteil to the cab inet the arrangements for the new hum, v. Inch, it is understood, is to be made without the guarantee jf the tobacco monopoly aud without tho assistance f fotein capital. The Bauk of Spain, it is buid, will advance, when necessary, in installments, the sum of l,0M,0,!l,.o o pesetas, tho amount of the loan, uu l undertakes tho foreign expenses of the army and navy. Tho government, it s lidded, estimates that it has foiflieient resources for several months. A!to:isi XII On His Ileat Mcl. in the liht of p-resent events it ia ; iuteiesiin to leea1! the last words o! Alfonso X I !. When tho King lay a-dy in:: l:e was heard to utter several times; "What a e-ntiiet ! My (iod, what aeon ilict'" 'i'he.-e word.- puzzled those whe v. ere at the roval bedside. Some thought they had referenco to the iasl sti ii-b;lietween life and tieath. Ithers, how evei. satislied that the pain he was juM'ei iii v as not "rent, byired of him t. i v,i;ii himself. Alfonso then re plied "I s.e a conflict in tho future." I'ho words were irophetic, and Spain remembers tiiem totlav. Aletbils fortlie .Merrlniae Men. llepresentative Hartman.of Montana, has introduced a joint resolution di recting the Secretary of the Navy to have prepared and delivered suitable medals of lienor to Lieutenant Hobsoa ami ea-ah member of his crew. Ieatli of 'aptaiu ilridley. ( apt. Charles V. Gridley, command c c f thecruiser (.lytapia and one of thw heroes of the brilliant victory at Mauil.n, is dead. Ihe announcement of his death was received by the Navy De partment, late Saturday afternoon, inn tableirva: i from Paymaster Gait, cf the !aw. date at Kobe, Japan. June 4th, and lineeted to Secretary Louir. ;.. ih.-i atoli ooutained this eimple state ment: '"Captain (Jridley tlied today, b'euisius accompany me on Coptic." A ii I.ontl of Sick 3Ieu Froia Taiup;i. A car-load of fiok men from Tampa has reached Fort MePherson in charge . f lr. Woodson, of the hospital cyi ps at Tampa. The men are suSy. m ; l.i '-tiy from measles, Fjraiuel ankles and sore eyes, and one cf them has i ron ma le helpleM In-a tarantula bite, d'he general hospital at Fort McPher son now contains ? men. Saut i.to A.Uiiin Atlaeke-1. n the morning of the (ith twenty- i fotir vessels of the American ileet opened lire upon the forts at the en trance to Santiago harbor and alon the coa3t, '1 lie bring ceased about 11 o'clock. I'm? her details are not et know m Spain Wants I't-arc. Ihe belief is growing in the beat in formed government circles that Spain is sincerely anxious to makepeace, and that eea now she is seeking a fa orable ot portunity to make oveiture-J in that biectiou. Numerous evidences of this have come to the attention of the authorities at Washington, but up to this time no move has been made to ascertain on what basis the Fuited States would consider peace. I'tiit e1 State- i v op l.aeletl. A special from !'a"a llayticn reports that under om , t d;..;: a! Sumt s.ui's guns, a f. re of i'aii, : stos troops was landed at i.'ii: i-sss, a ohort dis taac tilt cf Santiago h,rbcr. I lie lohicaii al!s for Manila. 'I he Fiuted States sloop of war Mo hiCiiti has sailo't from San Francisco f r t b. iodiilu. It is understO(ul that the viliiemain cu duty at tliat pel t, i e l '.icing the Pennington trdeie.I to ?o:n A.imiral l'ewev ? ileet at Mauila. liliers May Vote In tho I'leld. The committee on election cf Presi dent and Vice-President ajd Kej re.-cn. tatives in Congress Lave dneete l Mr. Samuel W. Smith, cf Michigan, tj make a favorable report upon Mr. La cey's bill to enable soldierh in tLe lie'd to vote for members of Congress. It was agreed by the committee to recom mend an amendment which will make the law general, tho bill as introduced restricting its cj erations to the et i. i , during which the United SuteS shciuld ; be at vajr with Diir Sottlt.l With the Pirates, l'etails Lave beeti received at Mala gs. Spain, a to the punishment re cently iutlicte.1 upon liiti pirates by the shere.-l'.ati troops, at Aihucemas, n ri.i.di i-:.nd f.j ti ess and i ron settle-ic-nt bc!.yig:t:g to Spain, id the Medi ttrra:ii.ati. !f the coast cf Morocco, near (.ape M.yioko. It apjnjars tL.t tLe i- c: yand Kabvie tribes were as sembled tu j ay a tine of . . when suddenly, at the sountt of a trumpet, the troops attacked them and s'augh-t-.-red many. 'Ihe following military nomination' have I con coLtirmed by the Senate: Ihi.'a.tiei genet ais Fred 1. (Jiant. New Vtrk; W. W. (iortlon, (ieorgia, lobe o..'..'a.l lieutenant, Albert .T. ii!oU. lor. da. lit-Juii-iiig Iti Spain. Ihe Madrid corre.-p-adeut of the ia:!y Ttiegrapb, cencemiri? the en thusntiiU (-vfv the Merrimao atia;r, says: "Lieutenant (ienerai Correi, iini-tti of W ar. on learning that the tvatents of the olhcial telegram excited gteat entiiUsia-m m the Cortes, re marked that it was undesirable for tie country to excite itself over matters which were relatively small in com paristn with there the war might yet bikg forth, lest it eurler disappoint ment, ii the tz-ituae of war should briog Schley and Sampson Rain Shells On Santiago. . AMERICAN FLEET UNSCATHED. Spani.-li l.tis-es II y t vy - - I X( rella, "ti e and Catailu.i Fm!? il.iin t-.- l In Slicre li.iltei is il.-itc l. I desti uX tirc Maav cf the earthworki ' and ( ataUna Kris v. or to damaged I that .t is .pie-tionablo whethi-i they " id. ecr be a'ne to renew any eilcciivg : wcr.; ildring the w ar. After the oieet ; had leiiied. th. -jauiartls reiaiied o .'em . of tveir gnus anl sat twelve ' i; nit.: the licet. Put n cnewis iu ! :..- h f .: large shell fell elosl to the I'ollier ti-ttu 1 ai o'.i',h'ut the cu i i; i a-;i";it n Amencin ship "as Ltt , and ij'.. . m i-.a-i w n injured. If the : S; .. , ;;i--k t ' their eitus. and all ! e". : d-o:ce is to the co :tift'y, their loss must have 1 V..U hv:l . .An Asscciated Press li.spat'"h uu Kingston, dune 7, say.-: 'I h" A. tcyi i a:' fleet this looruiyg M:gaged thj Spani.Ji batteries defending the outrauoe f th harbor of Santiago de Cuba, mid Riter It i- a'-so un leistoo I that the ( uban I tioops mai ita'iied thionghout the I itieate' j a; 1 the da h'. attack ly i tud o:i S s-it.ago and tlie Spanish te- pjiu say tne gairiiou lost ueaviiy in hdi; I and wouuded i i he militarv commander of Sar.ti.ico & three hours' bombsrdmeut, silenced d,. rnli acknowledges tho following nearly all tho forts, destroyed several j v.eie severely wounded among the land earthworks and rendered the Fs- torces: Colonel Ordonez, Captain San t ,, 3 ... ., . ! che t. Lieutenant 1 rizar, of the artil trella nnd Cave batteries, the tw o U-1 v lV)ez t f botl ,an. principal fortiricati jus, useless. j p, t-i-i.r,., who-o rank is not meution- The lleet formed in double column. L 1 he Spauiurds also admit the loss six miles off Morro Castle, ut ', o'clock of , '"'""try eoldiers aetrely in uia mArni o i a.,mo.i ti,,..!,- 1 ouDilel and say one poldicr was '.',')')) vards offshore, the P.rooklv u lead ing, followed by the Marblehead, Texas and Massachusetts and turned westward. The second line, the New York leading, with the New ( rleans, Yankee, Jowa and regon following, turned westward. The Vixen and Su wnnee Mere far out on the loft flank, watching the i lllen.eii on shuie. Tho Dolphin and Po; tor did timilar duty on the light think, 'ihe line headed by the New York, attached tho new earthworks near Murio Ca-tle. The Brooklyn column took up a stutinu op pesite the Fstiella and Catahna bat teries and t he new eaithwotks along th shore. 'iho Spanish battleships remained cilent. It is doubtful whether the Spanish weio able to determine the character of the movement, owing to tho dense fog and heavy rain which were the weather features. Stid lei.dy the Iowa lired u K'-inch shell, which struck the base of Fstiella battery and tore up tho works. ustantlv thing began from buih I Rear Admiral Suinpsou'ft and Commo dore Schley's columns, and a torrent of shells from the ships fell upon the j Spanish works. Ihe Spaniards replied promptly, but their artillery work was of a very poor fiuality, and most of . killed. Put it is believed the losses of the Spaniards were much more heavy. I In the naval forces, the Spaniards i s3' that the oriicer who was in com ! maud of thepaitly dismantled Spanish I cruiser Keina Meieede, and live sail J lis and an ensign were killed. Tho ' Spanish soldiers wounded, it is assert e number sixteen. The Spaniards j a; knowledge that a great deal of dam I iiv- wi-.s indicted on the cruiser Keinu i Vei cedes und they say Morro Castle ' t-hows great, cajung breaches m its Later in the day, it appear, a laud -in.' of Arieti.-au tioop? was effected near Mai'pt ri. some distance ta-t of Nt.y.ia lores and near the railroad sta tion connecting with Sr.atiago. Later a i engagement took jdace between tha American forces and a colnmu of Spau idi troops whicti had been sent against the lauding party. Jt seems to be ad mitted that tho lire of the American soldiers was so effective that the Span- i-h were compelled to flee from the for- tilioatioys thev were defending. 1 here Ha vtiea Maria Teresa Sunk. is a report cm rent at Cape that the first i lass armored their shots went wide. Smoke settled j Spanish cruiser Maria Teresa was sunk around the ships in dense clouds, leu- j i,y xhe lilo of lhe American ships. It denng accurate aiming ditiicult. '1 hei u ; , faiK tll(lt ull y American troops ring of the fleet, the j were lilUllcd at Dai-iuiri, or possibly at I at their original t!a- I Aguia doi es, the tw o places being seem- was no mauofaiivnu shiji3 remaiuin tions nnd tiring steadily. The sqiiid rou was so close in there that it was ditiicult for the American gunners to leach the batteries on the hill tops, but their tiring was excellent. Previous to the bombardmeut, orders wei e issued to prevent tiling on Mono Castle, as the American admiral 1 ad t been informed that Lieutenant ilobson and the other pri.-ouei s of tho Merrimac j are coutineil there. In spite of this, j however, seeral stray shots damaged j Morro Custle somewhat. i (.'ommclore Schley's line moved : closer m shore, firing at shoiter raugu. The iirookivn and lex. is caused havoc ; among the Spanish shore batteries, j quickly silencing them. While the j larger ships were engaging the heavy ! batteries, tho Suwanee and the Vivou ; closed with the small iu-shore batteries j opi'osite them, raining i apid-tire shots; upon them and quickly placing the bat teries out of the fight. 1 he I'rooklyn closod to .vu' yards and then the de struction caused bv her runs and those iugiy coufiised iu theiejioits. S ! 11 l A ! I.N I'l i IM ISM i! tulifiil Sc 'iirrv I " n c 1 1 e1 to tin i. v. .f t lie Naxlators. Mr. Simon Lake, inventor of tho Lai.e sulunai itio wrecking boat Arg--iu: ut, in a recent cinisc, gives his e j eri- nce as follow s : ' ! 'uricg the trip we made various - pel intents fo demonstrate the practt . -ability f our system of sul.imarine navigation. J he whole trip was made w itii out own povtr. The Argonaut was handled veiy easily either on or under the surface, or when luuuingon t he bottom, and we proved that the In ai. was perfectly seaworthy. At one place we struck a bank of saud on the bottom winch appeared like a hill of shelled corn. The roller wheel would not work satisfactory over it as it of the Marblehead and Texas wa;j buried, but we found this was overcome really awful. In n few- minutes the j easily by working- the propeller, which woodwork of Fstiella fort wm burn- j di ove the Argonaut over it with case, ing and the battery wai silem e l. firing " n hard bottom, w heie the water no more during the engagement. Last- v. as cou.piii atively clear, the door was ward, the New York and New rleaus j opened and it was u beautiful bmht to silenced the Cave battery in quick or- j -te the bottom through the opeuing der, and then shelled the caithworks j !'"d ihe m;iLs and small fish scattering located higher tip. j ab w y approached them. We picked u Fatcr the practice was not so aeon- j a few oysters as we were tiaveiiug rate, owing to the elevation of tho guns, j n'oug, but a- w had but a ciab net to Many of the she'ls, however. Ian led :.!. h them with, wo got but few, be ati'l the Spanish gumreiB letiied. ; au-e o;u f peed was too gteut. Shortly after '.' o'clock the liiingeea.se I. ! 4 ' 'Ye discovered that w.-.'.i-dd see the warships turning in eider to pet i fatih. i iind.-r the suif.oT at nihtwith mit tho use of the port battel is. 1 he ' '.r .!-c';i..' lights tliin m daytime. liriug theu became a long reverberating I crar-h of thunder and the shell.- lake ! j theSpauidi batteties with ternl.de ef- j feet. Fire broke out in the Catalma ! iort ana snencyt the i anisti guns. The tiring of tho fleet continued until 10 o'clock w hen the Sj aui-h lire cy tred entirely and Rear Admnal Sam; -on hoisted the " ease tiring signal Cc:! erally, the firing of the th-.-t was vy v t r.'e-t lii-trt'ice i-een m the bav H r Owens Aetnitt"l. The case of J. P. en. mdictei jointly with Mrs. Atkinson, wife of Governor Atkinson, on the charge of complicity iu alleged forgene". went to the jury and a verdict &f not guilty w as returned. A demurrer nai enteied to the second indictment againr-t Mrs Atkinson, and argument wa3 berun. Her friends are confident of her acquit tal since the Owens verdict. I hreals of Kussia. London Cable, ML. to tho New York Sun. A dispatch from Vienna to The Telegiaph, savs: An article in the St. Petersburg Novisti. whi- h n ;e. gar. led by diplomat-' u-a r aj .-r in clo: c tuiK.-h with the Lu-.-.-ia government, decla'e-: "Ihe appeal A Spain t- il : rcq eait i-iWf!., wa ;t srt of c.tpituia tion. both sense!e.-a and criminal, 'ihe war must end, an 1 America tuu'-t vol untarily subordinate her wiL'-s to th. judgment of the power?.' ihe ait.iio closes with a mena.-e to the Fluted States, "w Lo-e j o-.tion wait two- long and open coa-st hn-t culd Lot stan i the united ileets of two or three Lurc rean powers. Hrongbt in Her Captain lr-,v. Tte United States collier Fomiey, formerly the Rritish stear.tr Harlech, arrived at Key West from Norfolk, Va . with her commander, Lieutenant Com mander F. W. Sturdy, dead on board, and Lieutenant K. C. Norton ia charge I of the ehip. I. :.;-.: epr;--e- his t erfect oonfi- -b r'c.t i;, P. in- ab;. to cut the wires or d--ti .- i ..!..- !at- to protect any hur lc . in t .e .. rid. He fays if the Argo i. tut WH- a Santiago, Cuba, he would m.t '.. !onr iu te-ttoyir:g every posni btiity of explosion fiom thy Spaniards' i:e.-s of mines. War Itotiils Soon to lue. A V,'a?.bington dispatch .Tuna oth Etya preparations are nubstantially coec 1 let st the 'Ireasurv Mepartrnent to invite otters for the bonds for carrying on the Spaui-h war as soon as the isne l e uiituori.ed by Congre. Fnvelopes have been ai-lresFe-l to every national bank, tothe rotmaste:- at every money oider off;-. and to tti represatatiTes of exi ress companies who nave offered to aid in the placement of thi loan. I.arg heat Crop. Oklahoma farmers nre hat py over a wheat yield cTat leai i'J,';'r),j-j li. aad other ctrftti &r pro A Alouimifiit t'i luItone. In the lioaseof Commons a message Lorn X'uecn Victoria was read, an n -ii. ing Her Majesty's intention to direct the froction of a monument to the late Wiiliam F. Gladstone, m Yv'e X.m.n'-ter .'.they, in accordance van ij.; wid'i express 1 in the ai beas of the ibrivi of Co::imons to tho I lie nulla!') Arrives. Ti,c I b:'c 1 States cruiuer jluflito, f-rnvc I at ld Point. No one ia allowed to go on board 'Ihe RuiTalo i m uch a lilthv conditio-n that is sai J s-Le v. id be f tmi'ate i l.-efoe being r-iea-ed f ; o-ra quarantine. Her crew u ma le up f several natioiiali,ie. .Montrrt-j- anil Hrutu OfT. I he monitor Monterey and thecollier Rr situs Lve left for Manila. The w bar es an 1 docks on the water front we ie crowded with eoplo anxious to mess the de, arture of the formidable hunting machine, and the collier which is to accompany her. Kvery eteam whistle on the water front blew a fare well, an l as the two vessels moved down the barber toward the golden gate the crowd oa the wharves eet up a uighty ctetr. TentySeven ThO and tb? First Army ef Invasion, SAMPSON, SCHLEY, SHAFTER . Ars-I l-'rco ( u!'.i-Lui Um; Will 11" !-.Heet1 Near S;nti;. Sixteen KegHl.tr, I. lev en oltiulocr Troor- I he Yi!-ii..ii.i t i ,... 'Uueat of the Fatly Chtonndy, with the approval of (teneral Oieelev. t .ib'e.i the follow ing: "Ihe army saile 1 from Tamp (Weduesdayj dime vth. Ihe foreo nnmberB i?T,0'i men. composed of iu fantry. cavalry, nitillery, eugineera and a signal corps. Iho infantry con sists of twenty-seven regiments sixteen regulars and eleven volunteer. as follows; Of the regular regiment, the First, Second, I't.iuth, Sixth, Seventh. Kighth. Ninth, Tenth. Twelfth. Thir teenth. Sixteenth, Seventeenth. Twenty-fust. Tweuty-f ecoiet, 1 w enty-fenrtb and l'w euty-fifth. Of tho volunteer regiments there w ere the Seventv first Sew York. Thir- .ps r - -r. i m -tv ' r iN-vi..N ty-feooud Micliigan. First and Fifth Ohio, Scond New York. First District cf Columbia. Fifth Maryland, One Hundred and Fifty-Seventh Indiana and tho 'I bird Pennsylvania. The total infantry force is i.1!, COO men. In addition thcio ate a battalion of en gineers, a detachment of the eignal corps, five squadrons of cavalry, fonr batteries of light artillery, and two bat teries of heavy artillery. General Shutter is in chief command of tho force, which is convoyed by tho battleship Indiana, and tho gun-boat lUlana, with the training IJancroft. as General Shaffer s OnHtinjr houie. I hii ty-Mne lillle.l On One Ship. 'Iho Roina Meicede-. suffered most from tho shell foe. which mortally wounded her eommnndr-r, Captain Acosta. The total number of casual ties on the ship wa.-.',:. the 'p tain, five soninen and . i mai in.-s killed and a lieutenant and eleven men wounded. Most of th llont"! ia and brupp gum had befoie the action been placed in the Socapa battery. 'a Asnlii'1 )lr. M It i ii-oii K.ii(1el, A si ecial fiom Gh-nviilo, W. Va , eaysi "The jury huve ut last returned a verdict of not guilty in the indict ment in which Mrs. Atkinson, wife of the Governor, wro c i defendant. The Minl-lff, l;eti;ii. The follow ing remi official note has been ifsuel ut l'nr: "lie miuistera have j.lacel then i .-ignatious at the disposal of M. Meii'i", tne Premiort, who, if his polny j, M- n.vel by the Chamber, willum bl Ihe cabinet on the broadest ba-M, m accordance with the condition tious. " of the recent elec ll;ir e Noinli.iit Ion f tii!lrrnel 'Ihe Senate con tir med t!te nomina tion of S. S. Ila'vev. of I loiida, to be hii ad ditto: ni i i . i. : a .'. '. r in the armv. The Hormai and Ooliegiaic lustituto FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHLMLLF, V. C. Fall Itrm P.tfjinidug S. rt. 21, l3a. Offera ti the Mii'lent. 1. A normal course for the thor ough training of teacher under in fetructors from the l-t normal echooli, emLraoiDtf enreful instruction in the most irpproted mttLo-ls of teaching, with practice in the model school. J. A folly organized commercial course for the preparation of young women for office work, embracing Stenography, Type writing. Ucok kecpitig, 'MDjrlo au l double eatrj) !'enmtj'-hip, (,'ommcrcial Arithmetio and Corrispon d. nee. '5. A co:r-.e in liomtttic Science, (I iu "br.h tho i-npil is taught to diaught, cut, fit, make garments and millinery, bi '1 j repare a meal which shoull L-. h.ttithfo!, econoxio ami aj.j.etiii.'g. 1 ii': t'-achera in these b pirtm id-! are fi'-.ii Pratt Institute, Rrook'yn, N. V. Sytemiti(r i-tudy of the lilble in all dcpartmtLt-. A pf-cilty is m- ie of Health Cul ture under one of the bit t-acheri in the South. Ry special ebctment of the Legis lature of North Carolina, graduates from the Normal Iitpartmer-t are ex empted from t lamination when ap plying for positions in tLe Rublio Schools of the State. C:t of Roard and Tuition iu any of the Departments ?00 j-r term, or SI 00 f or the school jear. No extra except music. For Catalogue, addrea Revf Thos. Lawrence, D. D ASnUVILLF, N.

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